Can watermelons. The benefits of eating watermelon, contraindications for inclusion in the diet

01.07.2023 From meat

Watermelons are very loved by both children and adults. Most of all they are valued for their sweetness and freshness. At the same time, many people spit out the bones in the process of eating, believing that they are capable of causing a certain amount of harm to their body. In fact, they do it absolutely in vain, since the bones have many useful properties. So, you should figure out in detail whether it is possible to eat a watermelon with bones.

General information about the use of watermelons with stones

Very often, after eating this delicious berry, we throw the watermelon rinds, along with all the seeds, into the trash can. It turns out that we do it completely in vain, because with our own hands we throw out a very useful and valuable product that can help our body fight a huge number of various ailments.

Watermelon pits are what people pay the least attention to after eating the berry itself and try to get rid of them as soon as possible, while being careful not to crack them. Often in such situations, the question arises as to whether it is possible to eat a watermelon with seeds, whether it is harmful to swallow them at all, and whether this part of a tasty berry carries some kind of threat to the human body. After all, it happens that this still happens. Most people remember from early childhood how adults told them that it is absolutely impossible to swallow seeds.

There is nothing bad

In fact, this is not at all the case, and absolutely nothing bad can happen to a person because of the seeds, but rather the opposite - it will certainly bring great health benefits. Let's try to make sure of this, and in order to do this, remember what taste they have and what they look like. In part, watermelon seeds resemble their sunflower brothers, but still, peanuts are perhaps a more suitable option.

Can you eat watermelon with bones?

From time immemorial, watermelon pits have traditionally been applicable in the cuisines of Asia and the Middle East, and have always been quite popular in a number of African countries, for example, in Egypt, Sudan and Nigeria. From them, scientists have learned to make butter and flour. But their main purpose, no doubt, is a snack and eating without a shell. In addition, a fairly common option is their drying and roasting. But no matter how these tiny ingredients are used, in any case, you can get a product that will have a significant mass of nutrients. Such a dish has every chance of becoming a worthy alternative to the usual, but extremely harmful chips or salty sticks.

What if the appendix is ​​inflamed?

Many people still believe that watermelon seeds are forbidden, if only because they can cause inflammation of the appendix. A similar stereotype has been instilled in all of us since childhood, and therefore, many still try to spit out all the bones, even though this interferes with the comfortable eating of the watermelon itself and is not so convenient. In fact, this stereotype has long been refuted by medicine, although for some reason most people still blindly believe in it. Of course, theoretically, seeds can cause appendicitis, but the likelihood of such a danger is so small that it is not even worth focusing on this.

Benefits of eating watermelon seeds

Can you eat watermelon with bones? This is a common question. Let's try to take a closer look at what they are good for health.

Slightly dried watermelon seeds are one-third protein, which allows them to have in their arsenal a significant amount of amino acids, which play a crucial role in the growth and development of muscle tissue. In addition, they are actively involved in the synthesis of energy important for the body. The most useful among the amino acids that are present in the seeds is the element arginine. It is extremely important for the proper functioning of the heart muscle and helps in the process of regulating blood pressure, reducing the risk of ischemia by several times.

Amino acids

An important role among the amino acids present in watermelon seeds is played by tryptophans and glutamic acid, as well as lysine. One hundred grams of the product contains about thirty grams of protein, which can be equated to sixty percent of the required daily allowance for the human body.

Watermelon seeds also have a significant amount of fat, namely: in 100 grams of the product, their content reaches 51 grams. Among the beneficial substances of this ingredient, an important role should be assigned to the omega-6 element, which can lower high blood pressure. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to swallow the bones from a watermelon is in the affirmative.


Along with the above, it is worth noting that these seeds are distinguished by a huge content of B vitamins, which play an important role in the process of transforming food consumed by a person into the energy he needs. 100 grams of the product contains 3 milligrams of niacin, which is the necessary proportion of the daily requirement. Niacin is of great value, as it has a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and also has a significant effect on the health of the skin.


