Fan-baked eggplants in the oven. Eggplant meat fan

05.10.2021 Pasta

Needless to say, eggplant dishes are very tasty and healthy.

In terms of assortment and methods of preparation, no other product can be compared with them, except for zucchini.

Today I want to propose a recipe for a very tasty and original hot appetizer - eggplant baked in a fan in the oven with tomatoes, cheese and bacon.

Thanks to baking in the oven, the dish turns out to be very juicy and aromatic, it is simply prepared from available products.

To prepare this snack, we need:

Ingredient List:

  • Eggplant
  • Tomatoes
  • Bacon
  • Greenery
  • Garlic
  • Sour cream
  • Mayonnaise
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices
  • Salt pepper

Choose the number of products arbitrarily.

Fan-baked eggplants in the oven - step by step recipe:

First, let's prepare the eggplant, try to choose small young even eggplants, do not cut the stalk from them.

We cut the eggplants lengthwise into strips 5-8 mm thick, without cutting a couple of cm to the end, leave the tail in its entirety. You should get a fan.

Thus, we cut all the eggplants.

Let's take a separate dish into which we will put them.

Each eggplant must be slightly salted on all sides and left for 15-20 minutes so that they let the juice out and excess bitterness comes out.

In the meantime, let's prepare the rest of the products.

Cut the tomatoes into 5 mm thick slices, I will use 2 tomato slices for each eggplant slice.

Cut the cheese into thin slices. The amount of cheese, like other products, take arbitrarily, you can use any cheese.

Now let's prepare the sauce with which we will grease the eggplants.

We mix sour cream and mayonnaise in equal parts, add garlic, chopped in any way convenient for you, any fresh or dried herbs, I have oregano and finely chopped green onions.

Sprinkle the sauce with salt and pepper, mix thoroughly and set it aside for now, we will need it a little later.

As for bacon, you can use any smoked meat product: loin, carbonade, ham, ham, or even skip this ingredient in the recipe.

I have raw smoked bacon.

Cut it into strips equal in length to the eggplant slices.

While we were preparing the food, the eggplants were juiced, they became soft and pliable.

We rinse them under running cold water and squeeze slightly.

We will bake the eggplants on a baking sheet, which can be covered with parchment paper or greased with vegetable oil, as in my case.

We spread the eggplants on a baking sheet, forming a fan out of them.

Put in turn between each slices of eggplant: cheese, tomatoes, bacon.

Press with a slice of eggplant.

Again cheese, tomatoes, bacon, etc ...

Thus, we prepare all the eggplants.

On top of each eggplant, grease generously with a previously prepared aromatic sour cream-garlic sauce.

We send the baking sheet to preheated to 180 ° C(356 ° F) oven and bake for 35-40 minutes. Be guided by your oven.

During baking, the eggplants and tomatoes will start juicing, the cheese and bacon will start to melt, the sour cream-garlic sauce will saturate all the products, the tastes and aromas will mix, and the result will be a great hot and very aromatic, tasty and satisfying snack.

After 40 minutes, our eggplants are ready!

Take the baking sheet out of the oven and place the eggplant fan on your personal snack plates or a shared serving platter.

Garnish this appetizer with fresh herbs and vegetables as you wish.

I wish you all Bon appetit!

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Dina was with you. Until next time, until new recipes!

Fan-baked eggplants in the oven - recipe video:

Fan-baked eggplants in the oven - photo:

I propose to cook an eggplant fan in today's menu from minced meat, tomato and, of course, with cheese and mayonnaise. In this combination, eggplants are very tasty and can be served as an independent dish without a side dish.

Cooking method:

I will cook two types of eggplants, one from minced pork and others from chicken dietary, so I myself am now on a diet. If you bake more eggplant of the specified amount, then double all the ingredients.

We cut the eggplants into strips 5-8 mm thick, without cutting to the end, leave the tail.

If the eggplants are small, then cut them whole, and if they are large, then you can cut them in half lengthwise.

Sprinkle salt on the cut surfaces and leave for half an hour.

During this time, we prepare the filling. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices. Cheese in strips.

After removing the stalk and seeds, sweet peppers are turned into long strips.
Chop the garlic and herbs.
Mix homemade minced meat with garlic and, if you like, with herbs.

