Salted perch caviar recipe. Perch caviar recipes

01.07.2023 Meat dishes

Everyone knows how to use red or black caviar. This delicacy is expensive. But the caviar of various river fish goes to us for nothing, as they say, as a load. What to do with her? Throw away or give to a cat? Do not hurry! In this article we will tell you what can be prepared from perch caviar. And of course, we will share recipes. In its raw form, this product, unlike the delicacy caviar of sturgeon and salmon fish, is not very tasty. Because of its astringency, even hungry cats are reluctant to eat it. Therefore, there is an opinion that the caviar of river perch is poisonous. But this is a myth. If you cook caviar in a special way, you can make a lot of delicious dishes from it. The most important way is salting. Below we will talk about it. But in addition to salting, river perch caviar can be smoked, boiled, fried, cutlets, pancakes, pancakes can be made from it. After reading our article, you can choose the right recipe.

Salting. The easiest way

In stores you can find jars filled with white caviar. It happens pike, carp, herring, perch. Of course, in appearance it is not as elegant as red or black caviar. But in terms of useful properties, it is not much inferior to these delicacies. Protein, omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, potassium, folic acid, vitamins - all these substances contain perch caviar. How to cook this product at home? Here is the simplest recipe. First you need to free the caviar from the film covering it and rinse thoroughly with running water. Then put in a bowl and salt to taste. Mix with a whisking motion. A light foam should appear on the surface. Let's leave it alone for ten minutes. Then pour two or three tablespoons of any vegetable oil. Whisk again with a fork. Transfer to a clean and dry glass jar. Pour in vegetable oil so that it covers the caviar by half a centimeter. No more mixing. Close the jar tightly and place in the refrigerator. In five days, your delicacy is ready.

Another way of salting, or How to cook perch caviar at home

This method inherits the industrial one. First we will make the marinade. Pour a liter of water into the pan and add two tablespoons of salt. Let's put it on fire. When the water becomes warm, add two bay leaves, ten black peas and four allspice, a pinch of ground coriander. Bring the marinade to a boil and boil for twenty minutes. During this time, we will wash the caviar from one river perch. Let's free her from the tapes. Let's put it in a saucepan. Pour hot (but not boiling) marinade. Let's brew for half an hour. After that, cover the colander with gauze and discard the caviar. The marinade will drain, we will extract the leaves of the laurel, as well as the peppercorns. Put the caviar in a metal bowl and put it in a water bath (that is, put it in boiling water in a large saucepan). Stirring regularly, heat for 20 minutes. Ready caviar should be white and crumbly. Salt it if necessary and add a little vegetable oil.

What snacks can be made from this product? A Few Ideas

So, we have salted perch caviar at our disposal. How to prepare snacks from this product? The perfect combination would be salted perch caviar and rye bread. You can spread it with oil, and put caviar on top. This is such a delicious appetizer. Let's boil the eggs. Clean, cut in half lengthwise. Take out the yolks into a bowl. Mix them with salted caviar. Place back in the recesses of the proteins. Drip some mayonnaise on top. The snack is ready. It contains only 60 calories, making it a great diet snack. You can also cook caviar butter. Simply mix the two ingredients to achieve the desired degree of salinity. This oil is good for lubricating crackers.


This is an original Russian dish. And if you are wondering how to cook perch caviar, you need to remember this old recipe. We extract the grains from the washed yastiks (half a kilo), salt them and send them to the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Beat caviar at minimum speed. Add two eggs, pepper. Whisk again. We add a little by three tablespoons of flour and semolina. Stir the liquid, like pancakes, dough. We bake in a pan with vegetable oil. Serve with sour cream.

