How to make a training cream for cake decorating. Protein cream for cake decorating keeps its shape well recipe with photo

24.08.2019 Seafood dishes

To decorate the cake with cream, you need to prepare this very cream.

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. The bowl (heat-resistant), whisk and mixer attachments must be perfectly clean and dry. Pour whites into a bowl and add sugar, mix lightly with a whisk. Place the bowl in a pot of boiling water to create a water bath.

The egg mixture must be constantly stirred to avoid protein coagulation. The mixture should warm up to 65 ° C. If you don't have a thermometer, it doesn't matter, just rub the mixture between your fingers. If the sugar has not melted and the mixture is hot, then it is ready for the next step.
Remove the bowl from heat, begin to beat with a mixer. The mass should be white, fluffy and cool. This step takes 5-10 minutes. The bowl should be cool to the touch, this is important, otherwise the cream will turn into a liquid sweet mass when the oil is added.

When the bowl is cool to the touch, you can add butter in small portions (it should be at room temperature). Don't worry if the mixture looks like curdled milk, it's easy to fix! Just put the bowl back in the water bath for a few seconds, stir. If the cream is too liquid, send it to the refrigerator for a while, and then whisk again.

Add rum to the finished oil-protein mass, beat for another minute. The cream will become smooth, shiny and uniform. In general, the cream flavors perfectly, you can add vanilla extract or grated berries (the main thing is not to overdo it with berries).

The options for decorating a cake with this cream are endless. Let's take a look at some of them.

But first, I'll show you the tools I use to decorate the cake with cream.

To apply the cream to the surface of the cake, I use different spatulas: narrow spatulas are suitable to apply smears, and a wide spatula is needed to smooth the edges of the cake, a bit like a construction spatula :) If you do not have spatulas, then you can use such a silicone spatula.

The easiest way to decorate is with rough strokes. First, the cream must be applied not in a thin layer to the surface of the entire cake, level it with a spatula. Then, with a spatula, apply strokes over the entire surface, in one direction or chaotically - this is at your request.

Strokes can be done with a color gradient. To do this, paint a part of the cream in several shades of the same color. On the lined cake with spatula, first apply a lighter cream, starting from the middle of the sides. Apply a darker cream with strokes from the bottom edge of the cake.

In order to easily make the sides using a gradient, paint a small amount of the cream in the desired color (darker). Put the cream in a pastry bag, cut a hole (or use a round nozzle). Apply the cream along the entire perimeter of the cake along the very bottom edge.

Then remove the remaining cream from the bag, add white cream, the color will become lighter. Apply the cream around the perimeter of the cake just above the previous layer. Then repeat the procedure until the cream becomes completely white and fills the entire perimeter of the sides. Then, turning the cake, level the sides with a spatula. This will create smooth edges with a smooth gradient.

Now let's look at how to decorate a cake with cream using attachments. I will show you how to do this using the star and rose attachments. In this photo on the right - the "Rose" attachment, on the left - "Star".

In order to make an openwork cake, you need to use an asterisk attachment (No. 6B or No. 172, Wilton). Prepare a teaspoon in advance. Squeeze out the cream in the form of stars around the entire perimeter of the cake. Then, using a spoon, gently, starting from the middle of the asterisk, grease part of the asterisk. It is imperative to remove the remnants of the cream from the spoon so that the drawing is neat. Then squeeze out the next row of stars and repeat the action.

Each next row of stars should be located on the smooth part of the cream exactly above the lower star, which turned out after smearing with a teaspoon. You can decorate the top of the cake in a similar way, placing the stars in a spiral. There will be more movements, since you need to lubricate each set asterisk.

You can simplify the situation. Decorate the sides of the cake with the same nozzle, leaving the stars intact, and leave the top of the cake smooth. Decorate the surface of the cake with fruits or cream flowers.

In order to decorate the cake with beautiful roses, you need to use the Rose attachment (2D, Wilton).

