Kvass for okroshka at home. Kvass for okroshka at home Step-by-step recipe with photos

13.09.2020 Lean dishes

Russian okroshka is because it is called that it is put in it
sliced \u200b\u200bproducts (according to the old - Kroshevo), and in the chilled

Plant base Okrochka is, first of all, green
onions, cucumbers, radishes, potatoes, greens and some other vegetables. Put B.
Okroshka and sets of lean meat or low-fat fish. For cooking
classic okroshka in bread kvass recommend add cool egg
yolks, loss in taste with mustard, sugar, horseradish and salt, which
press this refreshing lap a light sharpness. And of course
the determining component of this summer dish is bread kvass.

What kvass to choose for okroshka?

If purchased, then the store kvass for
okroshki must be chosen, i.e. Not sweet. But most
best bread kvass for okroshka, of course cooked in home

Let us now tell how to cook homemade kvass for okroshka.

rye bread, cut it with small slices and hold in heated
the oven until it turns the dark brown crust. At the same time, it is important
the bread is not to remember, otherwise then the kvass for the okroshka will be impatient.

crackers fill with hot water (80 °) and leave to appear on
few hours. Then the infusion strain and add sugar sand to it.
and pre-divorced yeast (you can still throw a handful
washed raisins). On 1 liter of kvass, you will need 50 g of rye superstars, 1 tbsp.
a spoon of sugar, 1.5 g of yeast, 6 glasses of water, a little raisin. Bread
quasu give it to brew about 8 hours in a warm place, and then strain and
Put on the cold. Here's how cooking home kvass is prepared.

We need
It should be noted that the recipe for the Russian Okroshka may not only be on the kvass, but also
on the prostow, kefir, cucumber or cabbage brine and even on

Lovers of this popular foam drink give the recipe from beer.

5 welded booze eggs, scroll them with salt and add a bit
sahara. Clean the peel of 400 g of fresh cucumbers and cut them with cubes.
Two heads of the onion onion are finely torn. You can still enter cutting
other vegetables to your liking. All products pour 1 liter of fresh
beer and stir.
When applying dishes, put in the plate sour cream and
finely chopped parsley and dill greens. In the beer occasion appropriate
add finely chopped pieces of dried or smoked fish.

In conclusion of our story, we give the recipe from the original, taken from Russian cuisine.

a couple of partridges, cut them into pieces in the same way as 200 g
veal, 200 g stewed meat, half of salt wellwood
bovine language, 300 g of boiled low-fat ham, 6 purified cucumbers and 6
boiled eggs.
All these are in a bowl, add fresh
sour cream, pour 15-18 cups of hip kvass, slight salt and
ground pepper. Optionally, you can add green onions and dill. IN
the okroshka is good putting small pieces of ice. "

As you can see, our
The ancestors were not fools to eat. Of course, now all the ingredients of this
hushed by meat, the Kushana is quite accessible. In extreme cases, partridges
can be replaced by chicken fillet.

Bon Appetit.

The traditional recipe for white-colored kvass includes a simple set of ingredients, including rye flour, water and sugar. For the first time, the start-up is preparing, which is then diluted with warm water, ferments ferments and focusing. But there are simple recipes.

Today I will tell you how to prepare bread kvass at home from rye superstars, with a minimum sugar, on dry yeast. Cooking in a 3-liter bank - in my opinion, the most convenient container for the ripening of kvass. Step-by-step recipe with photos and detailed description will help you easily cope with the task. In less than two days you will get a magnificent drink, invigorating and effervescent, which is great for refueling homemade okroshka.

Total time: 2 days / Cooking time: 15 minutes / Exit: 1.5 liters


  • rye bread - 250 g
  • warm boiled water - 2-2.5 liters
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • raisin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • dry yeast - 1/2 h. l.


Big photos Little photos

    Rye bread I cut the medium-sized cube, 2x2 cm. You will need 250-300 grams of bread, it is about 1/4 loaf. It is necessary to dry in the oven, for a special fragrance and that it does not immediately be a rays in the water.

    Bread cubes I lay out a smooth layer on the baking sheet and dried in the oven. Temperature should be not too high, about 120-130 degrees. In the process of drying, we turn over several times, as a result, crispy crackers should turn out, but not too loosen and not burned. If you reap, then the kvass will be patched.

    Ruddy crackers I fall asleep in a 3-liter jar. They must fill it at about 1/4 volumes or a little more. Bulk hot boiled water (80 degrees) - on the shoulders cans. Leave before cooling.

