Preparation of fruit pilaf. Fruit pilaf: a recipe for a sweet tooth and not only

04.11.2019 Salads

In my opinion, fruit pilaf is the most delicious! Groats combined with juicy fruits, spicy cinnamon and honey create an amazing combination. I would advise serving such porridge for breakfast - it is nutritious and healthy, and, by the way, very satisfying - the energy boost will last for a long time.

Fruit pilaf with rice involves the use of a wide variety of fruits, dried fruits and other sweets. I chose the invincible trinity of banana, apple and pear. We can see these friends on store shelves for a whole year. Of course, experiments and new components are welcome in the recipe. You can replace these fruits with your favorite ones according to your taste. Just do not overdo it, after all, this is pilaf, not a fruit salad. I also use raisins, cinnamon and honey - indispensable components of fruit pilaf. And butter - without it, porridge is not porridge at all. All the ingredients are ready, let's get started!

Wash the rice thoroughly and transfer to a bowl of water. We sort out the raisins, wash them, preferably steam them with boiling water for a couple of minutes and also put them in a saucepan.

Cook the cereal until cooked (check for a tooth) and absorb the liquid (about 10 minutes). If the rice is ready and the water has not yet been absorbed, drain the porridge into a colander to drain the excess liquid and return to the pan.

Peel banana and cut into small pieces.

We cut the pear in the same way, I do not remove the peel.

I peel the apple only from the core and cut it, like the rest of the fruit.

I add some salt to the finished cereal with raisins, make a small well in the center of the pilaf and put butter and honey there.

I put pieces of fruit on top, pour cinnamon. I smooth the fruit layer over the rice.

We close the pan with a lid and put it in a warm place - for example, in a slightly preheated oven, so that the pilaf reaches readiness, for 45 minutes. You can also wrap the pan in a warm blanket or towel and put it on the radiator.

Fruit pilaf is ready! Serve to the table for breakfast and enjoy. Bon Appetit!

The pleasant delicate taste of this dietary dish will appeal to both adults and children. Therefore, if you have never cooked it for your household, or you want to try new culinary variations, then each recipe presented in the article deserves to be implemented. Rice combined with fruit is much safer for the figure than the classic meat counterpart. It is easier to digest. To get started, try the classic basic recipe.

Fruit pilaf


  • water - 1000 ml;
  • rice - 370 gr;
  • figs - 65 gr;
  • dried apricots - 70 gr;
  • prunes - 65 gr;
  • raisins - 90 gr;
  • carrots - 65 gr;
  • oil (vegetable) - 30 gr.
  • turmeric - 2 gr.


  1. Heat the cauldron on the flame, pour oil, put the grated carrot.
  2. Add raisins, after dousing with boiling water.
  3. The remaining dried fruits, washed and doused with boiling water, cut into halves, put on top of the raisins, then put the chopped figs, sprinkle with turmeric powder.
  4. While the “roasting” is being prepared, rinse the rice.
  5. Pure rice must be placed in a cauldron on top of dried fruits and poured with water, so that its level exceeds the rice by two centimeters.
  6. Simmer until the water evaporates, cover with a lid, turn off the flame and leave to simmer for a quarter of an hour.

In this version, a basic recipe is presented, according to which you can cook a dish by modifying it a little, for example, take other dried fruits. It is recommended to use a special cauldron, but if you do not have one, do not be discouraged, you will not lose much if you cook fruit rice in a saucepan or even in an ordinary saucepan, if you try, it will turn out no worse than in the photo.

Pilaf from peaches with pomegranate juice

This recipe is a step-by-step guide to cooking delicious pilaf with peaches. This fruity culinary masterpiece can be prepared in the summer for the whole family. It turns out light, pleasing with a pleasant aroma and taste. Cooking it is somewhat more difficult than classic fruit rice, but the effort is worth it.


  • rice - 290 gr;
  • butter (butter) - 95 gr;
  • dried apricots - 180 gr;
  • raisins - 180 gr;
  • cherry plum - 100 gr;
  • peaches - 300 gr;
  • almonds (raw, peeled) - 90 gr;
  • honey - 30 gr;
  • pomegranate juice - 70 ml;
  • sugar - 20 gr;
  • cinnamon - 2 gr;


  1. Start cooking by rinsing the rice until clear water and cook until half cooked, transfer to a special colander and rinse again with cold water, transfer to a saucepan with a thick bottom, mix with butter.
  2. Level the surface of the rice layer, cover and simmer on a minimum flame for about half an hour so that the rice is completely cooked.
  3. Rinse, peel and cut peaches, do the same with cherry plum and dried fruits, almonds. Fry these ingredients until golden brown.
  4. Separately, prepare the syrup, combine and boil pomegranate juice and sugar in a saucepan, when the mixture cools down, add honey there.
  5. Add fruits and spices to the syrup, mix with cooked rice.