First, we draw a rose, stepping back from the bottom edge by 1-1.5 cm. We begin to squeeze out from the middle, and then we make a circular motion, carefully taking away the bag with the nozzle as soon as you made a circle. The next rose should be started slightly deviating from the first. Thus, the roses should fit snugly together to form the first row. For the next row, we begin to squeeze the rose between the two lower roses, stepping back 1-1.5 cm from them. We finish the row in the same way.

So the cake can be tightly covered with roses. If there are distances between the flowers, they can be closed with cream. Using the same nozzle, squeeze out the "star". Roses can be made with a color gradient.

See how you can decorate your cake with cream in a great way!

Whenever you look at beautiful cakes in pastry shops, you want to do the same or even better. Do not buy a cake for a holiday just for the sake of decoration on it. This is especially true for housewives who bake any kind of cake very well, but do not know how to decorate them. This is the most common problem among housewives, who often make homemade baked goods for everyday life, simply covering the cake with their favorite cream or decorating with shavings from the cake layers.

Not many people know how to properly work with a pastry bag or syringe, as this requires some skills and knowledge.

To a greater extent, the difficulty is caused by the manufacture of various petals and flowers, since simple lines and sides can be made quite easily, even without having special skills.

The second problem is choosing the right cream so that the cake not only looks good, but the decorations are also edible and not cloying. It must be remembered that decorating a cake is a laborious and long process, so be patient.

Types of cake decorating creams

There are not many types of creams that can be used to decorate the cake and give the decor the right shapes. The cream should be flexible, keep its shape well and not flow from high temperatures.

Only a few types of creams have such parameters:

Protein custard;

This is perhaps the set of creams that have a convenient consistency for decorating a cake. The recipe for each will be given below so that you can choose the option that is convenient for yourself.

First of all, let's present a recipe for butter cream

It was most common in Soviet times, and was used to decorate cakes, which were sold in all stores at budget prices.

But at that time, almost pure oil was used, dyed with natural food colors, and for this reason, the memories of many of the creepy roses were terrible for many. The sugary large flowers made from butter were almost impossible to swallow. In many families, flowers were smeared on a piece of roll if the cake was bought for a small family celebration. Even after a major holiday, the flowers remained on the plates of most of the guests, since they simply could not be completely eaten. But the modern buttercream recipe includes condensed milk to neutralize the sweetness of the butter.

In addition, the housewives who use this recipe try not to make large decorations from this type of cake cream.

Huge flowers and other large-scale details are made from a lighter yet more palatable whipped cream.

Butter cream recipe includes:

Butter - 250 gr.;
Condensed milk - 1 can;
Cognac or liqueur - 1 tsp.

To prepare this type of cake decor, you must first remove the oil from the refrigerator and let it soften at room temperature. To make the process go faster, cut the butter into 1 cm pieces with a knife. To understand whether the product has become normal temperature and consistency, simply press on it with your finger or a pastry spatula. If no effort is required and the oil is soft, then you can work with it further.

Put all the butter in a mixing bowl and first beat with a light mixer with a mixer until the product becomes fluffy and almost white. Further, without turning off the mixer, we begin to pour in condensed milk in a thin stream. When both products are combined and the mass becomes homogeneous, add cognac or liqueur.

At the same moment, it is worth introducing a dye, but if several colors are needed, then divide the total volume into several parts, the size of each depends on the volume of cream coverage of one color or another.

Remember, so that the cake does not lose its attractiveness for a long time, its surface must be perfectly leveled with the same cream.

The protein cream recipe is a little more complicated.

At home, not every housewife will undertake this decoration recipe. The point is that to give the decor durability it is necessary to cook the right syrup. To slightly overcook it or not to cook it means a complete loss of cake decoration.

What is included in the recipe for a protein cream for making it at home:

Fine granulated sugar - 0.5 kg.;
Egg whites - 5 pcs.;
Citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
Water - 0.5 cups.

