How to make quail in the oven. How to cook quail in the oven

04.12.2020 Desserts and cakes

Any respectful restaurant offers to guests to pamper themselves with gentle quail meat. Previously, small birds were caught in wildlife, today they are grown on poultry farms or in households.

Today it is not necessary to be an eminent chef to prepare a quail of the house quickly and tasty. Little birds are extinguished stewed, bake in the oven, fried on the grill and stuffing.

Game is characterized by good digestibility and contains minimum cholesterol. The meat contains vitamin RR, responsible for the correct blood circulation, B1 and B2 is the key to the normal functioning of the nervous system, and A is an indispensable component for good vision.

Step-by-step video recipe

The reviews say that, starting to choose a quail, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. The smell must be neutral, without acid, rotten, etc.
  2. Color - healthy, without yellowness, shades of green, crimson, blue.
  3. Texture - elastic, when pressing a carcass should not be dents.

How to cook quail to be delicious and useful? Here all the mistresses are unanimous: use fresh raw materials. Fresh chilled meat should not be stored in the refrigerator more than 10 days. In the freezer of the carcasters can lie no more than 3 months.


Despite the pathoral name, the quail prepare will be completely simple for this recipe. The finished dish, according to gourmets, will look beautiful and exquisite. So that the meat was as gentle and literally melted in the mouth, you should choose young individuals (not older than 1 year from the genus).

  1. Quail (carcass) - 5-6 pieces.
  2. Chicken liver - 250 grams.
  3. Apple ripe - 1 piece.
  4. Bacon - 300 grams.
  5. On the onion - 2 pieces.
  6. Spices - to taste.
  1. Soy sauce - 80 grams.
  2. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Honey - 50 grams.
  4. Lemon juice - ½ cup.
  5. Paprip hammer - 1 teaspoon.
  6. Curry - 1 teaspoon.

How to make quail in the oven tasty?

  • In a bowl with high sides, pour vegetable oil, soy sauce and add honey, lemon juice, mix to homogeneity. Separate paprika and curry.
  • To wash the carcasses, remove the remains of feathers, internships.
  • In the prepared marinade dip the bird, cover the food film, leave 1.5-2 hours in the refrigerator.
  • Wash liver, remove streaks, cut into small pieces.
  • From the apple cut the peel and remove the core, cut into small panels.
  • The liver is frying on a small amount of oil, in 5-7 minutes add an apple, season with salt and pepper. Another 5 minutes, and the stuff for the tender bird is ready.
  • Carcasses get out of the cold, puff hot filling.
  • Bacon cut into subtle films (3-4 millimeters) or buy already sliced. Wrap each bird.

How to cook quail?

  • In the heat-resistant dishes or on the baking sheet to lay a carcass in militant.
  • Heat cabinet to heat up to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • The duration of cooking is 50-60 minutes.

In the process of heat treatment, the meat will acquire an appetizing crispy crust. The perfect garnish for delicacy will be boiled potatoes.

Delicate bird under the cherry

According to the reviews of the hostesses with experience, there are several recipes, how to prepare quail in a pan to maintain maximum taste and vitamins.

List of essential products:

  1. Quail carcasses - 8 pieces.
  2. Ripe cherry - 200 grams.
  3. Broth (chicken) - 100 milliliters.
  4. Cognac - 30 grams.
  5. Salo pork foam - 100 grams.

Washed and stripped carcasses need to fry on vegetable oil to half-preparation. Wash cherry, remove bones, add to bird. Pour the broth with a thin flowing, then cognac. Fire is reduced to a minimum, cover with a lid and tomorrow. This indicator is determined by the degree of maturity of the bird, on average, quail preparation time is 30-45 minutes.

To the table to serve in a deep dish with a sauce of broth and cherry berries.

Quail on a splay

A gentle bird can be fascinated by an original spicy taste, a recipe, how to cook the oven to look festive and effectively, is presented below. In tandem with the original feeding, such a culinary masterpiece will become a real decoration of the festive table.

  1. Bird carcass - 7-8 pieces
  2. Bacon - 7-8 Striped (by carcass)
  3. Rye bread - 6 slices
  4. Creamy butter - 50 grams
  5. Garlic - 5 teeth
  6. Cherry Tomatoes - 7-8 pieces (by carcass)
  7. Spices: Parsley, Rosemary, Kinza - to taste

Additionally, it is necessary to prepare wooden spanks. In grocery stores such products, a wide range of colors and shapes is offered.

Cooking method

Creamy oil soften, add garlic passed through the press. Stir, add spices to taste. The inside is filled with an oil mixture. Each carcass wrap a bacon strip, to bandage legs and wings with a cookwood thread.

How to cook quail in the oven? Stuffed bird shock into the form for baking and send to the ovens heated to a temperature of 200 degrees for half an hour. Once every 10 minutes watering the carcass oil.

According to the reviews of fans and professionals, the original will be finished quail to ride on the skewers, to the top to hoist the slightly dried rusty bread and tomato Cherry.

Honey quail with a pear

The gentle combination of meat melting in the mouth with a sweet juicy pear will appreciate the gourmet - they tell the reviews of all who tried the divine dish. On how to make quail tasty and without much trouble, it will be discussed below.

For this recipe you will need the following products:

  1. Quail - 350 grams.
  2. Pear fresh large - 1 piece.
  3. Honey - 30 grams.
  4. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  5. Ground coriander - pinch.
  6. A mixture of peppers - pinch.
  7. Fresh chabret - 2 twigs.
  8. Salt to taste.
  • Step 1. Pre-prepared carcasses must be carefully flushed and put on a paper towel. Grate salt and ground coriander.
  • Step 2. If honey is thick, melt a little on a water bath, mix to uniformity with olive oil, lubricate quails.
  • Step 3. Wash pear, cut into 8 equal parts, from each of them remove the core.
  • Step 4. Prepare dishes for baking. It should have a thick bottom and tightly closing cover. The walls are abundantly lubricated with vegetable oil, put the bottom of the pears, add salt, pepper. Decorate a pair of thyme branches (chablie).
  • Step 5. To the flavored fruit lay out the carcasses. Cover the capacitance with a lid.
  • Step 6. How to cook quail? Send it in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • Step 7. Cover to remove, temperature to increase to 200 degrees, oven for another 10 minutes.
  • Step 8. Finished bird and pears lay out on a plate. The dish is recommended to use with red semi-sweet wine.

