Elastic dough for dumplings. Dough for dumplings on water

04.12.2020 Desserts and cakes

To prepare real home dumplings, you need to know the perfect recipe for dumplings. And you will find the best recipes in my article:

In many families, dumplings have become traditional fast food dishes. For me and my relatives, their preparation is the most pleasant pastime. We prepare them on the weekend, collecting all together. We are discussing the news, we build plans for the near future and develop new types of this dish. The most successful recipes in this article will share my respected cookies.

The simplest method of preparation of the test is the compound of water, chicken eggs and wheat flour. This method is indeed traditional and worked out by many chefs and hostesses for years.

Products required for cooking:

  • onion - 2 large bulbs;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • flour - about 1 kg;
  • mince - 1 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 175 ml


I always start with the cooking of mixed minced meat. I do not know why, but on dumplings, I always prepare it using beef and fatty pork. I take each type of meat in half.

I wash, beef and with pork, as well as with purified onions, grind. Then the resulting mass of pepper and salt. Everyone thoroughly mixed and set up a little toacer.

In the bowl, before receiving a homogeneous mixture, sculpt the eggs, pinch of salt and boiled water. We add wheat flour by several arrivals, until the mass becomes ready for manual mixing.

Then we shift it on a largely truthful board and mesh to such a moment until he stops his pester to his palms. The main thing is not to rearrange, otherwise the dumplings will be tough.

Then I take a dumplings, and richly sprinkle with her flour. Dough I divide on 12 parts, and take turns in the round sheets.

I impose the first leaf to the device and then in the cells with a stuffing stuffing. When all the cells are filled from above, lay out the next ball. I spend on her surface with a rolling pin until the edges of each dumplings appear to manifest.

Then I knock them on a small board. And I also do with the rest of the dough and minced.

We ship the first few parties on the chalkboard in the freezer, and then how cool, let's pay in the package for further use. Recent parties can be prepared in salted water and eat right away.

We refuel the dumplings each to your liking. For example, I love them with sour cream and dill, and children and husband are preferred with oil and vinegar. Here is such a light classic recipe for this wonderful dish.

Everyone knows that various products should fall into the human body, so drinking dumplings, I try to diversify not only their foundation (minced me) but also improve the shell. For example, using turkey minced meat, I make a custard dough.

To create a delicacy, you will need the following set of products:

  • minced meat from turkey - 0.5 kg
  • flour of the highest or first grade - 750 g;
  • chicken Egg - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 3 bulbs;
  • salt kitchen;
  • sunflower oil or olive - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water is 1 cup.

I do everything step by step, so I always get a wonderful dough!

  1. In a bowl of stainless steel, connect the egg and a cook salt.
  2. Then I add sunflower oil and sifted flour to them. I mix well everything, and in parallel boiling the driver.
  3. Mixing the previous products, pour in them a glass of boiling water and continue to mix with a spoon. When a spoon ceases to cope, I wash your hands until ready.
  4. Medium bulbs purify, I skip through a meat grinder. Mix it with minced meat and spices.
  5. Then roll, cut the glass and fill them with minced meat. I form dumplings and drunk in salted water.

These appetizing babies really come out unusually delicious and unusual. I advise everyone to try!

Recipe test for dumplings on mineral unit. Preparing in bread maker!

Make an embarrassment for further cooking in boiling water troublesome and requiring practice. But it was so in the past, thanks to the modern kitchen approval - no longer a problem.

Bread maker perfectly copes with the task set in front of it, the dough goes to the measure of elastic, air and enough elastic.

We will need:

  • wheat flour 1 grade - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 4 dining rooms;
  • salt and sugar - 0.5 Tea l.;
  • chicken Egg - 1 pc.;
  • mineralka - 1 cup.

First of all, I sifted flour, so the dough will come out more air. Then in the bowl of bread maker, I first drive the egg and topping mineral water with vegetable oil (I recommend using olive). From above, we immediately fall asleep salt, sugar and 3.5 cups of flour, but add the rest with the campaign, if necessary, add the rest.

