Layered baked eggplants with pasta. Taste of the Mediterranean: pasta with eggplant and tomato sauces

23.02.2024 From vegetables

As you know, protein and carbohydrate foods are not recommended to be consumed at the same time. Some experts even call this combination “food poison.” But there are exceptions to every rule, and quite justified ones. Thus, products made from durum wheat, together with vegetables, form an excellent dietary duet. This may be why in many European countries, for example, pasta with eggplant or other starchy vegetables is very popular. It is not difficult to prepare such dishes. As an example, we can consider several rather interesting options.

Vegetarian lunch

Eating vegetables is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Vegetarians usually follow this rule. For them, pasta with eggplant will be a complete meal and a real “feast for the stomach.” To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 1 eggplant, 250 g of pasta, salt, 2 onions, 4 cloves of garlic, a little cumin, basil, oil (vegetable and butter) and ground black pepper.

Making pasta with eggplant is quite simple. The whole process consists of several stages:

  1. First you need to pour 2 liters of water into a pan and put it on fire.
  2. At this time, you can safely start preparing vegetables. To do this, you need to randomly cut the eggplant and carefully chop the onion and garlic.
  3. Lightly salt boiling water, add pasta to it and reduce the flame. Cooking will take at least 10 minutes. More exact times are indicated on the packaging.
  4. In a hot frying pan, fry the chopped vegetables in boiling oil.
  5. Then add the eggplants and continue the process until they soften.
  6. Drain the pan, leaving about 3 tablespoons at the bottom.
  7. Add basil, butter and leave the contents covered for a few minutes.
  8. After this, all that remains is to connect both semi-finished products together.

This pasta with eggplant is best eaten hot. If served cold, this dish will not give the desired effect.

Simple option

Tomatoes are also very tasty. The proximity of these two vegetables makes the dish more flavorful. To work you may need:

  • 2 eggplants, an onion, 0.5 kilograms of tomatoes, a teaspoon of sugar, 3 cloves of garlic, a bunch of fresh basil, salt, 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar, 400 grams of pasta (spaghetti), ground black pepper, vegetable oil and a little soft cheese.

Making pasta with eggplant and tomatoes is also very simple:

  1. First, the eggplants must be washed and cut into cubes, after cutting off the peel.
  2. Then the tomatoes need to be pureed. For this it is better to use a blender. Before doing this, peel the tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them.
  3. First of all, lightly fry the chopped onion in a frying pan.
  4. Add eggplant and wait 3 minutes until lightly browned.
  5. Place the puree in the pan and simmer the food under the lid for another 10 minutes.
  6. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer everything together a little.
  7. During this time you need to boil the spaghetti.

Finally, you just need to mix the products. If desired, you can add a few pieces of soft cheese. Although this is not necessary.

Calorie supplement

To make eggplant with pasta more nutritious, the recipe should be supplemented with some meat products. For this dish you may need the following ingredients:

  • for 1 eggplant, 300 grams of minced meat and pasta, 2 cloves of garlic, an onion, salt, 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce, a couple of sprigs of basil, a pinch of ground pepper and 5 cherry tomatoes.

The dish is prepared in the same way:

  1. First, boil the pasta until half cooked (al dente), and then rinse it in a colander.
  2. Fry the onion in boiling oil until it becomes slightly transparent.
  3. Add finely chopped garlic, and after 1-2 minutes put the minced meat in the pan.
  4. Fry the eggplants separately.
  5. Add them to the almost finished minced meat, seasoning with salt, pepper and tomato paste. The mixture should be simmered for 10 minutes over low heat.
  6. Now you can add basil and tomatoes, cut into 4 parts.
  7. Lastly, add the boiled pasta and mix well.

After 3-5 minutes the fire can be turned off. The finished dish is served hot.

Juicy casserole

You can cook not only on the stove. You can also cook many interesting dishes from these products in the oven. For example, it turns out very tasty with eggplants. To prepare it you will need a rich set of products:

  • 250 grams of pasta, 2 sweet peppers, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 400 grams of eggplant, 2 eggs, 200 grams of sour cream and low-fat cottage cheese, ground black pepper, 150 grams of cream and feta cheese, as well as 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs and chopped fresh greens.

