Recipes for delicious homemade dumplings with photos. Delicious homemade dumplings

16.08.2019 Buffet table

Dumplings are everyone's favorite delicacy. Unfortunately, from the home camp, the old dish completely migrated to the store. However, no factory-made product can compare with the taste of a home-made dish carefully prepared by the hostess, so the recipes for making dumplings have been and will be popular.

Types of modeling dumplings

There are two types of cooking - manual and mechanical. Mechanical is limited in forms: if you use a typewriter, then apart from square, products of a different shape will not work. It will be possible to make them round or semicircular with your hands, therefore, if not only taste is important for you, but also the look, then the options for sculpting dumplings by hand will turn out to be a hundred times more diverse and richer.

The hostesses prepare the mass at their discretion, soft or steep, but roll it out very thinly with a rolling pin. Minced meat is kneaded from different types of meat or mushrooms with the addition of pepper and fried onions, pepper and salt to taste, ice water, oil, herbs are added. How to mold dumplings, each housewife decides for herself: often family recipes are used. If we talk about the types of cooking according to different recipes, then we can conclude that they are all similar. Of the ingredients for the test are present:

  • water;
  • flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • egg.

Tool for making dumplings

For those who want to save time, a device for making dumplings at home comes to the rescue. Mechanical is a machine: we load minced meat, dough into it, turn the handle. This device is good in that it regulates the thickness of the sheet, you can make a large amount at once in order to freeze half. The only negative is the high cost compared to other devices.

At home, they work by hand, using a flat form with holes in the form of honeycombs: in addition, you only need a rolling pin. Such a dumpling will help to stick a whole batch at once. The most modern option is the hand-cooker from China: it's a plastic mold that only makes one thing at a time. Of the advantages, one can note the openwork pattern, which is printed along the contour.

Technique for making dumplings

How many housewives - so many techniques for making dumplings. The best way to properly sculpt dumplings with your hands is Siberian. This is an ordinary recipe from a circle of dough folded in half: someone then glues the ends to make an “eye”, someone cooks it unchanged, like a dumpling. There are many options for making dumplings in the world - these are Italians with ravioli, Chinese with "nests", Georgians and khinkali, Indian modak and much more.

The most accessible, but unusual ways to replenish your culinary collection are interesting: for example, “bags” - this option resembles manti, but they turn out to be more miniature. How to prepare "bags"? It is necessary to roll out a circle of dough, put minced meat in the middle, wrap it in the shape of a bag. Similar to this, but more elegant way - "star": for this form we do everything the same as in the first case, but instead of a bag we form five even edges.

How to make dumplings with your hands

Hand-made dumplings are increasingly receding into the background, but those housewives who want to treat their family to a delicious dish should remember a few simple rules. How to sculpt dumplings without the hassle - the dough you cooked will answer. The main condition is to knead it well so that it does not stick to your hands, and so that the edges do not stick out, dip your fingers in flour more often, sprinkle it on the table.

How to quickly make dumplings

From preparing a dish, most housewives are stopped by the thought of how much time it takes to stick it. Experienced chefs know that making dumplings quickly is a matter of a little practice and a few secrets, and no machines are needed for this. The main thing is to learn how to quickly cut sheets and form products not one at a time, but in large batches. A pizza cutter will help solve the problem of reducing time. It is distinguished by a round blade that easily cuts the rolled layer without collecting it:

  • Cut the rolled layer into long strips.
  • We put the stuffing in a plastic bag, one corner of which we cut off.
  • Squeeze out the minced meat immediately to its full length and cover it with a second strip.
  • We cut into squares of the desired size, then you can pinch.

If there is no pizza cutter, you can speed up the task in another way:

  • We fold the rolled sheet with an accordion, cut into pieces of a suitable size.
  • The resulting strips are stacked on top of each other, cut again. This will help you get even squares out of a piece of dough just as quickly.
  • From them we stick round, square or even triangular products.

How beautiful to sculpt dumplings

Beautiful modeling of dumplings will require some skill. One of the common cooking options is the formation of a “pigtail” along the edge. How to cook:

  1. We give the test the usual form.
  2. Then we wrap a small piece on the side that is already stuck together.
  3. Press lightly.
  4. One step - one pinch.
  5. At the end, glue the edges to make a circle. "Pigtail" will be noticeable even after cooking.

"Flowers" - another option for a beautiful design of dumplings. How to wrap dumplings to get a flower:

  1. Roll out the circle.
  2. We form 5 faces by bending the edges.
  3. We turn the resulting pentagon over, put the minced meat in the middle, glue it, again forming five faces according to those already obtained.
  4. At the end, turn off the edges and see a beautiful flower, as in the photo.

How to make small dumplings

Often, picky eaters make claims to the most delicious dish that the volume is too big. During cooking, it is difficult to determine by eye what size to cut out the test base, and as a result, the size comes out too large. To sculpt small dumplings, special molds with a diameter of 10 mm or more will help. If there is no form, you can use a regular glass.

How to make Chinese dumplings

The Chinese version of the dish differs in fillings, shape, size, side dishes with which it is served. The most famous dish is similar to manti, in the form of bags. There are options tied with green onion feathers. Every Russian knows one type of Chinese dumplings. The “bear ears” technique is also popular there, with which the Russian people are very familiar. All these methods are complex, so it’s better to watch a training video or photo on how to sculpt correctly so that everything works out. You can sculpt Chinese dumplings in the following ways:

  • Raise the edges up. Then glue along the edges.
  • The edges gather at the top, stick together in the middle. Three faces are obtained, thanks to which the product looks like a neat triangle.
  • Sichuan is famous for its open envelope dish. To do this, fold a square piece of dough diagonally. The edges of the triangle are fastened, and the corners at the base are bent towards the center.

How to make dumplings on a dumpling

Modeling dumplings with the help of dumplings greatly facilitates the task of housewives during cooking. The kitchen device helps to make about 40 neat identical products at the same time. If we are talking about a simple dumpling, which consists of a mold with holes, then you will need two sheets of dough, kneaded in the usual way, and minced meat. We also prepare it according to your taste. Further technology is simple:

  • Roll out two thin sheets.
  • We put one of them on the form, then we put minced meat in each cell.
  • We cover all this with a second sheet of dough, roll it out directly in the form.
  • You must try to put as much pressure on the rolling pin as possible.
  • Readiness will be indicated by the fact that dumplings will begin to fall out of their cells. This means that the edges of the honeycomb were cut and separated the pieces from each other.

Find out.

“When there are no consolations in life,
So what to do? Eat dumplings!”
M. V. Blinov, "Songs about dumplings."

What a pleasure it is to make homemade dumplings with your own hands. Especially when the whole family takes up this business and the modeling of dumplings turns into a kind of ritual, and eventually becomes a good family tradition. And if you approach this with pleasure and with soul, then the dish will turn out to be incredibly tasty. They are homemade dumplings: how they are treated, they will come out like that! Almost every national cuisine has its own "version" of dumplings. And there is nothing to be surprised here - even pasties and pies are considered distant relatives of "ears with meat". And for example, do not manti, khinkali or ravioli resemble dumplings? All these culinary products differ only in the thickness of the test shell.

