What can be cooked from slicing salted brisket. Salt pork belly under oppression

11.09.2019 Snacks

Pork belly: how to pickle

Salt pork belly under oppression

Rinse fresh 1 kg brisket thoroughly in running water, then blot with a white cotton napkin. for tasty salting of pork, cut the cut into even layers 5–6 cm thick each. After that, stuff the brisket with thin cloves of garlic to taste and rub with coarsely ground table salt (4 tablespoons) and a mixture of various spices and herbs.

For salting, choose a whole fresh cut with thin, intact skin and approximately equal layers of bacon and meat. A sharp knife should easily, without jerking, enter the brisket

Choose a flavoring bouquet individually.

For example, it can include:

  • freshly ground black pepper (5 g)
  • dried and chopped dill heads (5g)
  • coriander (5 g)
  • nutmeg (2.5 g)

Place some salt and seasoning, 2-3 broken bay leaves and a pinch of allspice peas in the bottom of an enamel saucepan. Dip the brisket in the dish, skin side down, cover with a wooden mug and press down with a suitable press. For the first day, keep the pan away from sunlight at room temperature, then keep it until tender in the refrigerator (but not in the cold!) For 3-5 days.

Salting lard the first stage before smoking

  • More details

Hot method of salting brisket

Cut the pork into optimal lengths (depending on the dish) and 3–3.5 cm thick each. Rinse and dry the meat, and scrape off the skin with a sharp knife until it is white. Then bring the water to a boil in an enamel saucepan and add the spices and herbs. Pre-crush allspice with a spoon.

For 1 kg of brisket and 1.5 liters of water, you need to prepare:

  • table salt (1 glass)
  • peppercorns (10-15)
  • adjiku (2.5-5 g)
  • bay leaf (4 pcs.)
  • garlic (1-2 cloves)

Place the brisket pieces in boiling water and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes. After that, remove the dishes from the stove and keep them in a warm place for 10-12 hours. Remove the pork, let the moisture drain, rub with grated garlic to taste and keep in cling film on the refrigerator shelf. After 2-3 hours, the great instant snack is ready to be eaten.

Delicious pork belly in brine

Cooking salted pork in brine ("wet" method) is a practical home canning method, as it allows the product to be stored for a long time and not lose its taste. In this case, the brisket should be cut into small pieces and placed in a sterile glass jar, lined with peppercorns and garlic cloves.

Salted pork belly is served with a vegetable side dish and rye bread, as well as a separate snack. It is a great addition to cold cuts and meats, garnished with fresh herbs

Salted pork belly is loved by many. It is hearty, tasty, and looks beautifully sliced. They take it with them on trips and hikes, make sandwiches with it for breakfast, bake it to get a fragrant hot snack, and serve it to the festive table, cut it into thin slices. In the store, this product is unreasonably expensive and does not always meet expectations; in its factory production, artificial additives are often used to give it a pleasant color and aroma. If you know how to salt pork brisket, you can cook a much more tasty and healthy dish, and it will cost less than the store one.

Cooking features

Not all housewives salt pork brisket on their own, fearing that they will waste time and transfer products. Uncertainty in their abilities in this situation is not justified: salted pork belly is prepared simply, and even an inexperienced cook can easily cope with the task if he knows the basic principles of cooking this dish.

  • Delicious salted brisket will only be on your table if you choose the right piece of pork for pickling. Preference should be given to a piece with a pleasant smell, thin skin, in which lard and meat are present approximately equally. The knife should enter the piece easily, without encountering obstacles. There are more chances to buy fresh and tender brisket from farmers than in a supermarket.
  • For salting pork belly according to any of the recipes, use coarse salt, not iodized. Only she can provide deep salting. If you use iodized or finely ground food, the brisket will remain moist in the center and begin to rot.
  • Pork brisket can be salted in any containers that are not subject to oxidation. An aluminum saucepan, ceramic bowl, glass baking dish, plastic container, or jar will work.
  • The salted brisket can be stored in a cold cellar or in the refrigerator, the latter is preferred. If you put the food in the freezer for 1-2 hours, it will be much easier to cut it into thin slices.

You can salt the brisket in different ways. Some housewives prefer dry salting, others consider it correct to pickle the brisket in brine, others choose the hot method, which allows you to get the finished dish as quickly as possible. The taste of the brisket depends not only on the set of used spices, but also on the salting method. It is worth trying several options to choose the recipe that will result in a salty pork belly that suits your taste.

