Caesar salad: calorie content, ingredients, cooking options. Calorie Caesar How many calories in Caesar sauce

How much does Caesar sauce cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

At the mention of the word Caesar, many Europeans and residents of our latitudes will not associate with the famous dictator of the Roman Empire, Guy Julius Caesar, but with the equally famous salad of the same name, which is attributed to North American cuisine. According to legend, the Caesar salad was invented by the Italian-American chef Caesar Cardini, who in 1924 first prepared a dish that later became a culinary classic.

Culinary professionals claim that it is the classic Caesar salad recipe that can be considered the standard of cooking. Since it is the original recipe of the dish that takes into account all the taste characteristics of the various constituent ingredients of the dish. In accordance with the recipe for the Caesar salad, you will need the following ingredients: fresh romaine lettuce leaves, croutons made from wheat flour, and Parmesan cheese.

However, the main highlight of the salad is Caesar sauce, which is made with chicken eggs, olive oil, Worcester sauce and lemon juice. The success story of Caesar sauce, like the salad of the same name, began in the small town of Tijuana at that time, which was located in northwestern Mexico. Caesar Cardini owned several Italian restaurants in the city.

It happened during Prohibition, just on the Independence Day of the United States on July 4, 1924, there was practically no food left in the restaurant, and numerous visitors demanded food. Then, the resourceful restaurateur invented a new dish from what he could find in the kitchen. Gourmets claim that Caesar sauce gives the salad a special exquisite taste, without which the dish could not have won half of its fame and popularity.

In a fairly short period of time, Caesar salad was able to conquer not only the inhabitants of the United States, but also Europe. Already in 1953, Caesar salad was awarded the "Best American Recipe" award. A culinary symposium was held in Paris at the Epicurean Society. It is noteworthy that the brother of Caesar Cardini Alex, who served as a military pilot, decided to improve the dish and added anchovies to the Caesar salad. The new dish was named "Aviator".

To prepare the salad, you can use the ready-made Caesar sauce, which can be easily found on the shelves of domestic grocery stores. However, there is nothing better than homemade Caesar sauce made from the highest quality products without food additives, preservatives and flavor enhancers.

In all fairness, it's worth noting that making a real Caesar sauce can be time-consuming and costly. However, the result will exceed expectations and your Caesar salad will become a real decoration of the feast.

Caloric content of Caesar sauce 241 kcal

Energy value of Caesar sauce (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

People all over the world love to eat deliciously. It is not surprising that culinary experts from different countries are inventing more and more new recipes. And they are often so successful that the dish is gaining popularity all over the world. Caesar salad also belongs to such dishes. It is offered to visitors in every self-respecting restaurant. The world recognition he won is due to the low calorie content of Caesar salad: nevertheless, many people carefully monitor their diet, not wanting to gain extra pounds. The combination of exquisite taste and low nutritional value is exactly what can attract a modern person.

Funny story

Not only the calorie content of Caesar salad is attractive, but also its “pedigree”. The dish appeared on our tables, one might say, by accident. His "father" was the American restaurateur Caesar Cardini, who at the beginning of the 20th century held a food service point on the border of Mexico and the States. The restaurant was very popular due to the abundance of alcohol: in those days, prohibition reigned in the open spaces of the United States, and Cardini was poured absolutely legally - after all, a different country.

In 1924, Hollywood stars and big businessmen went to Caesar's Place to celebrate Independence Day. And Cardini faced a problem: he had plenty of booze, but he hadn't counted on the stock of food, and the refrigerators were almost empty. The enterprising restaurateur was not taken aback and made a salad from what he found on the shelves. Surprisingly, everyone liked the dish. Later, when the fight against widespread obesity began in the United States, the low calorie content of Caesar salad with chicken was also assessed. And three decades later, the recipe was named the best in half a century from the dishes invented by Americans.