In addition, the richest mineral composition is of great importance in the use of these seeds. So, 100 grams of the product contains 500 milligrams of magnesium, which is 140 percent of the daily requirement. Magnesium plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure and promotes the absorption of carbohydrates, reducing blood sugar levels.

In watermelon seeds, in different proportions, there are other useful minerals, as well as trace elements: copper, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, manganese and iron.

Of great importance is the presence of dietary fiber in this product, which has a beneficial effect on the human digestive system.

In many countries, watermelon is eaten with bones.

Harm of watermelon seeds

In addition to a number of positive advantages and qualities regarding the use of watermelon seeds, you can also find some minor disadvantages. Of course, the use of seeds brings great benefits, but not for everyone.

For example, the product contains a substance such as citrulline, which is an amino acid that, when broken down in the human body, releases ammonia, which is an extremely harmful element for the human body. Ammonia is unlikely to bring a lot of problems to a healthy body and, most likely, will leave the body very quickly in the composition of urine. But in situations where a person has disorders of the kidneys or bladder, then citrulline can bring considerable harm to the body.

kidney problems

It is for the above reason that people who have kidney problems or suffer from citrullinemia, eating watermelon seeds will be highly undesirable. This also applies to pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under the age of three.

Can children eat watermelon bones? For a small child, it is still better to remove the bones from a watermelon.

Thus, there is no doubt that watermelon seeds are a very useful product. They are very tasty, especially dried or fried. But it is also important to remember that everything is good in moderation and any abuse of any product is hardly able to bring benefits.

We answered the question whether it is possible to eat watermelon with bones.

Today, even a child knows that a juicy watermelon belongs to the category of berries. However, not many people know about the maximum weight of the fetus, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2009, an aspect was recorded saying that the largest watermelon in the world weighs 122 kg. Agree, impressive value. If you add to this the undeniable benefits of berries, you can be completely shocked. Today we will talk about the value and possible harm from consuming watermelon.

Calorie content of watermelon and use in dietetics

A slice weighing about 100 gr. concentrates in itself 24 kcal. Given that most of the mass is occupied by water, the value is not critical. This indicator leads many people to introduce watermelon into the diet menu.

Against this background, there is a complete cleansing of the kidneys, because the berry has a diuretic property. Weight loss is achieved by accelerating all metabolic processes, removing old waste, and preventing the absorption of fats.

Adherents of strict diets have even created a weight loss technique that allows you to get rid of extra pounds in a matter of days. The diet says that 10 kg. body weight is 1 kg. watermelon. If your weight is 70 kg, you can eat as much as 7 kg per day. watermelon. In this scenario, in a week you will lose about 6 kg.

The benefits of watermelon

  1. Folic acid, which is part of the watermelon, improves the structure of DNA, and also forms the fetus during pregnancy. This element is actively involved in the production of red blood cells. Folic acid is recommended for people who are undergoing chemotherapy.
  2. Diuretic action allows a person to cleanse the kidneys and at the same time remove all toxic substances. Also, this action is considered a powerful prevention from stones, sand in the kidneys and bladder.
  3. Watermelon cleanses the intestinal tract even from the oldest congestion that provokes constipation and other ailments of this kind. The berry enhances the absorption of useful elements of food into the blood.
  4. Magnesium relieves even chronic fatigue. It removes the feeling of anxiety, apathy, excessive irritability. The substance controls the psyche and emotional state.
  5. The berry is considered an excellent antidepressant. It will easily remove the consequences of the transferred stress, make the person immune to extraneous stimuli.
  6. Daily consumption of even 2 slices of watermelon increases the body's defenses. This quality is extremely valuable for categories of citizens who suffer from a low immune system by nature.
  7. The pulp contains a lot of coarse dietary fiber, which is necessary to create the correct microflora in the intestines. Also, the berry reduces cholesterol, thereby preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. Watermelon is approved for diabetics. It has a medium glycemic index, so it does not exceed sugar levels. By controlling glucose levels, patients can lead a full life without compromising their health.
  9. Lycopene is included in the berry. The substance is used in the process of making remedies for oncological ailments of the prostate, lungs, mammary glands, intestines, and stomach. We can say that watermelon prevents cancer.
  10. Watermelon is used in the therapeutic treatment of gastric diseases, including gastritis. With prolonged and frequent use, ulcers on the mucous membranes are healed, the course of the disease is facilitated.
  11. The berry has the pleasant feature of reducing the likelihood of developing senile dementia in the elderly. Watermelon is also used to prevent Parkinson's disease.
  12. Magnesium included in the watermelon is extremely necessary for the heart muscle and the central nervous system. Berry improves mood, allows you to tune in to a positive wave. Watermelon prevents coronary artery disease, tachycardia, stroke with a heart attack.
  13. Not many people know that the most powerful diuretic effect is provided by the use of a white layer of watermelon, which is located near the pulp. To remove swelling and remove toxins, eat homemade watermelons. They are not fed with nitrates.

