Parfait from vegetables. How to make the perfect parfait dessert? Light milk dessert Parfait with grape jam and berries

24.11.2020 Vegetable dishes

It is believed that parfait appeared at the end of the 19th century in France, in an era when refrigeration equipment and freezers were not yet available, and ice was used instead. The gourmet dessert was mainly prepared in the royal kitchen. A high percentage of fat was achieved thanks to the use of heavy cream, which, when whipped, gave a porous and airy structure. The bowl was immediately cooled on an ice-snow cushion, due to which ice crystals did not have time to form in the parfait, the dessert turned out to be delicate, porous and perfect.

French, American and British parfait

Today, not only French parfait is widespread, but also American parfait, in which much more ingredients are mixed. The composition may contain granola, pieces of biscuit, nuts, yogurt, fruits, alcohol and even gelatinous fillers. Such a dessert, as a rule, is not frozen, but chilled for a while on the refrigerator shelf, and decorated with whipped cream before serving. The result is a beautiful multi-layered dessert that looks presentable in a tall glass.

Interestingly, in the British sense, "parfait" is not a dessert dish at all. In the United Kingdom, under this name, you will be served the most delicate pâté made from meat or liver, the taste of which is ennobled by the British with liqueur.

Classic parfait: ingredients

The French parfait contains cream with a fat content of 33% and higher. For a more expressive taste, beaten egg yolks, brewed with hot syrup, are introduced (or the egg mass and sugar are heated in a water bath until thickened).

The mixture is flavored with vanilla, chocolate, coffee, fruit extracts and juices. All of these additives mask the egg flavor and leave behind a pleasant flavor.

Serving dessert

In a professional kitchen, the whipped mixture is packed in a metal split form, consisting of two halves, and frozen for 3-4 hours. For this, there are special forms in the form of an apple, pear, lemon, animal figurines, etc. In France, it is served on dessert plates or in bowls.

In more complex recipes, the parfait is multi-layered. In this case, it is better to present the dessert in tall glasses so that the structure is better visible. As a rule, ice cream is poured on top with toppings, decorated with berries or covered with a cap of whipped proteins.

More details

Total cooking time: 3 hours
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Yield: 3 servings


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    Heat water in a saucepan, mix with sugar, bring to a boil and immediately reduce heat. Cook for about 5 more minutes, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup is thick and smooth. Leave to cool - the syrup should be hot, but not boiling.

    Beat the egg yolks with salt and vanilla essence. Can be done by hand or with a mixer, until a lush foam is obtained. As a result, the mass should brighten, become more stable.

    Pour the sugar syrup into a bowl with whipped yolks in a thin stream, beat the mass continuously. The result should be a foamy, smooth and thick substance. Place the bowl in the refrigerator to cool.

    In a separate container, whip the pre-chilled cream (a prerequisite, it is best to leave it in the refrigerator overnight). Beat them until a thick, stable foam, which, if you turn over the container, does not fall.

    Now we mix both masses. You can literally in a couple of clicks with a mixer, or even better with a spatula, so as not to precipitate the cream.

    We pour the resulting mixture into molds - at home you can do without special metal molds, use containers that are not afraid of freezing at low temperatures. To make it easier to remove the ice cream, do not forget to line the molds with cling film.

    The parfait should sit in the freezer for 2-3 hours. It is advisable to lay crushed ice on the sides and bottom, it will facilitate quick freezing. But do not leave it for too long, ice cream should not be frozen, absolutely you should not leave it overnight, otherwise you will feel small ice crystals. Therefore, correctly calculate the proportions based on the number of persons.

    Free from packaging before serving. It can be served separately as it is, or put in portion molds as follows: a part of a frozen dessert, a layer of filling of your choice, again a part of a parfait, a filling, and so on. Top with topping, garnish with fresh berries and sprinkle with colored coconut flakes mixed with crushed nuts. Enjoy the coolness!

The parfait is served in the form of multi-colored layers, a combination of cream / yoghurt, nuts and granola. Today we will prepare a parfait with mashed avocado and frozen black and red currants. If you have not found a granola bar, use muesli, and it is permissible to replace the currants with other berries.

Dessert preparation time: 10 minutes. Yield: 2 small portions.


  • ripe avocado - half of the fruit
  • granola or muesli bar with dried fruits + nuts - 1 pc. / 2 tablespoons
  • Greek yogurt or another favorite without additives - 125 g
  • fresh or frozen berries - 1 spoon
  • flower honey - 1 tsp


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What is parfait?

