Mung bean groats: the benefits and harms of the product, simple and tasty recipes. Mash groats: useful properties, cooking recipes, possible harm

01.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

Mash (Mung) Is a leguminous crop originating from India. Mung bean - small, green, oval in shape. The composition of vitamins and minerals in mung beans is perfectly balanced, which makes them a nutritious and healthy product.


Add mung bean sprouts to vegetable salads. They often serve as a substitute for green peas.

You can add beans to stews or sautés in vegetables and soups just before serving.

Cook porridge with sprouts, combining them with cereals (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, quinoa). The biological value of cereal with sprouted beans increases significantly. In addition, sprouted beans are easier and better to digest and perfectly digested.

How to cook

Before cooking, sort the beans, remove hardened grains, pebbles and other debris and be sure to cover with water, leave overnight.

When cooking mung bean, remove any foam and rind that floats to the surface. Boil the beans until they are tender. It turns out to be even tastier if you simmer it for a long time. Cooked mung bean strengthens and improves digestion, strengthens the body after illness, is very useful for the elderly.

In India, mung beans are traditionally used to prepare Dhal or Dal, an Indian puree soup based on beans, coconut milk, vegetables and spices. This soup can be made with any legumes. Dal is very tasty, healthy and perfectly nourishes and warms the body in winter. The essence of the dish is to boil legumes along with vegetables until they are puree. Dal is abundantly flavored with spices that add completeness and fullness to the dish. Dal can be eaten as an independent dish along with bread, flat cakes, or served as a sauce for the main course or sprinkled on rice.

See the recipe for mung bean with barley groats.

Greetings, dear readers. Recently, looking through the products of one online store in search of something new and tasty, I came across a previously unknown cereal - its name is mung bean. I decided to learn more about it and try what it is.

Not many people know about this cereal. It appeared in India and became widespread in the eastern countries. Mung bean groats look like golden beans, pleasant to the taste and very useful for human health. Their dishes are not only healthy, but also delicious. The cereal contains useful trace elements and many vitamins. Its beneficial properties have a positive effect on the body. For health and beauty, it will only benefit. And recipes with a detailed description of the cooking process will help you cook it correctly.

The medicinal properties of cereals

It is the useful elements that the mung cereals are so rich in that make it possible to use it for healing the body, as well as for treating many diseases. Its medicinal properties are as follows:

  1. If there are metabolic disorders or diabetes, this cereal is an excellent dietary supplement to the daily diet;
  2. The benefit of cereals lies in the fact that with its regular use, cholesterol levels are reduced;
  3. It is worth using cereals for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. The calorie content of mung bean is quite high, due to which a feeling of satiety appears. Along with this, this product contains little fat, but fiber, on the contrary, is enough;
  4. Its use is also permissible to prevent the development of oncological diseases due to the folic acid contained in the mung bean.

Thus, the benefits of this cereal are obvious. In addition, it is actively used in Chinese medicine in the treatment of various diseases. Usually it is included as an additional component in recipes or prepared as an independent dish:

  1. Digestive tract disorders and poisoning;
  2. For colds, gargle;
  3. When edema occurs as a diuretic;
  4. The gruel made from this cereal is applied to the skin when a rash or burns occurs;
  5. It has a positive effect on the work of the heart, helps to strengthen it. Thanks to mung bean, you can reduce pressure and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

The positive properties of cereals for beauty

As noted above, the benefits of cereals are known not only for health, but also for beauty. Therefore, it is actively used in this area. Groats not only help you look younger, their properties help to improve and cleanse the skin. Mung bean is added to masks aimed at smoothing wrinkles and shrinking pores. Groats and the beneficial elements that it contains also help to improve the structure of skin cells and slow down age-related changes.

Mung bean contains nano-coenzymes. They can actively withstand all environmental influences on the skin. The benefits of cereals only increase from this. Therefore, if you want to prolong the youth and healthy appearance of your skin, you should use masks and other cosmetics based on this cereal. You can make cosmetics from it yourself at home. Its recipes are quite simple, and the effect of the application is quite noticeable.