The classic dumpling dough recipe consists, as everyone knows, of flour, eggs and water, but minced meat can be almost anything! Homemade dumplings are prepared not only with minced pork, beef or lamb. There are dumplings with eggs and mushrooms, with fish, radish, peas, tomatoes and cheese, shrimp and squid, with ham, rice, zucchini, lentils, cheese and greens. Onion, garlic, pepper, and other spices are put into the filling, hence this dish has a different taste and aroma. Dumplings, which can also contain cottage cheese, potatoes, and peas, still differ from dumplings in the shape, size and thickness of the dough. Real homemade dumplings are shaped like ears, and the dough for them is rolled out very thinly. By the way, after kneading the dough must be kept for 20-30 minutes, so it will become more elastic.

Connoisseurs say that the most delicious dumplings are very small, they boil faster and turn out more tender and juicy. It turns out that in order to feel the true taste of dumplings, you need to put it entirely in your mouth, and not bite off a piece. So that homemade dumplings can please your family much more often, you can stick more of them and freeze them. Put the dumplings in the freezer laid out on a board and sprinkled with flour, and after a couple of hours transfer them to a bag, plastic bag or any other container with a tight lid.

Dumplings are boiled in boiling salted water with onions (can be in the husk) and bay leaves or in broth. And to make the cooked dumplings look appetizing and have a pleasant yellowish tint, you can add a little turmeric during cooking. By the way, dumplings can not only be boiled, but also fried, baked with cheese in the oven, simmered in pots and even put in soup. Homemade dumplings are served to the table with sour cream, butter, mayonnaise, cream, vinegar, ketchup or mustard or in broth.

For test:
2 stack flour,
½ stack water,
1 egg
½ tsp salt.
For filling:
200 g beef,
200 g pork
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
3 tbsp milk,
½ tsp salt,

Knead the dough from the above ingredients and let it stand for 30-40 minutes. Pass beef and pork with garlic, onion through a meat grinder, add milk, salt, black pepper and mix. Form the dough with flagella, which are then cut into pieces. Roll them into thin circles. Put minced meat in the middle of each, wrap in the shape of a crescent, pinch the edges and connect the corners. Boil the finished dumplings in boiling salted water. Serve with oil and vinegar.

For test:
250 g flour
100 g of water
1 egg
For filling:
200 g liver,
10-15 g dried mushrooms,
4 boiled egg yolks,

Soak dried mushrooms in cold water overnight. Rinse the liver thoroughly, free from veins and film, and also hold the night in cold water. In the morning, knead the dough and leave it for 30 minutes. Boil mushrooms until tender. Fry the liver cut into pieces in lard and simmer until soft. Pass mushrooms, liver and boiled yolks through a meat grinder. Salt and pepper to taste. Knead the mince. Form dumplings into ears and boil in salted water.

Homemade dumplings with chicken and mushrooms

500 g flour
200 g of water
2 eggs,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
½ tsp salt.
For filling:
500 g chicken meat,
500 g fresh champignons,
½ stack cream,
salt - to taste.

Prepare the dough, let it "rest" for 30-40 minutes. Pass chicken meat through a meat grinder. Finely chop the washed champignons and fry in butter. Then mix them with minced chicken, add cream, salt, knead and let lie for 20 minutes. Shape the finished dough into circles, put 1 tsp in the middle of each. mince and make dumplings. Boil as usual.

For test:
3 stack. flour,
1 egg
⅔ stack. water,
1 tsp salt.
For filling:
150 g duck meat,
250 g beef,
1 onion
½ stack milk,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Knead the dough and leave it for 30 minutes. Pass duck meat, beef and onion 2 times through a meat grinder. Pepper, salt, add milk and mix well. Form dumplings and boil them in salted water. Serve with butter or sour cream.

For test:
3 stack. flour,
1 stack warm water
½ tsp salt.
For filling:
400 g fish fillet,
1 onion
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tsp salt,
ground black pepper - to taste.

Sift the flour, pour it on the table, make a recess in it, pour warm water into it, salt and knead the dough. Let the finished dough stand for 20 minutes, covering it with a napkin. Fish fillet, cut into pieces, and pass the onion through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. Make dumplings and put on a table sprinkled with flour. Boil water in a saucepan, salt, add bay leaf and black peppercorns. Put the dumplings and cook for 7-10 minutes.

For test:
300 g flour
1 egg
½ stack water,
salt - to taste.
For filling:
500 g squid,
1 egg
1 onion
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Peel the squids, wash, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder together with the onion, add the egg, vegetable oil, salt, pepper and mix well. Make a well in the sifted flour, pour warm water into it, add the egg, salt and knead the dough. Roll it into a thin layer, cut out circles and put small balls of cooked minced meat on each of them. Make dumplings and boil them in boiling salted water, and before serving, pour over them with melted butter.

For test:
2 stack flour,
½ stack water,
1 egg
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, pepper - to taste.
For filling:
1 medium zucchini
1 onion
½ stack milk,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt - to taste.

Prepare the dough by mixing all the ingredients and let it rest for 20-30 minutes. Zucchini, peeled and seeds, grate on a coarse grater. Add milk to the grated zucchini, mix, put on fire and bring the resulting mass to a boil. Finely chop the onion and fry it in hot vegetable oil, then add the zucchini to it, mix well and cool. Roll out the dough into a layer and cut circles out of it. Blind dumplings and boil them in salted water. Dumplings can also be prepared with minced radish. To do this, grate 450 g of radish on a coarse grater, stew with sour cream and butter, salt to taste and cool. Dumplings with minced vegetables are a great lean dish, only the dough needs to be prepared without eggs.

For test:
500 g flour
2 eggs,
100 g of water
salt - to taste.
For filling:
300 g boiled potatoes,
50 g canned beans,
1 onion
2 tbsp butter,
salt, sugar, citric acid, ground black pepper - all to taste.

Cut the boiled potatoes into small pieces, chop the onion. Prepare dressing from oil, pepper, salt, sugar and citric acid. Pour the mixture of onions, canned beans and potatoes with this dressing and refrigerate for 2 hours. Knead the dough and make dumplings out of it using the chilled filling. Transfer the dumplings boiled in salted water to a deep dish, season with butter and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Green onions and eggs also make an excellent filling for dumplings. To do this, chop 500 g of green onions, mix with 5 chopped boiled eggs, add melted butter and salt. Prepare the dough according to any recipe, roll it thinly, make dumplings and boil in boiling salted water. Serve with sour cream.

Homemade dumplings with sauerkraut and walnuts

For test:
700 g flour
2 stack water,
2 eggs,
1 tbsp melted butter,
salt - to taste.
For filling:
500 g sauerkraut,
1 stack peeled walnuts,
2 boiled eggs
salt, sugar, red ground pepper - to taste.

Knead a stiff dough and let it rest for 30 minutes. Put the sauerkraut in a pan and, adding a little red ground pepper, simmer under the lid. When the cabbage becomes soft and turns brown, mince it along with hard-boiled eggs and walnuts. Knead the minced meat, add sugar to taste and stuff the dumplings.

Pelmeni fried with garlic and carrots

For test:
3 stack. flour,
½ stack water,
2 eggs.
For filling:
200 g pork
200 g beef,
1 large carrot
4 garlic cloves,
salt - to taste.

Knead the dumpling dough and let it stand for 10-15 minutes, then knead well again. Pass pork and beef through a meat grinder 2 times. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, finely chop the garlic with a knife and add these ingredients to the minced meat, salt, pepper, mix and fry the resulting filling a little. Boil dumplings in boiling salted water for 5-7 minutes, and then fry in a pan until golden brown.

Homemade dumplings baked with cheese

For test:
4 stack flour,
1 stack water,
2 eggs,
salt - to taste.
For filling:
300 g pork
300 g beef,
1 onion
salt, black and red ground pepper - to taste.
For baking in the oven:
50 g melted butter,
200 g hard cheese.