Seeds of a large berry in their positive properties resemble pumpkin seeds. They are often used to treat most ailments.

  1. Grains help to cure jaundice, eliminate bleeding, relieve inflammation. To prepare the potion, mix the ground bones with milk at room temperature. Stick to a ratio of 1 to 10. Consume in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. To bring down the temperature during a fever, make watermelon milk. Pound the seeds in a mortar, mix with filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 9. Add sugar, take 1 time in 2 hours for 30 gr.
  3. To make a face mask with a rejuvenating effect, make a powder from dry watermelon pits. Mix with kefir in porridge, apply and wait a quarter of an hour.

Benefits of watermelon peel

  1. The peel has an equally valuable composition. The product has found application in traditional medicine. The peel effectively copes with some ailments.
  2. If you experience discomfort and sharp pains in the head, accompanied by throbbing, it is recommended to use a watermelon peel. Tape a piece of peel to the temples for a while.
  3. The composition helps in the treatment of colitis. Cut the product into small cubes, place in a heat-resistant vessel. Pour 100 gr. raw materials 500 ml. steep boil. Insist 3-4 hours, drink 5 times a day.
  4. For kidney stones, an excellent diuretic is used in the form of watermelon peel powder. The composition cleanses the bladder, ureter and helps with chronic cystitis, nephritis.

The benefits of watermelon for men

  1. Texas scientists conducted a series of studies, from which they found that watermelon is rich in circullin. The substance as a result of synthesis turns into arginine. The enzyme dilates blood vessels.
  2. From this, experts concluded that watermelon is the strongest tool for stimulating potency. The berry is several times superior to modern drugs of directed action. Thus, regular consumption of watermelon saturates the sex life.

  1. Eating berries contributes to rapid weight loss. It's no secret that watermelon is famous for its strong diuretic effect. It cleanses the body of excess fluid.
  2. The berry belongs to low-calorie foods, while it is able to suppress the feeling of hunger for a long time. Studies have shown that fasting days are much more comfortable with watermelon.

Benefits of watermelon during pregnancy

  1. During gestation, watermelon is allowed to be eaten in moderation. The high content of folic acid in the berry allows the baby to develop properly. Sometimes experts separately prescribe a vitamin in the early stages.
  2. During the season, you should thoroughly approach the choice of watermelon, do not rush to acquire early berries. Peak ripening without chemicals occurs in August and September. Consult your doctor before consumption.

Watermelon harm

  1. In addition to useful qualities, the berry can be harmful. It is important to consider that the pulp is low in calories, but at the same time the glycemic index is medium. Watermelon after assimilation causes a strong appetite.
  2. It is forbidden to use berries for colitis and diarrhea. If you have problems with the outflow of urine, refrain from eating the pulp. In case of deviations in the activity of the kidneys, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will give precise instructions.
  3. Watermelon is contraindicated in pyelonephritis, otherwise there may be problems with the course of the disease. It is forbidden to consume fruits in any quantity with kidney stones. The diuretic effect can provoke the movement of neoplasms.
  4. In diabetes, consumption of watermelon in a small amount is allowed. To avoid side effects, consult your doctor. It is not recommended to eat watermelon for problems with the prostate and pancreas.
  5. Most often, watermelons are grown through the use of nitrates, so do not rush to introduce berries into the diet of a baby under 3 years old. Start with 100 gr. in a day.