Precautions and contraindications

Of course, in addition to the beneficial ones, this cereal also has negative properties. Its use in some cases can harm the body. Like other legumes, mung bean contributes to the onset of gas and bloating. This can occur with excessive consumption of cereals. This is especially recommended for people suffering from digestive disorders.

Individual intolerance to this product may also occur. However, this is quite rare. To minimize the harm from consuming this product, it is recommended to be sure to soak it before cooking. In addition, dill or coriander seeds can be added to the cereal. This will not only reduce the possible harm from the product, but also increase the digestibility of food and enrich the taste.

How and how much to cook mung bean

Because how correctly you cook this cereal, its taste will depend. In addition, you will reduce the risk of negative effects after taking mung bean.

The mash must be transferred to a container and rinsed thoroughly with cold water. This is because in the croup you can often find various small stones. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil.

The ratio of product to water should be 1 to 2.5. In other words, you need 2.5 liters of water for one glass of cereal. After the water starts to boil, add mung bean to the pan.

The cereal is boiled for about 30 minutes. 10 minutes before it is ready, add salt to the pan.

Cereal recipes

Mung bean is generally more commonly used in soups. These recipes are healthy and varied. There is no need to fear for the calorie content, as already noted, this cereal will not harm the figure. All recipes are varied, but the following is the most popular.

Mung bean soup

To prepare this soup, you need to take 1 cup of mung bean, 1 teaspoon of ghee, mustard and cumin, about 3 cloves of garlic, curry, salt and half a teaspoon of masala. The cereals must be thoroughly washed and left to soak overnight. As noted above, this will help minimize possible harm to the body. After soaking, you can start making the soup. First you need to weld the mung bean as described above. In a ratio of 1 to 2.5, you need to bring the water to a boil and only then add the cereal to the pan. The mung should be cooked for half an hour. Please note that in order to avoid sticking of the cereal to the bottom, it is necessary to stir it constantly while it is cooking. After the mung bean is ready, cover the pan with it and set it aside for a while.

Heat the ghee in a small skillet and add mustard, cumin and asafoetida to it. After a while, you will hear crackling sounds that the seeds will begin to emit. At this point, add the garlic to the skillet. Continue cooking until light brown.

Then add the remaining ingredients, which are cilantro, curry, turmeric and masala. All components must be quickly mixed and immediately added to the cereal in the pan. It remains only to add salt to taste and the soup with cereals is ready.

You can also come up with recipes for this cereal yourself. The high calorie content makes dishes with it satisfying. At the same time, you get all the necessary useful properties that it does not lose even after cooking.

That's all for today, good luck and good health!

Mash is a cereal unknown to many, but it is very popular in the East. Mash also has more sophisticated names - golden beans, dhal, mung beans. The homeland of cereals is India; cereals are widely used in other eastern countries, mainly due to their high useful properties. Mung bean is recognized as one of the Ayurvedic products, the positive effect of golden beans on the female body is known. Read more about the beneficial qualities of cereals below.

Is mung bean groats nutritious, what are their calories and composition?

100 grams of Mash cereals contains 23.8 grams of protein, 62.6 grams of carbohydrates, 1.15 grams of fat. The product contains a high content of fiber, vitamin A, vitamins B, as well as vitamins C, E and K. In addition, the composition of cereals includes such minerals as potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron.

The calorie content of legumes is 347 calories per 100 grams of product. Although the calorie content of golden beans is quite high, mung bean is considered a dietary product, since its fat content is more than low. Mung beans play an essential role in the diet of vegetarians and vegans, being a rich source of vegetable protein.

Nutritionists - Researchers claim that by consuming 100-150 g of beans daily after 3 weeks, the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood drops significantly. The Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences considers that the dose of 15 kg of legumes per year per person is the minimum to maintain health at the level. There is another property of beans that scientists are paying attention to. They provide us with protein without the fat found even in lean meats. Hence, beans are indispensable in diets and vegetarian diets.

