Walnut by royal from Palycha composition. Step-by-step cake cooking recipe with meringue

Cake "Royal" is a delicious home dessert consisting of sour cream corsis with various additives, such as: nuts, cocoa, coffee, poppy, dried fruits, coconut chips or candied fruit. The cream is most often used whipped with sugar sour cream, and decoration and decoration remain at the discretion of the hostess.

Cake "Royal" - original and tasty, but at the same time quite simple in preparation. Therefore, even if you are not a specialist in a confectionery case, this dessert can be safely taken, without fearing to spoil the products.

For the preparation of the Royal Cake, prepare first ingredients for cakes. We will have three of them: Poppy, with dried apricots and chocolate-nut.

Mix in a bowl of half a glass of sour cream with 1 egg and half of the sugar stak. Then praise the Flour Flaw, 2 tsp Starch and food soda. Mix the whore thoroughly.

Add poppy into the dough and mix again. In the form with a diameter of about 22 cm. Lubricate the oil with a piece of oil and sprinkle the bottom. Pour the poppy dough and send the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

For chocolate-nut embarrassment, repeat step 2. Then pumped cocoa and disturbed walnuts. Stir everything again. Bake the chocolate-nut root, while the poppy cools.

For an embarrassment with Kuragya, I repeat step 2 again, then add pieces of kuragi and bake the last crude in the same way.

Ready cakes will completely cool down and prepare the ingredients for cream and decorations.

When the cakes are cooled, prepare cream. For this, a well-cooled sour cream must be taken with sugar powder in a cold bowl to a lush foam. If more than 35% fat sour cream, you can add a thickener bag for cream.

Finished cream wake the cakes, and then the sides and the top of the cake. Send a cake to the fridge to impregnate clock with 5 clock.

Before serving, decorate cocoa cake and nuts.

Cake "Royal" is ready. Pleasant tea drinking!

I love sweetly very much;) Cakes are no exception. But most often the sieves themselves for the holidays.

And this cake decided to buy on a small family celebration.

Cakes "U Palycha" I trust, most often the taste does not fail.

Although the price bite (((

Packaging traditional for cake. Sale in any major supermarket.

Exterior on perfectly! Just chocolate chocolate supplemented with golden accents.

Walnuts from above right as real chocolate covered.

I even lambered whether they were edible. Of course edible!

Registration is complemented by almond.

The composition is ideal for nothing. But in the shopping sweets is always so that you can do it.

sugar Sand, Egg Chicken Food, Milk Condensed Boiled (13.2%) (sugar, water, dry skimmed milk, butter creamy), butter creamy (12.0%), whole milk, chocolate bitter (10.3%) (cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier (lecithin), cashew nut (9.1%), hazelnuts (5.3%), white chocolate (sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, emulsifier (lecithin ), flavoring (natural vanilla extract), wheat flour in / s, purified water, walnut walnut, sunflower oil, semolina, glucose syrup, stabilizer (pectin), acidity regulator (citric acid), preservative (sorbic acid), comprehensive food Additive "Dye Food Golden"

The weight of the cake is also not big. For 4-6 people on a piece. Seeing the versions of this cake more.

And what is the taste?

The cake is very similar to "Kiev". Dry skin (something like bise), cream, many nuts. Also slightly crumbs, when you eat :) But unlike the "Kiev" a lot of chocolate notes.

And so, like cakes like "Kiev" I love, this cake fell soul;)

If you like delicious desserts, then you probably tried a quarrel cake in a royal one from Palycha, whose recipe is known to know. Reviews about it on the Internet is very flattering, and the product looks luxurious. Would you like right now on this page "Popular about health" to find out the recipe of this delicious cake with air rooks and gentle cream? If so, then proceed.

Royal Cake from Palycha Nut

The recipe includes such components.:

For the preparation of the cores, we need products: sugar powder - a glass, proteins - 10; Starch - 2 tablespoons with a slide; Walnuts - 650 g.

To prepare cream, you will need the following products: yolks - 10; powder sugar - 160 g; pack of butter; Milk - 60 g; Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.; Cognac - 1 tbsp. l. To decorate the product - the tile of chocolate and nuts (cashews, walnuts); Dye culinary gold.

Cooking recipe

Initially, you need to take two big bowls and separate the egg whites from yolks. Yockery as we retain, they will need us for cream later. In the protein part we pour sugar powder. To beat in meringue, you will need a mixer. For 5-6 minutes we beat proteins to the formation of a lush white foam. Here you snatch starch. With the help of a spatula or spoon with neat movements, we interfere in foam. It is necessary to move in one direction and do it slowly. When the starch is connected with the lush mass, we take purified walnuts. You do not need to grind them very much - it's good when they are visible in the korzhi, and it turns out much more tastier if they are rather large. Nuts introduce into the dough in the same way as starch. We add them in small portions and interfere, moving in one direction.

