Calories in the cabbage. How many calories in the cabbage with meat and rice

03.10.2020 Buffet table

Cabbages are the most famous dish that is prepared from cabbage. Each hostess has its own recipe for their preparation, but traditionally the cabbage rolls with meat minced meat.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of cabbage rolls with meat filling will be:

  • proteins about 7 grams;
  • fat 16.5 grams;
  • carbohydrates 7 grams.

The ratio of nutrients in the finished dish may differ slightly, and it depends on the number of products added to the stuffing of the cabbage rolls.

The calorie calorie also depends on the products used, but it is rather low. Since only meat has a high energy value, and the remaining low-calorie ingredients.

The greatest calorie will be the cabbagels who were preparing from pork, as this type of meat is the most fat.

The portion of swine stuffing powder weighing 100 grams will add the body about 300 kcal.

Small fatness has beef meat, if they replace pork, then the filling will be less calorie.

100 grams of cabbage rolls prepared with the addition of veal will contain about 170 kcal.

You can also use other varieties of meat, which are characterized by low calorie content. It can be chicken fillet.

The cabbage rolls, which include chicken minced, have about 140 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

The traditional recipe provides for pre-roasting the cabbage in front of the car. It gives the cabbage a beautiful crust, and also adds extra calories, because the cabbage rolls are roasted on vegetable oil.

The finished dish is served on the table with various additives and sauces, but most often the cabbage rolls are used with sour cream. To afford such a combination can people who do not have overweight problems.

Calorie of cabbage rolls with meat and rice (for a couple)

The most traditional stuffing for the cabbage serves meat minced meat, in which rice is added. The use of cereals can significantly reduce calorie dishes, while increases its useful properties. .

Rice enriches the body with the necessary fiber, and vegetables, which are also added to the mince, serve as a source of vitamins.

100 grams of cabbage rolls with beef and rice filling contain:

  • proteins 5 grams;
  • fat 6 grams;
  • carbohydrates 7 grams.

The caloric content of this dish can be varied due to the change in the ratio of the ingredients.

If it is for the filling to use 500 grams of beef and a strip of rice with a small addition of onions and carrots, then

the calorie content of such cabbage will be 97 calories per 100 grams of the product.

Many hostesses like experiment. Often, other cereals are put in the cabbage instead of rice, it can be buckwheat or barrier.

Also known recipes of vegetarian dasses. In this case, rice or other gruses will be connected to various vegetables. Delicious carbuses are obtained if you use mushrooms for their filling.

All products that are part of such a dish as dyeing have a set of useful properties. Their combination allows us to talk about the great benefits of the cabbage for our body.

Meat is a source of protein, which serves as the main construction component of the human body. Rice supplies a fiber that provides a good intestinal work, carrots and other vegetables contain many vitamins and other valuable trace elements.

In our country, the conventional white cabbage is used to prepare. But recently, many mistresses prefer to use Beijing cabbage. Its leaves are more tender, and for use, she even surpasses his white relative.

There are also dishes from other countries that are similar to Slavic cabbage. The greatest popularity of dolma. The principle of cooking this dish is similar to the traditional formulation of the cabbage rolls, but instead of cabbage uses young grape leaves. They also pass pre-processing. And for the preparation of dollars in the winter, the young leaves of grapes marinate in banks.

Energy value of lazy cabbage rolls

Cashbinds cook quite simply, but for this you need to spend a lot of time. Most of all the difficulties in the young owners causes the process of disassembling the cabbage coach into separate leaves, in which the filling is wrapped. It is necessary to have a certain experience in cooking so that the cabbage does not digest, and it has become quite elastic.

In this case, the best solution will be the preparation of lazy cabbage rolls. For this dish, the same products are used as for ordinary cabbage rolls. The difference lies in the method of forming a dish. For the lazy variety of cabbage cabbage, together with onions and carrots are crushed and slightly moves. Then the vegetable mixture is connected to the meat component.

Small cutlets are formed from the obtained minced meat, which, after pre-roasting, stew in the sour cream and tomato sauce.

