Strawberry jam Five minutes - several ways to quickly cook. Jam "Five minutes" from strawberries

17.10.2019 Fish dishes

Strawberry jam with whole berries "5 minutes" according to the classic recipe is very easy to prepare. Inexperienced housewives may think that such a preparation can be done in 5 minutes, based on the name. But it's not! The name of the jam does not reflect the essence of cooking. The cooking process itself takes place in several stages. In fact, 5 minutes is the time for each stage of cooking.

Today we will tell you how to make delicious strawberries in the traditional way, and how to keep the berries whole. Each housewife has her own recipe, but they all take the classic cooking method as a basis. The best way is found through experimentation, so don't be afraid to try something new. Thanks to this, new recipes appear.

Jam "5 minutes" according to the classic recipe

Before you start cooking strawberry jam with whole berries “5 minutes” according to the classic recipe, you need to understand that the principle of cooking adapts to each housewife, because the berries can be sour or, conversely, sweet.

It is also worth considering that strawberries can be waterier or drier. The tastes of the whole family are also taken into account: someone likes liquid jam, and someone thick.

Required products:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram.

Cooking process:

Fresh berries must be carefully sorted out so that not a single spoiled one is caught. We wash the strawberries and tear off the cuttings. Once again, thoroughly wash the berries, try not to press. This is an important cooking step, because if rotten or dirty gets into the jar, then all the work will go down the drain, as mold will form in the jar. Then we throw the washed berries into a colander and let the water drain.

Next, we shift the berries into a clean bowl, preferably aluminum. Sprinkle sugar on top and set aside. It is better to prepare everything in advance in the evening so that the berries with sugar stand all night. You don't need to mix.

By morning, the sugar should melt. Even if it has not completely dissolved, put the container on the stove, on a slow fire. Shake the container with berries from time to time. Juice should soon appear around the edges. Gradually the sugar will turn into a sweet syrup.

As the foam appears, the fire must be reduced and the foam removed. After 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, remove the jam from the stove for 12 hours. Such manipulations are carried out 3 times.

Preparing banks. First, we thoroughly rinse and wipe dry, after which we sterilize in any way. You can put the jars in the oven and keep for about 15 minutes at 150 degrees.

Then boil the lids and boil the jam. Pour the berries along with the syrup into jars and roll up.

Turn the blanks upside down with lids and leave to cool completely. Then we transfer the finished strawberry jam with whole berries according to the classic recipe to the cellar.

Jam "5 minute" with lemon

Use gives the jam an unusual taste and unsurpassed aroma. Despite the fact that the preparation takes place in several stages, this recipe is considered a quick one.

Required products:

  • strawberries - 500 grams;
  • sugar - 400 grams;
  • half a lemon

Cooking process:

We peel the zest from the lemon without a white layer (we remove it altogether). Squeeze juice from lemon.

We thoroughly wash the berries, sort and tear off the stalk. We put them in a cup.

We fall asleep with sugar. Grate the zest and sprinkle over the sugar. Add juice.

We put the cup on a slow fire, and wait until the sugar dissolves. From the moment of boiling, we detect 5 minutes and remove the foam as it appears.

Then turn off the fire, and the jam should stand for an hour. Then again put on fire and cook for 5 minutes, leave for an hour. Cooking takes place in 3-4 stages.

Put the jam in pre-sterilized jars and roll up. We turn the blanks upside down and wrap them with a blanket. When the jars have cooled, we shift them to the cellar.

Strawberry jam with whole berries "5 minutes" according to the classic recipe is ready. Bon Appetit!

    Are you making strawberry jam for the winter?

Thick strawberry jam

Many housewives use this thick recipe. The secret of density is simple - gelatin. This component helps the syrup thicken faster.

Required products:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • gelatin - half a teaspoon.

Cooking process:

We sort out the purchased strawberries: throw out the soft, rotten ones, tear off the stem.

Rinse several times carefully so as not to damage the berries.

Then we put the cup on the stove and boil, stir constantly and cook until tender over low heat.

When the jam has cooled, it can be poured into jars and rolled up.

Here's how to quickly and easily prepare strawberry jam with whole berries "5 minutes" according to the classic recipe. It turns out thick and tasty, perfect for pancakes.

