How to use dried carrots. How to dry carrots for the winter at home? Methods and recipes

07.03.2020 Fish dishes

Carrots are among the products that a good housewife should always have on hand, because she is an indispensable component of most first and second courses. There are times when this useful root crop is not in the refrigerator, and there is no time to go to the store for it, or the weather is “not flying” on the street. In such cases, dried carrots harvested for future use will help out.

Moreover, during the drying process, valuable vitamin A and the pigment that gives this root an orange color are preserved almost in full. For drying, fresh, medium-sized root crops with a not coarsened, weakly expressed core are most suitable. It is advisable to use early and mid-season varieties.


Fresh root vegetables of carrots.

How to dry carrots in a dryer

At the preparatory stage, the root crops are cleaned from the top layer, which is convenient to do with a special vegetable peeler. You should also clean the damaged areas, cut off the remaining tops and green neck.

Carrots for drying in an electric dryer can be cut into circles (halves of circles, if the diameter of the carrot is large) 2-3 mm thick or chopped on a carrot grater “in Korean”.

Sliced ​​carrots are laid out on drying trays at a small distance from each other, and chopped root crops are laid out in a thin layer.

If it is possible to regulate the temperature in the dryer, set the thermostat to 65 degrees.

Carrots dry fairly quickly. In 5-6 hours it will be ready. In the process of drying, it is advisable to rearrange the trays several times, achieving a more uniform drying of the carrots.

Dried carrots are stored in a hermetically sealed container in a dark, dry, cool place.

Carrots can be dried in the oven. Why are root crops of the same size selected. They should also be washed and cleaned. Before drying, carrots are blanched in boiling water. Small root crops are blanched for 12 - 15 minutes, larger ones (diameter more than 4.5 cm) - 15-20 minutes. To determine the readiness of carrots during blanching, it is necessary to make a puncture in it with a match. If it is pierced with little effort, then the blanching process should be stopped. Overcooked root crops are pierced without any effort. Under-blanched carrots will not pierce. After blanching, the carrots are cooled with a stream of cold water, after which they are crushed into circles or straws (thickness 3 mm). The crushed product is laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet. The main drying of carrots in the oven is carried out at a temperature of 75-80 degrees, and the root crop is dried at a temperature of 60-65 degrees.

Dried carrots are elastic and slightly brittle. Before using dried root vegetables, cooks are advised to fill with water and soak for 2-3 hours to swell. To add to the main dishes, swollen root crops are fried in fats. If soup is being prepared, then dried carrots are boiled until tender in the water in which they swelled. But practice shows that such a preparation can be put directly into the dish, carrots are well prepared. Dried carrots are also used in baking. Bon Appetit!

Sun-dried carrots are a very healthy and tasty dish, which, moreover, can be harvested for the future for the winter. In the cold season, the human body is in dire need of vitamins, especially those found in vegetables. Many vegetables can be harvested for the winter in various ways and methods.

IMPORTANT: The method proceeds at a low temperature, which contributes to the preservation of proteins in the vegetable.

general information

Carrot It is a vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals and has a pleasant taste. The root crop is harvested fresh for the winter, as well as using various drying methods. Drying is a kind of drying and dehydration of carrots, as a result of which the vegetable retains all useful substances for a long time.

Dried root crop has a pleasant aroma and taste, soft and elastic texture.


Dried carrots have the following useful features:

  • The root contains a large amount of vitamins: groups B, A, C, PP;
  • Carrots are rich in organic acids and minerals: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, chlorine, iodine, potassium.
  • Amino acids have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels;
  • Beta-carotene improves the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • Dietary fiber normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The low-calorie dried vegetable helps to keep the figure.

Regular consumption of dried root vegetables:

  • Promotes the restoration of vision;
  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels;
  • Stimulates blood circulation of brain cells;
  • Reduces high blood pressure;
  • Suppresses the development and growth of tumors and cancer cells;
  • Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • Provides prevention of gallstones in the gallbladder;
  • Slows down skin aging;
  • Removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the liver, promotes the renewal of its cells.

REFERENCE: Dried carrots contain much more antioxidants than raw carrots.

Dried carrots: vegetable preparation

Before harvesting carrots for the winter, you must first properly prepare the vegetable.

Medium-sized root crops must first be washed and cleaned. Then rinse again in warm water and dry with a kitchen towel.

