How to fry potatoes to be crisp. Fried potatoes with eggs and green onions

30.07.2019 Dishes from seafood

The question of how to fry potatoes in a frying pan, perhaps, will not put anyone in a dead end. However, this does not mean that each it turns out delicious, appetizing, with a golden-hazing crust. Here is from this article you will learn how to cook fried potatoes so that even the neighbors had a desire to go to visit you. Recipes There is a huge amount, but we first discuss those 7 rules of the process, without complying with which you will not move in this case.

Rule 1: What to take frying potatoes?

This should be a grade containing as little as possible starch, otherwise it turns out no crispy crust, and the real puree. To get rid of the excess starch, leave the purified tubers in cold water at least 20-30 minutes. If you are afraid that potatoes can darken, add a few lemon juice droplets into water.

Rule 2: How to cut tubers?

If we wish to learn how to fry potatoes in a pan in all the rules, then this moment cannot be bypass. So, as soon as our potatoes gave extra starch, it must be cut into a bar. It is desirable that their width is not more than 1 cm. Otherwise, small pieces will get dry great, and the big does not burn. After slicing again, rinse the product again, then lay it on a paper towel to die.

Rule 3: Preheat frying pan - the key to success!

Fried potatoes are associated with each person with a golden crust. It is for such beauty that it is necessary to heat a pan very much, and only then lay the product. However, do not wait when sunflower oil starts to smoke, the potatoes will not be tastier from this, but only foggles.

Rule 4: How much to pour sunflower oil?

The answer is simple: more! Naturally, within reason. On the one hand, potatoes should not swim in the oil, on the other hand, the frying pan should not be dry. Do not be afraid, pour the oil, potatoes will take it as much as necessary.

Rule 5: How often to mix?

Try to do it as much as possible, otherwise you will get porridge. If you do not fry a lot of potatoes at once (it is not recommended to do this), then it is enough to mix all 3-4 times cooking.

Rule 6: Do not shed

Of course, the roasted potatoes will not like without salt, but it is not necessary to add salt immediately, and 5 minutes before readiness. Why is that? If you do it right away, the potatoes will let a lot of unnecessary juice, and this will deprive you of such a welcome ruddy crust.

Rule 7: cooking time

If you are interested, how much to fry potatoes in a pan, then the unequivocal answer is impossible. It depends on the variety of potatoes, on what heat is cooking, and from your preferences. So it remains only to try!

Potato use

Above, we reviewed the basic rules that must be observed so that fried potatoes in the pan obtained fragrant and appetizing. Is this product useful? Of course, the calories in such a dish abundantly, but it stops few. How can you refuse such yummy? In order not to think about calories, it is better to know that in fried potatoes there are potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, folic acid, carotene and other useful vitamins and trace elements. But now go to the recipes.

Classic preparation option

You already know all the rules on how to fry potatoes in a frying pan. Therefore, boldly proceed to the process. Take the required amount of potatoes, wash it, leave in the water for a while, then cut the parsing, rinse again, dry.

Now heat the frying pan, pour enough vegetable oil. By the way, this product must be refined, otherwise the finished dish will smell not a potato, but by what oil made. Lay the potatoes. Try not to be distracted by the process for a long time, make sure that it is time to mix potatoes. When the product has that very crust, it becomes softer, salt the dish, and turn off after 4-5 minutes. This is the easiest and fastest recipe that is ideal for those who are just learning how to fry potatoes in a frying pan.

Fragrant potatoes with bacon and mushrooms

Now we go to such a recipe for which you can cook daily, and it will not get bored! So, we reserve products. You need to purchase: 800-900 g potatoes, 300 g of champignons, 2 bulbs, 3 eggs, 80-90 g bacon, green onions, salt, ground pepper.

Potatoes are prepare for the frying in the way the way, just cut by non-strokes, but with circles, mushrooms - plates, bacon - thin slices, onions - who like it. Eggs are a bit whipped, to taste in them, add salt, spices.

In the fat that remained from bacon, fry mushrooms and also lay out on a separate plate.