Quail in Japanese with a garnish of potatoes

The most popular and widely used product from Japan in our territories is soy sauce. It underlies many appetizing marinades for meat, birds and fish.

Any respectful restaurant offers to guests to pamper themselves with gentle quail meat. Previously, small birds were caught in wildlife, today they are grown on poultry farms or in households.

Today it is not necessary to be an eminent chef to prepare a quail of the house quickly and tasty. Little birds are extinguished stewed, bake in the oven, fried on the grill and stuffing.

The benefits of quail meat

Game is characterized by good digestibility and contains minimum cholesterol. The meat contains vitamin RR, responsible for the correct blood circulation, B1 and B2 is the key to the normal functioning of the nervous system, and A is an indispensable component for good vision.

The reviews say that, starting to choose a quail, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. The smell must be neutral, without acid, rotten, etc.
  2. Color - healthy, without yellowness, shades of green, crimson, blue.
  3. Texture - elastic, when pressing a carcass should not be dents.

How to cook quail to be delicious and useful? Here all the mistresses are unanimous: use fresh raw materials. Fresh chilled meat should not be stored in the refrigerator more than 10 days. In the freezer of the carcasters can lie no more than 3 months.


Despite the pathoral name, the quail prepare will be completely simple for this recipe. The finished dish, according to gourmets, will look beautiful and exquisite. So that the meat was as gentle and literally melted in the mouth, you should choose young individuals (not older than 1 year from the genus).

Basic ingredients:

  1. Quail (carcass) - 5-6 pieces.
  2. Chicken liver - 250 grams.
  3. Apple ripe - 1 piece.
  4. Bacon - 300 grams.
  5. On the onion - 2 pieces.
  6. Spices - to taste.

For marinada:

  1. Soy sauce - 80 grams.
  2. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Honey - 50 grams.
  4. Lemon juice - ½ cup.
  5. Paprip hammer - 1 teaspoon.
  6. Curry - 1 teaspoon.

How to make quail in the oven tasty?

  • In a bowl with high sides, pour vegetable oil, soy sauce and add honey, lemon juice, mix to homogeneity. Separate paprika and curry.
  • To wash the carcasses, remove the remains of feathers, internships.
  • In the prepared marinade dip the bird, cover the food film, leave 1.5-2 hours in the refrigerator.
  • Wash liver, remove streaks, cut into small pieces.
  • From the apple cut the peel and remove the core, cut into small panels.
  • The liver is frying on a small amount of oil, in 5-7 minutes add an apple, season with salt and pepper. Another 5 minutes, and the stuff for the tender bird is ready.
  • Carcasses get out of the cold, puff hot filling.
  • Bacon cut into subtle films (3-4 millimeters) or buy already sliced. Wrap each bird.

How to cook quail?

  • In the heat-resistant dishes or on the baking sheet to lay a carcass in militant.
  • Heat cabinet to heat up to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • The duration of cooking is 50-60 minutes.

In the process of heat treatment, the meat will acquire an appetizing crispy crust. The perfect garnish for delicacy will be boiled potatoes.

Delicate bird under the cherry

According to the reviews of the hostesses with experience, there are several recipes, how to prepare quail in a pan to maintain maximum taste and vitamins.

List of essential products:

  1. Quail carcasses - 8 pieces.
  2. Ripe cherry - 200 grams.
  3. Broth (chicken) - 100 milliliters.
  4. Cognac - 30 grams.
  5. Salo pork foam - 100 grams.

Washed and stripped carcasses need to fry on vegetable oil to half-preparation. Wash cherry, remove bones, add to bird. Pour the broth with a thin flowing, then cognac. Fire is reduced to a minimum, cover with a lid and tomorrow. This indicator is determined by the degree of maturity of the bird, on average, quail preparation time is 30-45 minutes.

To the table to serve in a deep dish with a sauce of broth and cherry berries.

Quail on a splay

A gentle bird can be fascinated by an original spicy taste, a recipe, how to cook the oven to look festive and effectively, is presented below. In tandem with the original feeding, such a culinary masterpiece will become a real decoration of the festive table.

Basic components:

  1. Bird carcass - 7-8 pieces
  2. Bacon - 7-8 Striped (by carcass)
  3. Rye bread - 6 slices
  4. Creamy butter - 50 grams
  5. Garlic - 5 teeth
  6. Cherry Tomatoes - 7-8 pieces (by carcass)
  7. Spices: Parsley, Rosemary, Kinza - to taste

Additionally, it is necessary to prepare wooden spanks. In grocery stores such products, a wide range of colors and shapes is offered.

Cooking method

Creamy oil soften, add garlic passed through the press. Stir, add spices to taste. The inside is filled with an oil mixture. Each carcass wrap a bacon strip, to bandage legs and wings with a cookwood thread.

How to cook quail in the oven? Stuffed bird shock into the form for baking and send to the ovens heated to a temperature of 200 degrees for half an hour. Once every 10 minutes watering the carcass oil.

According to the reviews of fans and professionals, the original will be finished quail to ride on the skewers, to the top to hoist the slightly dried rusty bread and tomato Cherry.

Honey quail with a pear

The gentle combination of meat melting in the mouth with a sweet juicy pear will appreciate the gourmet - they tell the reviews of all who tried the divine dish. On how to make quail tasty and without much trouble, it will be discussed below.

For this recipe you will need the following products:

  1. Quail - 350 grams.
  2. Pear fresh large - 1 piece.
  3. Honey - 30 grams.
  4. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  5. Ground coriander - pinch.
  6. A mixture of peppers - pinch.
  7. Fresh chabret - 2 twigs.
  8. Salt to taste.
  • Step 1. Pre-prepared carcasses must be carefully flushed and put on a paper towel. Grate salt and ground coriander.
  • Step 2. If honey is thick, melt a little on a water bath, mix to uniformity with olive oil, lubricate quails.
  • Step 3. Wash pear, cut into 8 equal parts, from each of them remove the core.
  • Step 4. Prepare dishes for baking. It should have a thick bottom and tightly closing cover. The walls are abundantly lubricated with vegetable oil, put the bottom of the pears, add salt, pepper. Decorate a pair of thyme branches (chablie).
  • Step 5. To the flavored fruit lay out the carcasses. Cover the capacitance with a lid.