Fried caviar

The specific astringency of the product completely disappears during heat treatment. Therefore, if you are thinking about perch, but do not want to salt it (since you will have to wait five days for the delicacy), fry it. In this case, you will be spared the troublesome procedure of pulling out the grains from the ovaries. Just rinse the bags containing the eggs well. In a plate, prepare a breading of flour, salt and pepper. Thoroughly roll the ovaries in this mixture. Heat up a frying pan with plenty of melted butter. Fry for two minutes on each side. Wash a dozen or a dozen cherry tomatoes and cut in half. Let's add to the pan. Fry for another two minutes so that the tomatoes release their juice. Put the caviar and tomatoes in a warm bowl. Pour a little less than half a glass of dry white wine into the pan. Bring to a boil and simmer a little (for one minute). Pour the dish with this sauce.


If you are thinking about how to cook perch caviar for the second, you can use the following recipe. Delicious meatballs will taste like fish. We wash the caviar and free it from the eggs. Salt it, sprinkle with black pepper, chopped green onions and dill. During heat treatment, caviar becomes dense and dry. Therefore, we will introduce 50 g of sauerkraut into minced meat. But first, we will chop it finely along with the onion and three cloves of garlic (for 400-450 g of caviar). So that the minced meat does not spread around the pan, we will introduce one or two eggs into it, a spoonful of wheat bran and a little flour. Mix well with a whisking motion. Minced meat should be the consistency of thick sour cream. Roll cutlets in a breading of salted flour or breadcrumbs. Fry from different sides in vegetable oil.

Diet cutlets

To cook perch caviar deliciously, you should continue the previous recipe. The dish prepared according to it is also quite edible. But for dietary nutrition, there is another way to cook. Let's fry the products only until a golden crust appears. Put the cutlets in a baking dish. It is advisable to place them close to each other. Fifty grams of sour cream diluted with milk. Pour cutlets with this liquid sauce. Put in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Five minutes before the end of the appointed cooking time, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

How to cook river perch caviar? Very simple. Make an eggplant!

Fish was often used in Russian national cuisine. And our ancestors prepared caviar from it in different ways. For example, they made such a delicious casserole out of it. We wash the caviar and free it from the films. In the case of perch, this is much easier to do than with pike. Caviar can simply be scraped off the ovaries with a fork. Transfer the product to the mixing bowl. We drive in eggs - depending on the amount of caviar, two or three pieces. We add milk. Its proportions also depend on the amount of the main ingredient. One egg should be a tablespoon of milk. Salt everything to taste. You can add your favorite spices. Let's start whipping. Lubricate the refractory form with butter. Pour in the mixture. Previously, ikryannitsa was cooked in a Russian oven. But now we can make it in the oven and even in the microwave. If you are going to use the microwave, set the unit to maximum power, and the timer for 5-7 minutes. In the middle of the process, open the oven door and mix the contents of the mold. You will get a delicious casserole with a golden brown crust.

Now you know how to cook perch caviar. You can also bake pancakes and pancakes from this product.

How to pickle caviar of river fish at home? LITTLE TRICKS FOR SALTING RIVER CAVIAR - pressed caviar! 4 best recipes from experienced fishermen

Every true fisherman should be able not only to catch fish, dry it and dry it, but also to salt the caviar on their own. After all, properly salted fish caviar is a real delicacy. In addition, homemade caviar is very useful due to its naturalness and high content of nutrients. In this article, we will talk about the technology of salting fish caviar at home and give several detailed recipes that will help you prepare a surprisingly delicious snack.

How to properly get caviar from fish. You can use caviar for salting only if the fish is fresh enough. Remove caviar from pike at home To remove the caviar, you need to act very carefully and accurately. First, cut open the belly of the fish. Then we pick up the elongated shell bags with caviar with our fingers and slowly separate them from the cavity of the fish. It is very important to take out the caviar with whole ovaries, since if handled carelessly, bitter bile can get into the caviar. Yastyki are separate roe parts covered with a thin film, the internal filling of which plays a binding role for eggs.

