Salted herring fillet. Salting herring in brine in a jar

04.08.2019 Buffet table
Tender herring: as many as 10 recipes!

I think I will not exaggerate if I say that 99% of our population loves herring!
We eat it in almost any form! And not only on holidays!
Well, here is not a big selection, 10 recipes on how to make lightly salted herring at home, marinate with and without spices, with vinegar or just with salt, and maybe even with sugar ....

In general, different options for salting and pickling herring and other fish! For every taste!

1. Herring (incomparable salting method)

According to this recipe, we have already salted herring many, many times and the result has always pleased us !!
We take 1 kg of fresh-frozen herring of good quality.
Gut, remove the skin and cut into pieces.
Put the fish in an enameled saucepan.

Prepare filling ahead of time:
3 onions cut into rings
10-12 Art. l. water,
1 tsp Sahara,
1-2 tablespoons of salt (without a slide),
0.5 tsp black ground pepper,
1 dec. l. vinegar (essence),
2st. l. ketchup,
1/2st. vegetable oil.
Boil everything together with onions, cool and pour over the fish. Remove to refrigerator.
In a day, a delicious herring will be ready !!!
Well, very tasty!
I used table vinegar

2. Herring "GENTLE"
This is the first time I have tried this recipe and the result was beyond my expectations.

The herring turned out tender, juicy, tasty to the point of indecency. Everyone take note, it's quick, easy, and really very tasty.

1 kg freshly frozen herring
0.5 kg of onions,
vegetable oil

Herring should be very fresh, choose carefully by all known methods: sniff, touch, torture sellers.
Remove skin and bones from herring
cut the fillet into slices thick, you can larger, as in my picture, you can as in the "store" interpretation (in plastic flat jars they sell "microscopic", 1 cm thick, pieces of herring in oil, the cost of which for 200 grams is equal to the cost of a kilogram of fresh herring)
onion cut into rings (half rings).
Rub the herring pieces with salt.
Put a layer of herring, a layer of onion in a liter jar.
Lay tightly.
Top with vegetable oil to the edges of the jar.
Put the herring in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

Next time I'll try experimenting with spices. I think if you add, for example, paprika or coriander, it will be even tastier.

Bon appetit! Don't swallow your tongue!

3. Marinated herring by Oikumene
You will need:
salted herring (preferably slightly salted) 2 pcs.
onion red and white 2 pcs.
wooden skewers

For the marinade

Water 1 l
salt 2 tsp
sugar 4 tsp
vinegar 30% 1-1.5 tbsp.
Bay leaf
black peppercorns


Cut the onion as you like. Put the onion in the boiled marinade, bring to a boil, remove from the stove. Cool down completely. And you can try, add salt or sugar, vinegar, in general, as you like.

Peel herrings, divide into fillets. Cut each fillet lengthwise into 3 pieces. Roll into rolls, chop into skewers

4. Lightly salted Herring according to a homemade recipe

Ingredients of the recipe Herring Salt Sugar Ground pepper Bay leaf Peppercorns

How to cook Salted herring, salted herring, no matter how you pronounce this phrase, everything turns out delicious. As soon as you think about it, you immediately want to eat a few pieces, and maybe not even pieces, but the whole fish. Homemade herring is no worse than store-bought, believe me, even tastier. Culinary recipes confirming this great variety. Here, for example: we take a herring, clean it from the insides and bones, in short, prepare the fillet. Cut into small pieces, salt, pepper, pour vegetable oil in a cup. The main thing here is to hold on and not gobble up all this food earlier than after 2 hours. Although I do not always stand it, I start eating almost immediately after cooking, only I have time to wash my hands. This is so to speak "dry" salting. Here is the recipe for "wet" salting. Clean the fish and cut into slices. Sprinkle with pepper and chopped onions. Add a little table vinegar and vegetable oil. Prepare the saline solution: Pour salt into boiling water. I usually take 2 tablespoons per liter, but this is all cooked to your taste and depends on the size of the fish. Once the salt has dissolved, remove from heat and cool - 5 minutes. Pour over the fish and after half an hour you can eat.

5. Lightly salted, you can cook salmon, trout, herring, herring, flounder, mackerel and other fish.
Naturally, the fish must be very fresh, in the sense that although it is freshly frozen, it is FRESH frozen. In this way, you can cook fish very quickly ... after a few hours it is ready, large fish are salted the next day.
We cut the fish into fillets, that is, we cut it along the spine, remove all the fins and bones visible to the eye, there is no need to remove the skin.
Next, we prepare a mixture at the rate of 100 g of salt and 10 g of sugar per kilogram of fish.
I also add seasoning for fish from a bag or whatever seasonings I like to the mixture.
All! We rub the fish thickly with this business,
pour our mixture into the bottom of the bowl,
we put the fish skin down, if a second layer is obtained, then we put it on the first one with the skin up.
Sprinkle more salt on top and refrigerate.
I tried this herring today after two hours ... with fresh potatoes. Fantastic! When serving, crumble an onion into a fish and flavor it with butter ... I'm not saying that an irreplaceable thing for beer

6. Not only herring, but also pink salmon is salted in 5 minutes!
This is not a big blitz recipe!

Take raw pink salmon, separate from the bones, remove the skin,
cut into thin pieces, put in a bowl,
salt, pepper to taste, a little sugar, sprinkle with chopped onion, crush a clove of garlic, pour vegetable oil.
Let stand 5 to 15 minutes.
The dish is ready to eat.

We will need:
For 1 kg of sprat or herring:
Bay leaf - 3-4 pieces
Peppercorns - 10 pcs
Carnation - 3 pieces (you can without it, who does not like)
Salt - 4 tablespoons
Sugar - 2 tbsp
Cut the herring into fillets (I also remove the skin, but not always)
Place in a deep dish.
Make a pickle:
Boil 1 liter of water with parsley, pepper, cloves, add salt and sugar. Cool down.
Pour brine over fish. put a plate on top (as a load).
I also add ground black pepper directly on the fish
The fish is ready in a day. Keep at room temperature.