Now in the pan, we pour high-quality vegetable oil, fry there the main product almost until readiness, salt of it. Now we are pouring to the potatoes onions, frying another 5 minutes 5. After this time, we add bacon and mushrooms into a mass, mix.

From the above, we distribute the egg mixer as uniformly as possible, we put a frying pan on a small fire for 5 minutes, do not mix! The finished dish sprinkle with green onions.

Young dill potatoes

This aromatic summer dish will have to do anything, so cook and enjoy! And if you do not know how to fry a young potato correctly, then write down or remember. So, in advance it is necessary to prepare such ingredients: 1 kg of young potatoes, vegetable oil, salt, dill to taste.

When potatoes are still young, it is impossible to just fry, otherwise everything will turn into porridge. Pre-product need to boil a bit. To do this, boil the kettle, my potatoes, clean, cut the panels not 1 cm, and 2-3 cm. We put the main product in the pan, pour it with boiling water and cook about 10 minutes. Next, drain the water, heat the pan, add vegetable oil and fry potatoes there are only 5-7 minutes. Try to mix as little as possible, do not forget that the potatoes are young.

Now we rinse dill and cut it finely. Potatoes Solim, Pepper, add greens and gently mix everything. Bon Appetit!

Fry potatoes with pumpkin

This is a fairly unusual dish that is not so popular as, for example, ordinary fried potatoes. But it is very helpful, it can be prepared in the post or serve as a vegetable side dish meat.

The main ingredients, pumpkin and potatoes, take in equal proportions, rinse, clean, cut into small pieces. Forex Potatoes (you already know the rules), and add a pumpkin for 10 minutes before readiness. When the dish is virtually ready, salt him and add spices to taste. Bon Appetit!

Potato recipe with garlic, onions and thyme

Already one name of the dish causes a desire to rush into the kitchen and cook, is not it? No problem, it is enough to prepare in advance the necessary products and go! So, we need to purchase: approximately 1 kg of potatoes, 9-10 tbsp. l. Sobbed butter, 1 bulb (preferably red), 2 garlic teeth, a few lemon juice droplets, thyme, salt, pepper to taste.

For this recipe, as for one of those described above, we first boil the potatoes before half-ready, pre-cutting into cubes.

Next, spread the creamy oil into the hot frying pan, drown it, send it here the chopped garlic, chopped on 8 parts of a red bow, pour lemon juice, mix, prepare a couple of minutes.

Potatoes fold on the colander, all the water should drain. After that, we shift the main product into a frying pan with the other ingredients, mix well. We reduce the fire and prepare for about 20-25 minutes.

As soon as the main product is ready, sprinkle it with salt, pepper, thyme. Bon Appetit!

Potato cooked with egg

This dish is preparing enough quickly, it can be done with an unexpected arrival of guests or with a shortage of time. The following ingredients will be needed: about 1 kg of potatoes, 4 chicken eggs, vegetable oil, pepper and salt to taste.

My potatoes, clean, cut straw. We warm up a frying pan, add oil there, lay out the main product and prepare it on medium heat for about 15 minutes. When potatoes are almost ready, Solim His, Perchym, drive here the same eggs, fry until readiness. Serve such a dish with vegetables, and with meat. Tasty will be in any case.

How best to fry potatoes, with what ingredients - to solve you. Do not be afraid, experiment. Bon Appetit!

Despite the simplicity of products used for frying, each time you can prepare dishes different from each other. How to fry potatoes to like it to everyone? For this you need to take into account several recommendations. And the extra taste of potatoes will give various auxiliary products.

What you need to know about frying?

How to fry potatoes? What you need to know to achieve exactly the effect that you have conceived? Let's start from the very beginning. Choose for frying better older potatoes. Young, too, you can cook delicious, but the taste of the usual will be richer. Clean the tubers from the peel, cut the straw, plates or slices.

To get a fried crust, you need to lay a dry product on the slaughtered pan with an oil. No need to cover the lid. If you want softer potatoes - to cover necessarily, but not immediately.

The best spices are salt, pepper, bay leaf. You can add herbs, oregano, hops-sunnels, ginger and nutmeg.

