How to make a glass cake. Broken glass: no-bake jelly cake

03.03.2020 Egg dishes

How to cook french fries at home so that it turns out to be as tasty and fragrant as in a fast food cafe? This question is of particular interest to those who cannot imagine their life without fried foods. It should be noted that, like any other fast food, french fries are quite unhealthy. However, if you use it rarely and in moderation, then it will not be able to negatively affect your body. What's more, home-made meals are safer than those sold at popular fast food restaurants.

Choosing the Right Raw Materials

Let's say you have already learned how to cook french fries at home, now you should purchase all the basic ingredients. For this dish, such varieties of vegetables that contain a minimum of starch are ideal. It should also be noted that french fries will turn out to be the most delicious, crispy and beautiful if they are cooked from large and oblong tubers.

Oil selection

How to make french fries at home? To do this, you should stock up not only on vegetables, but also on a product such as vegetable oil. It is best to take refined (deodorized). Otherwise, your dish will have a pronounced aroma of oil, which, of course, is undesirable.

Thus, for cooking french fries, it is recommended to purchase sunflower, olive or corn oil. Each of these varieties will give your dish a special delicate aroma and taste.

French fries: a detailed recipe

French fries are not as difficult to cook as it seems at first glance. After all, almost every one of us knows how to fry it in a pan. The difference between these dishes is only in the amount of vegetable oil used during heat treatment.

So, remembering how to cook french fries at home, you need to purchase:

Slicing vegetables

How to make homemade french fries so that they are as similar as possible to those sold in a fast food cafe? To do this, vegetables should be cut correctly. But before that, large tubers need to be washed well and thinly peeled. Next, the potatoes must be cut into long and thin slices 1-1.3 centimeters thick. If you make them a little thinner, then you risk getting an overcooked dish saturated with oil. If you chop the vegetable too thickly, then there is a chance that the middle of the pieces will not cook.

Preparation of the main ingredient

How to make french fries rosy and very tasty? To do this, use a special deep fat and a set of aromatic spices. But before you start frying vegetable straws, you need to put it on a paper towel and dry it well. If this procedure is overlooked, then you risk severe burns, since water droplets that fall into the seething fat will create a rather strong reaction.

Heat treatment

Having carefully figured out how to cook french fries in a deep fryer, you, of course, remember that you must first pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into it and heat it up strongly. The readiness of fat can be determined in the following way: you need to lower a small piece of peeled vegetable into it. If the potato floats and bubbles appear around it, then the oil is perfectly heated. If this does not happen, then you need to wait a few more minutes.

After the vegetable oil boils, put a small amount of chopped and dried potatoes into the grid of the deep fryer. Next, the dishes need to be lowered into fat and cook the product until a golden crust appears. At the same time, it is recommended to stir the vegetables regularly, twitching the net or simply moving them with a slotted spoon.

Final stage

Now you know how to make french fries at home. However, it is equally important to find out how such a dish should be served at the table. To do this, ready-made vegetables need to be laid out on a paper napkin and deprive them of fat as much as possible. Next, the french fries must be placed in a sieve or colander, and then sprinkled with salt and sweet paprika to taste. After shaking the product strongly several times, it should be put on a plate and served with ketchup or some other sauce. Bon appetit!

Crispy french fries

We talked about how to cook french fries at home. However, it should be noted that this dish is not as crispy as we would like. In this regard, we bring to your attention another recipe that involves pre-freezing vegetables.

So, before you cook french fries at home, you need to purchase:

  • refined vegetable oil - about 600 ml (for deep-frying);
  • potato tubers large oblong - 5-8 pieces;
  • any starch - 150 g;
  • fine salt, sweet paprika, pepper, aromatic seasonings, a mixture of dried herbs, etc., add to taste.

Preparing vegetables

What is the difference between this and the previous recipe? French fries in this case should be pre-frozen. This procedure will contribute to the fact that the dish will turn out not only ruddy and beautiful, but also as crispy as in a fast food cafe.

Thus, to prepare french fries, you should take several large oblong tubers of a vegetable, wash them thoroughly and peel them. Next, they need to be chopped into thin and long straws, and then put on paper napkins or a waffle towel and completely dehydrated.

Pretreatment of vegetables

How to cook homemade french fries so that they turn out to be as crispy as possible? To do this, take a large and not very deep plate, pour starch into it, and then roll all the chopped potato slices in turn. Next, they need to be placed in a metal container and sent to the freezer. It is recommended to keep vegetables in the cold for no more than 30 minutes.