Knead the dough from flour, eggs, water and leave for 30 minutes. Pass beef and pork twice through a meat grinder. Add finely chopped onion, season with pepper, salt. Mix everything well. Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer. Cut out mugs with a glass, put 1 tsp on them. stuffing and pinch the edges. Boil the dumplings for 5-7 minutes, then place them on a baking sheet greased with ghee and sprinkle thickly with grated cheese on a coarse grater. Bake at 200°C until cheese is melted and golden brown.

Dumplings stewed with vegetables

20 homemade dumplings
1 carrot
100 g cauliflower,
100 g eggplant,
100 zucchini,
100 g champignons,
100 g paprika,
1 bouillon meat cube,
salt, dried parsley, black peppercorns - to taste.

Dilute the bouillon cube, add salt, black pepper and dried parsley. Simmer the vegetables in the broth until almost done. Then add dumplings to the mixture of vegetables and simmer the resulting mass until tender. Serve in a deep bowl with broth and vegetables, sprinkled with fresh dill and parsley.

500 g dumplings,
2 eggs,
2 stack milk,
3 tbsp melted butter,
sour cream - to taste,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Boil dumplings in boiling salted water until tender. Then transfer them with a slotted spoon to ceramic pots, fill with a mixture of raw eggs and salted milk, add sour cream and butter. Put the pots in the oven and bake the dumplings in an oven preheated to 160°C for 25 minutes.

It is always satisfying, tasty and sincere, because homemade food is always prepared with soul.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

There is nothing more traditional than dumplings. It seems that they have been present on our tables for centuries, but this is not at all the case. Dumplings came to Russian cuisine from distant China and for a long time were a regional dish of the Siberian peoples. Only in the middle of the 19th century did they become widespread throughout the country.

In confirmation of the Asian origin of this dish, the peculiarities of its preparation, which consist in rather long and laborious cooking, fast heat treatment and the use of spices, speak. Dishes of early Russian cuisine were not like this.

The very word "dumpling" is borrowed from the Finno-Ugric dictionary and means "bread ear". Agree, the name is speaking, clearly reflects the essence of the product. Having started their journey from China, "bread ears" settled not only on our tables, but were spread all over the world in various variations. In Italy they are called ravioli, in China - wonton, the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia call them manti, khinkali, chuchvara, choshura, in Germany maultashen are popular, and Belarusians call them "sorcerers".

You can list the traditions of making homemade dumplings as much as you like, but it should be noted that, with all your desire, it is difficult to classify them as a dietary cuisine. Depending on the recipe, the calorie content of 100 g of the finished dish is 200-400 kcal, and if it is served abundantly poured with homemade sour cream, then even more.

Pelmeni: step by step recipe with photo

In order for homemade dumplings to turn out really tasty, you need, firstly, a desire, and secondly, a sufficient amount of time to cook them.

Of course, given today's variety of products in supermarkets, you can buy them, but the taste will already be completely different than that of dumplings prepared with soul with your own hands. And so that the modeling process is not boring, you can simply involve the whole family in this business and then the time will pass merrily and unnoticed, and as a result you will get mouth-watering homemade dumplings.

Time for preparing: 2 hours 30 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Minced meat (pork and beef): 1 kg
  • Mushrooms (chanterelles): 300 g
  • Onion: 3 pcs.
  • Egg: 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour: 800-900 g
  • Salt, ground black pepper: taste

Cooking instructions

Recipe for delicious homemade dumplings

Let's start the "dumpling marathon" with a simple, but no less tasty recipe. After kneading, we place the prepared dough under the film for at least a quarter of an hour so that it can stand, reach and, when boiled, delight you with its tenderness and softness. We advise you to fashion homemade dumplings that are not very large, then they will be more juicy and cook in a matter of minutes.

List of dough ingredients:

  • wheat flour - 0.5 kg;
  • purified water - 1 tbsp.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • rock salt - ½ tsp

We make the filling from minced meat of a mixed type, 0.5 kg is enough. A few large onions, spices and garlic to taste. If the minced meat seems too dry to you, you can add a few tablespoons of water to it.

Cooking process:

  1. Let's start with kneading the dough. In a convenient clean and dry container, develop the egg, beat them a little with a fork.
  2. Add water and salt to the egg, mix thoroughly.
  3. Separately, using a fine-mesh sieve, sift the flour. Gradually pour in the egg mixture in small portions.
  4. Knead not too tight dough. If necessary, add a little flour.
  5. We shift the dumpling dough into a bag and let it brew.
  6. Add finely chopped onion, spices and garlic to the minced meat. Mix thoroughly.
  7. We tear off a small piece from the finished dough, roll it out on a table sprinkled with flour. Try not to make it too thin, otherwise your dumplings may tear during the cooking process.
  8. From the rolled out dough, cut out circles of approximately equal size. It is convenient to do this with a suitable size glass.
  9. Place about a teaspoon of filling in the center of each circle. Roll up and pinch the edges.
  10. Throw a single portion of dumplings into boiling salted water and cook until they float to the top, then immediately remove them. Serve with homemade sour cream or any suitable sauce.

How to cook dumplings - a classic recipe

There is nothing easier than buying a pack of ready-made dumplings in the nearest store and boiling them when the soul asks, or just too lazy to cook. However, you understand that no one can vouch for the taste and quality of the final result. Whether it's homemade, fragrant dumplings. We want to introduce you to the classic recipe for dumplings, its main features:

  1. Doesn't stick to hands or rolling pin.
  2. Requires only three main ingredients: flour, water (milk) and salt. Classic proportions: flour - 3 cups, water (milk) - 1 cup, salt - half a teaspoon.
  3. The color of the classic dough for Russian dumplings is snow-white.

Cooking features

  1. It is necessary to knead the dough so that it subsequently rolls out thinly enough. After all, the less dough, the tastier dumplings.
  2. Divide the finished dough into equal parts. For example, for 3, of which we roll thin bundles, cut into portioned pieces of 5 cm in diameter.
  3. We roll them out, cut out mugs with a glass (you can use it to create the same portioned pieces, and roll out the scraps again.), Lay the filling and seal the edges. The filling can be used from the previous recipe.

Dumplings in the oven - cooking recipe

From ready-made, but still raw dumplings, you can cook a delicious and nutritious decoration for the festive table. Homemade dumplings under a mushroom coat are baked in the oven, the result will delight you with its taste and aroma

Prepare in advance so that you do not have to run to the store at the most crucial moment:

  • 0.8-1 kg of frozen or fresh, only stuck, but not yet boiled, homemade dumplings made according to your favorite recipe;
  • 0.5 kg of fresh or frozen champignons;
  • 200 ml of heavy cream;
  • 100 g of sour cream and mayonnaise;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Boil dumplings in lightly salted, boiling water, bay leaf will enhance the taste.
  2. We prepare the sauce, for this we mix sour cream with mayonnaise and cream, add garlic to them, previously passed through a press.
  3. We wash and cut the mushrooms, instead of raw, you can take pickled ones.
  4. Peel and chop the onion in half rings.
  5. Put dumplings, mushrooms and onions in a clean, suitable volume form, pour sauce on top. To make it easier for yourself to wash dishes later, you can lay out the bottom of the mold with foil.
  6. Estimated cooking time is 20-25 minutes.

If desired, dumplings under a mushroom coat can be supplemented with a delicious cheese crust. To do this, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle our dish with grated cheese.