The caloric content of lazy cabbage rolls can vary from 80 to 170 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

The fat content and amount of meat used and sour cream are of great importance for calorie.

Lazy cabbage rolls cooked for a pair will be lazy to the smallest calorieness with the addition of a large amount of vegetables.

In 100 grams of such a dish, there will be only 83 kcal.

How to reduce calorie

The caloric content of any variety of cabbage rolls is not constant. Especially if you cook them at home. The hostess rarely measure the amount of products used, preferring to put the ingredients "on the eye".

If you stick to a strict diet or just follow the calorie intake, then it is better to use dietary components when preparing the cabbage. These include rice, carrots, mushrooms and low-fat meat, such as young veal or chicken fillet.

It has on calorie and preservation of useful product properties. The method of their processing. The least useful will be frying cabbage rolls on vegetable oil. To prepare a dietary dish, it is better to abandon this stage in the preparation of cabbage rolls.

The greatest benefit of the body will be able to bring dishes cooked for a couple. But many consider them not very appetizing. Lovers of a beautiful golden color of Cars, you can recommend bake them in the oven. In this case, the benefits will be saved, and the dish will have an appetizing look.

Frequently cooked polls and in a slow cooker. The use of this modern kitchen appliance will significantly save time, and the finished dish will be unusually tasty and fragrant.

Cabbages are an independent dish, which is used with various sauces. Adding a sour cream or mayonnaise to the plate will change not only the taste, but also extra calories. In the dietary version, it is better to use vegetable sauces when used.

The cabbage rolls that have a filling of vegetables and rice, after cooking in a double boiler will become an excellent dietary dish. It can be included in the diet of people who follow their weight.

- This is definitely a tasty, but rather time-consuming dish that requires considerable time. Concerning recipe for making lazy cabbage rolls It will be a real find for any employee who wants to pamper their households. We prepared for beginner culinary wishing to cook lazy cabbage rolls, step-by-step photo recipe for this dish.

There are recipes for the preparation of lazy cabbage rolls, both with meat and vegetarian (mushroom or vegetable) filling. We will look at how to prepare meat lazy cabbage rolls whose step-by-step recipe is very simple. Calorie in the cabbage rolls of lazy, the same as in the classical dish, but they are preparing easier and faster.

To cook lazy cabbage rolls, step-by-step recipe We consider, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Minced meat * - 0.5 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cabbage - 1/3 Kochan
  • Fig - 1/4 Art.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes (in its own juice) - 400 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Pepper black ground - to taste.

* Our recipe for the preparation of lazy cabbage rolls provides for the use of a pig-beef minor. Cooks for which low calorie, lazy cabbage rolls Can prepare with chicken or chicken-beef minced meat.

Lazy cabbage rolls - step-by-step recipe

  • We rinse rice and boil it until readiness.
  • While rice is cooked, three carrots, cut the onion by cubes and bold cabbage to prepare lazy cabbage rolls on a step-by-step recipe.
  • Cabbage drunk in a saucepan with salted water. The finished cabbage is taken out of the pan, and the water in which it was cooked, we do not pour.
  • Fry onions in a frying pan until soft, then add carrots to him and fry them together for another 5 minutes.
  • Connect vegetables, rice, egg and minced. Then the recipe for the preparation of lazy cabbagers thoroughly mix all the ingredients.
  • We form the cabbage rolls (from 2-3 tbsp. Miner everyone) and lay them into a form for baking.

  • Then, according to the recipe for the preparation of lazy cabbage rolls, we prepare the sauce. To do this, beat tomatoes in a blender and add salt, pepper to them and 1/3 of Art. Water in which he booked cabbage. In the sauce you can also add ¼ Art. Treatment - caloric content (Cars lazy you prepare or ordinary - no matter) dishes will not change this, but it will be richer and sharp.

  • We water lazy cabbage rolls whose step-by-step recipe is completely simple, sauce, cover the foil and baked them in a heated to 180 degrees the oven oven. We take out the finished cabbage rolls, cool them and eat to the table with the side dish.

