How to cook chanterelles: features and methods. Chanterelle mushrooms: description of edible species and twins Chanterelle animals and chanterelle mushrooms

01.07.2023 For children

Chanterelles are harvested from mid-autumn to early spring. All this period of time we have the opportunity to enjoy their aroma and taste. It should be noted that chanterelles contain a lot of vitamins and minerals in their composition. But in order for all these beneficial substances to be absorbed by our body, mushrooms should be properly prepared.

Chanterelles are poorly digested, so they are crushed, and only then they are processed. Mushrooms can be fried, salted, pickled and stewed. In all cases, they are tasty and fragrant. So, in our article we will tell you what to do with chanterelle mushrooms.

Marinating chanterelles. Recipe

To cook chanterelles, you should purchase the following products:

  • chanterelles - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 250 ml;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 200 ml;
  • salt - 60 g;
  • lavrushka, black peppercorns, cloves.


Fortunately, chanterelles have a unique ability: there are no worms in them. Therefore, before any processing, they should simply be cleaned of earth, leaves and rinsed thoroughly under water.

So, we cut the large mushrooms into several parts, and leave the small ones as they are. Place a pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil. Throw the mushrooms and cook for about 30 minutes over medium heat. Don't forget to skim off the foam.

Then we drain the water, and throw the chanterelles into a colander and rinse. Pour the water back into the pan and add all the ingredients for the marinade. When the water boils, throw in the mushrooms, mix and leave to cook for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, sterilize the jars. This can be done in the microwave. Pour boiling water into the jar and set the time to 2 minutes. After that, we take out our glass containers and place them upside down on a clean towel so that the water is glass.

We transfer the finished chanterelles to jars and pour the marinade. Roll up. We sterilize jars for 10 minutes. Then turn over and wrap with a warm blanket until it cools completely.

Everything, our pickled chanterelle mushrooms are ready. Bon appetit!

How to salt chanterelle mushrooms? hot way

To the question of what to do with chanterelle mushrooms, we answer: "Salt in a hot way." For this we will need the following products:

  • chanterelles - 1 kg;
  • salt - 4 tsp;
  • lavrushka - 8 leaves;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • cloves, black peppercorns, ground pepper.

Let's start cooking

We carefully clean the mushrooms and wash them in water. Place a pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil. We add our forest gifts and all other ingredients except garlic. Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, removing the resulting foam.

How to continue to salt the chanterelles? We take out the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and put them in a saucepan, sprinkle with salt and pre-chopped garlic. Pour the mixture with a small amount of marinade, in which the chanterelles were cooked. We put oppression. When the mushrooms have cooled, put them in the refrigerator. After a day, mushrooms can be tasted.

We hope that we answered the question about chanterelles. Enjoy!

Fried red mushrooms with potatoes

Mushrooms are cooked quite quickly, and the taste is unforgettable. So, what ingredients do we need to prepare the dish? This:

  • chanterelles - 500 g;
  • potatoes (preferably young) - 800-900 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • lemon - a quarter;
  • medium bulbs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.

Cooking according to the recipe

To cook mushrooms, clean them and rinse thoroughly. Then soak in water for 15-20 minutes. Until then, let's boil the water.

We lay the mushrooms and cook them for 20 minutes over low heat, not forgetting to constantly remove the resulting foam with debris.

While the chanterelles are cooking, let's start processing other ingredients. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes. Finely chop the onion. We do the same with garlic.

Place a frying pan on the stove and add vegetable oil. Then spread the garlic, fry it for a few minutes and remove it from the pan with a slotted spoon. We spread the potatoes, chanterelles, onions and fry for 8 minutes. Then salt, pepper, season, sprinkle with lemon juice, mix, cover with a lid, reduce heat and leave to simmer until fully cooked.

Everything, our chanterelles are ready. Mushrooms and potatoes go well together, try it. Bon appetit!

Cold salting of chanterelles

This harvesting method is also quite used. For the recipe, we need the following ingredients:

  • chanterelles - 3 kg;
  • bulbs of medium size - 8 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5-6 heads;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil.

Let's start cooking

What to do with chanterelle mushrooms in this case? First we clean the mushrooms, and then we wash them. Next, we place our forest gifts in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and leave for a few minutes. Then we throw them in a colander. Large chanterelles cut into several parts. We chop the onion into half rings.

