Feast Mountain: Vegetarian dishes on a festive table - recipes with a highlight. Vegetarian Salads for the New Year

16.09.2019 Restaurant Notes.

Our traditions of New Year holidays are difficult to imagine without a feast, which is often unhealthy, and non-environmental. Most people do not represent a New Year's table without meat and fish dishes. But really vegetarians do not celebrate the new year or do it with a modest "ordinary" menu? Of course not! From our selection you will learn about the beautiful dishes that will make your table healthy and surprise guests.

Many recipes are taken from the diet of Lacto and Ovovgetarians, but some will fit for Vegan.

1. Vegetarian "meat"

This is a seitana dish - vegetable meat substitute, to taste very similar to the "original". Seitan is preparing from flour. The dough is thoroughly washed to wash out starch out of it, and the remaining gluten is boiled in broth. As a result, it turns out a mass with a high protein content and to taste similar to meat.

  • Ingredients: 3.5 cups of flour, 1.5 glasses of water. From this preparing dough. And for the broth you need 1 liter of water and spices to taste.

The resulting "meat" can be used in any recipes as a substitute for natural meat. In particular, you can cook fried meat. To do this, chopped by sutaine fry in a frying pan on the butter with the addition of spices: turmeric, coriander, laurel sheet, pepper and soy sauce. First, spices are added to the oil. For them soy sauce and only then "meat". It is necessary to fry it within 5-7 minutes from all sides.

2. Fish

Vegetarian substitute for fish is prepared from cheese, for example, Adygei.

  • Ingredients:150 grams of cheese (Adygei, Panir or Tofu), 100 ml of water, 3 tablespoons of flour, half of the teaspoon of each type of spices: salts, black peppers and turmeric, vegetable oil and several sheets of algae nori.

Cheese cut with rectangular pieces. From water, flour and spices to prepare Sklyar. Nori soften in water and wrap them with cheese, and after to dip the resulting "rolls" in Sklyar. Next fry "Fish" from two sides.

3. Bulk

Without this dish, the New Year's table is difficult to present. There is it on the table of vegetarians. Of course, without language and other products of animal origin. Cheese comes to replace them. And again, highly to the place are algae nori.

  • Ingredients:1 large carrot, 1 potato, 500 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of fuel oil GCH (can be replaced by creamy fuel oil), 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 teaspoons of agar-agar, 50 grams of Adygei cheese and a set of spices that can vary Depending on your flavors. For example, such a set: fragrant pepper, red pepper, coriander, carnation, bay leaf and exotic spices, like hops-sunnels and asafetide, which we will be very difficult. But without them it is quite possible to do, because the spices are added to taste, it is not always necessary to strictly follow the recipe.

Cook vegetables in water, adding spices, a little later - a leaf of Nori and the oil of the GCH. Agar-agar soak in a small amount of water. From the finished broth pull vegetables, strain broth. Nabult agar-agar pour into broth and bring to a boil, stirring. Cool. Third part of the broth stirred with cooled sour cream to homogeneous mass. Cut vegetables and decompose them over the frozen sour cream. After that, we carefully pour the remaining broth from above and wait until the dish frost.

4. Cheese lasagna

  • Ingredients: Packaging of Lasagni sheets, 50 grams of mozzarella, 300 grams of almete cheese, 300 grams of parmesan (or any solid cheese), 250 grams of cream cheese, cream (20% fat), nutmeg and salt.

Lazagna sheets need to be caught for 3 minutes. Then lubricate the butter for baking and decompose the chopped soft cheese on it. Next, lay out the layers of your ingredients in the following order: Lasagni sheets, cream cheese, Lazagne sheets, cottage cheese and half Mozzarella, Lazagne Sheets, cream cheese, Lazagne sheets, Mozzarella's remains and again Lazagne sheets. From above, all this pour cream and sprinkle with nutmeg and parmesan.

Within 30-40 minutes we bake in foil. Temperature - 180 degrees. Then you need to remove the foil and bake another 10 minutes. And all - another delicious dish for your New Year's table is ready!

5. Vegetarian "Sellot" under a fur coat

This dish is just classic for our holiday tables. What is included in his vegetarian option?

  • Ingredients: 800 grams of potatoes, coarse cabbage and carrots, 350 grams of sea cabbage, 300 grams of Adygei or melted cheese, 5 walnuts, 250 ml of sour cream and 400 ml of mayonnaise, salt and spices (coriander, nutmeg, cinnamon, black pepper and asafetide).

Welcome vegetables in uniforms. Then clean and grasp it. Also grate cheese. And what will replace the seler, you ask? Sea cabbage, which you need to finely cut. Two tablespoons of sour cream are added to carrots and coarse, and in potatoes - 3-4 spoons. Then add spices to taste. And I pour pile of walnuts into the cooler.

After that, lay out the layers of "under the fur coat" in the following order: Potatoes, sea cabbage, cheese, carrots, coarse. Each layer lubricate mayonnaise and repeat the entire set of layers one more time. Dish is ready!

6. Salad Olivier

Without Olive, the New Year's layer is practically impossible. Actually, the vegetarian version of this salad is distinguished by the lack of sausage.

  • Ingredients: 1 kilogram of potatoes, polonium carrots, canned pea bank, 100-150 grams of cheese, a few cucumbers, a glass of mayonnaise and a glass of sour cream, turmeric, asafetide, black pepper and salt, olives and sea cabbage.

