Classic Mulled wine at home. Cozy evening, or how to make mulled wine at home

20.10.2019 Restaurant Notes.

Some one clear mulled wine recipe does not exist. You can take absolutely any wine, add any spices, fruits and berries to it, peck on a small fire and all - Mulled wine from red wine is ready (or white - depending on what you have wine).

The only rule that must be observed strictly - mulled wine in no way should be boiled. Heat the wine follows a very small fire and until white foam disappears.

Classic Mulled wine

You will need:bottle of red wine, 7 clove buds, 0.5 teaspoons of ground nutmeg, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/3 cup water

How to prepare classic mulled wine at home. Carnation and nutmeg bunting in Turku. Water pour, stir and brought the mixture to a boil. When it starts to boil, refill the fire to a minimum and press another minute. After that, give the chance of broke up for 10-15 minutes. Wine pour into a saucepan and put on fire. When he is heated, the contents of the Turks and add sugar in it. Mix well and cook on slow fire to the first signs of boiling. As soon as the first bubbles appear, take the mulled wine from the fire and break through the cups.

Coffee Mlindwene

You will need: A bottle of red wine, a large cup of black coffee, 150 grams of sugar and 100 grams of cognac.

How to prepare coffee mulled wine at home. Heat wine. While wine is brewed, in the Swari Coffee Turk. When the wine is warm up, add coffee and sugar and proveries to it for a couple of minutes on the highest heat, interferes periodically. At the end of the cooking, add brandy and throw Mulled wine in cups.

Fruit Malterene

You will need:bottle of red wine, apple, lemon, orange, 0.5 teaspoon cinnamon, a few peas of fragrant pepper, Badyan asterisk, honey to taste.

How to cook coffee mulled wine at home. Apple, lemon and orange apply her slices. Put the fruit in a saucepan with wine, add spices and honey to taste. Cree mulled wine on slow fire. As soon as it starts to throw, take off the mulled wine from the fire and rushing around the cups.

Ginger Mulled wine

You will need:a bottle of red wine, halves of orange, half of the lemon, a few peas fragrant peppers, ginger root long with a little finger, cinnamon stick, a couple of clove buds, sugar or honey to taste.

How to prepare ginger mulled wine at home. Wine pour into a saucepan, add cinnamon, carnation and fragrant pepper. Ginger root cleaned, devour in small pieces. Lemon and orange apply half rings. Add ginger and fruits in a saucepan with wine, as desired add sugar or honey. Cree mulled wine on slow fire until it starts to scream. After that, take off the saucepan from the fire and spawned the fragrant drink in the cups.

French mulled wine

You will need: A bottle of red wine, half of the lemon, 150 grams of sugar, 150 ml of brandy.

How to prepare French mulled wine at home.In a saucepan of heating wine, add sugar. From Lemon Unlock Juice, mix with wine. Throw in the pan of lemon crust and proveries in Mulled wine. At the end of the cooking VLO Cognac and turn off the fire. Give Mulled wine in line for 5 minutes, after which there is a break in the cups.

From one mention of Mulled wine, thoughts come to the comfort and comfort, and a desire appears on the lips to feel the tart taste of a gambaded drink. Mulled wine is popular among residents of different countries, and curious facts about its origin cannot remain in the shade. How to cook Mulled wine at home and with what to use it?

The origin of the drink

German origin "Glühwein" means "hot, burning wine." Mulled wine from wine is manufactured, and you can use both red and white. Drink warm.

This is mentioned for the first time in 1420 and is associated with the Catsetnunbogen county, located in Germany. Next, the hot alcoholic beverage appeared in the Scandinavian countries, and then it began to call it the abbreviated "Glögg". Thus, Germany is considered to be homeland, but at the same time, for centuries, the recipe was processed and modified, new ingredients and components were added.

Classic Mulled wine recipe

Preparing alcohol mulled wine on a classic recipe, no one will retreat from the main ingredients. Spices for mulled wine are added in a standard form, but if you want something unusual, it is possible to deviate. The composition of the components includes:

  • 700 ml of red wine;
  • 90-100 ml of purified simple water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar sand;
  • 1 pinching of a lustful nutmeg;
  • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger;
  • 5 carnation boutons;
  • 1 Thin cinnamon stick.