For drying, carrots are cut into circles about 2.5 centimeters thick or into pieces no more than 5 centimeters long.

The chopped root crop is sprinkled with sugar: for 1 kilogram of carrots, you need to take about 150 grams of sugar. Pieces of carrots in sugar should be crushed with a heavy load and left for 12 hours in a cool place (no more than 18 degrees).

At the end of the above time, juice is released from the carrots, which is drained. Pieces of the root crop are re-filled with sugar and left for another half a day at the same air temperature under oppression.

Then the carrot juice is drained again, and the vegetable pieces are poured with hot syrup (350 grams of boiled water - 250 grams of granulated sugar).

IMPORTANT: In hot syrup, carrots should be kept for no more than 15 minutes.

Candied carrots: the process of cooking at home

There are two ways to cook dried carrots: in the oven and at room temperature. In the oven, dried carrots are prepared as follows:

  • Remove carrots from hot syrup and blot thoroughly to remove moisture;
  • Distribute the pieces of the root vegetable on a baking sheet and place in the oven, preheated to 85 ° C;
  • After 25 minutes, remove the vegetable, cool and place the baking sheet in the oven again for 40 minutes. Drying temperature will be 70 °C;
  • Remove the baking sheet from the oven, cool and re-place the carrots in the oven for 40 minutes at 70 ° C.

Candied carrots:

The second recipe for harvesting dried carrots:

  • Remove the vegetable from the syrup, put it in a colander;
  • Spread the pieces of carrots on a baking sheet and place for two days in a dark place with a good ventilation system;
  • After two days, turn the pieces of vegetable over and leave for at least a week.

Ready dried carrots should be dense and elastic to the touch.


A delicious dried root crop can be prepared for the winter using such popular recipes.

Sun-dried carrots with beet tops

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Sugar - 350 grams;
  • Water - 350 milliliters;
  • 700 grams of carrots cut into circles;
  • 300 grams of beet stalks.

Mix carrot slices and beet stalks in a deep bowl, sprinkle with sugar. Place the container in a dark place, the temperature in which should be no more than 6 degrees. After three days, drain the juice and prepare the syrup. Mix 350 grams of sugar with the same amount of boiling water and pour carrots with beet stalks for 15 minutes. Drain the liquid, dry the carrots. For further drying, use the above two methods: in the oven or in a dark room.

How to dry carrots outdoors:

Vanilla Carrot

To prepare a tasty and healthy product, you need to take the following products:

  • A kilogram of chopped carrots;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid; 1 gram of vanillin;
  • A glass of sugar.

Mix the pieces of the root crop with sugar, vanilla and citric acid, put in a deep container under oppression for 12 hours. After the specified time, the root crop should secrete juice. Remove the oppression and put the container with carrots on the fire, bring to a boil, remove and cool.

After the dried carrots are ready, they must be placed in a hermetically sealed container.

Put the pieces of carrots on a baking sheet and carry out further steps to obtain a dried vegetable.


The root crop is stored from a year to a year and a half in a dark place at a temperature of no more than 18 degrees.

Dried carrots can be used as an additive in pastries, compotes, fruit drinks and teas, as well as consumed as an independent delicacy. A vegetable prepared in this way contains a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins.

Where to get fruits that have not been subjected to chemical treatments for longer storage and not grown in greenhouse conditions using various types of fertilizers (and not always safe for the body)?

The answer is simple: vegetables and fruits needs to be prepared ahead of time. About that, as well as, right in the ground, you can read on our website.

Preparations for the winter can be done in various ways, however, many of the methods can reduce, and sometimes completely deprive the products of all useful elements and vitamins. About that, we have already talked about in our article.

One of the methods by which vegetables and fruits retain their beneficial properties, is drying - dehydration and further drying of the product.

general information

Carrots are a root vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Harvesting this vegetable for the winter by drying, you can get a full-fledged vitamin and mineral complex. On our site you can find all the necessary information about.

Read our article on how to keep all the vitamins and nutrients in it.

Drying carrots is one of the drying methods, during which fetal dehydration and drying it at a relatively low temperature, which contributes to the preservation of proteins.

Than drying carrots different from normal drying? Dried carrots, unlike dried carrots, have a more beautiful appearance, elastic texture and a bright taste and aroma.

You can also find more information on our website.