In mayonnaise, or sour cream, or a mixture of both, add salt and pepper, mix. If mayonnaise is contraindicated for you, then you can just one sour cream. For myself, I mixed low-fat sour cream with yogurtand the cheese took mozzarella.

Lubricate a baking sheet or form with vegetable oil, or cover it with foil, put eggplants.

On each eggplant plate, distribute the minced meat with a thin layer, then put tomatoes, peppers, cheese into the cuts.

Grease with sauce and put in the oven for about 30-35 minutes, which was turned on by 180 ° beforehand.

Top with grated cheese.

Serve on the table sprinkled with herbs.

These are the fans that turned out from minced chicken with sour cream and yogurt, since they are not greasy, they greased them abundantly.

Pepper Tips:

You can use chicken fillet, bacon, brisket and other meat delicacies as a filling.
And you can do just vegetables - also very tasty, but not so high in calories. In this case, it is better to pour boiling water over the eggplants already cut into fans and hold for 5 minutes.
You don't have to put the cheese in the cuts - you can sprinkle it on top.
And you can simply bake eggplants with tomato sauce, adding garlic and herbs to it.Usually, a medium eggplant is just enough for 2 servings.

Fanned eggplants baked in the oven with tomatoes and cheese are a very beautiful appetizer. And what a delicious! No words! All the colors of summer, piquancy, juiciness and originality in one dish. Intrigued? Then try and praise the recipe.


- medium sized eggplants - 2 pcs.;
- red, ripe and fleshy tomatoes - 2 pcs. not very large;
- cheese of hard or semi-hard varieties - 50-70 g;
- mayonnaise or sour cream - 2-4 tbsp. l .;
- fresh garlic - 1-2 small cloves (to taste);
- table salt - to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. For the preparation of this effective in all respects, it is better to use young "blue" snacks. Overripe vegetables have too rough skin. Wash the eggplants well and cut off the green tail. Cut each eggplant in half lengthwise. And then each half will also be divided into thin (moderately) longitudinal plates, without cutting to the end. As a result, you should have such a "fan" as in the photo. Sprinkle the prepared eggplant with salt. put in a bowl and wait for the juice to come out.

2. You will have to wait 10-15 minutes, so I propose to spend this time usefully and prepare other ingredients. Wash and towel dry the tomatoes. Cut into circles. If the tomatoes are large, cut each circle in half.

3. Cut a slice of hard or semi-hard cheese into thin slices. If it's more convenient, you can grate it on a coarse grater.

4. Prepare a flavorful sauce. To do this, you need to mix mayonnaise and chopped garlic. Garlic can be passed through a press or finely chopped with a knife. Add a pinch of salt and stir. The sauce is ready.

And you will surely like our photo recipe.

5. Drain the juice from the eggplant. Rinse vegetables to remove salt. Squeeze moisture out lightly. Brush with mayonnaise-garlic sauce between the slices. Place on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil.

6. Place the tomatoes between the eggplant slices, as shown in the photo.

7. Lay the cheese on top.

8. Bake in a preheated oven for 25-35 minutes until tender. Baking temperature - 180-200 degrees.
When serving, you can sprinkle the eggplant fan with fresh herbs.
These are the fanned eggplants. The recipe is very simple, but you can always supplement it with something of your own.

We also suggest you try

Today I want to bring to your attention a delicious and original recipe - baked eggplant. Moreover, now the most season is going on them. This year is such a hot summer that eggplants have grown in large quantities even in my garden, which has not happened before. Therefore, we will cook from them.

We affectionately call them "blue", and many housewives love to cook. Mostly fried in a pan, or baked. Fried, they take in a lot of oil, and therefore are not recommended for all people for food. But the baked ones are what you need. They are not baked for a very long time, which means they retain most of their vitamins and useful microelements.

And we have a recipe today. The recipe is delicious! How many eggplants you cook according to this recipe, they are always eaten just for one or two! It is a pity that only 4 pieces fit on the baking sheet. You always have to do two parties.