Recipe for dumplings in a pan - fried dumplings

If dumplings are too frequent guests on your table, then they can get bored and become boring. But this is not a reason to give up your favorite dish. After all, moving away from culinary clichés and stereotypes, you can fry them in a pan. And it’s not just about warming up what you didn’t have time to eat yesterday, but about an independent and complete recipe.

In order to cook fried homemade dumplings in a fragrant sour cream sauce, prepare:

  • 0.8 -1 kg of raw dumplings;
  • milk and sour cream in a ratio of 2: 1, that is, for a glass of milk 100 g of sour cream.
  • for the sauce you need ½ tbsp. l. flour;
  • oil for frying;
  • spices.


  1. Put dumplings on a greased hot frying pan and fry them. The more oil you add, the more golden they will be.
  2. While the dumplings are ready, let's get on with the sauce. To do this, mix sour cream with milk, adding spices and flour to them. Mix by hand or with a whisk until smooth.
  3. After the dumplings are fried, pour them with sour cream sauce and simmer under the lid for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. Turning off the fire, to increase the aroma of the dish, we fill it with chopped herbs.

How to cook lazy dumplings - a very simple recipe

We have already described the undeniable advantages of everyone's favorite dumplings, but all of them do not cancel the laboriousness of the cooking process. The recipe below, although not completely “lazy”, saves busy hostesses from the long and tedious fashioning of each dumpling. The finished result will please you with its taste and very presentable appearance.

To prepare the joy of any cook - lazy homemade dumplings, prepare:

  • 3 art. wheat flour;
  • 1 st. water;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ tsp rock salt;
  • 0.5 kg of minced meat of a mixed type;
  • 1 large onion;
  • spices;

For sauce:

  • 1 large onion;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • a little butter;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • herbs, salt and spices.


  1. We are preparing a classic dumpling dough, in which, if desired, you can add an egg. To do this, in a separate container, beat the egg with water and salt, add it to the sifted flour. Knead the dough not tight, but not sticky to the hands. If necessary, the amount of flour can be increased (reduced).
  2. We wrap the finished dough in polyethylene and let it brew for at least a quarter of an hour, ideally all 40 minutes.
  3. We prepare the minced meat, passing the meat through a meat grinder, add finely chopped onion, garlic and spices to it as desired. Knead until smooth.
  4. Divide the dough into two approximately equal parts. We roll one of them into a thin layer, the thickness of which should not exceed 1 mm.
  5. We spread half of the minced meat on our rolled out dough, evenly distributing it over the surface.
  6. Gently holding the edges, roll up a roll of dough covered with meat filling.
  7. With a sharp knife blade, we cut our roll into portioned pieces, about 3 cm thick. Put the resulting semi-finished product on a plate or board sprinkled with flour. We do the same with the second half of minced meat and dough.
  8. We will cook our lazy dumplings in a pan with a thick bottom. To do this, put it on fire and pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  9. Chop the onion and sauté it in a frying pan in hot oil until translucent.
  10. On top of the onion we lay out semi-finished dumplings that look like roses.
  11. Mix sour cream with a glass of warm water and add to dumplings. The liquid should cover them by 2/3.
  12. Sprinkle spices on top, salt. For each "rose" spread a small piece of butter.
  13. The further cooking process will take place under a closed lid over low heat. When there is practically no liquid left, turn off and sprinkle with herbs.

Dumplings in pots

The recipe, which is not particularly difficult, is perfect for surprising and amazing guests and household members to the core.

To prepare homemade dumplings baked in a pot with vegetables, you will need:

  • 1 kg dumplings prepared according to your favorite recipe;
  • 1 medium onion and carrot;
  • a few bay leaves;
  • 220 g sour cream;
  • 5 peas of perk;
  • 140 g grated hard cheese;
  • salt and herbs to taste.


  1. Cook dumplings in boiling water until half cooked. We take them out about 2 minutes after boiling. Let cool slightly.
  2. In a separate saucepan, boil 0.7 liters of drinking water, along with bay leaves, salt and spices;
  3. Finely chop the onion, saute it in a pan until transparent, then add the carrots grated on a fine grater to it. Simmer for about 5 more minutes.
  4. Mixing dumplings with frying, lay them out in pots.
  5. Having previously filtered from the greens and bay leaf, fill the pots with the broth that has already boiled.
  6. Put sour cream on top of each pot, cover with a lid and put in a cold oven. We set the temperature in it to 180 degrees. Cooking dumplings for about 40 minutes.
  7. 5 minutes before the expiration of the specified time, pour dumplings with grated cheese.

If desired, mushrooms can be added to vegetables, and mustard, ketchup or another sauce you like added to sour cream will add extra piquancy.

Dumplings in a slow cooker

If you are the proud owner of a kitchen lifesaver - a multicooker, you can only be happy for you. After all, in it you can cook a lot of delicious and healthy dishes without spending extra time and effort. Homemade dumplings are no exception. In a slow cooker, they are cooked in several modes.

  1. "For a couple." About 1.5 liters of water is poured into the multicooker bowl. Raw dumplings in one layer are evenly laid out in a plastic container, pre-lubricated with oil. The timer is set to 30 minutes.
  2. "Soup". The multicooker bowl is filled with water, its volume depends on the number of dumplings. We set the mode, wait for the water to boil, salt it and add raw dumplings. Stir, close the lid of the device and wait for the timer signal (usually it sounds in about half an hour). In the process of cooking, so that the dumplings do not stick together, they must be mixed.
  3. "Bakery". We set the required mode for 40 minutes, put a piece of butter in the multicooker bowl, when it melts, add frozen dumplings, close the multicooker lid. After a quarter of an hour, the dumplings must be mixed and salted. If desired, then you can add 2 cups of water. If this is not done, then your dumplings will become the owners of a crispy golden crust.

How to cook Siberian dumplings at home?

For a long time, dumplings were only a dish of the regional cuisine of the peoples of Siberia. They were harvested in large quantities, buried in the snow near the house, where they were safely stored for quite a long time. Stuffed minced meat with spices is less attractive to wild animals. One of the features of truly Siberian dumplings is the addition of ingredients such as crushed ice, chopped cabbage or radish to minced meat, in addition to the usual onion.

To prepare real Siberian dumplings at home, you will need:

  • 1 kg of flour (from this amount you can fashion about 150 dumplings);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 cups cold water (from fridge)
  • 900 g of minced meat from 2-3 types of meat, ideally - beef, pork and lamb;
  • 3 large onions;
  • 250 g cabbage;
  • spices, salt.


  1. Through a sieve, we sift the flour directly onto a clean and dry desktop, forming a slide out of it;
  2. In the center of the flour mountain we make a recess, drive the eggs into it.
  3. Gradually, from the edge to the middle, we begin to knead the dough, gradually adding water to it. To simplify this process, the dough can be kneaded in parts. The finished dough is not tight, elastic, without cracks and folds. Let it brew for about half an hour.
  4. 1-2 times we pass the meat through a meat grinder. The goal is to make it as small as possible. Together with meat, we pass cabbage through a meat grinder. It will help to give minced meat juiciness.
  5. Add finely chopped onion, spices to minced meat. Mix thoroughly.
  6. We roll out the dough with a thin layer, cut out round blanks with a cup. Place a teaspoon of ground beef in the center of each. We seal the edges, trying to keep the minced meat lying freely, otherwise the juice that stands out will simply tear the dumplings apart during the cooking process.

Chicken dumplings - a tender and tasty recipe

Classic dumplings are made from pork and beef mixed in equal proportions. But other options are also possible. For example, with chicken they turn out soft, tender and tasty, which is especially to the liking of children.

