Moonshine from malt: homemade recipes. Making mash from green malt Grain mash from green malt

19.01.2024 Egg dishes

Green malt differs from regular malt only in the absence of drying. The skipped step does not in any way affect the taste of the finished drink (moonshine, whiskey or beer). There is only one drawback - the raw materials cannot be stored for a long time. We will look at the complete method of growing green malt, the technology of its saccharification, the mash recipe and the correct method of distillation.

Whole barley, wheat, rye and oat grains with a germination capacity above 90% are suitable for making green malt. At least 2 months must pass from the date of harvest, but no more than 3 years. Soak and irrigate the raw materials with spring or bottled water with a minimum chlorine content.

You can check the quality of cereals by testing them for germination: soak 100 grains in water, after 3 days count how many of them have sprouted. If 90 or more germinated, then the raw material is suitable for malt.

An interesting result is obtained by mixing different types of malt (sprout the grains separately). For example, make mash from 50% barley, 40% wheat and 10% rye, the ratio of cereals may be different. Barley gives beer tones and a light whiskey aroma, rye gives a bready flavor, wheat gives softness. After several attempts, each moonshiner finds his optimal proportions.


  • grain (wheat, rye, barley, oats) – 10 kg;
  • water - 40 liters (for mash, separately required for washing and irrigation);
  • yeast - 100 grams dry or 500 grams pressed.

Preparation of green malt

1. Washing. Pour water over the grain. Stir, wait 2-3 minutes, then remove any floating debris and stir again. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times until the floating particles of debris completely disappear.

2. Soaking. Pour the washed grain with a new batch of cold water, stir and change the water every 2-3 hours for 12 hours. An alternative is to pour the grain into a mesh container and irrigate at the specified frequency. For rye, the soaking period can be reduced to 6 hours.

3. Disinfection. This step is optional, but recommended. Pour the grain 2-3 cm higher with a solution of manganese (1 gram of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water), wait 20-25 minutes until the solution turns brown and drain. Rinse the grains with cold running water to remove any remaining product.

4. Germination. Place the grain in an even layer of 3-5 cm on any suitable surface (can be on the floor, in a basin or bath), covered with PVC film. Cover the top with a damp but not wet cloth (gauze). It is advisable to first disinfect the rag and film in a solution of potassium permanganate and rinse.

Attention! It is better to have grains that are slightly dry rather than over-moistened.

When roots 3-5 mm long appear and sprouts barely emerge (after 1 day for rye and wheat, 2 days for barley), stop germination. This is ready-made green malt, which contains enough enzymes for self-saccharification.

For pure malt mash, the grains can only be slightly germinated

If you need to use the resulting malt to saccharify other starch-containing raw materials - flour or cereals, then germination of grain should be stopped when sprouts 1-3 mm long and roots 7-12 mm long appear; this takes approximately twice as long.

5. Disinfection. This is an optional step, but during germination, pathogenic microorganisms appear on the grain, which it is advisable to remove, freeing the way for cultural yeast.

Pour the green malt with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 gram per 10 liters), wait 25 minutes, drain, rinse with running water, leave for 20 minutes to allow the remaining water to drain.

6. Grinding. Lightly dry the malt for 1-2 hours under a fan, this will simplify further work. Using a meat grinder, blender, roller mill or any other method, grind the finished green malt. The smaller the grind, the better.

Meat grinder - long, but high quality

It is advisable to use processed raw materials within 24 hours; the maximum shelf life is 3 days.

Green malt mash recipe

7. Saccharification. During this stage, the starch in the grain is broken down into sugar under the influence of high temperature.

Place the malt in an enamel pan or brewing bucket. Add water in a thin stream at a temperature of 50-55°C. Stir constantly with a wooden spatula to prevent lumps from appearing; the mass should be homogeneous.

Attention! For successful saccharification, it is very important to adhere to the specified temperature ranges, otherwise all the work will go down the drain. You can't do without a thermometer here.

Heat the resulting wort to 63°C, stir, and cover with a lid. For the next 80-90 minutes, maintain the temperature at 55-62°C (turning on the heat periodically) and be sure to stir every 15 minutes. Towards the end of the process, the upper part of the wort should lighten, and all the porridge should settle at the bottom.

8. Storing and fermenting mash. Cool the contents of the pan to 24-27°C as quickly as possible.

You cannot wait until the mass cools down, otherwise the wort will become infected with bacteria and turn sour. The easiest cooling option is to place the container in a bath of cold water or ice.

