Boiled buckwheat carbohydrates per 100 grams. Buckwheat porridge: calorie content and benefits for the body

28.09.2019 Egg dishes

Buckwheat is perhaps one of the most popular foods among those who monitor their weight. A diet on this cereal is a budgetary and effective way to gain the desired harmony in a short time. How many calories are in buckwheat, how is it useful and how effective is the diet on it?

Calorie content, BZHU, the benefits of buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat is good because it is genetically native to us. Her centuries-old presence on the tables of our ancestors is a historical fact. This means that, unlike overseas dietary products, buckwheat is very rarely the cause of allergies, for which it is loved by pediatricians. As a complementary food, buckwheat porridge appears one of the first in the diet of babies.

There are several varieties of buckwheat. The core is the most popular among them. This is a whole buckwheat grain that is used to make crumbly cereals. A variant of the core is veligorka - a croup without a ribbed surface. Crushed grain - done, suitable for viscous cereals. You can also find buckwheat of an unusually light, greenish color. This is all the same kernel, but not past the roasting stage. It is used much less often in cooking, but its nutritional and dietary value is slightly higher than that of the usual brown cereal.

Flour is also made from buckwheat, which is devoid of gluten. This does not allow it to be used in its pure form in baking, but it makes it possible to add it to other types of flour, and also to use it for baking pancakes and pancakes, which are less nutritious than their wheat counterparts.

Buckwheat contains about 60% carbohydrates and very little fat. "Buckwheat" carbohydrates are classified as digestible for a long time, porridge gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety, and in addition, it contains many biologically active elements important for the body. With a very low calorie content, this product is considered one of the best dietary products and helps to control weight.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Buckwheat is considered one of the most useful and nutritious cereals, and is often prescribed as a main course in medical nutrition. It contains many important micro and macro elements necessary for the full functioning of the body.

High in buckwheat and the content of iron, which is necessary for oxygen metabolism in the body. True, one should make a reservation here: sitting on a rigid buckwheat mono-diet, it will not be possible to fully provide the body with iron, since plant food contains a non-heme type of this substance. To assimilate such iron (as opposed to heme, which is contained in food of animal origin), meat protein or vitamin C is needed. Therefore, in order not to earn anemia, buckwheat should be eaten with meat or enriched with ascorbic acid.

There are a lot of such important substances in buckwheat as:

  • calcium, without which you cannot find strong bones, teeth, healthy nails and hair;
  • potassium, which controls the water-salt balance in the body and participates in the work of the heart;
  • fluoride and phosphorus are important elements of a healthy skeletal system;
  • iodine and zinc, without which the functioning of the endocrine system is impossible.

B vitamins are also present in buckwheat, among which there is folic acid (B9), which is so important for the functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems, and the lack of which, at the stage of embryo formation, threatens with serious fetal pathologies. Vitamin E, which is present in buckwheat, is also important. It is a natural antioxidant and an important element in the synthesis of hormones. And in the cereal there is vitamin PP, known as niacin. He takes an important part in the metabolism, which is very important in the control of body weight.

The protein contained in buckwheat is easy to digest. And, by the way, in terms of its content, this cereal is superior to all the others.

Calorie content and BZHU of buckwheat in 100 grams

In its raw form, buckwheat is distinguished by about 312 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, the ratio of BJU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) in it is 12.5 g: 3.3 g: 62 g.

However, the calorie content of raw buckwheat is a relative indicator, because during the heat treatment of grain, the amount of calories changes. How high the energy value of the finished dish turns out to be depends on the cooking method and on what ingredients are included in it besides buckwheat.

How many calories of boiled buckwheat

Cooking is the main option for cooking buckwheat. Boiled and deliciously crumbly, it is a versatile side dish or a stand-alone dish. Nutritionists have calculated how many calories are in boiled buckwheat in water. The result can comfort those who follow a buckwheat diet: per 100 g of a dish - no more than 100 kcal. The indicator of energy value will be slightly higher if the water is replaced with meat broth.