  • Step 6. How to cook quail? Send it in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • Step 7. Cover to remove, temperature to increase to 200 degrees, oven for another 10 minutes.
  • Step 8. Finished bird and pears lay out on a plate. The dish is recommended to use with red semi-sweet wine.

Quail in Japanese with a garnish of potatoes

The most popular and widely used product from Japan in our territories is soy sauce. It underlies many appetizing marinades for meat, birds and fish.

Food basket:

  1. Quail carcasses - 4 pieces.
  2. Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Seeds of sesame - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Vegetable oil - 50-70 grams.
  5. Spices - according to preferences.

For a side disk:

  1. Potatoes - 6 pieces.
  2. Salt - ½ teaspoon.

Process of creation

To the washed poultry carcasses laid in a large dishes, add soy sauce, salt and pepper. The mistress advise to cover the dish with a lid and remove in a cold place for an hour.

Prepare a shape for baking, lubricate with vegetable oil, put a carcass in a row, sprinkle sesame seeds. Cover the foil and send to the cooking in the oven for 40 minutes. After the specified time, Foil remove, quail flop over and another 10 minutes oven.

In a large Korean grater, finish pre-cleaned potatoes, rinse thoroughly to remove starch as much as possible. Slightly dry. Fry in a large number of sunflower oil. The resulting straw. Stay on a paper towel so that the vegetable gave excess fat.

Having answered the question of how to cook quail, it is also important to know the rules for feeding the dish. Experienced hostesses advise birds to put on a potato pillow and present with thin slides of fresh vegetables.

Quail to taste more like chicken meat most, but at the same time they are more tender, baked and roasted faster. Of these, you can make many unusual appetizing dishes.

Quail will be able not only to just be fried in a frying pan and submit to everyday dinner with any side dish, but also to turn into a real delicacy to a festive table. The bird is perfectly combined with honey, berry, soy and other sauces. It can be stuffed with it with croups, cheese and even by sub-products.

You can cook quails in different ways - in the oven, multicooker, in a frying pan and even on the grill. The bird can be the basis for the welded soup or the main dish to the festive table.

Delicate taste of quail meat can be emphasized and add different additives. For example, honey or berry sauce, vegetables, sour cream, cheese. What products are best combined with quail meat, they will promptly prompt step-by-step recipes among gourmets.

With couscous and orange sauce in the oven


  • couscus - 150 g;
  • quail carcasses - 4 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • chicken broth - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt and fresh black pepper - to taste;
  • sweet Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • paprika - 1 pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ripe oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • natural bee honey - 1 tsp;
  • ginger root - 1 cm.


  1. 1. Prepare four quail carcasses - rinse thoroughly and dry up paper towels. The total weight of the bird will turn out about 700-800.

  2. 2. Mix salt and black pepper. The latter is better to grind in a special mill immediately before use. Then his taste and fragrance will be especially bright. It is necessary to rub the carcasses, so as not to damage their gentle skin.

  3. 3. As a basis for the future sauce, squeeze juice from two oranges. There should be about 1 tbsp.

  4. 4. Be sure to need to strain the resulting juice from the bones and various dense particles, otherwise they will burn when baking. It is convenient to do this with a fine sieve or several layers of pure gauze.

  5. 5. With a piece of ginger, thinly remove the skin. Grind it with a grater with the smallest divisions. If you want the sauce to get more spicy with a bright taste, you can take 1.5-2 cm root.

  6. 6. Add ginger to liquid orange juice. There is also a lemon juice and liquid bee honey. If the latter snapped, it is worth heating it in a microwave or in a water bath. Mix everything thoroughly.

  7. 7. Put prepared quail in special packages-sliders (with clips locks). You can use one big immediately for all carcasses or several - one for each. If there were no special packages at hand, it is allowed to take and the usual one. The main thing is to pre-release all air from it. Pour to quail in the package the mixture of juices and spices (to leave a small part of the sauce). Remove the package in a cold place for half an hour.

  8. 8. For filling, finely cut the purified bulb. Pour her pieces into a frying pan with well-heated vegetable oil. Fry to transparency.

  9. 9. Turn off the fire under the gridder and send to the couscous vegetable. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Pour hot chicken broth. To cover with a lid. Give weight to stream 6-7 minutes.

  10. 10. Prepare sweet Bulgarian peppers. It is best to take small colored vegetables. Cut the fruits from them, remove seeds. The remaining parts cut into small cubes.

  11. 11. Mix pieces of peppers with couscous. Pour everything with paprika, salt.

  12. 12. Very neat, so as not to break the skin, fill the quail carcasters in the resulting stuffing.

  13. 13. To lay the workpieces into the appropriate heat-resistant shape, watered with vegetable oil. Pour the remaining orange sauce.

  14. 14. Bake the dish of 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Periodically watered stuffed quail of the stuffed juice so that gentle meat did not stop.

If a couscous remained after stuffing, it is possible to submit it separately as a side dish. Good combined finished quail with various pickles.



  • quail - 8-10 pcs. (purified);
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • tomatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • bay sheet - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh greens (dill and parsley) - to taste;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • millet or noodles - 1 handy;


  1. 1. Pre-prepared bird carcasses are sent to a saucepan with thick walls or a deep frying pan. Add minimum amount of vegetable oil. Pull carcasses to easy rosy from all sides.
  2. 2. Pour the meat with water. After 15-17 minutes of cooking, add large chopped purified potatoes, onions and carrots. Based soup bumping 7-8 minutes.
  3. 3. Add to the capacitance of the laurel, salt, declared spices, the remaining crushed vegetables. Continue cooking soup on medium heat.
  4. 4. When the poultry meat is completely cooked and starts to move well from the bones, you can add a handful of washed milf or noodles, crushed greenery into the container.

The finished dish immediately remove from the fire, cover with a lid and let it brew for 10-12 minutes. Serve with wheat toasts.

