How many grams in two eggs. Chicken egg: how much does it weigh in different ratios

06.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

A chicken egg is a valuable product that should be included in the menu of everyone. It contains all the nutrients necessary for a person, including protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. The shell serves as a source of calcium necessary for bones. For those who often cook dishes using them or follow a proper nutrition system, it is very important to know how much a chicken egg weighs.

The largest chicken egg was found in Cuba. It weighed 148 g. The smallest one was laid by a chicken in New Guinea, its weight turned out to be slightly more than 9.7 g. The average weight of a chicken egg is about 50 g. According to GOST (GOST R 52121-2003), there is a division into categories (depending on from mass). So, the weight of one egg:

  • the highest category (B) - 75 g or more;
  • category O (selective) - 65-74.9 g;
  • category 1 - 55-64.9 g;
  • category 2 - 45-54.9 g;
  • category 3 - 35-44.9 g.

The trade network has a special marking. It is placed on each individual copy received at the poultry farm, or on the price tag and general packaging. The marking consists of two characters: C1, C2, SV, D1. In the designation C1, the first character indicates that this is a table product that must be sold in 25 days. The letter D denotes a dietary product. Its implementation period is 7 days.

The second sign marks the category. Some manufacturers give their products distinctive properties, such as a bright yolk or an interesting new taste. This is allowed by the state standard. The price of products is determined by the category. The higher the category, the more expensive the product will be. The mass of the egg depends on how much the chicken weighs.

Egg weight (video)

Varieties of chickens

Currently, over 900 different breeds of chickens are known. A significant proportion of individuals was obtained through the intensive work of breeders. Depending on the purpose, the breeds are divided into the following categories:

  • meat;
  • meat and egg;
  • oviparous.

Purely decorative birds have also been bred, then their representatives are dwarf and fighting. The so-called "homemade" chicken is very common. Its appearance is the result of many years of breeding by crossing different valuable specimens that are beneficial for farms in different regions. Domestic chicken weighs an average of 2-2.5 kg.

But purely egg laying hens have a smaller mass. These include, for example, white highsex. It is grown on large poultry farms. Its mass is not more than 1.5-2 kg. But the eggs obtained from it reach 65 g and even more. Domestic and Spanish holococks are general purpose animals, that is, they are meat and egg. With proper care, you can get a large amount of quality product from them.

Meat chickens include broiler chickens raised on a special diet. Although they are large, they do not differ in high egg production.

By selecting a special large breed and the necessary feeding of chickens, specialists receive large eggs as a result. But a large mass does not always correspond to the best taste. The selection of their quality for food by consumers is carried out according to individual requests and depending on the planned dishes. So, for baking, medium categories are usually recommended, corresponding to a weight of about 40 g.

Quail egg weight (video)

Consumption of the product

When cooking, the product does not decrease, moisture does not evaporate from it. And also there is no absorption of water in which it is cooked. The shell protects from water penetration. Therefore, usually boiled and raw eggs weigh the same.

When cooking, the product does not shrink, moisture does not evaporate from it

Only boiled eggs are eaten, after cleaning them. Then the average weight of the egg without the shell will be important. And the shell makes up about 10% of their total mass. From here you can easily calculate the net weight of the consumed product.

It is known that the protein occupies 55% of the weight of the whole egg, and the yolk - 35%. If the weight of 1 egg is on average 50 g, then by percentage we calculate that the weight of the egg white is 27 g, and the yolk is 18 g. When the testicle is not used immediately, it dries out. It evaporates the moisture contained in the protein. Therefore, the weight of the protein may be less than expected.

For all varieties of eggs, it is the same that after frying they weigh a little less than raw ones. But their calorie content increases.

But do not forget that if the egg has deteriorated during improper storage, then its mass may remain the same. All the given data and calculations must be known in order to properly prepare food. This is especially important, first of all, for cooks and cooks.

The weight of chicken eggs clearly reflects the health of the laying hen, the nutritional value of the product itself. The mass of the product depends on the age of the chicken, its breed and health. This indicator is very important for farmers who sell eggs.

According to the labeling table, the average weight of 1 chicken egg is 60 g. This is the CO / DO category.


Useful weight is the weight of chicken eggs without shells. The egg consists of the shell, protein and yolk. The volume of the yolk is approximately 34% of the total, protein - 55%, shell - 11%.