However, with such culinary processing, a huge part of the nutrients is lost. You can partially compensate for this deficiency by enriching the side dish with vegetables or herbs.

Steamed with boiling water without salt

The most dietary and healthy way of cooking is buckwheat in water without boiling. To do this, the cereals are sorted out, washed and poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2-1: 3. It is believed that the optimal time for cereal swelling is about 4 hours. But after 40 minutes, covered with a tight lid, buckwheat is steamed, and it is quite possible to eat it.

A good option is to brew cereals in the evening. For the greatest friability and keeping the food warm, it is useful to use a thermos.

Buckwheat soaked in cold water retains even more nutrients and nutrients. True, to achieve readiness, the product takes more time than with the "hot" method, so it is more advisable to take care of the dish the day before, pouring water over the cereal in the evening.

It is not recommended to season buckwheat without cooking with salt or sugar. As a "concession", some people prefer to lightly season the porridge with soy sauce or vegetable oil (for example, flaxseed). But the calorie content of the dish will increase from this.

The energy value of unsalted steamed buckwheat is no more than 90 kcal.

In buckwheat with milk

Boiled buckwheat with milk significantly "grows" in calories. The final indicator will depend on the proportion of cereals and milk, what is the fat content of the last component. On average, the energy value of such food ranges from 120 to 200 kcal.

With butter

"You can't spoil porridge with butter" - they say among the people. Of course, who would argue? In terms of taste, buckwheat flavored with butter is superior to lean buckwheat. The calorie content of such a dish also increases. However, here, too, everything is not so simple, depending on which oil is chosen for refueling - vegetable or butter.

On average, the calories in 100 grams of buckwheat porridge in vegetable oil grow slightly. In a teaspoon of such fat - about 5 g, which means that by filling boiled or steamed buckwheat with vegetable oil, you can add 40 kcal to the dish! This has its advantages: vegetable oils saturate the body with essential fatty acids and vitamins (in particular, E), without adding a single gram of cholesterol.

Butter is tastier than vegetable oil, but it is also somewhat more harmful (it contains cholesterol). In terms of calorie content, it is slightly different from the analogue of non-animal origin. And a little less is spent. A teaspoon of butter (10 g) contains approximately 80 kcal. Boiled buckwheat, seasoned with it, becomes tastier and more high-calorie!

Delicious, crumbly, hearty and easy to prepare - this is buckwheat loved by many. Boiled in water or drenched in milk, generously seasoned with butter or mixed with fruit, stewed in a pot or in a slow cooker - it will certainly turn out and will be a welcome dish for breakfast or a side dish for dinner and lunch. It is considered a dietary food, but is boiled buckwheat so simple, the content of BZHU in it can surprise.

The abbreviation BJU stands for simply: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These are the very elements that provide calorie content to the product. The benefit for losing weight from one food or another lies in the balance of substances, in nutritional value. So, in order to understand how effective buckwheat boiled in water is for losing weight, you need to calculate the kcal - the same calorie content.

Why is buckwheat satisfying?

If you look at the calorie tables on the network and other sources, then the data on BZHU in boiled buckwheat will differ somewhat. The following indicators can be considered averages:

Thus, the percentage of protein, carbohydrates and fats in buckwheat on water can be expressed in the following diagram:

It turns out that 100 grams of carbohydrates. There are a lot of cereals, but this is not beneficial for losing weight. But you should not worry about this, since they are classified as slow - they increase blood sugar not dramatically, like cakes, but gradually. That is, the energy from buckwheat boiled in water is not released immediately and can feed the body for a very long time.

Therefore, with a small nutritional value, this cereal has significant benefits for weight loss. Only oatmeal (93 kcal per 100 g) and pearl barley (102 kcal per 100 g) can compete with it in terms of the content of slow carbohydrates and the ratio of BJU.

