Puff pastry: calorieness, benefit and harm.

03.10.2020 Restaurant Notes.

Most of us do not represent their lives without flour and sweet, that is why the test products often find themselves on our table. They are prepared from different types of flour and in various ways, which significantly affects the nutritional value and calorieness of the test, as well as ready-made dishes.

Most often, flour dishes are quite calorie, so they are not recommended to use in large quantities, especially if a person has a tendency to complete, or he sits on a diet. It depends primarily on the high caloric content of the test, as one of the main ingredients of such dishes. But not everything is so bad, because in the test, cooked from the "useful" species of flour contains many valuable vitamins and substances, without which the body cannot do, so the full refusal to eat flour dishes is a rather controversial question.

In addition, the caloric content of the test in different dishes may differ depending on which flour from it, as well as how it was cooked. There are several varieties of this product, so the caloric content of the test depends on its type, as well as from additional ingredients in its composition (sugar, salt, oil). The more calorie ingredients in the dough, the more calories will be contained in it, and then in the finished dish. That is why, in order to understand how many calories in the test, it is necessary to take into account all the additional components in its composition.

It is especially important to monitor the calorieness of the test, and also correctly choose and use the flour products to those who follow their figure, because the body (looseness) also affects his body digestibility. Therefore, various bustlers of biological, chemical or mechanical nature are often added to the dough. These can be yeast, soda, as well as whipped proteins. Depending on this, the dough is divided into yeast, trimming, puff, sandy, etc. Consider these types of test Read more, as well as let's talk about their calories.

Properties and calorie yeast dough

The yeast dough is prepared using special culinary yeast, which, when interacting with flour and water, are capable of forming abundant carbon dioxide bubbles. Due to this, it turns out to be high, lush and soft. In addition to the main ingredients, sugar, dried fruits, milk and various fats, which increase the calorific value of yeast dough, are also sometimes added, so do not abuse such additives.

A yeast dough can be bread and duffed, as well as cooked dual or by an unemployed way. The last way to spend less time to prepare the test, but it does not always guarantee the expected result. The calorieness of the yeast dough always depends on its composition, however, if not to use additional additives, then on average, this indicator is about 230 kcal per 100 g. This indicator is quite high, but this does not mean that a small number of test cannot be used at all in their diet .

Calorie of bearing-free test, its preparation and types

In modern cooking varieties of bearing dough more than enough. It is a custard dough, and a sandy, and biscuit, and even puff. All of them have an air and porous structure, which is achieved by adding different baking plates and helps him to propk. The calorieness of the bearing test does not change.

As mentioned earlier, the bars can be chemical or mechanical. The main representative of chemical bassifiers is a food soda. It is capable of separating carbon dioxide when heated and thereby give a ready-made porosity. The mechanical method of breaking the test implies its whipping or rolling.

For example, by whipping, biscuit dough prepare, and with rolling, a puff pastry is obtained, the calorie content of which is slightly overpriced, especially if you add butter to it. In almost all types of bearing test, additional additives are used: eggs, sugar, milk, dried fruits and various fats. Specialty is different and custard dough, in which there are usually many eggs and butter, which are brewed by a special way in boiling water.

The calorie content of the bezhenous puff pastry and the custard is quite high, so nutritionists do not recommend such products for frequent use. On average, the calorieness of the boring test, prepared by the easiest way (as in pancakes), is about 180-190 kcal, while the very calorie is considered sanding dough, the calorie content of which can reach 400 kcal per 100 g.

Remember how many calories in the test would not be easily used and moderately, even if you do not have overweight problems. This is especially true for sand and puff pastry, the caloric content of which is about 330-340 kcal, and if we consider the finished dish of it, for example, a cake, then in it the caloric of the test can reach 390-420 kcal.

But what to do to those who follow their figure and can not afford the use of such a calorie product as the dough? In this case, you can use the recipe for dietary test, the calorie content is not so large. For its preparation, water is used, a small amount of yeast and flour, as well as a pinch of salt and sugar (if it is sweet dough). How many calories in the test of this type will depend only on the amount of sugar added. By itself, the caloric of the test without adding sugar will be small (up to 150 kcal), because the remaining ingredients in its composition are not too calorie.