As additives use:

How much time do you need to fry potatoes in a frying pan? It all depends on temperature, size of portion, readiness of other products. It is best to withstand it 25-30 minutes, and then check the match as much as it is soft.

How to fry potatoes in a frying pan? Heat the oil, can be fused, or sump. Fry onions, throw potatoes and mix. Periodically turns the lower lobes upstairs.

How to fry tasty potatoes in a slow cooker? To do this, it is enough to fill the oil, put into the bowl of the stuffed and cut potatoes, add the bow, mix and put into the frying mode for 30 minutes.

Cooking such a simple dish with a variety of ways. Here is some of them.

New potatoes

With young potatoes you can make such a dish. Select the smallest tubers, the less, the better. It is desirable that they did not need to be cut. Sleep coarse leather. Boil into slightly salted water until half-ready.

In the bowl, crushing breadcrumbs. Observe potatoes in them. Skin or Casanes Pour oil and warm hard. Put the potatoes there. 10 minutes - and the dish is ready! Add creamy oil.

With greens, garlic and lard

From young tubers you can make another delicious dish. Potatoes are frying straight with the skin. All you need - cut it on slices. Creamy butter is melted in a skillet. Salo or bacon cut the thin straw. Fry to transparency. Add potatoes and leave to roast without a lid minutes 25.

Periodically turn over. During this time, cut the greens: dill, parsley, onions. Mix with salt, pepper and crushed in the press garlic (to taste). Turn off the fire under the rubbing and add a prepared mixture there.

A la fryer

Cut with straw potatoes. It is convenient to take large oblong tubers of yellow varieties. In the Kazan, heating the oil. You need to pour so much that the depth was about 5 centimeters at least. When the oil boils, you can proceed.

How many frying depends on how much the oil was laughed and what kind of rosy you want to achieve. Solit and pillars need at the end. Nature better on the napkin to get rid of fat.

With egg and cheese

The frying pan is lubricated with fucked oil. Potatoes are cut in thick straw and falling asleep on the heated surface. When the entire portion is laid, you need to pour with vegetable oil on top. For 10 minutes, inspire the slices and turn over their blade. Cover the lid and tom on medium heat.

The lower layer will be baked in crispy pieces. When the dish is almost ready, salt and pepper. We smash 2-3 eggs upstairs, fall asleep grated cheese with a thick layer, cover and leave on a small fire for 7 minutes. Turn off the plate and leave another 5-10 minutes.

A very tasty combination - potatoes and chanterelles, as well as white mushrooms and a naughty. You can use conventional champignons and oysteries, but the fragrance will be somewhat different. To get rid of excess liquid and possible toxins, it is better to privacy mushrooms in advance. How to fry forest chanterelles with potatoes?

Fry onion on the oil, throw the potatoes sliced \u200b\u200bwith plates. After 10 minutes, add mushrooms. To get a fragrant Jushka, pour a couple of water spoons. Spices are added after the fluid boils. Since frying welded mushrooms with potatoes need a little less, you can throw them out 10 minutes before the dish is ready.

If you cook such a dish with meat, it turns out a full-fledged hearty lunch. Additionally, you can add some grated carrots and nuts.

With vegetables and meat

Such a recipe is similar to the previous one. But here everything begins with the fact that you need to cut into pieces of meat, for example, pork. Fry it in oil a few minutes. When the jushka flows, add onions and carrots. After 10 minutes we fall asleep sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes. Fry all together.

When the dish is almost ready, add vegetables: peas, corn, zucchini, beans, broccoli, etc. Solim, Pepper. Cover with a lid for 5 minutes. Vegetables must remain a bit crispy. Turn off the fire and leave it.

With spices

Such a recipe is great for cooking in a slow cooker. Prying onions. Sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes are stirred in a bowl, mix all. I fall asleep salt, pepper, hops-sunnels and some Italian herbs.

We close the Multicooker and put in fright 20-30 minutes. The fragrance is just awesome! You can also add pork or chicken meat with fences. Then first lay meat, and then everything else.

Fried potatoes - a great option for a satisfying lunch. Such a dish will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, sometimes you can afford a little relax and eat tasty.

