Water in a teaspoon ml. How many grams and how many milliliters are in a tablespoon? I wish you health and longevity

12.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Very often, housewives, when preparing some culinary dish, a confectionery product, or a decoction of herbs according to a new recipe, they ask themselves: how, without weights or a measuring cup, with the help of improvised items, determine the weight, volume of a particular product.

And most often such measuring utensils become a tablespoon, a glass. The volume of the glass is usually known in advance. And not everyone knows how many milliliters or grams are included in a tablespoon.

Grams, milliliters - what's the difference?

There is no difference for water. 1 gram is equal to 1 milliliter, and 1 kg of water corresponds to 1 liter. But there is a significant difference between these concepts. In grams, weight is measured in liters or milliliters - its volume. It's all about the density of the product.

Take, for example, vegetable oil. You probably noticed that any fat, oil in finished product floats on the surface of the water. This is because it is lighter than water in weight. 1 liter of oil weighs 900-930 grams.

And one more small note. Sometimes the volume is indicated in cubic centimeters or decimeters. How to understand such information? We remind you that 1 ml corresponds to 1 cm 3, and 1 liter is a cubic decimeter.

Volume of a tablespoon for liquids

But let's get back to our tablespoon. What it is, no need to explain. This cutlery, which people eat liquid, loose food, such as porridge or soup.

And also the housewife's measuring tool, which she uses to salt the same soup, add sugar to compote, put butter in porridge, without thinking at all about physical categories. She just knows that half a spoon of salt is enough for this pan, and it is better to put 2 tablespoons of oil.

Let's see how many milliliters are in a tablespoon? This cutlery has its own volume. In Art. a spoon holds 18 milliliters of water. For liquid vegetable oil, the volume will also be 18 ml or 16 grams by weight.

Rubbing alcohol is also lighter than water. 100 ml of alcohol weighs 78 grams. Accordingly, 18 ml strong alcohol in a cutlery are 14 g.

And condensed milk or sour cream is denser than water, due to the milk components contained in them, and, accordingly, heavier. 21-22 g of milk product will fit in 18 ml of container. Have a similar weight soy sauce, or fruit syrup.

table spoon - kitchen tools, which appeared many millennia ago, without which we cannot imagine either eating food or cooking it. From what only spoons were not made: we are all well aware of the large wooden devices that slurped cabbage soup in Rus', in ancient Egypt, wood and stone were the material of manufacture. In ancient times, clay could serve as a material for the manufacture of the device, nutshell and even seashells. In medieval Europe, they ate with brass and copper spoons. The aristocracy used silver and gold appliances, however, the fashion for stylish silverware has not passed until now.

This is truly an indispensable appliance in the kitchen, regardless of the century and the name of the country. With the help of such a spoon, you can not only eat and cook food, but also measure the amount of ingredients needed to prepare a dish or other recipe. A tablespoon will be a good way out in this case, if there are no special scales or a measuring cup on hand. But for this you need to know how many milliliters are in a tablespoon that you have at your disposal.

What is the volume of a tablespoon

Today, these devices are most often made of stainless steel, less often spoons are made of precious metals. But they are mostly meant to decorate the dining room than to be used for their intended purpose. Using an ordinary tablespoon, it is easy to find out the weight and volume of almost any product that has a liquid, dry or oily consistency.

But you need to understand that the volume of different tablespoons may vary slightly. For example, in the USA the volume of such a device is approximately 15 ml. In Russia, since ancient times accustomed to considerable dimensions in the manufacture of spoons, the volume of modern kitchen appliances for eating liquid meals is in the range from 14 to 20 ml. What is also important to remember: the weight of the product is not always equal to its volume, in other words, the weight of the product in grams can be relatively different from its volume, expressed in milliliters. For example: the volume of a tablespoon of sunflower seed oil is approximately 18 ml, and the weight of the same amount of product is much less, 16 ml. The easiest way to measure volume in this way liquid products, but also substances of a dry consistency, if necessary, can also be measured with a spoon.

When trying to understand how many milliliters are in a tablespoon, it is important not to forget that the volume of devices from different sets may vary slightly. When preparing certain foods or products traditional medicine, even small differences in the amount of substance indicated and the amount actually used can greatly harm the dish or mixture.