This quantity of products is enough to cook 4 brew portions. As for the cooking technology, we first mix in the tank of the spice and add water. Mass is slowly brought to a boil, but at the same time, we look at not to boil. Fix the decoction through the siter, later we add wine to the container, the package of spices and one dessert sugar spoon.

The final stage of cooking is to warm the mass on fire up to 70 degrees, but not up to boiling. We cover with a lid and insist up to 10 minutes, then we serve in special glasses. Bon Appetit.

Recipes with finished seasoning

If you do not know how to cook Mulled wine from scratch, it will be much easier to cook a drink with ready-made seasonings. Such today can be used in the grocery store or supermarket. For cooking you need the following ingredients:

  • one bottle of red wine (0.75 l);
  • 1/3 glasses of simple water;
  • 1-2 dessert sugar spoons;
  • set of seasonings for mulled wine.

The cooking technology is simple: first pour seasoning to the Turk, then fill with water and weld for one minute. Give the brave to stand ten minutes. Next, the wine break into the container and warm, pour out a mass from the turk, and put sugar at the end. Serve on the table in high glasses. Bon Appetit!

Simple mulled wine recipe with citrus

Citrus: Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon, Lime and others - well complement the drink. With fruit prepare and remedy for colds. But in the cooking process, other ingredients will be needed:

  • 550 ml of white wine;
  • one orange;
  • two lemon;
  • 6 carnation boutons;
  • one wand cinnamon;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.

The cooking process is simple. If you have never tried to boil this unsurpassed and fragrant drink, follow several actions. Initially, in the skeleton, mix the wine, spices, sugar sand and pre-peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bfruit.

Ingredients throw off in one sudine (not enamel) and put on the middle fire. Do not bring to a boil, just look at sugar (until dissolving, do not remove from the fire). Then close the lid and leave for about 12-15 minutes so that the drink is invested. Serve mulled wine to the table in special transparent glasses hot. Bon Appetit!

Homemade Muthes Recipe with Nuts

Preparation of a dopey drink - a fascinating business. If you want to try something interesting, it is worth adding nuts. So, the components of the home recipe ingredients with nuts includes:

  • one liter of red wine;
  • 4-5 boutons of dried cloves;
  • 2 dessert sugar spoons;
  • half juice of ripe lemon;
  • half of the teaspoon or a pinch of crushed nutmeg;
  • chipping cinnamon.

Pour wine into the refractory vessel, then warm up. Add the above insecrees in turn and mix. Heat the capacity up to 70 degrees maximum and stand fifteen minutes. After that, enjoy the aromatic drink.

How to cook mulled wine with juice

Due to the large part of the juice content, Mulled wine is distinguished by an unsurpassed taste. Note that experts - cooks recommend using only orange juice. To prepare this wonderful drink in 20 minutes, the following components are needed:

  • dry wine (red semi-sweet) - 750 ml;
  • orange juice - 450 ml;
  • 2 large apples, possibly green;
  • cane sugar - 7 dessert spoons;
  • spices and nuts at will.

Pour juice into a saucepan, add sugar and spices. Start apples in advance and cut on parts 5-6, removing the core. Pump apples in a saucepan, add wines after 15 minutes. You need to bring Mulled wine to 80 degrees, then strain and pour the drink on the glasses. Serve only hot.

Cook Mulled wine from red wine

If you like red wine, then some ingredients will be needed for the preparation of delicacy at home. Mulled wine loves a variety, because the recipe is repeatedly reworked. So, the components include:

  • red wine - one bottle;
  • 7 carnation boutons;
  • 0.5 dessert spoon of a hammer nut (nutmeg);
  • 2 dessert sugar spoons;
  • 1/3 Part of a glat of simple water (boiled).

In order for the cooking process to give pleasure, prepare Turku and refractory sudine. First, the carnation and nuts fall asleep in Turku, the volume of water and bring the mass to a boil. After that, cunt the mixture for about a minute and remove from the fire, let it brew 12-15 minutes.