Recipe with citric acid

As the main ingredient for making strawberry jam, many housewives prefer to use wild berries. The highlight of this recipe is citric acid.

Required products:

  • strawberries - 1.5 kilograms;
  • sugar - 500 grams;
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  1. The berries are carefully sorted and separated from the stalks. We wash several times so that no dirt remains.
  2. Pour sugar into an aluminum saucepan and put on a small fire. It needs to be a sweet syrup. Do not forget to stir the composition.
  3. Add citric acid and mix again.
  4. Add berries and boil for 5 minutes. Then pour the jam into jars and roll up. We turn the cork upside down and wrap it with a blanket. As the banks cool down, we transfer them to the pantry or cellar.

If there is nowhere to store ready-made strawberry jam with whole berries “5 minutes” according to the classic recipe, then you can put it in the refrigerator. It will definitely last until winter.

Frozen berry jam

Jam can be made even from frozen berries. They, as well as fresh, perfectly retain all the useful and taste properties.

Required products:

  • frozen berries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 2 kilograms.

Cooking process:

  1. Frozen berries must be covered with sugar and mixed.
  2. The composition should stand for half a day. Then you need to mix again. We put the cup on a slow fire.
  3. When it boils, remove the foam that appears. Stir gradually for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and remove from the stove after half an hour.
  4. Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up.

The cooled blockage can be transferred to the cellar. Jam is a simple dish, even an inexperienced housewife can cook it.

Five-minute jam recipe from any berries and fruits , fastest in execution . In five-minute jam, there is a maximum of vitamins for the winter, and the berries look like fresh.

How to cook five-minute jam according to recipes

In general, by and large, the recipe for such a homemade preparation is the same for everything growing in our country gardens. All the difference is only in the amount of sugar added and the approach to execution. For apple and cherry jam, for example, it goes less and all because of its greater amount in fruits. We will try the recipe on blackcurrant, and in the rest, the ingredients will simply change.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam


  • 1 kg blackcurrant,
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 1.5 st. some water.

Here, it is desirable to take into account your taste sensations and reaction to the amount of sugar. In general, it can be varied from 0.6 to 1.5 kg. Jam with different contents will not deteriorate.

Now to business. We heat the syrup to a boil and, having cooled slightly, pour it with the prepared berries, washed and thrown into a colander, placed in a stainless (enamelled) basin (pan). We insist an hour - another and bring to a boil over low heat. Do not forget about the regular removal of foam.

Boil for five minutes and let cool to room temperature. Thus, cook the jam in three sets of five minutes. Then pour into scalded dry jars. Don't forget to turn the jars upside down.

Five-minute strawberry jam


  • sugar - 0.8-1 kg,
  • water - 0.3 - 0.4 l.

Pyatiminutka cherry jam


  • sugar - 0.5 kg,
  • without water.

Jam five minutes from raspberries


  • sugar - 1 kg,
  • without water.

For all three of the above berries, pour them in layers in a container with sugar, let it brew until juice appears, cook for 5 minutes.

Five-minute jam from apples


  • sugar - 0.2 - 0.3 kg,
  • without water.

Cut into slices, peeled fruits, preferably without skin, sprinkle with sugar and after the syrup appears (two to three hours), put on fire. The same three calls for five minutes.

It should be noted that it is five-minute jams that are not very durable in storage. Something is wrong with the fruits and everything will go down the drain. Each region has its own varieties, its own sun. Therefore, I still recommend sticking to the triple digestion system.

And there can be no universal sugar syrup as such. The reference point is this: for one part of sugar - from two to five parts of water (depending on the variety and acidity of the fruit).

Hello! Very soon, my favorite berry will ripen - strawberries, from which I will soon prepare delicious thick jam with whole berries for the winter. And, of course, dear friends, I will share with you the recipes that I make myself.

With pancakes and pancakes, it just flies away. It is also great for lubricating the layers between the layers in cakes. And in itself, eating it with spoons is a real pleasure. I love to add it directly to a cup of tea along with berries.

My sweet tooth with a fight has to pull out cans of blanks, otherwise they simply do not survive until the winter. I'm joking, but in every joke, there is a share of a joke.