Welcome vegetables "in uniform", clean and cut into cubes. Cut the remaining ingredients. Mix everything and add mayonnaise and spices.

7. Baked potatoes

There is hardly worth talking about the place of potatoes on the New Year's table of Belarus. But it is not necessary to be limited to stew or boiled potatoes. More tastier and more useful will be its baked option.

  • Ingredients: Potato kilograms, 400 ml of sour cream, 400 grams of cheese, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt and spices (turmeric, black pepper and coriander).

Purified potatoes cut down slices, mixed with 1 teaspoon of turmeric. On the lubricated oil bastard, lay out the third part of the potatoes and sprinkle with it. From above to put a layer of cheese (also the third part of the total) and pour sour cream and oil. Make two more such layers of potatoes, cheese and sour cream.

For 15 minutes, bake in the oven under the lid at a temperature of 250 degrees, then another 40 minutes at 200 degrees. 10 minutes before readiness to remove the lid. This will give a ruddy crust on top of the dish.

8. Shah-pilaf

This dish will stand out on your table, and it is safe to say that guests will be delighted with him. Shah-pilaf is a traditional Azerbaijani dish, which is served on the table only on large holidays.

  • Ingredients: Polkylogram of rice-bass, 150 grams of raisins, Kuragi and Alychi (or other acidic dried fruit), 250 grams of walnuts, 3 carrots, pack of cream oil and packaging of thin pita.

The most important nuance of cooking this dish concerns the type of rice. The main thing is that it is long-grained (Basmati - the best grade) and properly cooked. For starters, rice is soaked for half an hour in cold water. Next - is thoroughly washed. Wrought rice in water with a ratio of 1 to 3 for 3-5 minutes. In the cooking process, they are taste. As a result, rice must acquire a homogeneous color, but remain a bit unsolved. He is laid out in a small colander and are punctured with boiling water.

Discovered dried fruits fry in a pan using a third part of the oil. After a few minutes of frying add 2 tablespoons of sugar and a little salt. Thanks to this, fruits will cover a layer of sugar resembling caramel.

Sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots pass on vegetable oil. Walnuts also broken by slices also fry in a frying pan. Lavash cut into 5 centimeter stripes and melt the rest of the oil.

Prepared pilaf is necessary in deep dishes. Its from the inside are lubricated with oil and label the lava strips in 2 layers so that they closed the entire surface of the dishes of the "brace" and that their ends hang out of the dishes. Further is stacked with a layer of 1 centimeter, behind it dried fruits and a layer of fuel oil. Next again rice, carrots, nuts and oil. Everything ends with the last layer of rice and fascinated by the "tails" of the pita, who are lubricated with oil again from above.

Shah-pilaf is prepared in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Lavash should be covered with a golden crust.

9. Cake "Bird's Milk"

We all know this cake from childhood, but few people cook at home. And in vain, because the recipe is pretty simple.

  • Ingredients: half a liter of oily cream (33%), 400 grams of 25% sour cream, half a liter of milk, 450 grams of sugar, 4.5 teaspoons of agar-agar.

To prepare the glaze, separately you need to take 100 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, half of the agar-agar teaspoon, 3 teaspoons of cocoa.

Cream, sour cream, 400 grams of sugar and vanillin need to be mixed and mixed with a mixer for 10 minutes to a thick homogeneous state. Capacity with the resulting mass must be put in a plate or a saucepan with hot water so that the mixture is well warmed.

Next, the glass shape is lubricated with vegetable oil. Agar-Agar must be mixed with milk and sugar residue (50 grams or 3 tablespoons). On low heat, we bring the resulting mixture to a boil, constantly stirring it. Agar-agar must dissolve, after which you need to turn off and give the mass to stand 3 minutes. Then whipped the mixture of sour cream and cream and in the process of this introducing a mixture of milk and agar-agar. All lay out in a glass form, grow up and put in the refrigerator.

The ingredients of the glaze mix and bring to a boil. Next, having cooled to 50 degrees, we pour them up the main mass of the cake and wait until the glaze freezes. An hour later, the cake will be ready for cutting and use.

10. Pahlava

Variations of this dish There is a huge amount, and each of them is good in its own way. Here is one of the recipes for the preparation of Pakhlava at home.

  • Ingredients: A glass of milk, 50 ml of sour cream, 60 grams of butter, a quarter of soda spoons and four glasses of flour, a bit of fried walnuts and half a liter of refined oil. For syrup, the shelter of sugar and 200 ml of water will be needed.

In the milk you need to pour melted butter, add sour cream and soda and knead the dough, adding flour gradually so that it becomes curly. Leave the covered dough for 10 minutes. Divide it into small pieces or balls, which then take turns to roll as thinly on the table, giving the resulting sheets to dry on each side for 5-10 minutes. Put the sheets one on one, twist in the roll and cut at an angle of 45 degrees. The edges of the test should not stick together.

In a deep frying pan, pour vegetable oil and fry in it rolls until a golden crust occurs. Share them on a plate shining with napkins, and let cool.

Sugar mix with water and bring to a boil (after that you can add honey to taste). The cooled Pahlav is lowered in hot syrup for 1 minute. Share on the plates and sprinkle with thustenance nuts.