Frying in oil

As mentioned above, to prepare such a dish, it is best to use a special deep fryer. But if you don’t have such a device, then you can use an ordinary thick-walled pan or a cast-iron roaster. It is necessary to pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into it, and then heat it up strongly at maximum heat. Fat is considered to be fully ready for product display if it emits a light smoke and an appropriate aroma.

Experienced chefs recommend placing potatoes in deep fat using a special mesh basket. But if there was no such attribute in your kitchen, then you can put the vegetables directly into the pan. At the same time, it is recommended to stir them regularly, using a slotted spoon for this.

The readiness of homemade french fries can be determined by its color. Vegetables should be evenly golden brown. In addition, having tried such a dish, one can note not only its softness, but also a characteristic crunch, for which, in fact, most fast food fans love it.

Proper serving to the table

We talked about how to make french fries at home. But you should not prepare such a dish if you do not know how to properly serve it to the table. The fact is that vegetables do not salt during heat treatment. If you add spices to them during frying or before it, then the french fries will not turn out tasty, ruddy, and even more beautiful. In this regard, experts recommend flavoring the dish with seasonings only after it is completely ready for use. To do this, the fried potatoes should be removed from the boiling oil, and then put in a sieve or on paper towels. Having thus rid the vegetables of excess fat, they should be discarded in a colander, sprinkled with salt, aromatic seasonings, dried herbs and other additives, and then shaken thoroughly so that the spices are evenly distributed over the potatoes. Next, the dish must be put on a plate and presented to the table along with some kind of sauce.

French fries: can I cook in a slow cooker?

Cooking french fries in a slow cooker is just as easy and simple as in a deep fryer or on a conventional stove. For this you need:

  • refined vegetable oil - 1 l;
  • large oblong potato tubers - 5-9 pieces;
  • fine iodized salt - add to taste.

Processing vegetables

Cut potatoes for its preparation in a slow cooker should be exactly the same as described above. If you regularly make such a dish at home, then you should purchase a special device with which you can quickly chop vegetables into beautiful and even slices. In the absence of such a device, an ordinary sharp knife with a thin blade will do just fine.

Heat treatment

Before putting the sliced ​​potatoes in deep-frying, they should be dried well with paper napkins. Next, you need to pour vegetable oil into the container of the device and, turning on the baking mode, heat it up strongly. After a light smoke comes from the fat, it is necessary to place potato slices in a metal mesh basket and fry them thoroughly until golden brown. If you don’t have such a device, then you need to put the vegetables directly into the multicooker bowl, and mix and remove using a slotted spoon.

How to properly serve?

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making your own French fries in a slow cooker. After cooking, the vegetables should be shaken strongly in a sieve, seasoned with salt and any other fragrant spices, and then presented to the table along with spicy ketchup or tomato sauce. Bon appetit!

To make such a dish at home as tasty and fragrant as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

French fries- a delicious snack that many people like to treat themselves to in fast food restaurants. But at home it is not so easy to cook it, especially if there is no deep fryer at hand. In fact, it is possible to fry potatoes in oil so that the crust is golden and crispy, and the middle is soft. The main thing is to know one trick, peeped in the kitchen of the McDonald`s network.

In order to cook french fries, you will need a minimum of products - potatoes (preferably large hard tubers), vegetable oil, salt and ... sugar. The first rule to follow: if possible, try to use any kitchen tool with which you can cut potatoes into cubes. So the pieces will be approximately the same, and they will need the same time to fry (otherwise you risk getting half-done in places, and in places burnt potatoes).

Sliced ​​potatoes will need to be left for half an hour in a solution prepared from water with the addition of a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of salt. Salt and sugar in equal proportions practically neutralize each other, but after frying, the french fries will have the taste of fast food so beloved by many. During the time that the potato slices stay in the water, excess starch will stand out from them, and when frying, they will not disintegrate.

The next step is drying the potatoes. The slices need to be taken out of the water, laid out on a dry textile or paper towel, covered with another one on top and allowed to dry completely. After - put in a plastic container or a regular plastic bag and put in the freezer. This is another secret of fast food chains: french fries are always frozen in boiling oil. Thanks to this trick, he remains soft inside.

It is convenient to fry potatoes in an ordinary frying pan, for this purpose it is not necessary to use a pan or deep fryer. Heat enough oil when the potato slices are completely frozen and load it in portions for frying. When immersing potatoes in oil, you will see hiss and hear crackling, this is how the reaction should be. One serving is fried for 5-8 minutes, the potatoes should acquire a characteristic golden hue.