Surely there is no such person who would be indifferent to the potatoes roasted to the golden crust. Despite the fact that such a dish is quite simple in preparation, not everyone knows how to make it right and tasty.

There are quite a lot of fried potatoes, but its preparations are the same. Let's figure it out!

How to choose suitable potatoes

It's no secret that the key to the success of the delicious roasted potatoes is a properly selected potato grade. As a rule, for frying the best options will be yellow and pink varieties - they have the highest taste and are frying perfectly.

When choosing a potato, try to choose fresh and solid tubers, since from the old taste of your dish may not be good enough.

Choose a frying pan

You can fry potatoes both in the fryer and in a frying pan. Here you are comfortable. But it is worth noting that the potato in the pan gets much more tastier, "as in childhood."

To the choice of frying pan needs to take quite seriously. If your eye fell on an aluminum thin-walled frying pan, immediately discard this idea. Nothing good, and even more so delicious potatoes you will not succeed. Stop on a cast-iron or aluminum with a thick bottom of the skillet, then the dish will turn out to be the most delicious and helpful. Make a choice in favor of a wide pan, so that you were comfortable to mix everything in it.

Oil selection - one of the main pledges of delicious potatoes

The main enemy is delicious fried potatoes - smoking oil, interrupting her divine taste. To the question of choosing oil for frying, it is necessary to take quite seriously. Do not regret money and do not buy unrefined oil - it rules the taste of dishes. Stay on refined sunflower oil and the taste of your dish will be at the highest level.

Many people do not give their preference to oil, but fry potatoes on the fat. And although this option is rather calorie, but also has the full right to exist. The taste of potatoes on the fat is also obtained very harmonious and tasty.

One of the most win-win options that will be suitable for economic considerations and calorie content - the combination of vegetable and butter. The proportions, of course, depend on the portion and individual wishes, but on average, the potato kilograms will need about 125 ml of vegetable 50 ml of butter. Then the taste of your potatoes will be the most gentle and rich at the same time.

What should be cutting potatoes

According to professionals, the perfect cutting of potatoes for frying - straw, 6-7 mm thick each. Such a form of cutting allows potatoes as quickly and well and well, leaving each of its straw as much as possible outside and soft inside.

Fried potatoes with golden crust

The first thing to do is, in order to get perfectly roasted potatoes - to save it from the surplus of starch. Pour the chopped potatoes with cold water and leave for 20 minutes. After the time expires, drain the water from it and rinse it again. A little dried slices on a paper towel.

One of the most important rules that need to follow in order to potato turned out to be as tasty as much as possible: spreading potatoes only on a split frying pan and hot oil. It is very important, since in cold oil it cannot be frown immediately, but will quickly stick and it will not be so tasty.

As soon as the oil in the pan is completely heard, lay out the chopped carcock there, make the middle fire and leave to roast. To continuously mix and look at it every second should not be laughing yourself to roast yourself. Then, the potatoes should be turned over and leave to roast at the same time. Repeat the procedure several times.

It is definitely impossible to say how much time it is necessary to fry potatoes, because it all depends on the portion, the type of cutting and dishes in which it is preparing, but a total of about 20 minutes.

Remember, in order to the potatoes turned out to be truly fried and crisp, it is necessary to fry it in no case covering the lid. Covering the pan with a lid, you will not get no fried, but well-spilled potatoes. Filling with spices and saline should be solely at the end of preparation. You can even pour garlic - it will get very tasty!

Fried potatoes with different additives

If with a standard preparation recipe figured out and there should be followed by the established rules, then no one forbids experimenting with other different embodiments of fried potatoes.

Potatoes with meat in a frying pan

A feature of this recipe is the fact that no raw meat is added to the potatoes, but ready.

So, you first need to deal with meat. Optionally, it needs to boil or bake in the oven, who loves.

For preparation will also be needed:

  • 5 potatoes;
  • middle bulb;
  • garlic head;
  • 350-400 g of pre-cooked meat;
  • spices to taste.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, add chopped potatoes to it, root 3 minutes, turn over and root another 3-5 minutes on a high heat. Add the chopped onion and reduce the fire slightly. Constantly stirring, roasting for another 15 minutes.