Prepare the dough for homemade dumplings according to your favorite recipe, and for minced meat you will need:

  • 2 chicken fillets (about 800 g);
  • 1 large onion or 2 smaller ones;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Pass the peeled onion, along with the fillet cut into portions, through a meat grinder. It is advisable to do this twice with a finer grind. For such an amount of minced meat, 1 tsp will be enough. salt and half as much pepper. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Next, roll out the dough, cut out blanks with the help of a glass, in which we spread the minced meat. Boil in salted water or send to wait in the freezer.

Homemade dumplings with beef or veal

Wanting to reduce calories, homemade dumplings can be prepared without pork, replacing it with beef or young veal. After all, there is much less fat in such meat, and the calorie content of the finished dish will be about 250 kcal per 100 g. The recipe below will definitely appeal to all lovers of delicious, fragrant and juicy homemade dumplings.

You will need:

  • minced veal - 600 g;
  • 1 large onion or 2 smaller ones;
  • 2 tbsp boiling water;
  • 460 g wheat flour;
  • 120 ml of carbonated mineral water;
  • 70 ml of non-fat milk;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 tsp salt and pepper to taste;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil


  1. Mix the sifted flour with salt.
  2. Pour milk with mineral water and a beaten egg into it;
  3. Knead the dough, when it is almost ready, add vegetable oil. If as a result the dough turned out to be too tight, add mineral water to it.
  4. Let the dumplings brew, for this we place it under a bowl or wrap it in a bag for an hour.
  5. Meat, along with onions, scroll through a meat grinder using a fine grate. Add spices, salt and water to it. Knead until smooth.
  6. We roll out the finished dough in a thin layer, sculpt dumplings manually or using a special form.

Pork dumplings recipe

Homemade pork dumplings are juicy and fragrant. For juiciness, add a little onion and water to the minced meat. Garlic and spices will give aroma and some piquancy.

Prepare the dough according to any recipe, most importantly, knead it well and let it brew for at least half an hour so that the gluten disperses.

For dumplings you will need:

  • pork - 0.5 kg;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • 100 ml of cold water;
  • salt, pepper, spices.


  1. Scroll the pork in a meat grinder along with onions. If you want to get more juicy and fatty dumplings, give preference to the brisket, dumplings from the neck or ham will be less high-calorie.
  2. Squeeze the garlic to the minced meat, add salt and spices to taste.
  3. Knead thoroughly to make the minced meat more juicy, add cold water to it.
  4. Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer, divide it with a glass into circles and make dumplings.

How to cook Chinese dumplings?

In Chinese cuisine, there are several dishes that are associated with homemade dumplings, the closest in taste and appearance are jiao tzu. They do not require specific ingredients, so it will not be difficult at all to please your household with such an unusual and tasty dish.

To prepare Jiao Tzu, you will need:

  • 400 g minced pork;
  • 100 g of dill and parsley;
  • 1 onion larger than average;
  • ginger root (about 5 cm)
  • 2 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • a third of a glass of starch;
  • a glass of cold water;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Mix flour with starch and sift through a fine-mesh sieve.
  2. Pour the cold water into the flour. We knead the dough. If necessary, the amount of flour and water can be reduced / increased.
  3. We are preparing the stuffing. Grind pork for minced meat. Finely chop the greens and onions, rub the ginger on a fine grater. Salt and pepper minced meat for jiao-tzu.
  4. Cut off small pieces from the dough, roll them out with a rolling pin.
  5. In the center of each blank we put a spoonful of minced meat.
  6. We lift the edges of each cake and pinch. Outwardly, they will resemble small flowers.
  7. Lubricate the bottom of the steamer bowl with oil and lay out the finished jiao-tzu.
  8. They will be ready in 12-15 minutes.

Soup with dumplings - step by step recipe

Nutritionists are unanimous in their opinion: first courses are an indispensable element of a healthy diet and it is advisable to use them every day. We invite you to break the circle formed over the years of family life, consisting of chicken soup, borscht and cabbage soup and add an original recipe for homemade dumpling soup to it.

A three-liter pot of soup will take:

  • 0.5 kg dumplings;
  • 4-5 medium potatoes;
  • 1 medium onion and carrots;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Pass the finely chopped onion and grated carrots in a frying pan.
  2. Add peeled and finely chopped potatoes to boiling water.
  3. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the roast and spices to it.
  4. After 15 minutes, throw the dumplings into the boiling soup. When they are ready, turn off the fire.

Bonus - recipe with dumplings "Lazy wife"

And finally, we offer you a delicious and quick recipe for homemade dumplings casserole, perfect for a hearty family dinner.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 300 g frozen dumplings;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 120 g of hard cheese;
  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • salt, spices.


  1. Fry finely chopped onion until golden brown.
  2. With a whisk or an ordinary fork, beat the egg with salt and spices selected at our own discretion.
  3. Add mayonnaise to the egg mass, bring the mixture to homogeneity.
  4. We rub the cheese on a grater.
  5. We heat the form in a hot oven, after which we grease it with vegetable oil and spread the dumplings in one layer.
  6. The second layer is onion frying, after which we fill the dumplings with egg-mayonnaise dressing and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  7. Cook the casserole for 35-40 minutes in the oven.

  1. Do not be lazy to sift the flour, thereby you saturate it with oxygen, speed up the fermentation process and ensure the best result. This should be done after weighing, immediately before kneading the dough.
  2. Flour is used exclusively of the highest grade.
  3. Pelmeni dough must be given time to infuse.
  4. Minced meat does not have to be passed through a meat grinder, if desired, it can be finely chopped with a hatchet.
  5. Prolonged kneading and beating the minced meat on the board makes it softer and more tender.
  6. Adding ingredients such as coriander, green onions, garlic, hot peppers to minced meat will add piquancy to the finished dish.

There are several rules on how to cook dumplings in a saucepan so that they do not lose their appetizing appearance and juiciness. Interesting recipes will help to prepare a tasty and nutritious dish.

The process of cooking dumplings begins with the choice of dishes. A low wide pan is ideal. For 1 kg of semi-finished products, 3 liters of water are required. The volume of the dishes should be such that the liquid does not splash out when boiling.

How to cook dumplings according to the classic recipe?

For this you will need:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 kg of frozen products;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking steps.

  1. Salt, bay leaf, peppercorns, oil are placed in a saucepan with cold water. Heat up on maximum heat.
  2. Dumplings (one at a time) are lowered into boiled water, without reducing the flame of the burner. This must be done carefully so as not to burn yourself with splashes of boiling water.
  3. Stir the contents of the pan for 2-3 minutes so that the dough does not stick to the walls and bottom.
  4. When the water boils again, the fire is reduced.
  5. After all the dumplings float to the surface of the water, they are left to boil for 5–7 minutes.
  6. Cooked products are taken out with a slotted spoon onto a dish. Served with sauce to taste.
  7. Boiled dumplings are not left in water for a long time: the dough swells and becomes inedible.

Helpful Hint: To shorten the cooking time, you can boil water for dumplings in an electric kettle. Ready boiling water should be poured into the pan, and then the semi-finished products should be lowered into it.

When cooking dumplings, you can add other seasonings.

Suitable Ingredients:

  • coriander;
  • nutmeg;
  • ground pepper;
  • mustard seeds;
  • fresh and dried herbs.

Cooking in broth

If you want variety in the diet, but there is no time to cook culinary masterpieces, you can make dumplings in vegetable broth. The dish is tasty and very satisfying.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 500 g frozen semi-finished products;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 80 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt to taste;
  • dried celery root, parsley to taste.