But, despite this, buckwheat boiled in water is more often present in the diet for weight loss. So how do you benefit from this information now?

A little about calories

The essence of any diet that works to lose extra pounds is simple: if a person usually gets 2000-4000 kcal with food, then this figure needs to be reduced. How many kilocalories to remove from the diet is decided on an individual basis, it depends:

  • from the floor,
  • lifestyle,
  • type of activity,
  • the presence of regular additional physical activity.

It is clear that a loader spends more kcal than an office worker. Therefore, he simply cannot sharply reduce the nutritional value of food taken during the day - he will not cope with the work. The benefits of fasting are questionable, and the lost weight can return, taking a few more pounds with you.

The task is to reduce the number of calories consumed on average to 1200-1400, how much exactly, let your nutritionist calculate.

Pros and cons of boiled buckwheat

How much buckwheat will you have to eat for weight loss? This question worries those who decided to try to lose weight on this mono-diet. As in any dietary regime that recognizes only one product in the diet, for effective weight loss you will only have to eat cereals boiled in water. Only in this case, the amount of BJU will be optimal so that the hated centimeters melt before our eyes.

Here are some tips to make the benefits of such porridge tangible:

  1. You cannot add a single gram of sugar, salt and spices to the finished dish. Such condiments will wipe out the entire diet. For weight loss on boiled buckwheat, it is not recommended to use any sauces, including tomato and soy. A few grams of butter can brighten the taste, but will not be beneficial, skip them too.
  2. To properly cook the cereal, which will make up the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you will need to take the ingredients in the following proportion: 100 grams of buckwheat and water: 150 ml in order to steam the buckwheat in a thermos, and 200-250 ml for cooking in the usual way.
  3. There are tips that in the intervals between boiled buckwheat you can use 100-200 grams of kefir. It is believed that this product will support the gastrointestinal tract during the diet and promote weight loss. Kefir will add some variety to a boring diet, but you need to choose a low-fat product. Ardent supporters of boiled buckwheat do not add a single gram of nutrients from other products to BJU from cereals, and even green apples are banned.

It is easy to guess that on one boiled buckwheat (although it can be consumed in any quantity) it is very difficult to hold out for a couple of days. And it will take at least a week! What other troubles can await those losing weight?

  • Even taking into account the fact that 200 grams of boiled buckwheat eaten for breakfast contains enough BJU to "live" until lunch, and then until dinner, there are still not enough calories. Many complained of nausea, weakness, pressure surges and dizziness. If these symptoms do appear, discontinue your diet and run to your doctor.
  • Mono-diets are extreme, this should not be started during pregnancy, breastfeeding, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • BJU from boiled buckwheat provide energy, but vitamins and minerals will not be added by a single gram. Nutritionists advise taking multivitamins in parallel.

It is better to assess all the risks and compare them with the benefits of eating boiled buckwheat with a doctor. In order for your favorite dress to sit freely, and the form lost after a long weekend to return, it is quite enough to arrange a couple of fasting days a week, and not to torture the body with a satisfying, but extreme regime.

The popularity of buckwheat is determined not only by the fact that the calorie content of boiled buckwheat is quite low, but also by the unique and rich composition of buckwheat per 100 grams. It includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids that play a vital role for the human body. In the article we will consider the composition of buckwheat: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the amount and ratio of which is especially important for athletes and people who are losing weight.

Nutritional value of buckwheat per 100 grams

The nutritional value of buckwheat in comparison with other cereals is distinguished by the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Nutritional value of buckwheat in 100 grams contains:

  • Fat - 0.9 g;
  • Protein - 3.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 15.9 g;
  • Water - 73.3 g;
  • Unsaturated fatty acids - 0.2 g

Athletes are most often interested in how much protein is in buckwheat. In dry form, this cereal contains 12.6 grams of protein per 100 grams of product. The chemical composition of boiled buckwheat contains 3.5 grams of protein.

