How to salt milk mushrooms with cold brine. How to salt milk mushrooms in a cold way - a delicious recipe for cold pickling milk mushrooms with photos and videos

27.06.2020 Salads

Many housewives prefer to use mushrooms for pickling; they have great nutritional value and amazing taste. When preparing winter preparations, one of the most pressing questions is: how to salt white milk mushrooms? For this, you can use the cold or hot method.

Preparation for salting white milk mushrooms

Before the white milk mushrooms are salted, they are collected or purchased. In this case, rotten and wormy mushrooms should be avoided; it is better to opt for small mushrooms or large ones, which should not be too old. Then they need to be properly prepared. In this case, the following points are taken into account:

  • first of all, you need to remove all the leaves, earthy debris;
  • a knife in this case is also useful, they can cut off all rotten, wormy areas;
  • then the mushrooms must be thoroughly washed with clean water using a soft brush or sponge;
  • the plate part must be rinsed under the pressure of tap water.

How to soak white milk mushrooms?

A feature of this type of mushroom is that the white milk mushroom is bitter. To get rid of the bitterness, it must be soaked in cold water. In addition, such a process will help get rid of specks. When conducting it, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • for debris, they can be soaked for several hours, and then rinsed and processed;
  • to get rid of bitterness, the aging process in water will be much longer - it will take 3-5 days;
  • for the entire time, you will have to change the water several times, and rinse the mushrooms;
  • Another method of soaking when deciding how to salt white milk mushrooms is to put them in a bag of matting and keep them under running water for 3-4 days.

How to cook white milk mushrooms for pickling?

When white milk mushrooms are salted, with a hot cooking method, an important preparatory step will be to pre-boil them. To do this, perform the following actions:

  1. Boil the white milk mushrooms in salted water, add a little vinegar so that the mushrooms do not turn black.
  2. During cooking, it is imperative to remove the foam, then the marinade will remain white and transparent. Once it is completely free of foam, you can add spices to it.
  3. Cooking white mushrooms takes only 10-15 minutes. As soon as the mushrooms sink to the bottom and the brine becomes transparent, they are considered ready.

How to salt white milk mushrooms at home?

For housewives who want to pickle whites, they are offered in several versions, which involve a cold and hot cooking method. They have the following features:

  1. In the first case, the heat treatment of mushrooms is not used; the cooking process is based on keeping them under load for a long period of time.
  2. With the hot method, going to salt white milk mushrooms, they must first be soaked for 3 days in cold water. Then the mushrooms need to be mixed with salt and sent under oppression or boiled in brine and left under load for a day, then boil again and put in sterilized jars.
  3. When deciding how to salt porcini mushrooms at home, special attention is paid to dishes. It should be a glass or enamel container without fragments. The best container is a tub made of wood, which must be soaked so that it swells and prevents leakage.

Quick salting of white milk mushrooms

Busy housewives who do not have enough time to mess around with salting for a long time should take note of the quick way to prepare white milk mushrooms. This is the simplest option and is a version of the hot method. The end result is a crispy, delicious appetizer. It will be ready in just a week, and the whole family will be able to enjoy its indescribable taste.


  • mushrooms - 10 kg;
  • salt - 500 g;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • allspice - 10 g;
  • water - 8 l.


  1. Pour white milk mushrooms with 7 liters of water and leave for 5 hours.
  2. After the allotted time, pour in the remaining water and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain the water, cool the mushrooms, sprinkle with salt and spices, put under oppression for 3 days. Transfer to banks.
  4. Further salting of white milk mushrooms at home occurs by keeping in the cold for 7 days.

How to salt white milk mushrooms in a cold way?

With the cold method, you can cook salty white milk mushrooms, the recipe for which excludes heat treatment. Mushrooms are simply sprinkled with salt and herbs, spices and placed immediately under the load. All nutrients are preserved in them, and the milk mushrooms themselves are saturated with the aroma of seasonings, which give them strength and excellent taste.


  • milk mushrooms - 4 kg;
  • salt - 400 g;
  • horseradish - 1 root;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • cherry leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 4 l;
  • dill - 3 umbrellas.