With a lingonberry in a frying pan


  • quail breasts - 300 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and pepper ground - by pinch;
  • thyme, rosemary - to taste;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1/2 h.;
  • juniper berries, fresh mint - for decoration;
  • frozen or fresh lingonberry - 150 g;
  • cane sugar - 1 tsp;
  • red dry wine - 60 ml;
  • dry carnation - 2-3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


  1. 1. Quail fillet folded into a large bowl. Water with liquid honey, olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, crushed thyme and rosemary. Add balsamic vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. 2. Tighten the tank with a bird with a food film and remove to the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  3. 3. In the skeleton pour a lingonberry. If the berries are frozen, then they are not required to defrost them.
  4. 4. Plot a lingonberry brown sugar, pour dry red wine. Add dry carnation.
  5. 5. Cook sauce on low heat 12-14 minutes, interferebly stirring. At the same time, the amount of fluid should decrease significantly, and the berries - to preserve its shape.
  6. 6. At the very end of the cooking, pour into the container a pinch of salt.
  7. 7. Pickled pieces of birds to send a frying pan with heated vegetable oil.
  8. 8. Fry them about a quarter of an hour until the fillet is brightened.

The finished treat is hot to decompose on the portion plates. Generously pouring a lingonberry sauce. Actually will file such a dish for the new year to a festive table.

Stewed with cherry whole


  • carcasses quail - 8 pcs.;
  • fresh / frozen cherry - 200 g;
  • broth - 100 ml;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fit Swine Salo - 100 g;
  • salt and spices - to taste.


  1. 1. Put the fetal pork fat on the frying pan. Heat it carefully.
  2. 2. For hot fat from all sides, fry prepared bird carcasters entirely. They should turn out to be ruddy - with an appetizing crust, but not completely cooked.
  3. 3. Add cherry with already frosted quail. Frozen berries do not need to pre-defrost. The main thing is that they were without bones.
  4. 4. Pour into the frying pan immediately broth and brandy.
  5. 5. Tomorrow meat on slow fire is about 15 minutes (under the closed lid). Salt and twist it with spices to taste.

Put a bird along with a berry sauce. As a side dish, boiled rice is well suited.

With a crispy crust


  • quail carcasses - 3 pcs.;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • butter - 100 g


  1. 1. Bird carcasters rinse, dry, cut every half.
  2. 2. Carefully grate them from all sides with a mixture of salt and pepper.
  3. 3. In Kazan heat the large amount of butter. Fry on it prepared quails.
  4. 4. Cooking them 15-17 minutes, often turning over from the sides on the side. The main thing is not to overtake meat on fire, otherwise it will dry out.

When the quail is covered with a rosy crispy crust, put them on the portion plates. Supplement with a plum chutney or pomegranate sauce.

Quail stuffed with white mushrooms and camembar


  • quail - 1 pc. (about 250 g);
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • fresh white mushrooms - 40 g;
  • camembert cheese - 40 g;
  • boiled buckwheat - 80 g;
  • thyme and rosemary - 4 g;
  • mushroom sauce - 60 g;
  • garlic - 20 g;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • chicken broth - 70 ml;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


  1. 1. From a bird carcass to remove all bones. You need to leave them only in legs and wings.
  2. 2. In a separate dish, mix olive oil, sophisticated garlic, thyme and rosemary. Load the resulting marinade quail. Leave in such a form for 17-20 minutes.
  3. 3. Mushroom sauce mix with buckwheat. Add salt, pepper, small pieces of cheese.
  4. 4. Strip the resulting mass with a cereal ripping carcass.
  5. 5. Tinging the workpiece with culinary twine. Bake in the oven for 17-20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. 6. Separately fry white mushrooms with chopped garlic and small amount of olive oil. Add cream and chicken broth to them. Prepare a mixture on slow heat before thickening. Season sauce salt and pepper.

Finished poultry meat cut into pieces. Serve with mushroom sauce. Optionally, add a treat with fresh greens and herbs.

With bacon and grapes

The original recipe from Julia Vysotskaya.


  • quail - 4 pcs.;
  • pork minced pork - 300 g;
  • olives - 6-7 pieces;
  • fresh rosemary - 1 twig;
  • the chearable bacon - 8 slices;
  • black ground pepper - 1/2 h.;
  • salt to taste;
  • red grapes - 100 g;
  • port wine - 1 tbsp.;
  • olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.


  1. 1. In grate the prepared carcass of the bird's salt and a half pepper. Leave in such a form for 1-1.5 hours at room temperature.
  2. 2. In advance, turn on the oven to hear up to 180 degrees.
  3. 3. To finely cut rosemary and olives without stones. Mix crushed ingredients with minced meat. Add the remaining pepper and salt.
  4. 4. Tightly fit the resulting mass of bird carcasses. Tie the legs.
  5. 5. Put the prepared quail on the baking sheet, oil-free oil. From above also sprinkle olive oil.
  6. 6. Wrap carcass bacon. For each - 2 strips.
  7. 7. Bread the bird is 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  8. 8. Raise the temperature to 230-250 degrees and cook quail another 5-7 minutes. The main thing is not to forget how to include blowing and pouring a bird with a squeezed juice.
  9. 9. Finished quail to leave in the oven for 10 minutes. They must be ruddy with a slight appetizing crust.
  10. 10. While the bird insists, cut in half every berry of the washed grapes. Remove bones if available.
  11. 11. In the skeleton to pour port. Bring it to a boil, pour grapes. Timize a mixture of 6-7 minutes to light thickening.

Submit ready-made quail to the table with hot with cheese or garlic toasts. Complete each portion with grape sauce.

Honey quail with a pear


  • quail - 2 carcasses;
  • ripe large pear - 1 pc.;
  • bee honey - 40 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ground coriander - 1 pinch;
  • a mixture of peppers - 1 pinch;
  • fresh chabret - 2 twigs;
  • bacon - 2-4 strips;
  • any vegetable oil - for lubrication of the form;
  • large salt - to taste.