Calorie Balcants lazy

  • Beef mince (250 g) - 635 kcal
  • Pork minced (250 g) - 657.5 kcal
  • Onion (2 pcs.) - 61.5 Kcal
  • Carrots (1 pc.) - 24 kcal
  • Cabbage (0.33 pcs.) - 133.65 kcal
  • Rice white (0.25 tbsp.) - 172 kcal
  • Egg (1 pc.) - 73.79 kcal
  • Tomato (400 g) - 80 kcal
  • Sunflower oil (2 tbsp.) - 305.66 kcal.

Caloriciness of lazy cabbage rolls (portion of 100 g): 122.39 kcal.

Simplified recipe for lazy cabbage rolls

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Cabbages are one of those dishes, which is simply preparing, and as a result it turns out unusually tasty. Crazy can cook almost every hostess and periodically pleases their relatives and loved ones. Despite the fact that the caloric content of the cabbage rolls prepared by the traditional recipe is high enough, there is always the ability to adjust this indicator by adding less calorie ingredients to the dish.

Since the cabbage rolls are familiar to most of us, many are confident that this is traditionally the Russian dish, which for centuries they prepared our great-grandmothers. But it is not. Cabbages, like many other dishes, were borrowed by our ancestors, and somewhat modified in accordance with what ingredients they could use to prepare this dish.

Crazy are a dish of oriental cuisine. Probably, each of us was tried to try Armenian or Turkish dolt. It is essentially the same cabbage wrapped in grape leaves. Difference of dollars is also the fact that it is used mainly by the stuffing bars. It makes the calorie content of the cabbage rolls, or rather, the caloric content of dollars is high enough.

There are evidence that already in the 14th century. Crazy began to cook in Europe. In particular, they appeared in the menu of Lithuanian and Belarusian owners, who, for the absence of the lamb minced, replaced him with beef, and grape leaves, respectively, cabbage. But the name of the dish remained for some time unchanged. It was all the same dolma.

But the sidelines received their original name thanks to the cooking hobby of French cuisine in Russia at the beginning of 18. At that time, it was considered a special chic to prepare a couple of pigeons on the grid. It is unknown who came up with prepare also a dolm, but it became the birth of kaltsovets. At first they were called "fake pigeons", and then changed this name on the simpler "cabbage".

Today, cabbage rolls are preparing in almost every home. Yes, and variations on this dish a lot. The mistresses choose different minced meals for him, experimenting with fillings or vegetarian cabbage rolls, which are not inferior to the taste of meat. You can easily find a recipe in culinary books, but it is better to apply for him to your grandmother, which certainly knows many little secrets that can make it a dish particularly tasty, and about which they certainly will not be written in any culinary book.

How to cook stuffy

The cabbage is traditionally used cabbage sheet. It must be said that some prefer to cook cabbage rolls using sauerkraut, others prefer fresh. The caloric content of the cabbage rolls from this practically does not change, but the taste characteristics are significantly. We can say that it is somewhat easier to use a sauer cauldron because its leaves are already softened in the brine, and they are easy to wrap the cabbage. But fresh cabbage will have to prepare. In order for the leaves to become soft kochan cabbage, after it was removed from it, it is necessary to omit in boiling water and gradually separating the sheet behind the sheet as they are softened. It is also recommended to remove thick veins so that the leaves are easily folded.

Cooking minced meat will not take much time. Onions passable with carrot in vegetable oil. Rice is boiled up to half-preparation or poured boiling water and is a bit insistent. Then all the ingredients are mixed with minced meat and stuffing for cabbage rolls. The caloric content of cabbage rolls will depend on the type of minced meat. If it is pork, the caloric calorie will be high, and if you choose, for example, a dietary chicken breast, the caloric content of the cabbage will be significantly lower.

After the cabbage rolls were wrapped and laid in the dishes, they need to be poured with water or sauce and sprinkle on medium heat until readiness. Fresh cabbage rolls with sour cream, which further increases calorie calorie, especially if high fatty is sour cream. It is not surprising that the question of how many calories in the cabbage is particularly concerned about the adherents of healthy nutrition, carefully considering calories.