What is useful dried carrots? As already mentioned, the dried product retains its chemical composition. Carrots harvested in this way contain:

  • amino acids;
  • carotene;
  • salt and sugar;
  • enzymes and flavonoids;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • vitamins (A, B, B2, C, PP, folic acid);
  • trace elements (calcium, potassium, sodium, iodine, iron).

Main advantage dried carrots before other fruits is the content of carotene in its composition, which brings incredible benefits to the organs of vision.

For example, daily consumption carrot helps to strengthen the retina, helps eliminate conjunctivitis, helps people suffering from myopia and blepharitis. Regular consumption of dried carrots has a beneficial effect on the health and functioning of the respiratory system.

The beneficial effect of dried carrots on the vitality of a person is noted, acceleration of regeneration processes in organism. A small portion of dried carrots, eaten in the morning, will help fight drowsiness and fatigue.

The vitamins and minerals included in the composition help to increase body resistance to viruses and infections. Dried carrots are ideal for people with dysbacteriosis and intestinal atony.

calories: 100 g dried carrots contains 132 kcal.

Vegetable preparation

Before proceeding with the process of harvesting carrots, it is necessary to prepare root crops.

It should be noted that carrots are suitable for drying. all table varieties.

Fresh carrots are needed clean thoroughly from earth and dust (wash with running water), remove the tops, peel. Peeled roots again Rinse, but already boiled water, and let dry a little or dry towel.

grind into circles, about 2.5 cm thick or in sticks, the thickness of which should also be in the range of 2-2.5 cm, and the length should not exceed 5 cm.

The cut product must be put in a deep container, sprinkle with sugar(for 1 kg of carrots 150-170 g of granulated sugar), pressing down with oppression from above. Carrots like this aged 12-15 hours at a temperature of 18 degrees.

After the specified time, the separated carrot juice is drained, again pour the same amount of sugar and stand again in conditions of 18 degrees for another 15 hours. After re-separating the juice, the carrots are placed in a container with hot sugar syrup(for 1 kg of carrots 250 g of sugar in 350 ml of water) and kept in it for 10-15 minutes.

Important A: The temperature of the syrup should not be less than 90 degrees.


How to make dried carrots? Drying:

  1. Discard the carrots obtained in the course of the above process for colander(for maximum moisture removal).
  2. Expand into disgusting 1 layer.
  3. Place the tray in dry dark place with good ventilation.
  4. After 2-3 days, pieces of the root crop must be turn over and leave for another 7-10 days.

readiness product is determined by its consistency - carrots of medium softness, elastic, dense.

In the oven

How to cook dried carrots in the oven? After preparing the root crop, the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bscattered on a baking sheet is placed in heated up to 85°C oven for 20-25 minutes.

After allowing the carrots to cool, they are again sent to the oven, but already for 40 minutes by lowering the temperature to 70°C.

Last the heat treatment also lasts 40 minutes at 70°C.


Carrots with beet stalks

You will need:

  • 700 g of prepared and chopped carrots;
  • 300 g of beet stalks;
  • 350 g of granulated sugar.

Mix carrots and petioles, put in a deep container and sprinkle with sugar. Place the filled container in a semi-dark room with temperature conditions 3-6 degrees. After 72 hours, drain the resulting juice, pour hot sugar syrup(sugar/water ratio 1:1) for 15 minutes. Next, drying is carried out in a natural or artificial way.

vanilla carrot

You will need:

  • 1 kg of peeled and chopped root crops;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp citric acid;
  • 1 g vanillin.

Sprinkle carrots cut into slices or cubes with sugar, after mixing it with citric acid and vanilla.

Withstand under pressure approximately 12 hours.

After the vegetable has released enough juice, the container must be put on a slow fire and boil.

At the moment when the mass begins to boil, the fire is turned off and drain the juice. Spread the fruits on a baking sheet and place in oven. Drying is carried out by the method described earlier.


The finished product is placed in glass container with a sealed lid and placed in a dark place at a humidity of 65-70% and a temperature of 15-18 degrees Celsius. Shelf life- 12-18 months.

Dried carrots are used in cooking, added to tea, consumed as an independent delicacy. Carrots harvested in this way will great alternative to candy for small children.

A delicious product that can not only give pleasure from its use, but also bring benefit for the body during the winter cold season.

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The ability of carrots to be stored for a long time without loss of taste, its resistance to various microorganisms, mold and spoilage is called keeping quality. Keeping quality is determined by the content of a sufficient amount of sugar and fiber, as well as dry substances, which will prevent product spoilage.