  1. Pour water over the milk mushrooms for 3 days.
  2. After this period, transfer to a clean dish, add salt and spices. Place the load on top.
  3. Place the container in the cold for a month.

White milk mushrooms - hot salting

The salty white method is especially suitable for busy housewives, because the whole process consists of only a few steps. Mushrooms need to be boiled, cooled and covered with freshly prepared brine, kept under pressure. This method is also good because the mushrooms are not bitter, but with a mild taste.


  • mushrooms - 10 kg;
  • salt - 500 g;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • allspice - 10 g;
  • water - 8 l.


  1. Pour the mushrooms with water and leave for 5-6 hours.
  2. Pour in the remaining water and boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Drain the water, cool the mushrooms.
  4. Make a brine from water, salt and spices, pour over the mushrooms, boil for 20 minutes. Install the load and leave for a day.
  5. The last step, which includes this recipe for salting white milk mushrooms, is to boil them and put them in sterilized jars.

Salting white milk mushrooms using beets

One of the most interesting options is salting white milk mushrooms with beets. If you cook this root vegetable correctly, it will retain most of the nutrients and help fight various diseases. The appetizer is ideal as an addition to porridge or meat dishes. Incredibly delicious salads are made from a mixture of beets and mushrooms.

Milk mushrooms are very tasty mushrooms. They are black, yellow or white in color. But they have a specific bitterness, so they are mainly used for salting. There are a huge number of different recipes that allow you to properly harvest them for the winter. Many housewives most often perform salting of milk mushrooms in a hot way. The mushrooms come out crispy and flavorful.

Useful properties and harm

This representative of the genus Mlechnik is considered to be conditionally edible. It is rich in vegetable protein, so it can easily replace meat. Milk mushrooms contain a huge amount of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, they contain various vitamins:

  • retinol;
  • ascorbic and niacin;
  • tocopherol;
  • thiamine and riboflavin.

People with tuberculosis need to add these mushrooms to their diet. It is known that they contain substances that inhibit the pathogenic bacillus. Milk mushrooms also help with kidney failure and urolithiasis. This natural antibiotic is used in the fight against certain pathologies. Due to the presence of a huge amount of vitamins, it is often used in pharmaceuticals.

If not cooked correctly, the milk mushrooms can harm the body. It contains milky juice, which can cause poisoning. In order to destroy toxic substances, the product requires careful processing. That is why such mushrooms are advised to wash and soak well after harvest.

Milk mushrooms are a very high-calorie product. They are poorly digested in the stomach, which is why it is not recommended to eat them in large quantities. For gastritis and intestinal upset, it is also better to stop eating mushrooms, as they contain a lot of fiber, which is not beneficial for everyone.

Preparing for salting

It should be borne in mind that not all dishes are suitable for soaking and further preservation. It is best to use a wooden, enameled or glass container. In a galvanized pan, a reaction can occur that makes the mushrooms unusable. Also, do not use clay pots for such purposes. After soaking, the milk must be rinsed well.

Hot salting method

Before proceeding with salting, it is necessary to cut off the legs at the base of the mushrooms (no more than 1 centimeter should remain). During this, they are carefully examined and rotten places are removed. The cap of each weight should be washed thoroughly to remove dirt and debris.

Large specimens are cut into several parts depending on size, and small ones are left intact. Then the mushrooms are put into a container, filled with water and slightly salted. They are brought to a boil and kept on fire for another 5 minutes. During the cooking process, foam forms, which must be removed. Then all the mushrooms are caught with a slotted spoon. Rinse the milk mushrooms with cold water and put them in a colander so that they cool faster.

Salt is poured into a sterilized jar, a few peppercorns, black currant leaves and dill are added. The first layer of boiled milk mushrooms is laid on these ingredients. Then you should repeat everything again. It is recommended to lay the mushrooms tightly enough.

After cooking, the broth remains, and it is he who is poured into the jar with the ingredients laid out. You will have to wait for a while until all the air is gone. When bubbles appear on the surface, you can proceed to rolling, and you should not use metal lids. Banks are cooled and put in a cool place. They must be stored for more than 1 month.

Salted milk mushrooms cooked in a hot way are very tasty and aromatic. This method is also suitable for salting dry mushrooms.