8. Herring at home

I never buy ready-made herring fillets in plastic jars. The most delicious herring is the whole one from the market. With her, of course, there are more troubles, but it's worth it. I offer you a recipe for herring in a classic marinade. I usually use sunflower oil, both refined and unrefined. But not olive oil.


1 herring
- 1 onion
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 0.5 tsp mustard seeds
- 0.5 tsp coriander
- greenery

Cooking method: clean the herring, gut, remove the backbone and bones. Cut the prepared fillet into pieces and put in a bowl. Onion cut into half rings. Add onion, vegetable oil, lemon juice, mustard, coriander, chopped herbs to the herring. Mix everything well and put in a jar. Remove to refrigerator.

9. Herring in marinade
Cut the fish into pieces and put in a jar mixed with onions and carrots. Add seasonings: lavrushka, 1 teaspoon of allspice peas, 2 teaspoons of mustard seeds, salt 1 tablespoon.
Pour over cooled marinade.
Marinade: boil 300 grams of 6% vinegar with 100 grams of sugar. Cool.
Refrigerate for 2-3 days to absorb the marinade.

If you make from lightly salted or salted herring, everything is the same, except for salt.

400 g herring fillet

0.5 st. chopped dill


0.5 st. Sahara

3 tablespoons vinegar

1.5 st. water

5-6 peppercorns

2 bay leaves

5 star cloves

0.5 tbsp mustard seed

10 black peppercorns

2 small carrots

2 red onions.
Cut carrots into strips, onions into half rings.
Bring the marinade components (except vinegar) to a boil, then remove from heat, pour in vinegar, mix.

Cut herring fillet into slices about 1 cm thick, pour over slightly chilled marinade, sprinkle with dill, refrigerate.
The dish will be ready in 2 days.

- salt herring at home from frozen or fresh fish. Moreover, the herring, salted at home, turns out to be unusually tender and tasty.

To do this, you will need a little time, salt, sugar and spices, which you probably always have at hand.

If you haven’t caught a herring yourself, try to give preference to whole carcasses with entrails and a head. Only by looking into its eyes (and gills) will you be able to know for sure if the fish is fresh or not.

Just before salting the frozen herring, give it time to thaw well on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

There are many recipes for salting fish, but I offer you 11 proven recipes on how to salt herring at home and get a delicious result.

1. Lightly salted herring - dry salting recipe

We will need:
1 fresh frozen herring
60 g salt

The herring must be thawed, thoroughly washed and cut, the insides removed.
Rub the fish thoroughly with salt inside and out. Then wrap the herring in gauze, put in a bowl and place in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Now lightly salted herring is ready. The longer the herring lies in salt, the saltier it will turn out. Now it needs to be washed from salt, peeled from the skin and bones, cut and served.

2. Dry salted herring - quick results

Would need:
1 herring
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons salt

Take a fish, remove the head and giblets. Let's put it for an hour or two in cool water.
We take the herring out of the water, dry it, rub it with salt and sugar (you can add a little ground pepper if you wish). Wrap the fish in a couple of layers of cling film and leave for two to three hours at room temperature.

After 2-3 hours, unfold the carcass, wash off the remnants of the mixture, cut into portions and serve. Lightly salted herring goes well with black bread and onions, boiled potatoes and sunflower oil.

3. Dry salted herring in a bag

There is another interesting option for salting herring in a dry way.

Would need:
2 medium sized fish
2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp seasoning for salting fish (sold ready-made in the store)

Mix in a cup 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of seasoning. Prepare two strong plastic bags in advance and immediately above the bag we begin to sprinkle the herring with a curing mixture, do not forget about the gills, you also need to fall asleep in them. After that, we put the fish in bags, one inside the other, for strength. We tie and put in the refrigerator for two days. It is advisable to turn the package over after 24 hours. So that the fish lies on both sides in the resulting brine. After that, the herring will be ready, even if the fish remains in brine for a longer time, it will not be salted.

4. Lightly salted herring - recipe with brine

You will need:
1 kg freshly frozen herring
2 tbsp coarse salt
1 tbsp. sugar
3 bay leaves
10 allspice peas
10 black peppercorns
1 liter of water

Defrost the herring, rinse thoroughly, clean the scales from it. Pour salt, sugar, spices into boiling water, boil over low heat for 7-10 minutes and cool.

We put the whole fish together with the head and entrails in a clean oblong container (plastic container, tray, etc.), which will not oxidize, and fill it with chilled brine. We cover the herring and leave it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for 3 days.

Lightly salted herring is ready. You can check the readiness of the herring by making an incision on the back. After that, you can get the herring from the brine, peel it from the skin and bones and cut into pieces. If you plan to store the herring longer and don't want it to become too salty, dilute the brine it was salted in with water at a ratio of 50:50.

This recipe for salting herring is also well suited for salting mackerel, red fish at home.

5. Pickled herring with spicy salting

Would need:
Herring - 1-2 pieces
For the spicy marinade:
Water - 0.5 liters
Salt - 2 tablespoons
Sugar - 0.5 teaspoon
4-6 black and allspice peas
2 cloves
3 bay leaves
0.5 teaspoon coriander seeds (cilantro)
0.5 teaspoon dill seeds (you can use dried herbs)

Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, add all the spices and boil for five minutes. Then leave to cool.

We split the herring. We cut off the tail, head, remove the insides, rinse the herring under cold water, remove the inner black film. Cut the herring into not very thick pieces.

We put the herring in a jar and pour the prepared brine. In four or five days you will have a delicious spicy salted herring ready.

6. Herring marinated with vinegar

Herring marinated with vinegar is not only a quick, but also a fabulously delicious recipe for salting fish. Herring turns out to be the most tender, lightly salted, not sour, just like butter, it melts in your mouth. Very tasty recipe.