Then perform a number of actions: Pour your favorite wine into the prepared vessel and put on the slab (small fire). After a while, add the contents of the Turks and two dessert sugar spoons there. As soon as you see the first bubbles, remove from the stove and spill on the glasses.

Wine selection

Mulled wine from red wine is popular. But the drink is prepared with white wine or without it. You can choose by preferences:

  • dry red;
  • semi-dry red;
  • sweet red;
  • semi-sweet;
  • white of the same species.

Use the wine that soul.

How to cook spicy drink from white wine

So that Mulled wine it turned out with a fragrant notch, take 500 ml of white dry wine, 2-3 dessert sugar spoons, 1 vanilla pod or 1 bag of vanilla sugar sand. The highlight will perform fresh-frozen raspberries (gram 200). In the process of cooking, repeat the same actions as in the classic preparation.

In a small container, pour wine, add sugar and raspberry (optional). Vanilla pod cut in half, crush and dock in wine. Further on slow fire, without bringing to a boil, warm up, let it stand up to 10 minutes, then strain through the gauze and run through the cups. Bon Appetit.

How to cook non-alcoholic mulled wine

Mulled wine is a useful drink, if used in moderation. Drink from him not necessarily. You can raise yourself mood and without alcohol, and for this you need a little:

  • capacity (not aluminum);
  • konford with small fire;
  • quarter liter of juice (it is better to take grape, but you can also taste);
  • seasonings;
  • water;

Ingredients, mix in the container and bring up to 70 degrees on low heat. At the same time, it is possible to heat all this immediately and together, or weld separately, and then only to add to the volume of juice. Bon Appetit.

Winter Option with Apples and Cinnamon

This is a winter delicacy - an alternative to those who want to try something tasty and non-alcoholic. Take natural apple juice, add lemon zest and several pieces of orange. With alcoholic mulled, this taste will not compare. Ingredients are simple:

  • liter of apple juice;
  • two tablespoons of lemon zest;
  • one orange;
  • 2-3 carnation boutons;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • chopping cardamon;
  • a piece of nutmeg;
  • 80 ml of water.

The cooking process is reduced to the fact that the orange is cut by slices, fold into the pan and pour apple juice with water. We put the ass on the stove, bring up to 75 degrees, after that we are waiting for 15 minutes. So that the mass is fill. Fix through the siete and serve in cups.

Mulled wine recipe against cold

So that the recipe is effective, do not do without:

  • red wine
  • 3 dessert spoons of propolis or honey,
  • 1 ripe orange and one stick fine cinnamon;
  • 8-9 dried carnations,
  • chopping

In the process of cooking, 100 ml of water is brought to a boiling state and add seasonings after the decoction is imagined, cut the orange slices, we pour wine and fall asleep the remaining components. We bring up to 60-70 degrees, add several mines of black or red peppers. We try to bring up to 80 degrees, after which we are waiting for 15 minutes. Everything is ready and pleasant appetite.

Healing Hot Drink Properties

Mulled wine helps overcome such diseases as:

  • angina;
  • flu;
  • cough.

At the same time, eat in normal dosages, not abusing.

Mulled wine, such as we know it, gave life to the Roman legionnaires who introduced to Europe. Already Europeans affected the last strokes, and the world got this magic drink.

Mulled wine as it is

To prepare this wonderful hot drink ideally, red dry or semi-dry wines are taken. In some formulations there is a brandy or rum. According to the canonical rules, Mulled wine from red wine should not be less than 7% of the fortress. There are two variations of the cooking drink. The first without adding water, the second, respectively, with water. The principle of cooking is simple. Wine is heated with sugar and various spices at an average temperature of 75 ° σ. It insists for about an hour. Drink do not boil.

Spices used in the preparation of the beverage are not crushed, but lay the entire one. It is simply explained: the drink with ground spices will not be filtered completely, and the tanks of the spices will be unpleasant to crishes on the teeth. The main components of Mulled wine, except for wine, cinnamon, carnation, lemon zest, Badyan, Cardamon, Honey and Ginger. Lovers add black pepper, laurel and fragrant pepper. Also, at will, apples, raisins and nuts are used. It is served mulled wine from red wine or in circles, or in beautiful glasses with a handle.

