How to dry plums for the winter: all methods - we cook prunes at home. Sun-dried plums

02.08.2019 Fish dishes

Plums have long been considered an excellent object for harvesting. In the villages, it was customary to dry these fruits, soak or prepare compote from them. But the most popular to this day are still dried plums. The process of their preparation is rather long, but the result is a product with excellent taste.

Cooking methods

Those who have tasted sun-dried plums at least once know that they can be not only a fragrant dessert or a great snack.

These juicy fruits, processed in a special way, are sometimes used as an original garnish for meat. An unusual addition favorably sets off the taste of the main dish and makes it more pleasant. To prepare sun-dried plums, it is necessary to process food at an elevated temperature. To do this, you can use:

  • Russian stove;
  • oven;
  • electric dryer.

For each of these options, there are certain modes and conditions that must be observed in order for the resulting product to meet the desired requirements. Basically, the technique boils down to performing the following actions:

  1. General processing and partial grinding of fruits. Plums can also be dried whole.
  2. Initial heat treatment.
  3. Introduction of additional components.
  4. Final processing.

Depending on the option chosen, the result is a product that has certain taste qualities.

The benefits and harms of spicy plums

As you know, the fruits of the plum tree are excellent helpers for the human body. They are capable of:

  • cope with problems of the digestive tract;
  • prevent blood clots;
  • regulate the acidity level in the human stomach;
  • positively influence the functioning of the liver;
  • preserve vision;
  • remove toxins;
  • normalize metabolism.

In addition, plums are often used as a cosmetic product, as they are able to nourish the skin cells, rejuvenating and making it more elastic. All these useful properties are retained by dried plums. They can be used by everyone, with the exception of those who have certain medical contraindications to this product. This category of people includes patients with diabetes or obesity, who are better off not including these fruits in their daily diet due to their high calorie content. Breastfeeding mothers should also be wary of plums to avoid causing colic or stomach upset in babies.

With your own hands

Fragrant spicy plums can turn even the simplest dish into a real culinary masterpiece. That is why it is desirable for every housewife to have such useful products in stock at home. But you don't have to go to the store to do this. You can safely make sun-dried plums at home. Moreover, this will require very few products: 1 kilogram of fresh plums, 3 cloves of garlic, salt, 100 milliliters of olive oil, allspice and black pepper, as well as dried herbs (rosemary, oregano and thyme).

Making sun-dried plums at home is easy. For this you need:

  1. Select for work only ripe, fleshy, but dense enough fruits. After that, they need to be washed and dried thoroughly.
  2. Divide each plum with a sharp knife into two halves and remove the seeds from them.
  3. Sprinkle the slices lightly with salt and a mixture of dried herbs, and then gently arrange them on a baking sheet.
  4. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees, and then send the prepared food there for 5 hours.
  5. At this time, you can peel the garlic and prepare the necessary dishes.
  6. After processing, the plum wedges should wrinkle slightly and lose volume. Now they need to be folded into a glass container, alternating with the remaining spices and pieces of garlic.
  7. Next, the products need to be poured with oil, corked and refrigerated.

In this state, products can be stored for up to 3 months. At any time they can be obtained and used for their intended purpose.

In the Mediterranean countries, spicy fruits and vegetables are very popular. So, in Italian cuisine there is a recipe with which you can make yourself very tasty dried plums in the oven. This will require the following set of ingredients: 1.2 kilograms of ripe plums, 80-90 milliliters of olive and 50 milliliters of vegetable oil, a pinch of sea salt, 5 cloves of garlic, 2 teaspoons of a mixture of Mediterranean dried herbs with basil and a tablespoon of liquid honey.

The cooking process must be carried out in a specific sequence:

  1. Remove the seeds from the washed fruits, and cut the remaining pulp into 4 parts.
  2. Place them, skin side down, on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the aromatic herbs with butter and honey. Pour the resulting mixture over the products.
  4. After that, they need to be salted and sprinkled with herbs again.
  5. Put a baking sheet with prepared fruits for 3 hours in an oven preheated to 130 degrees.
  6. Finally, put the sun-dried quarters into clean jars along with finely chopped garlic and fresh herbs (rosemary, basil), and then pour it all over with olive oil and close it tightly with a lid.

It is better to store such blanks after cooling down in a cool place.