I really liked the result: the dough is obtained very elastic and soft. It glues well and does not sprawl during cooking. Perfectly combined with stuffing of any type.

On mineral water can be welded and manually, without bread maker - Watch the video:

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A very unusual and pleasant taste comes out the dough, created on home milk (if not, can be replaced by purchased). It is prepared very quickly and does not require special culinary skills.

Required product set:

  • flour of the first grade - 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk is one glass;
  • vegetable oil - one tablespoon;
  • salt is one teaspoon.

I mix the flour with a kitchen salt and sifted in a bowl of a flood. Then in the center of the resulting slide, I make a hole and pour oil there.

Slightly preheating milk. In another vessel, I drive the eggs and mix them with warm milk to a homogeneous consistency.

Then the milky-egg mixture is poured into the flour. I take a tablespoon and start kneading the dough. When a spoon can no longer handle, turn to the kneading hands.

It goes with a fitful and stops sticking to the palms. From above on a lodge is a wet towel and do not touch from half an hour. After it rolls out and plow the workpiece.

To date, kitchen appliances have become an integral part of many kitchens. With the appearance in the house of bread maker, creating a kneading of any kind has become a simple task.

For the preparation of 700 grams of the finished product, you will need:

  • wheat flour - 750 g;
  • chicken Egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • refined oil - 1 tbsp. l.

First of all, I take two identical glasses. In one of them, I smash the medium-sized egg and topping with boiled water so that the glass was completely filled. Another glass targeting and sifting three glasses of flour.

Then I pour liquid components into the bucket, fall asleep salt. The latter fall asleep sifted flour.

Gadget launches in the "dough" mode, but before it is finished never wait, turn off approximately an hour. The finished product already has the necessary elasticity and elasticity. Completing the food film so as not to dry. Restores the desired quantity to create an embezzlement, the rest closes again.

We most often use chicken or pork mince most often, but the choice of the filling always remains for the hostess.

Because of the great love of my households to dumplings and dumplings, I sometimes have to make them up at the same time. In such conditions, I do at all without using eggs.

Need the following products:

  • water - 230 ml.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • kitchen salt - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 600 g

In the middle-size bowl, I sifted flour. Then I make a deepening in her middle. I take not a complete glass of boiling water, lasted in it salt and mixed with vegetable oil. So that there are really very tasty sunflower oil often replacing olive.

Then the resulting fluid pour into the deepening in the flour and knead. At first, for this I use a kitchen blade, then I put my hands until complete readiness.

I am watching the dough to be homogeneous without air bubbles. Embossing, covering it with a towel and leave for 40 minutes to rest. Then proceed to the formation of dumplings.

I recently gave me mince from lamb, I tried to apply it in dumplings - I liked it. True, preparing mince, you should add more eastern spices, type of turmeric and kary.

A couple of years ago, accidentally hitting the guests, I got to the cooking process for dumplings. I was very surprised that they were preparing him in kefir, because in our family it is prepared mainly on the water. Interested, tried this recipe at home. It turned out quite interesting taste, and now if there is kefir in the house, I cook it that way.

To create it, you need such a set of products:

  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l;
  • wheat flour - 0.5 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • food soda 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

In the dishes in which I will be kneading, thumping kefir and fall asleep with a holling teaspoon of soda. Thoroughly mix, then salt and add sugar and mix again.

I take the flour to the first grade, the dough is obtained white, elastic and does not lose elasticity. Sift it through the kitchen sieve. I add it gradually in kefir, it avoids the appearance of lumps and makes it more uniform.

I add oil in the most recent and carefully smoothed. Then, lay in the package and send it to the cold for an hour. After this, it is already proceeding to the formation of dumplings.

Another unusual recipe for the preparation of dumplings, is its cooking on sour cream. It is preparing very simple and fast.

For him, you need to stock up the following products:

  • sour cream with a fat content of 25% - 400 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 3 eggs;
  • salt kitchen - 2 teaspoons;
  • wheat flour - approximately 1.5 kg.