Another value of the composition of buckwheat per 100 grams is a low content of saturated fat, no cholesterol, no sugar, a large amount of fiber, slow carbohydrates, giving a feeling of fullness for a long time. That is why buckwheat diets are very popular all over the world. Athletes also appreciate this cereal for the nutritional value of boiled buckwheat.

The nutritional value of ready-made buckwheat is very high, it is even compared with meat. The amount of amino acids in this cereal is comparable to that of peas, beans and other legumes. Proteins in buckwheat are contained in almost the same amount as in eggs or milk powder.

The glycemic index of buckwheat is 55 units out of 100. This suggests that when cereals are consumed, the blood sugar level does not increase rapidly. The result is the absorption of nutrients without storing the excess as fat.

For convenience, we present a table showing the nutritional value of dry buckwheat per 100 grams:

Buckwheat composition per 100 grams

The chemical composition of buckwheat strikes no less than the nutritional value of buckwheat in 100 g. Vitamins, macro and microelements, useful for the human body, are present in large quantities in this cereal.

The composition of raw and boiled buckwheat is rich in B vitamins, which are necessary for protein, carbohydrate, lipid and water-salt metabolism. This group of vitamins is important for the brain and nervous system. The composition of buckwheat, in comparison with other cereals, is especially rich in vitamin P, which is necessary for the heart, thyroid gland, and arterial walls. The composition of boiled buckwheat does not contain gluten (gluten), which is especially important for people with allergic reactions to this substance. Other cereals (wheat, rye, oats, barley) contain gluten.

The energy and nutritional value of buckwheat boiled in water is high due to the correct balance of biochemical composition. We recommend that you regularly include cereals in the diet to normalize digestion, cleanse the body, and restore the balance of trace elements. This is especially important for losing weight, the composition of buckwheat will be useful for people suffering from obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

You can study in detail the chemical composition of buckwheat per 100 grams using the table:

Vitamin PP 4.2 mg
Vitamin E 6.65 mg
Beta carotene 0.01 mg
Vitamin A (RE) 2 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) 0.43 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.2 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0,4 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 32 μg
Vitamin E (TE) 0.8 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 7.2 mg
Iron 6,7 mg
Zinc 2.05 mg
Iodine 3.3 μg
Sulfur 88 mg
Chlorine 33 mg
Phosphorus 298 mg
Potassium 380 mg
Sodium 3 mg
Magnesium 200 mg
Calcium 20 mg
Copper 640 mg
Manganese 1.56 mg
Selenium 8.3 μg
Chromium 4 μg
Fluorine 23 μg
Molybdenum 34.4 mcg
Boron 350 mcg
Silicon 81 mg
Kolbat 3.1 mcg
Nickel 10.1 mcg

Buckwheat porridge has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. It is saturated with fiber, vitamins B1, B5, B6, H, PP, E, minerals manganese, potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium, zinc, sodium, iron, boron, iodine.

The calorie content of buckwheat porridge in water with oil per 100 grams is 120.2 kcal. 100 g of this dish contains:

  • 2.52 g protein;
  • 4.87 g fat;
  • 17.6 g of carbohydrates.

To prepare buckwheat porridge in water with oil, you must:

  • Rinse 150 g of buckwheat, pour into a saucepan and add water;
  • cook porridge until it becomes viscous;
  • add 12 g of butter and 12 g of sugar to boiled buckwheat;
  • let the porridge brew for 5 minutes.

The calorie content of buckwheat porridge in water without oil per 100 grams is 102 kcal. In 100 g of a dish:

  • 4.23 g protein;
  • 1.07 g fat;
  • 20.1 g of carbohydrates.

Porridge recipe:

  • Rinse 200 g of buckwheat and pour 400 g of water;
  • add 2 g of salt;
  • cook porridge after boiling over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes;
  • add greens to the finished porridge.

Calorie content of buckwheat porridge in milk per 100 grams

The calorie content of boiled buckwheat porridge in milk per 100 grams is 118.2 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 4.21 g protein;
  • 2.29 g fat;
  • 21.61 g of carbohydrates.