The simplest option

For those who are not used to savory aromas, you can suggest making sweet dried plums in the oven. This will be very simple, since only two main components are required to work: 2 kilograms of fresh plums and 400 grams of granulated sugar.

For work, it is better to choose the Hungarian variety. Its fruits are large and fleshy enough. The process technology in this case will be slightly different:

  1. First, as usual, the fruits must be washed, and then, by cutting each of them in half, remove the seeds.
  2. After that, the blanks must be folded into an enamel container (pan), sprinkled with sugar, and then, placing a press on top, put in a cool place for several hours until juice appears on the surface.
  3. The liquid must be separated by filtering through a colander, and the halves themselves must be laid on a baking sheet, not forgetting to cover it with parchment.
  4. Preheat the oven to 60 degrees, and then put food in it, leaving the door slightly ajar. The processing time will depend on the degree of drying you want.

The finished products just need to be folded into sterile jars and, having covered them with a lid, put in a cool place.

In vivo

To make a delicious dried plum, the recipe can be simplified as much as possible by excluding any additional devices from it. So, it is not necessary to use an oven for heat treatment. It is quite possible to replace it with natural sunlight. For this option, you will need the main ingredients in the following ratio: 5 kilograms of plums (not overripe), 2 buckets of water and 80 grams of baking soda.

The work will be carried out in the following order:

  1. First, you need to sort out the plums, removing the rotten fruits.
  2. After that, they must be cut lengthwise and the bones removed.
  3. Boil water with soda (10 liters 80 grams), and then, placing the slices in a colander, lower them alternately in a boiling solution for 3 minutes.
  4. Place processed food immediately in a bucket of cold water.
  5. After that, the blanks need to be washed, dried with a towel and laid out on plywood sheets covered with gauze and exposed to the sun.
  6. After three hours of processing, the fruits should be removed to the shade for 5 hours.
  7. Repeat the alternation of heating and drying several times until the products become elastic enough and liquid stops emerging from them when pressed.

It turns out a very delicate and fragrant dried plum. The recipe is good for rural residents and owners of summer cottages.

Technique to help

It is very easy to make dried plums in an electric dryer. This appliance partly replaces the oven. Therefore, sometimes the same recipes are suitable for both devices. Many products are processed with an electric oven. Moreover, sometimes options are practiced when this requires minimal preparation of the main ingredient. This is how prunes are made in electric dryers.

Only fresh fruit, water and baking soda are needed to work. Drying of food is as follows:

  1. The first step is to blanch the fruits. To do this, they must first be immersed in a boiling soda solution for 30 seconds (15 grams of powder per 1 liter of liquid), and then immediately rinsed in cold water. It is necessary to ensure that no cracks appear on the surface of the fruit. In this case, it is necessary either to shorten the temperature treatment time, or to reduce the concentration of the solution.
  2. Put the prepared plums on a pallet covered with baking paper and send them to the drying chamber for 3 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees.
  3. Take out the food and let it cool completely and lie down for 4 hours.
  4. Send the plums back to the dryer. In this case, the temperature should already be at least 75 degrees.

This alternation can be repeated for two days. The main thing is that the product remains elastic to the touch and when pressed, juice does not come out of the pulp.

Spicy sweets

There is another original version, with the help of which you can easily cook just sweet sun-dried plums. In this case, very little time is needed, and only salt, spices and sugar are required as additional ingredients.

The cooking method is somewhat similar to the previous options:

  1. Divide the washed plums into halves in the usual way and remove the seeds from them.
  2. After that, they need to be sprinkled with the selected additional components. In order to make the dried fruit as sweet as possible, all ingredients except sugar can be completely eliminated.
  3. Place the food in the oven for a couple of hours at a temperature of 120 degrees and wait until the slices dry out a little. At the same time, they must retain their plasticity.

The only thing left to do is to transfer the finished products to clean glass jars and add oil. Store food in a cool place with a closed lid. You can add some garlic along with dried plums for flavor. If only sugar was used, this should not be done.

Sun-dried plums are a popular appetizer that many eaters fell in love with not very long ago, but the recipe has already found many variations. Many housewives use different household appliances, experiment with spices and syrups to achieve a unique taste.

Sun-dried plums - what do they eat with where to add?

Homemade sun-dried plums taste slightly different from purchased ones. They are prepared in several ways, dried in different devices and seasoned with spices or soaked in before drying. Often housewives do not know what to do with the coveted jar of the original blank, but in fact, everything happens intuitively.