Dry salted pork belly with garlic

  • pork belly - 0.6 kg;
  • coarse salt - 100 g;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Scrape the pork brisket on all sides with a knife, peeling off the top layer. Pay special attention to the skin.
  • Rinse with warm water, wrap with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture.
  • Cut the brisket into small pieces so that each piece has a piece of skin. The optimal size is 6 by 9 cm.
  • Cut the garlic cloves lengthwise into several pieces.
  • Pierce the skin of the brisket in several places (at a distance of about 1.5 cm from each other) with a knife, insert pieces of garlic into the holes, rub the cuts with salt.
  • Mix the remaining salt with pepper, rub the side edges of the brisket with this mixture.
  • Wrap each piece in cheesecloth folded in 2-3 layers.
  • Place the pieces in a container, close it and put it in the refrigerator. Instead of a container, you can use a tight bag.
  • After 12 hours, change the gauze to a clean one, return the brisket to the container and refrigerate for another day.

After the indicated time, the brisket is ready for use. Before serving, salt must be cleaned off from it, garlic cloves must be removed with the tip of a knife. Complementing the brisket will not interfere with bread and green onions.

Pork belly, salted in brine

  • pork belly - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • chili pepper (green) - 1 pc.;
  • allspice peas - 10 pcs.;
  • laurel leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • coriander, mustard and caraway seeds - to taste;
  • salt - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Scrape, wash, dry the brisket. Cut it into 5 by 8 cm pieces. Place in a container or on the bottom of an enamel pot. Another container can be used as long as it is made of non-oxidizable material.
  • Pour water into a clean saucepan, dip a raw egg (whole) into it. Sprinkle the salt in small portions, stirring until the egg floats to the surface.
  • Remove the egg. Add spicy seeds, peppercorns, laurel leaves and hot pepper pod to the water.
  • Bring the brine to a boil, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Let the brine cool to about 50 degrees.
  • Pour the brisket over the brine. It should cover it by about 1 cm.
  • Place the brisket container in the refrigerator. You need to salt it for at least 2 days, for reliability it is better to wait 3 days.

After the specified time, the brisket can be removed from the brine and used as directed.

Hot salting of brisket (in a slow cooker)

  • pork belly - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • onion peels - how much will fit in a 0.5 liter jar.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the brisket by washing it, draining it, and cutting it into about 5 x 8 cm pieces.
  • Pour onion skins with cool water. After half an hour, rinse, put on the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  • Put laurel leaves on the onion peel, put pieces of brisket on top.
  • Boil water separately, dissolve salt and sugar in it. Pour the prepared brine over the brisket.
  • Turn on the unit by selecting the "Extinguishing" program, set the timer to 2 hours.
  • After the end of the program, leave the multicooker to run in heating mode. Wait 6-8 hours.
  • Take out pieces of brisket, pat dry.
  • Pass the garlic through a press, grind the pepper with a special mill, mix.
  • Rub the brisket with a mixture of garlic and pepper.
  • Wrap each piece in plastic wrap.
  • Place the brisket in the freezer.

After 12 hours, the hot-salted brisket will be ready to eat. Onion skins will give it a delicious color reminiscent of smoked meat.

There are many ways to salt pork belly, but none of them is considered difficult. Even a novice hostess will cope with the task, thereby saving the family budget. At the same time, she can have no doubt about the quality of a ready-made snack.

Let's make a reservation right away, we are talking only about pork belly. Pork belly - the part of the carcass located on the sides of the abdominal region behind the shoulder blade. It consists of alternating layers of bacon with thin layers of meat. Usually the brisket is smoked, pickled or salted.

We will tell you how to quickly and tasty salt pork belly at home. You can salt it "dry" and in brine. We choose a beautiful brisket in the market. Meat for salting must pass veterinary control (as evidenced by a seal from the slaughterhouse or a special certificate).

You can, of course, just salt the brisket with salt, it will turn out edible and, probably, even tasty, but not too interesting, so it is still better to salt it with spices.

How to pickle brisket in dry spicy salting?

  • pork brisket;
  • ground black pepper;
  • ground red hot pepper (can be mixed with paprika);
  • garlic;
  • coarse table salt.

Salting is most convenient in parchment paper, but you can also in a rectangular container.

Mix equal parts ground black pepper, ground red pepper and salt (you can add just a little bit of ground cloves). Cut the peeled garlic across the clove into thin slices.