Would need:
Fresh frozen herring - 2 pieces
fresh dill
For marinade:
Water - 0.5 cups
Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
Salt - 1 heaping teaspoon
Sugar - 1 teaspoon
Vinegar 9% - 1-2 tsp
Ready mustard - 1 teaspoon
You can add a few more peas of black allspice and a few coriander seeds to the marinade.

Mix boiled cold water with all the ingredients.

Defrost the herring, but not until soft. We cut off the head and tail, remove the insides. Carefully scrape off the black film on the abdomen with a knife. We remove the skin from the fish. Cut along the ridge, divide into halves. We remove the ridge, as well as, if possible, all internal bones. Cut the herring into pieces. We put it in a jar, sprinkling with chopped dill.

Pour the herring with the prepared marinade and close the jar with a lid. We put the jar in the refrigerator. In a day or two, the herring will be ready for use.

7. Korean herring

Would need:
1 kg herring
0.5 cup sunflower oil
1 bulb
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1 teaspoon adjika
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon Korean salad dressing
0.5 cup 9% vinegar

For salting herring in Korean, fillet is used, that is, the bones and skin must be removed. The resulting fillet is cut into pieces 4-5 cm long. Finely chopped onion should be fried in sunflower oil. Then remove the onion from the oil and add all the other ingredients to it. Mix everything and pour the herring fillet with the resulting marinade. We remove the container for salting in the refrigerator for a day.

8. Pickled herring in oil

You will need:
1 large herring (or 2 medium ones)
0.5 cup refined vegetable oil
0.5 bulbs
3 cloves
4 allspice peas
3 bay leaves
1 teaspoon salt

Gutted herring, wash and cut the fillet. We cut the fillet into pieces about 1 cm wide. We put it in a half-liter glass jar. You can use any sealed container with a lid, but on the condition that the pieces of herring are completely covered with oil.

We proceed to the preparation of the marinade. Add onion, parsley, allspice and salt to vegetable oil. We heat the oil on fire until a blue haze appears. Turn off and let the marinade cool to room temperature. Then fill the herring with marinade and leave for three days in the refrigerator. After that, the herring can be eaten.

9. Pickled herring in mayonnaise

We will need:
1 large freshly frozen herring
200 gr mayonnaise
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper

We defrost the herring, gut it, wash it, remove the backbone. The resulting herring fillet is cut into pieces and placed in a jar.

Add mayonnaise, salt, sugar, pepper. We mix. Pour the marinade from mayonnaise, cover with a lid. Let's leave it in the fridge for two days. Everything, now you can eat ...

10. Herring in vinegar

You will need:
1 kg freshly frozen herring
1 teaspoon vinegar essence
1 glass of vegetable oil
1 glass of cold boiled water
Garlic, onion, salt

We gut the herring, wash it, cut off the head and fins. We cut into pieces. Cut the onion into half rings, finely chop the garlic. We put a layer of garlic and onion in layers in an enameled dish, then a layer of fish, garlic and onion again, etc. Each layer needs a little salt. The top layer should be garlic and onion. Now add vinegar to cold boiled water. Fill the herring with the resulting filling and leave to marinate for 1 hour. After that, pour vegetable oil and mix, trying not to damage the fish. Cover with a lid and send to the refrigerator for a day. After that, the herring can be eaten.

Buy fresh-frozen herring and pickle it yourself at home, it turns out much tastier and much more economical shop.

Bon appetit,

Today we will salt herring in a bottle.
And so, first of all, we pour 1.5 liters of cold water into the pan.
And put it on the stove to boil.
Let's prepare the spices.
We take three tablespoons of salt (I take rock salt).
Two tablespoons of sugar.
Bay leaf 3 pcs.
Coriander beans half a teaspoon.
Allspice five peas.
Hops were given half a teaspoon.
We send our workpiece into the water and wait for it to boil.
When the marinade boils, let it boil for three minutes and turn it off.
Cover with a lid and let cool completely.
The brine has cooled down. We take a 1.5 l plastic bottle and cut off about 7 cm from the top.
You can do less. The main thing is that the herring crawls into the bottle.
From the marinade we will catch a bay leaf with pepper. And put it in a bottle.
Now we put our herring in a bottle and fill it with marinade.
Put in a cool place for three days.
In three days our herring is ready!
Bon appetit!

How to cook marinade for herring at home:

For 2 pcs. herring
Water 1 liter
Sugar 1 tbsp. The spoon
Salt 3 tbsp. spoons
Onion 1 pc.
Carnation 5 pcs.
Bay leaf 5 pcs.
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
Black peppercorns 30 pcs.
Mix sugar, salt, cloves, coriander, pepper and bay leaf with 1 liter. Water.
Boil this solution and cool.
Everything, our marinade for pouring herring is ready!

How to pickle herring in brine:

Today we will tell you how to pickle a herring.
To do this, we need the herring directly (I immediately remove the gills)
Immediately prepare some kind of container to put the herring there.
We also need four tbsp. Salt spoons.
Five hundred ml. Boiled, chilled water.
One, two bay leaves.
One hour Spoon of peppercorns.
And so we mix these ingredients with water.
And fill our herring with this solution.
The herring will not take much salt, it will take as much as it needs.
So don't worry about the salt.
The fish should be salted for four days. During this time, sometimes turn the herring from one side to the other so that it is always in brine.
Before you put the herring in the refrigerator, it should stand on the table for three, four hours.
Use the recipe. Bon appetit!

