Fitness sweets: candies made from nuts and dried fruits. Fitness candies made from cake Fitness candies

20.01.2024 Restaurant notes

Ideal dietary fitness candies without sugar and oil. They are incredibly tasty, completely harmless to the figure and extremely healthy! When you really want something sweet, this is a real salvation, and without harm to your figure.
Recipe contents:

Of course, ready-made diet candies are sold in dietary and diabetic departments. Technically, they are just as low in calories and do not provoke appetite like classic sweets. But recently it has become fashionable to make sweets at home from dried fruits, nuts, oatmeal and other healthy products. Therefore, if you want low-calorie and at the same time tasty, then learn how to prepare similar desserts. Because homemade sweets can even be the basis of your diet and fully replace breakfast or a snack. They maintain a balance of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and provide energy for a long time.

However, if you care about your figure, then this delicacy is just for you. The sweets are made from natural products with a low glycemic index and low fat content. They are directly intended for those who want to lose extra pounds. But while on a diet, you must completely exclude all sweet candies from your diet. But this delicacy is not scary at all when correcting weight. Slender hips and a thin waist are simply guaranteed for you.

Note: this recipe can be supplemented with dried apricots, raisins, dates, other varieties of nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, dark chocolate, pistachios, etc.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 256 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 15-18 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Oat flakes - 100 g
  • Hulled sunflower seeds - 100 g
  • Wheat bran - 50 g
  • Prunes - 200 g
  • Lemon zest - 1 tsp.
  • Coconut flakes - 2 tbsp.
  • Walnuts - 100 g

Preparation of fitness sweets

1. Wash the prunes and fill them with warm water so that they swell a little. Pour boiling water over the orange zest to soften it. Leave them for 5-10 minutes.

2. You can use walnuts and sunflower seeds raw, or you can pre-heat them in a clean and dry frying pan. Fried kernels, of course, taste better. However, they are also higher in calories.

Fit a food processor with the cutter attachment and add nuts, seeds, bran and oats. Bran can be used in other varieties: flax, oat, buckwheat, rye, etc. By the way, if you wish, you can also dry the oatmeal a little in a dry frying pan. Moreover, unlike kernels, they will not only taste better, but will not increase calorie content.

3. Add soaked prunes and orange zest to the processor.

4. Place the crushed mass in a convenient container.

5. Pour coconut flakes into a flat bowl. Form the mixture into round shaped candies and place them in the coconut. Turn the ball over several times until it is completely covered with shavings.

Popular recipes, following which you can prepare fitness candies at home.

Anyone who cares about their figure knows firsthand that candy is the first enemy of slender hips and a thin waist. Therefore, when trying to lose weight, first of all, sweets are excluded from the diet. This delicacy is very tasty, but at the same time it is incredibly high in calories, which negatively affects the process of weight correction.

What should you do, forget forever about the joys of life and watch with envy as your overweight but happy friends eat goodies in shiny wrappers? No, you shouldn’t despair and go to such extremes.

There is a way out of the situation, and it’s called fitness candy!

As you already understand, the prefix fitness means that this dessert is recommended for those who monitor their physical fitness, go to the gym and try to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet.

This candy, eaten with tea, will give you strength before training and will not bring extra calories into your body.

5 candy recipes that won't harm your figure

Below are popular recipes that you can follow to make fitness candies at home.

Recipe for fitness candies made from oatmeal


In order to get 30-25 golden balls that smell deliciously of honey and oatmeal, you will need;

    Tajik dried apricots (you can take any other variety) -100g;

    50 grams of walnuts (if possible, replace walnuts with hazelnuts);

    Oat flakes -200 g;

    Honey -20 g (use honey collected from herbs or buckwheat flowers);

    Vegetable oil -20g.

How to cook:

First, grind the available dried apricots and nuts. Mix them thoroughly with honey and butter, and then add oatmeal. From the homogeneous mixture we form round balls the size of a small walnut. We place our sweets on a sheet greased with vegetable oil and place it in a preheated oven (baking temperature is 180-200 degrees). Cooking time will depend on the appearance of our fitness candies.

As soon as they acquire a pleasant golden hue, it’s time to take them out. Place the balls on a wide-rimmed flat plate or dinner tray. Let them cool thoroughly. The delicious dessert is ready to eat!

Recipe for fitness rice sweets

For everyone who loves Raffaello, this sweetness will remind him of his unforgettable taste. For preparation we will need the following ingredients.


    1 cup finely ground rice flour;

    2 cups dates (they should be thoroughly soaked in water first);

    100g almonds (this ingredient can be added as desired);

    Coconut shavings for sprinkling the finished culinary product.

How to cook:

Take dates and pour hot boiled water over them for about 4 hours.