The weight of an average chicken egg in grams in parts:

  • General - 60;
  • Yolk - 20.4;
  • Protein - 33;
  • Shell - 6.6.

If you need to determine the useful mass, but there were no scales at hand, it can be calculated.

For each individual category, it is different:

  • CB - 71.2 g;
  • CO - 62.3 g;
  • C1 - 53.4 g;
  • C2 - 44.5 g;
  • C3 - 35.6 g.

Weight of cooked product

During heat treatment, products lose weight. But a hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg will remain the same as a raw one.

Marking and weight

The marking consists of a letter and a number, where the letter is the category and the number is the grade. It is applied directly to the shell or to the container. Size affects grade, and grade affects price.

Category Variety Sign Weight, g
Canteen Higher SW 75–80
selective SO 65–75
First C1 55–65
Second C2 45–55
Third C3 35–45
dietary Higher DV 75–80
selective BEFORE 65–75
First C1 55–65
Second C2 45–55
Third C3 35–45

Diet is stored up to 7 days. If it is not sold within its expiration date, then it goes into the canteen category.

At room temperature and air humidity of 85%, dietary eggs are stored for up to 25 days; in the refrigerator - up to 90 days. The countdown is from the date of sorting, not manufacturing.

Imported products

The designation of foreign products differs from that adopted in the CIS countries. European weight standards are shifted down.

Table of symbols for imported eggs.

The stamp contains the country code of the manufacturer. Germany - 2, for Holland - 6.

This is indicated when labeling:

  • 0 - agricultural production;
  • 1 - free content;
  • 2 - the bird is kept on a perch;
  • 3 - the chicken lives in a cage.

If the green badge is present, then the hen's diet did not contain genetically modified cereals. She was kept in an open pasture, fed on food rich in chlorophyll.

Strict restrictions are imposed on the use of various veterinary drugs: supplements, antibiotics, growth stimulants.

On a note

Some useful facts:

  1. Recipes usually indicate C3 grade.
  2. The color of the yolk depends on the diet of the chicken. Unscrupulous manufacturers add dyes to the feed to increase saturation.
  3. The older and larger the chicken, the larger the product. There is also a dependence on the breed. Meat or decorative breed will not live up to expectations.
  4. The shell is impervious to bacteria and pathogens. It has a porous structure and allows air, moisture and ultraviolet rays to pass through. Its color does not affect the nutritional value and the set of trace elements.

Piece sales

One careless movement and instead of a neat testicle, an unappetizing mixture is obtained. Therefore, the less manipulations are carried out, the less losses the manufacturer will suffer.

It is not economically viable to sell in kilograms, since the price will have to include marriage and weight loss during long-term storage. This will lead to a decrease in demand.

Important information

What you should pay attention to:

  • Cracked testicles should not be eaten. Through damage to the protective cover, the causative agent of salmonellosis, the Salmonella bacterium, can get there;
  • Dirt, droppings, a sticky feather testify not to “organism”, but to non-compliance with sanitary standards by the workers of the poultry farm;
  • Storage: in a cold damp place, isolating from foods with a strong odor, raw meat, fish;
  • The manufacturer may put the wrong stamp, so you need to open an opaque container.

Chicken eggs are one of the consumed products in the food market. This product has many positive properties, both nutritional and cosmetic. Often it is used by summer residents and many others. The egg has many characteristics that can be listed without hesitation. But every second person still thinks about one indicator - weight.

For unknown reasons, few people ask the question "how much does a chicken egg weigh?" This is interesting and useful information. It depends on the weight to which category the result of chicken efforts will be assigned.

Chicken eggs are divided into table and diet.

All eggs can be divided into two groups:

  • Dietary.
  • Canteens.

The first group includes fresh eggs that are stored for no more than seven days. The second group - the dining room - includes eggs with a shelf life of up to 25 days at room temperature and 90 in the refrigerator.

Eggs are also divided into smaller categories:

  • higher;
  • selective;
  • first category;
  • second category;
  • third category.

There are several categories of chicken eggs.
  • Higher - 75 or more.
  • Choice - 65-74.
  • The first is 55-64.
  • The second is 45-54.
  • The third is 35-45.

Depending on whether the egg belongs to a table or dietary egg, a seal is made with the initial letters of the category and group: CB, DV, etc.