We sterilize the jars and put the chanterelles in layers. Sprinkle each new layer generously with salt and onion. On top of the latter we place finely chopped garlic. Dill umbrellas are scalded with boiling water and added to each jar. We put oppression on all containers and put them in the refrigerator.

Exactly one day later, pour into each jar heated so that it completely covers the chanterelles. This is necessary so that our workpiece does not deteriorate. We roll up the containers with lids and put them in a cold place.


What to do with chanterelle mushrooms, we decided. The main thing is to properly clean and process them before cooking these “saffron mushrooms”. Then you can get the maximum benefit and taste from chanterelles. Enjoy!

Among the many mushrooms, chanterelles are the most popular. These are edible mushrooms that range in color from pale yellow to orange. They have a rather unusual shape - the center of the cap is concave inward, the edges are wrapped, uneven.

The chanterelle leg is small, strong, the same color as the hat. It should also be noted that the lower part of the fungus is tightly fused with the upper. The mushroom itself is small - the diameter of the cap is from 2 to 10 cm.

Chanterelle species

Representatives of the Chanterelle family have about 60 species, most of them can be eaten. Here are the most common types of chanterelles:

Mushroom suitable for human consumption. The diameter of the cap is from 2 to 10 cm, the stem is up to 7 cm. The color is pale yellow or yellow. The lower surface of the cap is covered with folds. The skin is smooth, does not separate from the pulp of the chanterelle. This mushroom grows in coniferous and deciduous forests from summer to mid-autumn.

Edible mushroom. Small in size - the cap is up to 4 cm in diameter, the stem is 2–5 cm. The color of the mushroom ranges from pale red to red. The hat is shaped like a funnel. The favorite habitat of the cinnabar-red chanterelle is a deciduous forest, and especially an oak grove. These mushrooms are harvested from mid-June to early October.

Chanterelle velvety

An edible mushroom that can hardly be found at the edge of the forest. The color is the same as the common fox. The mushroom is fragrant, sour in taste. The velvety chanterelle usually grows in a deciduous forest from the middle of the summer period to the beginning of autumn.

Mushroom edible. The hat is up to 6 cm in diameter, the stem is up to 8 cm in height. Hat color is dark grey. The pulp of the gray chanterelle is elastic, pale gray in color. The gray chanterelle does not exude a pronounced smell and taste. Usually this type of chanterelle is found in mixed and deciduous forests from summer to mid-autumn.

Chanterelle faceted

Small edible mushroom (2–12 cm). The color of the cap is rich yellow or orange. The mushroom has a rather dense pulp with an expressive smell. Mushroom pickers collect faceted chanterelle in oak groves from July to mid-October.

Characteristic features of the common chanterelle

The common chanterelle is also called the real chanterelle or cockerel. It is the most common species in its genus. The mushroom is quite small: the diameter of the cap rarely exceeds 10 cm, the height of the stem is within 4–6 cm, and its thickness is 1–3 cm.

The cap of the chanterelle smoothly passes into the stem of the mushroom due to its funnel-shaped shape. Chanterelle skin is smooth to the touch and matte. It is difficult to separate it from the dense pulp. The lower surface of the cap is covered with folds that go down the stem. Chanterelle ordinary exudes a pleasant fruity aroma.

Also, a real chanterelle is different in that worms and insect larvae are not present in the pulp. After maturation, the fungus does not rot, but simply dries out. This is due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition of chanterelles.

Due to its color, the chanterelle often becomes the prey of the "silent hunt", as it is easy to spot and grows in large groups. Most often, the chanterelle grows in areas with high humidity, in mixed and coniferous forests, especially in well-lit areas in fallen leaves, moss or dried grass.

Collecting chanterelles begins in mid-July and ends in October. In large numbers, chanterelles grow after heavy rains. It is better to collect pale yellow chanterelles, since overripe mushrooms have a bright orange color, they should be avoided.

false chanterelles

The common chanterelle has many twins, among which there are conditionally edible and poisonous mushrooms. Most often, a real chanterelle is confused with a velvety chanterelle or faceted one, since at first glance their appearance is very similar to the common chanterelle. But in a velvety chanterelle, the color is more saturated and tends to orange, and in a faceted chanterelle, the surface under the hat is smoother than that of an ordinary chanterelle, and the flesh is not elastic, but brittle.