For a healthy person, watermelon will bring undoubted benefits. It is important to choose a proven product. When using berries, be sure to read the contraindications and the absence of any in you.

Video: the incredible effect of watermelon on the body

Why are gourds useful, and to whom are they contraindicated? We asked the general practitioner Leonid Kharlampiev about this.

- Leonid Nikolaevich, so what are the health benefits of watermelons and melons?

Firstly, they are sweet, as they contain fructose and sucrose, which means they are a source of energy. Secondly, they contain a lot of vitamins of group B, C, E, PP, folic acid. That is, watermelons and melons can protect our body from harmful effects, strengthen the immune system, nourish and help restore nerve cells. Thirdly, watermelon and melon are fiber, which means they contribute to normal intestinal motility. Fourthly, they have a lot of liquid, and they are able to quench their thirst. And watermelons and melons are just delicious and a lot of fun when they are used. In addition, melon can help fight depression.

Yes, there are many benefits. Is it true that doctors especially recommend watermelons to those who have kidney problems?

This is not entirely true. Perhaps watermelons can help those who are at risk of kidney stones. But with an exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, watermelon or melon is unlikely to help.

- To whom melons are contraindicated?

Suffering from diabetes, you should not eat a lot of watermelons and melons, as they can increase blood sugar levels. Otherwise, with moderate use, these delicacies do not have any special contraindications, and everyone can eat them.

Many arrange a "watermelon diet" to cleanse their body of toxins and lose weight. Is it true that you can lose weight well?

This is true. Watermelon and melon can help a person lose weight and cleanse themselves of toxins, because they are made up of water and fiber. But before any diet, you still need to consult a doctor.

- What is the danger of overeating watermelon with chemicals? And is it true that it is better to buy them with the beginning of autumn?

Nitrates contained in watermelons and melons can weaken the immune system, contribute to reduced ability to work, cause weakness, headaches. Yes, buying watermelon and melons in September and October gives you some chance that these plants do not contain as much nitrate. But this fact does not guarantee the absence of nitrates.

- Leonid Nikolaevich, what kind of watermelons do you buy yourself: grown in Yakutia or imported?

I sometimes buy both, knowing that both local and imported ones may well contain nitrates, herbicides, and insecticides. Alas, no one gives a full guarantee of the environmental friendliness of products. It is beneficial for all agribusiness merchants to grow more and sell as many watermelons and melons as possible. Here, merchants are not worried about the health of customers. At the same time, they do not hesitate to use different chemicals that accelerate the growth of vegetables. And we console ourselves with the hope that suddenly there are no chemicals in them. But we don't have a choice. In Yakutsk, there are no special stores, as in Europe, that guarantee the environmental friendliness of the origin of products. And the cost of such products would be several orders of magnitude higher. And who would go to these stores to buy "golden vegetables and fruits"? Therefore, we are content with what we have.

We choose a watermelon by sound and crunch ...

It should be noted right away that those Yakutians who purchase watermelons with the beginning of autumn are doing the right thing: after all, the risk of buying melons with nitrates alone is less. By this time, already ripened fruits are being brought to us. After all, watermelons, which are sold now, may contain too much nitrates.

In this case, it is better to throw it away without putting yourself at risk. If you notice thick yellow veins on the pulp of the fruit, be sure - the watermelon is full of chemicals. The maximum allowable level of nitrates for the body is 60 mg / kg. Alas, today you are unlikely to find a watermelon that does not contain at least a small amount of chemicals.

Another elementary way to determine the concentration of chemistry in a watermelon is to dip a piece of pulp into a cup of water. If the water just becomes cloudy, everything is fine, but if it turns colored, then the watermelon contains chemicals.