Pour the wort into a fermentation container, add yeast diluted according to the instructions on the label. Mix. Install a water seal or glove with a hole in the finger (pierce it with a needle). Transfer the container to a dark room with a stable temperature of 18-25°C.

After 3-6 days, the release of bubbles from the water seal will stop, the mash will become light and bitter in taste without a hint of sweetness, and a layer of sediment will form at the bottom. These signs indicate readiness.

Making moonshine from green malt

9. Distillation. Drain the finished mash from the sediment, filter through cheesecloth to remove solid residues that can burn and give off bitterness.

Distill the mash for the first time without selecting the “heads,” “body,” and “tails.” Stop drinking the distillate when the strength in the stream drops below 30 degrees. Measure the total strength of the resulting product and determine the amount of pure alcohol.

Dilute the moonshine with water to 20% and distill again. Collect the first 8-12% of the amount of pure alcohol (while the unpleasant odor remains) separately. This fraction is called “heads” and contains many impurities, therefore it is used only for technical purposes.

Select the main product until the strength in the stream drops below 45%. This is moonshine made from green malt.

10. Finishing. Dilute the distillate with water to a comfortable strength (40-45%), pour into bottles, and seal tightly. To stabilize the taste, leave for 3-4 days in a cool, dark place. Further aging in barrels is possible, resulting in a drink reminiscent of whiskey.

The ancient grain moonshine has always taken pride of place. Making mash from malt is not the easiest process. The malt mash recipe requires certain skills, manipulation and patience. However, if you are planning to experience the taste of homemade whiskey, bourbon, or simply grain moonshine, known for its softness (do not confuse it with modern vodka, whether it was made from grain is another question), then the efforts made will pay off handsomely.

What is malt? These are sprouted grains of cereals (barley, wheat, rye or oats). Why is sprouted grain used? It starts chemical chains, due to which the enzyme diastase is formed. And it, in turn, converts starch, abundantly contained in grain, into maltose sugar. And this same maltose is used by yeast as a nutrient substrate. Well, the yeast then releases the desired ethanol. Difficult? Not really that much. Follow the malt mash recipes described below, and the resulting drinks will delight you with unique grain organoleptics!

Selection of raw materials for mash

Use clean, good quality varietal grain. It should not have traces of mold or foreign stains. The most popular for making mash are rye and wheat (for grain moonshine), and barley (for whiskey).

Malt mash recipe

In this recipe we will use green malt. You can use a store-bought one, then you can put the mash on it right away, skip the first step and go straight to the second. However, if you put your soul into the process, it is better to make the malt yourself. So, let's begin.

Stage one. Making malt from grain

  1. All visible debris is removed from the grain mass.
  2. The grain is poured into a container with a wide neck (for example, a saucepan).
  3. Fill the grain with warm water (about 30°C) so that its level exceeds the level of the grain by 5 cm.
  4. Everything is continuously mixed, washing the grain and removing any remaining debris, then the water is drained.
  5. The grain is re-filled with cold water and left for an hour.
  6. After an hour, everything is mixed again, removing any remaining debris, and the water is drained.
  7. Next, the grain is poured with a disinfectant solution of iodine or manganese for three hours (20 drops of iodine or 2 grams of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water). After the required time has passed, the solution is drained, the grain is washed for the last time according to steps 3-4.
  8. The grain is poured onto a baking sheet and leveled. The thickness of the grain layer should not exceed three centimeters.
  9. The grain is covered with gauze and the baking sheet is placed in a ventilated room with a temperature of about 15±2°C. Temperature is very important for starch saccharification! Then the alcohol yield will be decent.
  10. Until the grain germinates, it is stirred and sprayed with water every day.

Rye and wheat sprout on about 4-5 days (the length of the sprout is equal to the length of the grain), barley - on 5-6 days (the length of the sprout is twice the length of the grain). Please note: the aroma of the finished malt is reminiscent of the aroma of fresh cucumber.