Talker orange or false fox

It has a great resemblance to the common chanterelle due to its color. But these mushrooms belong to different families. Recently, the orange talker has been considered a conditionally edible mushroom, which requires thorough processing before eating. But the false chanterelle does not have pronounced taste qualities.

hedgehog yellow

Also, the twin of the common chanterelle is blackberry yellow. A distinctive feature of the twin mushroom is the small spines on the surface of the cap. Yellow blackberry is an edible mushroom, young mushrooms of this species can be used immediately for cooking, while more mature ones require additional processing to improve the taste.

Omphalote olive

The most dangerous double of the chanterelle can be called omfalot olive because it is poisonous. But in our area, it is almost never found.

So, in order for real chanterelles to get into the basket, you need to pay attention to:

  1. mushroom color. In the common chanterelle, the color of the cap is pale yellow and uniform, while in false chanterelles it is from orange-yellow to red-brown.
  2. Hat. In a real chanterelle, the edges of the cap are uneven, curved. Smooth edges are observed in twin mushrooms.
  3. Leg. In an ordinary chanterelle, the legs are not hollow and very dense, in a false chanterelle, a hollow leg.
  4. Smell. Chanterelle ordinary has a pleasant fruity aroma, false chanterelles do not have a pronounced smell.
  5. Presence of worms or insect larvae. The common chanterelle differs from its false counterparts by the absence of any larvae and wormholes.

The composition and useful properties of chanterelles

The common chanterelle can be called the champion among mushrooms in terms of the content of vitamins and microelements in its pulp. Among the vitamins, vitamin A, B1, PP should be noted. The following components make the fox unique:

It should be said that the beneficial properties of chanterelles can only be obtained with proper processing of mushrooms. Otherwise, all medicinal substances will be destroyed.

Treatment with chanterelles

Based on the chemical composition, chanterelles are very useful helpers in the fight against:

  • Infectious diseases. In folk medicine, chanterelles have long been used to treat tonsillitis, bronchitis, furunculosis.
  • Tuberculosis. Thanks to the powerful active substances in the composition of chanterelles, the treatment is more effective and recovery is faster.
  • Diseases of the liver and pancreas.
  • Overweight.
  • Worm infestations.

How to prepare and store chanterelles for medicinal purposes

But before using chanterelles for treatment, it is necessary to properly collect them and give them the necessary processing.

From the collected mushrooms with a dry brush, remove dirt and debris. The more carefully this is done, the longer their shelf life will be. Fresh chanterelles do not need to be wetted. After that, you can store chanterelles in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

The pulp of dried chanterelles can become "rubber", so they are usually ground into a powder that has a shelf life of about a year. The temperature during drying of mushrooms should not exceed 40°C.

Accordingly, for medicinal purposes, chanterelles are eaten fresh or in powder form. The powder is added to ready meals. Boiled and fried mushrooms will have much less nutrients.


Among the contraindications to the use of chanterelles are:

  • Individual intolerance to chanterelles or mushrooms in general.
  • Age up to three years.
  • Pregnancy.
  • breastfeeding period.

Caution should be taken with chanterelles for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as mushrooms are hard to digest foods. It is also important to pay attention that the chanterelles were collected in an ecologically clean area and were not overripe.

Chanterelle recipes

Chanterelles are widely used in the preparation of various dishes, and therefore are a welcome find for any mushroom picker. In cooking, both fresh and dried mushrooms are used. Here are some recipes for making chanterelles.

Chanterelles in a rustic way

It will take:

  • 500 g fresh chanterelles,
  • 3 art. tablespoons chopped onion
  • 100 g vegetable oil,
  • ground black pepper, salt.


  1. Boil prepared mushrooms in salted water and cut.
  2. Heat oil in a large frying pan.
  3. Put the mushrooms into the pan along with the onion, salt and pepper.
  4. Simmer over low heat for about an hour.
  5. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

Salad with chicken and mushrooms

It will take:

  • 150 g boiled chicken,
  • 250 g boiled chanterelles,
  • 30 g cheese
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1 pickled cucumber
  • 1 onion
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil
  • 4 tbsp. mayonnaise spoons,
  • herbs, salt.


  1. Chop the onion and fry in oil.
  2. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Chop the eggs.
  4. Mushrooms, chicken and cucumber cut into strips.
  5. Combine the prepared ingredients, salt, add mayonnaise and mix.

mushroom gravy

It will take:

  • 150 g dried chanterelles,
  • 100 g flour
  • 100 g butter,
  • 200 g sour cream
  • salt, black ground pepper.