In the dishes, where I plan to knead, whipping the water, sour cream and eggs to a homogeneous state. Then the resulting mixture of salt, and gradually adding flour, I start kneading.

When the dough becomes tight and stops sticking to the fingers, I leave it for an hour to be lying. Cover it with a wet cloth.

Then proceed to the dumplings. I prepare them most often with the help of a dumplings. Quickly and comfortable. Finished dumplings can be boil immediately, and you can freeze for the future.

Prepare the dough for this dish is quite simple for the owners with extensive experience, for beginners, it can become a problem. So try to do everything step by step as I will describe below. Then, when cooking, your dumplings will remain safe and will not be confused.

Required set of products:

  • milk (3.5%) - 250 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 2 glasses:
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml.

First step. Preparing for this recipe, I take a bowl that is not sorry to put on fire. In it mixes milk with salt and eggs.

Second Step . In the resulting liquid I add some flour, so that the consistency becomes like pancakes. I put a bowl on the stove and on a small fire, constantly stirring, evaporate.

Third Step . When the dough thickens (like on pancakes), remove from the stove. I add the rest of the flour and oil. We knead enough steep kneading. Attention! Do not sculpt the dumplings immediately after the end of the knead, let me lie down for 45 minutes.

Before cooking, it is better to send the formed dumplings into the freezer by a quarter of an hour. During this time, the ends of the dumplings will dismissed and will not give the test to divide.

But the most unusual recipe for cooking dough on dumplings with me was shared by brothers living in Italy. They make it color. Mostly one or two colors. So it turns out a very appetizing taste of goodies.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 900 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • kurkuma - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1.5 ch. l.;
  • spinach - 100 g;
  • tomato paste - 100 ml.

This set of products is used to create a product of three colors.

The first dough is preparing with the addition of spinach, therefore, as a result, its color will be green. I wash the spinach, then grind in a blender and send it in the freezer. I do it from the evening, because in the original formulation it is used precisely frozen.

In a bowl lay out frozen greens, one egg, one spoon of sour cream and a body of a teaspoon of salt. All mixed well, then add 300 grams of flour and knead. To do not dry the dough, I bite it with a food film.

The second is preparing for the same principle, only instead of spinach I use turmeric and 100 ml of water. She gives him an orange shade and a subtle oriental fragrance.

The third is preparing red. For him, I fall asleep a tomato paste in a bowl, the remaining egg, sour cream and salt. I mix everything thoroughly, and gradually supper flour, kneading.

While the last two dishes were preparing, the green com was already resting and ready for dumplings. Then we recall them in the freezer. Then, we form in turn of dumplings from two remaining colors.

The dumplings of different shades are boiled together, they do not lose their color. The bowl look very bright and appetizing, and the taste just "fingers losing".

For color painting, various vegetable juices can also be used (carrot, beet, etc.), although they almost do not give the fraud, unlike spices, greenery and tomato paste.

I hope these simple recipes will help you improve culinary skills and delight native appetizing home dumplings.


The dough is what makes the dumplings. The classic recipe includes flour, salt, water and eggs that make dumplings densely and help him keep the shape and not robble in the water.
When the dumplings are injected, it is very important not to "overdo it" with liquid. It should be steep and elastic. It is necessary to mix it so that then you can roll on thin layers. I think everyone will agree with me: dumplings in a thin dough are the most delicious.
In old days, the dough kneaded on the eyes. Ski flour through a sieve, then poured her hill on the table, and then in the middle of the slides did a funnel. Separately stirred eggs with water and salt and a thin weaving poured into this deepening.
Then the liquid was stirred, gradually taking flour throughout the circumference from the edges to the middle. And for a long time Mesili so that the dough absorbs as much as possible flour.
This method requires a big skill and experience. The hostess should "feel" the dough: if necessary - add flour or water. And what to do, if with the skills so far?
All my bakery experience suggests that the best dough turns out when they immediately measure exactly so much water and flour as required. In this case, the dough will immediately get the desired density, and, it means that it will not be necessary to laugh for a long time and tediously, knock on the table and so on.
Tip: Mixing all the ingredients, leave the dough for 20 minutes at room temperature. The fact is that gluten (the component of flour, which is responsible for flexibility and elasticity) swells for this period. After that, it will be much easier for you to wash the dough.