When using dough and dishes with his participation, it is important to remember a sufficient level of physical exertion to burn extra acquired calories. Therefore, they regularly engage in sports if you want to sometimes pamper yourself "delicious" and not lose the attractiveness of forms.

3.9 out of 5 (8 votes)

Modern hostesses use acidic yeast dough for baking various pies and cougar. Aerial, gentle dough - it cannot leave anyone indifferent. Of course, the calorie content of yeast dough is high enough. At 100 g is contained - 274 kcal, Therefore, to lean on such products is not particularly recommended, as it threatens a set of excess weight. But sometimes you need to pamper yourself with fragrant pastries.

Flour products contain many carbohydrates and fats, so the calorie content of them is great, but the calories in the test of this kind can be reduced if you can add a lot of fats here, or exclude them altogether. Oils that are included in the dough, only weight consistency and do not give the test to breathe and climb.

Yeast dough is the most common option for cooking dough at home. Also no less popular is considered to be dough. Products from it are delicious, but also more calories! The caloric content of the yeast dough is equal to 100 gr - 390 kcal.

Of course, the calorie level of yeast dough is very high, but still it is necessary to cross it out from her diet forever. Use everything in moderation, and then your weight will be normal!


"Flour harms figure!". But is it harmful to maintain normal weight products from dough? The stores are broken by the counters from the diversity of cookies and baking, in almost every house there is a flour packaging, and most owners know at least a couple of tasty test products. It is believed that in this all a lot of fats and carbohydrates, but is there at least one kind of test that is preferable to choose if you want to lose weight?

Preparation of dough

The composition usually includes flour, eggs and sugar. In different variations, there are still present yeast, milk and oil. Shortbread dough is the coalier, Since its composition is just more oil than in other types. In a lean dough, the oil is absent, so there is so little fat, and when using yeast without it, you can also do.

Flour should be sifted before cooking the test "So it will be more magnificent due to a large amount of oxygen. In the flour of the highest grade, most gluten, so it is great for baking pies, cookies and bread. Sugar helps yeast to work more active, and also bonds flour particles. It is important to dissolve sugar, Therefore, it is sometimes recommended to add even sugar powder. As a liquid, it is customary to use milk or fermented milk products, less often water. Yeast is also better working in the dairy environment.

Creamy or sunflower oil and margarine make the dough more gentle, give the baking a pleasant fragrance. Egg proteins affect the fact that the dough becomes more loose. Yolks are peculiar glue, make the structure of the dough homogeneous. Eggs are dangerous to smash directly into the dough, it is better to first make it in a circle to accidentally do not add a spoiled egg to the mixture. In a lean version, a breakdler or a vinegar soda is added instead.

Test calorieness

As with other complex dishes, the energy value of the test depends on the ingredients that are included. In the lean test there are no ingredients of animal origin (eggs, milk and butter). Yeast is also often without oil, hence the low calorie content.

How to reduce calorie dough

In all, you need to know the measure. If you really want a sand dough cookie - does not rush to eat 1-2 pieces and satisfy with this amount. Even if there is only one piece of cake, but every day, you can gain weight. And if you pour yourself occasionally - nothing bad will happen. But when you cook yourself, try to make a choice in favor of less calorie types of dough - yeast or lean.

Most diet of us is difficult to imagine without flour products. All flour products are prepared from the dough, while it can be very different in its composition, the calorie content of the test is also very different. Flour from which makes the dough is one of the most valuable products in our diet. It contains many carbohydrates, plant proteins and other beneficial substances, but it is also high, therefore, the caloric content of the test is usually a considerable one.

We all familiar to the statements that it is impossible to eat the dough to people who are watching their weight. Is it really? The statement, of course, is controversial, since the caloric content of the test of different species can differ significantly. The most calorie component of flour is starch, which in the body turns into sugar and serves as a source of energy. Also in the flour there are proteins that are building material for our body. Often, a lot of sugar, oils and other components are added to the dough, which increase the calorieness of the test. Therefore, to count how many calories in the test need to take into account all its components.