Today we will salt fresh-frozen herring in a dry way.
This is not difficult to do, but it turns out very tasty.
The herring is salted and takes as much salt as it needs.
Let's take two herrings that need to be processed.
We remove the head and the insides. Clean and wash with water.
Now we make the pickling mixture.
To do this, we take a bowl.
Add one tbsp. A spoonful of sugar.
We also add three tbsp. Spoons (without a slide) salt (not fine)
Add one st. A spoonful of Provencal herbs.
Add one teaspoon of mustard powder.
We mix everything well.
We spread the newspaper over the newspaper, take the mixed ingredients and sprinkle our herring both on top and inside. The fish will not take extra salt, so sprinkle well. Next, we take this newspaper, over which we sprinkled the fish and wrap our herring. And now the herring wrapped in newspaper, we put it in a plastic bag. We tie the bag and put it in the refrigerator for one day. Two days have passed, we take out the fish, open the bag. The herring is ready, we wash everything off with cold water.
Our herring is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Today we will salt freshly frozen herring, which we previously thawed at room temperature.
I prepare the marinade in advance while the herring is defrosting.
For three liters of water, I boiled seven tablespoons of salt.
She also put peppercorns, bay leaves and cloves.
According to this recipe, a very tasty herring is obtained.
We take a three-liter clean jar and put our herring there, which once froze naturally. Fill it with a pre-prepared marinade.
Detailed marinade preparation.
How to prepare a marinade for herring: You will find below these recipes for salting herring.
And so we marinated our herring. Put it in a cool place for three days.
Three days have passed, our herring is ready. It turned out very tasty.
Lightly salted, not oversalted. Well, that's all.
Make herring according to this simple recipe and you will not regret it.
Bon appetit.

This herring is swept off the table first.
Therefore, I recommend everyone to cook it.
We need:
Two freshly frozen herrings.
Bay leaf.
And optional seasoning for fish.
And so we get started.
First of all, we need to divide the herring into fillets.
And so they butchered. We cut the onion and carrot.
We cut the onion into half rings.
Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater, or on a grater for Korean carrots.
Next, cut the lemon into thin slices.
The ingredients are ready. Now we need to cut the herring into pieces.
I usually cut into small pieces.
The fish is also prepared. And we begin to lay out the fish and ingredients in layers.
We take a 0.5 liter jar and put the onion in the first layer.
Next, a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar, one bay leaf, layers of herring,
a little salt on top, lay out three slices of lemon, a layer of carrots, and the next layers in the same sequence. We spread it all the way, ending with the laying of vegetable ingredients so that the herring is closed.
And so our herring is laid out in layers, close our jar tightly with a lid.
We put it in the refrigerator. After two or three days, the herring is ready.
Put on a plate, decorate with onion rings, season with vegetable oil.
Bon appetit!

Now I will tell you about an excellent and tasty Norwegian herring recipe.
No matter how many times I do it, everyone loves it.
For cooking we need:
Herring two pieces (freshly frozen) (thaw at room temperature).
Onion 3 pieces (medium).
Two carrots (medium).
Lemon (half).
Six tsp Salt
Six tsp Sugar
Ten bay leaves
10 - 12 pcs. Black peppercorns
Let's prepare the ingredients:
Cut the onion into thin slices.
Slice the lemon into thin slices.
Grate the carrots through a coarse grater.
We clean the herring from the peel and bones. We fillet and cut into small pieces.
The ingredients are prepared, the onion is chopped, the lemon is also thinly sliced, the carrot is rubbed through a large grater. The fish is cut. Our herring was caught with caviar and milk.
Peppercorns, count 10 - 12 pieces and crush with a knife.
Next, put all the ingredients in jars.
This entire set is designed for two half-liter jars.
The bookmark sequence is as follows.
At the bottom of the jar we put a couple, three rings of onion, one leaf of bay leaf, a pinch of carrots, one slice of lemon, a pinch of pepper, a pinch of salt (about half a teaspoon), and a pinch of sugar. ). The next layer is a bed in the same sequence.
We put it tightly to the very top, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator for two, three days. I assure you that after opening the jar, there will be nothing left.
You eat everything. Bon appetit!

Lightly salted herring - dry salting recipe:

I like this recipe because it is very easy to make.
And the taste of fish, which is always salted, juicy, fatty.
Well, just beyond words. It must be done and tried.
In the recipe, all the proportions of the ingredients are calculated for one kilogram of fish.
We will need:
Six tablespoons of salt
One teaspoon ground black pepper
Two tablespoons of sugar
And a herring (we cut off only the tail so as not to interfere)
The insides do not need to be removed before salting.
Because of this, it will be very tasty.
Pour the prepared ingredients, salt, sugar and ground black pepper into a bowl and mix. I usually pour it on a clean sheet of paper (you can use a newspaper) to make it easier to wrap the herring.
And we begin to carefully wrap the herring in this salty mixture.
By the way, there is no need to pour salt into the gills here.
We place the herring in several packages.
We also pour the remaining salt into bags. The herring will take as much salt as she needs.
We pack and put the herring in the refrigerator for three days.
After 3 days, take the herring out of the refrigerator.
Wash it under cold water.
We take out the insides and wash again.
It can be seen that the fish was salted in the abdominal cavity.
And along the ridge. The structure of the meat has become tender and appetizing.
Now we cut the herring into pieces.
And put these delicious pieces on a plate.
You can cut onion rings and decorate our herring.
Bon Appetit everyone!

Now we will salt the herring in the simplest and fastest way.
Simply put, I think you can't think of anything else.
For this we need:
Salt. And good, fatty Atlantic herring.
I buy herring in a package.
First, defrost the herring at room temperature.
We wash the herring with cold water.
We also wash the bag in which the herring was.
We put the washed herring back into our already washed bag in which the herring was bought. We will salt like this.
We take coarse or medium table salt (the main thing is not fine)
And we sprinkle our herring, sparing no salt.
You can not be afraid, the fish will take in as much salt as it needs.
Many people add sugar. But if the herring is fatty and good, why do we need sugar.
We are for a healthy lifestyle and nutrition.
And so we sprinkle the herring well with salt, roll it so that it is all in salt. This is a dry salting for us. But since the fish is salted in a bag, it will not dry out with us. That's all, we send the herring to the refrigerator.
Two days will be enough for the herring to be salted.
Then we wash it under cold water from salt and here you are, lightly salted herring of your own preparation. Everything is simple, enjoy.
Bon appetit!