Mulled wine from red wine (classic)


Wine red dry or semi-dry - 500 ml;

Carnation - 4 g;

Orange - 2 slices;

Lemon - 2 slices;

Honey - 50 g;

Sugar - 40 g;

Cinnamon - 15 g;

Muscat - 2 g


1. All ingredients specified in the recipe must be placed in a capacity of a container (ceramic or enamel) beverage.

2. Put the container on the stove. With constant stirring, bring the drink to 75 ° σ and at this temperature to peel millwine for five minutes.

3. After that, the container must be removed from the fire. Stop slightly to the side so that the drink rested. Then moving it away with a small sieve. Mulled wine from red wine is ready.

4. Pour on glasses (it is desirable to use glasses of thick glass with a handle).

Mulled wine with honey and water


Wine red dry - 750 ml;

Cinnamon - 7 g;

Honey - 100 g;

Carnation - 5 g;

Water - 100 ml;

Orange - 110 g.;

Lemon - 75


1. Orange and lemon are pretty clean, cut into a slice.

2. In a prepared enameled or ceramic saucepan, pour the water rate. Place the container on the stove. Heat.

3. Put into the water sliced \u200b\u200bcitrus. Take the clove buds and cinnamon sticks.

4. Bring the contents of the saucepan to boil. Peel the content for 3 minutes.

5. Then neatly pour dry red wine into the saucepan. Heat to boil. Remove the container from the fire.

6. Pour honey into the container, stir. Give a drink to breed. After that, pour mulled wine from red wine along high glasses with thick walls and handle. Each glass decorate the slicker of the lemon.

Mulled wine from a red semi-sweet wine


Wine red semi-sweet - 755 ml;

Cognac - 55 ml;

Ginger ground - 5 g;

Muscat - taste;

Carnation - 3 g;

Cinnamon - 5 g;

Honey - 85 g;

Apple - 1 pc.;

Orange - 2 pcs.


1. Red wine pour into a ceramic or enameled saucepan. Throw in the same cinnamon stick, carnation boutons, nutmeg and ginger. Mix. Place on a very small flame. Heat the contents to a temperature of 60 ° σ.

2. During this time, the orange and apple is prettier. Thoroughly wipe with a towel. Clean fruits. Cut slices. Fur in the heated wine.

3. Immediately add cognac in wine. Heat the drink to 80 ° σ.

4. Cap covers with a lid. Remove from fire. Fill. Add honey, stir. Insist for a quarter of an hour under the lid.

5. Pour mulled wine from red wine on glasses.

Mulled winery christmas (New Year's)


Wine red dry - 750 ml;

Apple sour-sweet - 110 g;

Orange - 60 g;

Lemon - 30 g;

Carnation - 3 g;

Cinnamon - 5 g;

Cardamom - 1 box;

Badyan - 1 star;

Ginger grated - 5 g;

Honey - 90 g;

Mint - 5 g


1. Fill wine into a ceramic or enameled saucepan with a thick bottom. Move it into a small fire.

2. While wine is heated, wash the apple, orange and lemon. Cut them arbitrarily. Lay in a saucepan with wine.

3. Alternately fall asleep all the spices: cinnamon, carnation, cardamom, ginger and badyan.

4. Then add honey and sugar if you like a drink.

5. Fire turn off. Add to mulled mint. Close the saucepan with a lid. Ansust a drink. Mulled wine from red wine is ready.

6. After 10 minutes, throw millwine and distribute it on glass glasses or clay mugs.


Red wine dry - 1.5 liters;

Sugar - 300 g;

Honey - 200 g;

Carnation - 3 g;

Cinnamon hammer - 2 g;

Rhizome ninexil;

Lemon - 75


1. In enamelled or ceramic dishes, heat up to about 75 ° σ indicated in the recipe standard of red dry wines.

2. Pour the norm of sugar and honey into it. Stir until honey and sugar disappear completely. Remove from the plate.

3. In gauze lay the carnation, cinnamon, crushed rhizome of nine and a grated lemon zest. Wrap in the bag and put in a saucepan. Cover the warm plaid and insist 20 minutes under the lid.