First of all, you need to cook the correct syrup, on which the durability of the decorations on the cake will depend. To do this, pour the entire volume of sugar into a saucepan and pour half a glass of water. Next, cook the syrup itself. It should be cooked for at least 5 minutes with constant stirring. Then we drip a drop from a spoon into cold water, and if it rolls up into a ball that does not stick to your hands, but creates the feeling as if you are rolling a piece of dried glue, then the syrup is ready. He needs to be put to cool, and at this time to do proteins. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks and beat the whites well with a mixer. It is necessary to achieve good density, and only after that, in a thin stream, begin to pour in the cooled, but still warm syrup. In this case, you should not stop whipping. As soon as the mass is such that when the bowl is turned over, the contents do not even move, then the protein custard is ready.

Can be bagged and cake decorating.

When buying dyes for this type of cream, warn the sales consultant that there will be a protein cream. Not all colorants are suitable for this cake decoration.

Let's talk about whipped cream

Cream can be bought ready-made, but it is too expensive to decorate a large cake. The recipe for the cream of the cream itself is not too complicated, the main thing is that the product that we want to turn into a decoration is fresh and greasy.

To make a cream from cream at home, we need:

Cream 35% - 1 glass;
Choice chicken egg - 1 pc .;
Sugar sand - 80 gr.;
Milk - 80 ml.;
Gelatin - 10 ml.

The set of products for making cream from cream is not too large, but to prepare this cream at home, you will definitely need a mixer.

It all starts, of course, not with cream, but with gelatin, which must be soaked in ordinary cold water for 25 minutes. Next, you need to beat the egg with sugar, and boil the milk. Milk is poured into the egg with sugar in a very thin stream and mixed well.

Add the swollen gelatin, mix again and put the mixture in a water bath. Cook this mass until it boils, stirring constantly. Once the gelatin is completely dissolved, remove the mixture from the heat.

The next step will be whipping cream with a mixer until thick, this is the longest and most unpleasant process, since it takes at least 10 minutes. Add the cooled milk mass with gelatin in small portions to the cream, while not stopping whipping. We transfer this mixture to a pastry bag and decorate the cake. It should be remembered that in order to decorate the cake, it must first be leveled with another cream, since the whipped cream is too soft and rather expensive to coat all the cakes with it from all sides.

This cream is in good harmony with sour cream or curd coating.

Vegetable cream

The recipe is not too different from the previous one, and the ingredients are almost the same:

Vegetable cream - 0.5 liters;
Powdered sugar - 100 gr.;
Gelatin - 10 gr.

Now the very process of making cream from vegetable cream. As always, you first need to soak the gelatin, let it swell while you are doing the cream. We pour out 100 ml. vegetable cream in a saucepan, and beat the rest with a mixer at low speed, gradually adding powdered sugar to them.

After the cream has acquired density, you can proceed to the second stage. We heat the rest of the cream with the swollen gelatin, just do not boil this mixture. The mass is ready when all the gelatin granules are dispersed in the milk. Next, the milk-gelatin mixture must be cooled to room temperature and pour in a thin stream into the vegetable cream mass, whipping to the total mass at high mixer speeds.

In order to level the cake, you can use cottage cheese or sour cream and only then decorate our product with whipped cream on top, having previously held the decorating cream in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

It is also worth noting that it is better to whip chilled cream, then the cream will be more persistent and the decorations will not float, but will be able to hold out on the cake until the last piece is eaten.

Now a little about creams, which can also be used at home for decoration, but they are much less often used when decorating with a pastry bag or syringe.

This is sour cream and curd cream. The thing is that the curd cream is too dense and it takes more effort when squeezing out of the bag. And you can cook sour cream only from rustic dense sour cream so that it does not drip from baking.

To prepare curd cream you will need:

Fat cottage cheese - 250 gr.;
Powdered sugar - 400 gr.;
Butter - 60 gr.

To prepare the curd cream correctly at home, the curd must be passed through a fine sieve several times.

Grind it very well. Otherwise, grains may remain in the cottage cheese, which will ruin the entire decor. After grinding, beat the mass with a whisk or mixer, gradually adding powder. At the last moment, add softened butter in small pieces. Whisk for a couple of minutes, transfer the cream to a bag and decorate the cake. But the decor made of curd cream does not imply colors; it is more often used to draw decorative lines and small rosettes. The mass is quite persistent.