Cake from Palycha Round. If you want to make it an exact copy, you will have to divide the dough into three equal parts and bake three cricks of round shape separately. If you want to speed up the cooking process, you can bake one big korzh on one touch and then cut it into three parts. In this case, it will turn out rectangular. So, on the tray, fill the parchment paper. Its surface does not need to lubricate anything. The oven is immediately warm up to 200 degrees. In the meantime, we spread the mass on the parchment and distribute it along the entire surface of the opposition. We send the korzh to be baked for 20 minutes and immediately we reduce heat to 180 degrees. How to find out what the korzh is ready? Just see what color it is. He must acquire a slightly beige caramel shade. As soon as the korzh becomes such, take it out of the oven. Let him stand a little on the table and cooled, after which it can be cut across three parts.

Cooking cream and decorate the cake

We take a bowl with yolks and introduce a sugar powder cooked for cream. The mixer is whipped to a homogeneous white mass. We pour milk with a thin flower here, stirring the cream slowly in one direction. Now we install a bowl on the smallest fire and bring the cream almost to the booster temperature, constantly stirring it. Now the cream must completely cool. He will become a little curly than it was before the roaring. In the cooled mass we add cocoa, asking it through a siter, and a tablespoon of brandy. Mix the cream again. We take soften oil and whipped with a mixer separately. Put the oil mass into cream and beat again everything together. It turns out the tender mass of cocoa color with a pleasant creamy taste. Now we form our product.

If you baked one big korzh, divide it with a knife into three parts. On the first we smear the cream, put the next cake, we wash the third layer on top. Surface and side pieces of cake with a cream. We take a black chocolate tile and rub it on a shallow chief. If accuracy use the Palycha recipe, then the tile is better to melt and pour the product or cook chocolate glaze. But we will simply sprinkle a chocolate chip cake that it will not spoil his appearance and taste.

We peel the cake from above and on the sides. To decorate a cake like a Palycha, you will need several walnuts cashews and halves walnuts. Place those and other nuts in a circle. In the original recipe from Palycha cake covers gold nuts. To achieve this effect, you can buy the dye to the dye to the culinary gold and just sprinkle their nuts. Then your cake will be exactly like the one belongs to the brand "by Palycha". Now the cake needs to be soaked. Put the product to the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. After this time, the dessert will become much softer, as the cream soak the cakes. In the context, he looks amazing - you will not understand at all, where the korzh, and where the cream layers and the nuts are visible everywhere! And the taste is simply amazing - it looks like a gentle chocolate bar. Invite guests and arrange a grand tea party.

Now you know the royal cake recipe for Palycha. Perhaps he is not so much like a bought, because there are no flavors or fragrances here, but this cake is cooked from natural home products. In addition, his cooking at home will cost much cheaper. Pleasant tea drinking!

Fully deserved its name. He is quite worthy of monators. Each crude in it bakes with various additives. You can vary yourself with fillers. Kuraga, prunes, poppy, nuts, crispy meringue - the choice is quite wide. The more cortex, the higher and festive will be released your cake. You do not need to limit his three layers, as offers a classic recipe. The same applies to the test, and cream. Biscuit or shortbread - choose to you. Equally, as something to interrupt the cakes. Creamy cream, sour cream, on boiled condensed milk, custard, protein. To decorate your culinary masterpiece with fruits, gentle meringues, grated chocolate. Below we will tell you how to cook "Royal Cake." The recipe classic will be supplemented with two variations - with nuts and with meringues.

Kneading test

Sift the table three cups of flour. We add two teaspoons of soda, redeemed in vinegar, and 3 vanillin bag. I bring to room temperature 150 g margarine. Three eggs whip with 3 glasses of sugar sand. Gradually add soft margarine and 300 grams sour cream. Connect this mixture with flour. Mix the dough. To make a "royal cake", the recipe classic offers separately cooking each korzh. That is, the ingredients listed above are divided into three, introducing various additives into each bun. Not burdened housewives can try this option. But it will be easier and faster to knead one dough. Then it is separated into three equal parts and start. The classic of the genre requires such fillers: raisins, poppy, cocoa. In principle, you are free in the selection, since there are no strict canons about the fillings. Not everyone loves the dough with Mac - instead you can take prunes. All fillers need to take a glass. Pretty wash them with a dough. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Baking the cortex

Deligative shape lubricate margarine. You can use a circular frying pan (the main thing is that it goes into the oven, and she did not have a plastic handle). To make it easier to pull out the baked cake, we ripen the bottom of the washed paper. We lay out the dough for one embezzle. Cake "Royal" stroke quickly. On average, it takes about twenty-five minutes for each korzh. It is already in the preheated oven. The recipe recommends setting a temperature of 170 degrees. We bring the cakes until golden color. Neither to achieve a ruddy crust is a cake, not pies. But the raw dough we also do not need. Check the readiness of the match. Pumpkin rauchinka in the widest place of Korzh, closer to the middle. If it came out dry - pull out the shape of the furnace. It is necessary to give an attitude time to completely cool.