Try not to add milk into dumplings. Due to milk, dumplings are quickly welded, and the broth becomes muddy.

Recipe 1. Classic
3 eggs
3 cups of flour
1 teaspoon salt with riding

In order not to disturb the proportions of the formulation, use the same glass to measure the flour and water.
Three eggs into the glass, add the salt and decrease with water to the edge. Stir the mixture. Pour the liquid into a large bowl or pan and add three glasses of top grade flour. Stir the fork and leave for 20 minutes to swell the gluten.
Then put the dough on the table, slightly lubricated with vegetable oil. Move well. If everything is done correctly, the dough will be squeezed very easily, without much effort, so it does not have to add flour and add water.
Remove the dough into the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
From this number of test, it will turn out from 100 to 120 dumplings (depending on their size).
Flour for recipes always measure full glasses. To do this, type the MCUK into the glass with a slide, and then scatter around the edge, removing excess.

For lean dumplings and dumplings from the dough, it is necessary to exclude eggs. For this, I start dough on cold, but boiled water. Do not ask me why the water should be boiled - I can not explain. But the fact that it is on such water that the dough is much better than on the usual, raw, - I have been checked repeatedly.

Recipe 2. Lovel
3 cups of flour
1 cup of cold boiled water
1 teaspoon salt with riding
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

Dissolve salt in water. Pour flour into a bowl, then pour water, stir the dough for a fork, whatever it lasted the walls of the dishes and leave for 20-30 minutes.
Then shift the dough on the table, tap oil and dance until the dough becomes even and does not absorb all the oil. The finished dough is removed in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Trying a flour to choose a top or first grade made in accordance with GOST. Flour, which has the designation of TU (technical conditions), can bring you: as a rule, the norms of gluten and humidity in such a flour do not meet the standards.

These are the two main recipes to which I constantly return in this book. There are still many different methods for the preparation of dumplings, for example, custard (coupe) dough. But I will tell about it directly in the recipe.

So, the dough is ready for us, stuffing too. It remains the most important and time consuming - to form (blind) dumplings. And here there are several ways.

Method 1. Vintage
Ready dough divide into several parts. Each part of the test roll your hands into a thin harness, with a diameter of no more than 2 centimeters. Then cut the harness to the same slice of the skin of about 1-1.5 centimeters. Observe them in flour from cuts and roll out each piece of rolling pin into a thin round cake.

Method 2. Modern
Pave the dough on the table, powder with a thin layer of flour. Roll into one subtle reservoir with a thickness of no more than 1-2 millimeters. Suitable for size or thin glass cut out the same circles from the dough. Test trimming can be collected in a lump, give to stand for a few minutes, and then roll out again.

On the middle of each mug of the dough, lay a part of the filling. Then fold the dough in half, filling inside, in the shape of a crescent. Test edges, do it, that is, press up with your fingers so that they stick together. It is important that no holes remain in the dumplings - otherwise, when cooking, it can fall apart. Corners connect and give dumplings round shape. At the same time, the filling should be in the center, and the prosecated edges - around the circle.
Finished dumplings laid with smooth rows on the flour-sprinkled plate.
If you are not going to cook dumplings at once, the table with the dough can be freezed in the freezer, and then repulse all the dumplings in the package and store frozen.

Method 3. "Lazy"
You can form dumplings with the help of a special device - dumplings, which is an aluminum or plastic plate with holes.
If you are going to use a dumplings, roll out two thin reservoirs of the test, slightly exceeding the size of the dumplings. Spreads one of them on the pilment-powder raised and give a little bit so that the recesses for the minced meat are clearly noticeable. Then decompose the filling in each recess. From above, lay out another rolled dough layer, suck flour and ride the rolling pin throughout the surface. The dough must be cut on protrusions. Turning the dumplings, shake it so that the dumplings fell on the table.