On a piece of brisket, we make cuts to the depth of the skin so that rectangular pieces about 5x6-8 cm in size are obtained, put pieces of garlic in the cuts and pour a mixture of salt and pepper abundantly. Do not be afraid to add salt more than necessary, the bacon will take as much as necessary.

We wrap a piece of brisket sprinkled with salt and spices in paper or place it in a container (it is better if it is an enamel tray, a ceramic or glass container, but you can also salt it in a plastic dish).

Place the package or container in the refrigerator on the shelf for 24 hours. Then for another 24 hours - in the freezer. Cut the brisket into thin slices. You can simply serve this wonderful delicacy on a plate or make sandwiches with black bread and onion rings (under a glass of homemade red wine or a glass of vodka, or strong bitters ... um ... how not to swallow your tongue!).

How to pickle brisket in brine?

  • pork brisket;
  • water;
  • table salt;
  • peppercorns (allspice and black);
  • coriander, mustard, fennel and caraway seeds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Carnation;
  • hot red pepper;
  • garlic.

Cut the brisket into rectangular pieces approximately 5x6-8 cm in size.

We need just enough brine to pour the coated brisket pieces 1 finger higher in a tight container.

Approximate calculation per liter: 3-5 lavrushka leaves, 8-12 peppercorns, 3-5 cloves buds, 1-2 red peppers, 3-5 cloves of garlic, the rest is at your discretion (coriander seeds, fennel and caraway seeds). You need so much salt to float a raw egg or potato.

Dissolve the salt in the required amount of water, put dry spices, garlic and hot pepper in a container along with pieces of brisket. Boil water and salt, boil for 3-5 minutes and cool to a temperature of 60-40 degrees C. Fill the pieces of brisket with spices with the brine completely and close the container (in this case, use a non-plastic container) with a lid, cool, and then place the container in a cool place for 36-48 hours.

If you add strong light wine (Madeira, for example, or sherry) and ground spices (red and black pepper, coriander, barberry berries) to the brine, it will be even tastier.

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Pork belly is rightfully considered a universal product; it is served at the festive table and is consumed in the daily diet. Not all housewives know how to salt meat on their own, so they resort to purchased formulations. Let's consider the important aspects in order.

How to choose pork belly

  1. For salting brisket at home, a fresh cut, which has thin intact skin, will be optimal. In this case, always pay attention to the smell, it should not be repulsive, but, on the contrary, pleasant.
  2. Refuse to purchase a product in large supermarkets, as a rule, such stores sell “venerable goods”. Give preference to trusted "home" sellers, but rather buy brisket directly from the farm.
  3. Choose a piece that has meat and greasy layers of the same size. This feature will allow you to salt the brisket as efficiently and evenly as possible.
  4. Prepare a perfectly sharpened knife with a sharp edge before you go shopping for meat. When you find a piece you like, stick a cutlery into its cavity. The knife should penetrate the meat evenly, without hesitation and jolts.

Preparing pork belly

After acquiring the most delicious piece, it must be carefully prepared for further manipulations.

  1. To carry out the procedure correctly, scrape the fat and skin with a knife blade, removing the top layer. After that, wash the meat under the tap, carefully removing any invisible plaque. Next, you need to spread paper towels on a flat surface in 4-5 layers and wrap the brisket with them. This move will help to collect excess liquid.
  2. When the brisket is completely dry, start choosing the right salt. A large cooking composition is considered optimal, since the crushed mixture salts only the top layer. Such a move does not prevent the decay process, since the inner rows are not dehydrated. Iodized salt is also not suitable, since it burns the surface of the brisket, provoking a quick deterioration of the product.
  3. Great attention must be paid to suitable salting utensils. Only those containers that are made of materials that do not lend themselves to oxidation are suitable here. This can be a glass jar or dish with high sides, a plastic container for storing food or heating in a microwave oven, a ceramic bowl with a lid, or an enamel saucepan.

Pork belly: dry salted

  • pork brisket - 1.2-1.4 kg.
  • coarse table salt - 210 gr.
  • ground pepper (red) - at the discretion
  • ground pepper (black) - 20 gr.
  • garlic - 8 teeth
  1. Cut the previously washed and dried brisket so that you get pieces of the same size (about 7 * 9 cm). In doing so, it is important that the product is cut to the skin.
  2. Peel the cloves of garlic, cut them into thin slices, insert into the resulting slots. Mix the ground red and black pepper, rub the chunks on all sides with a free-flowing mixture.
  3. Wrap the brisket slices in parchment paper, or use a suitable non-oxidizing container that closes tightly.
  4. Send the product to the refrigerator for 24-26 hours, after this period, remove the pork and transfer it to the freezer for another day. When the specified period has passed, take out the brisket, cut into slices and taste.