  1. 1. Rinse in advance the carcasses with running water and lay out on a paper towel. When the meat is dry, carefully grasp it with a mixture of salt and coriander from all sides.
  2. 2. If honey is very thick, you need to hold it for a couple of minutes in a water bath, then connect with olive oil. Stir the ingredients to homogeneity. Lubricate the resulting mixture prepared carcasses.
  3. 3. Pear thoroughly wash. It is not required to cut off with it. Remove from the fruit core with seeds, cut off the fruit. The rest of the rest is chopped by 6-8 identical lobes.
  4. 4. For baking, you need to choose a shape with a thick bottom and reliably closing lid. Its walls to lubricate with vegetable oil.
  5. 5. Cover the bottom of the fruit slices. Plip salt and a mixture of peppers. Sprinkle fresh chabry on top. Do not use more than 2-3 twigs.
  6. 6. To prepare the fruit layer to send a bird carcass. Covered by bacon strips. If the latter should be kept, you can fix the meat with toothpicks.
  7. 7. Cover the tank with a dense lid.
  8. 8. Prepare a treat in advance preheated to 180 degrees in the oven. It will be enough will be half an hour.

Quail tasty serve with pear as a side dish. To neutralize the sweetness of the fruit, it is worth using your favorite sharp sauces.

Japanese with a garnish of potatoes in sleeve


  • quail carcasses - 4 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 60-70 g;
  • spices and salt - to taste;
  • vasabi - 1/2 h.;
  • ginger (dry) - 1 tsp;
  • raw potatoes - 6 tubers;
  • vegetable oil - for lubrication of the form.


  1. 1. Rinse and dry the shaped carcasses.
  2. 2. Put the bird into a large plastic container.
  3. 3. In soy sauce dissolve Vasabi. Add ginger. Pour a mixture of quail.
  4. 4. Add salt (if necessary - after all, the sauce is without that salty), pepper. Mix everything thoroughly with hands, rubbing the liquid into the surface of the bird carcasses.
  5. 5. Send capacity with all contents for 1 hour in a cold place.
  6. 6. Clear potatoes. I put it on a frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry from all sides to light rosy. Sprinkle salt.
  7. 7. Form for baking lubricating with vegetable oil. Share in her trained birds. Next to distribute roasted potato tubers.
  8. 8. Wrap the tank in the sleeve for baking and send to the oven for 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Serve quail together with potatoes. Optionally, decorate the dish of fresh greens.

Quail in sour cream


  • quail - 10 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • chicken broth - 4 tbsp.;
  • salt and spices - to taste.


  1. 1. Prepared carcasses of birds graze salt and fry on the heated oil in a skillet from all sides to the rosy.
  2. 2. Transfer quails into a saucepan, pour the broth (2 tbsp.). Tombeat under the lid until complete readiness.
  3. 3. It is not necessary to wash it after quail) Pour flour, salt, cubes of raw bulbs. Stir with the remaining oil. Fry a couple of minutes. Pour the rest of the broth.
  4. 4. Cook the mass until thickening, then mix with sour cream.
  5. 5. Pour the resulting sauce to the already finished bird. Separate 6-7 minutes, not letting the mass boil. Add spices to taste.

On the plates lay out ready quail. Halong treat sour cream sauce. Serve with any garnish. For example, with stewed potatoes.

In honey sauce in foil


  • carcasses quail - 4 pcs.;
  • bee honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mandarin - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • soy sauce - 40 ml;
  • any oil - for frying.


  1. 1. Any convenient way to squeeze the juice from tangerines. Straighten it.
  2. 2. Mix Fresh with preheated liquid honey and soy sauce.
  3. 3. Add salt and pepper.
  4. 4. Fold the shaped and washed quails into the pan. Pour marinade and leave in a cool place for 7-8 hours. In the process, turn the carcass several times.
  5. 5. Cheer the prepared birds. Slightly fry in a skillet with any oil.
  6. 6. Welcome quail in foil. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Then remove the coating and cook for another 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

In the process of baking without foil, you need to water the quails of the remaining marinade. If the shaped meat juice remains in the form, it can be filed with a bird instead of sauce.

Quail "legs" on the skewers


  • machine from quail (or chicken) meat - 500 g;
  • kefir (2.5%) - 200 ml;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • soda - 1/2 small. spoons;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • chicken Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • breadcrumbs - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


  1. 1. Salt kefir, mix it with flour and soda.
  2. 2. To knead the dough, roll it into the ball and leave in the cold half an hour.
  3. 3. Finely cut down onions and garlic. Connect it with minced meat. Salt the mass and twisted with spices.
  4. 4. Slim roll dough. Cut from it small circles.
  5. 5. For each round base, put on a piece of ships. Top to distribute mince.
  6. 6. The edges of the test make it.
  7. 7. Each resulting "leg" omit into whipped eggs. Then go into breadcrumbs.
  8. 8. Fry legs on a frying pan with preheated oil to ruddy crust.

The finished dish is served with sour cream sauce. Instead of swipes, you can use saline straw.



  • quail - 4 pcs.;
  • chicken liver - 200 g;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • bacon - 4 strips;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bee honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • paprika - 1 tsp;
  • cranberry - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt to taste.


  1. 1. Rinse and dry the napkins bird.
  2. 2. Mix butter, honey, paprika and soy sauce.
  3. 3. Obtain quail marinade from the second step. Leave them in the cold for half an hour.
  4. 4. For the filling, very finely cut the liver cubes, fry on any fat for 8-10 minutes.
  5. 5. Clean the apple from the skin. Melko chop. Send to liver. Fry the ingredients together for another 4-5 minutes. Salt.
  6. 6. Start the filling of the prepared quail. Wrap them with bacon.
  7. 7. Cover the legs to cover the foil so that they do not burn.
  8. 8. Share the blanks in a refractory shape and bake 35 minutes at 180 degrees.
  9. 9. For the sauce put the cranberries in the scenery. Add sugar and pinch salts. Tomber on a slow heat for 8-10 minutes. You can add your favorite spices to the sauce.

Finished quarrel quarple lay out on portion plates. Complete cranberry sauce.

In a slow cooker


  • quail - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. 1. Send a bird to a deep bowl. Fall asleep salt, pepper selected by spices. It is good to launch dry ingredients in a carcass.
  2. 2. Add mustard, mayonnaise or sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly. Leave a bird in this form in a coolness at least half an hour.
  3. 3. Transfer quails into a multicooker bowl with pre-warmed in any suitable oil mode.
  4. 4. Fry carcasses from all sides to easy rush.
  5. 5. Close the lid. Activate the baking program for 35 minutes.