How to choose a ripe watermelon?

You have to knock on him. From a ripe fruit, a dull sound should be heard. Try to squeeze the watermelon with your hands, and if a crunch is heard, the fruit is definitely ripe!

You have probably noticed that some watermelons have yellow (not white) spots - this is a good sign. However, if the spot is very large, the watermelon will most likely be unsweetened, as it ripened in insufficient sunlight.

Watermelon peel should be shiny, it should not have cracks and strange points. It is better to choose medium-sized watermelons, as too large ones can be stuffed with special preparations to accelerate growth, and small ones can be unripe.

In no case do not eat watermelon, which has a sour smell, as you can get poisoned.

How to choose a melon?

When choosing a melon, you must also follow some rules. First of all, you need to look at the stalk, which is always dry in mature fruits. A fruit with a dried "tail" will delight you with its aroma and taste.

Do not buy a melon that has been cut open or has a crack in it. The fact is that sticks of pathogens of salmonellosis and botulism can live in cracks.

Try to squeeze the melon with your fingers: in a ripe fruit, the skin is slightly “springy”. Immature fruits have a hard peel, while overripe ones, which will soon begin to deteriorate, are soft. If you tap a ripe melon, you will hear a dull sound, just like with a watermelon.

The "correct" melon has a pleasant aroma, and if it has no smell, then it is better not to buy it.

Caution Hazards

The main danger is an excess of nitrates in melons and watermelons. The fact is that part of the nitrates turns into nitrates that can react with hemoglobin. As a result, the formation of methemoglobin occurs, which is not able to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues. In this case, the metabolism, nervous and immune systems are under attack. Pressure may decrease and the liver may suffer, activity decreases, weakness and lethargy occur.

Of course, if you eat just one slice of watermelon, which contains nitrates, it will not harm your health. However, if you eat a whole watermelon, you may be struck by an upset intestine or disrupted liver function.

All kinds of microbes live on the surface of the watermelon peel, which are sometimes even more dangerous than the chemicals contained in the pulp. So, before eating a watermelon, it must be washed with soap or boiled over. Only then can the berry be cut. If you do not kill the pathogens, they will immediately fall into the pulp and begin to actively multiply in it.

About the rules for buying melons

In connection with the beginning of the season for the sale of gourds, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) reminds the population of the rules for their purchase:

1. The right choice of outlet. Sales points of melons and gourds are located in places determined by the administration of Yakutsk, administrations of municipal districts, as well as in markets and shopping malls, fairs. It should not be purchased from random persons, in spontaneous markets, in the immediate vicinity of highways. The minimum distance from the outlet to bus stops is 25 m. The outlet must be equipped with a canopy, shelving and a sign. The seller must have a neat appearance and overalls, a personal medical book.

2. The consumer has the right to request documents confirming the quality and safety of the products sold (declarations and certificates of conformity). Watermelons and melons should not lie in bulk and be sold in parts. Do not buy gourds with incisions and do not ask the seller to make an incision to determine its ripeness, as there is a high probability of bacterial contamination. Heat and the presence of a nutrient medium (sweet pulp) are conditions conducive to the rapid growth and reproduction of bacteria.

5. Before use, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the surface of the watermelon (melon) under running water with laundry soap, as there is a high risk of microbes from the surface getting into the pulp of the berry when cut.

6. Choose the largest watermelon that can be eaten without leaving it until the next day. If there is a residue, it is necessary to cover the cut with cling film and store in the refrigerator. Storage conditions should exclude contact with raw, not heat-treated products (eggs, meat, poultry).

Fans of eating this berry must have heard that watermelon is very useful for the kidneys. As for undesirable consequences, few people think about it. It turns out that not everyone is recommended to use this product often and in unlimited quantities.

Impact on the body

The benefits of watermelon are undoubted: it contains vitamins necessary for the body, many minerals (Mg, K, Fe, Na, Ca). Lycopene, which gives the flesh its red color, has an antioxidant effect.