Stage two. We put the mash

Ingredients for mash:

  • malt (any grain) – 3 kg
  • clean unboiled water - 12 liters
  • baker's yeast - 150 grams pressed or 25 grams dry

Making mash:

  1. Grind the malt to a particle size of about 1-2 mm (not into flour)
  2. The wort is heated on the stove to a temperature of 60-65°C, stirred thoroughly and covered with a lid.
  3. Next, the wort is kept at minimal heat for an hour so that the temperature is around 55-60°C. At the same time, it is stirred periodically.
  4. When the boiled malt settles to the bottom and the upper layer of liquid becomes noticeably lighter, the wort is quickly cooled to a temperature of 25°C. To do this, you can place the pan in cold water or crushed ice.
  5. The wort is poured into a fermentation container, and activated yeast is poured in with continuous stirring.
  6. A “signal glove” or water seal is installed on the container.
  7. Fermentation occurs in a dark place at room temperature for about a week. Throughout the fermentation process, the wort must be stirred periodically.

As soon as the mash is ready (read about the readiness of the mash in our article), it can be distilled.

A simple malt mash recipe


  • green malt (rye) – 500 grams
  • clean water - 15 liters
  • dry baker's yeast - 60 grams
  • premium wheat flour - 3 kilograms

Making mash:

  1. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat 10 liters of water to 50-55°C
  2. With continuous stirring, gradually pour flour into the water.
  3. The resulting mixture is kept for 10-15 minutes at the same temperature, then the temperature is increased to 60-65°C and the mixture is simmered again for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Next, the mixture is brought to a boil, boiled for half an hour, making sure that it does not burn.
  5. After the specified time, the mixture is cooled to a temperature of 50-60°C.
  6. The malt is ground to a particle size of about 1-2 mm and stirred in the remaining 5 liters of warm water in the fermentation tank.
  7. Flour wort is added to the malt, everything is thoroughly mixed and left to saccharify for 4-5 hours at room temperature.
  8. Activate the yeast in a small amount of water, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar.
  9. The yeast mixture is poured into the wort.
  10. The fermentation container is placed in a warm, dark place for 5-7 days.

When the mash is ripe, it can be distilled. Be sure to try this soft and pleasant moonshine!

Malt and sugar mash recipe


  • malt - 1.5 kg
  • clean water - 15 l
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg
  • baker's yeast - 300 grams pressed or 50 grams dry

Making mash:

  1. Heated water (36-40°C) is poured into the fermentation container and one kilogram of sugar is poured.
    The sugar is stirred until completely dissolved and activated yeast is added.
    The malt is crushed to a particle size of about 1-2 mm and added to the fermentation tank. The mixture is left warm for three hours.
    During this time, sugar syrup is prepared from 2 kg of sugar.
    After three hours, syrup is poured into the container.
    The wort is placed in a warm, dark place for 4-5 days. During this time, the mash should fully ripen.

Malted barley mash recipe for whiskey

Sprouted malt is prepared as in the first step of the malt mash recipe described above. Then the sprouted grain is dried for half an hour in the oven at 75-80°C.

Ingredients for mash:

  • barley malt – 4 kg
  • clean water - 16 l
  • pressed yeast - 150 grams

Making mash:

  1. The malt is ground to a particle size of about 1-2 mm (not into flour)
  2. The malt is placed in a thick-bottomed pan, filled with water at a temperature of about 50°C and mixed thoroughly.
  3. The mixture is heated to 60-65°C and simmered at this temperature under the lid for one and a half hours.
  4. The wort is then quickly cooled to a temperature of 25°C. To do this, you can place the pan in cold water or crushed ice.
  5. The wort is poured into a fermentation container, and activated yeast is added with continuous stirring.
  6. The wort is left to ferment in a dark place at room temperature for one to two weeks. To prevent the mash from turning sour, it must be stirred periodically.

Whiskey is one of the most famous distillation products around the world. For a high-quality, unique drink, it is important to ensure proper distillation. To do this, we recommend (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column brand) that meets modern quality standards.

Video recipe for mash with malt after brewing two types of beer: Belgian ale and dark beer

Those who have already mastered the preparation of sugar mash for moonshine can begin to improve their skills and study the technology of making moonshine from grain malt, which, along with fruit distillate, is considered one of the highest quality.

Despite the rather lengthy and labor-intensive process, such a noble drink will delight everyone with its finely balanced taste, which has its own interesting notes depending on the culture used.

For example, malt moonshine based on barley will remind you of elite whiskey in its taste, and if you use fermented rye malt for moonshine, the alcohol will have an amazing aroma of fresh Borodino bread and a slightly pungent aftertaste.

Let's find out how to properly prepare green malt at home for delicious high-quality moonshine, and understand the difficult technology of making high-quality mash from it and then distilling it into high-quality alcohol.