Lightly salted herring - recipe with brine:

For this we need 1 kg of herring
Black pepper
Sugar and bay leaf
And so we take a freshly frozen herring and let it completely thaw at room temperature.
While our herring will thaw, we will prepare the brine.
For the brine we need:
0.5 liters of water
2 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon sugar
Black pepper and bay leaf
And so we prepare the brine.
We take a pan and pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil.
We lay down 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar.
Mix everything thoroughly. Let the water boil.
As soon as the water boils, we spread black pepper and one bay leaf to taste. Bring everything to a boil and leave to cool to room temperature. And so our brine has cooled. Put the herring in a container (I have a 3 liter jar). you should be completely in brine (when drowning the herring).
Close the lid and put in the refrigerator for 2-7 days.
If you like salted herring, then after about 2 days you can eat.
If you like saltier, keep the herring for 7 days.
That's it. Bon appetit!

Today we will cook spicy salted herring at home.

In order to cook it, we naturally need a herring. In this case, we will take 2 pieces.

We gut the herring, cut off the head, remove the black film and rinse with water.

Now we need a marinade:
To do this, we need boiled water (warm) 250 ml.
two bay leaves
1.5 - 2 teaspoons of salt

Half a teaspoon of sugar
Six black peppercorns
Half a teaspoon of coriander
And three little cloves

And so we start cooking.
Our herring has already been cleaned, now we cut it into portioned pieces of 1.5 cm
Let's make the marinade.
You can fillet, but I always do it in pieces. In our family, they like it more.
Now we take sliced ​​\u200b\u200bherring pieces and put them in a plastic container.
The fish was laid, we are preparing the marinade.
Pour the prepared water into a clean deep plate or any other dish. And put all the prepared ingredients there.
Mix salt and sugar well.
Now we fill our herring with this marinade.
Be sure to shake the herring soaked in marinade after pouring.
I do this so that our fish is completely in the marinade.
If you don't have a container to fill the herring with marinade, you can use an ordinary glass jar.
We send everything to the refrigerator for 48 hours.
And one more piece of advice. From time to time, as you remember, look into the refrigerator and shake our fish so that it is even better, soaked with marinade everywhere. Well, that's it, 48 hours have passed, we take our fish out of the refrigerator, put it on a plate and decorate it with sliced rings with a bow. Serve with pre-boiled potatoes.
Bon appetit!

We will need the following products for 8 servings.
Herring 2 pcs.
Making the marinade:
One liter of water
One hundred ml. Table vinegar
Two tablespoons of salt
Making the sauce:
Two hundred Mayonnaise
Two hundred Smetana
Two tablespoons of mustard
One tablespoon of sugar
One teaspoon of vinegar
Salt 1 tsp
Half teaspoon ground black pepper
One hundred and fifty g.Vegetable oil
Dill 1 bunch
We remove the skin from the herring and remove all the bones, starting from the ridge.
Whisk all the ingredients for the marinade until smooth.
Pour the herring fillet with marinade and put in the refrigerator from 10 to 12 hours
We begin to prepare the sauce. We take the prepared pepper, salt, vinegar, sugar, mustard and mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly.
Now we take vegetable oil and add it very slowly, about a teaspoonful at a time, and stir constantly.
Also add sour cream and chopped dill.
We mix everything very well.
Remove for 24 hours in the refrigerator.
By the way, mustard sauce can be replaced with garlic.
To do this, instead of mustard, add 3 cloves of garlic to the sauce.
It is better to serve herring on the table with boiled potatoes or bread spread with butter.
Bon appetit!

Korean herring - homemade recipe - with tomato paste:

Today we will cook herring in Korean!

For this we need:
Freshly frozen herring 2 pieces.
You can take saury, mackerel, or any other fresh-frozen fish that you like.
Vegetable oil
tomato paste
And seasonings for carrots in Korean
To begin with, we clean the herring and gut it.
Let's make a fillet out of it and cut into portioned pieces.
Next we make the marinade.
For the marinade we need:
100 g vegetable oil
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%
1 heaping tablespoon tomato paste

And one and a half teaspoons of seasoning for Korean carrots
We mix all this in a small saucepan.
We put on fire, bring to a boil, but do not boil.
We take a container in which our fish will be marinated.
It can be either a deep salad bowl or a liter jar.
Next, lay a layer of our herring.
And pour the marinade on top, distributing it over the herring.
The marinade must be hot.
And so we lay it in layers and water it in turn until the end, until we put the whole fish.
At the end, fill our herring with the remaining marinade.
Let it cool completely on the table.
Then we put it in the refrigerator.

In a day, our Korean-style herring is ready.
You can eat. Bon appetit!

In order to cook pickled herring in oil, we need two herrings.
We have already prepared in advance, separated a lot of bones.
But still, all the bones are almost never pulled out.
And so, if you have little patience and you do not like to mess with the bones, then buy ready-made fillets.
There are almost no bones and it will be easier.
But of course it will be much more expensive.
I always take an ordinary herring and cut it myself from all the bones.
Next we need one bulb.
Vinegar 70% and a lot of vegetable oil, which we would later fill it all with.
Before carving the herring, we will start with the onion.
We will need to pickle the onion.
Now we cut the onion into small, thin rings.
Take a small bowl and put the onion there (separate the rings).
This way the onion will pickle faster.
And while we will cut the herring, the onion will be ready during this time.
Pour water into a bowl with onions.
The water must be cold.
Add half a teaspoon of vinegar and set aside. Let it marinate.
And we move on to the herring.
We take a herring and cut it into about 1 cm thick.
Some cut 3 cm.
In general, as it is convenient for you, cut it.
I like it thinner in the store, so I always make about 1 cm.
By the way, why do I always take a whole fish, not a fillet.
Because periodically comes across milk, caviar.
Now we take a glass jar of 0.5 liters and put it in layers.
Fish, onion, fish, onion.
We periodically crush so that the herring with onions is denser.
And fill it all with vegetable oil.
We add enough oil so that the whole herring with onions is completely filled in and air should not remain anywhere.
We close the lid and send it to the refrigerator for a day to soak.
That's all, in a day our herring is ready.
Bon appetit!