4. Then remove the bag. Filling Mulled wine. Enter the lemon frame.

5. Using therapeutic mulled wine from red wine immediately until he has cooled.

Mulled wine from red wine Medical


Wine red dry table - 2 l;

Sugar - 200 g;

Honey - 100 g;

Drug Chamomile - 4 g;

St. John's wig - 4 g;

Yarrow - 4 g;

Carnation - 3 g;

Cinnamon - 5 g.


1. Red dry wine pour into an enameled or ceramic saucepan and heat up to 70 ° σ.

2. pour into wine the norm of sugar and honey.

3. While honey and sugar are blooming in wine to gather in a gauze chamomile bag, St. John's wort, yarrow, carnation and cinnamon.

4. Remove the saucepan from the fire, lower the bag with herbs into it. To cover with a lid. Then - warm tissue. Insist a quarter of an hour. Then get a bag with herbs. Massage Mulled wine and immediately use.

Mulled wine fragrant of red wine


Wine red semi-sweet - 1 l;

Vodka - 55 g;

Sugar - 50 g;

Cinnamon - 18 g;

Carnation - 6 g.;

Ginger ground - 3 g;

Raisins - 100 g;

Almonds- 100 g

What you need to do:

1. In a ceramic or enamel saucepan, connect wine and vodka. Add all other components. Place on a small flame. Heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. Flame to pay off. Insstruct the drink is the smallest half hour under the lid.

3. Before serving the mulled wine from red wine, it needs to be moved, and only then distribute on glasses or circles.

Mulled wine Imperial


Wine red semi-sweet - 500 ml;

Cognac - 80 ml;

Vodka - 55 ml;

Sugar - 30 g;

Muscat ground - 3 g;

Carnation - 2 g;

Cinnamon - 15 g;

Pepper scented - 8 pcs.


1. Fill wine into enamel or ceramic container.

2. Sugar and spice sugar. Warmer with constant stirring. Bring the contents of the container to 75 ° σ.

3. Add vodka and cognac, bring to 75 ° σ again. Do not boil.

4. Remove the saucepan from the stove. Pour the contents into the thermos. Preliminate. Insist for at least an hour.

5. Then to distribute on glass glasses with thick walls.

Mulled wine Ruby Stars


Carnation - 2 boutons;

Cinnamon - 1 stick;

Sugar - 130 g;

Water - 110 ml;

Wine red dry table - 1.0 l;

Rum - 85 ml;

Tea sturdy black - 500 ml;

Lemon - 65


1. In an enameled or ceramic saucepan, connect the carnation, cinnamon, lemon crusts and sugar. To fill with water. Place the container on the stove. Boil. Cook for 3 minutes.

2. Then a mixture to move. Pour red wine into it. Heat up to 75 ° σ again.

3. Then add rum and tea. Remove from the plate. Finish 5 minutes. Serve in glasses with thick walls.

1. If the drink is prepared without adding water, never heating the mulled wine more than 80 ° σ. The drink can become muddy.

2. Do not boil the drink if it is prepared without water, all useful properties will be lost.

3. Do not prepare a drink in a metal container. Use ceramics or enameled dishes.

4. Do not buy for the preparation of mulled wine expensive wine. Young, inexpensive wines are perfectly suitable in order to cook a great drink.

5. Fruits used need to be carefully soaked and clean. When cutting, you do not need to smack. Dried fruits are best suited.

6. Spices need to be used entirely. When using ground spices, the drink may become muddy. If still you have to use crushed spices, then they need to be put in a gauze bag or in a bag of linen fabric and omit in a saucepan. By readiness of the drink the bag must be obtained and throwing away.

7. When preparing mulled wine with water, remember: water should not be greater than one fifth of the total drink.

8. Water is poured carefully - thin flowing on the wall of the tank.

9. Before you use Mulled wine, be sure to kick him.

10. The drink is never heated.

Just imagine how wonderful to file friends sitting by the fireplace in a frosty winter day, hot. For the preparation of this drink, you can use completely any wine, because if you add cinnamon wand into it, a little ginger and other spices, it will become very tasty! Let us and we will consider today the recipes of Mulled wine from red wine.