As you can see, a vegetarian festive table will not only be satisfying and tasty, but also original. At the same time, fans of the "classic" New Year's dishes will not be disappointed. Of course, some recipes require certain culinary skills, but in our top there are very simple in the preparation of the dish. Bon Appetit!

Vegetarian recipes from our selection will help to cover the table for the new year, remaining faithful to their gastronomic principles. Dishes are also suitable for those who observe the post before Christmas, but does not want to postpone the festive feast before the new year on the old style. Their spectacular design, balanced composition and bright taste will delight households and guests.

Vegetarian Olivier

You can find various variations on the topic of the main New Year's salad, however, such a vegetarian Olive is extremely similar to the traditional, consistency and appearance.

Egg protein can be perfectly replaced with soft tofu, mayonnaise to prepare independently and use it also for other salads.


  • potatoes - 4 pcs.,
  • carrot - 2 pcs.,
  • green peas - 200 g,
  • salted cucumber - 3-4 pcs.,
  • tofu soft - 200 g,
  • mayonnaise Soy (recipe below), salt, spices - to taste.

Additional components optionally and taste:

  • sausage vegetarian,
  • soy meat,
  • white mushrooms,
  • beans.

Products for soy mayonnaise:

  • vegetable oil (room temperature) - 200 ml,
  • milk soybean (room temperature) - 100 ml,
  • lemon juice / vinegar table - 2 tsp / 1 Ch.L.,
  • mustard, salt, spices, greens - to taste.

Cooking mayonnaise

Wrap a blender oil and soy milk to some thickening, then add salt and vinegar or lemon juice, continue to beat. When the consistency approaches the mayonnaise, add spices and mustard, mix.

Salad preparation

Carrots and potatoes boil, cool and clean the peel. Cut alternately by cubes and lay the layer in a bowl all the components except the peas. The order is: carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, tofu. Then, sausage, meat or mushrooms, if you use. Abundantly smeared with mayonnaise and put the Christmas tree from the green peas. Either, postpone one boiled carrot, mixed salad lay a cube on a dish and decorate such a gift with carrot strips with a ribbon.

For a large company, it is convenient to serve salad portion, in fecents, tartlets or baskets from Bulgarian pepper.

A bright and appetizing hot snack from baked vegetables is perfect for a festive feast.

Filling for three-four zucchini or eggplant:

  • boiled movies - 1 tbs
  • mozarella or Tofu - 2 Art,
  • tomato flesh - 0.5 st,
  • salt, soy sauce, spices, garlic / bow - to taste.

Filling for four-five large potatoes or tomatoes:

  • boiled carrots - 1 pc.,
  • marinated champignons - 250 g,
  • leek passable - 100 g,

Stuffed beets:

  • apple - 1 pc.,
  • rice boiled - 2 tbsp,
  • raisin, sparkled in boiling water - 2 tbsp,
  • olive oil - 1 tsp,
  • cinnamon ground / sugar / honey / other spices - to taste.

It will also be necessary:

Sour cream, soy mayonnaise or cheese and greens for decoration.


Mix the components for the steps according to the recipes. Fry mushroom filling on vegetable oil. Cut potatoes, eggplants and zucchini along. With tomatoes, beets and peppers cut up the tops, free from the core. Tightly tamper the fillings with a spoon in a boat with a small slide, when sheepings it will decrease in volume. Sprinkle with grated cheese, lubricate sour cream or soybean mayonnaise.

Baking assorted vegetables on one contradiction, form several compartments from foil for baking so that the tastes are not mixed. Peppers and tomatoes will be ready after 15-25 minutes. Potatoes are enough 20-30 minutes in the oven, and eggplants need to be baked at least 45 minutes.

Raw multi-colored dumplings with filling from Kale and Beans Edamam will become a fireworks of bright tastes for the main night of the year.


  • Edamame Beans / Lentil - 300 g,
  • Calais / Beijing cabbage - 150 g,
  • Garlic - 2-3 teeth,
  • Tahini - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Tamari - 50 g,
  • Maple syrup - 50 ml,
  • Chipotle powder - 20 g,
  • Rice vinegar - 30 ml,
  • Spinach puree, beet juice and turmeric powder for dough painting.
  • Dumplings.


Cabbage slightly lean, beans - until readiness. Mix them from tachy, garlic and lemon juice, grind in mashed potatoes.

Each the dough into three parts, add to one beetacular juice, in the second - turmeric, to the third - the rubbed spinach. Slim dough, sculpt the dumplings with your favorite way.

Pelmeni can be sculpted in advance, freeze and submit not only on December 31, but also on New Year's weekend.

Mix tamari, maple syrup, chipotle and vinegar for sauce.

Brown church

Vegetarian desserts are distinguished by a variety. Chocolate Christmas trees on these recipes with bright design are not inferior to their taste traditional American dessert.

Products for Vegan (Lean Browni):

  • Wheat flour - 1.5 st,
  • Cocoa powder or cobr - 5 tbsp. l.,
  • Honey or syrup (sweet and not very thick) - 200 g,
  • Plant refined oil - 50 ml,
  • Water - 200 ml,
  • Orefs crushed - 50 g,
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Fragrance - 2 h.

For Vegetarian Brauni (without eggs):

  • Creamy butter - 100 g,
  • Chocolate bitter (70-99%) - 150 g,
  • Wheat flour - 400 g,
  • Starch - 30 g,
  • Sugar or melted honey - 200 g,
  • Fragrance - 2 h.