What is the value of mung bean groats, what are its useful properties?

Krupa Mash is famous for its diuretic and antiseptic properties. In China, since ancient times, this product has been used to detoxify the body. Dhal also helps to lower blood cholesterol levels as it contains a high concentration of fiber.

Mung beans have a low glycemic index, which helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. Groats are an excellent product for weight loss, they are nutritious, contain a large number of vegetable protein and almost no fat. Mung bean is recommended to be used as a substitute for meat. The high content of plant fiber helps to improve digestion.

The beneficial properties of mung bean cereals are also to prevent the development of cancerous tumors, including malignant tumors of the mammary glands. Gold beans help regulate hormones.

Where are the dishes prepared in which mung bean groats, what cooking recipes are used?

Mash is very common in traditional Chinese cuisine; beans can also be found in the cuisines of countries such as Sri Lanka, Burma, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Korea, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam. By the way, cereals are used not only in their pure form, the starch obtained from it is used to prepare the very transparent noodles, as well as to make jelly.

Dishes are prepared from pre-dried beans and steamed until tender. Surprisingly, in China this cereal is used for desserts and special sweet water. Indonesia is famous for mung bean porridge, Indian cuisine prefers Mash in its first courses. Groats go well with pork, chicken, shrimps and fish, in this case they are served as a side dish.

Before cooking, the mash must be soaked, one hour will be enough to soak the young cereal, but if the cereal is of a certain age, it will have to be prepared for cooking throughout the night. However, the soaking time also depends on the specific dish that you are going to cook from Mash cereals. Below we have presented recipes for preparing dishes from golden beans.

Chowder from cereals Mash with mint

To make a delicious stew you will need:

300 g cereals Mash.
100 g of onions.
300 g of tomatoes.
200 g carrots.
50 ml of vegetable oil.
1 bunch of fresh parsley
6 cloves of garlic.
1 bunch fresh mint
Ground black pepper.

Fry grated carrots and chopped onions in vegetable oil. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin, chop the tomato pulp and add to the onions and carrots for two minutes. Transfer the vegetables to the pot in which you will cook your stew.

Pour three liters of cold water into a saucepan, bring the ingredients to a boil, then add the pre-soaked mung beans to them. Cook the soup for thirty minutes, season with salt and pepper, taste. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Add finely chopped parsley and chopped garlic to the soup. Pour the chowder into serving bowls, add a sprig of mint to each bowl.

The Mash Chowder with Mint is ready!

Golden Bean Risotto

To make risotto you will need:

1 cup of beans
1 carrot.
200 g minced meat.
1/2 head of onion.
1/3 cup rice
500 milliliters of water.
Ground paprika.

Soak the mash groats for about three hours. At this time, fry the minced meat in a deep frying pan, add finely chopped onions and grated carrots there. Season the ingredients with salt and ground paprika, pour in the required amount of water.

Put the cereal in a frying pan and cook until half cooked. Next add rice. Cook the dish until fully cooked, at the end of cooking, salt and add fresh herbs if desired.

In appearance, these are peas with peas, however, somewhat oblong in shape.

Maybe that's why mung bean is also called beans, although for some reason they are golden, despite its clearly green color.

There is another name for this fruit - mung beans.

What it is

Mash is the grandfather of an extensive legume family, it is recognized as the oldest representative of legumes and traces its ancestry back to India.
Nowadays, as a food product, these beans are quickly conquering the whole world, but they are especially revered in India, as well as in China, Japan, Korea, throughout Southeast and Central Asia.

Such an extensive distribution of this food product implies a lot of recipes for its preparation. It is eaten in its natural form, shelled, sprouted, in the form of all kinds of soups, cereals and salads, noodles are made from it and starch is extracted.

How to choose the right one

Golden beans, oddly enough it sounds, should be exclusively green in color. The beans should look dry, clean, that is, without any spots or wrinkles. Australia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and India are considered the most reputable producers of packaged mung bean.