Preparing the casserole begins with processing the vegetables:

  1. The eggplants should be washed and then cut into slices, the thickness of which should be no more than 1 centimeter.
  2. Cut the pepper in half and remove the seeds.
  3. Place the vegetables on a baking sheet, add salt and sprinkle with oil and place in the oven. The temperature in it should be 180 degrees. After 5 minutes, the pieces can be turned over. And as soon as the products are browned, they can be taken out.
  4. Boil the pasta in salted water and then rinse well.
  5. First mix the eggs with cream, sour cream and cottage cheese, and then add the herbs and cheese. After this, the mixture must be thoroughly beaten.
  6. First place the pasta on a greased baking sheet. Then cover them with egg-curd creamy mass. The last layer will be vegetables.
  7. The entire structure should be sprinkled with breadcrumbs, poured with oil and placed in the oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

It takes no more than an hour to prepare this aromatic casserole. According to culinary specialists, the dish turns out to be very tasty and high enough in calories to serve as a hearty breakfast or a full dinner.

Eggplants are widely used in national cuisines around the world. In the East they are even called “longevity vegetables.” Due to the high potassium content, which improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, eggplants are always held in high esteem here. They are baked, fried, stewed with meat and other vegetables, stuffed with various fillings, served as an independent dish and as an appetizer, sauce or paste.

Eggplants contain a spicy bitterness that can ruin the taste of the finished dish. To get rid of it, vegetables are first cut according to the recipe and then soaked in cold water with salt. In 20 minutes, the bitterness from the eggplant disappears. In addition, after soaking, vegetables absorb less vegetable oil when frying.

Sicilian and tomatoes

This recipe has long been considered national on the Italian island of Sicily. Every family here knows how to cook it. And no feast is complete without pasta with baked eggplants and tomatoes.

At the very beginning of cooking, you need to remove the bitterness from the eggplants (2 pcs.). To do this, they should be cut into small cubes, salted and left under pressure for half an hour. During this time, juice along with bitterness will be released from the eggplants, which needs to be drained and the vegetables themselves washed. Now the eggplants need to be placed in a mold and baked in the oven at 200 degrees for 35 minutes.

Blanch four medium-sized tomatoes by first immersing them in hot water for 10 minutes and then in ice water. First, cross-shaped cuts are made on the tomatoes so that you can then easily remove the peel from them. Cut each tomato in half and bake in the oven for half an hour.

Place the baked tomatoes and eggplants in a non-stick saucepan, add two tablespoons of olive oil and simmer for 5 minutes. Two minutes before the end of cooking, add diced mozzarella cheese to the sauce. At this time, boil the spaghetti. Place the pasta first on a large platter and then the sauce. You can use mozzarella cheese for decoration. Pasta with eggplant and tomatoes is served hot. Bon appetit!

Pasta with chicken, eggplant and tomatoes

According to this recipe, the chicken fillet cut into strips is first fried in a frying pan, and after that all the vegetables are fried. To get rid of the bitter taste in eggplants, you need to soak them in salted water, after cutting them into strips, like chicken. The vegetables will sit in the water for 10-15 minutes. This is exactly the amount of time needed to fry the meat.

Dry the soaked eggplants on a paper towel and then place them in a frying pan where the fillets are already fried. After a few minutes, add tomato puree from three tomatoes and chopped garlic clove. The sauce is ready.

According to the instructions on the package, boil the eggplants and sprinkle the chicken with cheese and herbs before serving. Bon appetit!

Pasta recipe with eggplant and mushrooms

Peel the large eggplant and cut it together with the mushrooms as finely as possible. Fry the vegetables in olive oil for several minutes, then add a clove of garlic, grated hard cheese and tomato puree. While the pasta dressing is being prepared, you need to cook the pasta. Don't forget to stir the sauce so it doesn't burn.

Place the finished pasta in a frying pan with vegetables. Mix all the ingredients and you can remove the dish from the heat. Pasta with eggplant has a rich taste and bright aroma. When serving, sprinkle with basil.

Spaghetti with tomato paste, eggplant and cheese

When preparing pasta according to this recipe, you can use both tomato paste and tomatoes as one of the ingredients. In the latter case, the tomatoes will need to be peeled and pureed in a blender. Regardless of the cooking option chosen, eggplant pasta according to this recipe will turn out equally juicy.

Fry chopped onion and garlic clove in a small amount of oil. After this, add two diced eggplants and fry them until a crust forms. Then add three tablespoons of tomato paste, a teaspoon of sugar and salt to taste. Add two teaspoons of wine vinegar and some fresh basil.