Mulled wine recipe with red wine


  • dry red wine - 750 ml;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon - 1 wand;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • carnation - 5 pcs.;
  • water is 100 ml.


In the prepared dishes, we pour the required amount of water, put on the slab, heating, add lemon and orange slices, throw cinnamon and cloves. I bring everything to a boil and wait at exactly 2-3 minutes. Then we carefully pour red dry wine into this broth, heated again to the optimum temperature and remove the drink from the fire. We add to the taste, we give the red mulled wine in line 10 minutes and lay down the drink on high glasses, decorating them with a lemon slicing.

Mulled wine from a red semi-sweet wine


  • red semi-sweet wine - 750 ml;
  • orange - 2 pcs;
  • cognac - 50 ml;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • ground ginger - 1 tsp;
  • nut nut - to taste;
  • carnation - 3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 1 wand;
  • honey - to taste.


Red wine pour into a cooked pan, add cinnamon wand in it, carnation, nutmeg and ginger. All mixed, put on a weak fire and bring to a temperature of about 60 degrees.

With this time, we wash the orange and an apple, we dry fruits, clean them, cut by slices and add it to hot wine. Next, we immediately pour cognac and bring Mulled wine to a temperature of 80 degrees. We cover the saucepan with a lid, remove the drink from the fire, turning and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then we spread the mulled wine into hot glasses, put honey to taste and apply to the table.

Mulled wine from dry red wine


  • dry red wine - 750 ml;
  • honey - 7 tbsp. spoons;
  • badyan - 3 pcs.;
  • carnation - 6 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • peas pepper - 4 pcs.


In the pan, we pour red wine, add all the spices alternately and heated on slow heat. Then remove the dishes from the stove, put honey and slowly stirring, wait until it completely dissolves. We cover the drink with a lid, let it brew about 10 minutes, be filled with and feed to the table in glasses, decorated with cinnamon sticks.

Mulled wine from red wine


  • red wine - 750 ml;
  • apples - 200 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • black peas - 25 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 20 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • carnation - 10 pcs.


In the saucepan, we pour red wine, add spices, sugar, throw apples chopped by cubes, spices and bring everything to a boil. Then remove the drink from the stove, cover the lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. After that, I focus Mulled wine, pour over the glasses, throwing into each of the lemon slicing and a few pieces of fresh apples.

Mulled wine from red wine


The cold season is the most suitable time to pamper yourself, as well as relatives and loved ones, having prepared hot delicious Mulled wine. Friendly gatherings for a circular-other of this wonderful drink will warm your souls and add joy to your hearts.

Mulled wine German - Classic recipe

This mulled wine recipe is considered classic for cooking at home. As we will see below, many drinks of this type are prepared in similar technology. By the way, they can be boiled from both shop and from homemade wine.

List of ingredients

  1. Dry red wine - 0.7 l;
  2. Honey - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  3. Cinnamon - 1 pinch;
  4. Cardamom - 1 pinch;
  5. Nut nut - 1 pinch;
  6. Carnation - 6 pcs;
  7. Lemon - ½ PC.

Method of preparation

Pour wine into a suitable heat-resistant container and put on fire. In the process of heating, add honey and spices, as well as freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stirring the contents of the container before the foam disappear appears due to spices. Then turn off the fire and leave the drink for 15 minutes under a dense lid.

Attention! In no case do not let liquids boil. Its temperature should not go beyond 70-80 ° C. This rule is a fundamental for everyone who wants to properly cook any drink from this series.

List of ingredients

  1. Dry white wine - 0.7 l;
  2. Water - 150 ml;
  3. Honey - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  4. Lemon - 1 pc;
  5. Orange - 1 pc;
  6. Carnation - 2-3 pcs;
  7. Cinnamon - 1 wand.

Method of preparation

Boil the water with carnation and cinnamon, then cool and strain the resulting decoction. Wine pour into the pan and put on fire. Add spicy water, honey and finely chopped citrus slices. Bring the fluid to the required temperature, remove it from the fire and pour it on the glasses. As decoration, you can use orange circles.