It is best if you can measure the actual volume of the spoon you have and use this information in the future. This is easy to do: take a plastic measuring container or a medicine spoon, for example, it can be a simple cough syrup. Most of them have in the kit such a device for accurately measuring the dose of the medication taken. First measure the liquid with such a container, and then pour the product into a spoon. This way you will find out how many milliliters are included in a tablespoon available in the kitchen arsenal.

How many ml in a tablespoon of water

To prepare a delicious dish, or other mixture of substances, the recipe, as a rule, accurately indicates the required amount of water, sometimes it is easier to measure it with this kitchen appliance. To please the family delicious pastries to do something useful for the child baby food without extra and harmful additives Sometimes a recipe needs to be followed exactly. With water, this is easy to do: due to its density and consistency, water fills the entire container with itself, its weight is equal to its volume. For example, a standard 1 tablespoon is 15 ml of water.

The volume of a spoonful of vinegar

How many milliliters in a tablespoon of vinegar is a question of interest to many housewives. This liquid is most often added in small portions, so it is easier to measure the dosage with this device. Vinegar is a true liquid, that is, its weight is equal to its volume. Just like with water, standard spoon- this is 15 ml of vinegar. This knowledge will be useful when salting vegetables, for making pastries, salads, sauces, marinating meat and fish. Using this knowledge, it is easy to calculate how many spoons of a substance are needed to build a dish. For example, 70 milliliters of vinegar is 4 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons.

How many milliliters of oil in 1 tablespoon

Oil volume in this instrument depends on the type of product. Sunflower contains 20 ml, creamy - 18 ml, a little more olive - 19, sesame has the largest volume - as much as 26 milliliters. Knowledge will be useful to those who like to cook the most different dishes: vegetable salads, baking, fried food etc.

How many milliliters of milk in a tablespoon

The answer to the question is of interest to many housewives, especially lovers of pastries and various desserts. The device contains approximately 16 ml. The same amount of condensed milk, beloved by many, will enter the device.

Volume of syrup in a spoon

It is often necessary to measure the exact amount of syrup for preparing a dish, sometimes the method is also relevant when using liquid cough medicines if the standard container is broken. What's more, those with a sweet tooth who keep daily calorie counts need accurate measurements. It is a heavy liquid, in standard kitchen appliance the volume of the syrup is 18 ml. How many milliliters are in a teaspoon and a tablespoon? Sometimes it is easier to calculate the volume not with a tablespoon, but with a teaspoon. It is generally accepted that such a device contains 5 ml of liquid.

The amount of dry food in a spoon

Measurement error

You should not trust the given data with an accuracy of a milliliter, we said earlier what a spread in volumes can be in domestic spoons. This is influenced by a number of factors: the shape, depth and even the material of the device. The smaller the volume, the smaller the error. Therefore, in order to prepare complex recipes or where every milliliter is important, it is better to entrust the matter to a kitchen scale or an electronic measuring spoon.

Product volume table

If you do not have scales, then liquid and bulk products can be measured with glasses and spoons, and piece products - fruits, root crops have their own average weight. On this page you will find a table " ", which will allow you to prepare dishes exactly according to the recipe.

On this page:

The table uses:

  • thin glass - 250 ml;
  • faceted glass - 200 ml;
  • tablespoon -18 ml;
  • teaspoon - 5 ml;

Pour bulk products that you will measure with spoons “with a slide”. If you know how many milliliters are in 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon, this will allow you to measure the required volume of liquid - table number 2 (at the end of this page)

Table No. 1 - Masses and measures of some products

My advice: Bookmark this page or print the spreadsheet. Then it will be easy for you to cook any dish according to any recipe, where all the ingredients are given in grams, and there are not always scales at hand. With this table, it will be easy for you to know the mass of products. Table " Masses and measures of some products» will be replenished further.

Table number 2 - Liquid measures

How many milliliters are in a teaspoon or tablespoon?

A fluid ounce is a measure of the volume of a liquid. An American ounce has a volume of 29.57353 ml. The fluid ounce in the USA is used for labeling, the value = 30 ml is taken. I wish you success! Let your diet recipes be not only healthy, but also delicious!

Let's use the table number 2. The table shows how many milliliters are in a teaspoon or tablespoon.

Suppose you want to add some ingredient in milliliters to the recipe:

Example 1. How to measure 30 ml of juice?

To do this, use Table No. 2

The required volume - 30 ml - is found in the far right column. We see that we need 2 tbsp. or 6 tsp

Example #2. How to measure 10 ml?