Caesar salad: a classic recipe

It will require either Iceberg lettuce (slightly sweet and with a neutral taste) or Romaine (spicy and slightly tart). The leaves are washed and dried. At the same time, croutons, that is, small croutons, are prepared. The crust is cut from the loaf, the pulp is cut into cubes with sides of 1 centimeter. They dry in the oven to a blush (the process should not take more than 10 minutes). For croutons, a personal dressing is made: a garlic clove is choked, a spoonful of olive oil is poured in, the mixture is heated. The croutons are dipped into the dressing, mixed and removed.

Chicken fillet is boiled. Since it tastes rather inconspicuous, during the cooking process you need to add at least lavrushka and peppercorns. Some cooks advise putting dill in the broth. Other culinary experts see the classic Caesar salad recipe with pieces of chicken fried in oil with garlic.

The right sauce

The dressing for the salad itself is a mixture containing Worcestershire, aka Worcestershire sauce. It is done as follows:

If you want to reduce the calorie content of Caesar salad, replace the chicken egg with a couple of quail eggs. And take cheese from low-fat varieties.

Build lettuce

The plate on which the Caesar will be served is rubbed with garlic. The salad is torn by hand, it is lined with the bottom of the plate. Chicken is laid out, sprinkled with grated Parmesan on top. Everything is sprinkled with sauce and mixed. Croutons are added last. The final mixing is done carefully. You can eat!

Sea "Caesar"

The calorie content of Caesar salad with shrimps is much lower than with chicken. Maybe that's why many people prefer this option. There are a lot of recipe variations. The following is considered the best. Although the calorie content of Caesar salad in this version is slightly higher. However, it can be reduced by removing nuts from the list of ingredients.

The beginning of cooking is similar to the "chicken" version: the lettuce leaves are torn, poured over with the same sauce and mixed. On top are laid cherry tomatoes, cut in half (12 pieces per third of a kilogram of shrimp). A dozen quail eggs are boiled, cooled, peeled and laid out on the edge of the dish. Frozen shrimps are dipped in salted boiling water and boiled for three minutes, after which they are fried on all sides in butter for the same time. Then the seafood is placed on the dish and spilled with the sauce too. Sprinkle everything on top with parmesan, pine nuts and white croutons.

Joy for losing weight

How many calories in a Caesar salad depends, of course, on the ingredients introduced into it. The most nutritious dish will be bacon - it contains as much as 335 kcal per 100 g of salad. So this option is better to allow yourself on big holidays. The calorie content of Caesar salad with chicken is almost two times lower, it contains only 179 kcal, so you can eat it at least every day without harm to the waist. The salmon version is even less nutritious - 94 kcal. Well, shrimp salad, 100 grams of which contains only 82 kcal, can be safely consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The crispy salad adds a special charm to the dish. To achieve this effect, the leaves are placed in ice water for a quarter of an hour.

Caesar sauce will be more tasty if you prepare an egg for it in a special way: gently pierce it from the blunt end and place it in water for 60 seconds, which has just boiled, but has already been removed from the heat. For the trick to work, the egg must be removed from the refrigerator in advance - it must be at room temperature.

If Worcester sauce is not on the shelves of nearby stores, you can, albeit with a stretch, replace it with mustard.

For the softness of the chicken fillet, it is advised to marinate it in soy sauce in chopped form.

When using anchovies in a dressing, you only need to take them in oil. No extraneous additives!

And most importantly, the Caesar salad should be prepared just before serving. Softened croutons add neither beauty nor taste to the dish.

And feel free to experiment: you may be able to improve on Cardini's invention.

Caesar salad is one of the most popular salads in the world, for many an example of healthy Mediterranean cuisine. However, this salad cannot be called dietary at all, and it was invented not at all on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, but in modern America.

The calorie content of an average portion of Caesar salad with chicken and bacon is up to 600-700 kcal - which is comparable to a full-fledged main course or even pizza. Fortunately, making a low-calorie yet delicious Caesar is pretty easy and takes no more than 20 minutes.

Low Calorie Caesar

The calorie content of one serving of Caesar salad, prepared according to the classic recipe, is only 200 kcal. Of these, most (about 100 kcal) are croutons, 30-40 kcal - for Parmesan cheese, 30-40 kcal - for egg yolk, 20-25 kcal - for sauce and 5-10 kcal for the salad leaves themselves.