For 2 minutes, to the end of cooking, add garlic to the potato and sliced \u200b\u200bwith small pieces ready meat. If you wish to get a slightly tremble potatoes, you can add another halffall water. Get your potatoes with spices and mix again. Rich and delicious lunch is ready, you can serve on the table!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

To prepare the average portion of potatoes with mushrooms, you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of tubers;
  • 0.3 kg of mushrooms (any that like);
  • garlic head;
  • middle bulb;
  • greens;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Purified potatoes Cut straw, rinse again and put it on a paper towel to push. In the meantime, clean the garlic and onions, finely cut and fry on vegetable oil. Also separately root the fine fungi.

Put potatoes into a well-warmed frying pan and fry it almost to complete cooking. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add mushrooms to it, roasted garlic with bow, fine greens, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and remove from the stove. Can be served on the table!

Fried potatoes with bow

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 mid-bulbs;
  • clove of garlic;
  • herbs and spices.

Potato kilograms need to be well to wash and cook in uniform. Then, it should be cleaned and cut into cubes. Further, on the heated vegetable oil it is necessary to roast to the golden crust of crushed onions and garlic. After that, on the second part of the oil it is necessary to fry chopped potatoes.

In the process of frying it must be salted and pepper. As soon as potato cubes are wrapped from all sides, it should add fried onions and garlic to it. All together should be held on fire for a couple more minutes.

When feeding, potatoes can be sprinkled with dried herbs. Serve on the table is recommended hot.

Potato fried with lard

This recipe is popular since ancient times. Prepare such a dish is simple enough, and taste surpasses all expectations.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 100 g of sala with meat layer;
  • middle bulb;
  • 1/2 of the middle apple;
  • spice.

Cut onions with thin slices, fat with small stripes, and the apple is completely thin straw.

Spit the frying pan well, add a little vegetable oil there and lay out the fat. As soon as the meat layers on the Sale travel, add potatoes there. A little frightening it on the one hand, turn over and root a couple of minutes.

Then, add a chopped onion and an apple to the potato and root for another 15 minutes. At the end of the preparation, sprout all the spices and spice. Apple will give the dish with a special taste and aroma. Try - you will not regret!

Fried Potato Taste

By and large, grilled potatoes now do not surprise anyone. Despite the fact that this dish is very tasty and everyone loves it without exception, there is no survey and special abilities for its preparation. But, if with the feeding of fried potatoes, it is possible to surprive the sauce to this dish, you can even surprise the most avid gourmets.

Your attention is provided with a recipe for sauce, which is perfect for any of the above embodiments of fried potatoes.

So ingredients:

  • 3 bulbs;
  • small celery root;
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • any dry wine - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tsp. liquid honey;
  • red pepper;
  • salt.

Celery root and 3 bulbs need to be cleaned, cut into very small cubes and lay out in a thick pan. Then, in 0.1 liters of water, tomato sauce, lemon juice and honey, and pour this mixture of celery and onions. There you will pour wine there.

It is necessary to stew ingredients about half an hour on a small fire, constantly stirring. After the specified time, the mixture is needed by spices, mix and remove from the stove. As soon as the cooked sauce cools, it should be pouring into a sauce and can be safely served to potatoes.

Roasted potatoes refers to everyday dishes, but experienced hostesses serve it for a festive table. This is not surprising, because the crispy crust and the spicy taste of spices will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated gourmet. Many beginner cooks are difficult when they prepare potatoes in large portions in one approach. Slices sticky, disintegrate and poorly affected. You can correct the situation if you comply with certain nuances. Consider them in order.

