Desserts from bananas and chocolate: recipes with photos. Bananas in chocolate - a fun dessert and fun chores

08.09.2019 Egg dishes

On the eve of the holiday, we begin to plan the festive menu in advance. An important place in it is occupied by various desserts and sweets. After all, what is a holiday without sweets, even if you are not a sweet tooth at all? Since I really love chocolate, I decided to come up with a fruit dessert with its addition. I suggest you try making bananas in chocolate. Why not candy?! From above, such a dessert can be decorated with anything, for example, melted white chocolate, coconut flakes, chopped nuts, dried fruits, confectionery beads, mastic decorations, colorful sprinkles. Such a dessert will look very beautiful at any holiday, not only for the New Year. And such banana sweets will be liked not only by children, but also by any adult.

bananas in chocolate recipe

You can also make such a banana dessert on a stick, stringing it like a kebab. Or another option, using ice cream sticks. Only in this case, we cut the banana not into small circles, but simply in half. I hope you and your guests will really like the proposed sweet dish according to this recipe, and it will be a great addition to your holiday table.

Bananas in chocolate This is a dessert for real gourmets. Even individually, these two ingredients are a source of pleasure for the sweet tooth, and when combined in various combinations, they are completely capable of plunging into a real gastronomic ecstasy. Moreover, bananas under chocolate can be cooked by cooling (like ice cream), or you can fry or bake in the oven.

Bananas are a source of health and energy

Bananas ... More recently, they were exotic for us. People stood in line for this rare fruit at that time, which amazed us with its unusual and very pleasant taste. For some people, bananas have caused bouts of euphoria (and in fact, scientists have identified essential substances in them that help improve mood). Someone compared their taste to soap bubbles (indeed, sometimes overripe bananas have a special viscosity and a sugary aroma reminiscent of fragrant soap). Some of us are so fond of the unusual banana taste that even in winter we do not want to lose our favorite treat, fortunately, now you can buy them all year round, even in dried form.

Medical research has shown that bananas are one of the healthiest foods. The substances contained in them contribute to the production of the so-called sleep hormone - serotonin. In addition, the benefits of bananas lies in the fact that these fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins. In addition, they are very satisfying due to their high calorie content. Therefore, banana dishes can satisfy the hunger of even the most voracious person. And what can we say about their exotic taste!

Thus, bananas are an inexhaustible source of health and energy. Bananas help to improve mood, restful sleep and normalize digestion.

Bananas in chocolate on a stick for children: recipes with photos

Dessert "Bananas in chocolate"

Required for 1 serving: 5-6 bananas 1/2 cup popcorn 1 tbsp. l. coconut crumbs, 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped and toasted peanuts, 2-3 tbsp. l. grated chocolate, 5 tbsp. l. any sweet syrup. Preparation time: 20 min. Cooking time: 4 hours

Cooking method. Peel the bananas, cut the pulp into large cubes, stick a wooden stick, plastic fork or knife into each cube, put the banana cubes in a plastic box and put in the freezer for 1-2 hours. In a plate, mix popcorn, coconut crumbs, peanuts and grated chocolate. Then pour banana slices with syrup, roll in a mixture of popcorn, coconut crumbs, peanuts, chocolate and place back in the freezer. Freeze bananas in chocolate on a stick for one hour.

Bananas in chocolate and coconut


  • 3 art. spoons of water
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice or diluted citric acid
  • 4 large bananas, peeled, cut into 3 pieces
  • 12 wooden ice cream sticks
  • ½ cup desiccated coconut
  • ½ cup waffle crumbs
  • 180 g chocolate chips
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salad oil


1) In a large bowl, stir water with lemon juice; Gently roll the bananas in the mixture until completely covered. Insert an ice cream stick 2.5 cm into the end of each banana. Lay out on parchment; freeze until firm (approx. 45 min.).

2) At this time, pour the coconut flakes and waffle crumbs onto plates. Fans of experimenting can mix them. In a steam bath over hot, but not boiling water, melt the chocolate chips with salad oil, stirring occasionally. Pour into a bowl.