List of ingredients

  1. Dry red wine - 0.7 l;
  2. Honey - 1-2 Art. spoons;
  3. Raisin - 30 g;
  4. Apple - 1-2 pieces;
  5. Grated ginger - 1 pinch;
  6. Cardamom - 6 pcs;
  7. Cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  8. Black pepper fragrant - 5 peas;
  9. Carnation - 7 pcs.

Method of preparation

Cut the apples with small slices, after which you send wine and all other ingredients in the appropriate vessel and follow the classic recipe.

Mulled wine with orange and cinnamon

This simple recipe can optionally supplement others suitable to the case.

List of ingredients

  1. Dry red wine - 0.7 l;
  2. Juice of red oranges - 400 ml;
  3. Orange - 1 pc;
  4. Cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  5. Brown sugar - 125

Method of preparation

Mix wine and juice. Add sugar, cinnamon and sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin strips an orange zest. Stir sugar to complete dissolution, after which put the fluid on fire and bring it to the appropriate temperature. Drink is served with orange slices.

This is just one of the numerous variations on Christmas theme. So, there are modifications involving the addition of muscat, ginger, carcade or even brewed black tea.

List of ingredients

  1. Dry red wine - 1 l;
  2. Orange juice - 250 ml;
  3. Lemon - 1 pc;
  4. Orange - 1 pc;
  5. Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  6. Carnation - 4 pcs;
  7. Badyan - ½ h. Spoons;
  8. Cinnamon - ½ h. Spoons;
  9. Cardamom - ½ h. Spoons.

Method of preparation

Wine, juice, honey, spices and washed sliced \u200b\u200bcitrus slices mix in heat-resistant dishes and warm up to a temperature of 80 ° C. The result was insisted 15 minutes under a dense lid.

If desired, apples can be replaced with other fruits, for example: plums or peaches.

List of ingredients

  1. Dry red wine - 0.7 l;
  2. Honey - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  3. Apple - 1 pc;
  4. Cinnamon - 2-3 sticks;
  5. Carnation - 6 pcs.

Method of preparation

Cut the fruit with thin slices, after which all the ingredients are placed in heat-resistant container and follow.

Mandarine Mulled wine - Recipe for Grandfather Frost

Apparently, at the output there should be something very new year.

List of ingredients

  1. Dry red wine - 0.7 l;
  2. Mandarins - 6 pcs;
  3. Honey - d. Spoon;
  4. Carnation - 5 pcs;
  5. Cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  6. Fascinating pepper - 2 peas.

Method of preparation

Mandarins clear and divide on slices, after which you download all the components in the enameled pan and contact.

Mulled wine from Kagora

In this beverage, a brandy brandy is used, which, at your discretion, can be replaced by any liqueur. Although, according to some enthusiasts, does not interfere with each other.

List of ingredients

  1. Cahors - 1.5 liters;
  2. Cognac brandy - 10-20 ml (or to taste);
  3. Cinnamon - 1 pinch;
  4. Carnation - 6 pcs;
  5. Lemon - 1-2 pcs.

Method of preparation

Pour the korger into heat-resistant container and bring it to a temperature of 40 ° C. Next, add sliced \u200b\u200blemon cubes. Then, at a temperature of 50 ° C, put the carnation and cinnamon. Remove the finished drink from the fire, hold 5 minutes under a dense cover, add brandy and carry to the table.

Mulled wine from Portwine - Recipe without

As you can make sure your own experience, Portwine feels in heated state is not worse than Kagora.

List of ingredients

  1. Portuguese (preferably Portuguese) - 0.7 liters;
  2. Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  3. Cinnamon - 1 h. Spoon;
  4. Nut nut - 1 pc;
  5. Lemon - 1 pc;
  6. Water (optional) - 150 ml.

Method of preparation

Finely chop the lemon zest and graze nutmeg. Then pour wine into heat-resistant container, add all other ingredients there and bring the drink until the software is ready.

Mulled wine - a recipe with ginger

Ginger root is a seasoning for mulled wine on an amateur. But if you are such, then you can safely add this ingredient in hot drinks, prepared not only on the basis of white, but also on the basis of red wine.