Canning black mushrooms

In this article, we will share a few simple recipes for hot salting of milk mushrooms in jars, as well as talk about the features of preparing mushrooms and the dangers associated with them.

If you want to start canning mushrooms for the winter, be sure to try pickling white and black milk mushrooms, which are famous for their pleasant taste. Hot salted milk mushrooms can be harvested in any quantity, since such salting is quite quick and simple. The great advantage of this method of salting is that thanks to heat treatment, the mushrooms retain their maximum nutritional and beneficial properties.

Pickles should be kept cold, as canned milk mushrooms will not last long at room temperature. Subject to all of the following rules of salting and storage, these mushrooms will delight you in winter with delicious, juicy, crispy pulp, which is great as a snack and an independent dish.

Well, are you already interested in how to salt milk mushrooms in a hot way in jars? We have collected the best step-by-step recipes for you.

Preparation - soaking

To prevent canned milk mushrooms from being bitter, be sure to soak them for 2-3 hours in slightly salted cold water before salting (precisely in a hot way), after clearing the mushrooms from debris and thoroughly rinsing them. Carefully cut off the legs - they can be salted separately. If the mushrooms have large caps, it is recommended to cut them into several small pieces so that they are better salted. After that, you can proceed to the main stage of hot salting.


We offer several simple recipes for hot salting of mushrooms.

Before salting, the soaked milk mushrooms must be boiled well - heat treatment allows you to get rid of their bitter or pungent taste, as well as of the raw, earthy smell. If you cook mushrooms in several passes, be sure to pour out the water after each cooking and change it to clean, remembering to add salt.

Servings / Volume: 7-8 l


  • fresh milk mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • rock salt - 200 g;
  • cloves, dry inflorescences - 5-10 pcs.;
  • dill, umbrellas - 2 bunches;
  • black peppercorns - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • cherry leaf - 5-10 pcs.;
  • black currant leaf - 10 pcs.


  1. Pour water into an enamel pot, based on the proportions of 1.5 cups of water to 1 kg of mushrooms, then add salt and bring the brine to a boil.
  2. When the water begins to boil, place the prepared milk mushrooms in a saucepan and cook them for 10-15 minutes, stirring without fail so that the tender mushrooms do not burn.
  3. Gently discard the finished mushrooms in a colander to drain the excess liquid, then transfer to a large container to cool slightly.
  4. Prepare jars and lids - sterilize them.
  5. Place the milk mushrooms tightly in jars, shifting them with dill umbrellas, currant leaves, laurel and cherry leaves, black peppercorns and cloves.
  6. Pour the brine in which the mushrooms were cooked into the jars (up to the neck).
  7. Close the jars with the lids hermetically.

Canned milk mushrooms are ready!

Getting started with homemade preparations, it is important to understand that food stored in hermetically sealed containers can cause severe food poisoning. Canned food made from mushrooms is especially unpredictable in this sense. The fact is that mushrooms have a complex, loose surface, on which, after washing, microscopic particles of forest land can easily remain, containing the causative agents of one of the most dangerous diseases - botulism. In an airless environment (that is, in rolled up cans), these bacteria begin to actively multiply and release toxins that are fatal to humans. At the same time, the “infected” bank is no different from the “clean” one. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to rinse the mushrooms as thoroughly as possible, as well as sterilize the jars and lids prepared for canning. It is equally important to strictly follow the recommendations regarding the time for boiling mushrooms and the norms for laying vinegar and salt in the workpieces, since these ingredients create an environment in the jars that inhibits the development of bacteria. Additional "insurance" against botulism infection is provided by pasteurization of filled cans, which is carried out immediately before their hermetically sealed.

Black milk mushrooms not only have an excellent taste, but also have medicinal properties, for which they are highly respected by Siberians, famous for their excellent health. These mushrooms look appetizing among holiday dishes and decorate the table with their unusual appearance: wet, elastic, black side you just want to bite.

Servings / Volume: 2.5 l


  • fresh black milk mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • rock salt - 9 tbsp. l .;
  • black peppercorns - 1-2 tbsp. l .;
  • allspice black pepper in peas - 10 pcs.;
  • dill, umbrellas - 5-7 pcs.;
  • cloves, dry inflorescences - 1-3 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 4-5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.