Interesting: in a famous book with world records there are several entries regarding eggs: the largest recorded size is 136 grams, and the smallest is just under 10 grams.

The average weight of a chicken egg of the first category is 55-64 grams.

Usually the cheapest small eggs are laid by young hens. Accordingly, large ones, which primarily attract attention, are more mature individuals.

If we take the average weight of all eggs, then we can say with confidence that one average egg will weigh from 40 to 60 grams. This is one of the most common types and recommended in culinary recipes.

Well, what will the experts answer in this matter, if you ask them: how much will an egg weigh if it is without a shell? It is possible that someone will be confused, someone will pretend that they are not talking to him, but the true gurus of the egg business will answer.

Egg weight without shell is important in making melange.

Their answer will be from one numeral: 55 grams. But this figure is approximate, since each egg has its own weight, which can fluctuate even within the same category. Egg weight without shell is important for confectioners who are engaged in the manufacture of melange.

Reference. Melange is protein and yolk dried using a special technology.

To determine the weight, experts use a percentage that helps them accurately calculate the required value.

Converting to a percentage, we get the following result:

  • shell - 12%;
  • yolk - 32%;
  • protein - 56%.

A percentage is used to determine the weight of a raw egg.

By removing the shell, we get 88% of the total mass of the egg, regardless of the marking.

How much does a raw egg weigh

Interestingly, a raw egg may differ from the declared weight. When buying eggs by marking, its weight is approximately known. But, having come home, you can find that the weight of a dozen eggs is less than stated.

The first thing that comes to mind is the idea of ​​cheating. But it's not. The fact is that when lying through the shell, moisture gradually evaporates, and, accordingly, the weight of a raw egg can fluctuate not only by category, but also by freshness.

Important. The fresher the egg, the more it weighs.

Another interesting fact is that during cooking, the weight of the eggs remains unchanged.

A boiled egg does not change its mass.

This happens for a very simple reason: the shell is a protective shell that does not let moisture in and out, leaving all the components in place. And for this reason, a boiled egg in weight is the same as a raw one.

But a fried egg will weigh less. With this method of cooking, the moisture evaporates, and the weight becomes less. It is also worth considering the very 12% of the shell that is removed during the preparation of products for fried eggs.

If you break an egg into components: protein, yolk, shell, it turns out that the most significant part is the protein, and the lightest is the shell. No wonder the testicle can be damaged so easily.

The heaviest part of an egg is the protein, and the lightest part is the shell.

If we translate into numbers, then on average we get the following result:

  • Protein - 33 grams.
  • Yolk - 22 grams.
  • Shell - 7 grams.

Abroad, they say, life is different. Maybe, in general, it does not differ from the domestic one, but there are many differences in the details. This also applies to marking eggs. Interestingly, imported eggs are divided by weight into other groups than ours: from the smallest at 30 grams to 73 grams.

On imported packages with eggs, in addition to markings indicating weight and size, you can also find other marks. The “eco” badge is placed on the boxes containing products from chickens that have freedom of movement. For many, this fact is important.

Imported eggs are divided into other groups by weight: from the smallest at 30 grams to 73 grams.

The eggs of European laying hens are divided by size, and according to the size, they are stamped with a certain marking:

  • Small (S) - 40-53 grams.
  • Medium (M) - 53.90-63.
  • Large (L) - 63.90-73.
  • Very large (VL) - 73 and up.

Reference. Eggs of European quality, unlike ours, are divided into 4 groups: 2 and 3 categories are combined into one.

In addition, each egg has a number that can be used to determine in which country the hens tried.

European laying eggs are divided by size: S, M, L, VL.

Usually eggs are brought from only 4 countries:

  • Belgium - 1.
  • Germany - 2.
  • France - 3.
  • Holland - 6.

Here are two reasons why eggs are sold individually:

  • Fragility. If you think logically, then the piece-by-piece form of sale is not only convenient for both the seller and the buyer, but also safe. It is enough to remember what percentage the shell makes up of the total mass of the egg and it becomes clear that unnecessary manipulations can lead to disastrous results.
  • Percentage ratio. When lying for a long time, the thin shell begins to pass moisture through itself and the egg decreases in weight. Considering this factor, selling by weight would become unprofitable.

It is unprofitable to sell eggs by weight: over time, the egg loses moisture and, accordingly, mass.