Also, such a kind of cabbage rolls as "lazy cabbage rolls" is also popular. Cooking lazy cabbage glands is a pleasure. You do not need to wrap my cabbage rolls for a long time in the cabbage leaves and then tear in the dishes gently. The difference in cooking is that cabbage is finely cut and stirred with the other ingredients. Then small cutlets are formed from the obtained minced meat, which are poured with sauce and bring to readiness. The caloric content of lazy cabbage rolls is almost no different from the calorie content of the traditional.

How many calories in the cabbage

However, the cabbage rolls cannot be attributed to dishes with high calorie, since all other ingredients, in addition to meat minced meat, contain some calories. The caloric content of cabbage rolls with meat, in which the pork was used will be 311 kcal per 100 g, the beef cabbage rolls will contain 170 kcal, and the caloric content of cabbage rolls with chicken minced is 140 kcal. As can be seen, if you cook cabbage rolls with chicken minced meat, then the dish will be quite dietary. In addition, if you do without sour cream, it will remain so.

The smallest calorie amount contains, of course, vegetarian cabbage rolls. Mushrooms use mushrooms instead of meat to prepare this dish. They are pre-pass along with onions and carrots, and then added to the rice. It must be said that vegetarian cabbage rolls are not less tasty than meat, and their calorie content is significantly lower. It is approximately 58 kcal per 100 g. This is significantly lower than the caloric content of lazy cabbage rolls, or caloric content of traditional. Therefore, this recipe is suitable for those who hold the power supply system to lose weight. If you are worried about how many calories in the cabbage, then it is necessary to choose for themselves vegetarian cabbage rolls.

It must be said that such a dish as the cabbage gives a large scope for fantasy. The hostess may well experiment with filling, changing not only the type of meat, but also the kind of cereals. There are recipes in which not rice is used, but buckwheat. Find variations on the theme of dovets in other kitchens in the world. There this dish is prepared in accordance with national traditions using special spices and adding unexpected ingredients sometimes. They still never prepared the cabbageans and are afraid to take the first step, start with lazy cabbage rolls. The calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls can also be varied, and even make them vegetarian. But cook this dish is very simple, and it can even make it even an inexperienced hostess.

It is difficult to find a person who would not love the Eastern dish called "Crazy". Appetizing cabbage envelopes with meat stuffing are surprisingly similar to their loved ones "relatives" - Dolm and Sarma, wrapped in grape leaves. However, the high calorie content of pork and beef stewed in tomato-sour cream does not allow people to be touched by a popular dish that follow their figure or reduce weight.

How not to deny yourself the pleasure of at least sometimes to taste delicious babies and not harm your waist?

Use of Golubanov

All ingredients from which they prepare cabbageans are useful for our body: vegetable fiber stimulates the intestinal operation and normalizes cholesterol levels; Vitamin C, which is rich in cabbage, folic acid and potassium salts are important components of the dietary diet; amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates are a building material for cells whose source serves meat, and in the grinding form it is perfectly absorbed; Rice is a megaposter of group B vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, they also contribute to the restoration of a healthy view of nails and hair.

What does the nutritional value depend on the nutritional value? Their species

It is no secret that the caloric content of the stuffing of pork and beef is noticeably superior to their "fellow", cooked with ground meat of birds, mushrooms or vegetable assorted inside. Therefore, nutritionists always recommend calculating not only the energy value of products included in the recipe for a favorite dish, but also the caloric content of the sauce in which the appetizing cabbage "rolls" stew. Consider even the method of cooking dishes.

Cabshots with minced chicken breast, stewed in a multicooker or brought to readiness in the oven, will be more dietary than high-calorie pork "rolls" from a frying pan. Mushroom "relatives" and mushrooms are not lagging behind: the caloric content of the Balcovens with white mushrooms without a saturated sauce is approximately 55-80 kcal, and with cheese, sour cream and eggs - 160 kcal.