Sour cream is prepared from the following ingredients:

Sour cream - 500 gr.;
Sugar sand - 100 gr.

Since you can use rustic thick sour cream, you should not weigh it, but remember that sour cream will at the same time resemble butter after beating and it should be diluted a little with condensed milk. Otherwise, this mass will be too difficult to squeeze out of the pastry bag.

If sour cream is prepared from store sour cream, then it must be taken per 100 grams. more, since this mass will be lost when weighing sour cream.

In order to prepare a stable mass, you must first beat the weighed or rustic thick sour cream with a mixer, gradually adding sugar to it. But continue beating until the required consistency and fluffiness, and not finish at the moment when the sugar dissolves. The better you work with the mixer, the more stable the sour cream will be.

Pastry tricks

A couple of simple rules will help you make the decoration on the cake unforgettable.

After filling the bag with cream, hold it close to the surface of the cake for small decorations and further for larger ones.

The warm mass of the cream will give shine to the decor, and the chilled one will give it a matte finish.

After you have finished the decor of an individual element, move the nozzle sharply away from you, so the tongue will remain small and invisible.

Decorate cakes only pre-aligned, as the decor on the slanting cake will look ridiculous and will not be able to close the bone, but will only draw attention to it.

When you look at the baked goods in the store, it seems that you yourself cannot repeat this. Beautiful flowers, cream curls and a variety of weaves of chocolate ornaments. But it turns out that the devil is not so terrible as he is painted and making a cream that can be used to decorate a cake is not as difficult as it seems, and the flowers themselves and other paraphernalia, with skillful hands, are accumulated quite quickly.

Basic decoration materials

Of course, it is impossible to decorate a cake without special tools, but not much is needed to make voluminous flowers or decorate a cake in the form of a basket of fruits or berries. What you need to work:

  • Pastry bag;
  • Regular scissors;
  • Sushi stick or pencil;
  • Baking paper or blank sheets of plain paper;
  • Long knife or spatula - for leveling the cream;
  • Various nozzles for a pastry bag;
  • Rotating circle for the cake. It can be made from a circle to improve the figure by attaching a stand made of durable plastic to it.

This is not the largest set of tools, but the most necessary to get started with cream cakes decorating.

Decorating creams recipe

Everyone wants the decoration on the cake to last as long as possible, ideally until the cake disappears completely from the stomachs of family and friends. All creams are divided into simple ones, with which you can only coat the cakes and thick ones, which are suitable for curly decorations. Consider creams for curly jewelry that are created using a pastry bag:

  • Protein custard;
  • Oil;
  • Charlotte;
  • Creamy;
  • Mastic.

You can read about mastic, its making and decorating cakes with mastic figurines on our website in the articles:

Let's try to figure out the rest of the creams and find the best recipe for decorating our culinary masterpieces.

Protein custard

This cream keeps its shape well in jewelry and it is also called "Wet meringue" The recipe for this cream is not very complicated, it only requires accuracy in dividing the egg mass into yolk and white. What you need to make a cream for decorating a cake from proteins:

  • Protein of 3 chicken eggs;
  • 150 g Sahara;
  • Citric acid - 2 pinches;
  • Vanillin (to taste)

If the whites are already separated from the yolks, then we begin by whipping this product. While whisking, put a saucepan with water on the fire and let the water boil, then lower the temperature of the burner and put the whipped egg whites in a water bath. Pour in all the sugar and citric acid and continue to beat. When the volume of the cream increases, and the mass begins to stretch and stick to the corollas, remove the dishes from the bath and beat for another five minutes. Then we remove our mass in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes.

You can decorate any cake with beautiful flowers and leaves, for this you need to divide the cream into several parts (according to the number of different colors). Depending on the volume of a particular color, it depends on how much protein mass should be deposited in a separate dish for coloring. They paint such a cream before decorating.

More often, when food coloring is not available, many use white cream for decoration, simply sprinkling various curls with dark chocolate chips or nuts.