Preparation of vegan dough

Carefully mix the mixer with warm water, oil, flavoring and lemon juice with syrup or melted honey. Continuing to beat, gradually spare cocoa, sifted flour, then nuts.

Vegetarian dough

In a water bath or in a microwave oven at low power, oil and chocolate melt, pour the flavor. Gradually add sugar or honey, stirring into a mixture. Then suck flour and starch, sieving through a sieve. Beat the mixer or wedge of the dough to dissolve lumps.

In Brauni, you can add zitrus, cinnamon, vanilla and other favorite spices to obtain a more multifaceted flavor.

Dough by any of two recipes, lay out 2-2.5 cm layer. It practically does not increase when baking. It is possible to cook on the shining bakery paper, anticipated in a brass cabinet, preheated to 180 about 25-30 minutes. Either in a slow cooker, bowl pre-smear the oil. The required mode depends on the device model (baking, frying or other) and cooking time can vary from 50 to 90 minutes.

Breaded Brauni cool down, cut triangles and secure candy lollipops in them, straw crackers or wands for ice cream. Decorate the Christmas tree with icing, melted chocolate, dragee, candied chocolates, lollipops or nuts. Before the filing, remove the browns into a sealed container or carefully wrap the food film. This will help protect the cakes from drying.

Spicy grapefruit lemonade

Such a refreshing drink is suitable as an appearance and thirst for quenching. Grapefruit juice will help it easier to get rid of the extra calories of the festive feast.


  • Fresh grapefruit juice - 1 l,
  • Water - 200 ml,
  • Honey lime - 70 g,
  • Fennel, Rosemary, Chabret - to taste.


Boil the water with spices of 10 minutes, cool down, add grapefruit juice and sugar or honey. Serve a drink with ice, decorating glasses with grapefruit slices and sprigs of rosemary or ate.

If you wish in Lemonade, you can add 200-300 ml of any strong alcohol.

Masala on a carcade

Cook the sweet tea Masala on the carcade, it will give him an original red shade and light refreshing sourness. Such a spicy drink will help to warm up winter evenings, it improves digestion and is perfect for completing the festive feast.


  • Water - 1 l,
  • Karkade - 10 h.
  • Cane sugar - 8 tbsp. l.,
  • Cinnamon, fresh ginger, carnation, cardamom, orange or grapefruit.


By bringing water to a boil, add tea and grated ginger, boil 3-5 minutes. Then add the rest of the spices to strain the drink and serve as hot, adding the citrus scene. Sugar serve separately. Perhaps not all guests love sweet tea.

New year is no longer around the corner and on the eve of the fun and good holiday there are many worries. In addition to choosing and buy gifts, to think about and how to celebrate the New Year, beautifully decorate the apartment, prepare an outfit, many questions arise about the New Year's menu. For those who feed on "traditionally" problems with this special, because on the Internet, many sites offer various variations of the New Year's menu. But for vegetarians, and even more so vegans, the choice of dishes is much more acute.

If you meet the new year with those who do not adhere to a vegetarian or vegan, then it is even better. Cooking the dishes that it will be discussed next, you can show your friends that veganism is not only useful and healthy, and also delicious, beautiful, appetizing. As they say, it is better to try to try once than a hundred times to tell and try to prove something.

I tried to choose such recipes that you can hardly find somewhere on the Internet. Most of them are taken from the vegan blogs of the United States and Europe, and most of them are simply magnificent, because I had to prepare them. I am sure that taking advantage of my advice, you will make your vegan festive table unique, not similar to what was before.

All dishes I divided into several types(Click on the interest of interest to go fast) :

New Year's vegan snacks

The new year, first of all, is not a festive table, as many are accustomed to see, but communication, emotions, the time of fabulous desires and magic. Therefore, I believe that there should be not a lot of heavy food on the table, and more snacks and light dishes that will not leave guests hungry, but will not be satisfied so that it will be hard to move.

First of all, I suggest you cook sushi. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, it is sushi that will be an interesting addition to the shared festive table. They are preparing quickly, do not require many ingredients, and everyone will like them.

1. - Delicate taste of vegan cream cheese (which can be cooked independently) will not leave anyone indifferent. Excellent option for easy snacks.

2. - An interesting combination of mushrooms and a special sauce, will make these sushi a highlight in your New Year's menu.

3. - Sauce from Peanut, combined with avocado, make these sushi very satisfying and tasty. Literally a few blinds of sushi, and hunger as it was not. A good snack that can be submitted for the watch to the main dish.

4. - A rather interesting option to perform sushi, supplemented with spicy herbs. Even if you do not choose them as snacks per festive table, then definitely save the recipe to try these sushi on another day.

Hummus will become another wonderful snack. For those who do not know that humus is a very common dish worldwide. It can be found in the cultural traditions of the countries of the East (Arab world, Israel, Lebanon), among the countries of the Balkan Peninsula (Serbia, Croatia), as well as the Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and many others. We offer and you prepare hummus, which will have more to your taste.

1. - A sharp and spicy appetizer, which quit a feeling of hunger, but at the same time will leave a desire to enjoy something more tasty.