3) Take the bananas out of the fridge and quickly dip each one into the chocolate. Next, roll part of the bananas in coconut flakes, and part in waffle crumbs, or in a mixture if they were previously mixed.

4) Put the bananas in chocolate on a stick prepared according to this recipe back on parchment and freeze for 30 minutes.

Bananas in chocolate on a stick

Required: 2 small unripe bananas, a large bar of chocolate, wooden barbecue sticks, a sprinkle of cookie crumbs.

Cooking. Slice the bananas in half lengthwise and string them onto the skewers. Melt chocolate. Then, holding the sticks, dip the bananas one by one into the chocolate. Roll bananas in crumbled cookies and put in the freezer for 1.5 hours.

Bananas in dark chocolate on sticks


  • 6 ripe bananas;
  • 2 dark chocolate bars;
  • 100 g coconut flakes;
  • 2 small spoons of milk;
  • a pinch of coffee (for those who like coffee taste).

Cooking method:

In order to prepare chocolate-covered bananas on a stick for children, chocolate bars need to be broken and poured into a bowl. Build a water bath, it will melt the main ingredient of the dessert -. Water is drawn into a large saucepan and placed on medium heat. Put a smaller dry bowl in this saucepan, put chocolate in it, add coffee and milk. Constantly stir the chocolate until it is completely dissolved: not even the smallest lump should remain. Peel bananas and cut lengthwise into two pieces. Put each one on a long wooden skewer, you can use wooden ice cream sticks (it will be more convenient to hold the finished dessert). To make bananas in chocolate on a stick, prepared fruits must be dipped in a melted consistency. If some areas remain unwashed, you can finish the process with a spoon. Then sprinkle each banana on a stick with shavings.

Look at the photo of bananas in chocolate on a stick - such a dessert will appeal not only to children, but also to adults:

How to make bananas in dark chocolate

Banana with dark chocolate

Required: 1 banana, 3 - 4 mint leaves, 30 g of dark chocolate, 50 g of water.

Cooking. Wash banana, peel, mash with a fork. Boil the mint leaves with boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Filter. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Mix all the ingredients and beat with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Baked bananas in chocolate


700 g bananas 250 ml cream 100 g icing sugar 50 g cocoa powder 50 g dark chocolate 3 egg yolks 3 tbsp. l. nuts 80 g butter a pinch of vanilla

Cooking method:

Make a slit in the bananas and fill it with a mixture of ground nuts and powdered sugar. Line the form with parchment paper, put bananas in it, pieces of butter on top and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Beat the egg yolks with sugar, add cream whipped into thick foam, cocoa powder, liquid chocolate, vanillin and heat. Dip the finished baked bananas with dark chocolate into a container with hot chocolate mass, then put on a dish and refrigerate.

These photos show step-by-step photos for homemade chocolate-covered banana recipes:

Chocolate covered bananas

Delicate delicacy "Bananas in chocolate"


1 liter of milk or cream, 500 g of powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. cocoa spoons, 6 eggs, 600 g bananas, 30 g chocolate

Cooking method:

Before making bananas under grated chocolate, milk must be boiled with powdered sugar, stirring constantly so as not to burn. Beat the eggs in a thick foam and combine with boiled milk. Add cocoa. Return to heat and bring to a boil, stirring.

Finely chop the bananas and beat in a mixer until smooth. Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater. Cool the prepared milk mass and combine with banana puree, then beat and place in glasses on a high leg. Place in the freezer until completely frozen. Before serving, garnish with banana slices and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Sandy "Bananas in chocolate"


100 g chocolate ice cream, 1 kg oranges, 700 g bananas, 30 g chocolate, 30 g nuts, sugar.

Cooking method:

Squeeze juice from oranges, add sugar to taste. Cut bananas finely. Grate a bar of chocolate. Chop nuts.

Put ice cream in the prepared bowl, pour orange juice with pulp, put banana slices. Sprinkle with chopped nuts and grated chocolate. Sandy should not be stirred. Bananas prepared according to this recipe under grated chocolate are served chilled.