Then carefully drain the water, remove seeds from the dried fruits and pass the softened dates through a blender or meat grinder.

Add rice flour to the resulting mass, stir well and form into balls.

You can put an almond or a piece of walnut in the middle of the candy (this will slightly increase the calorie content, but will also add new taste to the culinary product).

After the candy balls are formed, roll them in coconut flakes and place them on a plate lined with parchment paper.

This recipe does not require heat treatment, so we send our delicacy directly to the refrigerator shelf and keep it there for approximately 2-3 hours.

Pumpkin candies

Fitness pumpkin candies will be a great addition to a milkshake or herbal tea. Having tried this delicacy at least once, you will remember its original and memorable taste again and again.


    400 g pumpkin pulp;

    2 cups of muesli made with fructose rather than sugar;

    0.5 cups finely ground rice flour.

How to cook:

Take the muesli and grind it to a powder using a coffee grinder. Then we get to cooking the pumpkin. It is cut into pieces, having previously been cleared of the peel and seeds, and baked in the oven until cooked.

After this, you can puree the pumpkin using a fork or blender. Add half of the ground muesli to the pumpkin mixture. If you see that the mixture is too liquid, you can add a little rice flour.

Once all the ingredients have been added and the candy mixture has reached the desired consistency, we begin rolling the balls.

Roll the formed ball thoroughly in muesli, ground to a powder state, and place on a plate.

We put the finished fitness candies in the refrigerator and wait a couple of hours, after which they are ready to eat.

Fitness apple candies

From time immemorial, the apple has been considered a low-calorie fruit and extremely healthy. Apple sweets are for everyone who wants to be healthy and beautiful.


    200 g - dried apples;

    1 medium banana;

    0.5 cups oat bran;

    2 tablespoons cocoa powder.

How to cook:

Using a blender or meat grinder, turn the banana pulp into a homogeneous mixture, add cocoa and bran. Then take the dried apples and cut them into small pieces.

Dried apples can be too hard and inelastic. In this case, you can soften the apple pieces a little by dipping them in water, but be careful that they do not turn into a pickle.

Add apples to the mixture, stir thoroughly and form into balls.

We put the candies on a plate, which we then put in the refrigerator.

Fitness cherry candies

Who doesn’t remember the taste of cherry jam with pits made by grandma?

Probably, for everyone this taste is associated with childhood and carefreeness.

Let's remind ourselves of that wonderful time and treat ourselves and our loved ones to delicious cherry candies.


    2 cups dried cherries;

    1 cup bran, crushed to powder;

    Boiled water;

    Half a bar of dark chocolate.

How to cook:

Fill the cherries with hot water and leave for 2 hours.

If they were dried with a pit, separate it from the pulp.

Add bran to the cherries and pass the resulting mixture through a blender. Make balls from the resulting mass and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Since chocolate is a fairly high-calorie product, try not to overdo it when sprinkling the candies.

Place the finished delicacy on a plate and place it on the refrigerator shelf for about an hour. We wish you bon appetit and good mood! published

If you have any questions, ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together!

Per 100 g: 212 kcal, proteins - 16 g, fats - 16 g, carbohydrates - 5 g.


Candies with cocoa:

Low-fat cottage cheese - 90 g

Cocoa - 1 tsp

Dried orange zest - 1 tsp

Pine nuts - 20 g

Coconut flakes - 10 g

Sweetener - to taste

Candies with walnuts:

Low-fat cottage cheese - 90 g

Walnuts - 20 g

Coconut flakes - 10 g

Sweetener - to taste


Candies with cocoa: place cottage cheese, cocoa, sweetener, zest (dried or fresh) and nuts into a blender bowl, puree until smooth.

With wet hands, form the curd mixture into balls smaller than a walnut. Roll half the candies in coconut flakes, if desired. Place the candies in the freezer for 10 minutes or in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Candies with walnuts: puree cottage cheese, sweetener and walnuts in a blender. In order for the nuts to be better felt in the candies, you can simply chop them separately with a knife into medium pieces.

Form balls with wet hands and roll in coconut flakes on all sides. Place the candies in the freezer for 10 minutes or in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

2. “Raffaello” with kiwi and nuts: only 4 ingredients!

Candies can be not only tasty, but also very healthy - like these homemade “Raffaello” with kiwi and nuts, which you can easily prepare yourself.

Per 100 g: 347 kcal, proteins - 7 g, fats - 29 g, carbohydrates - 24 g.


Kiwi - 4 pcs.