Butter cream and its varieties

This is the most common material for a beautiful decoration, since the oil solidifies well in the refrigerator, so flowers and other delights stay on the cakes for a long time. This coating has a ton of derivatives that add flavor to the cream. Let's start with the basics. The buttercream recipe is pretty simple and doesn't take much effort or time to prepare.

Main Ingredients:

  • Water - 60 ml.;
  • Butter (high quality not spread) - 150 gr.;
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 75 gr.

Cooking starts with boiling the syrup. Pour water into the dishes and put on the fire, when the water boils, remove it from the burner and add sugar. Stir and put on high heat again, when the sugar is completely dissolved, cook the mixture until you get a syrup. Beat the yolks with a mixer until white, then pour the syrup into them in a thin stream, without stopping to beat the mass with a mixer.

We soften the butter and beat also with a mixer until a fluffy mass is obtained. Then add the egg mixture in small portions to the butter, and beat again after each infusion. The white, thick and persistent cream for the cake is ready and only after that you can add dyes and other food additives to it to give the best taste.

A thick butter cream is also obtained by using butter and condensed milk in a proportion of 1 pack of butter - 8-10 tablespoons of condensed milk. Recipe. Beat the softened butter at a medium mixer speed until a homogeneous fluffy mass is obtained, after which we add condensed milk. It is better to immediately measure the required amount of condensed milk and transfer it to a separate mug or glass. Pour milk in a thin stream into the butter, without stopping to work with a mixer, after adding milk, increase the speed to the maximum and beat until smooth. The mass for decoration is ready. We add colors using food dyes, put them in a pastry bag and make any curls and flowers. After finishing work on the cake, it must be placed in the refrigerator to solidify the butter.

Which flavors are best for butter cream:

  • Lemon (add the juice of half a lemon to the finished butter cream)
  • Chocolate (add 50 g of chocolate melted in a water bath to the prepared mass)
  • Hazelnut (add 2-3 tablespoons of nut ground into dust - this can be done with a coffee grinder)
  • Berry (prepare a cream and at the last moment add a couple of tablespoons of syrup from any jam or a berry ground on a blender)
  • With alcohol (at the last moment you need to pour in a tablespoon of brandy or rum)
  • Chocolate cocoa (Add 2-3 teaspoons of cocoa passed through a sieve)

It is worth noting that if you make a chocolate buttercream with bitter dark chocolate, then it will turn out to be much darker than chocolate with cocoa. If the cake needs three colors: brown, white, cream, then you can divide the resulting butter cream into three parts and add melted dark chocolate to one, cocoa in the second and the third part will remain unchanged.

Then we decorate the cake with flowers or curls, observing a certain sequence so that the colors look better. In the middle of the cream roses, you can put one golden or silver mastic bead after the roses have hardened.

How to cook Charlotte

The cake decorating cream with the wonderful name Charlotte also holds its shape well and can be painted in any color. It is not difficult to prepare this type of decoration at home and not a lot of food is spent on it, and they are all in the nearest supermarkets.

How to cook Charlotte properly. In order to decorate a cake with such a cream, you will need:

  • 250 g butter, high-quality butter;
  • 200 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 ml. milk;
  • 2 gr. vanillin

At the first moment, we take out the oil from the refrigerator and cut it into small cubes in a separate bowl to soften faster. Break the egg into milk and beat a little with a whisk. Then add sugar and put the saucepan with this mixture on the stove. Bring to a boil, move the burner temperature control valve to the smallest fire and cook, constantly stirring with a spatula or spoon until the consistency of condensed (Soviet, if anyone remembers) milk. Remove from heat, cover with cling film and let cool to room temperature.

While our impromptu condensed milk is cooling down, beat the butter with vanilla until a fluffy mass is obtained.

Then we begin to add the prepared mixture, one tablespoon at a time. And after each addition, beat at medium mixer speed. When all the ingredients are collected and whipped, put the bowl with the contents in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Then we take it out and decorate the cake with a pastry bag or syringe.