Bananas in chocolate with cream


250-300 g bananas 250 ml cream 50 g chocolate 150 g walnuts or almonds 125 ml rum 100 g chocolate ice cream

Cooking method:

Put ice cream in molds. Grind bananas in a mixer. Put the puree into ice cream, then add whipped cream to a strong foam. Grate the chocolate, chop the nuts and sprinkle over the dessert.

As shown in the photo, bananas under chocolate should be doused with rum and set on fire:

Puree "Bananas in chocolate"

Required: 4 bananas, 4 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, 3 tbsp. l. cream, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 100 g chocolate, 50 g ice cream. Preparation time: 5 min. Cooking time: 15 min.

Cooking method. Wash and peel bananas, grind in a blender, add icing sugar and lemon juice. Whip the cream and mix with banana puree, spread the puree in bowls. Make balls out of ice cream and place over banana cream. Coarsely grate the chocolate and sprinkle over the dish.

Chocolate covered banana desserts

Dessert "Bananas in chocolate"


300 g bananas 30 g cocoa 30 ml cream 100 g chocolate 100 g chocolate ice cream

Cooking method:

Peel bananas, cut into thin sticks and place on a shallow dish. Melt the chocolate bar over low heat, add cocoa and cream and mix thoroughly. Pour bananas with the prepared mixture, cool, put ice cream on top. Serve the chocolate-dipped bananas after they have been in the refrigerator for about 2-3 hours.

Chocolate covered banana lozenges


300 g bananas 100 g butter 100 g powdered sugar 35 g vanilla sugar 20 g cocoa powder 30 ml rum 25 g raisins 30 g nuts

Cooking method:

Mash bananas with a fork or rub through a sieve. Butter, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, cocoa powder, rum, raisins and mashed bananas, mix thoroughly until a thick homogeneous mass. From the finished mass, form figures in the form of small lozenges. Chop the nuts and roll the lozenges in them. Store finished products in a cardboard box. Before serving, the dessert can be poured with melted chocolate.

Bananas in chocolate

  • Bananas - 500 g
  • Bar chocolate - 200 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 50 g

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, pour into a saucer. Peel ripe but not overripe bananas, cut them in half and cut each half lengthwise. Dip the banana slices into the melted chocolate until they are completely covered in a thin layer of chocolate. Let cool, garnish with whipped egg whites.

Easy Chocolate Banana Recipe

Required: 1 banana, 1 chocolate bar.

Cooking. First, peel the banana, then cut into slices 2 cm thick. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, and dip the banana slices in melted chocolate, put on a plate and let them cool.

Bananas in chocolate with peanuts

Required: for 6 servings - 6 bananas, 6 tbsp. l. peanuts, 1 st. l. butter, 100 g chocolate.

Cooking. Peel bananas, cut lengthwise into halves and make cuts in the middle. Roast the peanuts lightly and finely chop. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add butter to it. Arrange bananas on a dish, sprinkle with peanuts along the entire length and pour over chocolate.

Dessert "Bananas in chocolate" with almonds and coconut flakes

Required: for 6 servings - 6 bananas, 400 g chocolate, 60 g almonds, 100 g walnuts, 4 tbsp. l. coconut flakes.

Cooking. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Wash bananas, peel and cut into 3-4 pieces. Finely chop the nuts. Dip banana slices in chocolate and roll in chopped nuts and coconut.

As you can see in the photo, bananas under chocolate according to these recipes look very appetizing:

Oven baked banana recipes with chocolate

Baked bananas in chocolate

Required: 4 small bananas, 100 g nuts and dried apricots each, 100 g chocolate, ground cinnamon, baking foil.

Cooking. To cook bananas with chocolate in the oven, you need to cut them in half lengthwise. Grind the nuts with a mixer, cut the dried apricots into halves. Mix nuts with dried apricots and roll bananas in this mixture, then sprinkle with cinnamon. Wrap each banana in foil and bake in the oven at 190° for 20 minutes. Before serving, unwrap bananas and drizzle with melted chocolate.