You can purchase ready-made malt in specialized stores or turn to online stores for help. However, no self-respecting moonshiner will deny himself the pleasure of making his own green malt. Let's look at this simple technology.


  1. Pour the grains with running warm water, stir thoroughly and leave in this form for 10-15 minutes.
  2. After this time, we collect the husks, lightweight grains and other debris that floated to the surface.
  3. We repeat the cleaning process until the floating of impurities stops.


  1. Fill the purified cereals with clean cold water so that the liquid covers the grains by 2-3 cm, and leave them to steep for a day.
  2. Drain the liquid and place the wet grains on a tray or baking sheet, distributing them evenly over the surface.
  3. Cover the cereals with a damp cotton cloth and leave them in a ventilated room at a temperature of at least 16 degrees.
  4. Every day, once every 8-10 hours, stir the grains with your hands and moisten the fabric. It is very important that there is no water at the bottom of the pan. Germination usually takes one and a half to two weeks.


  1. When the sprouts reach a length of 6-8 cm and begin to intertwine with each other, this means that the germination process is complete.
  2. We remove the fabric and take the baking sheet with its contents out into the open air and place it in a place illuminated by sunlight.
  3. Stir the grains periodically so that they dry evenly and at the same time.
  4. Grind the finished green product in a blender or meat grinder with a fine attachment until it becomes coarse flour.

Did you know? Green malt is the most active product, in contrast to purchased ones, and provides up to 750-800 ml of strong moonshine from 1 kg of malt. It must be prepared immediately before making mash, since if it is not used within 24 hours, the dried malt will significantly reduce the amount of alcohol yield.

Malt moonshine recipe

The presented method of making malt mash is perfect for making homemade whiskey, the aromatic and taste qualities of which are practically not inferior to elite brands of this drink. According to experienced moonshiners, any homemade alcohol made with this wonderful brew has a “soul” and is distinguished by a particularly delightful aroma. Many lovers of strong alcohol, having tried malt distillate, refuse to drink sugar.

List of required components

Step-by-step preparation of mash

Step-by-step preparation of moonshine

  1. Carefully pour the finished mash from the sediment into a separate container. Then filter through several layers of gauze and a cotton filter. Otherwise, particles of cereal crops will float in the mash, which, during the boiling of the mash, can burn to the walls of the moonshine still, which will negatively affect the taste of the finished moonshine.
  2. We pour the purified raw material into the distillation cube and begin to distill the mash without selecting fractions. We collect the distillate until the strength of the output in the stream decreases to 6-10 revolutions.
  3. After the first distillation, the resulting raw alcohol is purified with potassium permanganate or coal.
  4. We measure the total strength of the product and dilute it with well water to 20-23 revolutions.
  5. The diluted raw material is again poured into the distillation cube and we carry out fractional distillation with the selection of the head fraction. The first 10-12% of the yield is collected in a separate vessel - this is a harmful fraction containing hazardous substances, therefore it is used only for technical purposes and is not suitable for consumption.
  6. We collect the drinking fraction until the strength of the output in the stream drops below 46 rpm.
  7. We finish the distillation by collecting the “tails” into a separate container. Later they can be added to the mash to increase the amount of distillate.
  8. We measure the total strength of the main fraction and dilute it with well water to 40-45 revolutions.
  9. We pour the finished alcohol into glass bottles, seal them hermetically and send them to a cool place for 3-5 days to stabilize the taste.

Did you know? If desired, the finished moonshine can be infused on oak chips for 3-4 months or poured into oak barrels, if available. The result is a noble drink, comparable in quality to elite whiskey.

Video recipes for making moonshine from malt

Video No. 1. After watching this video, you will learn from an experienced moonshiner how to make homemade whiskey by mashing malt. The master will not only demonstrate the entire process, but will also tell you what not to do so as not to waste the effort and time spent.

Video No. 2. After watching this video, you will meet a famous moonshiner who will show you how to make oat-wheat moonshine using green wheat malt. He will also share his experience and talk in detail about the most important process of saccharification with green malt. Finally, the master will share his opinion regarding the tasting qualities of the finished alcohol.

Video No. 3. Here you will get acquainted with the hot saccharification of barley malt, the proprietary preparation of aromatic mash and its subsequent distillation into high-quality moonshine.