2. - Halapeno's pepper is appreciated by the fact that his taste is to measure sharp, while not such a burning like in Red Chile. Hummus will be an excellent aperitif before serving the main dishes.

3. - Its savory taste and a thin fragrance will like even those who do not particularly have garlic and sharp smells.

Well, the rest of the snacks that I tried to choose for the festive table, you should not deprive attention. Among them there are also savory taxos, and stuffed mushrooms, and even interesting vegetable envelopes. With a detailed description of recipes, you can read by clicking on the links.

1. - This roll can be like a separate dish, because it is quite satisfying, and act as an aperitif before serving other dishes.

2. - Confident, trying them once, you will often return to this recipe. Taxes in moderate satisfying, fragrant, have a thin nut taste, which makes them even more interesting and unusual.

3. - Excellent sauce that is suitable not only for Nachos, but also to other appetizers (Lavash, Supricians, chips, etc.)

4. - Can be an excellent aperitif before the main feed, and act as a light snack at the end of the celebration.

5. - An interesting and unusual dish, which, in addition to taste, also looks quite pretty.

6. - Quickly preparing, has a thin cream taste and aroma, while staying a completely vegan dish.

New Year Vegan First Dishes

The first dishes, as a rule, are all sorts of soups. I tried to pick up interesting soup options, so that they were not banal, easily prepared, but at the same time they could surprise even the most exquisite gourmet. Some recipes I have already managed to try and assure they remained in my culinary book for a long time.

one. . As soon as it comes to soups, the first thing I remember is a mushroom cream soup. His delicate taste, pleasant consistency, amazing flavor - all this puts the cream soup at first among all my favorites. When I still ate dairy products, then the soup was preparing on cream. Now calmly replacing their vegan sour cream either cooking on plant milk.

3. - Fried tomatoes and spicy basil create an incredible splendor of taste and aroma.

4. - This soup will be the decoration of your table, bringing a hint of freshness, unusual, and something new to the fearful diet.

5. What is so good potato-cabbage soup? First, it is very fast and just getting ready. Secondly, the ingredients needed for this soup are almost in any house. Thirdly, it is very satisfying and tasty.

6. - An interesting combination of beets and coconut make this soup a really "highlight" of any evening.

New Year's vegan second dishes

The second dishes were also chosen according to the principle - delicious, beautiful, unusual. There are only five of them, but I do not think that in the New Year's Eve you need to prepare many different dishes and ride greatly. As you can see, I did the main focus on snacks, salads and drinks, and the first and second dishes looked a little side, but at the same time I did not completely exclude them from your New Year's menu.

1. - On the Internet you can find many vegan versions of Tortilia, but, as practice shows, many of them do not work such as it would like. By trial and errors, the perfect recipe for Vegan Potato Tortilia was deripe.

2. - This is an excellent combination of nutritional, taste and flavor. Due to the fact that there are beans and barley, porridge will get very satisfying and quenching even those who are used to eat a lot.

3. It can become a decoration of any table. Most amazing in this recipe is that you do not need a lot of knowledge and skills to cook this dish

4. - These are not classic pancakes, as we used to see them, it is something more beautiful, interesting and tasty. Believe me, such pancakes will become an excellent decoration of your desk.

5. - The recipe is quite simple and will not cause problems even with those culinary people who only make the first steps in the kitchen.

6. - The combination of the products I offer in this recipe will not leave you indifferent, and friends and friends will definitely be asked to cook this pasta yet more than once.

New Year's vegan salads

Salads are what it is worth cooking on a festive table. They are light, fresh, contain many useful vitamins and minerals. I picked up quite interesting salads for your New Year's menu. I am confident that earlier with most of them you never met and did not even suspect the similar combinations. Salads are very tasty, satisted, have interesting combinations of products, and, importantly, it looks very nice, which will allow them to decorate your table.

1. What new year and without Olivier? Excellent vegan recipe, which is no worse than the traditional.

2. Does not replete with various ingredients, does not require any special sauces and refueling. It is pretty simple, understandable, but when it has an interesting taste and a very attractive look.

3. - This is an excellent combination of freshness and son. Movie quit your hunger, and the fresh citrus aroma of lemon sauce will give a thin fragrant notch with a salad.

4. Personally, it seems to me that this is a salad for lazy. It is preparing very quickly, does not require any culinary skills and special ingredients.

5. - Very simple salad that has an interesting taste combination

6. This is a wonderful combination of taste and aroma. And if you still consider the fact that the number is included and Couscous, then be sure that you will not be hungry.

7. - Great combination of freshness of vegetables, herbs spices and walnut flavor.

8. - Interesting salad, which is refilled by a very tasty and fragrant sauce.

9. It will be an excellent decoration of any table, and if you consider that it is refilled with a great sauce, then the taste will be amazing

New Year's vegan pastry

As a rule, baking is not something mandatory on the New Year's table, but I decided to include it in our festive menu. Why? New Year's holidays are not only night with 31 per 1 number, and a few weeks of fun, joy, hiking to visit friends and relatives. And you can go to visit with empty hands. It will be very pleasant to give sweets that you have done with your own hands. Various kinds of cookies, waffles and pastries will bring a minute of pleasure to those who are their presentation. I suggest cooking:

1. - Real waffles, whose taste is not to compare with any stores. And if you come to baking in love and effort, then the waffles will turn out simply wonderful.

2. - Excellent dessert for those who love to combine tasty with useful.