  1. Vegetables are washed and cleaned. Carrots are chopped on a medium grater, onions and potatoes are cut into small cubes.
  2. Potatoes are poured into a saucepan in cold water. They put it on the stove.
  3. Sliced ​​onions and carrots are fried in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Browned vegetables are combined with a clove of garlic passed through a press and fried for another minute.
  4. In boiled water with potatoes add frying, celery, parsley, salt. All boil over low heat under the lid for 15 minutes. Readiness is checked by potatoes: if the cube is easily divided into pieces with a fork, the vegetables are cooked.
  5. Frozen dumplings are carefully lowered into the boiling broth, having previously increased the flame of the burner. After the products emerge, the dish is cooked for another 6-7 minutes.
  6. The finished broth with dumplings is left to infuse for 5 minutes under the lid. Served with sour cream dressing.

How to cook frozen dumplings?

Before cooking dumplings, it is better not to defrost so that they do not stick together. Semi-finished products will not lose their shape and will not stick to the bottom of the pan if they are dipped in salted boiling water and stirred occasionally.

A little secret will help to make the dough of frozen dumplings more tasty, soft, tender. After the products in the boiled water emerge, you need to pour 250 ml of cold water into the pan and wait for it to boil again. After that, dumplings should be cooked for another 4 minutes.

How long do homemade, purchased dumplings boil?

On average, dumplings after surfacing are boiled for 4–7 minutes.

The readiness of the dish is determined by the softness of the dough. More exact duration of preparation of products depends on their size and composition. Large dumplings can be cooked for up to 12 minutes, small dumplings - 4-5 minutes.

Unlike store-bought, homemade semi-finished products have a denser dough, so they need to cook a little more. After boiling the water again, self-made dumplings should be boiled for 7-10 minutes.

The package with store-bought semi-finished products usually indicates how many minutes to cook dumplings in a saucepan. They should take about 5 minutes to cook after surfacing. Since minced meat in factory-made products is well salted, do not add a lot of salt to the water for cooking them.

What is the best way to serve the finished dish?

Properly selected sauce complements the taste of dumplings. Sour cream is considered a traditional addition to this dish. It is also served with ketchup, mayonnaise, butter, mustard, adjika. Compound seasonings for dumplings made from vegetables, berries, mushrooms, cheese, herbs, eggs, alcoholic beverages, which are easy to prepare at home, are becoming very popular.

Very tasty homemade dumplings with sauce according to the following recipe:

  • cut 200 g of fresh mushrooms and 150 g of onions, fry in a pan;
  • add 0.5 l of meat broth, 20 g of flour, stew for 5 minutes;
  • mixed with 40 ml of sour cream, herbs and spices (to taste);
  • the sauce is served chilled.

It is desirable to cook dumplings so that they are enough for one meal. During storage, this dish loses its visual appeal and taste.

I'm ready to fall on my knees Before the one who invented dumplings. (I couldn't find the author, no matter how I googled it.)

Who, what, where, why, when - I propose to leave questions about the "nationality" of dumplings, their origin and other controversial topics for later. If we now delve into the wilds of history, finding out in which country they first came up with the idea of ​​​​boiling minced meat wrapped in pieces of dough, the conversation will turn into long, many hours of debate, as a result of which no one will change their mind anyway, remaining confident in their rightness.

Therefore, first we will cook homemade dumplings, set the table, and only then we will talk about the controversial one. About fillings and modeling methods, size and dough for dumplings. And about who, where, how and with what serves. And even a little about the origin of dumplings.


Filling for dumplings

Dumplings start with minced meat. It is on him that 80% of success depends - if the products are of poor quality, and the work is sloppy, the taste of dumplings will not only worsen, but become terrible. The filling is the heart of the dumpling, so let's cook it with soul, put a lot of good thoughts into it and many, many wishes of happiness and health to everyone who sits at your table this evening.

The classics of the genre are homemade dumplings with minced meat, however, the classics, although invariably good, often become boring and boring. Let's remember what else can be hidden in dumplings.

Classic minced meat

  • 0.5 kg pork tenderloin;
  • 0.5 kg of beef fillet;
  • 2 large onions;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Wash the meat, clean it from the films, twist it into minced meat together with the onion. Mix well, salt and pepper and leave for half an hour. After this time, add half a glass of water, mix the minced meat and proceed to sculpt dumplings.

minced fish

  • 1 kg of fish fillet;
  • 2 onions;

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
Twist the boned fish in a meat grinder and mix with onions. Salt, pepper and start making dumplings.

minced chicken

  • 1 kg chicken fillet;
  • 3 art. l. sour cream;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • salt pepper.

My meat and twist in a meat grinder. Add salt, pepper, sour cream, milk and mix well. Minced meat is ready, you can start sculpting dumplings.

Mushroom mince

  • 1 kg of forest mushrooms;
  • 3-4 bulbs;
  • vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

We clean the mushrooms, boil until tender. Cut into random pieces and fry well in vegetable oil. We twist in a meat grinder.
Cut the onion into cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Mix with twisted mushrooms, add salt and pepper. Done, you can start sculpting dumplings.

Cheese mince

  • 0.8 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 0.2 kg of soft cheese (feta, cheese);
  • 2 large bunches of herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro);
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Twist cottage cheese and cheese in a meat grinder, mix with finely chopped herbs and salt. You can add pepper if you like. Everything, forward, to the machine, we begin to sculpt dumplings.

In addition to the options listed, you can use any other stuffing. I ate homemade dumplings with tomatoes and cheese, seaweed and boiled eggs, potatoes and mushrooms, elk and horse meat, vegetarian dumplings with carrots, cabbage and celery, pumpkin and onions. I ate, but I can’t say that at least one of them responded in my soul with gentle awe and delight: nevertheless, only a bowl with the same dumplings can be better than a plate of ordinary dumplings with minced meat!

Dough for dumplings

The remaining 20% ​​of the success of the cooked dumplings will be given to the test. No, of course, a hundred other factors are important (the hands of the hostess, mood, water, serving, table, company ....), but, speaking, discarding emotions, the remaining 20% ​​is still taken by flour and water - the basic components of dumplings test. Plus eggs and butter if you add them.

Mistresses often argue over whose dumpling dough is better. I think this is better than the one that has taken root in your kitchen. To which your family is accustomed, the recipe of which has been worked out to the smallest detail, and therefore we love and are ready to be inherited by our daughter or daughter-in-law, along with Chinese porcelain and great-grandmother's silver earrings.

I'll start, perhaps, with the classic version, with a test on water without eggs. That's what my mother-in-law does. Below is her direct speech. And then I’ll tell you about my mom’s recipe - a recipe for dumplings on eggs.

Dough for dumplings - a recipe on the water

“Flour and water. All. By properly mixing just two ingredients (well, it’s true, salt still doesn’t hurt, but it doesn’t count), you can get a great, smooth, elastic dough that no one else in the area has equals!

Sharing their secrets of the “correct” test, housewives advise adding a little vegetable oil, eggs, milk to the water - each has its own “zest”, I prefer the minimalist style - it has been tested for decades and more than one generation of eaters in our family. Milk, in my opinion, does not make any taste changes, the egg is an excessive wastefulness, which also leads to coarsening of the dough. I am ready to allow more oil, but at the same time I fully realize that it is also superfluous. That's just superfluous - that's all, believe my experience.

Regular dumpling dough
The classic version is the simplest, most affordable and most commonly used.


  • 1 glass of water;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 1 tsp salt.