Cook spaghetti. Place the eggplants with tomato paste on the pasta and sprinkle generously with curd. The dish is ready!

and eggplants

By adding new ingredients to already familiar dishes, you can qualitatively diversify your menu. Pasta with eggplant and zucchini is the choice of vegetarians and all those who adhere to a healthy diet.

The vegetables for this dish will be baked. To do this, eggplants (2 pieces) are cut into cubes and soaked in salted water for 15 minutes. You can remove or leave the skins on the vegetables if you wish. While the eggplants are soaking, you need to cut the zucchini in the same way. After this, place the vegetables on a greased baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Combine hot vegetables in one bowl, add a clove of garlic, salt and spices. Mix.

At this time, cook the spaghetti. To serve the dish, mix the pasta with eggplants and zucchini and sprinkle with grated Parmesan and herbs. Bon appetit!

Eggplant paste: Mutabal appetizer recipe

Eggplant paste with the interesting name “Mutabal” is a traditional Arabic snack made from lemon juice, garlic, olive oil and oriental spices. It has an unusual taste and aroma.

There shouldn't be any difficulties in preparing this dish. According to the recipe, two small eggplants need to be washed, dried, often pricked with a fork and placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. When a charred crust appears on the vegetables, they can be considered ready.

Peel the cooled eggplants, chop them coarsely, and then puree them using an immersion blender. Add garlic squeezed through a press, juice of two lemons, five tablespoons of olive (sesame oil) oil, salt and spices to taste. Mix all the ingredients again and place the paste in the refrigerator. After an hour, the appetizer can be served.

Eggplant and nut butter appetizer

This recipe is in many ways reminiscent of the popular Georgian eggplant rolls. But with minor changes. According to the new recipe, eggplants are not fried, but baked to preserve all the benefits of vitamins.

The cooking process consists of three sequential steps. First you need to prepare the eggplants, that is, cut them lengthwise into strips 1 cm thick and bake in the oven (20 minutes at 200 degrees). At this time, you need to prepare nut butter. To do this, grind a glass of walnuts and 10 cloves of garlic to a puree using a submersible blender. Add two tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

At the last stage, the eggplants with nut butter need to be presented beautifully. To do this, spread paste on each baked strip. The eggplants are topped with cheese and herbs. If desired, the strips can be rolled into rolls.

It is believed that eggplants, thanks to the potassium they contain, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and normalize the body's water-salt metabolism. It is not for nothing that in the East they are called vegetables of longevity and are recommended to be eaten regularly by older people. In addition, eggplants are low in calories: only 24 kcal per 100 grams of product. At the same time, they help cleanse the intestines. Just what you need if you're watching your figure.

But sometimes even benefit is not an argument. Many housewives even today consider eggplants to be too capricious: they either turn black or become bitter. Although these troubles are easy to avoid.

  1. Before cooking, soak the eggplants in salted water for half an hour. Then rinse. This will remove the bitterness from the vegetables.
  2. If you are preparing caviar, do not put the eggplants through a meat grinder or cut them with a metal knife. This may give the dish an unpleasant aftertaste. Grind the blue ones with a ceramic or wooden cutter.
  3. To prevent eggplants from absorbing a lot of fat when frying, first scald them with boiling water.
  4. To prevent the flesh from turning black, cook the eggplants over high heat.
  5. If you want the eggplant slices or mugs to not lose their shape when cooked, do not peel them.



This is a traditional Balkan and Middle Eastern dish made from eggplant and minced meat. Tasty and very filling.


  • 800 g eggplants;
  • 800 g minced lamb or beef;
  • 300 g tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • 180 g dry white wine;
  • olive oil for frying;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

For the sauce:

  • 500 ml milk ;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 30 g flour;
  • 200 g hard cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt and nutmeg to taste.


Let's start with the sauce. Melt the butter in a frying pan and “fry” the flour in it. At the same time, heat the milk a little (do not boil!). To ensure a lump-free sauce, the milk and the butter and flour mixture should be at approximately the same temperature. Pour the milk into the pan with the butter and flour, stirring constantly. Salt, add nutmeg. Bring to a boil, and then add grated cheese. Continue cooking, remembering to stir, until the cheese melts. Then remove from heat. While the mixture cools, beat the eggs in a separate bowl. After this, slowly pour them into the sauce, stirring thoroughly. The sauce is ready.