Fan of eggplant with mozzarella step by step recipe with photo

We need (for 4 servings):

eggplant - 4 pieces

mozzarella cheese - 250 gr (or any hard cheese)

tomatoes 8-10 pieces bell pepper - 1 piece garlic -2 cloves

vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons

basil -1-2 sprigs

spices to taste

salt to taste

ground black pepper - to taste


1. For cooking, choose medium sized eggplants. Large ones do not need to be taken, they already have a rough skin. And you do not need to peel them from the skin. They will look very nice when baked.

In addition, in this form, they retain their shape better.

2. My "blue" ones, carefully cut off the "skirt", as it is cut off, and part of the stalk. Then with a very sharp knife we ​​cut them into plates 1 cm thick, not reaching the very end of about 1.5 cm.That is, we cut them in the form of a fan. A thickness of 1 cm is the most optimal. They will have time to bake and not overcook. The pulp will remain juicy and tasty.

3. Salt the plates on both sides and rub some salt into the surface.

4. Put the eggplants on the table or in a flat plate in the form of a fan. Press on top with a cutting board and put some weight on top, a jar or a small saucepan of water. That is, a certain press is formed, thanks to which the "blue" ones will become softer, and bitterness will go away from them.

5. We leave them in this form under pressure for 15-20 minutes.

6. Immediately make the garlic oil.

7. Chop the garlic as small as possible and cover with oil. Add half a teaspoon of ground black pepper and the same amount of spices. I use a mixture of spices, in it coriander, rosemary, thyme, paprika, a mixture of Provencal herbs. But you can add those that you like more.

8. Stir the contents and leave to infuse.

9. Wash the tomatoes, dry them with a paper towel, and cut them into slices or halves of 0.7 cm thick slices. The size is correlated with the size of the eggplants and the tomatoes themselves.

10. I also like to use bell peppers in this recipe. I love this combination of vegetables. I ended up with a red pepper today and I'm using it. But for a variety of colors, it would be nice to have yellow or green.

We clean it from seeds and cut it into circles or cut the finished circle into two halves. Again, let's look at what size our vegetables are.

11. Mozzarella cheese is very good for this recipe. It is now quite affordable, it does not cost much more than usual. And the taste with it is significantly different from the taste with ordinary hard cheese. But if mozzarella is difficult to obtain for some reason, then use regular hard cheese.

12. Cut the mozzarella into slices 1 cm thick. And then even in half, if the pieces are large.

14. We dealt with all this while the eggplants were under pressure. Now we take them out and slightly squeeze out the excess juice. You do not need to be very zealous, do not squeeze all the juice.

15. Grease a baking sheet with oil. We spread eggplants on it and collect a beautiful fan right on it.

16. The first thing to do is to grease the eggplant liberally with garlic oil. We use a silicone brush for this. Spread between the plates along with garlic and spices. We try to distribute the content evenly so that all the pieces are enough.

17. I put the tomatoes in the plates in a checkerboard pattern. This is so that the fan is not very thick.

You can first remove the skin from the tomatoes. This is in case they are very thick-skinned. To do this, you first need to blanch them for 3-4 minutes. But I do not do this, I have my own young tomatoes, and in this form they will better keep their shape.

18. Also, in random order, lay the layers of bell pepper.

19. Then put basil leaves between the layers. They will give a wonderful flavor to our dish.

20. And the final touch will be the mozzarella cheese. We spread it between all the plates. During baking, it will spread beautifully and give a toasted golden brown crust.

21. Place small tomatoes in the baking gaps. And the leftover bell pepper. We will decorate the dish with them when serving.

22. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. And set to bake for 20 minutes.

23. We take out the baking sheet and let it stand for 5 minutes. Then we put it on portioned plates and enjoy the view, taste, color and smell. We eat with pleasure.

The mozzarella cheese spread and gave a wonderful aromatic crust, which covered the tomatoes and peppers. Under a coat of vegetables, garlic butter and cheese, the eggplants retained their softness. Their pulp is tasty, aromatic.

Someone adds mayonnaise to this dish. But I think that it is completely inappropriate here. Without it, the dish is both healthy and tasty, and can even be considered a dietary one. Despite its lightness, it turns out to be quite satisfying. I cooked a separate chicken for him, since my husband simply does not eat up without meat. But having eaten only one eggplant herself, she already refused the chicken, as she was full.