We look at the rightmost column, the number 10 is not! But there is a number 5. This means that 2 teaspoons of liquid will make 10 ml.

I wish you health and longevity!

Very often, housewives, when preparing some kind of culinary dish, confectionery, or herbal decoction according to a new recipe, ask themselves the question: how to determine the weight, volume of a product without scales or a measuring cup, with the help of improvised items.

And most often such measuring utensils become a tablespoon, a glass. The volume of the glass is usually known in advance. And not everyone knows how many milliliters or grams are included in a tablespoon.

Grams, milliliters - what's the difference?

There is no difference for water. 1 gram is equal to 1 milliliter, and 1 kg of water corresponds to 1 liter. But there is a significant difference between these concepts. In grams, weight is measured in liters or milliliters - its volume. It's all about the density of the product.

Take, for example, vegetable oil. You have probably noticed that any fat, oil in the finished product floats on the surface of the water. This is because it is lighter than water in weight. 1 liter of oil weighs 900-930 grams.

And one more small note. Sometimes the volume is indicated in cubic centimeters or decimeters. How to understand such information? We remind you that 1 ml corresponds to 1 cm 3, and 1 liter is a cubic decimeter.

Volume of a tablespoon for liquids

But let's get back to our tablespoon. What it is, no need to explain. This is a cutlery with which people eat liquid, loose food, such as porridge or soup.

And also the housewife's measuring tool, which she uses to salt the same soup, add sugar to compote, put butter in porridge, without thinking at all about physical categories. She just knows that half a spoon of salt is enough for this pan, and it is better to put 2 tablespoons of oil.

Let's see how many milliliters are in a tablespoon? This cutlery has its own volume. In Art. a spoon holds 18 milliliters of water. For liquid vegetable oil, the volume will also be 18 ml or 16 grams by weight.

Rubbing alcohol is also lighter than water. 100 ml of alcohol weighs 78 grams. Accordingly, 18 ml of strong alcohol in a cutlery is equal to 14 g.

And condensed milk or sour cream is denser than water, due to the milk components contained in them, and, accordingly, heavier. 21-22 g of milk product will fit in 18 ml of container. Soy sauce or fruit syrup have a similar mass.

The heaviest of the thickened liquids is natural honey. It is one and a half times heavier than water, so a standard spoon will grab 27 g of this healthy, sweet treat.

Now that you have learned all these subtleties and nuances, it will be much easier for you to understand tricky recipes where the number of products is written in scary numbers.

In contact with

Do you always measure food when preparing meals? Many take necessary components"by eye", not counting accuracy as a very important factor. And as a result, the finished dish is often not entirely satisfied with its resulting appearance and taste. Maybe you did something wrong? When baking confectionery or roasting meat and fish dishes you can "sin" for non-compliance temperature regime. Many people think that the result depends on the mandatory presence of all ingredients. But it turns out that the whole secret of delicious dishes lies in correctly measured products. From this article you can find out how many milliliters are in a tablespoon or teaspoon, and what is the weight of the minimum servings in preparation for work.

Different liquids: how many grams and how many milliliters in a tablespoon and a teaspoon

Products that have a "fluid" consistency tend to precisely limit the volume. After all, you can’t pick up, for example, a teaspoon of vinegar “with a top” like sugar or salt. Therefore, the volume of liquids is almost always equal to their weight. This is confirmed by the example of water, which is considered the standard of measurement. One cubic meter of this clear liquid will always weigh one kilogram. Exceptions may be some vegetable oils, syrups and dairy products, which are more viscous and dense in their properties. Their weight will be slightly different from the volume.


Vegetable oil



Tea spoon


Bulk products: how many grams and how many milliliters in a tablespoon and a teaspoon

When measuring dry bulk products such as cereals, sugar, salt or herbs, one thing must be taken into account. When scooping up with a teaspoon or a tablespoon, they usually do not try to level the level of the collected mixture horizontally. Therefore, the measurement is always obtained "with a slide." It is this method of dialing that is always provided for in recipes. How to understand the desired volume and weight, if it is indicated that 1 tablespoon is needed to prepare a dish? How many milliliters and grams you scooped up can be found in the table below. It states that the volume bulk products, measured with a tablespoon and a teaspoon, is somewhat larger than that of liquids. The same "slide" gives the supplement.