Translated from French, "parfait" means "flawless, flawless." A true classic parfait is a French dessert known since the 19th century. The idea is simple and beautiful, as everything is luxuriously tasty: first, cream, vanilla, sugar and egg whites are whipped and then frozen. In addition, coffee, alcohol, chocolate chips, nuts and berries are used as flavoring accents. Parfait is served in glasses / bowls or on small portioned biscuits. Often - in layers of different colors.

Desserts are loved not only by children, but also by adults. And if you want something tasty, light and easy to prepare, then pay attention to the parfait. You can make it at home, and the ingredients can be found in the refrigerator of any housewife.

What is this dessert?

The name of the parfait is translated from French as "beautiful", and it reflects the essence, because the dish is really amazing. This is a cold dessert reminiscent of ice cream. It is made from cream, which is whipped with sugar (sometimes vanilla is added) and cooled or frozen well. Also, the list of ingredients may include egg whites, various fillers or flavors are often used: chocolate, fruit, juices, cocoa or coffee.

Initially, the dessert was French, and it has been known since the end of the 19th century (the first mention of it dates back to 1894). But confectioners also prepare the American version, which involves the addition of ice cream and other ingredients. Parfait is often served in a glass or other portioned container, stacking different ingredients in layers.

Cooking options

How to make a simple yet delicious parfait dessert? There are a lot of options, and the most interesting ones will be discussed in detail below.


Fruit parfaits are very tasty.

List of required ingredients:

  • one ripe banana;
  • one small orange or tangerine;
  • kiwi;
  • 2/3 cup enough heavy cream
  • half a glass of granulated sugar or powdered sugar;
  • vanillin at your request.


  1. First you need to prepare the fruit. Peel the banana and either mash with a fork or chop it in another way. Peel and puree the kiwi, for example, using a blender. The tangerine or orange is best cut into small cubes after peeling.
  2. Now go into the creamy filling. To do this, pour the cream into a sufficiently deep container, add sugar and immediately add vanillin. Whisk all ingredients until you get a stiff foam.
  3. Prepare any portioned container and start forming the dessert. It is best to put a banana layer on the bottom. Top it with a third of the cream. Next, put the kiwi puree, then the creamy layer comes again. And finally, the orange, which should also be covered with cream.
  4. Send the parfait to the refrigerator or freezer to cool the dessert well.


Those with a sweet tooth will definitely appreciate the amazing chocolate parfait. To prepare it you will need:

  • 250-300 grams of dark bitter chocolate;
  • two glasses of cream;
  • four to five egg whites;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • two bags of vanillin;
  • six to seven tablespoons of almond or coffee liqueur (if children eat dessert, do not add this component).


  1. First, whip the cream and sugar with the vanillin. It will take a long time to beat, as you should get a stable and strong foam (if you turn the container over, it will remain in place).
  2. In a separate container, whip the whites, also until foam is formed.
  3. Gently combine the cream with the whites, but not whipping, but mixing, otherwise the airiness will go away.
  4. Melt dark chocolate in a water bath or just in a microwave oven, immediately mix it with liqueur. Next, cool the mixture slightly so that it acquires the consistency of liquid sour cream, that is, thickens.
  5. Pour chocolate into the creamy-egg mixture in a thin stream, while gently stirring the entire composition. It is not necessary to achieve uniformity, if the dessert is a little stratified, it will acquire a special charm.
  6. Arrange the parfait in bowls or other containers and put in the refrigerator to cool.


You can make a refreshing mint parfait.

  • 300 ml cream;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • about 100 grams of fresh mint;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • two teaspoons of granular gelatin;
  • three egg yolks.


  1. The mint leaves must first be washed, then dried well (a few can be left to decorate the finished dessert). Next, start making the mint sweet puree. To do this, bring 70 ml of water to a boil in a saucepan, dissolve half a glass of sugar in it, then add the herbs, after boiling, cook the mixture for a couple of minutes. Remove it from the stove and then use a blender to whisk until smooth.
  2. Immerse the gelatin in the remaining cool water so that it swells. Until then, get busy with the cream. Whisk them thoroughly together with the yolks and half a glass of sugar.
  3. Put the mint liquid puree on the fire, bring to a boil again and completely dissolve the swollen gelatin in it.
  4. Now you can lay the mint sweet puree and the creamy yolk mixture in layers (the mint should be the last). Chill the parfait and serve garnished with mint leaves.