  1. Wash the mushrooms well from dirt with a brush, then soak them for 2 hours in cold water so that it draws out the bitter milky juice from the mushrooms.
  2. At the end of the specified time, boil 4 liters of water in a large enamel saucepan, add salt to it (1.5-2 tbsp. L. Per 1 liter of water) and boil the mushrooms in this brine for 15-20 minutes, removing the foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. Put another saucepan with 1 liter of water over medium heat and add black and allspice, bay leaves and cloves to the water to make a spicy brine. After the water begins to boil, add salt (1 tablespoon) to the future brine, boil it for a few minutes, put the dill and turn off the heat.
  4. Throw the prepared milk mushrooms in a colander - let excess brine drain from them. Pour the water in which they were boiled - it will no longer be needed.
  5. Catch herbs and peppers from a saucepan with a spicy brine, transfer them to the bottom of a wide container in which salting will take place, and spread the mushrooms on top, pouring brine over them so that it completely hides the caps. To prevent the mushrooms from floating, place them under an iron lid and press down with a liter glass jar of water. Store the container with mushrooms in a dark, cool place for 3 days.
  6. Prepare jars and lids.
  7. After 3 days, spread the future delicacy in glass jars, after placing a layer of brine spices on their bottom. Place the mushrooms in the most dense layer, then fill them with brine almost to the brim (leaving 2-3 mm), and pour a small amount of vegetable oil on top. Close the jars with milk mushrooms with thermal lids, store in the refrigerator. After a month, the mushrooms will be saturated with spices and you can enjoy mouth-watering black milk mushrooms of homemade pickling.

Bon Appetit!

It is recommended to store canned mushrooms for no longer than a year (even in a refrigerator or cold cellar).


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Freelancer with diverse interests and hobbies. He loves to be closer to nature, to eat deliciously and to philosophize about the eternal. For so long she has been writing articles on a variety of topics that she is already erudite in the most unexpected areas. Loves forests, flowering gardens, space and fried potatoes with smoked ribs. He does not like to stand at the stove, but among his friends there are several professional chefs who will always serve delicious food and share cool recipes. Pathologically optimistic.

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Canned mushrooms are one of many favorite homemade products. There are different types of salt for the winter. But the most common pickling of mushrooms. These mushrooms have an incredible aroma and look attractive. There are many options for blanks based on them, so that they turn out to be very tasty, you need to accurately follow the selected cooking recipe and follow the tips.

Like other mushrooms, milk mushrooms can be salted cold or hot. The last option is quick, but with cold pickling of milk mushrooms, they will turn out to be very crispy, for which many people love them. They are also good for pickling.

Some helpful cooking tips include:

Naturally, each housewife has her own secrets for pickling milk mushrooms. Recipes can also include additional ingredients of your choice.

Cold cooking method

This method is very popular, while pre-boiling the mushrooms is not required. Salting milk mushrooms in a cold way at home makes them very tasty and juicy. If the mushrooms are not used from a store, but are collected by hand, then it is better to look for them in forests remote from industrial enterprises and highways. Milk mushrooms should be young and not wormy.

Mushrooms are prepared for salting in this way:

  • after assembly, you need to remove the remnants of leaves and dirt with a brush;
  • each mushroom is washed under cold water, the wormy parts must be cut off. If there is a lot of dirt, then they should be soaked for several hours;
  • prepared mushrooms are placed in a large container with their caps down and filled with water without salt;
  • then the container is covered and the load is installed. It is necessary to withstand them like this for several days, and the water needs to be changed every day 2 times.

In the traditional recipe, to make the milk mushrooms very tasty, it is better to pickle them in a wooden barrel. Of course, not everyone has such a capacity. If there are few mushrooms, then an ordinary jar with a wide neck, an enameled large saucepan or a ceramic container is taken for salting.