The diameter of the core should be minimal, without bitterness and greenery, and the color of the core should practically not differ from the bulk of the pulp.

For storage, fruits with a smooth, uniform surface are best suited., while it is better to pick up carrots of the same size. It should not have mechanical damage, cracks, frostbitten areas.

Varieties suitable for this process

Do I need to do this before storage

The unequivocal opinion is that carrots must be dried beforehand and special.


One of the most effective for a long time is drying, especially in the absence of suitable conditions and storage facilities (,). Moreover, such processing will help preserve the maximum amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the root crop and prevent the destruction of the nutritional composition.

Attention! Carrots for drying are selected in the same way as for long-term storage - late or mid-ripening, with a high content of dry components, uniform pulp, without greens and coarsened core.

First, the fruits are freed from the tops, cutting it off and removing the green neck at the base.(more nuances on how to cut a root crop can be found). Next, each root crop must be carefully examined for damage, cut off rotten places, cuts. Mandatory is under running water, you can even use a hard sponge or brush.

The next step is peeling. If you have to process a large number of root crops, it is better to use a vegetable peeler - this will significantly speed up the process.

Before drying, carrots will have to be blanched. To do this, boil water in a large container and immerse the fruits in it. After 15-20 minutes, pierce the carrot with a toothpick - it should enter the pulp with little effort. After heat treatment, cool the product under running cold water and blot with a towel. The duration of blanching depends on the size of the fruit - small ones “reach” earlier - in 12 minutes, large ones - in 20 minutes.

You can grind the root crop for drying arbitrarily - in cubes, circles, quarters, straws or grate. Drying and raw carrots are allowed, without blanching.

At home

Drying carrots can be carried out in two ways - naturally and using heat from electrical appliances, for example, in an oven or in an electric dryer. In the first case, the procedure will be longer, but energy-saving. The second method allows you to speed up drying at times, but with the cost of electricity.

On air

It takes place over two weeks. The key to success is the right choice of site for drying. Optimally - on a garden plot or in a garden with a slight slope to the south. A large amount of sunlight will help dry the vegetable faster.

Carrots are prepared in the traditional way - peeled and cut. Pour out onto a baking sheet, tray or long sieve in one layer and place in the sun. Periodically, you will have to mix the workpiece (once every few days). After drying, the pieces are sorted, undried or contaminated are removed.

In the microwave

With the help of modern technology, you can dry quickly and efficiently. Any microwave will do.

Advice! During drying in the microwave, you need to make sure that the water in the glass does not boil away.

In the oven

Drying in the oven is the most popular way to harvest carrots., since it can be done in the oven at home, preserving the vitamins.

  1. Prepared and processed carrots are chopped randomly.
  2. Prepare a baking sheet - it should be dry and clean.
  3. The oven is turned on, heated to 70 degrees.
  4. Arrange the carrots on a baking sheet in a single layer. If the root crop is ground on a grater, the maximum allowable layer height is 1 cm.
  5. A baking sheet with a vegetable is placed in the oven, the door is closed. If the oven is without convection, the door can be left slightly ajar.
  6. Carrots are left to dry for 6-8 hours, stirring and turning occasionally to evenly remove moisture.
  7. The dried workpiece is cooled directly in the pan and laid in storage.

During the operation of the oven, ensure sufficient ventilation of the room - open the window or window for ventilation.

In an electric dryer

An electric dryer can also make it easier to harvest carrots., acting as an alternative to the oven and microwave.

The process can take a long time - from 6 to 12 hours. It depends on the model of the electric dryer, its power, as well as the size of the carrot pieces. You should strictly follow the instructions for the device, setting the desired mode and duration.

Attention! In the process, carrots can not be mixed, but for uniform heating, pallets should be periodically swapped.

Watch a video about drying carrots in an electric dryer:

Dried vegetable for tea

Few people know that delicious vitamin tea can be made from carrots. Raw carrots can also be brewed, but it is better to dry it according to a certain phased technology in the oven:

  1. Rinse the root crop thoroughly under running water and peel.
  2. Chop and pour onto a baking sheet.
  3. Preheat the oven to maximum temperature.
  4. Place the carrots in the oven for 20 minutes, remove and cool the product.
  5. Repeat the procedure twice more, while not forgetting to mix the contents. Keep the door ajar.