How to cook dumpling dough

Sift the flour into a bowl, make a well in the top, add the salt and pour out the water.

We knead the dough - as a result of your efforts, you should get a smooth, pleasant ball, which, when cut, does not leave marks on the knife, does not stick to it, and gives a smooth glossy surface on the cut. In addition, the dough should not be blurry, but not too tight.

You may need a little more or a little less flour - a lot depends on its quality and gluten. Focus on your feelings and intuition - no one, not a single recipe will give you the exact ratio of flour and water.

The finished dough must be wrapped in a plastic bag (or closed in another way, see photo) and left at room temperature for 30-40 minutes - this simple manipulation will make it even smoother, more elastic and easier to work with.

What do you object?

It really does make a great dough. Flexible, gentle. The correct ratio of water and flour gives an extraordinary result. However, you need to know my mother. She disagrees:

“The dough in the work is uninteresting, it tastes like rubber. How can you eat it? Unless with the total disappearance of chickens! Or high cholesterol forbids eating eggs? The classic recipe is my recipe, write down:

Dough for dumplings with eggs

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 cup water (moderately warm)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil (sometimes)
  • ½ tsp salt

Then everything is as usual: I pour out the flour in a slide, make a recess in it in the form of a funnel and add water, oil, break an egg into the funnel. Gradually knead. I add flour until the dough starts to lag behind my hand, but I never make it cool. The ingredients indicate fairly accurate proportions, it is not necessary to have intuition, which is especially important for beginners - where does their intuition come from?

I use vegetable oil if I sculpt “with a margin” and I know that I will freeze a part - with oil, the dough does not dry for a long time and does not crack when frozen.

Vegetarian dumplings dough made from "hard" flour

Which side am I on? I used to be on my mother’s, but since I became a vegetarian, I’ve been cooking like my mother-in-law, that’s just ... I buy French durum wheat flour at Auchan, mix it with premium flour and knead the dough, based on the ratio of 250 g of flour per 100 g of water. That's all: strict science of mathematics and perfect dough - no hint of "kissel", rather "pasta from Italy".

A few more popular dumpling dough recipes

Custard dumpling dough

The dough according to this recipe is easier to work with, it practically does not require additional flour for rolling and cutting circles, however, its taste is far from classic - it seems a little viscous, too tender, more “wet” or even raw. However, it is worth a try - at least in order to understand how it is more convenient and easier for you to work.


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 cup boiling water;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

How to cook custard dough for dumplings
Mix salt with flour, sift and pour into a bowl. We make a funnel, pour in oil and boiling water. Knead first with a fork, then with your hands. Knead the dough well on the table - it should not stick to surfaces at all and be very, very pleasant to the hands.

Dough for dumplings on kefir

Another easy recipe. Also two ingredients, but instead of water, kefir. We take 400 g of flour for a glass of kefir and we are not in a hurry. Pour the kefir into a bowl, add half a serving of flour there and gently knead with a spoon. Then gradually pour in the rest and knead the dough with your hands. This dough should also rest in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, and preferably more.

The peculiarity of kefir dumplings is that you don’t roll it out too thin, but it turns out to be very soft.

Modeling dumplings

To stick a mountain of homemade dumplings, you can roll the dough into a thin layer and cut circles out of it with a glass. The rest of the dough is again collected in a lump and kneaded again, then rolled out and again turned into blanks for dumplings. This is certainly the most correct and elegant option, but also time-consuming.

You can go a simpler way - roll the finished dough into a "sausage" of small diameter,

cut it into pieces of relatively the same size,

roll each piece into a small circle, from which to sculpt a dumpling.

First, spread the minced meat with a spoon (the required amount is clearly visible in the picture),

Having folded the cake in half, pinch the edges like a dumpling,

after which the dumpling should show a gymnastic class, once again curled in half, and then a ball with joined edges.

The option, in general, is wonderful - provided that you can cut the same pieces of dough by eye: different-sized dumplings look rather messy.

The third way is to use all kinds of dumplings.

Simple, fast, but the look...

If the illusion of store-bought gray dumplings with an indistinct filling instead of minced meat does not bother you, then pick up useful devices and go!

Size matters

Have you ever heard about the Crimean Karaites? The indigenous inhabitants of the Crimea can also boast of their own prototypes of dumplings - in their cuisine there is a dish called “hamur-dolma” - miniature pieces of dough are served in rich broth, in which tiny portions of minced meat are hidden. So, the Karaites still believe that at least 8 small dumplings should fit in a standard tablespoon. Eight, can you imagine? This is not a typo or hyperbole - a real Karaite hostess cuts circles from dough ... with her wedding ring.

But I don’t have a clear, consistent opinion about Siberian dumplings. They say that once they were huge, almost the size of a palm. But there is other evidence as well. My family has preserved memories of a great-grandmother who spent a significant part of her childhood in Siberia - from there she brought stories about milk, which grannies sell wrapped in a rag in winter (they pour it into bowls, freeze it, take it out and carry it to the markets already without containers), about breastfeeding children laid down on a down pillow and covered with a down blanket at night, and about homemade dumplings, of course. They say that the size of the finished dumpling should be no more than the phalanx of the little finger. Better yet, less!

Of course, no one expects you to immediately rush to look for suitable decorations to practice making dumplings of the right size. Nevertheless, it’s still not worth sculpting thugs in the size of XXXL, because we are talking about dumplings, not about pasties.

Cooking secrets

Remember the bearded joke about the "common" way? If you want to be known as a gourmet, put a bay leaf in the water in which dumplings will be cooked.

So, regardless of where you live and whether you plan to be known as a gourmet, I advise you not to forget about “lavrushka” - of course, it will not radically change the taste of the finished dish, however, it will add an elusive subtle note to the overall aroma.

In addition to bay leaf, it’s a good idea to add a few peas of allspice to the water for cooking homemade dumplings.

Yes, and most importantly - salt! Do not forget to salt the water for dumplings - if you boil them in fresh water, it will be insipid, mean, sad and dreary.

You need to take a large pot for cooking - gentlemen Pelmeni should feel at ease, nothing should limit their freedom of movement. In addition, they love when no one invades their intimate area. Hey, calmly, without fanaticism: it’s not worth lowering the boiler into a bathtub filled with water, just a large pot is enough.

We collect water - two-thirds of the volume, salt, add bay leaf and pepper, cover with a lid and wait until the water boils. Only after that we lay the dumplings - no, no, not all in a crowd, you should not pour them into the pan in bulk! Everyone needs attention - so we take each one in our hand and separately throw it into the pan.

We stir occasionally. Do not overdo it! You still won’t succeed with crumbly porridge, it’s enough if the dumplings just don’t stick to the bottom.

Did the dumplings float? Alright, just a minute more and…. did the water boil? Reduce the heat and let the dumplings boil for 5-7 minutes, and then we begin to remove them from the pan. If you cooked frozen dumplings, let them cook for a minute or two more, and then take them out anyway. If you feel very, very insecure, find the largest dumpling in the pan, fish it out, put it on a plate and cut it in half. Is the dough cooked? Is the meat raw? Well, so quickly get the rest of the comrades!


When taking dumplings out of the water, do not be greedy and put a couple of tablespoons of butter in a bowl - it will greatly enrich the taste and will not allow your dinner to stick together into one big “dumpling”.