    After 3-4 hours, when the temperature of the liquid reaches the room, add sugar, raisins and some dry yeast to it. Blooming the lid and lightly turn the jar in the air so that the yeast is dissolved (as an option you can breed them separately in a small amount of warm water). Cover gauze and leave in this form for 24 hours. Bolden kvass should be warm. Depending on the ambient temperature, the ripening time can differ significantly and reach from 1 to 3 days if the heat or the opposite is cool.

    In the submarine kvass, crackers will rise to the neck of banks, they will bubble and play, foam will appear, which indicates the availability of the drink. So, it's time to move the fluid from the ball. I press the risking bread through the gauze, I focus on the drink in the clean container - the bottles of glass or food plastic are suitable, with covers.

    Overflow the liquid into the prepared bottles (I got a little more than 1.5 liters), tightly spinning the lid and put it in the refrigerator for insteading for 8-10 hours. And do not hurry to throw breadfall. It can be used as a starter for the next party Kvass - for this I return it to the jar and pour warm, but not hot boiled water with sugar and repeat the process, but without adding yeast.

Bread kvass is fully ready for use. In the cold, the fermentation process stops, falls a small natural precipitate to the bottom of the bottle, which is associated with the use of natural raw materials. It remains to crumble vegetables and fill the soup with a cooled drink. Bon Appetit!

On a note

The okroshka can be fed with a cold kvass or prepare an emulsion from a broken yolk, kvass and sour cream - it turns out even tastier!

Surely, many know that for the preparation of the real okrochka is not used by the Kvass of industrial production, since it is sweet. Here you need a kvass with a more sour taste, which is also called white - it is used in the recipes of homemade. True, if desired, the white kvass can be found in the store, but today I offer you a simpler version of this drink - prepare a cottage kvass, which is also perfect as the basis for this cold first dish.

According to the classical technology, white kvass for okroshka is taken to prepare from rye and barley malt, and with the addition of rye or wheat flour. However, this process is though not complicated, but too long, so we will make a chicken kvass from rusty crackers on yeast with a minimum sugar.


Water (3 liters) Bread black (400 grams) Sugar (50 grams) yeast dry (1 teaspoon)

Preparation of dishes by steps with photos:

The following ingredients are included in the recipe of this simple and delicious drink: water, rye bread (I like Borodinsky, but Darnitsky or any other rye-wheat is perfect), yeast and sugar sand. Yeast can be used completely any: I have a teaspoon without a slide dry - it is 3 grams. The same need high-speed. If you decide to add fresh (pressed), take 3 times more - 9-10 grams.

First of all, pieces of rye bread need to be dried and twisted in the oven. Approximately 20-25 minutes at 190-200 degrees. Watch your bread is not burned.

In the meantime, we boil the water and fall asleep sugar sand into it. All mix and leave to cool to room temperature. It is possible to accelerate the process to put a saucepan in the sink or a bath with cold water.

The breads shovel and well drop - we also give him to cool completely.

We return to the sweetened water - literally polished and add yeast there.

Mix thoroughly so that the yeast is completely dissolved.

Now put slices of fragrant bread into the water with sugar. We dried them to ensure that the bread is not immediately twisted in the liquid and did not turn into porridge. Well, for fragrance, naturally.

We add divorced yeast to the rest of the products. Gently mix so that the bread does not fall apart.

Tighten the saucepan of gauze and leave to roam at room temperature for 10-12 hours.

After the allotted time, the fermentation process should be completed. Externally, it is almost unnoticed, but if you disturb the slices of bread, the surface of the contents of the pan will cover foam.

Now you need to prey to strain the kvass through a sieve or 2-3 layer of gauze.

We break up the drink on the bottle and put on the refrigerator. You can now add 10-12 raisins if you like kvass, very saturated with gases. After another 12-16 hours in the refrigerator, bread kvass for okroshka will be completely ready.

If you have a lot of so much for cooking such a quantity, you can pour some quantity of sugar into one bottle and shone everything carefully. Then it turns out the sweet kvass, which can be drunk as a cool drink.

When you open the bottles, be careful: the foam can pour out the table. In general, homemade kvass can be stored in the refrigerator within a few days - 5 will definitely simply.

I hope the recipe for home kvass for okroshka you will come in handy and in the heat you will definitely prepare this ice souse. It will be very tasty, I promise!