What to cook from lamb blades. Delicious baked scapula Baigue whole - the best recipe with step-by-step photos, how to make meat in the marinade from soy sauce in a foil in the oven

10.03.2020 Salads.

Lovers of mutton are dedicated! We bring to your attention the recipe baked in the oven brewing blades in marinade with spices and dry mustard.

The front and rear leg of the Baran are the main parts on which meat flesh is concentrated. If there is a choice, what bake meat, give preference to shovels. This meat is more gentle and juicy, just an ideal dish for Sunday dinner or festive feast. Especially if expensive guests need something tasty and satisfying.

Barania Baked Baked in the oven in the sleeve

The recipe for the scapula is actually just a simple in preparation, it is a good to deceive the leg in spices and sauce, give a little standing or immediately send to the oven.

This dish is a real chopping stick for those who know how it is just getting ready. Putting the blade in the oven, you can easily forget about it for an hour. Moreover, the scapula variance is preparing faster than, rear brazing leg.

To distract from a specific smell of lamb, it is meat in recipes combined with such spices like rosemary, any ground pepper, marshran, chamber, ginger and oregano.

Include in your diet lamb, it is useful and delicious meat! And if you managed to purchase it on the market, feel free to make prepare!


  • barania shovel (or front leg lamb),
  • mustard powder
  • mayonnaise (or a mixture of kefir and sour cream),
  • garlic,
  • the mixture of seasoning, which includes the salt iodized, red pepper, black, rosemary, fenugrek, mayoran, ginger and oregano,
  • salt,
  • greens,
  • sleeve for baking.

Cooking process:

To begin with, we rub the scapula or the front leg of the lamb mustard powder, salt and a mixture of seasoning, then failed sauce.

For sauce mix mayonnaise (it can be replaced by sour cream and kefir in equal proportions) and chopped garlic. Garlic take as much as you feel necessary.

Purchase a scapula from all sides with a knife. It must be done in order to make meat better. For the formation of a more ruddy crust, the blade can be spatted a little bit of mustard powder.

Next, we put a shovel in a sleeve for baking and leave so pickled at least half an hour. If there is no time, we ship in the oven after 30 minutes. If there is time, put a marinated leg of a leg for the night in the refrigerator. So the meat will become more tastier.

Heat the oven to the temperature of 180 ° C, and put the lamb to be baked (to put the meat into a well-preheated oven!).

The question will be called: how much time to bake a scapula or front leg? A piece of lamb weighing 1.5-2 kg Bake needs at least one and a half hours. But again, the degree of readiness of meat for everyone is different. It is believed that if with a deep puncture of a roasted piece of meat, it feels barely pink juice, then lamb and beef is ready (not to be confused with pork!). If the meat with pink juice is not to taste, hold it in the oven for another 15-20 minutes.

So, at 180 degrees, I keep the leg of 1 hour. After time expire, we reduce the temperature to 150 ° C. After another 30 minutes, the fragrant baked ram of the blades in the sleeve is ready.

To the table dish from lamb served hot. The effect will be served as a whole piece on a large dish with greens. The bladed bone will need to be removed from meat, the meat sleeve is well burst, thylene, so the bone comes easily.

It combines well with fresh vegetables and greens, for example, with a vitamin salad of fresh cabbage.

For the recipe and step-by-step photos of the preparation of laminy blades Thank Sophia Berezin.

Enjoy your appetite and good recipes!

The blade is, in fact, the front leg lamb, which in terms of meat quality is perfect for cooking, extinguishing, as well as frying and baking entirely in natural form. These options are best suited for the meat to reveal its taste as possible. Pretty simply preparing a barray of a blade baked in the oven. The meat turns juicy, very gentle and easily behind the bone. You can make such a masterpiece in different ways.

Lamb and power of spices

For a start, you can try the easiest option that does not require much effort. All maintenance must be performed specially selected seasonings. In this case, the products of the African company Nomu can be used. These spices produced in South Africa give the finished product a little sharpness, a spicy taste and a completely unique smell. For work, a raccoon of the ram (better lamb), a large salt, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, freshly gray pepper black, a couple of rosemary spices and Nomu spices.

A simple process looks like this:

  1. Pour oil in the pile. Add seasoning season with pepper, mix everything and set aside.
  2. Meat is well salted, and then to deceive from all sides with a prepared fragrant mixture.
  3. A piece of lamb to lay on the tray, and on top of it to put rosemary sprigs on it.
  4. The baking sheet is tightly covering the foil so that the meat is properly passed on, and send it to the oven, heated to 200-210 degrees, 20 minutes. The temperature is then reduced to 180 degrees and continue to prepare another and a half hours.

Baranya shovel baked in the oven in this way, it turns out very tasty. The dish looks spectacular on the table and is ideal for the festive menu.