If you have never had to cook the way I described before, then be sure to try it. I guarantee you won't regret it! But it is better to hide from children further and give out in portions, since eating a lot of sweets is still harmful.

This method is my favorite, as it is prepared very quickly, stored at room temperature and just incredibly tasty. A real treat for the sweet tooth.


  • Strawberries (Victoria) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Lemon juice - 2/3 tablespoon
  • Citric acid - 1/5 teaspoon

Cooking method:

1. First, rinse the berries and remove the leaves. If you come across very large ones, cut them into halves or even into quarters. Place in a saucepan.

The pan should be with a thick bottom or enamelled.

2. Pour it with sugar, close the lid and leave for 8 hours so that it gives juice. You can just leave it overnight.

3. After this time, put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Stir the sugar that has settled at the bottom very gently so that it does not burn. Add 1 dessert spoon of lemon juice there and stir a little.

4. As soon as it boils, turn off the stove, remove the foam and leave to cool completely. Do not cover with a lid until the jam has cooled to room temperature. Then cover with a lid and leave for 6-8 hours. It will be soaked in syrup.

5. After that, put on medium heat and heat until it boils. Add a small pinch of citric acid there. It will help keep the brightness of the berries during the boil. When it boils, cook for 1 minute and immediately turn off the stove. Remove foam if there is any.

When cooking jam, I don’t throw the foam anywhere, but put it on a saucer. It is so delicious that it is impossible to resist.

6. Then fill pre-sterilized jars. Seal them with boiled lids, turn over and leave to cool completely. Such an amazing jam with the aroma and taste of fresh strawberries is unlikely to stay with you until spring.

How to make thick strawberry jam for the winter? Grandma's step by step recipe

Of course, I prefer strawberry five-minutes, but sometimes I want to cook according to my grandmother's recipe. Such a delicacy turns out to be thick and viscous, berry to berry.

This is exactly what my grandmother treated me to as a child, and sometimes I also cook it, despite the fact that it takes more time. Cooked in several steps, but it turns out sweet and very tasty. And such nostalgia...


  • Strawberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 600 gr.
  • Citric acid - 1/8 teaspoon

The berry must be ripe, not overripe. Preferably one size.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the berries first, preferably in a bowl. Then transfer to a colander and you can rinse again under running water. Lay them out on a clean kitchen towel to dry.

2. After they dry, you need to remove the leaves and put the strawberries in a bowl. If large berries come across, they can be cut into halves. Then pour out all the sugar, close the lid and leave for several hours, you can overnight.

Make sugar with strawberries in layers. First half of the berries, then half of the sugar and also the next layer with sugar. Just smooth the sugar on top.

3. During the night she will give juice. Remove the berries to a separate dish. And put the dishes with sugar and juice on the fire. Stir until sugar dissolves.

4. Bring to a boil. Remove the foam and cook for about 5-7 minutes. Strawberry juice should reduce slightly. Then put the berries there and bring to a boil over high heat, stirring slightly. Once it boils, turn off the heat and leave to cool. Top can be covered with gauze or some other loose cloth.

It usually takes 6-8 hours to cool down. You can start in the morning and by the evening they will cool down.

5. When the jam has completely cooled, turn on the heat again and quickly bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, turn off the heat again and let it cool completely and stand.

If you want the berries to be more dense, you can bring to a boil in the same way 1-2 more times. But this is not necessary, although I repeat this procedure one more time.

6. The next step is to boil it to the desired density. And in order for it not to sugar, add citric acid dissolved in a small amount of clean water.

7. Now put the jam on a slow fire and wait for it to boil. If foam appears, remove it. After boiling, cook for another 15 minutes. You can check the density on plates. Drop a little on her. If the drop does not spread, then it is ready. If you want it even thicker, cook a little longer.

In the meantime, it is cooked, sterilize the jars and lids in any way convenient for you.

8. Pour the hot treat into jars and wrap with lids, or roll up. Turn upside down and let cool completely.

9. After cooling, you can remove the jam to any convenient place. You will get a delicious delicacy for the winter.

The best step-by-step five-minute recipe without boiling berries

Here is another one of my favorite ways. There is no need to boil strawberries, and therefore it turns out with the aroma of fresh berries. Just a meal.