Such a fruit side dish turns out surprisingly tender. It can be given to children with tea, and adults will like it in combination with a light dessert wine.

Fruit pilaf with pumpkin and apples

The recipe is quite simple and the ingredients are by no means pretentious and not exotic, while the dish turns out to be very tasty and appetizing in appearance, which is confirmed by the photo. It is not at all difficult to prepare it. In addition to the fact that the basic addition to rice in the form of pumpkin and apples is very useful, it gives a wonderful flavor to the dish.


  • rice (crumbly) - 350 gr;
  • pumpkin - 370 gr;
  • apples - 230 gr;
  • oil (vegetable) - 70 ml;
  • raisins - 95 gr;
  • sugar, cinnamon, salt - according to taste preferences.


  1. You can literally prepare a dish within an hour - an hour and a half. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds with a spoon, cut apples and pumpkin into cubes (choose a rich orange color, as in the photo, these varieties are often the most delicious), mix by adding boiled raisins.
  2. Rinse the rice several times until the water is clear.
  3. Pour oil into a cauldron (or pan) to warm up a little, lay the ingredients in layers. Pumpkin with apples - one layer, rice - the next and pumpkin again, sprinkle the top with cinnamon and sugar, you can add a little nutmeg (nut) and again rice, do this until the cooked ingredients run out.
  4. Cover the cauldron, simmer fruit rice on a slow flame until cooked.

Important: it is preferable to take green, dense structure apples, choose odorless vegetable oil so that it does not interrupt the taste and aroma of the dish. This recipe is useful for those who fast, it is also digestible for vegetarians. The dish turns out to be dietary, but at the same time quite tasty. In the photo you see that the fruit masterpiece looks very appetizing.

Fruit pilaf with grape juice

In this case, rice will be cooked with apples, with the addition of juice. It turns out a little spicy, with a pleasant taste and aroma.


  • rice - 210 gr;
  • carrots - 50 gr;
  • dried apricots - 90 gr;
  • prunes - 90 gr;
  • raisins - 95 gr;
  • apples (dried) - 30 gr;
  • grape juice (or apple) - 410 ml.
  • pepper, ginger - according to taste preferences.


  1. Carrots should be washed, peeled and chopped into strips, fried in oil.
  2. Wash dried fruits and rice.
  3. Put carrots in a thick-bottomed saucepan, after dried fruits and rice, pour juice.
  4. Close the lid, cook on a small flame for about half an hour.
  5. Add spices, cook for about ten more minutes.

The finished dish should cool slightly, after which it should be decorated with dried fruits, as in the photo or mint leaves, laying out a slide or a certain figure using a mold. For fruit pilaf in the summer, fresh fruits, such as pears, can be used. As you understand, they must have a structure so that they do not spread during the cooking process. If desired, you can add peeled nuts, and honey to the finished dish.

As you can see, this is a great dish for fasting periods, it is also loved by those who follow a vegetarian diet.

  • In all recipe options, you should use friable rice, then your dish will turn out to be structural and tasty, such as in the photo. Do not use fragrant vegetable oil, it will overpower the taste of the fruit. The amount of dried fruit can vary, and they are interchangeable. So, for example, if you can’t stand dried apricots, or it wasn’t in stock, but there are only raisins, don’t be upset and limit yourself to them, the dish will still work out.
  • It is important to choose the right utensils for cooking. A thick-bottomed pan is much more suitable than a thin-walled and enameled one. You can contrive to cook in this, but the first option is preferable. Now it will not be difficult for you to cook pilaf with spices and fruits, so do it more often - please your household with a healthy and tasty culinary masterpiece!
Recommended Recipes:

Pilaf is a special dish, with its own traditions and even the culture of cooking, serving and eating. By the way, almost all peoples have analogues of this dish, the menu of which includes rice. And besides, pilaf eventually became so democratic that they cook it on weekdays and holidays, for adults and children. For example, fruit pilaf is perfect for a children's menu. And adults will not refuse to enjoy such an unusual dish. And if you want to learn how to cook sweet fruit pilaf, then choose a recipe. By the way, this dish will appeal not only to rice lovers, but also to those who follow the figure or adhere to the principles of vegetarian nutrition.