Preparing caviar for salting Caviar of pike, roach, perch, carp, rudd, bream and crucian is ideal for salting. To prepare a snack, we need at least 150 grams of caviar. The main preparatory stage is the release of eggs from the film. This procedure is called "piercing". Since we are working with a small amount of caviar, for these purposes you can use a colander, sieve or vegetable grater with non-sharp edges of the holes. We get rid of the caviar from the film. The larger the eggs, the larger the holes in the bowl should be so that the eggs can freely pass through them. But the caviar cleansing process is much faster if we use a colander. Having picked up the necessary dishes, we begin to slowly and carefully wipe the caviar, after cutting the film with a knife. If the total weight of caviar is more than 2 kg, then it is better to clean it on a kitchen board with a knife (its back side).

Salted caviar recipes - preface

Recipe #1 First we need to prepare the rapa. Rapa is a special saline solution for washing fish caviar. Pour caviar with brine Proportions of standard brine - 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Bring the solution to a boil and pour hot caviar into it. Stir the caviar with a fork for about 3 minutes so that the hot solution covers all the eggs. Then we drain the brine and prepare a new one to repeat the procedure. A total of 3 fills are required. With the first two, the water turns cloudy, and the third time it should be more transparent and clean. Then you need to free the caviar from excess moisture. To do this, we discard it on a sieve and wait 10-15 minutes until all the water has drained. In the absence of a sieve, the eggs can be laid out on a flat surface in an even layer of 3-4 cm and placed at a slight slope for some time. This method will help drain the water no worse than through a sieve. After that, we take a glass jar with a volume of about 1 liter and pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into its bottom. Pour caviar on top, but not to the top, but about 75% of the can. pour caviar with oil Add a full teaspoon of salt and mix well with a fork. Then we fill the rest of the jar with caviar and pour sunflower oil on top - about a layer of 5 mm. We close it all with a plastic lid and let it stand in the refrigerator for several hours, but it is better to leave it all night. In the morning you can already enjoy sandwiches with delicious crumbly light amber caviar. The appetizer tastes slightly salty and absolutely does not smell like fish. The total cooking time is only about 30 minutes. If, when preparing caviar in this way, sterilize all the dishes (jars, sieve, lid, fork, spoon), then closed caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time - more than 1 month.

Recipe number 2 For salting caviar according to this recipe, we need an enamel pan. Pour water into it - about three times more in volume than the volume of the available caviar .. Add salt to the water (as for boiling eggs) and bring the saline solution to a boil. In boiling water, add various spices and spices to taste: bay leaf, ground black pepper, black peppercorns. Then remove the water from the fire and pour the prepared caviar into it. Cover the pan tightly with a lid and leave to infuse for 15 minutes, no more. We filter the caviar through gauze, while the water should drain completely. After the caviar has cooled, it is ready for use. Storage in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 -5 C is possible for a month.

Recipe number 3 This method of salting caviar is significantly different from others. Such caviar is usually called "pressed caviar". salt pike caviar in pluses. For salting, caviar is in pauses, that is, in bags in which it is initially located. Even torn and damaged bags will do. Also in one dish you can salt a mixture of caviar of different river fish. Salting is done by laying pauses with caviar in layers in a bowl and filling them with a large amount of salt. In this case, each layer must be separated by a gasket made of rigid material. After salting, the caviar is washed and dried. The result should be oblong rectangles of dark color. Even if we see the recipe for pressed caviar for the first time, we are already familiar with it and have tried it more than once. After all, such caviar can be in any dried fish.