Important! Many experts are suspicious of the products of China and Peru, incriminating local producers in using unsustainable technologies in the cultivation of mung bean.

Beneficial features

The huge popularity of mung bean is primarily due to its exceptional useful qualities. These beans are a real boon for people prone to cardiovascular disease.

If you constantly eat mung bean, then the condition of the heart and blood vessels improves markedly, blood pressure returns to normal.

This is facilitated by a decrease in cholesterol and blood sugar.

The walls of the blood vessels regain their elasticity.

Another outstanding healing property of this product is its ability to prevent the onset of cancer problems.

And sprouted mung bean strengthens the immune system, stimulates brain activity, while strengthening memory.
And even these little green fruits can help restore vision.

But that's not all. Mung bean sprouts successfully fight infectious and inflammatory ailments, really helping with bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and other similar ailments.

Also mung bean has diuretic properties, it is used to cleanse the body of toxic substances, and also perfectly eliminates edema and even promotes weight loss.

Mung beans are very useful for women during menopause, as they are able to normalize the female hormonal background.

And even bone tissue, as well as the kidneys, may be required to wave their normal functioning.

Important! One of the most curious properties of mung bean is its ability to not cause flatulence, which is not at all typical for all other legumes.

Composition and calorie content

All record medicinal and nutritional properties of mung bean depend on the unique composition of the beans. At first, they are very high in calories. 100 g of the product contains 347 calories. It contains a lot of protein.

For example, one cup with mash contains 31.6 g of protein, while the same cup with meat contains 7 g of protein. So it's not in vain that vegetarians prefer this product.

Secondly, mung is replete with a lot of nutrients. It contains 18 essential amino acids for the body. It also has a real abundance of vitamins: C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, A, E, K, beta-carotene and choline.

There are also macro- and microelements in the form of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc, selenium and copper.


When we talked about the exceptional benefits of these beans, we weren't overdoing it. There are practically no problems with eating mung bean. The exception is those few people who are unlucky with personal intolerance to this product.

Well, and very moderately, you should take golden beans in food for those who have weakened intestinal motility and generally have digestive problems.

Did you know? Oriental mythology associates the characteristic white stripe on the body of the bean with a deity who allegedly checked the strength of the shell of the fruit with a fingernail.

How to germinate mung bean

The beans hatch surprisingly quickly. Why sprout them at all?
This is necessary because their seedlings thereby increase the content of vitamins and microelements. During the germination of the fruits, the breakdown of nutrients occurs, which facilitates their absorption by the body.

To sprout mung bean does not take a lot of time and effort. Beans should be taken no older than two years for this. They need to be rinsed well, placed in a saucepan, covered with gauze and covered with a lid, leaving a gap for ventilation.

Then, during the day, you should rinse them several times, leaving the gauze invariably moist. And the next morning sprouts will hatch on them. The optimal size for sprouts is considered to be a length of no more than one centimeter.

Sprouted beans can be refrigerated, but preferably no more than five days. Sometimes the sprouts can be slightly bitter, but if they are poured over with boiling water, the bitterness immediately disappears. In general, sprouted golden beans taste similar to our green peas.

Storage methods

Important! It should be borne in mind that the age of the mung bean affects the duration of the cooking process.

Therefore, you need to be interested in the expiration date. Usually, in a container with a lid or in a sealed bag, mung bean does not lose its properties for two years.

Use in cosmetology

Scientists have proven that mung bean, if consumed systematically, is able to rejuvenate the body and actively counteract premature aging of the skin. By activating intercellular processes in the body, it protects it from free radicals. As a result, the dullness of the skin disappears.

In cosmetology, dried beans powder is also used, which helps to narrow the pores on the skin, soften and nourish it.
Nowadays, many cosmetics use golden bean flour.

Gruel is made from it, which helps to eliminate dermatitis and acne, can heal small wounds and abrasions.