Sweet pilaf with carrots
Let the children consider this dish just a sweet porridge. But in fact, we will spend time preparing a delicious and fragrant fruit dish.
.2 cups of rice;
.1 carrot;
.A handful of raisins;
.A handful of dried apricots;
.A handful of prunes;
.2 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
.A pinch of salt;
.Vegetable oil.
Rinse the rice thoroughly in running water, and then let it dry. Prunes, raisins and dried apricots, if necessary, soak in warm water and leave for about half an hour, and then rinse well. If the dried fruits are soft enough, then just rinse them and dry them too.
Now we clean and wash the carrots, cut them into thin strips and fry them in vegetable oil in a cast-iron or thick-bottomed pan. It would be ideal to use a cauldron for cooking pilaf, but you can take, for example, a duckling (goose). So, as soon as the carrots begin to fry, add dried fruits to it and continue to fry until the carrots turn golden. To prevent sweet dried fruits and carrots from burning, they need to be fried over moderate heat.
Now, on top of the carrot-fruit fry, pour rice in an even layer and pour everything with boiling water so that the water rises above the rice by a centimeter and a half. We don't mix anything! Just cover the dishes with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave the pilaf to languish until the rice is ready. After taking a sample and realizing that the rice is ready, remove the pilaf from the heat, add sugar and salt and mix. Let stand for another ten minutes - and you can start eating. By the way, this pilaf is good and cold.

Fruit pilaf with pumpkin
Recipe from the category of vegetarian dishes. We suggest you cook fruit pilaf with pumpkin.
. One and a half cups of rice;
. Half a kilo of pumpkin;
. 2-3 fresh apples;

. Half a teaspoon of salt.
Preparation (1 option):
Rinse the rice well in running water and let it dry. We clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds and cut the pulp into small pieces. Apples are also peeled and seeds and cut into small slices. Now, in a frying pan with a thick bottom (or in a special dish for pilaf), dissolve the butter and pour half a glass of rice in an even layer. Next, lay out a layer of apples with pumpkin, and on top we fall asleep with another half glass of rice. Thus, lay out all the fruits and rice (rice is the last layer). Pour water with salt dissolved in it so that the water covers the rice by about a centimeter. We cover the dishes with a lid and simmer the pilaf over low heat until the rice is ready.
Cooking (option 2):
The same pilaf with apples and pumpkin can be cooked in the oven. To do this, we also wash the rice, and then cook it until half cooked and wash it again. We clean the pumpkin and apples and cut them into small pieces. Now we mix the pumpkin with rice and apples, add one or two teaspoons of honey and put the mixture in a heat-resistant dish. Spread the butter pieces on top of the rice mixture and place in the preheated oven. Such pilaf in pots turns out to be especially tasty.

Fruit pilaf with apples
Another version of apple pilaf, which can be supplemented with any seasonal fruit - apricots, quince, plums.
. One and a half cups of rice;
. 5-6 fresh apples;
. 2 tablespoons of butter;
. 1 tablespoon of honey;
. Salt at your discretion.
Soak the rice in advance for about half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly. My fruits, free from seeds (pits) and cut into small slices. Dissolve the butter in a thick-bottomed bowl and spread half of the fruit. Put a layer of rice on top (also half) and again - fruits and rice. Pour hot salted water (the water should completely cover the rice!), Add honey and a little more butter. We cover the dishes with a lid, put on a slow fire and simmer until the rice is ready.
Bukhara pilaf with raisins
It's not true that in Central Asia they love only fatty pilaf with meat. And an example of this is the classic recipe for Bukhara pilaf. And such a pilaf with raisins is being prepared!
. 3 medium carrots;
. 2 heads of onions;
. About a kilogram of rice;
. 2 handfuls of raisins;
. Butter and salt.
Peel and wash carrots and onions. We cut the carrots into strips, and the onions into rings. Now dissolve the butter in a thick-bottomed pan and put the carrots and onions in it, and then simmer the vegetables over low heat for about ten minutes. After that, add the raisins (washed!), A glass of boiling water and cook the raisins with vegetables for another five minutes. Next, pour the washed rice in an even layer and pour it with salted boiling water so that the water rises about a centimeter above the rice. First, cook pilaf over medium heat with the lid open. When the water is completely absorbed, cover the dishes with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to cook for another twenty minutes.
Arrange fragrant Bukhara pilaf on a dish in a pile and serve with vegetable salad and herbs. Top pilaf can be sprinkled with pomegranate seeds.
Fruit pilaf with peaches
A wonderful pilaf recipe for a children's menu that combines fresh and dried fruits.
. One and a half cups of rice:
. 150 grams of butter or vegetable oil;
. 1 tablespoon of saffron infusion;
. 200 grams of dried apricots;
. 200 grams of raisins;
. 3 fresh peaches;
. 1 glass of fresh cherry plum;
. 100 grams of peeled almonds;
. 2 tablespoons of honey;
. 2 tablespoons of sugar;
. Half a glass of pomegranate juice;
. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
. 2 pieces of cloves.
Rice is pre-washed and boiled in a large amount of salted water until it is incompletely cooked. Then put the rice in a colander and rinse with cold water. Now put half a glass of boiled rice in a thick-bottomed dish and mix with 100 grams of melted butter. We level the layer, cover the dishes with a lid and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. During this time, the rice should be fully cooked.
While the rice is fully cooked, washed, dried and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits and almonds are fried in the remaining butter until golden brown. In a separate saucepan, cook syrup from pomegranate juice, honey and sugar. At the end of the preparation of the syrup, add spices and fried fruits to it. We boil a little more. Serve rice garnished with fruit in syrup.
Here you can cook such a different, but very tasty pilaf with fruits! Cook with pleasure and enjoy your meal!