  1. Soak the mushrooms, boil and chop.
  2. Strain the broth.
  3. Pass the flour in butter, then gradually pour in the broth, salt, pepper, sour cream, mushrooms and boil.

Thus, the chanterelle is a very useful mushroom with a unique composition. It is used not only as an ingredient for various dishes, but also as a medicine. It is important to distinguish the common fox from its dangerous counterparts. You should also pay attention to contraindications for eating chanterelles. Subject to all the rules of collection and preparation, dishes from chanterelles will delight you with excellent taste.

Chanterelles are called the cleanest mushrooms because they mainly grow in coniferous forests and are never wormy. They do not need to be soaked in salt water before cooking, as many mushrooms require. You can even do without rinsing - just shake off the forest debris. In addition, chanterelles accumulate substances harmful to humans to a lesser extent than all their other relatives. So there is no need to cook these mushrooms before frying. In terms of “purity”, only champignons can be compared with them. But unlike them, chanterelles are found exclusively in the wild, and therefore tastier many times over. Sometimes they appear as early as June and delight mushroom pickers until mid-October.

Chanterelles go well with meat, fish and seafood, vegetables and herbs. They can be pickled, salted and dried. But note that if these mushrooms do not need to be boiled before cooking hot dishes, then it is a must before canning. It will take quite a bit of time - 25-30 minutes. Another valuable quality of chanterelles: when dried, they will not lose their color, aroma, or taste, and will be stored for a long time. Dried chanterelles are very easy to cook: pour water or broth for 10-15 minutes, and then fry or boil, then lay out on paper in a well-ventilated area and leave for several days.

In Scandinavia, by the way, chanterelles are the only mushrooms that are harvested in the forest. They are also very fond of in the Åland Islands, in Finland. Aland is an autonomous territory with its own capital, parliament and flag. Healthy and hearty chanterelle dishes, which the locals call "cantarella", are the highlight of Åland cuisine, and their images can be found everywhere: in cafes, hotels and shops.

For 4 persons: chanterelles - 200 g, parsley - 20 g, garlic - 2 cloves, dill - 20 g, onion - 1 pc., bread - 4 slices, paprika - 1 tsp, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil

Peel onion and garlic, chop, fry. Rinse the mushrooms, fry separately in a small amount of oil for 5 minutes.

Send onion, garlic, chopped herbs to the mushrooms, cook for 1 minute, add paprika. Salt, pepper. You can fill it with beaten eggs, or you can leave it as is. Arrange mushrooms on slices of toasted bread.

Calorie per serving 270 kcal

Cooking time 30 minutes

5 points

For 4 persons: chanterelles - 200 g, pork - 400 g, onion - 1 pc., parsley root - 1 pc., ground black pepper, salt, vegetable oil

Beat the pork well (you should get a thin layer). Peel the onion and parsley root, finely chop and fry in butter along with the washed chanterelles. lay the filling in a layer on the pork, salt, pepper and roll into a roll. Tie with a thread so that the roll does not turn around, wrap in foil and place on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Calorie per serving 390 kcal

Cooking time 80 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 8 points

For 4 persons: chanterelles - 500 g, onion - 1 pc., bacon - 100 g, wheat flour - 1 tsp, sour cream - 3 tbsp. l., dill - 30 g, ground black pepper, salt

Rinse the chanterelles with cold water, put on a napkin; chop the bacon, put in a saucepan along with finely chopped onion, simmer for 10 minutes. Add mushrooms to the onion and bacon, pour water (3 l), salt and boil for 30 minutes. Dilute a teaspoon of flour in sour cream and season the mushrooms. Pepper, serve to the table, sprinkled with chopped dill.

Calorie per serving 290 kcal

Cooking time 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 5 persons: chanterelles - 200 g, arborio rice - 200 g, chicken broth - 1 l, dry white wine - 100 ml, dried white mushrooms - a handful, onion - 1 pc., garlic - 1 clove, parmesan - 50 g, butter - 50 g

Porcini mushrooms pour water and leave for an hour. Drain the water, squeeze the mushrooms and chop. Chop the onion and sauté in butter. Add mushrooms, rice, mix. Pour in the wine. Add broth one ladle at a time, stirring. In another pan, fry chopped garlic and chanterelles for 10-12 minutes. When the rice is cooked, mix it with chanterelles and leave for 2 minutes. Add grated Parmesan and butter (25 g).