Pork belly in brine

  • brisket - 1-1.2 kg.
  • purified water - 1.2 liters.
  • chili pepper - 1 pod
  • pepper (peas) - 12 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 7 pcs.
  • fennel (seeds) - optional
  • cumin - to taste
  • coriander (seeds) - to taste
  • cloves - 6 buds
  • potatoes - 1 tuber
  • ground pepper (black) - 10 gr.
  • mustard powder - 10 gr.
  • garlic - 7 teeth
  • table salt
  1. Cut the brisket into pieces about 6 * 8 cm in size. Put the product in a suitable container that does not undergo oxidation.
  2. Pour filtered water into an enamel pot with thick walls, peel 1 potato tuber, send it to a container with water.
  3. Add enough table salt until the potatoes begin to float to the surface. As soon as this happens, remove the tuber, add coriander, cloves, fennel seeds, chili peppers, peas, cumin, mustard powder, bay leaf.
  4. Place the saucepan on the stove, bring to a boil, simmer for another 5 minutes. After the specified period, cool the solution to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Pour the pieces of brisket with the resulting brine so that the liquid covers the meat by 1-2 cm.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid, put it in the refrigerator for 2 days. After that, take it out, evaluate the result, if necessary, increase the holding time to 3 days.

  • pork brisket - 550-600 gr.
  • table salt - 100 gr.
  • garlic - 6 teeth
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  1. Cut the washed brisket into small pieces measuring 6 * 9 cm, then make cuts along the surface of the skin, which will be located at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Peel the cloves of garlic, chop them into thin slices, insert into the resulting cuts. Sprinkle with salt, rub it over the entire surface. Combine salt and black pepper, apply the free-flowing mixture to the sides of the brisket.
  3. Fold the gauze cloth into 3 layers, wrap the spiced brisket in it, place in a plastic container, close the lid. Send the product to the refrigerator, wait 10-12 hours.
  4. After the due date, change the used gauze with a clean cloth, if necessary, rub the breast with salt and pepper again. Refrigerate again for 24 hours.
  5. After this time, clean the surface of the product with a knife, removing excess salt. Remove the garlic slices, cut the meat into thin wedges, top with a slice of bread and green onions.

Pork belly: pickling in a slow cooker

  • pork belly - 1 kg.
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.
  • purified drinking water - 1.2 l.
  • onion peel - 2 handfuls
  • salt - 225 gr.
  • garlic - 10 teeth
  • granulated sugar (preferably cane sugar) - 60 gr.
  • black pepper (peas) - 12 pcs.
  1. Soak onion husks in cool water, leave for half an hour. After the expiration date, transfer the product to a colander, rinse, dry partially.
  2. Prepare a multicooker bowl, line its bottom with pre-soaked husk and bay leaves.
  3. Pour water into a separate enamel pan, add salt and granulated sugar there, wait until the granules dissolve. After that, pour the solution into the multicooker container.
  4. Cut the pork belly into portions, about 7 * 8 cm in size, send them to the saline solution.
  5. Set the "Extinguishing" function on the device, turn on the multicooker for 2 hours. After the expiration of the period, set the "Heating" mode, the holding time is 8 hours.
  6. Pass the garlic through a press, mix with pepper, grate the brisket. Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze for 12 hours.

Store shelves are stocked with food stuffed with all kinds of additives and preservatives. For this reason, many people prefer to salt the brisket at home, while getting a 100% natural product. Adapt the recipes "for yourself", experiment with seasonings.

Video: how to salt lard or dry salted brisket

Most likely, there are meat layers in the lard. And when they are there, the rule “lard will not take excess salt” does not work. Now you can soak the fat in water, it might help. should at least


How to salt the brisket.
Cut the garlic cloves lengthwise, and stick them in the brisket, then rub it with salt, garlic, sprinkle with black pepper, you can sprinkle it with dry dill, wrap it in a white cotton cloth and put it in a cool place for a day, and then put it in the refrigerator. You can eat in a day.