Features of cooking fried potatoes

  1. To prepare a truly tasty dish, choose potatoes with pink peel. In such tubers, it contains the least starch.
  2. You can fry potatoes both in pre-boiled chilled form and cheese.
  3. To give the dish a special taste, you can combine potatoes with onions, meat, mushrooms, breadcrumbs, seasonings and greens.
  4. If you dare drunk the tubers in advance, clean them from the peel, charge the bars, cubes, rings, half rings. The same applies to the hinting of raw root roots.
  5. Choose the "right" dishes. To get potatoes with a crust, it is necessary to carry out heat treatment in the cast iron or steel skillet.
  6. Lay out the potatoes only into the polished oil. At the same time, stirring is carried out at the beginning of frying, otherwise slices are broken down.
  7. If we salute vegetables immediately after sending to a frying pan, the potatoes will absorb fat and start decaying. Salt must be added in 3 minutes to the end of the procedure.
  8. To get gentle, but spicy potatoes, roast it on a mixture of vegetable and butter. The proportions are calculated at the discretion.
  9. If you prepare a big portion, distribute it into several parts. Do not allow potatoes to be laid out on a pan more than 5 cm. Height.

Fried potato: Traditional recipe

  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  • creamy oil - 40 gr.
  • salt - 20 gr.
  • potatoes - 1.3 kg.
  • fresh dill - 30-40 grams.
  1. Wash the tubers, remove the peel. If the potatoes are not with a pink shell, soak it in cold water for 15 minutes. Add lemon juice into the liquid so that the fruits are not darkened.
  2. Prepare a dry cast-iron skillet, pour vegetable oil into it, add creamy. Roll the components on a strong fire, mix.
  3. Touch the potatoes by strokes, cubes or rings (if the fruits are small). Send a sliced \u200b\u200bto heat-resistant dishes, mix. Oil must envelop each piece.
  4. To get potatoes with a crust, prepare a dish without a lid. If the root plant will absorb oil, add more. Fry at maximum power of 6-7 minutes.
  5. Now reduce the fire to the average mark. Stir the potatoes, shifting roasted lumps up. Prepare a quarter of an hour, interfere with the composition every 5 minutes.
  6. 3 minutes before readiness to spend the dish or skip this step. Salt can be added after layouts of potatoes on portion plates. Serve, decorating chopped dill.

  • garlic - 5 teeth
  • potatoes - 650-680 gr.
  • mushrooms of Vyeshenka or Champignons - 350 gr.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • butter cream - 30 grams.
  • vegetable oil - by fact
  • dill (greens) - 40 gr.
  • salt - 15-20 gr.
  • pepper crumpled - 5 gr.
  1. Clean garlic, charge it with thin plates. Tatching onion onion by broes or half rings. Prepare potatoes to fry (washing, cleaning).
  2. Put them with cubes or slices. Wash the champignons / horses, cut the mushrooms along the fibers. Take a thick-walled frying pan, pour oil into it, put on the stove and split to the maximum mark.
  3. Now send garlic slices on the roast, after 3 minutes, pour potatoes. Prepare a dish at a maximum mark for 5 minutes, then reduce the hardware to the middle power.
  4. Prepare a dish for another 10 minutes. Now you need to fry the onions with mushrooms using the second skillet. When you do it, mix the composition to potatoes.
  5. Now fry the mixture at the maximum heat before the appearance of a ruddy crust. 1-2 minutes before cooking, salt and cross the dish, add a slice of butter. Serve to the table, beautiful dill.

Fried potato with bow

  • vegetable oil - 150 ml.
  • potatoes - 300 gr.
  • onion onion - 2-3 pcs.
  • salt - the amount of taste
  1. Wash the tubers, remove the peel, bailitate straw. Send the fruits into cold water, add a little lemon juice. After 20 minutes, remove the potatoes, leave to the sieve.
  2. Get labeled potatoes to collect moisture residues. Spice a frying pan on high heat, pour oil. Heat it, send potato slices to dishes.
  3. Fry straw 5 minutes, stirring 1 time. After this period, a crust should be formed. Add chick-chipped onions and a piece of butter (optional).
  4. Fry the dish for another 10-15 minutes, in no case cover the lid. 2 minutes before readiness, perepay the salt, gently mix. Serve potatoes with sour cream and green onions.