  1. Spicy aromatic dried plums are often added to main dishes. The taste of an everyday treat will be greatly transformed if you fill it with the aroma of such a preparation.
  2. Both sweet and savory slices are added to salads.
  3. Having chopped a couple of slices of sweet plum, you can fill a serving of ice cream with an unusual taste or.
  4. Sweet sun-dried plums make an excellent independent dessert when served in the company of an original cream with a sour taste.

Sun-dried plums for the winter - recipes

Drying plums at home is not difficult, but not at all fast. The quality result depends on the method of drying the fruit slices and the selected recipe.

  1. Oven-baked dried plums for the winter is a common drying method. Fruits are dried at a temperature of 100-110 degrees with the door ajar. The process takes 3 to 5 hours.
  2. In an electric dryer, drying takes longer, it will take about 20 hours to make a snack. The advantage is constant temperature maintenance.
  3. Making sun-dried plums at home for the winter in a microwave oven is troublesome, but it will take only one hour to make. It is necessary to dry the slices, then let them cool and repeat so until the desired result.
  4. Plums dried in a multicooker are simple to prepare: the slices are dried on a wire rack (for steaming) in the “Baking” mode and with an open valve so that the steam can escape freely.

The most common way is to make dried plums in the oven. The selection of spices and herbs is intuitively selected based on personal preference. It is important to choose whole fruit, with dense pulp, without visible damage, not wormy. If the fruits are large, they are cut into quarters or 6 pieces, so the drying process will go faster.


  • plums - 15 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • dry Provencal herbs - 1 tsp;
  • quality olive oil - 2 tbsp l .;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. On a baking sheet with foil, put the slices, cut up.
  2. Put a slice of garlic in each slice, sprinkle with herbs, salt and pepper, sprinkle with oil.
  3. Dry in the oven at 100 degrees for 3 hours, opening the door.

Dried plums in an electric dryer are tasty and well-dried, without a juicy middle. The device maintains a constant temperature during the entire process of making snacks, so the result will be exactly perfect, but after 15-20 hours. You can season plums according to your own taste; garlic remains unchanged.


  • plums - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • olive oil - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • dried basil and parsley - 1 tbsp l.


  1. Put the plums on a plate, cut up, add salt
  2. Put a garlic plate and finely chopped hot pepper into each slice.
  3. Sprinkle with herbs.
  4. Transfer the plums to a pallet.
  5. Dry the fruit at an average heating level for 20 hours.
  6. Spread the finished slices in a jar, pour in oil and put away in the cold.

Dried plums in the microwave cook quickly, in just an hour, taking into account the preparation of the products. You can try a savory snack right away or wait a few hours until it is marinated in oil. You can also use soft fruits, most importantly, when removing the seed, you need to make sure that the edges are cut evenly.


  • plums - 10 pcs.;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tsp each;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • dry ginger, black and allspice pepper, nutmeg, rosemary and thyme - only 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Place the plum halves on a plate lined with paper towels.
  2. Combine all dry and ground spices with butter and puréed garlic.
  3. Fill the halves of the plums with the spicy mixture.
  4. Dry for 2 minutes on 800 W, open the door, wait 5 minutes. Repeat one more time.
  5. Set for the third time for 5 minutes, take out a plate and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  6. Transfer to a clean plate, microwave for 4 minutes, chill for 10 minutes.
  7. Put in a jar, cover with oil, put in the cold.

Cooking dried plums in a slow cooker is very simple. Use a steaming rack to create a snack. Season to taste with spices, the set of which can be universal: garlic, basil, parsley and dill. Given the small volume of the device, it will not work right away to prepare a lot of drains.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp l .;
  • dry herbs - 1 tsp.


  1. Cover the bowl with parchment, put half of the plum slices, salt, sprinkle with herbs, sprinkle with oil.
  2. Install the grate, add the second batch of slices, salt, season, pour over with oil.
  3. Open the valve, close the lid, set the "Bake" for 1 hour. Extend by 15 minutes if necessary.