"Correct" Caesar salad - recipe

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Romano salad - 3 medium heads
  • Olive oil - half a cup and two teaspoons
  • Half a baguette for making croutons
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Juice of two lemons
  • 2 chicken eggs (yolks required)
  • 12 drops of Worcester sauce
  • 120 g parmesan cheese
  • Salt pepper

The most difficult thing is to make special croutons - squeeze the garlic into half a cup of olive oil; cut the baguette into 1cm slices, place on a baking sheet, gently brush with garlic oil; dry them in the oven, then lightly fry in the remaining oil in a skillet.

How to make Caesar salad?

Prepare the ingredients necessary for the dish - cut the Romano salad, separating the dark leaves and the base of the stump; boil eggs in boiling water for exactly 1 minute; squeeze the juice out of the lemons (or use ready-made lemon juice); grate the Parmesan cheese on a coarse grater.

In a large bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 12 drops of Worcester sauce, salt and pepper, then add the Romano lettuce and stir well. Add egg yolk, croutons and cheese, stir slowly again. Arrange on plates and serve.


A typical variation of Chicken Caesar salad contains up to 600-700 calories per serving, most of which come from sauce and meat. The classic recipe contains only 200 kcal per serving, but this salad is quite different from the Caesar salad we are used to.

Caesar salad is popular almost all over the world. Easy to prepare, but containing many useful vitamins, it won the hearts of not only Italians, but also women all over the world, in particular our country.

Caesar salad is quite tasty and nutritious dish. But many fear for their figure, because they consider Caesar's calorie content to be quite significant. To dispel the doubts of readers about the calorie content of Caesar salad, we will reveal all the secrets of this dish and its components.

A bit of history

A certain Italian, Caesar Cardini, the owner of the restaurant, whipped up a simple salad from the most common foods: cheese, garlic and eggs. He added to these ingredients fried croutons, lettuce and seasoned with olive oil and lemon. The salad recipe quickly spread around the world, as the calories of Caesar salad are practically negligible compared to the nutrient content. The salad is popular in our time.

The calorie content of Caesar salad worries more than one generation of ladies who restlessly follow their figure. Today, almost every housewife prepares this salad, sometimes without realizing the benefits of its ingredients. Since the classic recipe for any dish is able to change, improve, thanks to smart housewives, Caesar, whose calorie content is insignificant, is no exception. At the moment, there are many varieties of salad, including different ingredients (bacon, chicken, pineapple, shrimp, nuts and mushrooms). Of course, these types of salads each have their own flavor, ingredients and calories. So, the calorie content of Caesar salad with chicken will differ significantly from a similar salad, but with bacon or mushrooms, since the replacement of products is displayed on energy values.

Making the classic Caesar salad

So, if you have heard about the existence of this dish, but do not know how to prepare it, then you are on the right track. The salad recipe is simple, and Caesar's calorie content is low.

Finely chop the garlic or add it to the boiling olive oil. Add the diced croutons and fry them until crisp. Cut the boiled eggs into cubes and put them on a flat plate mixed with crackers. Put a little chopped lettuce there. Add lemon juice, sauce, vinegar, a little black pepper. Top three cheese. Our salad looks delicious and is an excellent source of vitamins. The calorie content of Caesar salad prepared according to our recipe is small, so the dish is recommended to be consumed especially by children, mothers, pregnant women and those who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Caesar salad: calorie content and beneficial properties of ingredients

The ingredients of the classic Italian Caesar are the following: lettuce, garlic oil, olive oil, vinegar, Worcester sauce, black pepper, lemon juice, egg yolks, croutons or croutons, and grated Parmesan cheese. If we compare the classic recipe with Caesar salad with chicken, the calorie content of the latter will be much higher. This is due to the fats of animal origin (fried or grilled chicken), which are absent in the original version of the salad.