In the cooking of dumplings there are subtleties and secrets.
It is believed that the optimal ratio for cooking is 4 liters of water per 1 kilogram of dumplings. I do not advise you to cook a lot of dumplings at once. It is just the case when you should not save time, otherwise your works can go to the pump.
At one time you need to cook exactly so much dumplings as freely can swim on the surface of the water. Therefore, focus on the diameter of the pan, and not on the negotiated rules. In order for all dumplings to be welded evenly and not lost the form, they do not need to be cooked in "Several Floors". Yes, and better when they are freely floating on the surface, without pressing tightly to each other.
Pelmeni and dumplings are boiled, lowering in boiling water. Put a saucepan with water to the fire, if the stuffing is disadvantaged, then salt water at the rate of 1 teaspoon on 2 liters of water. Wait for stormy boiling and start one or several pieces of dumplings in boiling water. Beware of boiling splashes. At the same time, shovel or a large spoon slowly stir the dumplings in the water. After a couple of minutes, it is necessary to stir the contents of the pan again, the dumplings can stick to the bottom.
Wait for the moment when all the dumplings flood to the surface of the water and boil over the time specified in the recipe.
Ready dumplings get noise - so that the glasses are excess water. Dumplings are served in deep and wide bowls. In order for them not to stick together with each other, they must be fed with creamy or vegetable oil and mix. If the oil in the recipe is not provided, then be sure to mix the dumplings in a few minutes.
I never interfere with ready-made dumplings with a spoon. I just take a bowl and shake slightly. This method is especially good when many dumplings lie in a bowl - for several servings. In this case, shake it whenever you add another portion of freshly brewed dumplings.

In addition to salt, add several mines of black or fragrant peppers and one or two laurel sheets can be added to the water for cooking meat or vegetable dumplings.

Cooking dumplings can be almost in any saucepan. Remember Student times - you probably have heard a story about how someone from friends cooked dumplings in an electric kettle.
I have my own story about this.
We just settled into the working hostel. There was a terrible and in the first store we bought a few packs of dumplings - terrible, gray, frozen. And then someone remembered that we have no other dishes, except for stateless decree and tea cups.
Borrow a saucepan from the elders, we were ashamed and went to the economic shop. Alas, there was no saucepan there. But on the shelves with long rows stood enameled children's pots with covers. "Night Vase" - was the price tag. Having encountered, we purchased a "vase" and argued for a long time, who will suffer into a hostel. At the door of the common kitchen, we put a guard - so that none of the outsiders see, what we cook for yourself lunch.
Subsequently, they also acquired pan, and frying pan, but "Vazu" did not throw away. And if any of the guests asked in surprise: "Girls, and why do you need a night pot?" We looked around and laughed to tears.

Preparing dumplings dough homely: on water, milk, with egg or without. The best dough recipes for dumplings - for you!

The recipe for a universal test, which is perfect for both dumplings and dumplings.

  • Water 1 cup (250 ml)
  • Flour 550-600 gram
  • Salt 0.5 h Spoons
  • Egg 1 thing

We hide the dough with a wet towel and you can do any stuffing. All is ready.

All of all who are making dumplings and dumplings at home, I recommend this recipe, very good dough, it's nice to work with it, it does not break and disrupted. Bon Appetit.

Recipe 2: dough for homemade dumplings on water (step by step)

The dough on the water is obtained very soft, elastic, it is easy to it, it does not break, dumplings are not worried and do not squeeze in water during cooking. From the specified number of ingredients, about 100 small dumplings are obtained.

For dough:

  • 250 ml of cold water;
  • 1 egg C0;
  • 500 g of flour;
  • a pinch of salt.

For dumplings:

  • minced pork and beef with bow.

Recipe 3, simple: dough for dumplings at home

Delicious dough for dumplings! Yes, it is delicious! And it turns out very plastic, unusually obedient, it does not break and be wonderful. It is what is needed to prepare delicious home dumplings.