Calorie per serving 193 kcal

Cooking time from 120 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 6 persons: chanterelles - 500 g, potatoes - 4 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., salt

Rinse the chanterelles, chop and cook in salted boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain the water, pour fresh (or broth), salt, put on medium heat and cook for another 10 minutes. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Send to the pan to the chanterelles and cook until half cooked. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion. (Onions and carrots can be sautéed in vegetable oil if desired.) Put the onions and carrots in the soup, cook for 10-15 minutes. Ready soup can be seasoned with garlic and add sour cream.

Calorie per serving 115 kcal

Cooking time from 50 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 4 points

For 6 persons: chanterelles - 250 g, pork belly

Smoked-boiled - 200 g, onion - 1 pc., potatoes - 1.5 kg, pork intestine, vegetable oil, salt

Cut the brisket and mushrooms. Chop half an onion and fry in oil. After 2 minutes, add the mushrooms and fry until tender. Put the brisket. Cook 2 minutes. Grate potatoes and remaining onion. Put in a sieve. Send the potato mass to a bowl, add the brisket with mushrooms and the starch that has settled at the bottom of the bowl. Salt. Wash the intestines and stuff. Pierce the shell with a fork. Fry in oil for 3 minutes, then bake for 15 minutes at 180 ° C.

Calorie per serving 408 kcal

Cooking time from 150 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 8 points

For 3 persons: chanterelles - 600 g, cream 20% - 300 ml, spaghetti - 300 g, cheese, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

Rinse the chanterelles thoroughly, let the water drain. Cut large mushrooms into 2-4 parts, leave small ones as they are. Fry in a saucepan with salt in vegetable oil until tender. In parallel, boil spaghetti - ideally, they should be cooked at the same time as the sauce. Pour cream into a saucepan with mushrooms, add pepper and cook until boiling. Season the cooked spaghetti with the prepared sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and serve.

Calorie per serving 657 kcal

Cooking time from 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 4 persons: chanterelles - 400 g, onion - 1 pc., garlic - 2 cloves, dry vermouth - 50 ml, dor blue cheese - 70 g, ricotta - 200 g, butter - 100 g, puff pastry - 250 g, dry thyme , dry basil, salt

Chop mushrooms, onion, garlic. Fry the onion in oil for 2 minutes. Add garlic, herbs and mushrooms. Fry until done. Pour in vermouth, keep on fire for 3 minutes. Salt, remove. In a bowl, mix the ricotta and crumbled dor blue cheese. Add mushrooms, mix. Put the filling on a slightly rolled dough, roll up into a roll. Place on a baking sheet lined with paper and bake for 20-25 minutes at 200°C.

Calorie per serving 310 kcal

Cooking time from 45 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 4 persons: chanterelles - 100 g, porcini mushrooms - 100 g, potatoes - 400 g, eggs - 2 pcs., onions - 2 pcs., cream 20% - 150 ml, butter - 50 g, cheese - 80 g, butter vegetable, salt

Chop the onion. Boil potatoes with salt and mash in mashed potatoes with butter and 1 egg. Fry porcini mushrooms in vegetable oil with half an onion, salt. Fry the chanterelles with the remaining onion. Mix half of the puree with porcini mushrooms and place in a mold. Above are chanterelles. Top with the other half of the puree. Whip cream with egg, add grated cheese. Pour over the casserole. Cook for 25-30 minutes at 190°C.

Calorie per serving 326 kcal

Cooking time from 90 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 8 points

For 6 persons: chanterelles - 500 g, wheat flour - 250 g, butter - 125 g, eggs - 3 pcs., onions - 2 pcs., bacon - 100 g, sour cream - 125 g, cream 10% - 125 ml, salt

For the dough, sift the flour, add a pinch of salt, softened butter, beat in the egg. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 40 minutes.

Finely chop the mushrooms, bacon and onion. Lightly fry the bacon in a dry skillet, then add the mushrooms and onions. Cook over high heat for 10 minutes. Roll out the dough into a layer and lay in a mold. Form edges. Prick the dough in several places with a fork.

For filling, beat sour cream, cream and the remaining eggs, salt to taste. Put the filling on the base.

Pour in prepared mixture.

Bake in the oven at 200°C for 25-30 minutes.