At will, in the bowl of the Multivarka, you can also send pieces of potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini and other vegetables. Then the dish will succeed immediately with a satisfying garnish.

Marinated on Mangale


  • quail - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • grated ginger - 30 g;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • sea salt and fragrant herbs - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. 1. The grated ginger mix with honey. Add crushing garlic, fragrant herbs, oil, sea salt.
  2. 2. Give the resulting mixture of the prepared bird carcasses.
  3. 3. Put quails from above. Remove in coolness for 2 hours.
  4. 4. Before the further preparation of the dish, burn coal in the mangale, until the flame disappears. The temperature for quails should be the same as for the usual barbecue from the bird.
  5. 5. Put the carcasses on the grille (as when cooking tobacco chicken). Top to cover the design of the foil.
  6. 6. Until preparedness, the minimum of 6 quails are required on one side to another. Each of them should be fried around 3 minutes.

Cooking the meat is needed to the desired degree of grip. Then - remove the bird from the fire and give her to relax 6-7 minutes.

With vegetables and dried fruits in pots


  • quail - 4 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • frozen green peas - 1/2 art.;
  • brussels cabbage - 150 g;
  • chicken broth - 1 tbsp.;
  • prunes of 30 g;
  • salt and greens - to taste.


  1. 1. Ceramic pots to pre-dock in cold water for 20 minutes. Then - drain the liquid.
  2. 2. At the bottom of the tanks, pour polka dots, carrot and potatoes cubes. Salt everyone.
  3. 3. Print rinse and leave in warm water for 15 minutes. Largely cut dried fruits, after which they put the bird's carcasses by them.
  4. 4. On top of vegetables lay quail. Pour everything with a small amount of salted broth.
  5. 5. Remove the pot into the cold oven. 10 minutes to prepare a dish at 150 degrees. Then another 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. 6. Separately for the side dish, boil the cabbage without nickeys. To do this, put it on a colander and omitted in a saucepan with actively boiling water. Prepare this way 5-7 minutes. Salt.

Features of cooking

To get a delicious juicy dish, you will need to choose the product correctly, partition, prepare for heat treatment.

If the mistress has a couple of hours of free time in front of the roasting or baking of quails, it is worth making a bird. It will make meat especially gentle, soft, give it to the taste of brightness.

How to choose and store quail?

Quail meat is a perishable product. Therefore, it is important to choose the most fresh bird. For this, when buying, first of all, it is worth paying attention to its appearance and smell.

Quail meat should have a pinkish shade. Small yellowish or purple sections on its surface are allowed.

Be sure to sniff and touch the product offered by the seller. If his skin on the touch sticky, there is a sharp unpleasant smell, it is worth a disconnect from the purchase.

If quails are purchased in packaging, attention should be paid to its integrity and shelf life specified by the manufacturer. If frozen meat can be stored in the freezer before half a year (the main thing is not to defrost and not freeze it again), then chilled - only 5 days.

Change the shelf life of quail meat will allow special packaging with a gas medium (modified) or vacuum. Under such conditions, it increases to 2 weeks.

If the meat is bought on the farm, you need to ask the seller to provide the buyer veterinary references. Their presence will make sure high quality and product safety.

Cutting quail

Quail meat should be properly prepared for heat treatment. You can do it at home yourself. When cutting bird carcasses, you will need to operate according to the following scheme:

  1. 1. Crop the wings before the first joint, and the paws are shin.
  2. 2. Heat to 80 degrees a large amount of water. Lower to the container with a carcass liquid.
  3. 3. Remove harsh fast movements from the skin of a scalded bird feathers against growth.
  4. 4. Make an incision in a circle around Cloaca, longitudinal - on the abdomen, small - on the neck. Extract internal organs. Through incisions on the neck, remove part of the trachea and esophagus.
  5. 5. Thoroughly wash the prepared carcass and wipe it with a paper towel.

Optionally, you can also defame game. This will remove the rest of the feathers.


Quail meat is perfectly combined with any marinades. Therefore, the choice of the latter will depend only on the tastes of the chef itself.

To improve the absorption of the marinade in a bird carcass, after cutting and washing, drying on it you need to make a somewhat deep punctures with a sharp knife. It is also desirable to remove the skin.

The meat must be fully immersed in the selected marinade and leave in this form at least 1.5 hours. In the process of marination, turn the carcass several times.

The most popular recipes for cooking marinade for quails at home are the following:

  1. 1. Mustard. For him you need to mix 3 tbsp. l. Olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. French mustard and 1 tsp. Lime / lemon juice.
  2. 2. Sourish-garlic. For such a recipe, it is necessary to connect 5 tbsp. l. Sour cream (20%), lemon half juice, a pair of crushed twigs of fresh dill, 5-6 softened garlic bales, ground pepper and 2 tbsp. l. Any vegetable oil.
  3. 3. Low. To prepare the marinade, you need to kill a purified bulb (large) blender, mix with 5 tbsp. l. Olive oils, 1/3 h. l. Dry rosemary and a pinch of ground colored peppers.
  4. 4. mustard honey. For this option, the marinade will need to mix 1 tbsp. l. Any mustard (sweet or acute), 1 tbsp. l. Sunflower oil, a pinch of dry garlic, 1 tsp. Natural bee honey.

Solo quail needed immediately before frying or baking. Marine all the specified time they need to be in a cold place.

Conditions of cooking

If the quail meat is roasted in a skillet, then it is easy to easily monitor the rosy of the product and the juice highlighted during puncture. It is best to cook quail when heating the plate just below average.

When baking the bird in the oven optimal temperature will be 180-190 degrees. Preheat the oven should always be in advance. Prepare in it quails need about half an hour. If the bird carcasters are very large, the recommended time can be increased by 15-20 minutes.

What kind of garnish supplement?

Quail meat (like chicken) is perfectly combined with any kinds of garnish. If you want to make a treat more satisfying, it is worth it with a potato puree on milk or cream, with any pasta. Perfectly complements roasted quails pea, carrot and pumpkin puree.

Baked meat harmonizes well with cabbage different types. For example, with boiled broccoli, fried white-baked, baked in the same color tank.