The rejuvenating properties of mung beans are due to the presence of phytoestrogens, which stimulate the release of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, giving the skin a youthful, healthy and toned appearance.

Cooking use

But, of course, the main advantage of mash is its wonderful culinary properties. It fits perfectly into dishes with vegetables, various cereals, seafood and meat. Suitable for preparing salads, soups, pasta or as an independent side dish.
The most common and easiest oriental dish to prepare is mung beans fried in vegetable oil.

And the famous "glass noodles" are made from the flour of this product. It is very popular in Southeast Asia. But in Central Asia, vegetarian pilaf from golden beans is at the peak of popularity.

It is absorbed much faster than regular meat, almost as satisfying, but at the same time does not create heaviness in the stomach.

Mung beans are also very good for making soups. There are a myriad of them, from whole mung bean soups to mashed bean soups like our mashed pea soup.

Did you know? Harvesting mung beans at one time is almost impossible due to their slow ripening. Therefore, the crop has to be harvested twice a year - in June and November.

Cooking recipes

Recipes for preparing dishes from this oldest member of the legume family are as varied as the areas of its distribution. Somewhere it is preferred in the form of vegetarian pilaf, somewhere it manifests itself best in a variety of soups, and someone makes noodles from it.

Here are some popular golden bean recipes.

  • Salad... Take the sprouted mung bean and fry it together with chicken, mushrooms and ginger in proportions to taste. You can also add different vegetables to the salad to taste.

  • Snack... You will need sprouted beans, as well as soy sauce, half an onion, two small tomatoes, and vegetable oil. Peeled beans should be covered with soy sauce. Then you should fry the onion in vegetable oil. After that, you need to chop the tomato and, together with the cooled onion, fried until golden brown, add it to the mung bean. The resulting must be refrigerated overnight, and in the morning the snack is ready to eat.

  • Turkmen beef soup... For him, you need to take half a kilogram of beef, a glass of beans, two potatoes, two onions, homemade noodles, half a teaspoon of coriander, one teaspoon of turmeric, vegetable oil and salt. Having cut the meat finely, you need to fry it with onions in highly heated oil. Then, adding carrots and potatoes, you need to simmer for another five minutes. Then add the golden beans. All this must be poured with three liters of boiling water and cooked until tender. Parsley and other spices are added to taste.

  • Risotto mashotto... For this dish, you will need a glass of mung beans, half an onion, 200 g of minced meat, carrots, a third of a glass of rice, a little paprika and half a liter of water. While the mung bean is soaking, the minced meat should be fried. Then you need to add to it, without removing from heat, onions, carrots and paprika. After that, the turn of water and masha comes. All this should be brought to half-readiness, after which you need to add rice and finally cook, adding salt and spices to taste.

  • Sweet green soup... A glass of dried mung bean must be placed in a saucepan, pour four glasses of water and simmer over low heat for half an hour under a lid. When the beans reach softness, remove the pan from heat and add a quarter cup of sugar to it. Before serving the dish, pour a quarter cup of coconut milk into it.

As you can see, it is not in vain that this wonderful product is now gaining its place in the world at such a fast pace, be it the culinary or cosmetic sphere of human activity.

Dark green? It often happens - when shopping for a daily basis, there is no time to ask the seller - what is it and how to cook it? What can I say - even lentils sometimes raise a lot of questions, and mung beans are still a rather rare guest in our house. But in vain!

In Latin it is Vigna radiata, in Hindi - mung, in Chinese - lǜ dòu, that is, "green bean", and in Central Asia, that is, in Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and other countries, it is called mung. It is with this name that it is sold by traders from the former southern republics of the USSR in Russian markets.