Calorie per serving 479 kcal

Cooking time from 100 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

Photo: Fotolia/All Over Press, Legion Media

The Kingdom of Mushrooms is diverse. For people, there are edible and inedible mushrooms, medicinal and suitable for human consumption. Chanterelles have a memorable appearance. The yellowish color resembles the fur of a fox, which is why this type of mushroom is so called. They grow from early summer to mid-autumn, so they can be harvested several times per season.

Description and types of chanterelles

Chanterelle mushrooms include several varieties. Not all of them are edible. Distributed on the territory of Russia and Belarus. Due to their special properties, they are exported to Germany and France. Due to the immunity to the mushroom fly (it makes mushrooms wormy), the chanterelle is considered a kosher product for Jews.

Ordinary yellow chanterelles in Latin are called Cantharellus cibarius. The hat reaches a diameter of 12 cm. Colors from light yellow to orange. Pulp characteristics:

  • fleshy to the touch;
  • on a white cut;
  • yellow around the edges.

The inner surface of the cap is folded. The leg is difficult to separate from it. It grows mainly in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Less well known is the gray variety. Also edible mushrooms, painted in gray or black-brown tones. Distinctive features:

Distributed in America and the European part of Russia. Due to its unusual appearance, it is rarely collected.

The cinnabar-red variety also belongs to the edible chanterelles. These mushrooms are pinkish or reddish in color. Small in size, with a cap diameter of up to 4 cm. They grow in the forests of America.

The medicinal properties of mushrooms are varied. They boost immunity and help fight colds. Thanks to chinommanose, they are a good remedy for helminths. Large amounts of vitamin A contributes to the prevention of eye diseases. Inflammation of the mucous membrane, visual impairment, night blindness - this is far from the most complete list of ailments that this fungus successfully fights. Chinese doctors recommend that everyone who works at a computer regularly eat it.

Alcohol tinctures with fruiting bodies of mushrooms reduce the growth rate of cancer cells. The polysaccharide present in them actively fights the hepatitis virus.

In folk medicine, it is used in the form of vodka tinctures. For their manufacture, mushrooms are dried and ground into powder. For 1 liter of alcohol take one tablespoon of powder.

The resulting mixture is thoroughly shaken and left for 10 days. Shake the bottle every day. You need to drink tincture every day, one tablespoon. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the disease.

To be honest, we know very little about mushrooms, we are just learning, but we remember chanterelles from childhood, very tasty mushrooms, and it is difficult to confuse them with others. Here we are doing an article about them. They, it turns out, are not only tasty, but also very useful.

See additions on chanterelles in the Celt article - Mushroom Life. Chanterelles.

Common chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)

Widespread fungus with a bright yellow, rarely with a pale yellow color. Hat size 3-10 cm, in the form of an inverted umbrella or funnel; the stem almost fuses with the hat. The main value of the chanterelle is that this mushroom is almost never wormy. Chanterelles remain untouched by worms and all kinds of insects due to the fact that the body of the fungus contains a special substance - chitinmannose(worm bugs and helminths of all kinds do not tolerate it), it destroys the egg capsules of various worms, including tapeworms, preventing them from developing.

The real chanterelle belongs to the genus chanterelle of the chanterelle family of the lamellar group of the order Affylloforaceae.

Can chanterelles be used as an anthelmintic? Hardly. How can it be: we consume chanterelles both boiled and fried, and pickled, but still we have to remove helminths with tansy and wormwood, and by other means. Everything is very simple - this substance is capricious, it does not tolerate heat treatment - it collapses after heating to 60 degrees. When cold salting, its salt destroys.

But if you do vodka tincture: 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh mushrooms (dry - 3 teaspoons with a top), pour 150 g of vodka and leave for 2 weeks in the refrigerator, and then, without filtering, but only shaking occasionally. Take a teaspoon at night. The effect will be amazing neither from pinworms, nor from roundworms, and even whipworms, there will be no trace of both themselves and their eggs. This portion is enough for a month's course. You can’t get poisoned by chanterelles, but of course, you need to collect them in an environmentally friendly place.

Chanterelles grow throughout Russia from early summer to late autumn. They especially love coniferous forests, birch and mixed: spruce-birch. Like many mushrooms, chanterelles grow in families or groups.

Chanterelle - one of the most useful mushrooms central Russia, however, in cooking it belongs to the third category, as it is not absorbed as well as white mushroom.

To get the most out of chanterelle, it is recommended to grind it as much as possible. Chanterelles do not require pre-cooking. Mushrooms should be washed and dried before cooking. You should not get carried away with prolonged washing of mushrooms, because they absorb a very large amount of water, and their consistency worsens. It is better to rinse under running water and let the water drain.