Recipe number 4 This recipe is distinguished by a special way of cleaning and washing the caviar. For 2 kg. caviar you will need: water; salt; colander; several deep cups; gauze; large saucepan. Bring 5-8 liters of water to a boil and pour it over the caviar, previously placed in a deep cup. Fill the pike caviar with boiling water Try to get the boiling water on all the caviar bags. Under the influence of hot water, the film moves away from the caviar and curls up. Thus, we will be able to quickly and efficiently free the caviar from the shell. It is important to fill the caviar quickly so that the water does not cool down. You can also clean the caviar from the film using a meat grinder - when scrolling, the entire film remains on the knife. Next, get rid of the small remnants of the film. Pour the caviar with a large amount of cold water and mix it thoroughly so that each caviar is well washed. We carry out the washing procedure 10-15 times, all the time changing the water until it becomes transparent. Particular attention should be paid to the color of caviar - it should be brick or bright orange. If it is dirty yellowish, then steaming was not enough and additional heat treatment is necessary. In this case, fill the caviar with boiling water again.

After thorough washing, making sure that the caviar is clean enough, transfer it to dry gauze and tie it in a knot. For complete drainage of water and easy drying, the knot can be hung. Further, your actions depend on how long you want to prepare caviar. If you eat it in 1-2 weeks, then in 400-500 g of caviar it is enough to put a large pinch of salt and mix well. After it has stood for 1 day in the refrigerator, it can be eaten. For longer storage, the knot with caviar is soaked in brine. The brine is prepared from cold boiled water, to which salt is added (5-6 liters of water and 7-8 tablespoons of salt are enough for 1.5 kg of caviar). A gauze knot with caviar is lowered into this brine and kept there for 15 minutes. Then, to prevent the formation of salt, the caviar is washed once in a colander with cold water. After all the water has drained, the caviar is transferred to glass jars, closed with a lid and put in a cold place for storage. Caviar salted in this way can be stored for 1-2 months.

Tips and little tricks

The fatter the fish, the tastier and healthier its caviar. Salt for salting is better to use a small "Extra". Spring caviar is most suitable for salting. It is larger, more nutritious and can be stored for a very long time. Do not use metal utensils. Dishes for cooking caviar should be glass, porcelain, wood or earthenware. It is possible to pickle even frozen caviar. For example, trout caviar, which is sold frozen. To determine the readiness of the salt brine, you can use raw peeled potatoes. Place the potato in the water and gradually add the salt while stirring. As soon as the potatoes float to the surface, the brine is ready.

Salting perch caviar is a simple matter, but not at all fast, since salted caviar must stand in the cold for at least 3 days! Do not believe those culinary recipes that say otherwise and do not endanger your life and the lives of your loved ones by tasting raw fish products!

In general, whipped salted perch caviar is an ideal snack both for a glass of white vodka and a glass of wine. It goes well with boiled or baked potatoes, cooked with or without the skin. Caviar is whipped necessarily with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar and vegetable oil. By itself, caviar is a protein, so the appetizer turns out to be somewhat similar to mayonnaise.

Whipped caviar is stored in the refrigerator for about 2-3 days, acquiring a more aromatic taste every day.

So, let's prepare the necessary ingredients for salting perch caviar and start cooking.

Rinse fresh perch caviar in water and clean from black films - they taste insanely bitter. Place the caviar in a deep bowl and pour over the lemon juice. Stir gently.

Pour 1 tbsp. salt and mix again. Cover the container with cling film and place in the cold for 2-3 days.

As soon as two or three days pass, you will see that the caviar has acquired a bright orange color - this indicates that the salting of the perch caviar is completed and you can beat the caviar.

Transfer the caviar to a blender or food processor bowl and pour in 9% vinegar, add a little more salt to taste. Start beating at the highest speed for about 10 minutes.

After the specified time, start pouring vegetable oil in a thin stream. If your caviar is too thick, then first add about 2-3 tbsp. chilled boiled water, whisk, and then butter. Beat the caviar with the butter for about 10 minutes until the texture of the snack becomes like a cream.

Chop the washed green onion and add it to the bowl, beat again for 1-2 minutes. As you can see in the photo, whipped caviar keeps its shape perfectly, even if the container is tilted to one side.

You can start tasting the finished caviar by spreading it on bread slices of black, rye or white bread.