When the potatoes are ready, take them out with a slotted spoon. It is advisable to put in a colander so that the excess oil is glass. If desired, you can spread it on paper towels, but this method will take a little longer. In principle, this completes the cooking of french fries. It remains to sprinkle lightly with salt (optional) and serve hot with tomato sauce. Bon appetit!

If you fundamentally do not want to eat oil, try cooking. This recipe is not only tasty, but also healthy! It's even perfect for a kid's dinner.

Crispy ruddy and well-done french fries can be cooked at home on your own. The taste of the dish in the end will turn out to be no worse than in the most popular fast food cafes. Here are some great recipes that will show you how to make french fries at home.

To greatly simplify the process of preparing the dish under discussion, it is worth using a deep fryer. From the products you will need: a lot of odorless vegetable oil, 600 g of potatoes, salt and any aromatic herbs to taste.

  1. Potato tubers are thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into thin strips. Before frying, each slice must be thrown into a colander and dried with a clean towel so that drops of liquid do not shoot into the fat.
  2. The oil is poured into a special device, and its temperature is set to 160 degrees.
  3. When the liquid is heated to the specified temperature, potato sticks can be immersed in it using a special metal mesh. The oil around the potatoes should be actively boiling.
  4. So that the straws do not stick together, it is better to fry in miniature portions.
  5. The finished dish is laid out on a paper towel and salted.

The selected seasonings are poured exclusively on the finished fried product, otherwise they will start to burn strongly in the oil and spoil the whole process.

Recipe for cooking in a frying pan

If the hostess did not have a deep fryer, then even without such a device it will be easy to cook crispy potato wedges. You will need to use a regular frying pan and you need to prepare: 2 large potatoes, 350 ml of vegetable oil, table salt and ground pepper to taste.

  1. The tubers are washed, peeled and cut into cubes, the width of which is not more than 1 cm.
  2. Further potatoes are soaked for several minutes in ice water, which will free them from excess starch. Then the slices are dried with a paper towel.
  3. Vegetable oil is heated in a deep thick-walled frying pan. Potatoes are dipped into it. The liquid should completely cover the vegetable.
  4. A small portion of the dish is fried for no more than 12 minutes.

French fries are sprinkled with salt, any savory spices, pepper and served at the table.

Delicious side dish in a slow cooker

It is even easier to cook the dish under discussion using a slow cooker. This will require: 6 potato tubers, salt, 700 ml of high-quality sunflower oil.

  1. The potatoes are washed, peeled and cut into miniature cubes.
  2. Vegetable slices are soaked in salted water for about 20 minutes.
  3. In the same liquid, potatoes are boiled for about 12 minutes.
  4. The water is drained, and the vegetable sticks are dried on a paper towel.
  5. In the “Baking” mode, the oil is well heated in the multicooker bowl.
  6. Potatoes are laid out in a boiling liquid and fried until a light golden crust appears.

Served with ketchup or any sauce based on tomato paste.

French fries in the microwave

This recipe for french fries is suitable for those who do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time. It remains only to choose the right sauce, and the dish (no worse than in a cafe) can be served for dinner. It is prepared from the following products: 650 g potatoes, 4 tbsp. refined olive oil, fine salt, hot spices.

  1. Potatoes after peeling are cut into thin sticks. Slices that are too thick will not cook well in the microwave.
  2. The chopped vegetable is put into a shallow container suitable for use in the device under discussion, sprinkled with salt and any selected seasonings. For example, great with ground paprika.
  3. The dish is cooked for 2.5 minutes at maximum microwave power. Then the potato sticks are turned over and the device is turned on for the same time.

The meal is served hot.

How to cook in an air grill at home?

Interestingly, almost all devices that make life easier for the hostess are perfect for making homemade french fries. This is not only a microwave and a slow cooker, but also an air grill. Zealous cooks will especially like that this recipe does not require the use of a huge amount of vegetable oil. In addition to 5 potato tubers, will be used: 3st. l. refined olive oil and a pinch of salt. How to cook french fries in an air grill is described below.

  1. The potatoes are peeled, washed, dried with a towel and cut into long longitudinal slices.
  2. The resulting straw is thoroughly mixed with salted olive oil. This should be done just before frying. It is best to oil small portions of potatoes, which will go to the air grill the next second. Otherwise, the vegetable will over time give juice in a bowl and wash away an important oil film from the surface of the bars.
  3. Potato straws are laid out on the middle grill of the air grill.
  4. A dish is being cooked at a high fan speed. The temperature should be 260 degrees.
  5. After 12 minutes, the vegetable sticks are turned over to the other side and “fried” again for the same amount of time.