Baking "Bananas in white chocolate"


  • For test: 120 g white chocolate (bar), 250 g flour, 50 g sugar, 10 g dry yeast, 4 eggs, 120-130 g butter, 130 ml milk
  • For filling: 300 - 400 g bananas
  • For syrup: 150 g powdered sugar, 30 g butter

To prepare the dough for bananas baked in the oven with chocolate, you need to mix the butter cut into pieces with sugar, while stirring, add the yolks and white chocolate melted in a water bath. In a separate bowl, dissolve the yeast in milk, add flour, mix thoroughly. Mix the dough and chocolate-cream mixture, add whipped egg whites and knead the dough. Put 2/3 of the dough into a detachable ring mold, greased and sprinkled with flour, put a layer of thinly sliced ​​​​bananas, put the rest of the dough on top. Bake in an oven heated to 170 ° C (readiness to check with a wooden stick). Grind powdered sugar with butter, stir and heat (do not boil). Soak baked bananas with chocolate syrup.

How to cook fried bananas in chocolate: recipes with photos

Fried bananas in chocolate sauce

Required: for 4 servings - 4 bananas, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 0/5 cup sugar, 200 g ice cream, 0/5 cup cream, 0/5 cup milk, 100 g chocolate.

Cooking. To prepare fried bananas in chocolate, fruits need to be washed, peeled, cut in half. Mix butter with sugar and roll bananas in this mixture. Put them on a greased grill in a preheated grill and fry until golden brown.

Sauce preparation. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, mix the cream with milk and add to the chocolate, warm up. Serve bananas with ice cream and warm chocolate milk sauce.

Chocolate fried bananas


  • 4 bananas;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 200 grams of dark or milk chocolate without additives;
  • Also, to prepare fried bananas with chocolate according to this recipe, you will need some breadcrumbs or regular wheat flour (to be used for breading);
  • a little vanillin and cardamom (add spices if desired);
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of butter (for frying);
  • powdered sugar for additional decoration of the finished dish.


Stage number 1. When buying the main fruit used to make this dessert, preference should be given to slightly unripe bananas. Even if they have a slightly greenish tint - it will only benefit the taste. This is due to the fact that ripe bananas are quite sweet and you can get too sugary dessert. However, for lovers of sweets, it will be just right.

Stage number 2. Selected fruits are peeled, be sure to cut off the black tips. Cut the fruit lengthwise into two halves and transfer to a separate plate. Wash the lemon and cut into two parts, squeeze the juice from one (required for frying). The second half of the yellow citrus is not needed to prepare this dish.

Stage number 3. Pour breadcrumbs (wheat flour) into a dry deep plate and add some sweet spices (vanillin and cardamom). You can choose other spices, ground cinnamon, nutmeg is perfect. Mix everything well with each other.

Stage number 4. You can fry prepared fruits both in a frying pan and in a saucepan. In the selected dish, you must first melt the butter (it is allowed to replace it with margarine suitable for frying). It is important! Before you send the bananas to the pan, they must be sprinkled with lemon juice. This trick will allow the hostess to prevent the naughty banana pulp from darkening during the frying process. So, roll bananas in lemon juice in prepared breading and put in a pan. Each piece must be in contact with the surface. Fry the fruits on both sides for two to three minutes. The finished fruit should have a ruddy beautiful crust.

Stage number 5. Chocolate can be prepared in two ways. The first is the simplest - you need to grate it on a fine grater and sprinkle the bananas just taken from the pan with this crumb. The chocolate will melt a little and the fruit will have a sweet, appetizing crust.

What can be made from banana and white chocolate

Light dessert "Bananas in white chocolate"


  • 1 banana;
  • 150 grams of white chocolate.

Cooking method:

Before preparing bananas in chocolate, the fruit must be peeled and cut across. Cut each half lengthwise. One banana makes four servings of dessert. In this recipe, you need to cut the bananas smaller, because then they will have to be used as ice cream. Insert sticks into bananas and place on confectionery paper. Send the fruit to the refrigerator for two hours. It is important! Sometimes it happens that when planted on a stick, the fruit can break, there is nothing wrong with that. Pieces can be put together and during the time spent in the freezer, they will again become one. Melt white chocolate in the microwave or using the bain-marie method. Fill a deep mug with chocolate and dip each frozen banana in turn. When the chocolate-covered banana dessert prepared according to this recipe hardens a little, you can decorate the dish: sprinkle with crushed dried fruits, nuts, and confectionery powder.