3. - This is a class of christmas and New Year's baking in Europe and the USA.

4. - Pretty tasty and cute cupcake, which can be your favorite among baking.

5. - This is a magnificent cookie will like not only sweet tooths, but also to those who are quite indifferent to the whole sweet.

Drinks for the New Year's menu

Drinks For the New Year's menu, you can choose a huge amount. I tried to collect recipes and smoothies, and mulled wine, and punch, and just various warming cocktails and teas. What to choose? It already depends on you. Go to the "" section (click on the link) and choose from a set of recipes presented there.

Vegan New Year's desserts

The most delicious and most interesting I left at last. As you already understood - this is vegan desserts. To be honest, then find a decent recipe for a vegan dessert is not so easy. In culinary blogs from the USA, this topic is more developed and exactly from there I scream information and inspiration. Desserts are simply magnificent, both taste and look, and if you still consider the fact that they are completely vegan, then in general a fairy tale.

one. . Do you like apples? Then this recipe will definitely like you. Baked apples with walnuts and dates will become an excellent dessert and a real decoration of any table.

2. - Have an amazing look, wonderful taste and indescribable aroma. If you have a bad mood, then these cute cheesecakes at times will raise him to heaven and make you smile from joy.

3. - Excellent delicacy that may well replace ordinary candies from the store. You can also put them in a vase and honor all guests who will regret your home.

4. - Good sweetness, which is not just tasty, but also useful.

5. - a real bait for lovers of the original combination of sweet and useful, that is, chocolate and cheese.

6. This is a find for those who love sweet baking. The combination of chocolate taste, cinnamon, nutmeg and pear will make this strudel very fragrant and incredibly tasty.

7. This is a combination of benefit and taste. Apple and cranberries will give a lot of vitamins, and spicy spices amazing taste and aroma.

Here, perhaps, all. As for me, the choice of dishes is more than sufficient. Therefore, choose what you like.

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Holiday menu is a matter of personal choice. And I will try to tell how to diversify it. I suggest learn what are delicious.

I made a selection where simple and tasty Dishes that are easy to cook. And products for them can be found easily.

To make you easily follow the instructions, these recipes with photos .


The combination of vegetables and berries makes the taste color. And it looks like a dish very elegant.


  • Potatoes - 3pcs;
  • Mushrooms (pickled) - 0,5l;
  • Carrots - 2pcs. (medium);
  • Peas (canned) - 150g;
  • Cranberry or lingonberry (fresh or frozen) - 1st;
  • Green onions and greens (dill and parsley) - on a bundle;
  • Vegetable oil - 30ml;
  • Salt pepper.

How to cook:

  • Carrot and potatoes to boil in the peel.
  • Potatoes clean and cut into cubes.
  • Cut mushrooms.

It is very important to choose the right mushroom cutting. If you want the taste of this ingredient dominated, it is worth cutting mushrooms in half.

The general rule for salads involves cutting the same pieces for all ingredients.

  • Cooked carrots cut, like potatoes, cubes.
  • Onions and greens wash, cut.
  • Connect all products. Salt, pepper. Mix.

Add oil and mix again.

Such a dish does not need additional design. Is that, leave a little berries and sprinkle with them from above the salad.


Interestingly, almost all products in this recipe is already in the ready state: salty marinated.


  • Walkers (salty - 500g;
  • Corn (canned) - 400g;
  • Korean carrots - 100g;
  • White beans (canned) - 400g;
  • Tomatoes (small, can Cherry) - 200g;
  • Vegetable oil - 1-1,5st .l.;
  • Salt;
  • Parsley or salad for decoration.

How to cook:

  • With canned products drain water.
  • Mushrooms rinse and cut.
  • Carrots cut into pieces of 4-5 cm.
  • Connect all the ingredients.
  • Before salting, be sure to taste. All products are already salty. It may be necessary to salt additionally.
  • Twisted oil. Mix.
  • Decorate on top of the halves of tomatoes and lettuce leaves. You can make small dots on the "hats of amansor" from peas of white pepper.

An elegant dish that is preparing for 10-15 minutes.

Avocado + orange

An unusual dish that is relevant for the new year!


  • Orange - 2pcs;
  • Avocado - 1pc.;
  • Salad ("Frieze") - OK.7List (taste);
  • Bread - 2
  • Garlic - 2Zub.;
  • Olive oil - 3st..;
  • Wine vinegar - 2st.;
  • Salt pepper.


  • Oranges to clean. Remove the film. Cut down the slice in half.
  • Bread to dry in the oven or toaster. Before chopping, grasp garlic.
  • Make sauce: connect oil and vinegar. Salt, pepper.
  • Salad wash and break. Stay on the plate layer.
  • The next layer is avocado. It can be cut. And it is possible to break a spoon with small pieces.
  • Then layer of pieces of oranges.
  • Top layer - bread.
  • Immediately before serving, pouring sauce.

You can prepare a dish without bread. Focus on your taste and preferences.

Olivier with soy meat


  • cooked potatoes in uniform, medium size - 6-7 pcs.
  • carrot boiled, medium size - 3 pcs.
  • polka dot - 1 bank 0.5 liters.
  • salted cucumbers small - 5 pcs.
  • smoked cheese - 100 gr.
  • maonez lean - to taste
  • black salt - 1 tsp.
  • soy-goulash dry - 200 gr.