You can pickle mushrooms whole or cut them at your discretion. Salt them in a cold way like this:

  • a layer of dried dill, allspice, cloves, bay leaves, garlic, horseradish roots, leaves and branches of currants and cherries are placed on the bottom. There should not be a lot of spices, they can kill the taste of mushrooms;
  • the next layer is the mushrooms in one row. Top they are sprinkled with black pepper in the form of peas;
  • then there are spices and herbs, then again mushrooms, so the layers are repeated to the top;
  • the last layer is horseradish leaves;
  • sterile gauze is placed on top, then the container is covered with a lid, which should be smaller than the neck;
  • the container is pressed down with a weight in the form of a weight or a bottle of water.

For cooking, you will need milk mushrooms, table salt (50 g per kilogram of mushrooms), onions, horseradish, garlic, dill, tarragon and black peppercorns.

The recipe is as follows:

  • mushrooms are washed, strong dirt is removed with a sponge or cut off;
  • greens are washed, onions and garlic are chopped;
  • mushrooms are boiled in boiling water for 30 minutes;
  • the broth is drained, they are washed under running water;
  • then you need to drain excess liquid;
  • salt is poured into the bottom of the jar and greens are placed;
  • then spread the boiled mushrooms upside down;
  • add salt and spices.

First, the mushrooms should be soaked in cold water for several hours to get rid of the debris. They are then washed separately and trimmed if necessary. Then they should be cut so that each piece contains part of the cap and leg at the same time.

Milk mushrooms are poured into a container in cold water, a small load is placed on top, the water will need to be changed if foam appears. In this mode, they are kept for five days in a row. On the sixth day, the soaked milk mushrooms are filtered and laid out in a large container, they are sprinkled with salt. Heavy oppression is placed on top of the container. In this state, they are kept for another three days, not forgetting to stir every day. Then they are laid out in jars along with brine, covered with lids and kept in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to serve them to the table as a snack along with herbs and sunflower oil. Another interesting option for how to salt milk mushrooms is in brine. In this recipe, you do not need to cut the mushrooms, they are used as a whole in the right amount. And to make a brine, 2 tablespoons of salt, 20 black peppercorns, bay leaves and currant leaves, garlic and horseradish are taken per liter of water.

As in the previous versions, milk mushrooms are washed well. Then they are soaked in cold water for three hours. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil, put mushrooms and salt in it and cook for about half an hour, then remove. Spices and brine are added to the mushrooms, oppression is placed on top. In this case, it is necessary that they are completely covered with liquid. They are kept like this for 5 days, then they are laid out in prepared jars and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil are added there. The salting is covered with nylon lids and kept in the cellar for at least a month.

The appetizer is laid out in cans and closed according to the rules of canning. Keep in a cool place.

Canned pickled milk mushrooms in winter will be an excellent addition to any table and to different dishes. You can cook them cold or hot, depending on how much time the hostess has to prepare. In any case, it will take several days of aging for the mushrooms to become as tasty and aromatic as possible and to please the guests.

If you were able to collect a bucket of milk mushrooms, this is already a great success. It is not so easy to find a lump - he knows how to disguise himself. You won't go out on it by accident - you need to know the places, but if you're lucky. ... ... Finding and collecting is half the battle, but the question immediately arises: what is better to do with them. The answer is simple: of course, salt is the best thing to do with milk mushrooms. Today I want to tell you a simple recipe for how to salt raw milk mushrooms for the winter in jars of any size. It turns out very tasty. And I will offer not one recipe, but several. If you do everything exactly as prescribed in the technology, and follow the recipe, then for the winter you will receive a delicious preparation for any holiday and for a weekday. The taste of a lump cannot be compared with anything. None of the forest mushrooms has this. Therefore, I propose to try the salting according to these recipes.

Raw milk mushrooms: salting according to the classic recipe


  • raw white or yellow milk mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • coarse salt - 150 g;
  • umbrella dill - 3 umbrellas;
  • horseradish leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry leaf - 11 pcs.;
  • currant leaf - 11 pcs.