Sugar, ground crackers

Salt, baking soda

flour, cocoa, ground coffee, gelatin, ground nuts,

dry medicinal herb



Tea spoon


Thick mixtures: how many grams and how many milliliters in a tablespoon and a teaspoon

In addition to bulk and liquid products, of course, ingredients such as sour cream, honey or are used in the preparation. They can also be scooped up “with a slide”, but the density of all mixtures will be similar or slightly higher than that of thick liquids. For these products, a teaspoon and a tablespoon are also used. How many ml and grams are contained in them is indicated in the table.


tomato paste

Condensed milk




Tea spoon


Measurement error

Even having accurately measured all the components of the future dish, you need to understand that the spoons can be different in length and width, which means that the weight will also change. Therefore, for large volumes, it is best to use with divisions.

Sometimes you have to measure liquid with a teaspoon, dessert spoon, or tablespoon. For example, the doctor has prescribed medicine for your child or you to take 1 teaspoon or tablespoon 3 times a day. And now you are tormented by the question: - How many ml are in a teaspoon? How many ml in a tablespoon? Because in the instructions for the medicine, the dose for one dose is clearly stated in milliliters. A loving mother, fearing to harm the child, is tormented by the question: - How many ml of syrup are in a teaspoon or a tablespoon?

How many ml in a tablespoon?

You may have the same questions while preparing various culinary recipes or following certain diets. For example, the recipe says to add 20 ml of vinegar. How many ml of vinegar in a spoon? What spoon to measure required amount liquids? How many teaspoons does a tablespoon hold, and is there some kind of dependence here?

In all medical and kitchen books, you can read that a teaspoon contains 5 ml, a dessert - 10 ml and a tablespoon - 15 ml of liquid.

It is this volume of spoons that doctors are taught at medical institutes and, based on such knowledge, they prescribe medication. Although Wikipedia says that a standard tablespoon in the CIS countries and, in particular, Russia is 18 ml.

Now we are only talking about measuring liquid with spoons. Of particular difference between water, vinegar and sunflower oil no, when dosing these products with spoons. They are all liquid. Bulk products are another matter - they can be collected both "with a slide" and without a "slide". The result in this case can differ quite significantly, sometimes by 2 or more times.

Therefore, we will not talk about the amount of bulk products (sugar, flour, soda, salt) in one spoon today.

There are spoons in your house today different manufacturers made to different standards. Therefore, the number of milliliters of liquid that are placed in them, it would seem, should differ in a fairly wide range. But it's not. All of them approximately meet the following standards:

1 teaspoon = 5ml

1 dessert spoon = 10 ml or 2 teaspoons

1 tablespoon = 15ml or 3 teaspoons

Video. How many ml in a spoon?

It should be noted that this amount of liquid is placed in all spoons from different manufacturers. But in some it is placed with difficulty and, only due to the laws of surface tension, protrudes slightly above the edges of the spoon. In principle, it is possible to lift a spoon with such filling so as not to splash water, although it is difficult, but it is generally unrealistic to give medicine, especially to a child, in this way. And if you pour a little less liquid, then this will already be a discrepancy with the recipe.

Based on this, it is possible to use spoons to measure the amount of liquid only as a last resort.

Therefore, we recommend that you measure the medicines you take using the measuring spoon that comes with liquid medicines - syrups and potions. You can also measure the amount of liquid medicine with a disposable syringe. Only in this way can the required dose be observed. This is especially important when taking medications for children.

For the correct dosing of liquids in the kitchen, we advise you to purchase a set of standard measuring spoons.

You can also test one spoon from your home. Using a syringe, determine the amount of ml that she puts into herself, mark it with a special mark and put it in a certain place.

This is the only way to avoid gross errors in the dosage of the substance with spoons.

It often happens that in the process of preparing any dishes a certain small amount of ingredients is required. If there is no accurate kitchen scale at hand that can measure a few grams or a mass of up to 50 g, or a volume of up to 100 ml, then it is quite possible to use cutlery in order to measure out the required amount of the ingredient.

To know for sure how much of a particular substance is contained in a small teaspoon, you can use the finished plate.

It is important to remember, in addition, that most liquids are quite heavy, while solids are lighter. If you need not the mass of the ingredient, but the volume, you should use the table for liquids.