In the classic version, reload the Royal Cake Recipe offers sour cream with sugar. But do not hurry to frowst the nose: with the right approach to the case, you will succeed at all. It is necessary to stock half liters of a good rustic sour cream. You can even buy the same amount of cream and put them to skiss. Then cut a few pieces of gauze, put them on each other. In them, in the middle, we fall out thick sour cream. We raise gauze for the ends so that it would be a "kitomka". Let it overnight, installing a wide dishes under it for a flow of excess fluid. By the morning you will get a very thick sour cream, almost creamy cheese. Here it is necessary now to be a mixer with an incomplete glass of sugar. The resulting cream will be gentle as cream, but more dense consistency. This amount of ingredients was indicated for three cakes. If they are planned to be made more, increase the mass of the two components. The cream must be put without sparing, to spread thickly. It will impregnate the cakes, and the cake will be good to keep the form.

Other cream options

Very often the "Royal" cake is pasted with condensed milk. It can be like boiled, so no - who likes more. How to make cream on condensed milk? Very simple. If you take the "Wrenca", then the creamy oil must be taken 200 grams. Normal condensed milk is significantly fat. Therefore, to thicken it, you will need a larger amount of oil. The condensed milk can be cooked by himself - it will take two and a half hours and about 50 minutes to cool. It is much easier to buy a product in the store, which is called "Iriska" (sold in glass banks). Condensed milk there is almost to the condition of caramel. Such a product makes sense to beat with something flat so that the cake does not work out. For example, with curd cheese or neutral mascarpone. Some recipes offer the king cake furnace from the biscuit dough, and sculpt the cortish custard. In this case, it should be prevented possible dryness of the culinary product. Before collecting the cake, heave the cakes with some syrup or liqueur.


As for the decor, then here your fantasy can go into all the grave. Color coconut chips, chocolate "droplets", mastic made of sugar powder, moorings, meringues and meringues, fresh and canned fruits, candied fruits, whipped cream and grated chocolate - all this is suitable. However, it is necessary to take into account the taste and consistency of the main cream, if, of course, you smear the top of the product. Economical hostesses are decorated with the Cake "Royal" residues of the cortex. After all, something remains. The pieces of the dough are crushed into the crumb, mixed with surplus cream. To increase the volume, you can enter a coconut chips. If you used to impregnate the syrup of canned peaches or pineapple, that is, it makes sense to decorate your royal cake with fruit from the can. It is worthwhile to decorate the top of the sour cream or a custard with sugar mastic figures.

Cake "Royal": a recipe with meringue and nuts

In this method, cooking is interesting that two embers - sandy and protein - bake at the same time. Two yolks are rubbing with a third sugar glasses. We add 100 g of soft butter, a glass of flour and a little gaised vinegar soda. We mix the sandy dough, we divide it into four buns. We put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Two squirrels whipped with two thirds of a glass of sugar. In the pan lay the first sandy crude. Sprinkling it with chopped nuts. You can press them a little in the dough. Lay off spoon whipped proteins. The ovens up to a quarter of an hour at 180 degrees to the rosy meringue. So do it with all four korzhi. We plunge them with cream on condensed milk. Decorating nuts.


350 g of soft margarine mix with seven yolks. Add 750 g of flour, pinch salt, baking powder and three tablespoons sour cream. The resulting fatty dough put in the refrigerator for an hour. Seven remaining proteins are whipped with two glasses of sugar. Dough separating ten parts. Each rolling in the pellet, lay the two spoons of proteins from above. We bake at 180 degrees 5 minutes, we reduce the heating to 120 degrees, wait another quarter of an hour. Of the two cans of boiled condensed milk, shelter cream oil and three spoons of cocoa make cream. We start collecting the cake "Royal" with meringue. The first crude put the sand layer down. We are smearing with cream and coax the second. This cake is already laying down. In each subsequent layer, we smear the sandily cream.

Royal Walnut Cake with Honey

Dough for this product make a similar way, as in previous recipes. The difference lies only that all fillers (nuts, dried raisins and 3-4 honey spoons) are entered together. Then the dough is divided into 4 embers and baked. The custard cake is wetted, poured with chocolate fondant.


  • 10 proteins for cooking cortex;
  • 600 grams of crushed almond or walnuts;
  • 2 tablespoons starch;
  • a glass of sugar powder;
  • pack of butter;
  • 10 yolks for cream;
  • 100 grams of milk;
  • 160 grams of sugar powder;
  • 4 tablespoons of natural cocoa without adding dry powder milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of rum or brandy.


  • 50 grams of walnuts;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 200 grams of sugar for cooking.