Helpful information

  • Beginners in the business of moonshine will probably need information about the acidity of the mash. To obtain high-quality homemade alcohol, ignorance of this nuance can negate all the efforts and time spent.
  • I also advise you to find out simple solutions to problems associated with the fact that the mash does not ferment.
  • And it certainly wouldn’t hurt to know what methods there are to lighten mash, especially if you’ve taken up cooking. After all, not everyone will like a cloudy alcoholic drink.

By strictly following the instructions specified in the described recipes, you will certainly receive high-quality moonshine. In fact, this method is very interesting and exciting, each stage brings joy and the desire to continue your journey along the interesting path of moonshine brewing.

Enjoy your homemade alcohol and write your comments regarding its taste. Victory and good luck to you in the labor-intensive field of moonshine brewing!

It is believed that sugar-type moonshine is much easier to make than malt moonshine. However, the result will be worth your work. The finished distillate will delight you with an interesting aroma and taste, which will take on different shades depending on the grain used.

Classic malt recipe

First of all, let's turn to the classic recipe for a malt-based product. Grind it until it turns into flour. Helpers for this are either a grain crusher or a roller mill. And if you make flour at home, then use a blender with a meat grinder, or already crushed malt from the store.

Next, you should place the powder in the desired container, pour it with not boiling, but quite hot water, 50 degrees. It is important to constantly stir the malt and add water to avoid lumps, so that a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Next, you need to heat it to a level of 65 degrees and do everything possible to maintain it for about 60 minutes. Periodically, the wort can be stirred using a wooden spatula. As the wort clears and sediment appears, begin to cool the contents to 25 degrees.

To prevent possible souring of the product, everything must be done promptly, so it is recommended to complete this stage after half an hour. If you cool it in an unnatural way, then the sour contents will have no meaning. Experts recommend using a cold water bath to reduce the temperature more quickly.

After this, the resulting product is placed in an already prepared container, where the fermentation process itself will take place. Add dry yeast and mix everything thoroughly. And so, we install a water seal and place the resulting mixture in a place without light and heat. The process takes approximately one week or a little less. Don't forget to stir the product once a day.

Read also:

The finished product should be strained through cheesecloth and placed in the distillation part of the apparatus for preparing the drink. Otherwise, malt particles will be present and the flavor will suffer. And when planning the initial distillation on a steam-water boiler or with a steam generator, there is no need to filter the mash.

Malt mash for moonshine

So, after filtering the product, you should do the first distillation. The distillate is selected until the degree level in the stream is reduced to 30 percent. It is possible to obtain a cloudy liquid, this is within normal limits.

After the first distillation, the moonshine is purified using or.

The mash is diluted with water to 20 percent and distillation is applied again. Approximately an eighth of the amount of pure alcohol should be placed in a separate container. This is done because of this so-called “head” fraction, which includes harmful substances that are applicable only for technical purposes.

The resulting malt moonshine should be diluted to 40-45 degrees, poured into a glass container and sealed airtight. We store it like this for 3-4 so that the taste is established, let the product rest in the glass. You can make an infusion on a sliver of oak.

Salt sugar mash

To create a classic from sugar and malt you will need 3 kilograms of sugar, 1.2 kg of malt, 300 grams of yeast. They must be of the pressed type.

We start cooking by heating the water base to 40 degrees. Then we fill the fermentation container with it. A third of the amount of sugar also goes there. Grind the yeast until crumbs form and place in the mash. Mix everything thoroughly.

Read also: Moonshine cleaning,

Grind green malt to the consistency of grain. Also place in a container for the fermentation process. Mix everything again and leave to rest for a couple of hours in a cool place.

If you follow the recipe exactly, then this duration is just ideal for starting fermentation. Next, add sugar that has not yet been used. It is recommended to dissolve it with lukewarm water before adding it.

And now, the drink is ready. We put the drink in a warm place without light and wait for it to ripen. It should ferment faster, as the green wort will contribute to this. The drink will be ready for distillation after five days.

Whiskey at home

Is it possible to enjoy whiskey made at home? Yes, using malt from barley specially prepared for this purpose. You don't need sugar in this recipe. Reserve 8 kg. malt, barley, yeast and water - about 32 liters.

First of all, heat the water base to 70 degrees. Pour the malt in a thin stream, remembering to use a wooden spatula for stirring. We have a homogeneous mass, similar to porridge. We heat it to 65 degrees, then the flame is reduced, and we leave the product on the stove for an hour and a half, again stirring constantly.