To prepare a delicious fish snack in the winter, you just need to pickle perch caviar. It is salted for two or three days, and only after that it can be whipped. In no case not the other way around, otherwise you risk getting food poisoning from a raw fish product.

Salted perch caviar is served with potato dishes: boiled, baked, fried, stewed. The shelf life of such a snack in the cold is 3 days. Onions or green onions must be added only at the very end, otherwise the caviar may not whip.


  • 300-400 g perch caviar
  • 0.5 pcs. lemon
  • 1.5 st. l. salt
  • 3 art. l. 9% vinegar
  • 150 ml vegetable oil
  • onions or green onions


1. Rinse fresh perch caviar in water and clean it of black tares - not only are they bitter, they can also wrap themselves on the blades of a blender or mixer during whipping and disable the equipment. Put the caviar in a deep bowl and squeeze the juice from half a lemon on it. If the fruit is small, then squeeze the juice from the whole citrus and mix the caviar in a container.

2. Then pour 1 tbsp. l. salt and mix again. At this stage, you need to cover the container with caviar with cling film or a bag and take it out to the cold for a period of 2-3 days. During this time, the caviar will be salted and disinfected.

3. After the specified time, you will see that the product has changed its color to bright orange - this means that the caviar can be whipped.

4. Move it to the bowl of a blender or food processor, pour in the vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. chilled boiled water and add the rest of the salt. Beat for about 3-5 minutes until white. Then, little by little, start pouring in vegetable oil without stopping the technique. The caviar will turn into a thick mayonnaise-like sauce. This will take you about 5-6 minutes. It is best to use unscented sunflower oil.

Of course, perches must first be washed, gutted and caviar removed from them. Caviar bags, the so-called yastyki, should be washed and cut with a long narrow knife with sharp secant movements. The result is a homogeneous mass.

Next, you should prepare brine - a saturated saline solution. Two full tablespoons of rock salt should be dissolved in a liter of water, mixing thoroughly. This amount of brine is calculated for a volume of caviar equal to one liter jar.

Then the brine must be brought to a boil and poured into a mass of caviar.

Perch caviar, unlike pike caviar, is best separated from ovaries with an ordinary fork. With its help, in a circular motion for about two minutes, you should mix the caviar, simultaneously removing the films from the caviar bags. Upon completion of this procedure, the caviar should be filtered and the brine should be drained. At this stage, it will be dirty and cloudy.

Then you need to re-cook the brine, observing for it all the same above proportions, bring to a boil, pour the caviar again and remove the remaining films again. After re-treatment, the brine should already be clean, and the eggs should separate and no longer stick to each other. However, the procedure for preparing the brine and pouring the caviar with it must be done one more time, the third and last. After this time, you need to wait until the brine drains completely from the caviar mass.

Then the caviar should be thoroughly mixed, compacted, topped up with a little more sunflower oil and covered with a lid.

You can use caviar prepared in this way after 5-6 hours. Its shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than one week.

There is another common option for salting perch caviar. It needs a liter of water, a liter of prepared caviar, 2 tablespoons of salt, a dessert spoon of coriander, 2 bay leaves, a dozen black peppercorns and 5 grains of fragrant. From the listed ingredients, you should cook the marinade, and clean the caviar in the manner described above in the first recipe.

Marinade, bringing to a boil, you need to keep on fire for about 20 minutes. Pour the perch caviar with the prepared marinade, vigorously stirring the resulting mass. The mixture should be infused for about half an hour. Next, the liquid must be drained using a colander, a fine sieve or several times folded gauze.

After that, you need to take a pot slightly larger than the container in which the caviar is located, and sterilize, that is, put one container in another, fill the space between them with water and subject it to slow heating and boiling for at least 20 minutes, stirring constantly mixture.

As a result of this preparation, the caviar becomes white and crumbly, and also gets rid of the tart taste. Ready caviar should be slightly salted and add a little lemon juice. Due to the longer heat treatment, such salted caviar is stored much longer.