It is delicious to combine it with a warm salad from tomatoes, podolkova beans and eggplants. Or you can cook for a bird snack according to the principle of Caesar salad, but without meat in the composition - only vegetables, crackers, refueling.

Tasty, but the meat is quite fat (cooks also call it gentle), while individuals who survive on their own in nature are mostly muscles. And people who believe that "wild" meat is hard and tasteless, just do not know the subtleties of its preparation.

Quail: Not only tasty, but also useful

Meanwhile, the birds have long been considered a delicacy. If you do everything right, you will desire this dish and wait for the nearest holiday on which it will be filed. It is clear that many nuances now have become unavailable to us simply at the current circumstances (for example, where to take a hearth or a fireplace suitable for cooking). However, if you know how to make quails, in the oven they will have no worse than on open fire.

At the same time, their meat (as, however, and eggs, which knows a much more people) is very useful. The vessels and bones are strengthened from it, the liver gets rid of many ailments, stomach, kidneys and lungs begin to work normally. Yes, even though quail meat and very galleries) it fully complies with all dietary requirements, since it is absorbed almost completely and does not forms harmful compounds. So baked quail in the oven will become useful to you not only with the desired weight gain, but also with forced (medically substantiated) diet, which is often boring and tasteless.

Storage secrets

It is also noteworthy that rewriting compared to another bird in the fresh form is retained long enough. It does not require freezing, and do not suspiciously sniffing, did not disappear, before you cook quails in the oven: the meat remains fresh during the week without any effort on your part. This is explained by the fact that in the muscles, of which mostly consists of quail, there is lysozyme - a natural conservative. It is he who does not give to dry the stew.

Now it has become easier to get exactly such game: the bird is grown in nurseries as close as possible to natural conditions. So do not have to convulse a rifle, learn to shoot and walk to hunt. And knowing that the body will benefit and nice to taste, it is worth picking up quails in the oven.

A pair of finesses of cooking

Since these birds are very small (less than some pigeons), their preparation recipes are forced to be limited. First of all, very good quail soup - it will be even very capricious children. In the fried form from the carcashers there will be little, but if they are twisted very quickly, and then sweep, the result will delight.

Most of the advice of this game comes down to how to cook quail in the oven. And this is reasonable: in the volume of birds are not much reduced, and the flavor and the taste of the game are preserved.

Another advice: you should not use conventional chicken seasonings when cooking. Spoil the source product! Do not be lazy to go to the market and buy real weeds: basil, parsley, mayoran. And the dish will get scented, and the taste of the game will not let artificial and too strong smells. And it is not necessary when cooking quail to use ketchup or mayonnaise. These are products of civilization, and they are not compatible with the game! Want tomatoes - move the tomatoes and connect them with your favorite spices. No - Make sour cream sauce. But do not need anything artificial!


Most likely, the carcasses will get you from some store (and hope that not frozen). That is, before you cook quails in the oven, they do not have to crap and gut. However, for most recipes, form a carcass still will have to.

In any case, the birds will have to wash well. Most recipes are advised also to dry them with napkins. Wings are refilled for the back. To quail (preparing in the oven implies a significant impact of fire) have not burned in particularly vulnerable places, the legs are inserted into the abnurbation. Carcass is very compact. In such a form, no parts of the body are burning, and baked quail in the oven are carried out gentle and juicy on all sides.

Baked in a simple

This recipe for those who suddenly came guests, or some observation is scheduled for a working day. In this case, the recipe of how bake of quail in the oven without much effort is especially relevant.

The ingredients will also need a little: on 4 carcasses - a spoon (dining room) of olive oil, a tea - salt and black pepper. These spices are thoroughly mixed - preferably to complete homogeneity. And such a composition, rolled birds are rubbed, and outside, and inside. Then quail, polished with olive oil, are placed in a well-heated oven for 20 minutes, during which the minimum is poured by juice.

The recipe for quails in the oven varies from the cook to the chef. However, one remains unchanged: it is necessary to water the birds. For particularly lazy, it is possible at the very beginning of the baking to pour into the frying pan of the water. The dish will be juicy, does not fake, but ... of the taste, as if you water juice, you will not achieve.

The abundance of methods: the sleeve, according to many, is obligatory

Such an opinion has the right to exist. All the same tough, quail. Cooking in the oven is not always able to make them juicy and soft, and the sleeve can. Therefore, for starters, marinade is made, the basis of which will be a slight amount of lean oil, in which the favorite weeds and spices are stirred. Lemon juice should also be an indispensable participant. In such a composition of the carcass should be pulled at least a couple of hours. Then they fit into the sleeve where the spoonful of water is fastened, and in the oven for 10 minutes. For a quarter of an hour before readiness, the sleeve is cut. It is necessary that your quail to be buried and did not resemble boiled carcasses.

Naturally, this is not the only way. Completely amazing a recipe called "with eggplants", but I would have to be called "in eggplants". The essence is that insides are removed from the shiny, and the quail laid in the salted walls. The baking sheet is put on the baking sheet in the oven, a half of the tomato is covered and loses with lean oil or fat. Bakes - and in the mouth!

So there is a reason to experiment or just prepare baked quails in the oven. Feel at finally, aristocrat!

One hundred years ago in Russia, every self-respecting cook knew perfectly well how to cook quails. This exquisite dish could be seen almost at every celebration in wealthy people. Gentle, tasty, dietary, but at the same time nutritious, quail meat was prepared with tens of ways. Perhaps today, many connoisseurs of cooking will be interested in learn how to prepare quails at home.

Once nobles and simply, wealthy people were not accidental to be destroyed by quail - the meat is lean and practically does not contain cholesterol. Therefore, it can even be even people who recently suffered a serious surgery for the stomach and just sitting on a rather strict diet. At the same time, the meat is very satisfying - three small carcasses are quite enough for them even a person with a very good appetite.

Experienced cooks know about it and do not save on seasonings - add thyme, pepper, basil, salt and many other spices. Thanks to this, meat is obtained very tasty, fragrant.