The onion for moussaka needs to be cut into half rings, the tomatoes should be peeled and chopped into cubes. We cut the eggplants into thin oblong slices (don't forget to soak them in salted water!) and fry them in olive oil on both sides. After frying, place them on paper towels to absorb excess fat. You also need to fry the onion (until soft) and minced meat. In the middle of frying, pour wine into the onions and minced meat and cook until the liquid evaporates. After this, add the tomatoes, salt, pepper and simmer for a few more minutes.

Assembling the moussaka: place the eggplants and minced meat in layers in a baking dish so that the eggplants are on top. Pour the sauce over everything and sprinkle with grated cheese. Place in the oven preheated to 180°C for 30–40 minutes.



This is a Sicilian stew made from eggplant and other vegetables. It is eaten both hot and cold, served as an independent dish, as well as a side dish and snack.


  • 800 g eggplants;
  • 150 g olives;
  • 90 g capers;
  • 140 g onions;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 400 ml tomato paste;
  • 80 ml white wine vinegar;
  • olive oil for frying;
  • basil, salt and pepper to taste.


Peel the eggplants, cut them into cubes and fry them in olive oil. To prevent vegetables from being too fatty, you can lightly pour boiling water over them before frying.

In a separate bowl, caramelize the onion with sugar (do not use butter) until golden. Then add capers (remember that they can be used as pickles), olives, wine vinegar and a little olive oil. Simmer it all for about five minutes, then add the fried eggplants and tomato paste. Cook for another 7–10 minutes. A couple of minutes before cooking, add finely chopped fresh basil, salt and pepper to taste. Be careful with salt. You can generally do without it, since capers usually add the necessary saltiness to the dish.


Dorothy Puray-Isidro/І

This is a variation of a traditional Italian dish where eggplant replaces the dough.


  • 800 g eggplants;
  • 500 g minced beef;
  • 500 g thick tomato paste;
  • 100 g mozzarella;
  • 100 g parmesan;
  • 100 g breadcrumbs;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of water;


We clean the eggplants and cut them into circles about one and a half centimeters thick. In a bowl, beat eggs with two tablespoons of water. In a separate bowl, mix grated Parmesan, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. Dip each eggplant slice first into beaten eggs and then into a mixture of breadcrumbs and cheese. Place the eggplants on a baking sheet greased with olive oil. Preheat the oven to 180°C and place the eggplants there for 20–25 minutes, until the vegetables acquire an even golden brown crust.

At this time, fry the minced meat in olive oil (if desired, you can add salt and pepper). After about 10 minutes, add tomato paste to the minced meat. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat.

Place some of the eggplants in a baking dish, then cover them with tomato-meat sauce, sprinkle with 50 grams of mozzarella and place the eggplants on top again. If the shape is small and there is a lot of filling, you can make several layers. Sprinkle the remaining mozzarella on top and place in the oven (200°C) for 10–15 minutes (the cheese should melt).

Spaghetti dressing


Eggplants can not only replace pasta, but also complement it perfectly. For example, you can use them to make vegetable spaghetti sauce.


  • 800 g eggplants;
  • 500 g spaghetti;
  • 400 g tomatoes;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • basil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


For this recipe, the eggplants must first be baked in the oven. This will take about an hour: you need the vegetables to become soft. While the eggplants are baking, boil the spaghetti. Remove the eggplants from the oven, let them cool slightly, and then carefully remove the skins.

Finely chop the garlic and fry in heated olive oil for two minutes. Then add the tomatoes cut into large cubes. Simmer until almost all the liquid has evaporated. At the end of cooking, add the diced eggplants, salt and pepper to taste. Serve with spaghetti. The dish can be sprinkled with chopped basil.


Nataliya Arzamasova/


  • 3 small eggplants;
  • 400 g chum salmon fillet or other sea fish of your choice;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt and herbs to taste.


Cut off the stems of the eggplants and cut the eggplants lengthwise to make “boats” (3 eggplants = 6 boats). Do not remove the skin - it will preserve the shape of the vegetables and the appearance of the dish. Cut the fish and tomatoes into small cubes; if desired, you can first remove the skin from the tomatoes. Finely chop the onion.

Place the eggplant boats on a greased baking sheet. Inside each of them we put fish, tomatoes, onions and a little butter. Salt, pepper and sprinkle with herbs to your taste. Then sprinkle each serving with grated cheese. Place the eggplants in a well-heated oven for 30–50 minutes. You can eat this dish with a spoon, scraping the pulp from the walls of the eggplant.