Regarding flour: the amount of this product (as in the preparation of a completely any type of test) may vary in a large or smaller side. The thing is that the moisture content of wheat flour is different, therefore, on certain proportions of liquid on a single recipe, someone can leave 3 glasses, and only 2.5 need to be needed to someone. That is why always focus on your feelings and experience.

The dough for dumplings on this recipe should be immediately after kneading soft and well gather into the ball. After rest, it will become smooth and completely homogeneous. It can be stored for about a day in the refrigerator, if you do not have time to immediately roll the dumplings.

  • water - 50 ml
  • milk - 130 ml
  • wheat flour - 3 glasses
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • egg - 1 pc
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

First of all, be sure to sift the flour. This will not only help get rid of possible impurities, but also will additionally enrich the flour with oxygen, making it more air.

We make a slide from flour, and then in it a deepening where water and milk of room temperature pour. We drive the egg and smell the salt.

Movements about the edge of the bowl to her center connect the products, kneading the dough for dumplings. Then make a small deepening in the center of the test, in which oil pour.

Now it is well interfering with sunflower oil in the dough so that it becomes homogeneous. We collect it to the ball, cover the bowl with a towel (you can tighten with the film, so as not tolerated) and give a break for 40 minutes.

Recipe 4: how easy it is to make dough for home dumplings

Such a dough recipe for home dumplings never fails and even after freezing it is perfectly rolled and dumplings are so wonderful. The previously harvested dough will help you reduce the time in the kitchen.

  • water - 150 grams,
  • wheat flour - 600 grams,
  • small salt - 1 chain. l.,
  • chicken Egg - 2 pcs.

Flour (so far only half of the norm) sifts into a bowl enriching it with oxygen. Also, such a procedure helps to get rid of possible lumps. Sometimes in flour there are incomprehensible small dry lumps. I use the flour with the usual, wheat. To the flour snipping a slight salt, mixing flour with salt so that the dough becomes tastier.

I drive chicken eggs, I start stirring the dough with a spoon.

I pour water, I start to knead the dough, again mixing the spoon until the spoon.

It turns out a liquid dough, but it is without lumps and it is very good.

Sucking to the dough all the rest of the flour, now I start working with clean hands, wash the dough carefully until the tight ball is formed. The dough is tight, but at the same time it is easily rolled and amenable to modeling.

The finished dough I use to make a lot of delicious dumplings.

Recipe 5: Delicious dough on milk for dumplings

  • milk - 0.5 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 st.
  • wheat flour - 400 g
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 0.5 h. l.

Flour sift through a sieve into a bowl or on the working surface. In the center of the slides make a small deepening and drive the egg. We add salt and stir the egg with a table fork.

This is a proven recipe for dumplings! The best, light and comfortable dough, which I only know - on water, be sure to with an egg and with the addition of vegetable oil (the plasticity and smoothness of the test will be guaranteed.

The test is enough for 100 dumplings, as it rolls to the finest state. Sculpt the dumplings from it - a solid pleasure, so that, as it were, the figure "100" - the time will fly imperceptibly;)

So, prepare wheat flour, cold water, egg, salt, vegetable oil. In a bowl, pour flour slide, make a hole in the top, into which we pumped the salt.

In the same hole to lend an egg.

  • Stir the flour with an egg, as if kneading, and gradually pour cold water.

Together with water, pour vegetable oil.

Continue to knead the dough, gradually exciting flour on all sides inside the testa coma. Connect the hand in the middle of the knee, postponing a spoon to the side.

As a result, here such a lump you will succeed:

Leave the dough for 15-20 minutes. It will also stand and its consistency will change the dough as plasticine, very militant:

Dough on the table without additional flour remember, and here such a smooth lump will be as a result:

All - you can proceed to the modeling of dumplings :)

Enjoy your meal!

Dough on dumplings Recipe Classic

Allows you to cook the dough for dumplings the recipe, which is shown below, reveals the secret of very tasty dumplings. The dough is very easy to roll, and it is also extremely convenient to sculpt from it.