I would also like to note that the eggplant fan looks very impressive and original. Such a dish can be served on any festive table, and it will certainly become its decoration. Personally, I do not often meet him when I myself am at a party. That is why you will not only deliciously feed your guests, but also surprise them with your skill.

And don't think it's hard to make. Everything is done simply in one breath. And what pleasure you get when you cook such beauty! After all, this is what neither is the most beautiful culinary creativity!

Bon Appetit!

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Step 1: prepare the eggplant.

To begin with, wash one large or a couple of medium eggplants under cold running water and dry with paper kitchen towels from excess moisture. Then we put them on a cutting board, with a sharp kitchen knife we ​​cut each in half lengthwise, but not completely, and after that each part we divide into 3-4 layers, so that their thickness does not exceed 5-6 millimeters.
Sprinkle the eggplant fans from all sides with coarse rock salt, send them into a deep colander, put it in the sink and leave it there on 30-35 minutes, for which most of the inherent bitterness will come off vegetables.

Step 2: prepare the tomatoes, cheese and ham.

We don't waste a minute, we wash the tomatoes, dry them, remove from each place where the stalk was attached, and grind them in rings or layers up to 1 centimeter thick. We shred the Mozzarella cheese and smoked pork leg in the same way, although the slices can be made larger if desired.

Step 3: prepare the garlic oil mixture.

Now we peel the garlic cloves and squeeze them through a special press into a small bowl. Pour dried basil there, a little black pepper and a pinch of salt. Shake these ingredients with a table fork until smooth and while we put the resulting garlic-oil mixture aside, it will come in handy a little later. Also at this time we turn on and preheat the oven. up to 180 degrees Celsius.

Step 4: stuff the eggplant.

When the eggplants are infused, rinse and dry them again. Then stuff the vegetables with prepared cheese, tomatoes and ham.

For example, putting 2-3 pieces of these products on each layer.

After that, we move the fans into a small non-stick metal, or better glass heat-resistant baking dish.

Pour the previously prepared garlic mixture and proceed to the almost final step.

Step 5: prepare the fan-baked eggplant.

We check the temperature of the oven and, if it has warmed up, put the still raw dish into it on the middle rack. We bake the stuffed eggplants until cooked, medium 30–40, and large 40–50 minutes. Then we pull the kitchen potholders on our hands, rearrange the form with fans on the cutting board, previously placed on the countertop, and let the fragrant dish cool slightly. Then, using two kitchen spatulas, arrange the eggplants in portions on plates and serve to the table.

Step 6: Serve the fan-baked eggplants.

After cooking, the eggplants, baked in the oven in a fan, are cooled slightly after cooking, then distributed in portions on plates, optionally decorated with fresh dill, parsley or cilantro and served as a second main course for lunch or dinner. As a complement to this yummy, you can offer several types of sauce, for example, sour cream, creamy or tomato. Enjoy delicious and simple food!
Bon Appetit!

Sometimes, instead of dried basil, fresh leaves are used, only 4–5 pieces are needed, but before that they should be washed, finely chopped and ground with chopped garlic, as well as butter. Well, if you wish, this fragrant plant will perfectly replace dill, parsley or cilantro;

The stuffing products specified in the recipe are not essential, instead of "Mozzarella" you can take any hard or processed cheese, ham will ideally be replaced by smoked bacon, chicken, bacon, ordinary pieces of boiled or baked meat of any kind, and any other alternative to olive oil vegetable. You can also add zucchini or zucchini cut into thin layers, sweet pepper rings, or not use meat at all and make this dish completely vegetarian, filling the eggplant fans with only vegetables and cheese;

If the eggplant is too dense, the fan disintegrates and the filling falls out of it, collect it again and tie it in the thickest part with strong baking thread, which, after baking, can be easily removed using ordinary kitchen scissors;

Don't have a small glass ovenproof dish or nonstick baking dish? We are not upset! We just make thick two or three-layer baskets out of aluminum foil, put stuffed eggplant in each and bake;

Some housewives, in addition to ground black pepper, use any spices suitable for vegetable dishes: hyssop, savory, sage, paprika and others.