How many calories in meat cabbage?

In traditional recipes, the calorie content of cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice can be 110-120 kcal, and can reach 295-313 and more kilocalories. On 1 kg of pork and beef usually take 1.5-2 glasses of raw rice and one cabbage kochan weighing about 1.5-2 kg. Adds a nutritional value to the cabbage and sauce, which contains the following ingredients: 500 g of sour cream, 75-100 g of tomato paste and spices. The only component without calories is water - 500 ml. The calorie content of the sauce significantly increases the overall energy value of the dish, but to accurately calculate, which amount will penetrate into each cabarpecker.

Therefore, they take the general caloric content of cabbage rolls with meat and rice, summarize it with the energy value of the ingredients of the sauce and divide the result on the number of finished converters. Classic cabbage rolls without sauce may contain 100-110 kcal per 100 g of semi-finished product, and with a sauce - 220-300 kcal. If the cabbage add more beef and reduce the pork content, then the proportion of the protein will increase in them, and the energy value will decrease. Also noticeably fall the calorie content of meat cabbage, if you prepare them from chicken breast. Experienced hostesses can, boil the envelopes, merge the primary broth and add boiling water to the prepared dish. This significantly reduces the energy value indicators and makes them more dietary.

How not to exceed calorie meal with cabbage?

In order to maintain a slim waist or stay in the daily caloric calorie corridor to reduce weight, it is necessary to use multiple secrets when cooking cabbage rolls. As already noted, the caloric content of cabbage rolls with meat becomes less if used secondary broth. Minced chicken breast instead of pork with beef will help reduce the energy intensity of the dish by 40-50%.

Classic lazy cabbage rolls contain 145-155 kcal per 100 g of delicious assorted. But the option of beef lazy cabbage rolls can "cost" the body of only 120 kcal. If you eat in small portions 250-300g three times a day, and in the snacks - eat an apple or drink green unsweetened tea with something dietary, then the rate of daily calorie content of the edible diet will fit in the corridor of 1200-1500 kcal. At the same time, they do not have to starve at all. If you use pork lazy cabbage rolls, the caloric content of which will immediately make a 50 kcal, then it can be 180-200 kcal per 100 g of your beloved dish. In this case, it will have to reduce the size of the portion and the number of trapez consisting of the cabbage, replacing them into easier options.

Lazy cabbage rolls: calorie

Lazy cabbage rolls are considered a separate type of beloved dishes. Hospisers like the convenience of their preparation, when it is not necessary to wrap each converter, but simply mix the delicious ingredients and bring them until prepared in a slow cooker or oven, on a regular pan or even in a saucepan (with a thick bottom). Mothers with kids like lazy cabbage rolls for not needed for a long time in the kitchen. Quickly mixing the prepared components, then you can pay attention to your chap, while the future dish is in the oven.

In this case, the energy value of such a dish can be adjusted using the selection of dietary products. The calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls with chicken breasts and without sour cream from a multicooker is 145-154 kcal per 100 g of dishes, from the oven - 117 kcal. In a pan, cabbage lasagna may turn out with an energy value in 170 kcal per 100 g of delicious assortment. Cabbage in lazy cabbage can be finely chopped and blanched (screaming with boiling water) or surprise households improvisation ...

Cabbage lasagna

You can prepare a favorite dish in the form of a cabbage lasagna: vegetable leaves, pre-softening in boiling water, lay down layers. On the bottom of the scenery, multicookers or frying pan laying leaves, then placed a layer of fried minced mela, mixed with vegetables and half boiled rice. The remaining cabbage leaves covers the top of the dish. Next, it is covered with the remaining fried onions, Bulgarian pepper, crushed tomatoes and carrots. Pour lazy cabbage to those who consider calories, can be tomato paste, diluted boiling water with spices. You need to serve a dish by capturing all the layers like cabbage lasagna.