Required ingredients for test:

  • two eggs;
  • 500 grams of wheat flour;
  • one glass of milk;
  • one teaspoon salt;
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

Pour flour slide on the table and immediately add salt. Make a deepening in this hill and pour oil there. It just makes the dough plastic and soft.

Wear eggs in a big cup and add warm milk to them. Pour the mixture into the recess, and then displace the dough. You can do this on a cutting board or in a rather big bowl. When it becomes a lump and go away from the walls of the dishes, put it on the table and put it on already on it.

Pretty kneading the dough so that it is supple and elastic, not sticking to the hands and the table. When you feel that it is already ready, moisten the hands with sunflower oil and swept well again. Then cover the dough with a towel and leave at about half an hour.

Dough on dumplings Recipe on the water of ice

This option is prepared for dumplings - the most common and traditional. This dough roll is very thin. You will need half a cup of cold water ( from the freezing chamber), one teaspoon of salt, two large eggs and two glasses of flour.

Stir the flour with salt and "Build" the slide. In her center, make a sneaker and take there, stirring with a fork, first one egg, and then the second. Next, pour gradually cold water and knead the dough with your hands. Take the ball and mantle it. The dough is quite tight, so the process may seem rather difficult. If it gets too dry, you can add some more water. If the dough will be too sticky and soft, pour flour.

After ten-fifteen minutes of careful mixing, cover almost the finished dough with a towel and let him stand up an hour or a little more on the table.

Alternative dough dough recipes

Dough for dumplings on kefir

On that dough for dumplings recipe It requires only 350-400 grams of flour and 250 ml kefir. It turns out soft, tasty and does not break. From its remnants, you can even bake pleasant to taste.

Pour kefir into a deep bowl, add 170-200 grams of flour and mix the spoon so that the mass becomes homogeneous. Next, enter the remaining flour gradually, kneading the dough. Put it in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes or even a little more.

Dough for dumplings without eggs

Eggs are not added to the standard dough for dumplings, as it may turn out to be tight and poorly rolled, and dumplings from it are rigid. In the dumplings the most important thing is the filling, so there should be nothing superfluous in the test. Let's see how to cook dough for dumplings without eggs.

What will be needed for cooking:

  • 3 cups of flour;
  • 2/3 glasses of water;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Take a rather deep and large cup, pour me flour with salt.
  2. Make a recess in the hill.
  3. Pour water into the recess.
  4. Gently stirrate with a spoon from the middle to the edges.
  5. When the dough becomes sufficiently thick, lay it on the table, pre-sprinkled with flour, and continue to mix with your hands, periodically adding flour.
  6. The dough, carefully smeared, put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  7. When half an hour passes, get dough for dumplings without eggs, cut it into pieces, roll and sculpt homemade, delicious dumplings!

Custard dough for dumplings

Let's see if it is easy to prepare a custard dough for dumplings, which can also be used for pushing dumplings. It should turn out to be very elastic, not driving and not sticking towards the hands and surface, and dumplings are delicious, juicy and soft. Slog from such a test is very convenient.

Required ingredients for cooking:

  • 30 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 400-500 grams of flour;
  • oNE CHL salts;
  • 250 g boiling water.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour flour into a deep bowl, make a slight recess in it.
  2. Add salt into flour and mix.
  3. Then pour half the glass of boiling water and stir the spoon.
  4. Next, you should add 30 grams of refined sunflower oil and stir again.
  5. The remaining boiling water pour and blend the dough gently with a spoon.
  6. Pour flour on the table and lay out the same dough.
  7. Thoroughly knead it. It must be hot, but in no case do not burn hands.
  8. The mixing process will take you about ten minutes, and the finished custard dough for dumplings is considered when it does not completely stick to the hands.
  9. Give the dough to lie down under a towel about fifteen minutes.

This preparation option is also used for dough for pies. Accordingly, you can combine the cooking of dumplings with cooking pies.

Video recipe for basic dumplings without eggs. The main thing to keep the technology is to give the test to lie !!!