  1. Mushrooms must be carefully cleaned and processed. Rinse the treated milk mushrooms in multiple waters. Transfer them to a large enamel bowl, a stainless steel container. But under no circumstances use plastic basins. It is better to take a large metal pan instead of a basin. Pour in salted water and leave to soak for three days. So the bitterness inherent in it will go away from the weight, and small worms and all the dirt hidden between the plates will emerge.
  2. After three days, the water from the mushrooms must be drained. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly again.
  3. Next, you need to prepare a large enamel pot. Check it carefully for chips, cracks and rust. Missing one chip can ruin the entire workpiece.
  4. At the bottom of the prepared container, it is necessary to lay currant and cherry leaves. We put dill umbrellas on them. If you like dill, you can safely increase its amount, but without fanaticism, of course. A maximum of five umbrellas - otherwise the taste of the milk will be killed by the aroma of dill. And you will get a mushroom appetizer with the taste of spices and spices - in this case, no one will guess the mushroom.
  5. When all the spices and herbs are laid out on the bottom, we start laying the mushrooms. I put the mushrooms with their caps down - this way more mushrooms enter the pan, and the caps break less. The twist aesthetics are preserved at their best.
  6. Salt the first row of mushrooms. Put the second row on it, adding an umbrella of dill on top and salt the mushrooms.
  7. In this order, the entire pan is stacked and filled until the milk mushrooms run out. Sprinkle each layer with salt and spread it over the dill umbrella. There should be a horseradish leaf on top.
  8. After that, cover the pan with a perfectly clean towel (you can even boil it in advance).
  9. On top you need to put a plate or dish of a suitable diameter (with a diameter less than the diameter of the pan). Do not use metal covers for this. Put oppression on top. Press it down a little.
  10. The pan is moved to the refrigerator, where it waits for 40 days. When the time is right, transfer the milk mushrooms to sterilized, preferably liter jars, and store them in the refrigerator.
  11. The workpiece can be stored for six months. But for more than two months she did not "live" with me even once. Typically, these seals are eaten before the expiration date.

To the hostess for a note: do not try to improve the taste of the salty milk mushroom by adding additional spices - they will kill the true taste of the mushroom. As a last resort - a few black peppercorns, a couple of lavrushka leaves and two or three cloves.

Salted milk mushrooms in cabbage leaves


  • white breast - 5.5 kg;
  • fine salt - 335 g;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • fresh dill - 100 g;
  • filtered water - 5.5 l;
  • large cabbage leaf - 12 pcs.;
  • currant leaf - 25 pcs.;
  • cherry leaf - 25 pcs.


  1. Preservation according to this recipe is found in few places. Accidentally bumping into it, I decided to try it. The hot salting of the mushrooms is already boring - I wanted the mushrooms, salted somehow differently. The result surprised and pleased. Now this method has become a priority for me.
  2. Sort raw milk mushrooms thoroughly. Hats need to be washed with a sponge - regular foam rubber for washing dishes will do, but new, of course.
  3. After washing, trim the legs. Rinse the mushrooms several times under the groove. Pour into a bowl. Pour in salted cold water. Soaking will take three days. The water needs to be changed every six hours.
  4. After the expiration of the soaking period, the mushrooms must be thoroughly rinsed again under running water.
  5. In a separate bowl, mix 60 g of salt with water. Wait until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  6. Pour the resulting brine into a basin with milk mushrooms. Hold under oppression for 12 hours.
  7. During this time, you will need to remove the milk mushrooms from the brine every four hours. In a colander, rinse them with running water and return back to the brine.
  8. When 12 hours have passed, the mushrooms will need to be removed from the brine. It's easier to drain them through a colander and leave them there for a while to dry.
  9. Jars of any size must be sterilized in advance, wait until they dry and start laying out the mushrooms. First, lays a row of mushrooms, caps down. For mushrooms - chopped dill, cabbage leaves (chopped to fit a jar), salt, chopped garlic and other ingredients.
  10. Mushrooms should be in a jar "under the neck". We close the jars with plastic lids and put them in the refrigerator. Salted milk mushrooms should stand there for 2 months.

Tip: Before pickling the mushrooms, be sure to soak them. Otherwise, bitterness and all sorts of nasty things may remain in the pores of the mushrooms. Those who are ready to wait for salted milk mushrooms for two months, three days for soaking is not a hindrance.

Now it's no secret for you how to salt raw milk mushrooms in jars for the winter - choose a simple recipe from the two suggested. Better to try both - the aroma is different. But both there, and there, the taste of milk mushrooms and the notes of the autumn forest will delight you on cold winter days.