Mushroom Mushrooms

Dietary cabbage rolls with mushrooms, unlike the classic recipe with meat, do not constitute a threat to the waist. Despite the various stuffs: with rice, potatoes or eggs, mushroom cabbage rolls allow people holding a low-calorie diet, not exceed the daily rate. For example, cabbage rolls with mushrooms (sheds, thumbs and other), vegetables and rice contain (without sour cream) - 55-60 kcal, with sour cream - up to 85 kcal.

Their congregations with potatoes and mushrooms can give the body to 90-120 kcal per 100 g of dishes. Favorite lazy cabbage rolls with mushrooms contain from 120 to 140 kcal. The energy value of the lean mushroom dish can vary from the caloric content of the ingredients, on the amount of products and nutritional nutrition of the sauce. A simple recipe for lazy cabbagels with mushrooms from products includes: 500 g of cabbage (you can take Peking), 1 kilogram of any fungi, 200 g rice, carrots and onions, some vegetable oil for roasting and spices - to taste. Heat oil in a saucepan or cauldron, roasting onions on it, sliced \u200b\u200bby half rings. Mushrooms chopped with cubes need to boil for 2-3 minutes, then leak on the colander to glass water. Next mushrooms fry (10 minutes) together with a bow, laidken cabbage, carrots. Then salt mushrooms with vegetables and pour them with boiling water to the full coating. Lazy mushroom cabbage rolls are stewed 10 minutes. The half-per-artistic rice is laid out with a layer on top and fills boiling water so that it is 2-3 cm covered grains. Next, you need to strengthen the fire and prepare the dish until the rice is fully absorbed by the liquid. Then we reduce the cooking temperature, piercing the mass to the bottom in several places, close the lid and the pastry for another 15-20 minutes. Before serving, lazy cabbage rolls with mushrooms are stirred. Giving them the appearance of the delicious dietary assortment, the dish sprinkle with greens.

Vegetable stubbumps

Vegetarian dish - cabbage rolls with vegetable filling - the most acceptable option of delicacy for those who want to enjoy the favorite food, but not to gain extra weight.

Caloric content of cabbage converters with vegetables is the lowest of all types of cabbage rolls. It is 55-65 kcal. Sauce without sour cream can add 23-28 kcal to these values.

Marinated Cancer

The very vegetarian is considered pickled vegetable cabbage rolls, their caloric content is three times lower than the calorie content of the cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice, when cooking pork and beef, white rice and sour cream and tomato sauce. The energy value of the garnish from pickled cabbage rolls to a meat dish is two times lower than that of the same converters with minced poultry. The only minus for losing weight in this dish can be the presence of hidden sugar and salt.

Difficult choice

Having preferred with delicious, high-calzes, it is necessary to take into account the amount of calories in the gym or outdoors on time. The caloric content of dietary cabbage rolls with vegetables or mushrooms allows the use of familiar physical loads and at the same time not to gain weight.

Dishes that are compositions of vegetables with meat, perhaps refer to the category of the most important in the menu of a modern person. It is almost the perfect version of the satisfying dinner or a dense dinner, a festive main dish or an ambulance hand of snack. And among the most balanced in their composition are the cabbage rolls whose variations today are mass. Despite the fact that they are a dish of the kitchen of Slavic peoples, initially the cabbage came from Greece, and today they can be found in the eastern cuisine, although they undergo some changes: let's say, cabbage is replaced by grape or beet leaves. Crazy can be both meat and vegetable or mushroom, cooked in the oven, a slow cooker, a double boiler or even on the stove. Complete dietary, lungs, or more nutritious, saturated long. And precisely because this dish is in great demand, many should learn how many calories in the killes, how to calculate them for a finished dish, how to vary at your discretion, and whether it is possible to use them in such a caloric calorie value when you want Reset overweight or no desire to gain kilograms.

How many calories in the cabbage

The most classic variant of the cabbage, of course, is considered a combination of finely dug and boiled cabbage leaves, meat - usually pork or beef - minced meat, seasonings and salt. The finished dish is squeezed with low-fat sour cream, as a result of which the calorie calorie is equal to 85 kcal per hundred grams. Therefore, for one portion in two hundred grams "Weight" reaches 170 kcal. And yet, it is not enough to simply extract the only digit of calorie content, because it will vary, even depending on the number of ingredients, and not only on their composition and method of cooking dishes. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to disassemble the components in detail, after which it will be possible to count the individual calorie calorie.