Favorable action:

  • helps to get rid of edema, helps to remove excess fluid from the body;
  • positively affects the activity of the digestive system;
  • helps cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • allows you to quickly restore blood counts in case of anemia.

These properties confirm that watermelon is useful. For those who lose weight, a special diet has been developed that makes it easy to get rid of a few extra pounds: a low-calorie product (25 kcal per 100 g).

Many people are concerned about the question: will eating watermelon hurt kidney stones? In this case, it is important to observe a sense of proportion: you should not consume the product in large quantities.

Caution is required for people with renal failure, hypertension. In this case, the load on the kidneys is already large, it is undesirable to load them additionally.

watermelon for kidney stones

Watermelon contains magnesium and potassium in large quantities. Magnesium, being a mineral substance, improves metabolism. This helps prevent the development of urolithiasis.
It is not recommended to try to remove oxalate stones from the kidneys on your own.

If the diameter of the stones is small (up to 3 mm), they are able to come out on their own. In this case, the benefits of watermelon will be undeniable if everything is done correctly.

However, doctors do not have a consensus on the use of watermelon and bread as a diet. They are sure that, along with stones, useful substances will be excreted from the body. And the combination of watermelon and black bread, according to experts, can increase the acidity of gastric juice. This will result in gastritis.

Doctors are also sure that the abuse of the watermelon diet can cause harm. There is confirmation of this - after such a diet, people ended up in intensive care.

There is an opinion that brown bread should be replaced with white. Watermelon has obvious alkaline properties, therefore, when it is consumed, urine, which has an acidic reaction, becomes alkaline. This causes the stones in the kidneys to move.

If you still decide to cleanse the kidneys in this way, then you need to choose a product that does not contain nitrates:

  • buy it in the last days of August or the first days of September;
  • give preference to a medium-sized watermelon;
  • it is desirable that the product has a dried “tail” and a yellow spot on the side;
  • better when the crust is shiny, hard to the touch;
  • when tapped, a ringing sound should be heard.

A berry with nitrates can be recognized by its appearance:

  • the flesh acquires a purple hue;
  • the fibers inside are yellow instead of white;
  • the surface on the cut instead of smooth is velvety;
  • a piece of pulp lowered into the water can change the color of the water. The use of such a product is strictly prohibited.

Removal of stones by the folk method

It should be remembered that the use of this method has a number of contraindications:

  • bowel disease;
  • diabetes;
  • BPH;
  • phosphaturia;
  • nephroptosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • congenital pathology of the urinary organs;
  • adhesive processes associated with surgery;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Such cleaning requires special attention from people suffering from peptic ulcer and other pathologies of the digestive system. It is forbidden to use a similar method for patients who have staghorn stones in the kidneys. Cleansing the kidneys with watermelon enhances the separation of urine, such stones can injure the ureter.

It will take a week to clear the kidneys. Watermelon is allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities, eat a little bread. The diet is considered rigid and is not recommended if there are contraindications.

Kidney activity is noted between 17 and 21 hours, stones are excreted more actively at this time. The patient fills a bath with warm water, sits down in it (this procedure helps to expand the urinary tract).

This also helps to reduce the pain that accompanies the release of stones. At the same time, you need to use the pulp of watermelons.

The benefits of watermelon are noticeable quickly: during the first week, sand begins to come out. Fans of the watermelon diet need to repeat the procedure every half a month. At the next stage, the stones can descend into the ureter. It is very important to carefully monitor your well-being - the stone is able to settle in the ureter.

The process of cleansing the kidneys is a useful procedure, it gives the desired result. It should be done correctly and be extremely careful not to harm yourself. When using watermelons with a high concentration of nitrates, there is a risk of intoxication, followed by dehydration.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, thereby minimizing the possible risks. In order for the kidneys to function well, experts advise using not only watermelon pulp, but also its juice for prophylactic purposes (its cleansing qualities are no worse).