Coconut flakes - 190 g

Honey - 3 tbsp. l

Almonds - 50 g


Pour boiling water over the almonds for 20 minutes to remove the skins from the nuts. Peel the kiwi and cut into small random pieces. Place the kiwi pieces into a blender bowl. Add honey and 150 g coconut flakes. Blend the resulting mass in a blender until smooth. There is no need to grind the mass too finely - the kiwi seeds will give the candies a peculiar crispy note. Now the fruit-coconut mixture can be placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Peel the skins from the almonds. If desired, you can fry it a little on both sides in a frying pan. To shape the candies, wet your palm with water. Roll a small amount of the mixture into a ball with an almond in the middle. Place the remaining coconut on a separate plate and roll the candies in it. In the same way, form candies from the entire mixture, place them again in the refrigerator for one hour. Kiwi can be replaced with your other favorite fruit - mango, papaya, melon or peach. Get creative and enjoy the tropical taste!

3. Prune sweets only 3 ingredients!

Diet sweets are a wonderful nutritious snack!

Per 100 g: 433 kcal, proteins - 10 g, fats - 30 g, carbohydrates - 37 g.


Prunes - 250 g

Almonds - 200 g

Coconut flakes - 50 g


Pour boiling water over the prunes and mash them in a blender. Dry and chop the nuts. Combine the mixture with coconut flakes.

Roll into balls and refrigerate.

4. Dried fruit candies: a boost of energy!

Per 100 g: 246 kcal, proteins - 4 g, fats - 6 g, carbohydrates - 47 g.


Dates - 150 g

Dried apricots - 100 g

Light seedless raisins - 100 g

Dark raisins without seeds - 100 g

Dried cherries or cranberries - 150 g

Nuts - 100 g (we have walnuts)


After drying the nuts in a dry frying pan, mix them with the rest of the ingredients and mince them 2-3 times. Roll the resulting mixture into a thin “sausage” and cut it so that you get small candies. Candies can be decorated with coconut, sesame, poppy or cocoa.

5. Jelly sweets: only 62 kcal!

Per 100 g: 62 kcal, proteins - 5 g, fats - 0 g, carbohydrates - 10 g.


Cherry juice (no sugar) - 1 tbsp

Gelatin - 10 g

Coconut flakes - to taste

Sweetener - to taste


Soak the gelatin in the juice, and after it swells, place the container with the juice on low heat. Without bringing to a boil, heat it until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Next, pour the jelly into molds (you can use ice cube trays) and place in the refrigerator. After the candies have completely hardened, remove them from the molds and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

6. Healthy fitness candies

Per 100 g: 354 kcal, proteins - 9 g, fats - 14 g, carbohydrates - 51 g.


200 g oatmeal

50 g nuts

100 g dried apricots (or dates)

Sweetener to taste (we use stevia - 1 tsp ground leaves)

20 g olive oil


Grind nuts and dried apricots.

Mix. Add flakes, stevia and oil to them. Mix thoroughly.

We form balls and place them in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees until the candies turn golden. On average, 15-20 minutes, but it all depends on the oven and the size of the candies.

7. Dried apricots with cottage cheese

Great substitute for candy!

Per 100 g: 183 kcal, proteins - 9 g, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 24 g.


Cottage cheese - 100 g

Dried apricots - 300 g

Chicken eggs - 1 piece


Wash the dried apricots and dry them with a paper towel. Cut the dried apricots from one edge. Mix cottage cheese with egg. Fill dried apricots with curd filling and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 5-7 minutes in an oven preheated to 180-200 C.

I saw a lot of recipes for fitness candies online, and before, when I wasn’t really into fitness, but only desperately wanted to lose weight, I often made such candies. Traditional recipe: a mixture of nuts, dried fruits (usually dried apricots or prunes), honey and ground oatmeal.

But such sweets can only be eaten when gaining weight, by those who constantly engage in heavy physical labor, because they contain about 85 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of weight and have a very high calorie content. If you want to lose weight, then dried fruit candies are not for you.

It is convenient because it contains enough proteins, not too many fats (and only healthy ones) and few carbohydrates. A nice addition to everything is a large amount of fiber.

Moreover, I do not use any bran, dried fruits or nuts. And what makes them real candies is natural chocolate, although there is very little of it.


  • Apple pulp – 100 g
  • Sesame flour -10 g
  • Flaxseed flour - 10 g
  • Chocolate at least 75% - 5 g

How to make fitness candies

  1. My candies are based on apple pulp. I already wrote in the article how to get it and what its composition is. In fact, apple pulp can be replaced with any berry pulp. If there is no pulp, you need to take an apple, grate it on a fine grater and rub through a sieve. Give the juice to the children, everything that remains in the sieve goes into candy.
  2. Add 10 g of flaxseed and sesame flour to the apple pulp.
  3. Mash everything thoroughly with a fork. Make balls. I get about 16 balls, weighing almost 8 g.
  4. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater. For “Babaevsky Elite” chocolate, one slice weighs 5-6 grams.
  5. Dip apple-sesame balls in chocolate. Let it sit for 10 minutes and roll it in chocolate again.
  6. That's it, you can help yourself and treat your friends.