Sun-dried plums for the winter - an Italian recipe

In the Mediterranean countries, sun-dried plums in oil are especially popular. To make the result perfect, you need to consistently perform all the actions, the drying process itself takes place in the oven. The blank is stored all winter in the refrigerator. You can use ready-made mixtures of dried Italian herbs.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - 80 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • a mixture of dried herbs - 2 tsp;
  • dry basil - 1 tsp;
  • fresh rosemary - 2 sprigs;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • basil leaves - 6-8 pcs.;
  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Separately mix sunflower oil with a mixture of dry herbs, honey.
  2. Pour the marinade over the plums, season with salt, sprinkle with basil.
  3. Dry at 110 degrees for 4 hours.
  4. Transfer the herbal-dried plums to jars in layers with chopped garlic and fresh rosemary and basil.
  5. Pour in olive oil and close the lid.

Sun-dried plums with garlic, herbs and salt

Dried plums with garlic and thyme are an unusually spicy appetizer. You can supplement the composition of spices with rosemary, oregano and basil, you can dry it using an improvised technique. Plums will be baked on their own with a minimum set of spices, but during storage they will take all the piquancy from the fragrant marinade.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • fresh rosemary, thyme, basil - 2 sprigs each;
  • oregano - 1 tsp;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • olive oil.


  1. Place the plum wedges on a covered baking sheet.
  2. Season with salt, sprinkle with oregano, drizzle with oil.
  3. Dry in the oven at 110 degrees for 3-5 hours or until desired dryness.
  4. Finely chop the garlic, chop the rosemary, thyme and basil.
  5. Put plums, garlic and herbs in layers in a jar, pour hot oil, screw on the lid.
  6. Remove dried plums with herbs for the winter in the refrigerator.

Oven dried sweet plums

Sweet dried plums in syrup are prepared in several stages. First, the slices are soaked in sugar until the juice separates, then they are kept in syrup and only then dried. Store the workpiece in a glass sealed container, without access to sunlight. These fruits are given to babies instead of sweets.


  • plum wedges - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g


  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g


  1. Cover the plum halves with sugar, leave for a day.
  2. Drain the juice.
  3. Boil syrup from sugar and water, pour plums over them. Leave on for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the fruit from the liquid, spread the slices on a baking sheet with parchment.
  5. Dry at 100 degrees for one hour, each time completely cooling the workpiece.
  6. Repeat the drying and cooling process to the desired degree of dryness.

Which is described below, a very unusual version of the blank. Plums are dried in a convenient way and poured over with honey, which, to all its advantages, will serve as an excellent preservative. During storage, the slices are impregnated with a honey aroma and come out very sweet.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • cloves - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 300 ml.


  1. Put the fruit slices in a bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon and cloves, mix, put on a baking sheet, cut up.
  2. Dry in the oven for 2-3 hours at 110 degrees.
  3. Transfer the dried plum to a jar, pour over with liquid honey, roll up the lid.

Sun-dried plums with spices

Dried, which involves the addition of a large amount of spices, turn out to be very piquant, a little spicy. They will perfectly complement the main course of meat, and the aromatic oil in which the slices are marinated can be used to make salad dressings.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • salt;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • a mixture of ground peppers - ½ tsp;
  • dried rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil - 1 tbsp l.


  1. Put the plum halves on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil, salt, grind with half of the spices.
  2. Dry in the oven for 4 hours at 100 degrees.
  3. Grind the garlic with salt and the remaining herbs and pepper in a mortar.
  4. Heat milk to a boil and mix with spices.
  5. Put plums in a sterilized jar, pour hot fragrant oil, screw on the lid.

How to store dried plums?

After drying the fruit slices and making a lot of effort, the housewives have doubts about how to preserve the sun-dried plums so that the cherished workpiece does not deteriorate.

  1. Dried spicy plums are pickled with olive oil, which is a good preservative. Such a workpiece will not deteriorate within a year.
  2. Dried plums can be stored in a dry, airtight container, making sure that no moisture gets in and away from direct sunlight.
  3. Sweet preparations can be stored in an airtight container, after sprinkling the slices with sugar, powder or starch.

The recipe impresses with its simplicity and versatility. If you want, plums will become an appetizer for wine, or if you want, they will be an excellent side dish for meat dishes. Those who wish can refer this recipe to the category of blanks for the winter, because, like our relatives, classic plums, alas, are not sold all year round. But, this is an extreme option, usually everything is eaten (yes, yes! It is eaten) at an incredible speed.
Sun-dried tomatoes used to be my favorites, now they share their pedestal with plums. Take 2-3 kilograms at once, so that for the whole dryer, I still had to run twice to the market, because, having done it once, I immediately decided to repeat it. Both large sour ones and small sweet ones are suitable, small ones, however, dry faster, but you will clean them for now!