Nutritionists advise: before you refuse to use this or that product, you should study its beneficial properties, contraindications, and then draw certain conclusions. Often, the average or even high calorie content of a product, for example, the calorie content of Caesar with grilled chicken, overshadows in the eyes of those losing weight the maximum of those positive properties that have a beneficial effect on the body, provide it with vitamins and useful micro- and macroelements. Our salad is no exception, judging by the calorie content of Caesar. Many, having learned that chicken meat is present in it, refuse to use this dish in their menu. Indeed, the calorie content of Caesar is above average if the salad is not made according to the rules of dietary nutrition. But we'll talk about this later.

What are the benefits of eating a portion of Caesar salad with chicken, the calorie content of which is of interest to many? Should it be used by those who keep counting the calories of food eaten? A salad consisting of natural products does not contain harmful and high-calorie mayonnaise, salt, of course, is useful and contains many different vitamins, the benefits of which are obvious for the human body. The calorie content of the classic Caesar recipe is significantly reduced. So, lettuce leaves contain a lot of vitamin K, C, carotene, folic acid. It is recommended to be consumed by both adults and children, since Caesar's calories do not linger in the body for a long time. Lemon is a source of vitamin C. Garlic lowers blood cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes blood pressure. Cheese contains large amounts of phosphorus and calcium. Olive oil is a source of vitamin E. Therefore, the calories in Caesar salad are nothing compared to the health benefits of its ingredients. Olive oil is a source of vitamin E.

Caesar with chicken: calories

Trying to make the salad tasty, we cannot always do without meat, bacon, sausage, without thinking about Caesar's calories. This salad with a modern twist is no exception. So, grilled chicken pieces give our dish a unique taste and a certain piquancy. Therefore, Caesar is often modified beyond recognition, adding more and more fats and food additives.

A medium-sized serving of lettuce contains between 500 and 600 calories. If we talk about grams of biologically active substances, then chicken meat adds 15-22 g of protein, lettuce, croutons and dressing sauce - almost 30 g of carbohydrates; butter, cheese and chicken meat - about 15 g of fat. Of course, the calories of Caesar cooked with fried chicken will upset those looking to lose weight.

The classic version of the salad does not include poultry, so the calorie content of the original Caesar is 200 kcal lower than the calorie value of Caesar with chicken. Based on the above facts, a modern salad cannot be called a dietary product due to the high calorie content of Caesar with grilled chicken.

How to Reduce Calories in Caesar Salad

Caesar salad calories will be negligible if you learn how to cook it properly. If you nevertheless decide to cook a salad with the addition of meat, then follow our recommendations, and then the calories of Caesar with chicken are not scary for you.

  • First, always use lean poultry.
  • Second, use a minimum amount of vegetable oil for frying.
  • Thirdly, it is better not to use mayonnaise in the dish, since the calories of Caesar salad will inevitably be deposited on your waist and sides by fat folds.
  • Fourth, remember that salad dressing can be very harmful if prepared incorrectly.

When preparing Caesar salad, do not forget that it is the classic recipe that will bring more benefits and fewer calories to your body. But if the desire to put chicken fillets in the salad is irresistible, then prepare the dish wisely.

4.4 out of 5 (7 Votes)

There are so many dishes in modern cuisine that it is quite difficult to determine which one can pretend to be the most beloved one. This is all the more true since everyone has different tastes and what one likes may not cause any emotions in another. However, there are dishes that have received the recognition of most gourmets and belong to the category of delicious culinary creations. Among these dishes, without a doubt, is the beloved Caesar salad. The calorie content of Caesar depends on its constituent ingredients and, most likely, this dish cannot be called dietary. Today there are many varieties of this popular salad, so everyone can choose the one that suits them best. In order to reduce calories, caesar salad can be slightly modified. It all depends on the skill and imagination of the cook.

As for the classic Caesar salad recipe, it owes its appearance to Caesar Cardini from Tijuana. As the legend goes, one day he needed to quickly prepare a snack from the products that were available. Without thinking twice, Cardini rubbed a bowl with garlic, put lettuce leaves in it, crumbled eggs, which had been boiling for a minute, added grated cheese and lightly fried croutons. All this he dressed with olive oil with the addition of lemon juice and aromatic herbs. Naturally, at that moment Cardini did not think about the calorie content of Caesar. Yes, however, taking into account the ingredients included in the salad, it should not have been a particularly high-calorie dish. Caesar salad was born in 1924. Since then, he has managed to conquer lovers of delicious and light cuisine in different countries of the world, and modern chefs have tried to add a new taste to it along with the addition of additional ingredients.