Buckwheat in milk is saturated with pectin, lecithin, vitamins B, PP, H, E, minerals magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc, calcium, selenium, iron, phosphorus, sodium.

The recipe for making buckwheat porridge in milk:

  • pour a glass of buckwheat into a saucepan;
  • pour a glass of boiling water into the porridge;
  • cook porridge over low heat for 5 minutes;
  • then add 1 glass of milk;
  • cook buckwheat under the lid for 12 minutes;
  • add sugar and salt to the porridge to taste;
  • let the boiled buckwheat brew under the lid for 10 - 20 minutes.

The benefits of buckwheat porridge

The benefits of buckwheat porridge are quite large and are as follows:

  • the product is saturated with routine, which is necessary for strengthening the walls of blood vessels. It is thanks to the routine that buckwheat porridge must be included in the diet for varicose veins, hypertension, rheumatism;
  • buckwheat lecithin helps to restore the membranes of the cells of the brain and nervous system;
  • iron of buckwheat is necessary to reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • buckwheat flavonoids ensure longevity, maintain youthfulness of skin, nails, hair;
  • magnesium of porridge is necessary to maintain the health of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels;
  • buckwheat is saturated with folic acid, which reduces the risk of developing cancer, is indispensable during pregnancy.

The harm of buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat porridge should be discarded when:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • the development of allergic reactions to buckwheat, including those manifested in the form of rashes, itching, peeling of the skin;
  • in case of violation of the shelf life of porridge. In this case, mold quickly forms on the croup, the ingress of which into the body can provoke serious poisoning.

During pregnancy, you should not overeat buckwheat, since due to a sufficiently large amount of protein, porridge can provoke stomach and intestinal upset.

Buckwheat, popular all over the world, is a tasty cereal, both in the form of a self-sufficient dish and as a side dish. Boiled buckwheat is also a very useful product for the human body.

Properties of buckwheat

Doctors have long proven that buckwheat is a proven remedy for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Colon and breast cancer can be cited as an example. The anticarcinogenic properties of boiled buckwheat are very high. The product is also recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus. The amount of sugar in the blood after eating one cup of boiled buckwheat goes down in an hour or two.

Increasing immunity, normalizing the functioning of the intestines, improving digestion, quickly satiating with a low calorie content of cereals - this is the effect of buckwheat on the human body. The low calorie count has led to its inclusion in many well-known diets.

The cereals contain a lot of selenium and zinc, these elements strengthen bones.

The essential trace elements contained in it will help restore old and damaged bones. Also, the product helps prevent anemia due to the large amount of iron that buckwheat contains.

Useful qualities

Boiled buckwheat is one of the most satisfying side dishes. It is strongly advised, on an ongoing basis, to be consumed by patients with diabetes mellitus. Recommendations for its use apply not only to those who suffer from some kind of disease. A healthy adult and children, in particular, need to eat boiled buckwheat several times a week.

Buckwheat fully provides the human body with all the essential fatty polyunsaturated acids. In addition, it contains almost all vitamins and minerals in the amount a person needs.

Calorie content of the dish

Raw buckwheat is high in calories - 314 kcal per 100 g. But there is nothing wrong with that. During heat treatment, it decreases sharply. It is not difficult to calculate the calorie content of a cooked product. After cooking, 100 g of dry product will turn into 310-330 g of a ready-made dish. Calorie content will depend on what additives are used in the dish. Pure (no additives) buckwheat porridge has a caloric content of 100 to 141 kcal per 100 g.

The energy value of the finished dish directly depends not only on additives, but also on what exactly to use. The largest EC will be in a dish made from kernel. If you cook buckwheat or buckwheat flakes, the calorie content will be lower.

Weight loss benefits

For those who wish to lose weight sparingly and quickly without problems for the body, nutritionists advise to consume buckwheat all the time. Low-calorie buckwheat is a great help in losing weight and a very budget option for this.