Volumes of liquids in a teaspoon

First, find out how many ml in a teaspoon. Often, when taking medicine, mixing cocktails, making winter provisions or baking, it is required to determine this or that small amount of liquid. It should be noted that water alcohol solutions and syrups, will often be identical in volume to water. Therefore, when determining the amount of these liquids, one can equal the volume of water: 1 tsp. water = 5 ml. The syrup will also be 5 ml.

5 and 10 ml is how much?

The reference point in the measurement of liquids is water. If the mass of substances in the same measuring device can differ quite significantly in view of their density and state of aggregation, then the volume of a liquid substance in the normal state is a fairly stable unit.

Therefore, the amount of any liquid in a standard teaspoon is usually 5 ml. Based on this, 5 ml and 10 ml of liquid are equal to one and two spoons, respectively.

How many products does 1 tsp contain

If the milliliters of liquids measured in one tank is a constant value, then the oils of both liquid and dry components can vary greatly. The density of dry matter, the size of its particles and the mass of each, the number of oxygen between them, make this difference very noticeable.

That is why, in order to accurately measure the right number of grams of an ingredient, without substances, you need to use a special table. The content of the following categories of dry products in 1 tsp. by volume and weight:

  • sugar = 5 ml = 10 g;
  • salt = 5 ml = 10 g;
  • starch = 5 ml = 10 g;
  • powdered sugar = 5 ml = 10 g;
  • cocoa powder = 5 ml = 9 g;
  • flour = 5 ml = 5 g;
  • milk powder = 5 ml = 5 g;
  • crystalline gelatin = 5 ml = 5 g;
  • ground coffee = 5 ml = 7 g.

The amount of spices and dry ingredients for baking in powders in 1 tsp:

  • vanilla sugar = 5 ml = 5 g;
  • cinnamon = 5 ml = 2 g;
  • ground black pepper = 5 ml = 5 g;
  • ground red pepper = 5 ml = 5 g;
  • soda = 5 ml = 12 g;
  • citric acid = 5 ml = 5 g;
  • dry yeast = 5 ml = 4 g.

Mass of cereals and legumes:

  • wheat groats = 9 g;
  • buckwheat = 7 g;
  • cereals oatmeal= 6 g;
  • pearl barley \u003d 8 g;
  • semolina = 6 g;
  • barley groats = 7 g;
  • rice = 9 g;
  • millet = 8 g;
  • peas = 10 g;
  • beans = 10 g.

When measuring dry powdered or crystalline products with a teaspoon, a full cutlery is taken into account, but without a slide. For dry and liquid substances, a standard has been adopted, according to which a teaspoon is equal to 5 milliliters of volume and 5 grams of weight on average.

mixing medications and liquids at home, it is better, after all, to use especially accurate medical scales, since every gram is important in chemical reactions, and even its tenths and hundredths.

In the matter of cooking, such subtleties are not so important.

Using the table in culinary purposes, you can measure the most accurate amount of the ingredient, and if there was no table at hand, you can safely take a teaspoon for 5 ml and 5 g, respectively.

Remember the cartoon, how the boa constrictor was measured in parrots? That's in life: you open the recipe, and everything is painted there in "pinches" and ounces. Immerse yourself in the search for information. But here's the problem: the numbers are so contradictory that you get even more confused. It's time to put an end to this. Let's start small: how many ml in a teaspoon?

How many ml in a teaspoon?

A teaspoon as a unit of volume is widely used in cooking and pharmaceuticals. Common abbreviation tsp By the way, the teaspoon has been used as a convenient unit of volume since the middle of the 17th century. It is approximately ⅓ of a tablespoon, 1/40 cup or 5 ml.

The unit of volume, equal to 1×10⁻³l, is an off-system metric value, fractional in relation to a liter, and is called a milliliter. Accepted abbreviation ml. A milliliter is equivalent to one cubic centimeter.

Determine the amount of liquid

For recipes liquid is usually measured in units of volume. One of the traditional tools for measuring liquid volume is a teaspoon. Initially, it was equated to ¼ tablespoon, later this measure was revised and refined to ⅓ parts. How many ml of liquid are in a teaspoon?

This is the ratio that the American dietary measurement system uses today. To be precise, one teaspoon contains 4.92892159375 milliliters. American dietetics for the volume of 1 tsp. takes 5 milliliters, the same value is considered to be a metric teaspoon. But the British have a slightly larger teaspoon: they have a value of 5.9 milliliters. In general, each country uses its own standard for the teaspoon volume unit for culinary purposes.