French fries make a great side dish for any meat dish.

From the finished semi-finished product

Today, in any supermarket, you can easily find a semi-finished product - frozen potato wedges for cooking them in boiling oil. Using such a product, you can cook your favorite dish in record time. To do this, you will need: a bag of frozen potatoes, 400 ml of vegetable oil, fine salt to taste.

  1. The first step is to completely defrost the semi-finished product. No moisture should remain on the potato wedges, otherwise the oil will begin to sizzle and splatter a lot.
  2. To properly defrost the finished french fries, the bag is lowered into warm water for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Next, the vegetable slices are laid out on a paper towel so that the latter absorbs all the moisture.
  4. It remains only to prepare the dish in any convenient way - put it in hot oil in a deep fryer or a regular frying pan.
  5. When the slices become golden on all sides, they are laid out on a paper towel to remove excess fat and salted.

It is especially delicious to eat homemade french fries with a variety of spicy sauces.

diet recipe

Surprisingly, even such a fatty and high-calorie side dish at first glance can turn out to be quite dietary. In this case, the potatoes will need to be cooked in the oven without adding oil. In addition to 8 vegetables, the following will be used: 2 egg whites, 1 tbsp. salt, a pinch of black and red ground pepper, a large spoonful of Italian herbs.

  1. The tubers are washed, peeled, cut into cubes, each of which is dried with paper napkins. You can use a special device for chopping potatoes or just a sharp knife.
  2. Proteins are well whipped, salted, mixed with seasonings.
  3. Potatoes are poured with a spicy egg mixture. After thorough mixing, the sticks are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment.
  4. The dish is prepared in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for about half an hour.

To avoid sticking, potato slices should not touch each other.

Fans of a healthy diet know that any food after frying in deep-frying oil becomes unhealthy. Like, carcinogens and all that are formed. At the same time, french fries lovers are ready to break any prohibitions for the sake of their adored dish. How to cook french fries at home? Not every kitchen has special dishes, but this should not be an insurmountable obstacle for true connoisseurs. How to cook french fries at home without a deep fryer? It can be replaced with a deep frying pan, a thick-walled pan, use a slow cooker or a microwave oven.

Potato preparation

How to cook french fries at home? Before you start frying a vegetable, you need to properly prepare it for the process. And the sequence of actions does not depend on the chosen cooking method. Potatoes should be sorted and sorted so that the tubers are approximately the same size. Selected vegetables must be thoroughly washed and peeled. After that, the potatoes are cut into long bars no more than one centimeter thick - excessively thick pieces may not be fried. Please note that too thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetable will be dry. The shredded product is folded into a container with cold, slightly salted water to avoid darkening. Immediately before frying, the water is drained, and the prepared potatoes are dried with a clean cloth towel or napkins.

frying oil

How to cook french fries at home correctly? First, take a good fat for frying. When choosing vegetable oil for cooking, you should pay attention to its suitability for deep-frying: refined is more resistant to high temperatures. The best is frozen sunflower.

How to cook french fries at home in a pan

Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan, if there is lard, add a small piece. The thickness of fat for frying should be at least 4 centimeters.

The oil should be well warmed up. A sign of the right temperature is a slight smoke over the pan. Not hot enough oil will prevent the potatoes from getting a golden crust and saturate them with excess fat. We lay out the potato wedges in one loose layer, so that they float freely. Turn them regularly with a slotted spoon to cook evenly. Cooking time for one serving is about 8 minutes over medium heat.

How to cook french fries at home in the oven

Beat two egg whites thoroughly with salt and mix with potato slices already prepared as described above. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper or parchment, lay out the potatoes, sprinkle with paprika on top. We move the workpiece into an oven heated to 180 degrees and bake there until golden brown.

in the microwave

How to cook french fries at home in the microwave? Pre-prepared or frozen, store-bought potatoes are loaded into a special form for fries in the microwave or laid out in one layer on a plate, salt to taste, lightly sprinkled with oil, sprinkled with those spices that are suitable for vegetables. Bake at full power of the microwave for about seven minutes.

In a slow cooker

The process of cooking this dish in a slow cooker is in many ways similar to the process in a deep fryer, frying pan or saucepan. There are only a few notes and caveats. Such potatoes in a slow cooker are cooked only if there is a special mode, otherwise it is fraught with damage to the bowl coating. It is advisable to fry the vegetable in a basket specially designed for this. If none is available, cook in small portions. Before heating the oil for fries, it is worth salting it - in this case, much less spatter is formed.