And then creativity begins. Why don't they eat homemade dumplings! Luxurious mother-of-pearl sour cream - rustic, fatty, delicate ... Yellow butter - soft, enveloping, rich ... Unpopular and thoroughly offended by all mayonnaise - spicy, velvety, shiny. Viscous, fragrant mustard - sharp, burning, proud. Bright tomato ketchup - rich, spicy, tender. Vinegar, even flat in taste, but incredibly sour, sharp, prickly vinegar - even he managed to win thousands of supporters in the fight for dumplings accompaniment.

Do not be lazy - if a large family gathers at the table, most likely there will be lovers of yoghurt sauce with garlic, and tomato mixture with herbs, and butter, sour cream, mayonnaise. Carry everything you have! You will not regret.

Dumplings are a rather heavy meal, so some vegetable salad, greens, broth will not hurt on the table. It is clear that it is unlikely that anyone will exchange the main course for lighter options, however, even if you eat at least a little bit of vegetables or drink just a little broth, the stomach will already feel better. In general, your task is to try to make the dumplings "accompaniment" look as appetizing as the signature dish.

Options and variations of dumpling recipes

In addition to the traditional version of boiled dumplings, you can also find a bunch of non-standard ways of preparing this dish. Of course, the phrase "if you are tired of classic dumplings" sounds somewhat ironic and even mocking, but still - if you are tired of ordinary dumplings or if you want to try something new, use one of the above recipes - and you will not regret it!

dumplings in a pot

Do you think dumplings can be made even more luxurious? Quite! Bake them in pots - and you will get a holiday, celebration and delight.

Ingredients for 1 serving: 15-20 ready dumplings, 2-3 tbsp. l. butter, 3-4 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream, 50 g of hard cheese, a few sprigs of herbs, salt, pepper.

How to cook dumplings in pots. Boil dumplings until cooked, put in a greased pot, add the remaining oil, sprinkle with chopped herbs and pour sour cream. Sprinkle with grated hard cheese, cover with a lid and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Fried dumplings

But here you can’t be cunning anymore: nevertheless, fried dumplings are a dish with Chinese-Asian roots. Delicious and rich - tender juicy minced meat is hidden under a crispy crust of dough. Amazing!

Ingredients for 1 serving: 15-20 dumplings, 1 glass of vegetable oil.

How to cook fried dumplings. Pour the oil into a small bowl or saucepan. Warm up well. Dip dumplings into it and fry until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on disposable paper towels. Serve hot.
Delicious with soy sauce.

lazy dumplings

And what to do if the dumplings are fearful as you want, but time is just running out? Then you need to cook lazy dumplings!

Dough Ingredients: 3 cups flour, 1 cup water, 1 tsp. salt.

Minced meat ingredients: 400 g of meat (pork, beef or a combination), 1 onion, salt, pepper to taste.

Sauce Ingredients: 1.5 cups of low-fat sour cream, 0.5 cups of water, 3 cloves of garlic, salt, dry herbs to taste.

How to cook lazy dumplings
Cooking minced meat - we twist the meat and onions, salt, pepper and knead well.
From the indicated ingredients, we knead a soft, non-sticky dough, leave it to “rest” for half an hour, after which we roll it into a rectangle, the length of which is much greater than its width.
We spread the minced meat on the dough, distribute it evenly over the entire surface, leaving 2 cm from the wide edge. Roll up into a roll. Cut into portions, transfer to a baking dish.
We mix sour cream with water, garlic, salt and herbs, pour lazy dumplings with the resulting sauce. Bake until tender - temperature 180 degrees, time - 30 minutes.
Bon lazy appetite!

Do you know...

How many names do dumplings have?

Indeed, how much? Boraki, poses, dyushbara, podkogylo, jiao-tzu, kundums, sorcerers - all these are dumplings, and everyone has their own "bearded" story. The conversation is insane, the argument is not constructive, and yet I propose to talk at least a little, the topic is very fertile!


Italians, eating pasta richly sprinkled with parmesan, will smile broadly and emotionally cut off: the first was ravioli, and no nails ... dumplings! Then they pour themselves another glass of wine and, smiling again, simply turn the conversation to another topic: why argue, if everything is clear: in the beginning it was C ... ravioli!


Georgians and Azerbaijanis will hospitably invite you to a table bursting with all kinds of food. They will pour thick wine, make a toast - of course, for those wonderful ancestors who came up with an amazingly tasty dish - khinkali. They will pour again - both for themselves and for you, of course, and when you decide to insert a word about no less wonderful ancestors who invented dumplings, they will quickly and very good-naturedly interrupt and again make a toast - even more ornate and confusing. You will get lost in the wilds of verbal intricacies and before you have time to recover, you will almost believe that khinkali were the firstborn.


The laconic Chinese will make tea and keep silent, but you will feel with your skin that there is nothing in this world older than wontons. Except China itself.


In response, the Japanese will knead the dough on rice flour, stick luxurious gyoza and, taking out a bottle of sake, start a long conversation about the Emperor, talk about the chrysanthemum festival and quote Basa. Not a word will be said about dumplings, not a half a word about dumpling dough, but you will leave the table with a strong feeling that you have been convinced for two hours that all the salt is in the gedza, the rest is dust.


Generous and cheerful Ukrainians will look at you in bewilderment and will not understand at all what kind of dumplings we can talk about, even if the great Gogol once and for all clearly and clearly described how to eat dumplings, with what and when. And dumplings - well, then just homemade dumplings, where do they care about homemade dumplings, to which they even erect monuments in Ukraine!


Tatars and Mongols, Kazakhs and Turks will chop minced meat from the shoulder, stick manti for the horde and say how they will cut it off: there was nothing until they were there, but when sheep, onions and manti appeared, then, maybe, someone where I accidentally came up with some dumplings.


Homemade dumplings as a way to unite the family

Try to buy three or four kilograms of meat (do not waste time, less is not interesting, not that calico), twist it into minced meat. Make dumpling dough. Gather the whole family - aunt, uncle, godmother, godfather, brother, matchmaker. Do not forget about Baba Olya - she, of course, is a hundred years old at lunchtime, but without her the family will not be so bright and cheerful.

And start worship. Let someone roll out the dumpling dough, someone cut out circles, the third one collects the rest of the dough into a lump and knead it again, and the fourth one fills the blanks with minced meat. The fifth can be entrusted with gluing dumplings, and the sixth - laying them out on the board. After 10 minutes, as in the Mad Tea Party, change places, roles, tasks. And again - in a circle: roll, cut, fill, collect, glue ...

Under the molding of homemade dumplings, you definitely need to talk - gossip about Katya, who ignored the family event, because she fell in love with a “real goat” and rode off with him on a date. About Verka, Petka, Svetka. About the prices of dill and the best sauerkraut in the whole village. You can talk about female strength and ancestral knowledge, fortune telling on eggs and ways to remove the evil eye. Discuss the new priest at your local temple and talk about the children who are acting up in church while waiting for the sacrament. Talk about anything - the main thing is that the chatter gives pleasure and brings joy: otherwise the dumplings will not be tasty, it has been checked a million times!

Do not forget to hide a nut, a couple of black peppercorns or a slice of chocolate instead of minced meat in a few dumplings - and for the one who pulls out the “lucky ticket”, be sure to consider a prize or a forfeit. An innocent prank, but it brings the family together so much! Believe me, you will remember for more than one year in a row how grandfather Sergei grimaced after eating a dumpling with carrots, and the young Vitka grunted in disappointment, biting through the “happy dumpling” with dough inside instead of minced meat.

Eh, I've been sitting at the computer for a while. I’m going to cook myself a plate of dumplings - fortunately, there is always a supply of this wonderful invention of mankind in the freezer!