Seasonings for soy:

  • asafhetide - 3/4 tsp.
  • seasoning for meat - 1 tsp.
  • coriander ground - 1 tsp.
  • paprika - 0.5 cl.
  • salt - 1 tsp. during cooking, 3/4 tsp. after
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp.

Boil the soy goulash, cut into cubes, add spices, mix

We lay out in the pan and fry soy goulash on vegetable oil until readiness.

We cut boiled vegetables on cubes.

Smoked cheese shallowly cut

We send everything in a bowl, add spices, mayonnaise and mix.

Olivier with mushrooms


  • Potatoes 4 pieces
  • Salted cucumbers 4 pieces
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Canned green peas 1 bank
  • Onions on 1 head
  • Mayonnaise 150 g
  • Fresh champignons 200 g


  1. Boiled potatoes and carrots cut into cubes. Salted cucumbers and vegetables cut into cubes.
  2. Onions and champignons cut, fry together to a golden crust on vegetable oil.
  3. We combine vegetables with mushrooms and onions (drain oil), add mayonnaise, spices and mix.

Vegetherianska fur coat from marmalade fox

For a vegetarian salad, the fur coat will need:

  • 1 eggplant (or 300g champignons)
  • 1/2 purple bulbs (can be any onions)
  • sugar (honey)
  • vinegar (if you fry onions together with eggplants, then you do not need to marinate)
  • oil for frying
  • soy sauce
  • algae Nori - 3 sheets
  • potatoes - 3 pcs (medium)
  • carrot - 3 pcs (medium)
  • beets - 2 pcs (small)
  • home mayonnaise - about 400g

Festive vegetable salad

Fresh cabbage salad, cucumbers and tomatoes. Classic vegetable salad, but made by layers and therefore claims to a festive table.


  • 200 gr Cabbage
  • 2-3 tomatoes
  • 2-3 Cucumber
  • 1 Bulgarian Pepper
  • drinking dill
  • crash green onions
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • black pepper


Simple and tasty salad with avocado - new

Very satisfying, sharp salad with beans, corn and avocado prepare for 10 minutes. Looks festive and bright.


  • Canned 1 Bank Beans
  • Corn canned 1 bank
  • Avocado (ripe) 1 pc. (400 g)
  • Tomatoes 200 g
  • Onions Red 120 g
  • Chile Pepper 1 pc. (taste)
  • Kinza beam

Salad refueling:

  • Lemon juice (Lyme) 3 tbsp.
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp.
  • Garlic 2 teeth
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Salt 1 tsp (to taste)
  • Black pepper ½ tsp (taste)

Preparing refueling. In the oil squeeze the juice of lemon, garlic, add sugar, salt, pepper.

Cut tomatoes on the quarter. Thin cut onions.

We add fine chili chili pepper into salad, greens cut by Avocado cubes.

Add beans and corn. Mix the oil refueling and pour into Satat again. We gently mix. You can decorate the lobule of lemon.
Very tasty, satisfying and colorful salad!


Not quite salad, but quite an excellent snack.

Ratatuus is a traditional dish of olive cuisine. A simple step-by-step recipe will help you make it an incredibly delicious dish.

Ingredients for sauce:

  • Tomatoes - 900 grams
  • Pepper - 250 gr
  • Bow - 200 gr
  • Carrot - 200 gr
  • Celery Stem - 100 gr
  • Chile Pepper - 50 gr
  • Merrate oil - 40 gr (can be replaced by creamy)
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Olive herbs - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Thyme
  • Basil

Ingredients for the top layer:

  • Zucchini - 500 gr
  • Eggplant - 500 gr
  • Zucchini - 500 gr
  • Tomatoes - 300 gr
  • Potato - 200 gr
  • Bow - 200 gr
  • Pepper Sweet Red, Yellow, Green - 150 gr (3 pcs)
  • Olive oil - 60 ml
  • Salt - 2 ppm
  • Thyme

Cooking sauce:

  1. Make cuts on tomatoes and pour boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. Purge tomatoes blender.
  3. Peppers clean and put in the oven 180 ° C for 20 minutes.
  4. On the olive oil to fry onions, carrots and celery stem. Add baked oil.
  5. Pour tomato mashed potatoes and add a bay leaf.
  6. Peppers clean from skins, crush and add to the pan.
  7. Add olive herbs.
  8. Add garlic and chili pepper.
  9. Cover the lid and snack on a low heat for 60 minutes, then remove the lid and stew another 30 minutes.
  10. Vegetables finely cut (3-5 mm). Eggplants and zucchini salted and pour with water for 20 minutes.
  11. Add thyme and basil, squeeze a blender sauce.

  12. Put in shape sauce, decompose vegetables, alternating sequence
  13. In olive oil put thyme, salt and pepper. Halong vegetables seasoned oil.
  14. Cover the shape of the foil and send to the oven 160 ° C for 90 minutes
  15. Remove foil and bake for another 40 minutes.
  16. Serve hot sprinkling with parmesan and parsley. Bon Appetit!

Dessert. Fruit dishes

Replace baking with sweet salads. And if snacks are prepared without mayonnaise , neither cream nor ice cream nor fat creams are not added to these desserts. But from this taste dish does not get worse. On the contrary, it is useful and amazingly delicious salads.