Pieces of brisket (grilled meat)
Equal portions of salt and black pepper
Bay leaf
Prepare a mixture of salt and pepper.
Roll the pieces of bacon in this mixture.
Pour a layer of the mixture on the bottom of the container, knead the bay leaves with your hands and cut the garlic into slices.
Put pieces of bacon on this “pillow” and sprinkle them with lavrushka and garlic.

Take a 20 g syringe, boil brine (Salt, sugar, spices) cool to room temperature and sprinkle a piece more often; a needle to deepen until salted Tuzluk to make a concentrated one do not know the weight of a piece it is difficult to say the proportions first hold 6 hours in the room then in the cold but not freeze to

If the meat is planned to be eaten immediately, then table salt in small quantities should be poured onto the palm and rubbed into the meat, periodically adding salt. And if you rub the ready-made meat with a mixture of chopped garlic and hot red pepper, then everyone will be drooling profusely. Sprinkle abundantly with salt only for long-term storage, when stored in salty form.

Very tasty! It turns out like smoked. I cooked it myself, many times. The more meat the tastier!

a piece of pork belly or lard
Cooking method:
1. Everyone who salts lard probably has a personal recipe. We will tell you how to salt lard or brisket, based on our experience.
Actually, for ordinary salting, you only need lard, salt, garlic and a little patience.

Hudinka can be salted both raw and scalded.
If boiled, dip the brisket in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then cool slightly, rub with coarse salt, pepper and garlic, cover with gauze and put in a cool place under oppression for 24 hours.
If fresh, then put more salt, practically sprinkle it, then remove the excess with a knife and under oppression for 36 hours.

Contrary to some opinions, science has argued that lard is healthy, it contains a lot of vitamins A, D, E, F, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as selenium and lecithin. To take advantage of the whole complex for health, you need to learn the steps and rules on how to salt the brisket at home.

Those who prefer smoked brisket, after being salted, can cook it up in the smokehouse, getting a delicious, tasty snack.

The best quality brisket is sold on farms and from a trusted seller. To salt pork, leave the choice on a fresh cut, the thin skin of which is not damaged.

Tip: It is best to salt pieces that have almost the same thickness of greasy and meaty layers.

To check the freshness of the cut, you can take a sharp knife, if it pierces the piece easily, then the product is of high quality and suitable for food. It should also smell good.

Before you begin to salt the sternum, it is prepared for the process. The layer of fat and the skin should be cleaned, you will need to scrape them with a knife, and rinse with cool water, dry.

Before you properly salt the pork belly, the ingredients are prepared. Only coarse table salt is taken. Fine salt is not used, since only the upper layers of the pieces can be salted with it, which will not be able to dehydrate the entire brisket, after a while it may begin to rot from the inside. Iodized salt is not used, so that the upper layers of the piece are not burned by iodine, which can raise the temperature, and this will lead to the fact that the product will quickly go bad and go bad.

You should carefully consider the choice of dishes for salting. It should be glass, plastic, ceramic, enamel. Containers made of oxidizing material are not suitable.

Sternum with brine

Salt the brisket deliciously in brine. If you take it weighing in a kilogram, then for cooking you will need: a liter of water, 10 allspice peas, 8 black peppercorns, 5 bay leaves, 5 cloves, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 chili pepper, coriander and mustard, fennel and caraway seeds in desire, table salt "by eye". Usually four large spoons are enough.

Pork breast is cut into rectangular pieces, the size of each part is about 5 cm by 8 cm. A deep container is taken, the product is placed in it and set aside.

An enamel pot of water should have a raw egg or peeled potato inside. Crystals of salt are poured into it, the solution is continuously stirred until an egg or potato emerges. Sprinkle all the prescription spices to the solution. The liquid should be boiled and boiled for 5 minutes.

The finished brine should cool to fifty degrees, they should be poured over the raw material so that the liquid hides the pieces. The container is closed. Experienced chefs, when asked how long it will take for the product to be salted, recommend keeping it in the refrigerator for at least 48 hours, and it can be consumed.

Tip: If Madeira or a little sherry, barberry (a few berries) are added to the brine liquid, this will add a rich aroma and a unique piquant taste to the brisket.

How to get dry salted brisket?

There is more than one way to salt pork belly. For a kilo of pork for salting, a simple dry method is prepared: three quarters of a glass of salt, a teaspoon of ground black pepper, as much as you want, red ground pepper, 5 or 7 garlic teeth.