  • Strawberries - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Juice of half a lemon


1. Rinse the berries under running water, remove the stalks and strain the excess water through a sieve. Then let it dry a little and put it in a bowl or pan.

Make sure the berries are not spoiled. Take only whole and ripe ones, otherwise your jam will taste like fermentation.

2. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, put on medium heat and cook for 5-7 minutes. The syrup should become thick, but not white. To test readiness, take it a little on a spoon, blow it slightly. If it becomes viscous and slightly frozen, then it's ready.

3. Pour the finished syrup into the berries and let cool. Strawberries will give fresh juice. Then strain all the juice through a sieve into a saucepan and set to boil for 5-7 minutes. Add juice squeezed from half a lemon. Again, pour the boiled juice over the berries and let cool completely. Then repeat this procedure again.

If you want the jam to be thicker, just add more sugar and boil.

4. After the third boil, place the berries in sterile jars and pour over the syrup. Roll up the lids, turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and leave overnight.

Jam prepared in this way has a rich color, pleasant aroma and amazing taste of summer. The berries are fresh, fresh from the garden.

Video on how to make strawberry jam so that the berries are whole

In order for you to finally understand how to cook such a dessert correctly, I have selected a detailed short video for you. After watching, I think you will have no questions left.

For 1 kg of berries you will need 500 grams of sugar, that's all. Well, a little more personal time. Stock up on groceries and start cooking.

Despite the fact that it must be insisted for hours, the process itself is really short-lived, which is why it is called “five minutes”.

And, of course, at the end you will get a wonderful sweet, tasty treat that can be spread on a bun, eaten with pancakes or cooked with it in a cake and other desserts.

I hope you liked my recipes and you will definitely use them. I wish you to get incredibly tasty preparations of this delicacy for the winter.

Bon Appetit!

Today we will tell you how to cook jam for five minutes. This name of the jam in itself tells you that the method of its preparation is easy, and most importantly - fast. When preparing five-minute jam, the berries do not boil soft, they retain their shape and all useful vitamins.

Five-minute jam can be prepared from a wide variety of berries and fruits, such as currants, raspberries, apples, strawberries. There are several ways to make five-minute jam, for example, jam can be boiled in several stages for five minutes, or it can be the initial preparation of sugar syrup.

Recipe number 1 five-minute raspberry jam, the necessary ingredients:

One kilogram of raspberries;

One kilogram of sugar.

Wash the berries well and sort them out, then dry them a little. After that, put the raspberries in a saucepan, add sugar there and mix everything well and leave the berries for several hours so that they give juice. Then put the pan on the fire, bring the jam to a boil and cook for another five minutes. Pour the finished jam in hot form into jars and cork in the same way as when cooking. .

Recipe number 2 five-minute jam from strawberries, the necessary ingredients:

One and a half kilograms of strawberries;

One and a half kilograms of sugar;

One glass of water.

Wash the strawberries in running water, put them in a colander so that all the water is glass. Add sugar to a pot of water and boil the syrup in the same way as when cooking. . Put the strawberries into the prepared syrup and put it on the stove to cook. As soon as the jam boils, reduce the heat and cook it for another five minutes.

After that, mix the jam or just shake the pan and put it back to boil for five minutes. Repeat this procedure one more time, then spread the hot jam into pre-prepared jars and roll up with metal lids.

Recipe number 3 currant jam five minutes required ingredients:

One and a half kilograms of blackcurrant;

Two kilograms of sugar;

One and a half glasses of water.

Wash the berries thoroughly, sort and separate from the branches. Then prepare the syrup as in the previous recipe and add berries to it. Now put everything on the stove and cook in three stages for five minutes. Then put the finished hot jam in jars and roll up.

Recipe number 4 five-minute apple jam, the necessary ingredients:

Two kilograms of apples;

Two hundred and fifty grams of sugar;

Wash and peel the apples, then grate them on a coarse grater. After that, put the apples in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and let it brew for about two hours. Then put the pan on the stove and cook until the jam boils. Now mix everything well and cook on low heat for five minutes. Arrange the finished jam in jars and roll up, put the jars to cool in a cool place, just like when cooking. .