Very bright dessert. And very useful.


  • Carrots (if you choose a sweet and juicy variety, you can not add sweetener) - 2pcs;
  • Oranges - 2pc.;
  • Cashew - 2st.l.;
  • Lemon juice - 2st.l.;
  • Oil (olive, linen, sesame or peanut - 1st.;
  • Black ground pepper - pinch;
  • Sugar is a pinch.


  • Carrot on a large grater rubbed.
  • Oranges to clean. Cut pieces and remove the membrane.
  • Nuts split.
  • Mix all products. Pour oil and juice. Spice up. If necessary, lay down.

The composition has pepper. This ingredient makes the taste of dishes very bright and unusual. It can be replaced with a pinch of ground coffee.

Fruit explosion

There are many fruits here, what makes the taste of dishes unusual. Such a mix will definitely be useful and interesting for kids.


  • Peach (nectarine) - 1pc.;
  • Plums - 2-3st.l.;
  • Apples - 1pc.;
  • Figs - 2pcs;
  • Kiwi - 2pcs;
  • Mandarins - 2pcs;
  • Juice juice;
  • Blueberry jam - berries with syrup;
  • Mint.


  • Peach, plum, apple and pear cut into cubes.
  • Kiwi - circles.
  • Figs - slices.
  • Mandarin is divided into slices.
  • Connect all the ingredients.
  • Hiding the juice of orange.
  • Divide on portions.
  • Add rowan in each portion. Hiding the syrup.
  • Decorate.

Of course, here any fruits and berries are easily changeable. Yes, and jam can be replaced by berries from which juice squeezed. It turns out juicy and tasty!

New year will come soon. And it is worth finding those dishes that will decorate the festive table and will give us a good mood!

Share, what recipes you liked! And look at my other articles, and cooking dishes!

In the New Year articles of this cycle, we already wrote a lot about what dishes to cook for a festive table. But the focus has always been paid to meat, bird and fish in all kinds. But at the same time, we forgot that there is a certain percentage of people who do not use such food in principle, and it is difficult to hope that for the new year they will make an exception.

Respecting their tastes and traditions, today we have prepared the vegetarian menu for the new year. And let the meatsons do not imagine a scant meal from the cabbage slide and several pieces of boiled carrots. Vegetarian dishes for the New Year, cooked without the use of animal products, can be more tastier and more diverse, the main thing is to show fantasy.

Immediately agree, we are talking about vegetarianism, in which there are not all products of animal origin under the ban, but only flesh. That is, milk, eggs, sour cream and other, we can easily apply.


A vegetarian New Year's table will begin, as always, with snacks. Nobody canceled small sandbreaks For one bite. As a basis, you can take proven recipes: Avocado Mousse with Lyme juice and acute pepper, beet puree with garlic and natural yogurt, a variety of vegetable caviar (cabachk, eggplant and any other taste).

Similarly, vegetarians will not refuse stuffed eggs In which its many traditional species are suitable as a filling: fried mushrooms, grated raw carrots with garlic and melted cheese and so on.

Also, it is not necessary to bypass the side of a variety of traditional vegetarian recipes for the new year of Russian cuisine: sauer cabbage, varied of vegetables, uroin apples and so on. They not only diversify the table, but also make all guests remember their roots.

Even traditional selenka under the fur coat Maybe after a small upgrade to take its place on the vegetarian table. It will take potatoes, carrots, beets, melted (or Adygei) cheese, sea cabbage, walnuts and mayonnaise. The salad is laid out as usual layers, and each is labeled by mayonnaise. But, taking into account the lack of herring, the sequence looks like this: potatoes, sea cabbage, cheese, carrots, beets, mixed with crushed nuts. The layers can be repeated, then the salad will become even more interesting.

Basic dish

As the main dish on the vegetarian New Year's table can be prepared vegetable kebabs in a grain . For them, you need to prepare a pottery in advance for your favorite recipe (for example, water, kefir, flour, salt and spices) and cut into small portion pieces of vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper, tomatoes and Adygei cheese. All, except cheese and tomatoes, you need to mix, sprinkle with spices and salt and leave for half an hour so that they are soaked. On bamboo sticks you need to drive all the ingredients, to dip in the clarity from all sides and fry on olive or sunflower oil (it should be quite a lot, layer in 2-3 centimeters). Fry a kebab from two sides under the closed lid, 6-8 minutes. When it cooks, you need to put it on a layer of napkins or paper towels so that they absorb excess oil.


In principle, most desserts and so comply with the principles of vegetarian cooking (it is very difficult to imagine a cake with meat). The only exception is the food gelatin, which is made from the cartilage tissue of animals, and therefore it falls under the ban. But if you still want to pamper yourself and guests with such a dish, then you can use agar-agar, for which special algae is used.

But as an example of an excellent New Year's dessert, which will appeal to vegetarians and meathers, you can bring baked apples. To make them cooking, you need to select several beautiful red apples of the same size, cut the middle of them and fill the vacated space with a mixture of butter, sugar and cinnamon. Then each apple needs to be wrapped with a foil or a special film and cook for a pair or in the oven until soft. Dessert can be decorated with cinnamon and caramel wand.

This is just enough just the menu does not contain anything prohibited for a vegetarian, but it will be quite in taste and everything else. Perhaps after such a dinner, they even think about changing the culinary orientation.