You will need:

1 kg plum
Several sprigs of thyme
Pinch of coarse salt
Olive oil
5-6 cloves of garlic

How to cook:

1. Preheat the oven to 90-100 degrees. Wash the plums, dry them, cut them in half lengthwise and remove the pits.

2. Put the plums on the parchment with the flesh up, sprinkle with garlic, chopped slices, fresh thyme leaves (oregano, marjoram and chopped rosemary, as an option, were also used), a pinch of coarse salt. Sprinkle everything thoroughly with olive oil (do not spare the oil, my friends!) And send to the oven for at least 5-6 hours.

Well, now patience for all of us. To be honest, after 4 hours I could not stand it and tasted it straight from the oven. Very tasty! Over the next 2 hours, I stole 5 pieces)))). For as the aroma in the apartment was stunning.

The time varies individually, the pulp should be tender, and the skin should be a little crumbling, in consistency everything should resemble a good soft prune. And then it's a matter of taste and the individual characteristics of the oven. But it's better to be underwhelmed than overwhelmed.
Drink hot and cold)). I store (still store) in a container in the refrigerator.

Ready-made plums can also be folded into small clean jars (you can even sterilize and dry them), tamping slightly, and prepare oil. Put the garlic (peel and cut into slices), chopped chili, herbs in a small scoop, cover with oil and bring to a boil. Pour this oil over the plums so that the oil completely covers the contents of the jar, close the lid and let cool.

Imagine how great it is to give such jars to friends, carry them with you on a visit or treat those who looked at the light! And with good homemade bread, this is generally something unimaginable, a real delicacy!

Dried plums, or, in other words, prunes are a very healthy delicacy. But are you 100% sure that you are buying a quality product in the store, not processed to improve the appearance with any chemicals? I think that no one can answer this question unequivocally. Today we propose to consider ways to dry plums on your own at home. Such a product will certainly be of the highest standard, since the entire cooking process will be controlled by you personally.

You can dry any varieties of plums, but the best way to keep their shape will be the fruits that are firm and dense to the touch. In this case, the product must be fully ripe.

The preparatory stage consists of several steps:

  1. Sorting. When sorting through fruits, you should immediately exclude specimens with rot and various damage. Only the best fruits should be dried.
  2. Purification. Fruits are washed under running water and dried with paper towels.

  1. Removing the bones. The plum is cut in half and the core is taken out. This completes the preparation of the pitted drains. You can proceed directly to dehydration. If you plan to dry prunes with pits, then skip this stage and follow all the other steps.
  2. Blanching. In a liter of boiling water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and place the plum in this solution for 20 seconds. The amount of liquid is calculated so that the fruit is completely submerged in the water. If necessary, increase the portion several times. This procedure is needed in order to remove the wax layer from the surface. The peel from being in boiling water should crack, which will facilitate better evaporation of the liquid.
  3. After blanching, the drain is washed under running water.
  4. Finally, dry the fruit thoroughly with paper towels.

All methods of drying plums

In the sun

The prepared plum is laid out on grates or in well-ventilated boxes, and taken out in the sun. Every evening, containers with fruit are brought into the room and put back only the next day, not earlier than the time the dew disappears.

The total drying time is 4 to 6 days. It depends on the weather conditions and the size of the fruit.

After drying is complete, dried fruits must be finally dried in the shade. This will take another 3 - 4 days.

In the oven

To keep the baking sheet clean, cover it with baking paper. You can also dry it on special grates. The prepared fruits are laid out in one layer. If the plum has been cut in half, then it is laid with the sandpaper down.

Drying in the oven consists of several stages:

  • 5 hours at a temperature of + 50 ° C;
  • 6 hours at a temperature of + 70 ° C;
  • until the product is ready at a temperature of + 75 ... + 80 ° C.

Between the steps, remove the baking sheet from the oven, turn the prunes over and allow it to cool completely. After - continue the process according to the instructions.

Watch the video from the channel "Guys in the Kitchen!" - How to cook prunes at home

In an electric dryer

Plums are also placed on special trays in one layer. If you are drying the halves of the fruit, then they must be arranged with the cut up.