How to serve french fries on the table

In the classic way of cooking fries, a lot of refined oil or melted fat is used, so the fried pieces are removed with a slotted spoon and laid out in a colander. Then lightly salted. It is advisable to shake them several times to get rid of excess oil. Put the finished potatoes on a plate covered with a paper towel (it will absorb the rest of the fat).

Regardless of the cooking method, french fries are served hot, piping hot. As it cools, it dries out and becomes tasteless. If desired, the finished product can be sprinkled with spices, served with various sauces. A simple American-style ketchup is good. You can use tomato sauce with herbs, mustard, preferably French, sweetish and non-bitter. Can be served with a glass of cold foamy beer (light, light). Bon appetit everyone!

With the amazing taste of french fries, many first met in modern fast food restaurants. Who would have thought that regular potato wedges fried in oil would win the universal love of both adults and children. But today, a serving of crispy and fragrant potato strips raises doubts about the safety of the ingredients used, so most people try to make french fries at home. Indeed, home-cooked golden potatoes are safer and less expensive for the family budget, while still being just as delicious as in a restaurant.

French fries in deep fryer and slow cooker
The most convenient option for making french fries at home is a deep fryer. If you often have to cook fries, then get it at any hardware store. Fortunately, it is not expensive, from 700 rubles, and the cooking process itself is greatly simplified:
  1. Prepare the potatoes: peel, rinse, cut into thin sticks and rinse again.
  2. Lay the raw potato strips on a towel and pat dry.
  3. Pour odorless refined vegetable oil into a deep fryer and heat it to 180°C.
  4. Place part of the potato in a special sieve and deep-fry for 6-7 minutes.
  5. As soon as the straw becomes a pleasant golden color, remove the sieve and let the oil drain.
  6. Place cooked fragrant potatoes on paper towels to soak up excess oil. Then transfer to a wide dish and sprinkle with fine salt.
  7. Start frying the second batch of potatoes.
French fries can also be cooked in a slow cooker, even if it does not have a special mode and grid for this. You just need to pour vegetable oil into it and select the "Frying" or "Baking" mode. As soon as the oil heats up, you need to lower a portion of the prepared potatoes into it and fry for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spatula. Once the potatoes are in the desired shape, remove them with a slotted spoon.

Cooking french fries in a frying pan or pot
If you do not have special equipment, this does not mean that you will not be able to feast on your favorite dish whenever you want. French fries can be cooked in a regular frying pan or saucepan. It is better to take a cast-iron frying pan, and the pan should be with a thick bottom, then the finished dish will turn out golden, crispy and tasty:

  1. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into strips, the thickness of which should be 7-10 mm. Put straws in cold water and leave for 15 minutes to remove excess starch. Then take it out and dry it well.
  2. Put a frying pan or pot on the stove, pour oil into it (about a liter) and turn on the burner on a power between high and medium.
  3. The oil should be hot enough. To check this, dip one stick into the oil. The oil around it should immediately begin to bubble and hiss.
  4. As soon as the oil is hot, lower some of the prepared potatoes and fry without leaving the stove and stirring occasionally.
  5. Put the finished potatoes with a slotted spoon on a paper towel, and then on a wide dish and sprinkle with salt and spices.
The ideal temperature for frying potatoes is 170-190°C. Therefore, you can purchase a special thermometer to measure it. A special potato rack that fits into a pot, which can be purchased at a cookware store, will also facilitate cooking.

oven baked french fries recipe
The method is available to every housewife and is good because cooking french fries in the oven significantly saves vegetable oil consumption, but the potatoes themselves fry a few minutes longer. If the oven is equipped with only lower heating (for example, gas), then the potatoes will have to be mixed once or twice during cooking:

  1. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into strips of the desired thickness. Rinse again and dry thoroughly.
  2. Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 250°C.
  3. Add 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil to a bowl with potatoes and mix well.
  4. Once the oven has reached the desired temperature, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the potatoes in a single layer on it.
  5. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 20 minutes, during which time the potatoes will acquire a golden hue.
It is best to salt already cooked potatoes. It is better to use the finished dish immediately, otherwise the french fries will no longer be crispy. Instead of butter, you can use beaten egg white, then french fries will turn out to be less high-calorie and safer. You can also treat children with such potatoes.

If you really want your favorite potatoes, but there is no desire to prepare, then you can buy frozen and even already fried sticks and heat them in the oven for 20 minutes. The frozen product also produces very tasty and golden french fries, but a kilogram pack of frozen potatoes costs an average of 3-5 times more than a kilogram of regular potatoes.