Dessert "Banana in white chocolate" on a stick

Required: 2 bananas, 50 g honey, white chocolate bar, 50 g walnuts, a few cookies.

Cooking. Pour honey into a saucer, grate the chocolate on a fine grater, chop the walnuts with a blender. Grate the cookies or finely crumble them. Cut bananas in half crosswise. Put each half on a wooden stick like a popsicle. Dip bananas in honey, sprinkle with grated chocolate, ground nuts, crushed biscuits. Put bananas in white chocolate in the freezer. After 2 hours, the dessert is ready.

Bananas in white and dark chocolate

Required: 4 bananas, 100 g each dark and white chocolate, 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, sprigs of mint for decoration. Preparation time: 30 min. Cooking time: 25 min.

Cooking method. Peel bananas, cut into slices 1–1.5 cm thick. Melt dark and white chocolate separately in a water bath, add sugar, mix. Dip each piece entirely in dark chocolate. Put on a dish, cool. Then dip lightly in white chocolate. Transfer to a serving platter, cool and garnish with mint sprigs.

Watch the video "Chocolate Bananas" to better understand how these desserts are prepared:

Do you want to experiment by making an unusual treat? We bring to your attention a simple recipe for "bananas in chocolate". Chocolate candy with an unusual fresh banana filling is an amazing combination. Give it a try and you'll want to make these banana chocolates all the time.

So, to cook bananas in chocolate, the recipe of which we offer you, you need very few products:

1. Chocolate - 200 grams. Bitter, milky or white - it doesn't matter. Focus on your tastes, which chocolates you like best, use that chocolate. It is important to consider:

The chocolate should be of high quality with a high content of cocoa butter (not cocoa powder).

If you use dark (bitter) chocolate, then remember to add some sugar, otherwise it will not taste very good (there is not enough sugar in the banana).

2. Bananas - 2-4 pieces. The number of bananas can be more, it all depends on how many people you are counting on. For two hundred grams of chocolate (for five servings + "surprise"), two medium bananas are enough.

3. Dried fruits (a mixture of berries, fruits and nuts) for decoration (sprinkling) and perfection of taste. You can use coconut, sesame or sunflower seeds.

How to cook bananas in chocolate (recipe with photo):

  • First, break the chocolate into pieces and melt it in a water bath. If you use several types of chocolate, then melt one first (then form sweets) and only after that you can use the second one. If you melt all the chocolates at once, you will not have time to form sweets, as the chocolate will begin to harden. So, melt one kind of chocolate.

While the chocolate is in the water bath, peel the bananas and cut into 0.5-1 cm circles.

Prepare dried fruits (wash and dry in advance) by cutting into smaller pieces.

Wash, dry and put some mesh on a plate (for example, this one).

Remove one chocolate from the bath and (if there is another type of chocolate) put another.

  • While the second chocolate is “in the bath”, you can form sweets by laying them on a mesh, sprinkled with dried fruits. Just like in the photo. Carefully, with the help of 2 forks (or a plastic skewer (fork)) wrap a circle of banana in chocolate and put it on a mesh, sprinkle dried fruits on top (or whatever you prepared for sprinkling). When you are done with one chocolate, proceed with the same procedure with another chocolate.

The result should be sweets that need to be put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Try it, it's very tasty!

That's not all.

Here's the "surprise". You will be left with some hardened chocolate and bananas, which can also be made very tasty. along with a few tablespoons of cream (constantly stirring and "scraping" the frozen chocolate from the walls of the dish), pour the bananas laid out on the bottom of the plate, sprinkle with dried fruits and refrigerate. Get another banana dessert.

Hello. I recently gave you dessert recipes. Today I want to offer an equally delicious dish "Bananas in Chocolate". This is one of my children's favorite fruits. I am glad that it is available at any time of the year and the price is acceptable. In addition, it can be used as a fruit, and the basis of delicious ice cream.

How to choose bananas?