The caloric content of different types of test can be very significantly different, and those who are watching the figure, it is very important to choose flour food correctly. On the digestibility of the test, the body strongly affects its consistency. In order to make the dough more loose, a variety of baking powers are added to it. This can be both chemicals, such as soda and biological, for example, yeast. Mechanical balars can be used, for example, whipped proteins. Depending on the type of bundle, the dough is divided into different types - yeast, trimming and others.

Nutritional value and calorie yeast dough

To prepare yeast dough use culinary yeast. They, interacting with flour, form bubbles of carbon dioxide, which raise the dough, make it lush and high. The main ingredients of yeast dough are flour, water and yeast. Milk, sugar, fruits and a variety of fats are added to the dough. But all this increases the calorieness of the yeast dough, therefore it is not worth abuse of additives.

The main varieties of yeast dough are bread and feather. The finished taste of the flour product largely depends not only on the composition, but also on the method of preparation. More ancient is a dual way, without a lot rather simpler, but does not always guarantee a good result.

Despite the fact that the caloric content of the yeast test depends on its composition, one can determine the mean value that is approximately 230 kcal. Since the caloric content of the test is really high, it is not necessary to abuse, but a small amount of diet in the diet will not hurt.

Nutritional value and calorie of bearing dough

The types of bearing dough there are a lot, it is biscuit, and puff, and sandy, and custard dough, and many others. Since all kinds of tests must have a porous structure to properly properly, special baking powers are used in a bearing dough to ensure such a structure.

Breaks are chemical and mechanical. Chemical bars are ammonium and soda, which, when heated, isolated carbon dioxide and give a porous structure of the finished product. Mechanical loosening implies a rolling or whipping. With the help of rolling, puff pastry is prepared, and the beat helps to get biscuit.

In all types of bezryzheny test, eggs, flour and sugar are used, can also add fats, fruits, and other fillers. Very interesting is custard dough. It includes many eggs, flour and butter. These products are necessarily brewed in boiling water.

The calorieness of the bezryzheny dough, like yeast, is quite high, so it is not necessary to get involved in it, and sometimes it is possible to afford to afford a delicious product. The calorie content of the boring test depends on its composition. The simplest dough for pancakes may have caloric content of 180-190 kcal, but the most high-calorie sand dough or cake dough can surprise calorie to 400 kcal. With such dishes, it is necessary to be very careful even those who have no overweight problems.

One of the most interesting types of bearing dough is puff pastry. Break down such dough with multiple rolling. The caloric content of the puff pastry is approximately 330-340 kcal per hundred grams. Of course, the high caloric of puff pastry will not allow to eat it too much, but sometimes you can please yourself with a puff pastry or another product from this wonderful test. But it must be remembered that in the codcake calorie content of a puff pastry can reach 400 kcal.

Is it possible to lose weight by using dough

As we have already said, the caloric of the test is high enough anyway, so many think that they will not get to eat dishes from the dough and at the same time not to gain excess weight. In fact, it is a bit wrong, eat dough and not get fat, perhaps, but for this you need to prepare a special dietary dough. Dietary baking can become an excellent addition to soups and salads, as well as vegetable and meat dishes. In addition, it may turn out to be very tasty, but you need to stick to the recipe and attach a little effort when cooking.

4.43 of 5 (7 votes)

Yeast dough for a long time was considered a traditional dish for our country. So much interesting can be done, having a product at hand. It is often used for baking, cheesecakes and cougar. Rarely what pizza costs without it. And which delicious and fragrant buns with obtained from this test. The varieties of products from it are so much that everything is not listed. Yeast dough enjoys great love and popularity not only with us, but also around the world.

A bit of history

The mineral complex consists of, and.

It can also find some fatty acids and.

Thanks to this bright and valuable composition, the product has a completely definite positive effect on the body:

  • enhances immunity;
  • strengthens the protective function of the body;
  • contributes to the improvement of the brain;
  • charging energy and vigor;
  • increases efficiency and attention;
  • improves blood coagulation process.