The spices are mixed. Pork is divided into pieces measuring 6 by 8 centimeters. It should cut to the skin. Peeled garlic bumps into the cuts. The product is sprinkled with spices. The taste of pork meat and lard with garlic and spices is incomparable, it turns out a very appetizing and nutritious salty delicacy.

Salted products wrapped in parchment are removed into the desired container, closed tightly and will stand in the refrigerator for 24 hours, after which they are frozen for 24 hours in the freezer, after which they are cut into slices and eaten.

Garlic pickling option

If the hostess salted the brisket of the pig with garlic, households and guests will eat hearty yummy at the table with appetite. The addition of garlic enhances the benefits of the product.

If you take half a kilo of pork (breast), then prepare 5 more garlic cloves, 3 large tablespoons of salt and a little pepper.

The peeled pork is cut so that the knife takes out the skin, the distance between the cuts should be about two or three centimeters. Places of cuts are stuffed with garlic slices and covered with salt. Sprinkle salt crystals and ground pepper on the sides of the pork and on top.

Salted products are wrapped in a clean cloth, and left in the room for about 10 hours, then transferred to the refrigerator shelf. After 24 hours, the wrapping fabric is replaced with a fresh rag. The products will lie in the refrigerator for a day. After that, excess salt should be peeled off from salted products and garlic should be removed. Pork is cut into slices and used with black bread and onions.

How to salt the brisket using the hot method?

For a kilo of pork breast you need: a liter of water, half a glass of salt, 2 large tablespoons of sugar, 10 black peppercorns, 5 laurel leaves, a handful of onion husks, a garlic head.

The brisket in onion skins is salted hot using a multicooker. You will need to soak the onion peel, wait a few hours, put it in a colander, and rinse in cold running water. The multi-bowl should be covered with husks and bay leaves. In boiling water, you need to dissolve crystals of salt and sugar, then pour the solution into the multicooker bowl.

The brisket should be cut into pieces with an approximate size of 5 by 7 cm. On the braising mode, pork is cooked for forty minutes. After turning off, the products remain in the brine liquid for a couple of hours, the lid of the multicooker must be closed. Finished salted products should dry out.

Tip: To make the pork even more appetizing, press the garlic well and grate the brisket with the crushed spicy vegetable and pepper. And to enhance the taste and convenience of cutting, the product is frozen in the freezer.

Ascorbic acid in salted pork

Half a glass of coarse salt and a mixture of spices are poured into a liter of water. The brine boils and cools. Pork is rubbed with chopped five garlic cloves and powdered six tablets of ascorbic acid. The piece is placed in brine and kept in the refrigerator under pressure for 7 days. Draining the brine, roll in a pepper mixture and for another day in the cold.

How to salt and smoke the brisket?

To smoke the brisket, you need to salt it, and even salted or pickled ones can be smoked using the hot method. It is recommended to use a dry marinade. From the ingredients, you will need to prepare the seeds of herbs: paprika, thyme, basil and rosemary. You will need some ground chili. Salt is prepared in an amount 4 times more than other seasoning.

All components are mixed, each piece of meat is rubbed with the mixture. After 10 o'clock or overnight in the refrigerator, the pieces are allowed to dry out for a couple of hours.

After the pork has dried up, they start a fire. They wait until the hot coal mass remains. The smokehouse is put on fire. Firewood is used from fruit trees, aspen, alder or oak. Pieces of brisket should be laid out on the wire rack so that they do not touch each other. When the temperature inside the smokehouse reaches ninety degrees, a grill with pork meat is installed in it.

After half an hour, the smokehouse opens, it is checked whether the product is ready. If the color saturation is weak, smoking is prolonged for 10 or 15 minutes. The meat is eaten right there, but if you hold it outside for about 2 hours, it tastes better.

Boiled smoked product

To get smoked pork, you need to prepare: fresh brisket with a kilogram, 10 large tablespoons of salt crystals, sugar (a tablespoon is enough), red and black pepper (half a teaspoon each), 5 garlic cloves, onion peel (50 grams), leaves laurel (3 pcs.), water (one and a half liters).

Onion peel and seasonings are added to the water poured into a saucepan, without using garlic. When the liquid boils, it must be boiled for another 10 minutes.

You will need to wash the brisket, dip it in boiling marinade liquid, turn on low heat on the stove so that the meat languishes for an hour. Then they take it out of the brine solution, cool and dry the product. The garlic is cut into slices, the brisket is stuffed with it.