  • potatoes - 380 gr.
  • pepper Ground black - 5-7 gr.
  • seasonings olive - 20 gr.
  • salt to taste
  • green dill - 35 gr.
  • onions - 50-60 grams.
  • meat (beef, pork, chicken) - 330-350 gr.
  • garlic teeth - 5 pcs.
  1. First you need to cook meat. Send it to cook, roast or prepare in the oven. Put in cubes or thin plates. At the request of the meat can be replaced with bacon.
  2. Prepare potatoes. Clean the tubers, rinse and tatch the bars. Soak in lemon water for 10 minutes, then remove and dry towels.
  3. Take heat-resistant dishes with a thick bottom, pour the oil and send on a strong fire. After 2 minutes, add potatoes, fry it 4-6 minutes.
  4. After the specified deadline, blend the composition. Now put onions onions, send it to a frying pan. Reduce the power of the slab to the average.
  5. The duration of heat treatment is 12-15 minutes. When the term passes, add chopped meat and missed garlic to the potatoes.
  6. Pick pepper, olive herbs, salt. After 5 minutes, turn off the burner, sprinkle with dill, leave potatoes under the lid for 5 minutes. Get used.

Fried potato with nutmeg

  • potatoes - 1.2 kg.
  • corn oil - 80 ml.
  • creamy butter - 70 gr.
  • greens (any) - 40 gr.
  • pepper black - to taste
  • nutmeg - on the tip of the knife
  1. Prepare potato tubers, need to rinse, clean and cut. Slice slices with nutmeg, pepper and salt. Roll over a thick frying pan on high heat.
  2. Add corn and butter in dishes, mix. After 2 minutes, send potatoes on roast. Prepare it at the maximum mark of 5 minutes.
  3. Next, mix, reduce power up to the average. Prepare a dish for another 15 minutes, stirring 1 time in 5 minutes. After the specified period, decompose the potatoes on plates, decorate greens and sour cream.

  • sukhari ground (rye, wheat) - 40-50 gr.
  • potatoes - 550 gr.
  • butter cream - 80 gr.
  • salt - 10 gr.
  1. Rinse the potatoes under the crane, remove the uniform, charge the slices or cubes. Soak in cold water by adding a bit of lemon juice. After 10 minutes, get and dry.
  2. Place the creamy oil in a pan, split and send pieces of potatoes into heat-resistant container. Fry at the maximum power of 5 minutes, the ruddy crust should appear in the end.
  3. When the time has expired, reduce the fire to the average mark. Prepare potatoes for another 15 minutes, for this period it must be prevented 3-4 times. Before completing cooking, add salt, crackers, ground pepper.

Prepare roasted potatoes by traditional recipe. Consider technology with the addition of meat, ground superstars, mushrooms, nutmeg. People who wish to enjoy potatoes with a crispy crust, it is worth spreading slices into a grilled oil and fry them on a strong fire. After the appearance of the Rumyanta, the power of the plate is reduced by the average mark.

Video: how delicious fry potatoes

Today, fried potatoes for many - a favorite dish, and children, and adults, despite calorie. This dish can be applied as a side dish, or to eat as the main, without adding anything or frying potatoes with mushrooms, meat or just onion. So, we prepare delicious fried potatoes.

When fried potatoes were invented, it is not clear, however, the fact that thus cooked potatoes - a relative of Potato Fri, undoubtedly, so their story is inextricably linked, and the creators of dishes can be boldly to call Belgians.

In our country, potatoes, fried in a pan or oven with a small amount of oil, is considered a dish everyday, but many hostesses prepare it and on holidays, garnishing with ruddy fragrant pieces of potatoes various fish, meat dishes and bird dishes.

The main secret of delicious fried potatoes is a crispy golden crust. And it is precisely that it often becomes a problem for many cooks - to make potatoes, especially when it is fried in a large number in a pan, crispy, but at the same time bring it to readiness is not so easy. To achieve such a result, potatoes need to choose correctly, prepare and comply with certain nuances when frying - we will tell about it.

Choosing potatoes - what will be the best crunch?

The optimal option for frying is the potatoes of medium-dependent varieties with pinkish skin, solid and well preserving.

You can fry both in advance boiled potatoes and raw, tastier and it turns out the larger, but it will take more time to bring it until readiness. The boiled potatoes are cut into slices and roasted in a frying pan with butter until shuttering - in this case, it is easier to achieve a crisp crisp than with fried raw potatoes, which can be called whole art.