Buttercream recipe

This product is most common for the cakes we make for children, as it does not contain eggs. Many people are afraid that cooking in a steam bath does not kill the salmonella found in chicken eggs, so they try not to give creamy egg desserts to children. For a creamy decoration, eggs are not needed, but only gelatin, heavy cream and powdered sugar are required. The recipe for the main cream decoration is as follows:

  • Cream with a fat content of 33 - 35% - a glass;
  • Gelatin - 1 teaspoon;
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons.

Fill the gelatin with water according to the instructions on the packaging and put it in a water bath. When the gelatin is dispersed, remove from heat and let cool. Beat the cold cream with a mixer until thick, gradually introducing powdered sugar into them. Following the sugar, carefully add the gelatin and beat it too. The whipped cream is ready to use, if you want to add color it is done at the last moment.

It's important to know!

According to the Ministry of Health, diets are the main methods today. fight overweight. However, the number of overweight people continues to grow! In this regard, there appeared "Bee Slim" - drops for burning up to 80% fat.

The addition of 1 teaspoon of sifted cocoa will give the cream a chocolate color.

The recipe for whipped cream is very simple, but it has one important feature - cream is whipped better and faster when cold than standing at room temperature. For this reason, keep the bag in the refrigerator for as long as possible.

The second feature of this cake cover is its perishable qualities. It is necessary to eat culinary masterpieces with creamy peaks or flowers very quickly and decorate the cake almost before serving it.

Whichever recipe you choose for your culinary masterpiece, you should start with basic creams, only when you are confident in the taste and skill of decorating, it is worth applying the recipe with dyes.

for the holiday, despite the fact that in stores you can buy any masterpiece of culinary art. And the point is not at all that homemade cake tastes better, although sometimes this is so - it is simply that if it is prepared by your own hands, and even exclusively decorated, it cannot be compared with anything! In addition, you will not find the second one, because it will be created in a single copy.

Basically, cakes are decorated with mastic or cream. Moreover, very often, especially for decorating cakes, they practice the preparation of a second cream. As a result, it turns out that one is liquid, for impregnating the cakes, and the second is thick, for decoration.

Experts advise those who are going to decorate their cake for the first time not to try to repeat some complex masterpiece they have seen earlier. Come up with something of your own, create some kind of unusual ornament that will be graceful, neat and beautiful. You should be more careful with dyes - it is better not to abuse bright "acidic" colors. The following cream recipes are best for decorating cakes.

Butter cream

This cream is most commonly used for decorating cakes and pastries. It has a lot of derivative recipes.

1. Butter cream with condensed milk. Heat the butter - in consistency it should become like thick sour cream, and then beat with a whisk into a fluffy white mass. Pour in condensed milk in small portions, without ceasing to beat the butter. After all the condensed milk is mixed with butter, beat the mass for another 15 minutes, without stopping. The cream is ready.

2. Butter cream on powdered sugar. The manufacturing process is similar to that described above, but instead of condensed milk, it is necessary to mix powdered sugar.

3. Butter cream with rum. Preparing as described above, add a few drops of rum essence or a few spoons of rum at the end.

4. Pistachio butter cream. Prepare a cream, add to it two tablespoons of pistachios, ground into flour.

5. Butter cream with black currant. Prepare a cream, add a few tablespoons of blackcurrant juice and citric acid to it - to taste.

6. Butter cream with chocolate. Add 50 grams of preheated chocolate to the finished cream and mix quickly.

Sour cream

1. Regular sour cream. Mix a pound of sour cream with 1.5 cups of sugar. Beat with a mixer until fluffy. Add vanilla.

2. Sour cream and lemon cream. Keep the lemon in boiling water until it becomes soft. Cut into pieces, remove seeds, scroll through a meat grinder. Add the mass to the finished sour cream.

3. Chocolate sour cream. Mix three tablespoons of cocoa with sugar, then add to the finished cream and beat until fluffy.

4. Nut-sour cream. Prepare the cream as described above, add two cups of not finely chopped walnuts. Mix.

Protein custard

1. Cold way. Put 8 tablespoons of sugar in a saucepan, pour half a glass of water, cook until the mass reaches for a spoon. Place four egg whites in another saucepan. Put the saucepan in cold water and beat the whites until fluffy. Pour hot sugar syrup into the whites, whisk the mass without ceasing. Add a couple of drops of lemon essence or acid or other flavors and colors.