I make fruit pilaf in the same way as my mother cooked it. From myself, I added only turmeric - for a beautiful color and cinnamon - for flavor, but these spices are optional. I like crumbly rice, so I use steamed long-grain rice - it does not stick together when cooked. I took dried fruits in proportion: 2 parts of dried apricots, one each - raisins and prunes. Two teaspoons of sugar was enough for me, but if you like it sweeter, add all four! I cooked this pilaf today in a slow cooker, as I went for a walk with the children, and upon my return I needed a ready-made hot dinner. You will also need a medium saucepan with a lid, preferably with a thick bottom!

Let's prepare dried fruits: I wash them with hot water, then cut them into small pieces (to make it easier for children to eat), but you can cut larger ones, for example, into quarters.

Cut the apple into cubes, I leave the peel - so the apple will be more noticeable in the finished dish.

Grease the bottom of the cooking utensil with a little butter. Pour half a serving of rice, smooth. Put half of the dried fruits and an apple on top, sprinkle with 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1-2 tsp. Sahara. Spread out some of the butter. In the same way, form the second layer: the remaining rice, dried fruits, apple, cinnamon, sugar, butter.

Dilute turmeric in a glass of water.

Pour the future pilaf. Add more water so that the liquid level is higher than the level of the rice by a finger (1.5-2 cm). All I needed was water - 750 ml.

If you are a happy owner of a multicooker, the porridge / cereal mode is 30 minutes, or 20 minutes + 15 minutes on heating. If cooking on the stove - cover the pan with a lid and bring to a boil, then cook over low heat, with the lid ajar, for 20-30 minutes, until the rice absorbs all the water and becomes soft.

See the recipe for the dish with a photo below.

Hello! If you want to taste something unusual, then sweet pilaf with - that's it! I have known the recipe for this fruit pilaf for a long time. I remember that even in kindergarten we were fed some kind of this chic dish. True, then this dish seemed to me just rice porridge with the addition of raisins and carrots. However, it was well prepared. I have modified this recipe to my liking. So, we meet fruity sweet pilaf!

Recipe for sweet pilaf with dried fruits

By the way, some culinary specialists claim that such a sweet and with dried fruits came to us from India. I don’t know how true this is, but I like this version) And in Thai cuisine there is also a sweet dish with rice - yummy!

To prepare sweet pilaf with dried fruits, take:

  • a couple of glasses of rice;
  • vegetable oil;
  • one ;
  • a handful of raisins, prunes and dried apricots;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • Salt to taste if desired (I didn't add salt).

First, thoroughly rinse the rice with running water. Drain the water and dry it. We also wash dried fruits well, if they are very dry, then pour warm water for about thirty minutes. Drain the water, discard the fruit in a colander.

As usual, according to tradition, a cast-iron cauldron or a frying pan with a thick bottom and walls is taken to cook pilaf. I am using duckling. Pour the oil generously into the bowl where the pilaf will be cooked. We put the fire on medium. Lightly fry carrots and dried fruits in oil until golden brown.

Pour rice and pour everything with boiling water. In no case do not mix the pilaf during the cooking process. Simmer the rice over moderate heat until the water is absorbed.

When the rice is ready (determined by the taste test method), turn off the fire, move the cauldron to a cold burner. Add sugar and only now mix the pilaf.

Fans of traditional cuisine will most likely like it more than sweet pilaf. But still, I highly recommend it! Surely even children will appreciate such a culinary experiment!

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