The mung beans are egg-shaped, peas only 2-4 mm long, with a green shell and a shiny surface. Mash has a solid stock m of useful substances, however, like any other bean. The nutritional value of mung bean is 357 kcal per 100 g. The balance of substances is shifted towards proteins and carbohydrates. Especially valuable for humans is the content of proteins in mung bean, which are absorbed better than animals and in many countries successfully replace proteins of meat food. This is true for vegetarians and those who adhere to strict Christian fasting. Mung bean contains a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

Phosphorus is the most valuable element for a person, improving memory and increasing mental abilities. Phosphorus helps maintain healthy vision, maintains normal metabolism, bone tissue, and kidney function. Potassium lowers blood pressure, supplies oxygen to brain cells. Magnesium Helps Avoid Heart Attacks, Affects Heart Health the cardiovascular system as a whole and relieves of seasonal and other depressions, which are frequent in the urban diet. In addition to microelements, mung bean contains a lot of vitamin C, even more than vegetables.

In India, where legumes are often a substitute for meat, mung bean is highly prized and considered a cleansing product. It is recommended for those suffering from asthma, arthritis, allergies and obesity. In Chinese medicine, mung bean is considered a yin (cooling) food, which means it is suitable for summer time and people with "internal heat", for example, during exacerbation of hypertension or high blood pressure. Both in Chinese medicine and in Indian Ayurveda, mung bean is believed to detoxify and is suitable for both children and the elderly.

Legumes in Asia are the second bread. Ease of preparation, high protein content and good taste - what else is needed! The variety of varieties allows a variety of To improve the cuisine, and the methods of processing and cooking even one type of beans give rise to several dishes that are different in taste and type. Mash in different regions of East and Asia differs in shape, size and taste. These are subtle differences, but they do affect flavor and processing. According to the situation, mung bean is germinated, stewed, boiled or ground into flour.

The easiest way is to germinate mung bean. Germination activates the bean's internal resources for faster growth. Mung bean sprouts are food very rich in vitamins, very useful in spring and at any other time when you want something fresh. For germination, mung bean beans (preferably fresh, not all 2-3 years old will germinate) are placed in a cuvette with holes in the bottom, covered with gauze. The cuvette is inserted with a wave into another, larger volume. Lay the mung bean in one layer and fill it with room temperature water so that it barely covers the beans. Place in a warm place and add water every 3-4 hours. The very next day A little mung will sprout, and after 3-4 days you can eat them. Remember to peel the beans and rinse them in cold water.

Fresh mung bean sprouts are usually added to vegetable salads, seasoned with vegetable oil. It happens that fresh sprouts are very bitter. To reduce the bitterness, they are poured over with boiling water, but in no case boiled. With heat treatment, the value decreases, and with prolonged and intensive treatment, it completely disappears. In China, mung bean sprouts are sometimes fried in a wok with mushrooms, ginger, chicken and vegetables, but due to the small size of all the pieces, this takes 1-2 minutes.

Other equally popular uses are soups, stews, and all kinds of stews. Here you can give free rein to your culinary imagination, remembering just one rule: mung bean must be pre-soaked (like any other beans). How many? From 30 minutes to 8 hours. It all depends on what exactly you want to get at the output. Short time soaking will give a denser structure - sometimes it is even pleasant - to feel the density of the product. Prolonged soaking will shorten the cooking time and is ideal for a short stew or for preparing Indian dal soup, in which the beans should be completely simmered, like in mashed potatoes. For soups that require a cooking time of an hour and a half, mung bean need not be soaked.

"Glass" noodles are prepared from mung flour using the gelling property of mung bean. Noodles are prepared mainly in Asian countries, but in Central Asia, vegetarian pilaf is prepared from mung bean. Unlike traditional meat, it is absorbed much faster and more completely, does not leave heaviness and perfectly saturates. Mung bean is easy to store and process, it costs much less meat, has no fat and does not load the liver and blood vessels, which is also important.

In Uzbekistan, there is a dish mash-kichiri or shavla-mash, somewhat reminiscent of pilaf. The dish is made from rice, mung bean, vegetable oil and vegetables. I must say that the further south, the more mung bean replaces meat food, and this is also understandable, because spoiled meat causes serious poisoning, and improperly cooked mung bean is just dissatisfaction. There is a difference.

Alexey Borodin