Calorie content of caesar salad

Caesar salad is considered by many to be a low-calorie dish. But this is more true of the classic salad.

The most nutritious in its composition were eggs and cheese, and herbs, garlic and herbs could not add extra calories in any way. Olive oil, as you know, although it is a fairly high-calorie product, contains fats that are not absorbed, and, therefore, are not deposited on the waist and hips. As for adding lemon juice to it, it also did not increase the calorie content of the dish. Thus, the calories in the classic Caesar were no more than 170 kcal per 100 g of product. Such a salad could be safely consumed as often as one wanted.

Today, few people use Caesar's recipe in its original form. New products are added to the traditional ingredients, the most common of which are chicken and shrimp. Also, you can find salad options with pineapple, ham, salmon, crab sticks. Caesar is the true champion in the number of additions made to his recipe. Probably, every housewife has her own recipe for this salad. Well, any self-respecting professional chef considers it his duty to come up with a new Caesar. Naturally, each new product adds calories to the caesar. Therefore, if you are thinking about preserving your figure, then you need to monitor what exactly you put in the salad and what is the calorie content of this product. The number of calories in a caesar is not a constant value, it may well change, and if you approach this responsibly, this salad is likely to remain a tasty and low-calorie dish.

How foods change the calorie content of Caesar

One of the most common salad recipes is Chicken Caesar. Most often, it includes ingredients such as lettuce, tomatoes, crackers, chicken meat and dressing. The calorie content of Caesar with chicken is approximately 190 kcal per 100 g. The most interesting thing is that most of the calories are in the sauce, which makes the salad taste truly unforgettable. Usually, it contains an egg, garlic, lemon juice, mustard, olive oil. The taste of the dish depends entirely on the quality of the sauce, so it must be prepared strictly in accordance with the recipe. As you can see, the calorie content of Caesar with chicken is not so high, so even those who carefully count calories can afford it.

Caesar with shrimp is no less popular than Caesar with chicken. If you replace chicken with shrimp and save all the other ingredients, then the calorie content of such a salad will be lower than the calorie content of Caesar salad with chicken. This is due to the fact that shrimp are lower in calories than chicken meat. In a sense, such a Caesar will be more dietary in terms of maintaining a figure and reducing the amount of calories consumed.

Many people prefer to make mayonnaise-based caesar. Despite the fact that the classic recipe does not imply this, the addition of this product can positively affect the taste characteristics of the salad. However, at the same time, the calorie content of Caesar will increase significantly, and this applies to both the calorie content of Caesar with chicken and the calorie content of Caesar with shrimp. Mayonnaise is generally not welcomed by nutritionists, and its presence in caesar is not at all good for the figure. Another recipe for your favorite salad involves adding pineapple slices to it. This fruit gives the salad a special piquancy. If you are concerned about the calorie content of chicken caesar salad, adding pineapple will help you digest it faster. In addition, pineapple has the unique property of burning fat, which allows us to speak of such a combination of products as certainly beneficial for the figure.

Nutritionists classify Caesar as a medium-calorie meal. The glycemic index of lettuce is approximately 35, which means that it can be eaten quite often. Since it contains a moderate protein content, it may well be included in the diet for athletes, especially since the number of calories in a Caesar salad is quite consistent with the requirements for dishes for this kind of nutrition. The indication for the use of Caesar may be a lack of animal fats, proteins and vitamins. The usefulness of each ingredient in the salad makes the whole dish useful. Therefore, the fewer empty and high-calorie foods in your beloved Caesar, the more justified it will be to eat it regularly. After all, this will be due not only to its wonderful taste, but also to the proven benefits for the body, as well as the small number of calories in the Caesar salad.