We bring to your attention an original appetizer of pickled herring in mayonnaise.
It is prepared in mayonnaise. Therefore, it turns out incomparably tender.
Such a herring is unusually good with hot boiled potatoes, or just with a piece of bread.
And you can also serve it with one of several appetizers to choose from.
And so we take the herring fillet and soak it in clean, cold water or milk.
I soak in cold water.
The duration of soaking herring depends on the degree of salinity.
From about 30 minutes to 2 - 3 hours.
After a certain soaking time, cut the fillet into small pieces.
We spread it in a dish. Sprinkle a little black pepper on top.
And sprinkle a little with vinegar. We take three lightly salted cucumbers (if large, take two).
One medium apple (sour or sweet and sour). One medium onion.
On a coarse grater we rub cucumbers and an apple. You can cut into small cubes.
Finely chop the onion. To 200 g of mayonnaise, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream.
Add half a teaspoon of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.
Here we add prepared cucumbers, apple and onion.
Add one tablespoon of finely chopped parsley.
The sauce is ready, taste it and, if necessary, add salt to taste.
Add our herring to the sauce. Mix.
Pickled herring in mayonnaise, you can serve immediately.
But it tastes much better if it sits in the fridge for a few hours.
And even better the whole day. The more insisted, the tastier it becomes.
Bon Appetit everyone!

To make the fish cook even faster, it can be cut into portioned pieces. For spicy salting, sugar, black pepper and bay leaf are added during cooking. At the same time, the appetizer acquires a unique aroma and taste.

If in the evening you suddenly find out that guests are coming to you the next day, you can cook lightly salted herring in a quick dry way. For the mixture, take an equal amount of salt and sugar. It is imperative to put a press on the dishes with the workpiece. Will be ready in two hours. Before serving, it is cleaned and sprinkled with lemon juice.


  • Atlantic or Pacific is best suited;
  • It is best to take a whole fish with a head (you can also fresh-frozen). The fact is that the head can be cut off in order to hide the staleness of the product;
  • If the product was frozen, then it must be thawed in a natural way. Do not put in the microwave or hot water;
  • It is best to use coarse salt.

In oil

The recipe in oil, without adding water, involves a sequence of the following steps, such as:

  1. Take the right amount of raw herring, clean it from scales and internal organs and rinse well under running water;
  2. Cut the middle into the number of pieces you need;
  3. Prepare a glass or metal container with the ability to close it with a lid;
  4. Carefully rub the previously cut pieces with salt and put in a container;
  5. Take an onion, cut it into rings, and place them on top of the pieces. If you plan to cook a large amount of herring, layer the pieces with onion rings in between;
  6. Pour the resulting product with oil, at the rate of 5 tablespoons, per 1 kg;
  7. Cover the container with a lid, put it in the refrigerator for 2 days, then enjoy the dish.

If you need salted herring at home, this is one of the easiest recipes for cooking it!

in brine

  1. Take a raw carcass, clean it of skin and offal, cut it into the pieces you need, and rinse well with water, this is easy to do at home;
  2. Take 3 tablespoons of salt, preferably with a slide, and pour them into half a liter of cold water. Stir the solution, and fill it with previously prepared pieces;
  3. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then drain it;
  4. Again, take 250 ml of cold water, and add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar there;
  5. Place the pieces of herring mentioned above in this solution, and let them brew for 5 minutes, then drain the liquid again;
  6. After completing this procedure, add black peppercorns, onions, bay leaves, and pour all this with sunflower oil for 30-60 minutes;
  7. Drain the oil and enjoy the product.

Lightly salted herring prepared according to this recipe has a specific taste, and is suitable for true product lovers. But for such a recipe, only a high-quality carcass is needed, as, indeed, for other recipes!

Salted herring classic

If you need herring according to the classic recipe, follow these steps;

  1. Prepare 1 liter of water;
  2. Pour 3 tablespoons of salt into the water, and 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  3. Add 5 black peas, and 5 allspice;
  4. Add 2 bay leaves;
  5. Add 3 cloves;
  6. Stir the solution, put it on the stove and bring it to a boil;
  7. Cool the resulting marinade and fill it with one carcass, previously cleaned and cut into pieces;
  8. Place the filled fish in the refrigerator for 2 days, then enjoy the meal.

The resulting herring will be as close as possible in its taste to store-bought counterparts, and most of your guests will surely like it at home.

The ambassador is a simple matter and any, even a novice hostess, can handle it. The most delicious fish is the one that is cooked with soul.

If you have been looking for an answer for a long time on how to make a herring, the best herring recipe at home is simple:

Spicy salted herring at home

  • 1 herring;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • Allspice peas - to taste;
  • A mixture of peppers (paprika, black, white, chili) ground;
  • Mustard peas - to taste;
  • Several bay leaves;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 1 st. l. sunflower vegetable oil (can be unrefined).

To make the herring surprise guests, follow the simple instructions at home:
  1. Defrost herring. Remember that it is from this step that the further taste depends. The best way is to put the fish in a colander so that all excess water drains and does not stagnate.
  2. Prepare the brine. To do this, add salt, sugar and bay leaf to the water and boil. In order to bring out the flavor of the spices, it is better to pour them out before removing the liquid from the fire.
  3. Cool the resulting mixture. Since we have a small volume - place the dishes in a large container with cold water, so it will cool faster.
  4. You can pickle it by cutting it into small pieces, it will take in more brine and will be tastier. Good recipes assume it's already butchered, so don't forget to remove the innards and trim the fins. After that, rinse all the pieces and dry with a paper towel. Sprinkle the ground pepper mixture over the top. So particles of spice will get into the fibers and fill them with taste.
  5. To get a very tasty spicy salted herring at home quickly, dip the fish in a warm brine and do not touch it for a couple of hours. The salt will have enough time to soak all the pieces, and the spices will give off their spicy flavor.
  6. While salting, you can use a tricky trick - cook pickled onions. To do this, cut it into large half rings, put it in a bowl and add a pinch of sugar and sprinkle with salt (about half a tablespoon). Squeeze lightly with your hand, add vinegar and oil.
  7. Before serving, we take out the pieces from the marinade, put them beautifully on a plate and sprinkle with cooked onions on top. The guests will be happy. Bon appetit!