Oil selection - what suitable?

Most often, potatoes are frying on vegetable refined oil, but it can be used and creamy, but in this case the risk that potatoes are fed - it will be necessary to closely follow, but the potatoes will be more fragrant and gentle. You can also use a mixture of vegetable and creamy oil - such a mixture will not be lit, and potatoes will be very fragrant. Another option is frying on bacon, animal fat - a crust at the same time it turns out very ruddy, but the caloric content of such a dish is literally dispersed.

Preparing potatoes before hot

Cut fucked potatoes as thinter as possible, slices, cubes, strokes, straw or slices. If soak it out in cold water before hot for half an hour, and then dry, more chances that it will turn out to be crisp and will not stick in the process, but soaking will lead to the loss of most of the most useful substances.

You can fry potatoes without additional ingredients, or adding onions to it, mushrooms or any meat products - any kinds of meat are suitable. So that the potatoes always succeed with frying, take note of these tips:

  • Always lay the potatoes only on the hot oil;
  • The potato layer in a frying pan should be no more than 5 cm for uniform roasters;
  • Do not solit potatoes before frying - it will absorb a lot of fat, do it better before serving;
  • So that the potatoes are crispy, roast it first on a strong one, then on moderate fire, never cover it with a lid, otherwise it will be stewed, not fried;
  • If in front of hot to lower the potatoes in hot water and dry after that, it will fasten faster;
  • For a good shut, potatoes can be slightly sprinkled with flour;
  • Roasted potatoes in a frying pan can be made until readiness in the oven;
  • With frying potatoes should not be mixed too often, it is better to do it with a wooden or plastic blade, immersing it from the edge and lifting the lowest layer of potatoes upstairs with one light movement.

Recipe for crispy roasted potatoes

It will take: 4 potato tuber, 6 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook fried potatoes. Clear, cut into potatoes with thin circles about 3 mm thick, lay out portions on a pan with hot oil into one layer, fry about 10-15 minutes until readiness, turning over it once, when it will be twisted on one side, after frying to lay out on a paper towel. Before serving, sprinkle potatoes with salt and chopped dill or green onions.

Recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions

It will take: 500 g of potatoes, 300 g of champignons of fresh, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1 bulb, greens, black pepper, salt.

Cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms. Cut the potatoes with straw, onion - cubes, chop garlic. Onions and garlic fry on a vegetable oil or a mixture mixture with a creamy, remove them from the frying pan. Share in the pan, where a bow with garlic was roasted (the oil should be hot), stirring to fry before grabbing, satteniate, reduce the fire and continue to fry. Separately on the oil to fry the mushrooms chopped with plastic plastics before grabbing, chop the greens. In almost ready-made potatoes, add mushrooms with a rook earlier onion and garlic, greens, mix, turn off the fire.

Fried potatoes slices in the oven

It will take: 900 g of potatoes, 4 tbsp. Olive oil, 1 tbsp. flour, salt.

How to fry potatoes in the oven. Heat the oven to 220 degrees. Clear small potatoes, cut into quarters, omit into boiling salted water and peel 15 minutes, without covering the lid, lay out on the colander, to dry. Next potatoes to pour oil, spray with flour and gently mix your hands so that it is evenly covered with oil and flour. In the form for baking or on a sheet pour oil, put in the oven, heat the oil, carefully reach the sheet, lay out potatoes, put it in the oven and bake 20-30 minutes before shutting. Such potatoes are obtained by crispy outside and soft inside.

Recipe for fried potatoes with meat

It will take: 600 g of potatoes, 200 g of pork clipping, 10 g of greenery, salt, pepper.

Cooking fried potatoes with meat. Cut the meat with small pieces, fry in a frying pan with preheated oil. Cut the potatoes with straws, add to the meat twirled on two sides, fry 10 minutes, pepper and salt, add spices to taste, reduce fire and fry until ready, stirring every 5 minutes, before serving sprinkle potatoes with greenery meat.

For men, crisp fried potatoes with meat will be a real pleasure, it is very appetizing and satisfying. Greet your loved ones with delicious dishes with!

Video Recipe for Fried Potatoes

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