Grilled eggplant salad

This simple salad can be made outdoors. It will be an excellent addition to other grilled meat dishes.


  • 1 large eggplant;
  • 1 purple onion;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 1 lemon;
  • rapeseed and olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard;
  • oregano and parsley;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.


Cut the eggplants into circles about 2.5 centimeters thick. Peel the onion and cut into large rings. Drizzle these vegetables with rapeseed oil until soft. When the eggplants and onions have cooled a little, cut them, as well as the peeled avocado, into large cubes.

In a separate bowl prepare the dressing. Mix red wine vinegar, mustard and chopped oregano. Add liquid honey and olive oil. Let the mixture brew for a bit, and then season the salad with it. Salt, pepper, garnish with lemon slices and parsley sprigs.

Sticks in batter

Tatiana Vorona/

This is an easy summer snack. Eggplants prepared according to this recipe are lean, tender on the inside and with a crispy cheese crust on the outside.


  • 500 g eggplants;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g breadcrumbs;
  • 3–4 cloves of garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • salt, ground black pepper, paprika and turmeric to taste.


Cut the eggplants into strips about 3 centimeters thick and add salted water to remove the bitterness. After drying the eggplant slices on a paper towel, place them in a bowl, sprinkle with olive oil and sprinkle with spices (salt, pepper, paprika, turmeric, garlic pressed through a press). Leave for 5–10 minutes.

At this time, grate the cheese and mix it with breadcrumbs. In a separate bowl, beat the egg.

Place baking paper on a baking sheet and preheat the oven to 200°C. Dip each slice of eggplant first in the egg, and then in a mixture of cheese and crackers and place on a baking sheet. Cook the sticks in the oven for about 20 minutes. You can eat them both hot and cold - equally delicious.



There are many variations of eggplant rolls. Some people simply fry the vegetable, others bake it. Some use only cheese for the filling, others add carrots, mushrooms or tomatoes. We offer you the simplest cooking option.


  • 500 g eggplants;
  • 100 g cream cheese;
  • 2–3 cloves of garlic;
  • olive oil for frying;
  • salt, pepper and herbs to taste.


Cut off the tops of the eggplants and cut them into slices about a centimeter thick. After getting rid of the bitterness (see life hacks above), fry the eggplants in olive oil. Remove excess fat using a paper napkin. If you prefer baked vegetables, use the oven.

Pass the garlic through a press, finely chop the greens. Mix all this with cream cheese (if desired, add salt, pepper and other spices). Spread the cheese mixture in a thin layer on the eggplants. We wrap each plate with a roll and fasten it with a toothpick. Place the rolls on lettuce leaves and sprinkle with chopped walnuts (optional).



This appetizer is easy to prepare and looks impressive. Eggplant towers, laid out on a large plate and decorated with greens, are perfect for the holiday table.


  • 400 g eggplants;
  • 400 g tomatoes;
  • 300 g mozzarella;
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • salt, ground black pepper and basil to taste.


Cut the peeled eggplants into circles about a centimeter thick. Salt, pepper and fry on both sides in olive oil. We also cut the tomatoes into rounds. Cut the mozzarella into slices. The thickness of the cheese and tomatoes should be about a centimeter.

In a baking dish, greased with oil, we “build” towers: a circle of eggplant, a circle of tomato and a slice of cheese. Garnish each serving with basil sprigs and drizzle with balsamic vinegar. Place it all in the oven (200°C) for 15–20 minutes.

Snack "Peacock Tail"

Another bright eggplant appetizer. Thanks to the unusual “design”, the dish will appeal not only to adults, but also to children who rarely eat vegetables willingly.


  • 500 g eggplants;
  • 300 g tomatoes;
  • 200 g cucumbers;
  • 200 g feta cheese;
  • half a jar of olives;
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 2–3 cloves of garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • dill;
  • salt to taste.


Cut the eggplants diagonally to form oval slices. Soak in salted water, rinse and dry. After this, place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with olive oil and bake for 10–15 minutes at 200 °C.

Pass the garlic through a press and mix with sour cream and feta cheese until smooth. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into slices. It is desirable that the latter be smaller in diameter than the former. Cut the pitted olives in half.

Place the eggplants in the shape of a peacock's tail on a large oblong plate. Grease each piece with cheese mixture. Then put a circle of tomato and cucumber on them. Again, a little cheese with garlic, and finally - half an olive. It should look like the eyes on a peacock's tail.