Just a heads up, I use real sesame flour and real flaxseed flour, it is not ground sesame or flaxseed. Sesame and flax seeds ground in a coffee grinder have a completely different calorie content - they contain more fat. And the flour is partially defatted. I buy it in the health food departments of specialty stores or chain hypermarkets.

Such sweets are not stored for a long time because no preservatives are used. I store apple pulp in the freezer, packaged in 100 g packets. In the evening I transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator. I make sweets in the morning and they are eaten throughout the day.

If you need the candies to sit a little longer, you need to make blanks for the candies, put them in a jar lined with parchment, and put them in the refrigerator. If necessary, remove and roll in grated or melted chocolate.

Nutritional value of products:

Products, 100 g Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal food fibers
Chocolate 75% 10,8 38,6 37 545 0
Apple pulp 0,5 0,18 9,2 41,3 6,5
Sesame flour 29 18,4 18 355 25
Flaxseed flour 25 5 40 309 28

Fitness candies made from cake, nutritional value:

A portion Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal Cellulose
Total for products 125 g 6,44 4,45 16,85 134,95 11,8
Per 100 g of candy weight 5,2 3,6 13,5 108 9,4

But how is it possible to refuse it when you can’t live without candy? We have for you recipes for fitness candies that will make you forget you were ever in your life! Know sludge, no refined flour, only natural products! And they get ready in almost 3 seconds.


Analogue of Raffaello

Snow-white coconut candies for ballerinas (as the advertisement says) turn out to be not so ballerina-like. Let's prepare our Raffaello at home, from the ingredients we know, and consume it without harm to our figure and health.

Recipe for Raffaello fitness sweets:


  • 100 g almonds
  • 100 g walnuts
  • 2 bananas
  • 100 g coconut flakes


All you need to do is press a button. Throw it into a blender, and... Next, we roll the resulting mass into balls, which we dip in grated coconut. (If desired, you can hide almonds in the middle). It’s better to leave it in the cold for an hour, then put it in a nice plate and serve. Or we take it to bed with our favorite movie.

Recipe for pumpkin fitness candies:


  • 150 g dates (with pits)
  • 100 g cashews
  • 2 tbsp. l. coconut flakes
  • 1 tbsp. l. pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tbsp. l. pumpkin puree*
  • 1/3 cup large rolled oats
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. ginger powder
  • a pinch of nutmeg and ground allspice


To make, simply bake a pumpkin cut in half in the oven until soft, separate the pulp, and puree in a blender. Then add all the other ingredients to the blender and grind until smooth (desired) consistency. Next, you need to cool the mass in the refrigerator (30-40 minutes), form into balls, and roll in cocoa powder.

Store in the refrigerator or freezer. Rumor has it that such candies are wonderful frozen - just let them come to their senses for a few minutes at room temperature.

Homemade fitness sweets with strawberries


  • Strawberries (can be frozen) 200 g
  • Honey 1 tbsp. l. (30 g) or stevia to taste
  • Low-fat cottage cheese 250 g
  • 1 cup oatmeal (plus a little extra for sprinkling)
  • Coconut shavings for sprinkling (a couple of tablespoons)


If you use it, first defrost it completely and drain all the liquid. This means you need to beat the egg and, continuing to beat, add honey and cottage cheese. Then grind the oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder, leaving 2-3 tbsp. l. for breading, and add the rest to the curd mass. Knead a light dough. Pinch off small pieces of dough and make flat cakes out of them. Place a whole strawberry inside. Roll into balls (to prevent the dough from sticking, wet your hands first). Throw them into boiling water and after they float, cook for 3 minutes. Catch them with a slotted spoon. Roll in a mixture of ground flakes and coconut flakes.

Classic fitness candies


  • 200 g oatmeal
  • 50 g nuts (we use walnuts)
  • 100 g dried apricots (or dates)
  • 20 g honey
  • 20 g olive oil


Grind nuts and dried apricots. Add flakes, honey and butter to them. Mix thoroughly. We form balls and place them in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees until the candies turn golden. On average, 15-20 minutes, but it all depends on the oven and the size of the candies. You can toast dry oatmeal and roll candy in it.

Curd sweets


  • cottage cheese (soft cottage cheese in briquettes) 240-250 g
  • one large banana 160 g
  • oat flakes 80 g
  • honey 15 g
  • coconut flakes/sesame seeds/poppy seeds/ground nuts 40 g