We salt the herring at home as a whole


  • Herring - 2 pcs;
  • Water - liter;
  • Sugar - 100 gr;
  • Salt - 100 gr;
  • Allspice - 5 pcs;
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs;
  • Coriander - 1 teaspoon;
  • Bay leaf.

The herring is thoroughly washed, the gills are cut off. If it was frozen, then it must first be thawed at room temperature.

Many people love milk and caviar and also use them when preparing snacks. Some people think about how to salt the caviar, but there is no secret in this - they simply put it along with the fish.

Water is brought to a boil, sugar, salt, spices are added to it and allowed to boil for about five minutes. Then remove from heat and let cool completely.

Salting whole herring at home is most convenient in a container. Herring is laid out in it along with caviar and milk, poured with brine, closed with a lid and left at room temperature for 4 hours. Then the container is removed in the refrigerator. A delicious snack will be ready in a day.

Homemade herring with quick dry salting

If the guests are already on the doorstep and you are thinking about how to salt the herring, a recipe for dry salting at home is perfect. In this case, you will need:

  • Herring - 2 pcs;
  • Rock salt - 2 tbsp. loki;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

Cooking sequence:

The fish must be soaked in ice water for an hour, then the insides are removed, the head and gills are cut off. After that, the carcass is washed again and dried with a paper towel.

Carefully rub the carcass inside and out with a mixture of sugar and salt, wrap it in cling film and leave it on the table for about two hours.

After the set time has elapsed, the herring is washed and laid out in a suitable container. For further salting, you will need a large onion, which is cut into half rings and spread on top, poured with vegetable oil and left for 40 minutes.

Before serving, cut into pieces, decorate with onion rings and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Salted herring in a bag

It is very convenient to pickle in a bag, since no other container is required. To salt a whole herring at home, two medium-sized fish will need two tablespoons of salt and one tablespoon of sugar. The ungutted fish is thoroughly washed and rubbed with the mixture. You can add coriander or allspice.

The herring is placed in a tight plastic bag, which is tightly tied and placed in the refrigerator for two days. In the process, the package must be turned over.

  • The fish must be with a whole skin, without damage, cuts and dents, with whole fins.
  • To determine the freshness of a herring, you need to pay attention to the eyes and gills. The eyes should be bright, shiny and bulging, and the gills should be red. Headless fish should be treated with caution. Sometimes this is done to hide the staleness of the product.
  • If the fish is soft to the touch, it has most likely been thawed and frozen several times. After salting, the pulp will simply fall apart and will be tasteless.

Salting herring at home

  • 3 liter jar;
  • 3-6 whole fish (or more);
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • A pinch of sugar;
  • Spices to taste (spices with peas are best - pepper, mustard, cumin seeds, coriander, cloves);
  • 50 ml unrefined vegetable oil.

The recipe assumes a rather long period, but the shelf life also increases.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pre-defrost the fish and remove the insides, for compactness, you can cut off the heads. It is better to separate the tail before serving - this will be the most salted part.
  2. We put a pot of water on the stove, add salt. As you see that the liquid begins to boil - pour seasonings and sugar and remove from heat.
  3. Wait until it cools down to room temperature. In order to pickle the herring in a jar, we lay it compactly on the bottom. Fill the fish with the resulting liquid, but leave a couple of centimeters to the brim. Gently add vegetable oil on top, close with a tight lid and put in the refrigerator. After a couple of days, the herring can be tasted.

There is no need to choose anymore - the brine can be prepared at home, quickly, and most importantly delicious.

I think everyone wants to try something tasty and salty. I want to offer you unusual recipes for salting herring. Everyone knows that if you pickle it correctly, then you can’t tear it off by the ears until you eat it. And what a good appetizer it is, on the festive table, even people who are used to gourmet dishes sometimes really want to eat this wonderful dish.

As they say, fish is good for the holiday, and even better on weekdays. Boil potatoes, add butter, onion and put on the table with herring, this will surely wake up the most delicious dinner for the whole family.

I would not recommend defrosting fish in the microwave or under hot water, because it will immediately lose its structure and become lethargic, and in the future this will affect salting and our dish will turn out to be not tasty. Therefore, we defrost it only in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

For this recipe we need:

  • Herring - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Dill - a couple of branches.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil -60 gr.

1. First, we take the fish and cut it, remove the insides, separate the head and tail. We cut the herring along the spine in order to remove the skin along with the scales. Piece mode.

By the way, if the fish is fresh, the skin will peel off quite easily, without meat. The carcass itself is perfectly separated from the bones.

2. Mix salt, sugar, pepper and coat our chopped pieces with this mixture. We put it in a saucepan one by one.

3. Leave this pan at room temperature for about 2 hours, and then put it in the refrigerator for a day.

4. We take the fish out of the pan, clean it from salt that has not dissolved, put it in a jar, onion in half rings, and add oil with dill. We do all this between each layer of fish. Then we close the jar and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Bon appetit!

Quick salting of herring at home in a dry way

This recipe, unlike the others, is considered the fastest, because it is done in just 2 to 3 hours. But there is one rule, the fish must be exactly fresh, one might even say that it was recently caught.


  • Herring - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 2.5 gr.
  • Ground black pepper - 7 gr.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 25 gr.