In our country, the metric teaspoon has been adopted as the standard in cooking and nutrition. Thus, the volume of the liquid is:

  • 1 tsp = 5 ml;
  • V dessert spoon(d.l.) contains 2 tsp. = 10 ml;
  • a tablespoon (tbsp.) is equivalent to 3 tsp. = 15 ml;
  • faceted glass filled to the level of the rim - 200 ml - 16 tbsp. l. ‒ 20 d.l. = 40 tsp;
  • faceted glass filled to the brim - 250 ml - 12 dl. + 1 tsp = 50 tsp

How much does a teaspoon ml of dry foods contain?

Very often, in recipes, the required amount of components is indicated in spoons, and in grams, and in milliliters, and in glasses. Of course, you can find another recipe with a more adequate description, but you need to spend some time on this, which is always not enough. Moreover, it may be exclusively important recipe, from which it is impossible to deviate one iota, and it is impossible to find another like it.

Name of products

Tea spoon


Vegetable oil


Powdered milk

Whole milk

Condensed milk



It should be noted that all the data given in the table correspond to a full teaspoon or tablespoon with a slide. In the case of a glass, we are talking about faceted dishes filled to the brim. And of course, for ease of reference, rounded values ​​are given, calculated to the nearest tenth. By the way, to convert grams to milliliters, it is not enough just to assign a few zeros to the indicators. Everything is a little more complicated.

Since we need to move from one system of measurements of a unit of volume to another, for each product there will be an appropriate conversion factor calculated by the formula V = W / ρ, where:

  • V is the volume of the substance (m³ or l);
  • W is the weight of the substance (kg);
  • ρ is the density of the substance (kg / m³), ​​determined according to special tables. Each product has its own density.

The following is some interesting data compiled from the most common queries from homemakers on the Internet:

  • The first place in the ranking is occupied by the following question: 5 ml is how many teaspoons? The answer is simple: 1 tsp.
  • The next question is the opposite of the first: 1 teaspoon - how many ml? We answer: 1 tsp. = 5 ml.
  • 10 ml is how many teaspoons? 2 tsp. or 1 d.l.
  • 2.5 ml is how many teaspoons? This volume takes ½ tsp.
  • 2 ml is how much in a teaspoon? This question took a little thought. But there is another unit for measuring the volume of a liquid. drops. So, 2 mg is 40 drops or 2 g, or 0.4 tsp.

Often people are faced with the use of drugs in drops, so you need to know how many drops of liquid are contained in certain improvised items.

Accepted drop volumes

Water (hydrogen oxide) is the lightest liquid. The volume of one drop is 0.05 milliliters. The volume of an oil drop is 0.06 ml.

Volumes of one drop of water:

  • 0.05 cubic centimeters.
  • 50 cubic millimeters.
  • 0.0005 liters.
  • 0.00005 decalitre.
  • 0.0005 deciliters.
  • 50 microlitres.
  • 50,000 nanoliters.
  • 50,000,000 picoliters.

Important! The water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and oxygen, which are joined together by a covalent bond.

How to measure drops in milliliters?

Liquid medicines usually available with a dispenser that allows you to determine the required number of drops.

If there is no dispenser or it is lost, then you should not be upset, because you can determine how many drops are in 1 ml of liquid.

It should be noted in advance that the amount will directly depend on the density and surface tension (the thermodynamic characteristic of the interface between two phases in equilibrium).

To determine the amount, it is worth using the pharmacological table, which was created by specialists during the existence of the USSR.

The number of drops in 1 ml of different drugs:

  1. Water infusion of glucose - 51.
  2. Motherwort infusion - 51.
  3. Essential oil peppermint – 47.
  4. Validol - 48.
  5. Infusion of medicinal valerian - 51.
  6. Hydrochloric acid - 21.
  7. Adonizide - 34.
  8. Medical ether - 62.
  9. Chloroform - 87.
  10. Cordiamin - 29.
  11. Hawthorn extract - 52.
  12. Buckthorn extract - 40.
  13. A solution of adrenaline hydrochloride 0.1% - 25.
  14. Oil retinol acetate - 41.
  15. Ammonia-anise drops - 49.
  16. Alcohol iodine 5% - 48.
  17. Alcohol iodine 10% - 56.
  18. Nitroglycerin 1% - 53.
  19. Lily of the valley infusion - 50.
  20. Infusion of wormwood - 51.
  21. Alcohol tincture - 50.
  22. Corvalol - 25.
  23. Vitamin D - 30.
  24. Hydrogen peroxide - 23.
  25. Essential oil - 17.
  26. ASD fraction 2% - 40.
  27. TRA flavoring - 35.