Also, depending on the flour, the dough acquires other useful qualities. For example, for diets and weight loss is perfect for a product based on. It will also be useful for lowering blood cholesterol, and to normalize the intestinal microflora. Such a dough can be both atherosclerosis prevention, since the corn cleans the vessels well.

But the product based on rye component is undoubtedly suitable for suffering sugar diabetes, anemia or disorders of the digestive system. Rich enough, which is necessary for the body for a good absorption of calcium and various food proteins.

Tricks using yeast dough in cooking

Yeast dough is widely used in the cooking area. It bakes various types of bread and baked products, prepare pizza, pies, couching and other products. But few people know how at home to make products from it are much tastier, lush and more beautiful. Here are some useful tips:

  • the yeast dough is faster, if inserting wide pasta into it;
  • if before baking it add a little cooled boiled, then the dough will become soft, air and lush;
  • products for it should be used room temperature;
  • instead of yeast, you can use a small amount or;
  • the optimal temperature for yeast will be the temperature from 30 to 35 degrees;
  • potato starch is able to give a puff product from the test;
  • in the preparation of the product, drafts should be avoided;
  • breaking the dough better dry hands;
  • the product will be tastier if it is added to it a semolina cereal;
  • the best product is obtained from sifted flour;
  • It is better to use unprecedented, but sophisticated;
  • do not overdo it with food soda, otherwise the product will get an unpleasant color and aroma;
  • the best pastries will work if the dough knead the milk;
  • with a large number of sugar, the product from the dough can burn and be not so lush;
  • when cooking, you need to use exceptionally fresh yeast;
  • if you use only yolk instead of eggs, then baking will succeed more delicate and crumbly;
  • if a filling cake is planned, the dough should be particularly thin to better reflect the taste quality of the filling;
  • it is not advisable to rearrange the dough or opaire;
  • if you smear the cake before baking with milk or whipped egg, then such a product get a beautiful glossy crust;
  • if used in the recipe more fat and less fluid, then the product will get more crumbly.

Recipe for fine yeast dough for pizza

For cooking you will need:

  • water - 250 grams;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • fresh yeast - 15 grams;
  • salt - Paul teaspoon;
  • flour - about 500 grams.

Sugar mix with yeast and warm water. Drink an egg there, put salt and wash carefully. Pour vegetable oil, add sainted flour. Stir the dough with a spoon, then you carefully wash your hands, shifting into a bowl and cover with a clean towel. Stop approximately two hours. By this time, it should increase twice.

Application in cosmetology

Yeast dough successfully applies in the field of home cosmetology. On its basis, there are various face masks, for the neck and neckline. It helps tighten the sagging skin, get it with the useful substances, and can also prevent excessive dryness and peeling, reduce inflammation.

Neck Mask and Neckline

The dough for such a mask can be used both homemade and shop semi-finished products. It must be rolled out by a very thin layer, wrap the neck and zone with the neckline, as if scarf, and push it tightly. The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes. After the dough, remove and rinse warm water.

Such a mask has a deep moisturizing and nutritious effect, saturates skin useful. Almost the same mask will help to get rid of the second chin.

Harm and contraindications

The yeast dough products are quite high, so they should be used with caution to people who are prone to overweight or obesity. Yeast can kill the natural intestinal microflora, which can lead to dysbacteriosis. Also should not be used to people with the individual intolerance to the components included in its composition.


Yeast dough is a very popular product in cooking. From it prepare a variety of delicious sdobu, buns, bread, beautiful Italian pizza and other products. In addition to its taste, it also has a useful composition that can bring significant benefits to the body. It can enhance immunity, improve memory, protect against various exposure to harmful environment. This product is in demand in the field of cosmetology. On it, they make rejuvenating, moisturizing and nutritious face masks. However, when using yeast test, it is worth paying attention to its harmful properties. This is a rather high-calorie product, so people who adhere to various diets or after their figure eating it is not recommended.