1. First we need to cut the herring, pull out the intestines, remove the gills and put in cold water for 1.5 hours

2. Mix sugar, salt, pepper, and chopped bay leaves.

3. We take the herring out of the water and coat it with our spices.

4. Put in a bag and leave to salt for 3 hours at room temperature.

5. Fish can be cut into small pieces and eaten. Bon appetit!

Salted herring in brine according to a simple recipe

Salted herring is the most favorite snack for a Russian person. It is put in many salads. The most festive and delicious salad is considered, and fish on the table will certainly be a good option for any side dishes.

I want to show how to quickly pickle fish without cutting. Of course, it will differ from cut fish in taste. No, don’t think that it’s a bad thing, on the contrary, the herring turns out to be tender and tasty.

The most important thing when salting whole is to remove the gills, otherwise they will give a bitter taste.

We will need:

  • Salted herring -2 pcs.
  • Water - about 5 liters.
  • Salt - 2.5 tablespoons.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Seasoning for fish dishes - 1 teaspoon.
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs.

1. In a plate or in a small saucepan, add salt, bay leaf and seasoning for fish 1 teaspoon.

2. Put the fish in this seasoning.

3. In warm water (not boiled to dissolve the salt), add it, stir well and pour the brine into our fish. Close the lid and put in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

After the time has passed, we take out the herring, clean it well, cut it into pieces and eat.

Herring recipe at home. How to salt whole fish?

I want to offer another method that is not much different from the previous one, but still there are some changes. I think it's worth a try.

We will need:

  • Herring - 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Coriander - 1 small spoon.
  • Salt - 2.5 - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Black pepper peas - 8 pcs.
  • Allspice - 8 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

1. First you need to pour water into the pan and add all the spices, salt, sugar, bay leaf, coriander and pepper to it. Boil everything that we got, about 4 minutes. Let it cool down well.

2. We remove the gills from the fish and clean the scales, we don’t need to remove the skin, we also don’t remove the intestines.

If the herring is fresh, then the scales are well washed off under cold water.

3. Then we put the herring, where it will be salted and pour cooled water with spices.

4. What we got is closed with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Herring is quite tender and tasty

How to pickle a whole herring in brine?

I want to offer an interesting way of pickling herring with vinegar in brine, I tried this method for the first time with a friend and immediately asked him for a recipe to write it to you.

We will need:

  • Herring - 2 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • Peppercorns - 8 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Coriander - 2 teaspoons.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Water - 400 gr.

1. Clean the herring, remove the insides, head and tail mode. Wash the scales under water.

2. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, add salt, pepper, bay leaf, coriander. Cook for 4 minutes, then let cool. When the brine has cooled, add vinegar and vegetable oil to it.

3. Put the fish in a saucepan and fill it with brine, keep it at room temperature for 5-6 hours and put it in the refrigerator for 8-9 hours.

Salt 3 whole herrings in a jar

If you want to try a fish that is tastier than store-bought and not very salty, then I ask you to try this wonderful recipe.

Of course, in a jar you can salt not 3, but 5 - 6 fish, but I somehow got used to salting 2 - 3 herrings. It's just enough for my family to eat with potatoes or add to this

We will need:

  • Fresh-frozen or fresh herring - 3 pcs.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.
  • Salt - 6 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Allspice 5 pcs.
  • Cloves - 1 pc.

1. Put salt, sugar, bay leaf, pepper, cloves in a pot of water. When it boils, cook the brine for 2 minutes, and then cool.

2. Defrost the herring at room temperature or in the refrigerator. We remove the gills well, because they give blood and the fish can die out, of course, if you want, you can cut off the head altogether. Rinse the scales under cold water.

How to cook salted herring in 30 minutes, according to a quick and tasty recipe

I propose to cook very tasty fish, which is suitable both for the festive table and on weekdays. I don't think you will be disappointed with this recipe. This dish is good because the herring will be done quickly. By the way, you can take whoever likes mackerel instead of herring, but it's up to you.

If you salt in pieces, then it will be faster for salting, although you can cook the whole.

We will need:

  • Fresh herring - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - 1 cup.
  • Black pepper (ground) - a small pinch.
  • Tomato sauce - 200 gr.

1. First, clean the fish. To do this, we need to cut off the head and tail, pull out the insides. Rinse the scales under cold water. Then cut the herring into pieces.

2. Now we make the marinade, pour salt, sugar into a liter jar and pour the tomato sauce. Pour the remaining place in the jar with warm water and stir until the salt and sugar dissolve.

3. We put the herring in a container where you will marinate and fill it with marinade. We close the lid.

If you salt the fish in pieces, then 30 - 40 minutes will be enough, and the whole carcass should be marinated for 1.5 - 2 hours.

When the herring is marinated, drain the brine, put the pieces on a plate, and cut the onion into half rings on top and pour over with vegetable oil.

On a note! To make salted fish delicious ...

In order to properly prepare our cool appetizer, you need to learn how to choose fish, because the better it is, the tastier and more aromatic the salting is.

How to choose:

  • Try to take a fresh herring, but not everyone can find it as a current herring, then you can fresh-frozen.
  • The fish should be taken elastic with a white belly.
  • If you want it to be oily, not dry, then buy with milk, not with caviar. It is very easy to determine if the mouth is extended, then a boy, and if it is round, then a girl.
  • Pay attention to the skin (scales), it should not be torn and yellow. Such a product is probably already old and will not be suitable for our herring to be tasty.
  • Her eyes should be clear, not cloudy.
  • If the fish has been frozen or thawed many times, then it is also not recommended to take it, but you do not want it to fall apart and expose its bones when salted.

If you want advice, always buy fish with a head and intestines, and then you can determine whether it is fresh or not. And it is also advisable to buy it in the winter, because the winter catch is much fatter and tastier.

Everyone in my family likes how I salt herring, just knowing many ways, it always turns out very tasty. I think you will like it too.