How to store dried carrots? After the drying process is completed, all carrots must be cooled well and poured into a common container for a day. This is done so that the remaining moisture in the product is evenly distributed.

Suitable dry glass containers, sealed tin and plastic, vacuum or cotton bags. It is better to choose a dark and dry place for storage.

The quality of storage depends on the tightness of the dishes - it must be tightly closed. Dried carrots can be stored for several months, up to one year.

Dried carrots are used to make healing drinks, as an ingredient in vegetable soups, meat stews, fish dishes, in casseroles, sauces, sweet and savory pastries. The main thing is to choose the right raw materials and follow the technology for harvesting solar root crops.

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Dried carrots are very convenient, especially if there are no special places for storing fresh root crops in the house. Of course, vegetables can be frozen, but the volume of freezers for many is not very large. In dry form, carrots retain all their useful and gustatory qualities, and they do not take up much storage space. We will talk about how to dry carrots for the winter at home in this article.

First of all, root crops must be thoroughly washed, it is advisable to use a stiff brush for this. The leaves need to be dried separately, so cut them off the roots and wash them too.

The next step is cleaning. If you plan to dry an impressive amount of the crop, then it is best to use a special vegetable peeler for this. Things will go much faster for her. It is also necessary to cut off the upper green part of the root crop.

Cleaned carrots before drying are advised to blanch in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. The time, in this case, depends on the size of the carrot. You can check the readiness of the product with a thin wooden skewer or a toothpick. It should enter the vegetable with little difficulty. The finished product is cooled under running cold water and dried with towels.

You can also dry untreated, raw carrots. Carrot tops are also not subjected to heat treatment.

  • on a coarse grater;
  • wheels;
  • semicircles or quarters;
  • cubes;
  • straws;
  • cubes.

Carrot tops are finely chopped with a knife. It is allowed to dry the tops in bunches.

How to dry carrots for the winter

In the sun

Shredded carrots are laid out on a tray or net, and exposed to the sun. Carrot tops are placed in a ventilated place, in the shade.

At night, vegetables must be brought into the room, and in the morning, after the dew has disappeared, put back. This must be done so that the carrots do not puff. If drying takes place on pallets, then the vegetables need to be mixed periodically so that the process runs more evenly.

Natural drying in sunlight is undoubtedly the most energy-efficient way, but also the longest in time. Drying takes approximately 10 to 14 days.

Watch the video from the Olga Cozy Corner channel - Drying parsley and carrot tops by hand. How to dry herbs.

in the microwave

Shredded root crops or tops are placed on a flat plate suitable for microwave ovens. The process takes place in two stages.

First, the unit is set to full power and the carrots are dried in this mode for 3 minutes.

Then the power is reduced by half and drying is continued for 3-5 minutes. In order not to miss the readiness of the product, you should look into the oven every 40 - 60 seconds.

In the oven

Oven drying is the most affordable way to harvest carrots for most people.

On a baking sheet covered with waxed paper, carrot slices are laid out with a layer of no more than 1 centimeter.

The oven is heated to a temperature of 65 - 70 degrees and a container with carrots is placed in it. For the best air circulation, the oven door should be kept slightly ajar. Drying takes approximately 6 to 8 hours. It depends on the method of cutting root crops. Green mass dries much faster.

For the entire time the vegetables are in the oven, they need to be taken out several times, mixed and cooled to room temperature.

Watch the video from the Wild Tourist channel - Dried vegetables on a hike. Sublimation at home

In an electric dryer

Sliced ​​carrots are laid out on pallets in one layer, and grated - with a layer of no more than 5 millimeters. On the electric dryer set the temperature regime of 60 - 70 degrees.

Drying time depends on the way the vegetables are cut and their quantity, but on average it takes from 6 to 12 hours. If the volume of vegetables is large, then it should be dried in several stages. To make drying more uniform, do not forget to periodically change the pallets in places.

Watch the video from the Ezidri Master channel - How to dry carrots in an electric dryer? Dried vegetables. Food for the hike

How to store dried carrots

After drying, carrots should be kept for a couple of days in one common container so that the moisture remaining in the product is evenly distributed.

After that, the vegetables are transferred to sealed glass or tin containers or cotton bags. Store carrots in this form for 1 year.

Dried carrots and tops are used for cooking first and second courses, as well as for brewing delicious and healthy tea. Tea can be brewed from both dried leaves and roots.