Lamb in a wonderful sleeve

For rapid and more convenient cooking, there are a number of special devices. For example, it makes it possible to noticeably reduce the time of finding products in the oven. This technique is often used to cook meat dishes. So, the scapula baked baked in the oven using the sleeve will be ready literally for 1 ½ hours. The following products will be needed: 0.8 kilograms of lamb (blade), 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, small head of garlic, bunch of fresh mint, some pepper and salt.

Everything is preparing literally in several techniques:

  1. In a separate small dish, connect together oil, crushing garlic, crushed mint, pepper and salt.
  2. The resulting mixture to deceive meat, put it in the sleeve and send to the oven for one hour at 180 degrees. After that, make an incision on the sleeve and leave the meat to reach for another 30 minutes. This is done so that a characteristic crust is formed on the surface.

Now the lamb is shovel baked in the oven, ready. It can be safely spread on the dish, decorate and serve on the table.

Magic fragrant herbal

For a festive dinner or any other celebration, ideally suited as the main meat dish of the lamination of the blade. Recipes for her cooking can be the most different. Do not forget that lamb itself has a characteristic smell. But in the cooking process, it can be easily killed with the help of specially selected seasonings. For this purpose, pepper, rosemary, ginger, mayoran or a chamber suitable. One of the variants of the preparation of the blade provides for the presence of the following products: on 1 whole launch bladder of half a glass of any vegetable oil, 2 cloves of garlic, bundle of rosemary, 35 grams of ground red and 5 grams of fragrant pepper, 10 grams of salt and laurels.

Cooking begins with meat:

  1. The lamb is slightly abruptly over the bone (not separating portion) into several parts.
  2. Prepare a special marinade, mixing oil with pepper and garlic. To deceive them meat and put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  3. The next day salting, add herbs and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 90 minutes. That meat does not dry, it needs to be periodically watering juice, which was formed during baking, or wine.

It turns out very gentle and delightful to the taste of the lambs of the blade. The recipes for its cooking in the oven usually differ among themselves selected spices or time, which has gone to preliminary preparation of products.

Original option

A good specialist can teach how to cook the scapula, using the same source products (meat, garlic, pepper sharp, salt, oil and seasoning). It will take additionally only the installation for the grill and 1 lemon. The initial stage of the process almost repeats the already known options. It is necessary to prepare marinade from the source components (with the exception of salt). It must be used a little later. In the fragrant mix, a piece of lamb should be ruined at least 6 hours. You can leave it in the refrigerator in this state for the night. The next day you will need to get meat and give it a little to warm up to room temperature. And during this time should be prepared by the brand. Coals should be enough to be dispersed so that the meat can do well. Then each piece of lamb must be salted and decompose on the grid. The meat is usually about 30 minutes. It is necessary to constantly monitor the cooking process. If the meat is very fat, then the droplets of the melted bass can fall on the coals. It is impossible to allow an open flame in the mangale. To do this, there must always be a water bottle. The finished meat can be immediately laid out on plates and serve guests. Any greenery and vegetables will suit as a side dish.

Baking secrets

Any hostess always wants to hit friends with your culinary skills. In this will be able to help the lamp of the blades look very impressive on the table and the taste is worthy of the highest praise. And for the preparation, only the scapula of the barium, salt, 100 grams of the mustard and seasoning (basil, celery, carnation, oregano) will be required.

It is necessary to prepare as follows:

  1. Meat carefully rubbed seasonings and deceive the mustard on top. Mustard in this case acts as a marinade. In such a state, a piece of lamb must lie for about 20 minutes. This time will be enough to prepare meat to further heat treatment.
  2. Then the blade must be wrapped tightly in the foil and put in the oven for 1 hour. If the temperature is less than 180 degrees, then the time can be increased by 30-40 minutes.

Now the finished product remains only to lay out on the dish, sprinkle a slightly juice of lemon and serve on the table. The garnish can be prepared separately or limited to fresh garden greens.

Try to cook the taste of the laundry bladder, and we will tell in the following recipes in detail how it is properly baked in the oven.

How to cook a scapula baked in the oven in foil - recipe


  • fresh scapula breakdown - 1.3-1.5 kg;
  • rosemary greens - 3 branches;
  • pepper (black) - 2/3 h. spoons;
  • salted soy sauce - 40 ml;
  • lemon juice - 4 h. spoons;
  • sunflower oil - 2 h. spoons.


We wash the shovel from all sides under the jet of running water and lay it on the table for 10 minutes so that it is an unnecessary liquid from it. If there are large sections with fat on a piece of meat, then it is better to remove them with a sharp knife. Next, along the whole piece of fresh lambs, we produce 6-8 recesses.

In the pile with salt soy sauce, we just poured squeezed juice from lemon. We stir everything and water this wonderful mixture of the entire surface of the blade and rub. Following evenly seasoned the meat with fragrant pepper, and it is applied to the lamb with a small green rosemary and a thoroughly rubbing. On the surface of the bakery sheet, we spread the food foil, which is richly rumbling, and after we put the shovel and carefully close it with freely lying edges of the foil. I exhibit meat in the oven and at 200 degree temperatures we bake 1 hour and 45 minutes, only 15 minutes before readiness, remove the top layer of foil so that the blade acquired a crust.