The taste of banana and chocolate dessert depends on choosing the right bananas. They do not grow in our climate, so it is understandable that they are harvested from palm trees while still green. Therefore, when choosing a sunny fruit, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The shape should be streamlined, not ribbed.
  2. The skin is smooth and matte.
  3. The ripened fruit has a bright yellow skin. If it is greenish, the fruit is simply not ripe. The fix is ​​simple - put it in a dry place for 1-2 days and it will ripen.
  4. The presence of black dots indicates the ripeness of the banana. Only they should not be bought for future use - they require consumption on the day of purchase.
  5. If bananas have a gray skin, then this indicates freezing and you do not need to eat such fruits.

Storage rules

The temperature regime for ripe bananas varies between 7-10ºС. Unripe 10-13 ºС. In this case, the humidity should not fall below 90%. Depending on the ripeness, the fruits can be stored for a month.

It is not advisable to store fruits in the refrigerator, as they darken very quickly there. If you have no other choice, put them in a bunch separately from other products.

chocolate covered banana skewers recipe

I decided one day to please the kids and cook bananas in chocolate. Dessert was eaten instantly. By the way, a banana dessert will also be enjoyed by adults.


  • bananas - 3-4 pcs.;
  • dark chocolate or confectionery glaze - 0.1 kg;
  • cream 10% or milk - 30-50 ml;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • decor;
  • skewers (toothpicks or sticks).

Cooking method:

  1. Wash bananas thoroughly. They are put in the freezer for a short time (20 minutes) so that they freeze slightly. Otherwise, they will be bad or not stick to the skewers at all.
  2. After the time has passed, the fruits are peeled and cut. I cut into small pieces. You can also divide one fruit into 2-3 parts.
  3. Stick skewers or sticks, depending on the size of the pieces, and again send them to the refrigerator for a short time.
  4. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in a water bath. I had a glaze that turned into a very thick mass, so I added a piece of butter and 2 tbsp. milk so that the consistency is like that of non-liquid sour cream. I talked about melting chocolate in detail in the article.
  5. When the icing has cooled down a little, bananas are taken out, and each piece is dipped into the chocolate mass.
  6. Bananas in chocolate on a stick should be held vertically for a while so that the icing grabs, and dipped into the decor. I had coconut flakes (it goes great with banana, by the way). Leave bananas with a skewer in a glass or simply spread on a dish. At the same time, try not to touch the pieces.
  7. When the icing has completely hardened, the dessert is served at the table.

Photo step by step:

Bananas baked with chocolate

This banana cooking option is very interesting, and, most importantly, you can customize it for yourself by adding your favorite nuts, dried fruits and other ingredients.


  • bananas - 4 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - to taste;
  • nuts - 0.1 kg;
  • dried apricots - 0.1 kg;
  • chocolate or icing - 0.1 kg;
  • baking foil.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare baked bananas with chocolate, the fruits should be washed, peeled and cut lengthwise into two halves.
  2. Wash the apricots, dry them and cut into pieces.
  3. Grind nuts in a convenient way, but not to powder, add to dried apricots and mix well.
  4. Roll the bananas in the resulting mixture, then in cinnamon (or just sprinkle) wrap each half in foil and send to the oven preheated to 190 ° C for 20 minutes.
  5. Ready bananas unroll, pour over well-melted chocolate
  6. Dessert "Banana with chocolate in the oven" is ready and can be served.

Chocolate fried bananas

Very often it is recommended to cook fried bananas. I will tell you about all the subtleties of the dish. But at the same time, I will leave my opinion. My children were not particularly enthusiastic - they were not used to such cardinal experiments. I didn’t like the result for reasons: it’s very sweet because of the sweetness of the fruit itself, it’s fatty and tastes like dried-dried bananas, which I didn’t like since childhood. Nevertheless, for many, chocolate banana dessert delights. Everyone has different tastes, so experiment.