It is important that this valuable product contains:

  • Vitamins B1 and B2, which is beneficial affecting the human nervous system.
  • PP (nicotine acid), improving blood circulation.
  • Vitamin D, preventing the development of Rahita.
  • Sulfur and phosphorus, normalizing metabolism.
  • Potassium, allowing the brain to work more actively.

Therefore, the desire of many culinary people who want to learn how to make quails delicious, can be called very commendable.

Cutting and preparation

The first step is to inspect a carcass. There should be no feathers on the skin - if they are, then you need to remove them. If there is a fluff, then it is falling on the open fire. After that, the carcass is thoroughly washed with cold running water.

The next step is cutting. It is necessary to cut the carcass at the bottom - between the lower part of the keel and hips. All insides are easily removed through a small incision. Then you need to rinse the carcass from the inside well - the easiest way to do it by sending a stream of cold water from under the tap.

It is not necessary to cut into parts - most recipes telling how to cook quails, provide for the whole. It is enough to start the wings behind your back, and put the legs together and fix the cook thread.


An experienced cook knows dozens of ways how to cook quails - cook soup, bake whole with a side dish, in berry juice or on open fire. We will tell you a few of the most successful recipes that allow you to reveal the taste of the bird fully.

Cutting on a splay

Perhaps this is the most luxurious and even "royal" way of cooking - even developing gourmets will be impressed, seeing such a dish on the festive table.

You will need for cooking:

  • three quail;
  • 100 grams of bacon;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • rye bread;
  • butter;
  • basil, salt, black pepper.

When all the ingredients are ready, you can tell how to make quails correctly.

  1. Carcasses are washed and dried with paper towels.
  2. Garlic squeeze through the press, mix with basil and cream oil.
  3. Salt carcasses, pepper, puff the resulting mixture.
  4. Wrap over bakery with bacon.
  5. to put the carcasses on a skewer, alternating with slices of bread.
  6. Bake at a temperature of 200 degrees 30-40 minutes.

In a frying pan

Very gentle way of cooking. No wonder many culinary wonder how to cook quails in a pan. For cooking take:

Two quail;

  • bulb;
  • olive oil;
  • half of the rosemary teaspoon, salt, black pepper.

Start cooking. Here you will not get quails with the whole - you need to neatly cut into two parts, dividing a carcass along the ridge and the abdomen. After that, start cooking.

  1. Mix salt, pepper, rosemary and olive oil.
  2. The resulting marinade generously smeared the carcasses and leave the half-and-and-and-a half marinate.
  3. Lubricate the frying pan with the remnants of olive oil, warm up and lay out quail. Fry on both sides until the crispy, appetizing crust appears.
  4. During this time, clean the onions and cut down thin half rings. When a crust appears on the carcass, add onions to them and mix. Close the lid and extinguish another 20 minutes - until readiness.

This is a pretty easy way to cook a sophisticated dish. Knowing how to make meat quail with cherries, you can consider ourselves to the cook-asse. The following ingredients will be required for the recipe:

  • eight quail;
  • a glass of cherries without seeds;
  • 100 grams of pork salary;
  • halfcan of broth;
  • cognac tablespoon;
  • salt, pepper, rosemary.

When all the ingredients are collected, start cooking one of the most sophisticated dishes in life:

  1. Melt the pork fat in the pan, warm up and put a carcass of quail there.
  2. Fry until the crust appears, then drain excess fat.
  3. Add broth meat, in which seasonings, brandy and cherry are divorced. Stir, cover the frying pan with a lid and extinguish 20 minutes.
  4. Feeding quail with a side dish, pour it with a sauce that received when extinguishing.

Quail soup

Deciding to cook quail soup, do not forget that the meat in the bird is quite lean - there will be no fat broth with it. Therefore, it is worth adding some pork bala. So, prepare:

  • four quail;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • 50 grams of pork bale;
  • 50 grams of millet;
  • bulb;
  • salt, black pepper.

Preparing the Soup is so simple that he can please you with both at home and on the hunt.

  1. Quail is flooded with cold water and brought to a boil. Solives, step out, boiled 30 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, Salo and onions are finely cut, roasted in a frying pan.
  3. The broth is added washed millet. Cooking for another 20 minutes.
  4. The soup is laid out the roaster, it is brought to a boil and removed from the fire.

In a slow cooker

Quail Houses can be failed in a slow cooker - the recipe is very simple. All you need for cooking, it is:

  • four quail;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise;
  • teaspoon mustard;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil, rosemary, thyme.

Preparing the dish is very simple and easy:

  1. Seasonings are mixed with mustard and sour cream (or mayonnaise).
  2. Quail is laid out in a multicooker bowl, lubricated with vegetable oil, and roasted 2-4 minutes.
  3. Sauce adds to carcasses, after which the multicooker is turned on in the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes.

The dish is very gentle, juicy and, most importantly, simple.

If there is no time to keep track of the preparation of a festive dish, you should learn how to cook quails in the oven.

The following ingredients will be needed:

  • five quail;
  • half of lemon;
  • half of garlic head;
  • 5 mayonnaise tablespoons or sour cream;
  • salt, pepper, dill, thyme or coriander.

Culinary works only at the beginning - then can do its affairs.

  1. Mix salt and pepper with dried or crushed herbs.
  2. Carcass rinse, dry the paper towel, sprinkle with lemon juice and lubricate the resulting mixture.
  3. Clean garlic, skip through the groove, mix with sour cream or mayonnaise.
  4. Dry each carcass in the sauce.
  5. lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil. Place the carcasses on it and put the oven for 40 minutes into the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

The resulting quails will not give up to taste and the beauty of those that can be enjoyed in elite restaurants.

Proper storage

Let's start with the rules for selecting quails in the store. Meat must meet the following requirements:

  • Be pink, appetizing, without gray or white spots.
  • The unpleasant smell is completely absent - only the neutral smell of meat.
  • Press the meat finger - it should immediately return to the original form. If the dent remains, then the product is not fresh and make a delicious dish from it.

Chilled quails can be stored in the refrigerator no more than 15 weeks. If the carcasses are frozen, then the shelf life increases to 3 months - after that, a tender bird acquires an unpleasant smell of stupid meat.

If the dish is already cooked, then in the refrigerator it can be stored for no more than three days. Preferably in glass or ceramic dishes - in cellophane the meat will deteriorate faster