A smokehouse is installed, where meat, which had to be salted beforehand, is smoked for half an hour. When the juicy and tender dish has cooled down, it is served to the table.

In Ukraine, where Salo It is considered a staple food; salted bacon is harvested in almost every hut. The bigger, the better. It is especially tasty from domestic pigs raised on natural feed in an ecologically clean area. The townspeople will have to run around the markets to find the right salting lard.

  • pork belly with meat veins;
  • Bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • salt.

Salted brisket - recipe

Prepare all the ingredients for the brisket. It is advisable to soak the undercap in cold water for several hours, then the fat will be softer. For salting, we take an exceptionally fresh product; after freezing, the taste of the bacon is no longer the same as it should be.

Combine salt and freshly ground black pepper and rub with this mixture pieces of fresh bacon with good veins of meat. Only coarse rock salt is used, fine iodized salt is not suitable. For 3 tablespoons of salt, I put a teaspoon of black pepper. To make the finished one appetizing and fragrant, I grind the peppercorns before use.

Put the salted piece of brisket in a container and refrigerate for 2-3 days. Water it periodically with the salty liquid that forms during salting.

On the third day, remove the bacon from the refrigerator and pat dry with a paper towel. Grind a few cloves of garlic with salt to form a gruel.

Cut the brisket in the middle, not cutting to the end. Rub the lard with garlic on all sides, including the incision. But first try a piece of bacon, if it is salted well, then rub the garlic with a small amount of salt, if it seems to you that the bacon is not salted, then add more salt to the garlic.

On top of a piece of bacon, place a few bay leaves, which greatly improve the taste of the salted brisket. Wrap the bacon tightly with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for a day. Then transfer to the freezer. There it can be stored for a long time. It turns out very tasty and.

Housewives increasingly come to the conclusion that it is much tastier, and most importantly healthier and cheaper, to do something with your own hands in the kitchen than to buy ready-made meat products. This applies not only to baked goods, but also to meat products. A lot of information is rummaged through, and when a recipe comes across, for example, how to pickle brisket at home with garlic, many try to reproduce it for their family.

What is brisket

The brisket is premium meat, pork. The most valuable are the pieces of brisket, in which the meat layers alternate with layers of bacon. Experts subdivide this part of the pig carcass into brisket, brisket on the bone, flank (belly). All this is in the area of ​​the abdominal muscles, although can we talk about the abdominal muscles of a pig raised for meat?

In addition to salting the brisket at home with garlic, chic rich borscht, soups and other first courses, excellent roast and smoked meats are prepared from this part of the carcass. Great options,.

How to choose brisket and prepare it for salting

First of all, to buy meat, not only brisket, preferably from trusted, “own” sellers. They will definitely pick you exactly what you need.

The meat should be of a pleasant color and characteristic smell, with a whole skin. It should be free of debris and dry surfaces. Ask the seller for a knife and pierce the piece you like: the knife should smoothly enter it. If you have to make an effort, or the knife enters the meat with periodic difficulty - take another piece better!

Having looked at how to pickle brisket at home with garlic photo, you will see that the meat does not require any special preparation. It only needs to be rinsed under running water; if necessary, scrape off the fat or skin with a knife that you don't like.

What kind of dishes to choose

Salting brisket at home is made in stainless (steel), enameled, glass, ceramic or food-grade plastic containers. Their shape does not matter at all, the main thing is that they do not oxidize. The enamelled surface should not have chips or cracks. Even a faint rusty taste is unlikely to improve the quality of the finished dish.

Choosing salt

In this case, only one salt is suitable. In addition to the words “coarse stone table salt”, there should be nothing on its pack. Neither the smallest "Extra", nor with iodine or sea salt is suitable for salting the brisket.

Dry salted brisket recipe

For every kilogram of brisket, take:

  • not a full glass of salt about ¾ of the volume,
  • half a large head of garlic (cloves 5-8);
  • ground black and red pepper, other ground spices to your taste.

You can limit yourself to only black pepper. Mix the salt and pepper in a suitable container. Delicious step by step.

Advice! Do not be lazy, make the ground pepper yourself by grinding its peas in a mortar and pestle. The smell of store-bought and self-ground pepper differs radically not in favor of the first.

Pieces of the brisket are cut through the entire thickness of the flesh to the skin with a sharp knife into rectangular pieces measuring (approximately) 5x8 cm. How to pickle brisket at home with garlic videos will clearly demonstrate this process to you.

