Dining room for 80 seats. Bath complex

02.05.2020 Meat Dishes

One of the best restaurants with 80 seats is located in the UAE. Here, at a height of 122 floors, a stunningly beautiful panoramic view opens up in front of visitors. There are also many establishments in Moscow with beautiful views from their windows. Alternatively, you can opt for summer roof decks. We will help you find the best restaurants with 80 seats and make a choice in favor of the very ideal option.

Restaurants for 80 seats: features

Organizing an event for 80 people is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Start looking for 80-seat restaurants and contractors ahead of time and you won't have to waste a lot of time. For maximum savings, use our portal. Here are the capital's establishments from all over Moscow and the Moscow region. In addition, here you will find offers from artists, presenters, organizers, DJs, stylists at prices well below market prices. Choosing restaurants with 80 seats with us, you save time, effort, money.

Restaurants for 80 seats with IQ Banquet

The most relevant and advantageous offers in the field of events - only with us. IQ Banquet will become your best assistant in organizing your celebration, it is a free professional tool. It's easy to find restaurants with 80 seats for a wedding, anniversary, corporate party with us! What do we offer?

  • Free consultations in the search for restaurants with 80 seats.
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With us, organizing celebrations without hassle has become a reality. No painful searches for restaurants with 80 seats, just one call, and the problem is solved. Discounts on the services of contractors (photographers, videographers, florists, wedding coordinators) will be an additional pleasant bonus for you. We are waiting for your requests and we wish you to hold the celebration exactly the way you want.

The complex consists of two parts: a chopped gazebo with a barbecue oven and the main bath complex. These parts are joined by an open patio with a transparent polycarbonate canopy.

The building of the bath building is divided into three main zones:

- swimming pool (gym, shower room)

- bath rooms (steam room, hammam, washing room, changing room)

- living rooms (bedroom, study bedroom, bathroom).

The rest room becomes the unifying link of these zones. It serves as a living room and kitchen for the sleeping block, a place for temporary relaxation for those who take bath procedures or swim in the pool. The steam room is made of chopped logs and built into the main structure of the house. The ceiling of the steam room is made independent of the overlap of the 2nd floor. The joining of the chopped walls to the brick ones is carried out through a sliding fastener with a layer of insulation. The pool room is deployed perpendicular to the main building, which makes it possible to reduce transit connections between the rooms, and the large glazing area of ​​the pool creates a visual connection between the parts of the site. The roof of the pool is covered with wooden beams with a span of 7.4 m. The living area is located on the second floor. There are two bedrooms with access to the balcony and a bathroom with shower. The bedrooms are facing west and south.

Total area -300m2

Terrace area -150m2

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Collection of standards

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Articles from magazines

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