Then the resulting product should be cooled to 25 degrees, after removing it from the stove. Then add the already fermented yeast, placing it in a container for fermentation. Mix everything again. We install a water seal on the neck of the dish. Now all that remains is to place it in a place without light and coolness. The mash should ripen in about ten days. Do not forget to stir it constantly to avoid souring of the wort.

Malt version without yeast

Thanks to sprouted grains and malt, this type of moonshine will delight you with a soft and natural flavor. We prepare it on the basis of grain, 4 kg of sugar and 23 liters. water. As a result - 30 liters of moonshine.

Compared to the most popular homemade alcohol made from sugar, malt moonshine has a milder taste and a characteristic pleasant grain aroma. Despite the longer and more meticulous preparation, such a drink will delight the gourmet with its harmonious taste, which has its own shades depending on what kind of grain it is made from.

This is a product containing the enzyme diastase, which is obtained by germinating grain. It is this enzyme that converts the starch present in the grain into simple sugars (the process is called saccharification). These sugars are then converted into alcohol by the yeast. Most commonly used for making malt barley. And wheat, rye, oats.

Reference. Malt is used in the production of bread and alcohol. It is ideal for moonshine brewing.

Malt preparation

Malt making process requires cleanliness and adherence to technology, otherwise all the work may go down the drain.

note. Very young (only harvested) or old grains are not suitable for germination.

In the future, experimentally determine for yourself the ratio of types of cereals. Experts note: barley and wheat make the final product soft, while rye and oats make it tougher.

You need to go through the following steps:

  • Washing and soaking. Pour the prepared grain with water, stir, leave for 10 minutes. When all the debris floats to the surface (husks, straw residues and lightweight grains), it is collected, the water is drained and the washing is repeated again until the floating of impurities stops. Then fill it with water and leave it overnight (or for a day).
  • Drain the water, spread the wet grain on a baking sheet or tray, cover with a damp cloth and leave in the room.
  • Daily with your hands stir, if necessary, sprinkle with water, but there should be no water at the bottom of the container.
  • When the sprouts reach 6–7 cm and begin to intertwine, the resulting raw material is ground as finely as possible. Resulting mass called green malt.

Peculiarities. Green malt is the most active and will provide up to 800 ml of strong moonshine from 1 kg of malt. Must be used immediately, during the day. When dried, it is stored for a long time, but the alcohol yield decreases.

Malt moonshine recipe

After germination and grinding of grain start making mash, which also occurs in several stages.


Place the finished malt in a container that can be heated and fill it with water heated to 50°C. Stir to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps. It is better to add water in portions.

Heat the contents of the pan to 65°C and maintain the temperature in the range of 55 – 70°C for an hour or an hour and a half. Stir occasionally. We fill the bath with cold water. The preparation of the starter is considered complete when the liquid on top becomes clear and a sediment appears. Immediately place the pan in a bathtub with cold water, remove the lid and cool quickly up to 38 – 40°C.

note. The preparation of sourdough will be correct if two conditions are met: do not heat above 70°C and cool quickly. Failure to comply with these rules will lead, at best, to a deterioration in quality and a decrease in the quantity of moonshine, and at worst, to souring of the wort.

How to seal the mash?

  1. We make a starter from 5 kg of prepared green malt and 20 - 25 liters of water.
  2. After cooling the starter to a warm state and, possibly, pouring it into another container for fermentation, add it to it. If dry - about 50 g, raw - 300 grams.
  3. If desired, you can add 1 kg of sugar. This will increase the yield of moonshine, but will reduce its aroma, for which, in fact, everything was started.
  4. Place the mash under (put a glove on the neck of the glass container) and leave it at room temperature (20 – 22°C) to ferment for 5 – 7 days.
  5. Checking readiness for distillation.

Moonshine from malt

When using malt it is necessary double distillation(read: ). The first time they drive until the strength in the stream drops to 20°.

Attention. It’s okay if after the first distillation you get cloudy moonshine, this is considered normal.

It is advisable to purify the primary moonshine or filter it. Then add water so that the strength drops to 18-20°. Presumably you will get 4 liters of weak moonshine (30 degrees). This means you need to add about a liter of water.

During the second distillation, selection is required according to the generally accepted principle: 8-10% of the heads of the expected amount of the final product (in our case - 25 g). The tails are cut off when the strength in the stream reaches 40°.

After secondary distillation, purification is also carried out. If necessary, adjust to the required degree if the product is too strong. Before drinking malt moonshine It is recommended to leave for about a week so that he fully reveals his taste.