We put the garlic in the slot. To do this, cut the slices into plates 2-3 mm thick.
Sprinkle the surface of the meat with a mixture of salt + pepper, put in a suitable container, covered with a lid or cling film.

For 24 hours we keep the brisket in the warmth of the kitchen, move it to the refrigerator. After another 3 days we take out, clean off or wash off excess salt, cut into thin slices and enjoy.

Important! It is advisable to store the brisket in the freezer.

Salting the brisket in brine

If you are wondering how to pickle brisket at home with garlic in brine, then I suggest the following recipe:

  • Cut the brisket into rectangular pieces of about the same size and put in a suitable bowl.
  • Pour a liter of water into a saucepan (another), pour a glass of salt, put spices to taste: black and allspice, cloves and bay leaves, seeds of mustard, coriander, caraway seeds, fennel.

  • Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Let the brine with spices cool slightly, and pour the pieces of brisket with it.
  • So that they do not float up and are completely under the brine layer, you need to press down with a plate. We keep in refrigerators for 48-36 hours. Cooking hearty delicious.

Correctly salted pork belly is not inferior in taste to the most expensive meat products. In the hands of a skilled hostess, ordinary pork lard with meat layers can turn into a real masterpiece of culinary art, by its very appearance arousing in guests and households an irresistible desire to immediately taste a piece of this delicious delicacy! At the same time, there are many options for cooking salted brisket, each of which is interesting and original in its own way.

Quickly salted brisket
To pickle this simple recipe, you will need pork belly, medium-ground iodine-free salt, bay leaf, black pepper, and garlic. Dill seeds and hot peppers - at your discretion.
  1. Rinse the brisket and pat dry with a tissue. If there are films, carefully cut them off with a knife.
  2. Cut the meat into 4 x 10 cm pieces.
  3. Chop the garlic finely. Chop bay leaves and mix all spices with salt.
  4. Dip the brisket generously in the spicy-salty mixture, placing the processed pieces tightly together in the jar.
  5. Cover the jar with a lid and leave it indoors for a day, then put it in the refrigerator.
After 3 days, the salted brisket will be ready to eat!

Pork belly "roll"
For 1 kg of brisket you will need: 1 large head of garlic, freshly ground black pepper, 2 crushed bay leaves, coarsely iodized salt; other spices and seasonings - at your discretion.

  1. Place the washed and towel-dried brisket, skin side down.
  2. Make longitudinal cuts 2/3 deep throughout the piece, with a distance of 3 cm between them.
  3. Combine thinly sliced ​​garlic with salt and spices.
  4. Fill the grooves in the meat with the salt and spice mixture, then sprinkle liberally over the entire layer.
  5. Place the brisket on a piece of clean cotton cloth and, wrapping the meat tightly in a roll, secure it with strong threads.
  6. Keep the roll warm for 10-12 hours, then place it in the refrigerator for the same time, having previously wrapped it with cling film.
  7. Unfold the roll and salt its outer parts again, then wrap it again in a clean cloth, pull it tight with a thread and send it to the refrigerator for another 1-2 days.
"Hot" brisket
For hot salting of brisket, take a voluminous enamel pan and, putting meat in it, pour water so that it covers the layer by 2-3 cm. This amount of water will be required for salting. Also prepare 2 large heads of garlic, 15-20 black peppercorns, the same amount of allspice and 6-8 cloves. Calculate the salt in the ratio of 0.5 cups to 1 liter of water.
  1. Boil water with salt and spices, except black pepper and garlic.
  2. Place the brisket in the boiling brine and cook for 40 minutes, then place in a bowl and let the meat cool slightly.
  3. Chop the garlic finely and grind the black pepper, then combine the ingredients.
  4. Place the hot brisket on a piece of clean cloth, after sprinkling the area under the meat with a mixture of pepper and garlic.
  5. Make transverse cuts in the meat and place the garlic and pepper seasoning in a thin layer.
  6. Wrap the hot meat in a tight roll so that it is wrapped in a cloth, and pull with a strong thread or twine along the entire length.
  7. Put the finished roll in a saucepan and place it under a heavy press (a cast iron weight works best) for 12 hours.
  8. Place the pressed roll in the freezer for 5-6 hours, then cut the threads and remove the fabric.
Delicious brisket is ready! You can sprinkle it with hot pepper or paprika - and, cut into delicious slices, put it on a dish decorated with herbs in anticipation of the enthusiastic responses of your home!