In 1 ml of water - 20 drops. Thanks to this table, you can calculate how much you need to drink medicines.

measured right amount in spoons or pipette. A pipette is a measuring or dosing vessel that looks like a tube.

Types of pipettes:

  1. Mora pipette.
  2. Graduated pipette.

Mohr pipette volumes (expressed in ml):

In medicine and pharmacology, a pipette with a volume of 1 ml is most often used.

Volumes of graduated pipettes (expressed in ml):

Number of drops in a teaspoon and a tablespoon

Measurement often helps to save time, to understand how much medicine should be added to water (provided that it is taken in dissolved form).

Note! There are such types of spoons:

  1. Tea (5 ml).
  2. Dessert (10 ml).
  3. Canteen (15 ml).

Table: number of drops in spoons

With inflammation of the ear, boric acid is prescribed, which is available in the form of drops and powder. Boric acid acts as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent.

Number of drops in a teaspoon of boric acid:

  1. Without a slide - 240.
  2. With a slide - 432.

Measurement with a syringe

If the medicine does not provide a measuring cup, then a syringe is used to measure the dosage:

  1. For big dosage uses a syringe with a volume of 5 ml. In a syringe with such a volume of 100 drops.
  2. For little ones dosages, an insulin syringe (1 ml) is used. The peculiarity of this syringe is the presence of decimal secretions, which allow you to accurately measure the liquid.

    The insulin syringe holds 20 drops.

Important! To measure the amount in the syringe cube, the same standards apply as for one milliliter.

Other measurement methods

If you do not have a dispenser, pipette or syringe at hand, use the tips below.

You can measure the required amount in the following ways:

  1. Take a tube intended for drinking beverages. Immerse it halfway in the liquid. Close the other end with your finger and slowly drip the liquid into a separate container.
  2. Fill a tablespoon to the top with liquid. Place another spoon under it and slowly dig in.

How many ml in a drop

Often medicines are produced with a dispenser, but without a measuring spoon.

Note! If the doctor prescribes the dosage in ml, then you should use the reverse calculation of the conversion of drops to ml.

How many ml in one drop in different medicines:

  1. Echinacea tincture (treats constipation, gastritis) - 0.05.
  2. Ambrobene (for cough) - 0.09.
  3. Motherwort infusion (soothes) - 0.05.
  4. Corvalol (helps with tachycardia) - 0.07.
  5. Valerian tincture (soothes) - 0.05.
  6. Eleutherococcus tincture (treats chronic pyelonephritis, herpes) - 0.05.

Table: the number of milliliters in one drop

The difference between water and essential oils

The difference between the volume of water and essential oil equal to 0.01 ml. It occurs due to the higher density of the oil. These substances are radically different in composition.

Essential oil composition:

  1. Monoterpenes.
  2. monoterpene alcohols.
  3. Esters of monoterpenes.
  4. Phenols.
  5. Terpene aldehydes.
  6. Ketones.
  7. Furanocoumarins.
  8. Sesquiterpenes.

Water is less dense in its liquid state.

Water composition:

  1. Ions.
  2. dissolved gases.
  3. biogenic elements.
  4. Trace elements (30 types).
  5. organic matter.
  6. Toxins.

Important! Water tends to transform into different substances, as a result of which the volume of the substance changes.

Processes that occur with water:

  1. Boiling (liquid turns into vapor when heated).
  2. Condensation (transition of vapor into liquid).
  3. Crystallization (transformation of water into ice).
  4. Melting (melting of ice).
  5. Sublimation (ice turns into steam).
  6. Desublimation (steam turns to ice).

Measurement of liquid in glasses

Typically, glasses with a volume of 200 grams are selected for measurement.

The volume of different liquids in a glass:

  1. Water - 200 ml.
  2. Milk - 200 ml.
  3. Vinegar - 200 ml.
  4. Ghee - 195 ml.
  5. Melted fat - 195 ml.
  6. Olive oil - 185 ml.
  7. Vegetable oil - 185 ml.
  8. Melted margarine - 180 ml.

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