How to cook the breadwinner baked in the oven with vegetables?


  • lamb (blade) - 1.6 kg;
  • - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • juice orange - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • classic - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh rosemary - 4 branches;
  • middle potatoes - 6-8 pieces;
  • little carrot - 6-8 pieces;
  • kitchen salt - to taste;
  • a mixture of peppers - to taste.


Properly prepare the shovel to further preparation. Very thoroughly in all bends, we rub the meat of the kitchen salt, and then peel the mixture of peppers.

In a small bowl, we connect the juice, squeezed out of fresh orange, classic soy sauce and liquid Major honey. We stir and pour this mixture to a piece of lamb (shovel), and after it sprinkle it with a chopped greenery of rosemary.

Potatoes, clean from the peel and cut on 2-3 slices. Cleaning a small carrot, we leave it a bitter. Sweep the vegetables with salt and place them in a specially designed sleeve. Next, they put the shovel and tightly all the knacing, send it on the baking sheet and in the oven. We bake at 195 degrees at least 2 hours, only 20 minutes before you turn off with scissors the upper part of the sleeve.

Barania shoulder blades can be so delicious as you are willing to devote her time. This is a classic Slow cooking dish, because it is thanks to the slow baking of lamb becomes gentle and filled with an extraordinary taste.

There are some more little secrets, or tricks that will help you bring the pleasure of lash blades to climax.

1. Always deliver meat from the refrigerator 15-20 minutes before cooking so that it reaches room temperature.
2. Sattail meat with olive oil, salt and pepper, as well as mean herbs (lamb loves Rosemary and Thyme).
3. After baking, give meals to relax, otherwise all efforts to be disappeared.

Slow baking involves at least 4 hours in the oven at a temperature of 140 s; If time is completely pressed, you can bake at 160 ° C of about 3 hours.

Lay out meat on a layer of vegetables (garlic, onions, carrots, mushrooms). Baked vegetables will subsequently need to prepare a magnificent sauce.

I feed the scapula with baked crumpled potatoes. His recipe can be viewed.


  • 2.5 kg Barans of the blades on the bone;
  • 1 lemon;
  • several sprigs of rosemary;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bulb;
  • salt, black ground pepper;
  • olive oil.

Heat oven to 140 C.

Bring meat to room temperature. Make small cuts on the surface of meat and insert rosemary sprigs (you can add garlic slices).
Sattail meat with olive oil, salt and black ground pepper. Lemon ZeDar distribute over the surface of meat and paint the meat with lemon juice.

Put the babble onions, garlic, carrots and any other vegetables for baking, licenses of lemon; Place the shovel with a ramp on top. Add some water to the baking sheet and cover the meat foil tightly.

Bake for 4 hours, or while meat can be disassembled with two forks.

Photos of laminated blades you can look on the Internet. The finished dish looks very beautiful, especially if you decorate it with bright vegetables. Bon Appetit!

Lady is a fairly low-calorie product. The meat of young animals is very tasty and nutritious. Adults have more rigid meat with an unpleasant smell.

In lamb, 30 percent is less fats than in pork. It is richer other types of meat on the content of iron. As part of lamb - vitamins B, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus and much more. Proteins that are included in the lamb make meat nutritious. There is no harmful cholesterol in this meat, which is another lamb advantage. The meat of the young lamb contains 135 calories per 100 grams.

If you have a low hemoglobin level, then you need to use lamb. It has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood. The lamb will also put the state of the teeth, will help prevent the appearance of caries, because the meat contains fluorine. It is useful for dental fabric.

Baiment of meat helps to adjust the production of gastric juice and prevents sugar diabetes. Mutton broths are very useful for those who suffer from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Broth will be useful in gastritis and reduced acidity.

If you have bad vessels or atherosclerosis, then you should not give up lamb. The use of this meat is allowed in small quantities. The least cholesterol in the meat of a young lamb. The sodium, potassium and magnesium contained well affect the cardiovascular system very well, so lamb is useful for people suffering from heart disease.

Not many know that with the bite of a mad dog, lamb with wine can prevent the harmful effect on a person.

Baiment of meat affects the appearance of a person. The skin becomes more tightened, the hair looks healthier and silky, and the nails become strong.

The useful properties of lamb is quite a lot. However, it must be remembered that the ram meat is fatten enough, which is why to avoid gravity in the stomach, it needs it in combination with fresh vegetables. Then the meat will be absorbed faster and help to avoid unpleasant sensations of gravity in the stomach.

Prepare lamb is very easy as you could understand from our recipe. Mute dishes There are a large set, as well as the options for cooking meat. In general, we can conclude that lamb has many beneficial properties and rich in vitamins and microelements. However, it must be remembered that it is hard enough and should not use it too often. A couple of times a month or even less often will be more than enough to get all the benefits and beneficial properties of this meat.