Here are a few facts you might not know:

  • Eggs may not be labeled if they are packaged in a box.
  • In recipes, the calculation usually goes for one egg per forty grams.
  • Diet eggs have a red stamp, canteen eggs have a blue stamp.
  • On the modern market, you can find both simple chicken eggs and enriched with vitamins. These are sold marked "fitness".
  • Adhering feathers and manure on the shell do not indicate the environmental friendliness of the eggs, but the lack of hygiene in the poultry farm
  • Each country has its own idea of ​​​​large and small eggs.

A dirty chicken egg shell indicates unsanitary conditions in a poultry farm.

The weight of eggs helps not only to save money, but also to calculate the correct number of them for preparing a particular dish. When buying eggs, it is important to pay attention to the absence of cracks, dirt and other adverse factors that may indicate unsanitary conditions, and therefore likely infections.

Chicken eggs are the product that can be found in every refrigerator. There is still heated debate about their dietary value and ability to raise cholesterol levels. But still, doctors allow us to eat several testicles a week. And many recipes call for the presence of egg whites, yolks, or both.

Why is it important how much an egg weighs?

The average consumer may not think about how much those testicles that he ate for breakfast weighed. But the weight of this product is certainly an important indicator in a poultry farm. The existing regulation provides for the division of this product into categories, which is very important for pricing. Consider, How is this product standardized?.

What affects egg weight

The weight of the testicles can be so different that these data are even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. So, the largest copy is recognized as weighing 136 grams, and the smallest product of a laying hen weighed only about 10 grams.

What affects the weight of this product? The main factor is the age of the laying hen. Small testicles are carried by younger chickens, large ones by more experienced ones. The average weight of one chicken egg is considered to be a parameter of 40-60 gr., It is he who is taken into account when compiling culinary recipes.

Particularly curious may be interested in how much a chicken egg weighs without a shell. You can weigh it on electronic scales within your own kitchen, or you can trust the published data. According to information from various sources, a testicle without an outer shell weighs an average of 55 grams.

Those cooks for whom the exact weight of products is of fundamental importance are recommended to focus on the percentage, which looks like this:

  1. protein mass is 56%;
  2. the yolk takes on 32%;
  3. shell weight is 12%.

Can egg weight change?

In the direction of increase, the weight will definitely never change, but it can decrease. When you buy eggs and decide to weigh them at home, you run the risk of finding that a dozen testicles weigh a little less than they should according to the label. Rogue manufacturers or sellers have nothing to do with it. The change in mass depends on how much time has passed since the appearance of the product.

The eggshell is breathable and internal moisture gradually evaporates through it. Therefore, the longer the product lies on the counter, the less it will weigh. This difference can be considered as a certain criterion of freshness. A freshly laid testicle will always have a mass greater than that which has been stored.

How much do boiled eggs weigh? The cooking process does not affect the weight of the product in any way. In boiled eggs, it remains the same. But fried ones will have a smaller mass due to the lack of shells and moisture evaporation during the cooking process. If we take the weight of an egg without a shell in grams, then the average numbers will be as follows: protein - 33 grams, yolk - 22 grams, shell - 7 grams.

Why are eggs sold by the piece?

Traders are forced to do this precisely because of the changing mass. Indeed, during storage, the weight can significantly decrease and the seller, instead of the expected profit, will incur losses, so he releases the testicles one at a time.

It must also be taken into account that this product has increased fragility. Therefore, it makes sense to impose and release it piece by piece. And one thing accidentally broken, the testicle will not cause much damage to either the seller or the buyer.

What to look for when choosing eggs

Probably every poultry breeder asked himself the question - how much does one chicken egg weigh on average? And not without reason, because it directly reflects the productivity of the farmer, as well as the very quality of the product. Actually, the cost of an egg depends on how much it weighs. Even if the hens lay a lot of eggs and their weight is small, the profit will still be lower. In this article we will try to understand this issue.

First you need to understand the types of products that are demolished by chickens. After all, it depends on its size and weight. So what are chicken eggs? The type of product, that is, the variety, is determined by its weight. If you buy products in a supermarket, then it most likely has a label that identifies the variety. Today, most stores in the countries of the former CIS sell eggs with two marks - C or D.