Hye is a Korean dish that is usually made with meat, fish, or vegetables such as eggplant. Eggplant heh can be served as a side dish for meat or as an independent dish.


  • 1.5 kg eggplants;
  • 100 g paprika;
  • 1 hot capsicum;
  • 7–8 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • vinegar.


Cut the eggplants into cubes and get rid of the bitterness in the usual way. After this, fry them in vegetable oil. Cut the hot capsicum into thin rings and chop (not too finely) the garlic. Place layers of eggplant, garlic and pepper in a plastic container. Sprinkle with vinegar, sprinkle a little paprika and repeat layers until the container is full. Vary the amount of pepper, garlic, paprika and vinegar to your taste. If you don't like it spicy, add these ingredients to a minimum. Cover the filled container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Eggplants open up scope for culinary imagination: the list of dishes made from them can be continued for a long time. We invite you to do this in the comments. Write if you like eggplants and share your signature recipes.

Pasta with eggplant is a simple and uncomplicated dish. Come home from work and have nothing for dinner? This recipe will help you out. True, if there are meat-eaters in the family, I advise you to serve them an additional piece of meat :-)

To prepare spaghetti with eggplants and tomatoes in its own juice, we will prepare the products according to the list.

Cut the eggplants into fairly large cubes, sprinkle with salt and add water. This way the bitterness will go away. Let's put it aside.

I didn’t peel the eggplant, but you are free to do as you please.

In the meantime, let's take care of the onions and garlic. We cut everything as your heart desires. My soul wished to cut the onion into quarter rings. Fry in sunflower oil.

Add tomatoes in their own juice. Cook over low heat until thick.

While the sauce is cooking, fry the eggplants (salt the water, of course!) in a small amount of sunflower oil.

At the same time, boil the spaghetti in salted water.

Add the eggplants to the cauldron with the sauce.

And we'll send spaghetti there too. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix. Pasta with eggplants and tomatoes in their own juice is ready!

Serve the dish warm.

Bon appetit!

Spaghetti with eggplant and tomatoes is an ideal recipe for vegetarians who prefer Italian dishes. In Italy, not a single festive feast is complete without eggplants and tomatoes: vegetables are baked, fried or stewed with spices, pizza, soups, pasta, a variety of hot or cold appetizers, salads, etc. are prepared.

Fried eggplants with tomatoes

The recipe for spaghetti with eggplant and tomatoes will definitely appeal to lazy vegetarians, as it is very easy to prepare and very simple. And as a bonus, if you prepare the dish during the season (late August - early September), the pasta will cost mere pennies.

The recipe calls for cheese (ricotta); during Lent or for vegans, you can come up with a substitute made from soy tofu. Or remove this ingredient altogether.

Eggplants should be fried in olive oil until lightly golden brown. If you want a leaner dish, then prepare the vegetables baked in the oven in advance. All that remains is to simmer them for a few minutes under the lid and then mix with the spaghetti.

If you want to cook a truly healthy pasta, pay attention to raw food with avocado and garlic dressing!


So, we need:

  • 2 large eggplants
  • 500 gr. fresh tomatoes
  • 1 small bunch fresh basil
  • 1 small onion
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 package of spaghetti or other durum wheat pasta (1 package - 400 g)
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • soft ricotta cheese, optional

Italian spaghetti pasta with eggplant and tomatoes

Wash the eggplants and cut into cubes. Finely chop the onion and garlic.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skins. Grate on a coarse grater to obtain a thick “porridge”. You can beat with a blender until smooth. If you have canned tomatoes in their own juice, you can simply mash the vegetables with a fork.

Fry the onion and garlic in olive or other vegetable oil for 1-2 minutes. Add the eggplants and cook for another 3-4 minutes until the vegetables are lightly browned. Pour tomato puree into the prepared eggplants. Cover with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Now you can add the basil leaves, sugar, salt and vinegar. And simmer for a few more minutes until the vinegar has completely evaporated.

While the vegetables are simmering under the lid, you need to boil the spaghetti. Read the instructions for preparing pasta on the packaging.

Eggplants with tomatoes fried and then stewed will turn out very aromatic and juicy. This is a great spaghetti dressing.

All that remains is to mix the pasta with vegetables and decorate the dish with slices of cheese.

Bon appetit!