The base for those kaltsov, which belongs to the kitchen of Slavic peoples, is a white cabbage, and among the entire cabbage family, it has the smallest caloric content in 28 kcal per hundred grams. According to energy value, 67% belongs to carbohydrates, 3% fat and 26% proteins. Since carbohydrates here belong to the group of slow carbohydrates, contain dietary fibers, consistently purify the intestines and stimulate digestion, parallel quickly giving a saturation sense, cabbage is allowed to be frequent. This vegetable has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance and exacerbations of inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Therefore, among all the components of the cabbage, it is completely exactly the easiest and most useful. Taking into account the fact that in the process of cooking this cabbage dish is treated with the most gentle way - it is boiled - its "weight" does not increase, and the level of vitamins and trace elements is not reduced.

The next important component of the cabbage rolls is meat minced meat. Mainly uses pork in its pure form or in a ratio of 1 to 3 with beef. The calorie content of the first is 221 kcal, of which are as many as 70% belong to fat and only 26% - proteins. For beef minor caloriciness produces 291 kcal, where there are already 77% for fats. The most interesting thing is that pork is more tender and juicy beef, and is also somewhat more difficult perceived and absorbed by the body. As for the usefulness of each meat, they are close to each other. But the beef is distinguished by the content of iron, which makes it the most useful animal protein for people suffering from small-rod. And pork - potassium and phosphorus, which affect the heart muscle, bone tissue and nervous system. As in the case of cabbage, mince is only boiled, and therefore does not lose useful properties and does not increase the indicator of its caloric content.

Cars often have the third ingredient, also exposed only to cooking or steaming. This is fig. It is also used for conventional, and for lazy cabbage rolls, the caloric content of which slightly exceeds this indicator for the classic dish. The rice is chosen grinding round, capable of riding well and soften, up to the condition of rice porridge on the water. Its caloric content is 355 kcal per hundred grams for dry product and about three or four times less for boiled. Regarding its useful qualities, rice boasts a high proportion of aluminum, copper and silicon. Almost the absence of fat and cholesterol, as well as the effect on brain activity.

And the last two mandatory components that determine the caloric content of the cabbageans - and the lazy, and the classic are carrots and onions. Both products relate to low-calorie, the indicators for them reach 35 kcal for carrots and 41 kcal for bow, respectively. Here the final "weight" of each component increases slightly in the process of cooking, as they are roasted in oil, and therefore, the fat is absorbed by weighting. As a result, for a roasted carrot, the value will jum up to 64 kcal, and for the bow - up to 163 kcal. But at the same time, he does not lose its immunostimulating and fat-burning qualities even with such heat treatment.

In addition to the above products, mushrooms, sweet peppers, sour cream, greens and spices can be added. As a result, if you combine all these ingredients into one dish, knowing clear volumes for each and their "weight", you can calculate the individual caloric content of the cabbage rolls with any recipe. In general, it is possible to determine some borders for calorie calories: lazy floats between 101 kcal and 208 kcal per hundred grams, and classic - between 80 kcal and 107 kcal.

Cabbages in the diet of those who follow the figure

After analyzing all the components of the cabbage rolls, the heat treatment methods, which they are exposed, and the final caloric content of the dish, it can be concluded that in general the cabbage rolls are enough dietary food, allowable not only if you wish to keep a slim figure, but when you want to throw a couple of kilograms. Especially in the latter, vegetable cabbage will succeed, the caloric content of which barely reaches 62 kcal per hundred grams. Although they are somewhat inferior by meat options on the shit, but not as the latter, they load the digestive tract, and therefore are welcome with various diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as the liver and pancreas. And considering considerable benefits from each of the components of the dish, know how many calories in the cabbage, it is necessary, rather, to accurately calculate its menu, and not to find out how this indicator can be reduced.

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