  • C - this means that the products you buy are in the canteen category. It should be noted that the shelf life of such products should not exceed 7 days, otherwise it begins to deteriorate.
  • D - this means that the testicle is fresh, belongs to the dietary category. As a rule, he should be no more than a week from the moment he was laid by the hen. In the event that it is not sold within this period, its grade is changed to C.

You might also notice that a number is added to one of these letters. This figure, in fact, determines the category, and you can also decipher the weight from it. These can be combinations of C2, D1, C0 and so on. Below is a table that will help you decipher the mass using such symbols.

After analyzing the above data, we can understand that the average weight of one testicle is about 60 grams. If you often cook and it is important for you to know how much an egg weighs, then keep in mind that the recipes mainly refer to the third grade, in this case the weight is about 40 grams. Accordingly, a dozen eggs will weigh about 400-600 grams.

In addition, it is worth considering that you can also find top-quality products on sale - such testicles weigh on average at least 75 grams, respectively, their cost will also be an order of magnitude higher. In addition, sometimes you can find two-yolk testicles. In this case, the minimum weight will be at least 80 grams.

without shell

And how much does an egg weigh without a shell? The weight of 1 egg in this case is more of interest to consumers than manufacturers. It should be immediately noted that the mass of the shell is about 10% of the total weight of the testicle.

Therefore, thanks to simple calculations, you can calculate the mass of products without it according to the categories that are shown in the table:

As for the shell, it is often used by farmers as chicken feed as an excellent source of calcium.

Weight of white and yolk

We figured out how much an egg without a shell weighs, now let's move on to the weight of the yolk and protein. As you understand, the mass of these components in 1 piece of products will vary depending on the variety. On average, according to official data, about 35% of the total weight is accounted for by the yolk, and the weight of the protein is about 55% of the total mass. It's no secret that the yolk, unlike protein, contains a large amount of cholesterol - about 70%, especially if the egg is boiled. For those who follow their figure, we recommend separating the yolk from the protein.

Raw and cooked

Actually, this question will also be no less relevant for those who monitor their weight. How much does one boiled chicken egg weigh and is there a difference with raw eggs?

It should be noted that during the cooking process in a chicken egg does not occur:

  • moisture evaporation process;
  • impregnation of boiled protein or yolk;
  • other digestion processes.

Accordingly, one boiled egg weighs the same as 1 raw egg. The only point worth considering is shell cleaning. In such cases, the mass is reduced only due to this.

Interesting Facts

As you know, chickens have been domesticated for a very long time. During this time, many myths and legends associated with laying hens have appeared.

Below are the most interesting facts:

  1. There are several colors in the shell, but according to the results of scientific research, the taste and composition of the contents in no way depends on the color. It's just that white-shelled products are carried away by more prolific hens.
  2. Two yolks have also been known for a long time. But how do you like it - in the UK, a chicken laid an egg, which had as many as five yolks!
  3. The largest egg was also laid in the UK. A medium-sized chicken, whose weight was about 500 grams, laid one testicle, the diameter of which was as much as 23 centimeters! At the same time, its length was about 32 cm.
  4. As for the smallest sizes, such a record was set in Malaysia. The mass of one unit of the demolished product was about 10 grams, while it was five times smaller in size than the average.
  5. American farmers have bred a variety of birds with yellow, blue and even green shells. At the same time, the composition of the product was normal.
  6. The record set for eating products was set in 1910 by an American whose name, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. So, the man ate as many as 144 pieces at a time.
  7. The largest scrambled eggs weighed about 300 kilograms, it took 5 thousand pieces to cook! This dish was cooked in two hours.
  8. In the early 1800s, a funny incident occurred in Britain. On the products of the laying hen there was an inscription something like “The God is coming”, which means that the coming of Christ is coming. Seeing this, the British fell on their knees and asked the eggs for forgiveness for all their sins. As it turned out later, such a phrase was written on the shell by the hostess of the chicken, who then, attention, put them back into the laying hen!
  9. Sometimes chickens lay eggs with a double shell type. The largest record was set in the USA - the size was about 450 grams, while inside there were two shells and two yolks.
  10. You will be surprised, but what the Chinese will not come up with! And now what comes out of the chicken, in China, they learned to do it by hand! The shell is made from calcium carbonate, and the protein and yolk are made from food dyes, as well as gelatin. By the way, in Russia the sale of such products was equated with smuggling.