The royal cake is very easy and tasty. There are no large cakes in it that do not always like sweet tooths, but there is a lot of delicious cream, crispy nuts and meringues. Take a look at the photo!

Cooking process

Here's how to prepare the Cake "Royal" at home: the most delicious and full recipe for your holiday:

  1. The oven is heated to 220 degrees.
  2. Proteins need to be separated from yolks and lay out on separate places. You can pierce eggs from two sides, then the protein will come out, and the yolk will remain in the shell. So that the "Royal" cake turned out to be delicious, all products must be fresh. And the recipe with the photo will allow it to make it quickly and with minimal time costs.
  3. Squares to float sugar and beat the mixer or with a spoon. You have to get a thick foam.
  4. It is gradually to introduce starch, continuing to stir.
  5. Nuts need to slightly fry in a skillet, grind and add to the protein mass.
  6. So that they do not give a feeling of bitterness, they need to be slightly rolling in a skillet, if you use walnuts. Almond bitterness will not give. When the mass is homogeneous, it is laid out on a baking sheet with high sideboards and baked in the oven. The average baking time is about 24 minutes.

While the cake is baked in the oven, you need to cook the cream:

  1. Creamy oil melt and sweat to a homogeneous creamy mass in a separate container.
  2. Then in a separate container you need to beat yolks with sugar powder and pour milk in them.
  3. Preparing the "royal" cake step by step, you need to pay a lot of time to prepare cream. Yolks with milk and sugar need to pour into a small pan and put on the middle fire.
  4. Then cool the cream and gradually add creamy oil into it in small portions.
  5. When a homogeneous mass is obtained, cocoa and several spoons of alcoholic beverage are added to the cream, continuing to stir.

Corge cut into 3 parts a very sharp knife. Then apply cream on them and dear side parts. After that, the cake spoke on the nuts and leave in a cold place for half an hour. Finally, the cake is ready, and it can be placed on the table.

If you are using a meringue in the preparation of the cake, you need to close proteins with sugar and a small amount of lemon juice, then lay out on paper for baking and oven 15 minutes to ruddy crust. Then lay out the cream between the korzh. You can decorate a meringue cake.

"Royal" cake with meringue very much will like sweet tooths - in it the cakes and so crunchy, and with a meringue, it becomes even tastier and fragrant.

  • Choosing a "royal" cake recipe, pay attention to the choice of nuts. Walnuts have a very rich taste. They are better to use the brown film purified from the brown, which is easily removed after frying. Moreover, it turns out very gentle without flour, with a bright taste of nuts.
  • Cake "Royal" better feed on the table warm, without cooling. When stored in the refrigerator, it turns out not so crispy. Choosing a recipe that includes meringue, it is better to buy ready-made products in the store or cook them in advance.
  • Sweetish Cake "Nut", prepared in a royal, it turns out if instead of walnut use cashews or pecan in the same proportion.
  • In addition, the "royal" cake without flour can be prepared with the addition of brassing almonds and peanuts. Walnut can be bitter even after roasting, so you can experiment with the choice of nuts, if you are preparing a walnut cake in a royal.

  • Another secret to successful preparation is lighted in the choice of milk. It must be measured in fat. Perfect option if you use homemade milk. Then the royal cake, whatever you like to use, will be very tasty and gentle. But it is not worth replacing it with cream or sour cream, since the cream will not get lush.
  • If you are preparing the "Royal" cake and choose a recipe with meringue, they can be made with the addition of lemon or linous juice and an orange zest. The acids slightly sees the sweet taste of the cake.
  • The preparation of the home cake will not cost and without high-quality butter. Do not replace it for margarine.

  • Preparing at home "Royal" Cake without flour, which recipe you would not use, pay attention to the choice of cocoa. The classic cake will be tastier if you use a non-soluble cocoa with milk type "NEMKSK", and bitter chocolate, natural cocoa powder.
  • Any recipe can be supplemented with a bitter chocolate for baking, which can be added to cream or cakes. Then the home recipe for the cooking "royal" cake will allow you to get a very tasty cream that you will like it.

  • If you want to make alcoholic cream, then you can add 4 or 5 spoons of brandy or brown rum to bitter chocolate. But this option "royal" cake is hardly to offer children.

How to file to the table?

The "royal" cake is distinguished by a sweet saturated nut-chocolate taste, so it is not recommended to be combined with cocoa, sweet milk, tea or coffee.

Even if the cake turned out that fingers are losing, it is better to serve it with unsweetened drinks: tea and coffee without sugar, brandy, wine.

The delicious "royal" cake is well harmonized with fruit cuts, especially grapes, bananas and oranges. Any recipe can be supplemented with dried fruits, zest, peanuts or cashews, apple or banana chips. Then the cake will be original, with its unique highlight that allows you to create courageous culinary creations on the basis of a classic recipe.