  • bananas - 4 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • chocolate or glaze - 0.2 kg;
  • breadcrumbs - a little (can be replaced with wheat flour);
  • spices (cardamom or vanillin, nutmeg, cinnamon) - to taste;
  • butter - 4 tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare bananas with chocolate, the fruits should be peeled, cut off the black tips and cut lengthwise into two halves.
  2. Wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice from one half into a bowl.
  3. Pour breadcrumbs into a deep plate, add spices to taste and mix well.
  4. Heat up a frying pan or saucepan and melt the butter in it. Many advise using margarine. I don't recommend it. Firstly, it significantly spoils the taste of the dish. Secondly, the quality of margarine leaves much to be desired, not to mention the content of harmful components in it.
  5. Roll each slice of banana in lemon juice so that it does not darken, and fry on each side for 2-3 minutes. or until a crust forms. To get rid of excess oil, I recommend laying the bananas briefly on a paper towel or blotting with it.
  6. Melt the chocolate as I suggested above.
  7. There are three ways to use chocolate in a dish. Drizzle the already melted chocolate generously over the beautifully stacked bananas. Prick each piece of fruit and dip completely in liquid chocolate. Finely grate and sprinkle over hot bananas. The method is good when there is no time or desire to engage in heating.
  8. In conclusion, sprinkle fried bananas with chocolate decor.

Everything, you can treat guests.

Fried bananas with chocolate and ice cream

In this recipe, all products are designed for 4 servings.


  • banana - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • cream - ½ tbsp.;
  • chocolate - 0.1 kg;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • ice cream - 0.2 kg;
  • milk - ½ tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the bananas thoroughly, remove the peel, cut lengthwise into two halves.
  2. In a bowl, mix butter and sugar until smooth.
  3. Dip bananas on both sides in the resulting breading and send to the grill grate, pre-oiled.
  4. Fry fruit until golden brown.
  5. Meanwhile prepare the sauce. To do this, melt the chocolate in a water bath, pour in milk and cream and heat it well, but do not boil.
  6. The fried bananas are laid out on a dish and poured over with chocolate sauce.

I hope that the proposed recipes for the Bananas in Chocolate dessert will help you diversify the sweet table and please your loved ones with delicious treats.

Bananas are one of my favorite fruits, they are a great addition to pork dishes, but banana desserts are something special. Always fragrant, tender, delicious. incredibly refined dessert, and perhaps the most delicious and most useful. And you can fry. Today I want to offer you a brand new dessert - bananas in chocolate on a stick with walnuts. This is a kind of childhood memory. Remember, there was such a small popsicle on a stick in chocolate for 11 kopecks? It was the most desired ice cream. There was no choice at all then - in waffle cups and this for 11 kopecks, very small, but what a delicious one! Of course, chocolate-covered bananas taste a little like ice cream, but there is something attractive in this dessert. After a little excursion into childhood, let's make this nice dessert.

Would need:

  • bananas
  • a bar of good chocolate or make your own frosting
  • butter 20 g
  • walnuts

Bananas in chocolate recipe

How to make bananas in chocolate? As easy as pie.

Bananas are peeled, cut each into three parts. Get your sticks ready.

Grind walnuts with a blender or food processor. If you don’t have such devices, then use a mortar to grind nuts into small crumbs or, in extreme cases, a grater. Can be finely chopped with a knife. In general, I think you will find a way to grind nuts.

We put each piece of banana on a stick. And while we put them aside. We have made the first preparations. Let's make chocolate fudge.

We put a pot of water on the fire. We heat almost to a boil, it will be a water bath. Put the butter in a smaller saucepan and put it in hot water. When the butter is melted, lay out the chocolate pieces. Stirring occasionally, melt the chocolate until smooth.

Now dip each banana into the chocolate mixture.

And immediately sprinkle with chopped nuts.

You can put a banana on a stick in a tall glass or use a colander that I hope you have in your kitchen. The main thing is that the size of the sticks matches the size of the holes in the colander. 🙂

If you don't have good chocolate, then see if you have cocoa, milk and sugar. If there is, then we can cook the chocolate icing ourselves. To do this, you need - 3 tbsp milk, 2 tbsp sugar and 3 tsp cocoa + 20 g butter. We spread the first three ingredients in a small saucepan or bowl, put on fire.

With constant stirring, cook the chocolate icing until the sugar is completely dissolved over high heat.

When the sugar dissolves, add the butter. The mixture should be fairly thick. Let it cool down a bit, stirring occasionally.

And we repeat the same process. Dip banana in chocolate icing.