2. Hot way. Mix 5 proteins with 1.5 cups of sugar. Whisking continuously with a whisk or mixer, brew the cream in a water bath. Add lemon juice or acid to taste. The cream is ready when the mass begins to move away from the wall.

Charlotte cream

Boil a glass of milk, add vanilla and a glass of sugar, then boil for a quarter of an hour, stirring continuously over low heat. Beat the egg well. Gently pour the milk syrup into the beaten egg in a thin stream. Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer over low heat for seven minutes, stirring all the time. Cool down. Beat soft butter until fluffy. Mix both masses - milk and oil. Beat.

There are a lot of recipes for cake decorating creams. Some of them require cooking, while others are so-called raw. The appearance of the cake and the quality of its impregnation depend on the type of prepared cream. What are the recipes for cake decorating cream?

Curd cream for cake decorating

This cream is great for meringue and fruit cakes.


  • Milk - 1st tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp
  • Cottage cheese - 200 g
  • Butter - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Vanillin


  1. Bring half of the specified amount of milk to a boil. Stir the flour in the remaining cold milk.
  2. Add hot milk to this mixture, keep on fire until thickened, stirring thoroughly all the time. Remove from heat and refrigerate.
  3. Dissolve the gelatin in half a glass of cold water, wait until it swells, and then heat until completely dissolved.
  4. Add softened butter, sugar to the curd and grind thoroughly.
  5. Beat the whites into a strong foam.
  6. Mix curd mass with milk mixture, gelatin, yolk. Beat everything well, add vanillin, add proteins and mix everything again. The cream is ready!

Classic custard cream for cake decorating


  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Butter - 300 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Vanillin


  1. Beat eggs thoroughly with sugar. Add flour, stir until it becomes a homogeneous mass without lumps.
  2. We heat the milk, start pouring the egg mixture into the warm milk in a thin stream. Stir all the time, continue to cook until thickened, cool.
  3. Soften the butter, add vanillin, powdered sugar, beat everything, add the mixture to the cream. Beat everything again into a fluffy mass.
  4. If you want to get a particularly lush cream, add two strongly beaten egg whites into it.

Egg cream with cocoa to decorate the cake


  • Yolks - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - ¼ tbsp.
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Condensed milk - 1 b.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Grind the yolks with sugar.
  2. Mix soft butter with condensed milk and beat until fluffy.
  3. We dilute cocoa in cold water.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and beat well into a homogeneous mass.

Sour cream for cake decorating


  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Fatty sour cream - 2 tbsp.


Mix the ingredients and beat until thick.

Cream soufflé for cake decorating


  • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons
  • Eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 300 g
  • Vanillin


  1. Pour gelatin with 150 ml of cold water, wait until it swells, and heat it until it is completely dissolved, but do not bring it to a boil.
  2. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Grind the yolks with half of the sugar specified in the composition, add milk and flour, stir thoroughly, bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool. Add soft butter, vanillin to the cooled mass and beat everything well.
  3. Beat the whites with one glass of sugar until you get a strong foam, add the gelatin, the bulk, and beat well again.

This cream should be used to decorate the cake immediately after preparation. This is because it hardens very quickly.


  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Vanillin


  1. Add sugar to the eggs and beat well.
  2. Then add flour, four tablespoons of milk and mix everything until smooth.
  3. The remaining milk should be brought to a boil, add the beaten eggs to it, heat in a water bath, stirring until it boils.
  4. When it boils and thickens, add soft butter and vanillin. Then we cool the cream.

Butter cream for cake decorating


  • Cream 35% fat - 1 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 g


  1. Pre-cool the cream, pour into a container, put this container in another so that the bottom is in cold water.
  2. Beat with a whisk until the cream thickens.
  3. Without stopping the whipping process, add vanilla sugar, powdered sugar to the cream, and beat everything thoroughly again.

The cream should be used to decorate the cake immediately after preparation.