No need to purchase expensive weight loss products. You need a bag of buckwheat, which can be purchased for only 30 rubles. Then brew a glass of cereal with boiling water in a ratio of 2 to 1. It remains to cover the cereal with a lid and wait for the buckwheat to take all the water. Then pour in another glass of boiling water and cook the porridge for a quarter of an hour. Here in such a dish there will be 111 kcal per 100 g.

There is an interesting recipe for buckwheat "in Pugachev style". A glass of cereal should be placed in a simple thermos. Pour boiling water into it, in a ratio of 3 to 1. Close the thermos tightly and leave overnight. You need to eat without salt and oil. This method was suggested by the cook A. Pugacheva, a recognized specialist in various diets.


All the recipes below have no contraindications. Their calorie content is different, but everyone will find something suitable for themselves.

Boiled buckwheat with butter

Caloric content per 100 g: 120.4 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the groats thoroughly. Place in a saucepan with filtered water.
  2. Cook covered until boiled. The porridge should turn out to be viscous.
  3. Put a piece of butter and sugar in the finished dish. Let it brew.

How to cook delicious buckwheat:

Green buckwheat with milk

Caloric content per 100 g: 178.7 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the groats several times.
  2. Pour the cereal with water. So that the liquid covers the buckwheat by 2 cm.
  3. Place on the stove over low heat. Wait for it to boil. Season with salt, add sugar.
  4. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Then pour in milk, quickly boil, remove from heat. Do not remove the cover.
  6. Wrap the pan with a towel. Insist 12 minutes.
  7. When serving, throw a piece of butter.

Buckwheat meatballs with mushrooms

Buckwheat 1 glass
Water 750 ml
Mushrooms 110 g
Starch 20 g
Lean oil 90 ml
Onion 150 g
Tomato - pasta 80 g
Flour 30 g
Breadcrumbs 1 glass
Greens optional
Salt optional
Pepper optional

Caloric content per 100 g: 277.10 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Boil mushrooms. Remove from the broth. Cook a viscous porridge on the broth.
  2. Chop the boiled mushrooms, mix with the finished porridge. Add starch.
  3. Knead the mass. Form the balls. Breaded in breadcrumbs. Fry in a hot skillet on both sides.
  4. Chop and sauté onion and tomato paste. Add flour. If necessary, pour in a little broth and prepare the sauce.
  5. Before serving, pour the sauce over the dish and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Cutlets with milk

Calories per 100 g: 236.70 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the groats well. Boil until completely boiled. Punch in a blender.
  2. Process the onion, wash. Grind. Add to a blender and punch everything together again.
  3. Add starch to the minced meat, mix thoroughly. Add salt and pepper. Form the balls.
  4. Fry the semi-finished product in vegetable oil in a hot frying pan on both sides.
  5. Transfer the fried meatballs to a deep saucepan. Then pour in milk. Reduce heat to low and cook for 15 minutes.

We bake like a merchant

Calories per 100 g: 248.56 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the groats thoroughly. Place in a greased baking dish.
  2. Sprinkle chopped garlic and onions over the surface.
  3. Cut the fillet into a block of medium thickness. Add spices and mayonnaise. Mix.
  4. Pour a couple of glasses of salted water into the mold. Grind the cheese there.
  5. Place prepared chicken on top.
  6. Cook in the oven for an hour at 180 degrees.

Method of cooking in a multicooker

Caloric content per 100 g: 313 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the groats several times. Pour into the multicooker bowl. Add salt.
  2. Set the program "Porridge / Steam cooking" or "Stewing". Close the lid. Include a full cycle.
  3. At the end of the cycle, turn off the multicooker. Without opening the lid, let the porridge brew.

The benefits of buckwheat are undeniable. A simple dish can be prepared so that everyone asks for more. All ingenious is simple. Therefore, do not forget about this healthy and tasty product that is in every home.

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