The temperature regime for the entire drying time will vary:

  • Stage 1: dry for 4 hours at a temperature of + 50… + 55 ° C. We change trays in places and turn over the pieces.
  • Stage 2: dry for 4 - 6 hours at a temperature of + 60 ° C. We change trays, turn over the plums.
  • Stage 3: until the product is ready, approximately 4 - 6 hours at a temperature of + 75 ... + 80 ° C.

Watch the video from the channel "Ezidri Master" - Drying drains

In the microwave

For drying in an express way in the microwave, you need to use only hard fruits, otherwise the plum will turn into porridge.

So, take the seeds out of the fruit and put them in a flat bowl lined with a paper towel. The slices must be placed with the cut up. Cover the slices on top with a paper napkin.

Turn on the microwave oven at medium power for 3 minutes. At the end of this time, we remove the napkin, and put the food in the oven again for the same amount of time.

After the microwave signal, set it to full power, and dry the plums for another 1 minute. If this time is not enough, then you can continue drying, checking the readiness every 60 seconds.

How to store prunes

The finished dried fruit should be firm and firm. They should not stick to your hands or crumble when squeezed.

You can store prunes for 1 year away from products with a pungent odor.

Containers with dried fruits - glass jars, plastic containers or bags - are best kept in the refrigerator. If the product turns out to be dried, then it should be stored in the freezer.

Sun-dried plums are a spicy appetizer that I suggest you cook today. Friends, this year there was an excellent harvest of plums, for this reason, I suggest you make a harvest of dried plums for the winter. We will dry plums in the oven. You can make sweet or sour dried plums, but the recipe for spicy dried plums is, in my opinion, the tastiest. In addition, the spicy version of dried plum is versatile. It will enrich the taste of any dish, be it salad, appetizer, poultry, meat, fish dish or dessert. The festive table can be served with a cheese plate or wine.

Get the Recipe: Oven Dried Plums

For drying, take ripe and dense plums, in which the bone is well separated from the pulp. Of the local varieties of plums, the Vengerka variety is the best. I do not advise taking a bad or sour plum for the recipe. During cooking, these properties of plums will not disappear anywhere, and the quality of the final product, as you know, depends on the quality of the original ingredients. You can experiment with herbs. For the preparation of spicy dried plums, twist jars are perfect. These blank jars can be stored in the refrigerator for six months.


to make a spicy plum at home, we need:

  • for 1.2 kg plums
  • garlic 5-7 cloves
  • sea ​​salt (table salt can be used) 2 pinches
  • vegetable oil (eg sunflower) 5 tbsp.
  • olive oil 5 tablespoons
  • Provencal herbs or Mediterranean spices 2.5 tsp

The composition of the seasonings used for drying plums in the oven:

Rosemary, thyme, fenugreek, tarragon, basil, parsley, thyme, paprika, turmeric.

Alternatively, you can take lemon and black pepper, with the addition of thyme and coriander.

How to prepare a spicy dried plum for the winter at home

In a similar way, you can prepare and.

  1. First of all, the plum should be washed, then divided into two halves and the pit removed.
  2. Cover the baking sheet with foil or baking paper. Put the prepared plums with the pulp up, sprinkle the plums with salt and herbs. You can take ready-made seasoning mixes or make your own by mixing the herbs separately.
  3. Next, we send the plum to the oven. We will dry the plum at a temperature of 100 degrees. The whole process takes 2 to 3 hours. The drying time for plums depends on the size, variety, your oven and the result you want (drier dried plums or softer and juicier ones). Focus on your taste. After two hours of finding the plum in the oven, you should carefully monitor the process, make sure that the plum does not burn.
  4. Important: during draining, the oven door should be left ajar. To do this, you can place an ordinary simple pencil between the body and the oven door.
  5. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into thin slices.
  6. Put a little garlic on the bottom of a sterilized, dry jar, then a layer of dried plums, sprinkle with seasoning. We fill the jar with layers to the very top, we try to lay the plum more densely.
  7. Fill the sun-dried plum with a mixture of sunflower and olive oil (you can take another vegetable oil of your choice), the oil should completely cover the plum, close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. We leave it until winter, if you can't wait to try, then we wait at least 2-3 days, since the plum should be infused.

We have got a fragrant and incredibly tasty spicy appetizer - dried plum.

Bon Appetit everyone!