List of ingredients

  1. Dry or semi-dry red wine - 1 l;
  2. Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  3. Cinnamon - 1 h. Spoon;
  4. Carnation - 5 pcs;
  5. Orange - 1 pc;
  6. Green apple - 1 pc.

Method of preparation

Cut the orange with circles, and the apple is thin slices. Then place everything in heat-resistant ass and contact the classic German technology from.

List of ingredients

  1. Dry or semi-dry red wine - 0.7 l;
  2. Water - 250 ml;
  3. Sugar sand - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  4. Vanilla sugar - 1 h. Spoon;
  5. Carnation - 8 pcs;
  6. Cinnamon - 3 sticks;
  7. Walnuts - 5 pcs;
  8. The grated ginger root is 1 tsp;
  9. Lemon - 1 pc.

Method of preparation

Carnation, cinnamon, ordinary and vanilla sugar put in a container with water and boil. The resulting mixture retains minutes to 15. Wine in the heat-resistant dishes put on fire. Add ginger ginger, crushed nuclei walnuts and a grated lemon zest. Then pour out a slightly cooled water with spices and bring the drink to the canonical temperature at 70 ° C. After that, remove it from the fire and pour around the circles.

Mulled wine with Riga Balsam


  1. Red dry wine - 750 ml
  2. Riga Black Balsam - 100 ml
  3. Cinnamon stick - 1 pc.
  4. Carnation - 3 pcs.
  5. Honey - 4 tbsp. l.
  6. Nutmeg - 1 pinch
  7. Orange - 1 pc.
  8. Cardamon - to taste

Method of preparation

  1. In the scenery to mix the Riga Balm Black, Wine and all spices.
  2. On slow fire, bring a mixture of up to 50-60 degrees, add orange slices and some more to write, without bringing to a boil.
  3. Then remove from the fire, cover with a lid and let's draw 10-15 minutes.
  4. Before serving the drink, it is necessary to strain through the siete and add honey.
  5. Serve mulled wine better in warm glasses.

Questions and Answers for Mulled wine

  1. What wine for mulled wine is better?

    This, as they say, is a matter of taste. However, according to many experts in this field, the combination of citrus with heated white wine is something unique.

  2. Why is Mulled wine you can not boil?

    Yes, because the boiled substance will completely lose all alcohol and, accordingly, it makes a significant part of its taste bouquet.

  3. Is it possible to re-warm the mulled wine?

    The answer to this question is ambiguous. In principle, the cooled drink can be warm again on the plate or even in the microwave, but it should be borne in mind that he, again, will lose some of the alcohol, acquiring a more rich spicy taste instead.

  4. Mulled wine in a slow cooker

    Adherents of ultra-modern technologies are persistently recommended to use a kitchen multicooker for the preparation of interest to us. According to them, the tightness of this device provides a higher saturation of the drink with volatile aromas, highlighted by many spices and fruits. For the same reason, Mulled wine will retain its maximum temperature during the final instead. As for the temperature, it, as well as the duration of preparation (as a rule - 15 minutes), you can program you to program.

    The only inconvenience of the Multicrock fans consider the need to select the appropriate cooking mode in the case of various models of the above devices. At the same time, they recommend experimenting with such programs as "quenching", "toasting", "multipowder" and "steamer".

    From yourself add that this kitchen appliance can only be used in the case of the initial load of all the necessary ingredients. If the beverage recipe requires gradually adding them, the slow cooker will be completely useless.

  5. Mulled wine on the fire

    In principle, mulled wine and in nature can be welded with a fire. For this, at a minimum, it is necessary to have wine, a bowler, a steady tripod and something suitable for stirring the contents of the hiking support. If you are an experienced tourist, then sugar can be discovered in stock and, perhaps even, fragrant pepper. In addition, it will not hurt to stumble around the surroundings in search of some subsidence and scoring her owners a couple of apples, pears or draining.

    Well, or you can do without romance. Namely, it is not only wine, lemon, honey and spices with themselves on nature, but also a special campaign thermometer. To the services of particular landed personalities there are always ready-made wine mixtures waiting for them on store shelves and requiring only banal heating.

    At the same time, whatever option you choose, the main thing is not to forget to stir the contents of the kittel and have time to take it on time with tripods.