Chanterelle contains a large amount of vitamin A, B, PP, many amino acids and micronutrients. elements (copper and zinc), which improves vision, cures "night blindness", and is also the prevention of many eye diseases. And also the substances contained in chanterelles improve the condition of the mucous membranes, especially the eyes, moisturize them, and make them resistant to infectious diseases. Substances contained in chanterelles are used in fungotherapy. In Europe, extracts from chanterelles are used to treat liver diseases and hepatitis C. Also, chanterelles indirectly treat obesity (which appears from insufficient functionality of the liver), of course, if they are cooked correctly.

Since ancient times, boils, abscesses and tonsillitis have been treated with infusion of chanterelles. In addition, chanterelles retard the growth of tuberculosis bacillus. Some pharmaceutical companies buy chanterelles, extract chitinmannose from them and use it in its pure form as part of medical preparations.

Chanterelles can be cooked in different ways: fry, boil, dry, pickle or pickle. However, fried chanterelles are the most delicious, they are easy to cook. You need to finely or medium-cut mushrooms, evaporate water from them in a pan, add oil and mix with potatoes, eggs, chicken, spaghetti, add to pizza or pie.

The second active substance of the chanterelle is ergosterol, which effectively affects liver enzymes. Now in the West, pure ergosterol is used in liver cleansing. Finally, recent studies have shown that trametonolinic acid successfully affects the hepatitis virus.

Currently available as a capsule "Fungo-Shi Chanterelles" based on Chanterelle mushroom (Cantharellus cibarius), developed by Russian scientists and tested in Russia and abroad.

An infusion of chanterelles has long been used to treat sore throats, furunculosis and abscesses. It is in chanterelles that most antibiotic substances are present. Thanks to these substances, chanterelles also retard the growth of tubercle bacillus. Now it is also known that chanterelles, unlike other mushrooms, do not accumulate radioactive substances, but, on the contrary, contribute to the removal of radionuclides from the body.

false fox

A chanterelle can be confused in the forest with only one mushroom - a false chanterelle. False chanterelle, at first glance, looks like a common chanterelle, but its color is more orange, the folds on the inside of the cap are more uniform and forked-branched; the pulp is fragile, somewhat elastic; false chanterelle grows on tree trunks and chips in coniferous forests. The mushroom is edible, but not very tasty.

The cap of a real chanterelle is at first slightly convex, flat, and by maturity it is funnel-shaped, the edges of a smooth cap are strongly wavy. The pulp is dense, rubbery, white or yellowish, with a very pleasant smell. The plates are descending on the stem, narrow, branched, of the same color as the cap. The stem of the mushroom is short, dense, cylindrical.

In a real chanterelle, the edges of the cap are curved, corrugated, while in a false one, the cap is round, funnel-shaped, with smooth edges. The color of a real chanterelle is egg-yellow or orange-yellow, and a false one is reddish-orange, red-copper.

There will be no terrible consequences from eating false chanterelles (as well as special benefits), and the smell from a dish with false chanterelles turns out to be mushroom. And do not believe those who claim that false chanterelles are poison for humans or death for cats. Delusion!

In mixed and coniferous forests of the Leningrad region, you can collect in summer and autumn deaf foxes(hydnum notched). They look like real young chanterelles: the same irregular legs (studded with papillae), the same notched, wavy-prefabricated edges of the cap (but they are rarely funnels). And the color in most cases is golden, yellowish-orange, like chanterelles, although it can also be white, and cream, and reddish-brown ... Quite edible and tasty mushrooms.

And in the Far East grow under firs chanterelles motley. They look like multi-colored conical vases with wavy folded edges, with thick veined forks instead of plates. Their legs are bright pink, the veins-ribs are cream, and inside the vase there are brown-red specks mixed with orange-ocher ones ... They are calmly fried, boiled, dried and marinated.

Deworming course

The fungotherapy center ( offers a drug. This is an extract of chinomannose - from this amazing mushroom in the form of capsules. Accept 1-2 capsules 2 times a day. For a course of deworming for children, 1 pack is usually enough (2 capsules per day), for adults - 2 packs. (4 capsules per day).

There is also cream. Reduces the risk of infection with helminthic invasions, increases skin resistance to fungal diseases. Softens and moisturizes the skin, helps maintain the acid-base balance.