Berry lovers will love this recipe.


  • 300-350 ml cream;
  • three eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • about 12-130 grams of Mascarpone cheese;
  • 250-300 g cherries.

Process description:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat the last with 2/3 of the sugar until a stable foam is obtained.
  2. Beat the yolks with the remaining sugar until the mass turns white.
  3. Mix the cream with Mascarpone, then beat with a blender or mixer to get a homogeneous composition.
  4. Peel and chop the cherries (it is best to cut them into pieces so that the taste is clearly felt).
  5. Combine the yolks, whites, cream cheese mixture and cherries, beat gently at a low mixer speed.
  6. Divide the dessert into portions, refrigerate and serve.
  1. Do not freeze the parfait, it is better to chill it. The frozen dessert will lose its flavor saturation.
  2. If you are stacking parfait in layers, serve it in transparent containers.
  3. If the composition includes eggs, they must be of high quality, because such a product is not heat-treated and may contain dangerous bacteria.

Bon Appetit!

The French are perhaps the finest and finest culinary experts in the world, and this has long been no secret. Indeed, most of the exotic recipes were invented by French culinary experts and chefs.

A variety of sweets are especially popular among gourmets and connoisseurs of delicacies; one of the most widespread is the most delicious and delicate dessert - parfait.

Recipe and history

Parfait, translated from French, means beautiful, impeccable, and without any doubt, this dessert is worthy to be called that. A cold, aromatic delicacy that melts in your mouth - it can be attributed to the highest cuisine.

But there are not only confectionery parfaits. Its recipe, of course, is better known, however, it turns out that parfaits are also made from vegetables, liver and meat. In any case, it should be very fluffy, tender, like a mousse, and served chilled.


In the classic parfait, the recipe for which is presented in the article, in addition to the main products, which will be discussed below, there are ingredients such as a variety of exotic flavors, various additives: cocoa, chocolate, cinnamon, rum, vanilla and other goodies.

The effect of melting in the mouth is achieved due to the fact that the parfait is initially prepared in such a way that the prepared mixture acquires the required density upon prolonged cooling in the molds.

Parfait at home

Parfait is a classic and far from cheap recipe offered by restaurants, and therefore many housewives believe that it is simply unrealistic to cook it at home. But this is not the case. In fact, there is nothing complicated in making parfait, the recipe of which can be learned by almost everyone. The main thing to remember is that before cooking, all the ingredients that make up your dessert should be cooled to near-frozen state.

American parfait

In our country, the most famous is the American-style parfait. Most often it is a dessert made from several layers of whipped cream and a gelatinous dessert with fruit and berry ingredients. This parfait can also contain nuts, syrups, liqueurs and others.

It is done in special high bowls so that the layers do not mix and are clearly visible from the side. Decorated with chocolate sprinkles, coconut flakes, berries, both fresh and frozen.

Cooking parfait: basic recipe

The basis of the confectionery dessert is heavily whipped cream, whites or yolks, sugar, vanilla. Then this mixture is frozen in special molds. Parfait can contain fruits and berries, cocoa, coffee and more.

So, for cooking you will need:

  • four chicken yolks;
  • salt on the tip of a knife;
  • one glass of powdered sugar;
  • a quarter glass of hot, but not boiling water;
  • 500 ml of high-fat cream, it must be thick and always natural.

Cooking method:

What other ways are there

Now you know the basic method of making this dessert. Let's look at other options. For example, a chocolate parfait, the recipe for which is extremely simple.

To make your parfait chocolate, melted chocolate or cocoa powder is added to the basic recipe. If you chose chocolate, then it should be poured into the prepared syrup and stirred, and it is better to mix cocoa with powdered sugar.

But berry parfait can be prepared using absolutely any berries - strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, currants, cherries, gooseberries, raspberries, cranberries and others. They can be canned, frozen, fresh, candied - it all depends on your imagination and taste preferences. Here, berry syrup is added to the basic recipe. To do this, mash a glass of berries, mix it with 1/4 cup of water and cook until boiling, add to the rest of the recipe ingredients. Lay out the same parfait in layers, alternating whole or chopped pieces of berries with a whipped mass, after which everything is frozen for at least 4 hours.

The detailed recipe for this dessert is pretty simple. To prepare it you will need:

  • fresh strawberries - 300 g;
  • one protein;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 50 ml of liquid honey - optional;
  • heavy whipped cream - 150 g;
  • fresh mint or lemon balm leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the strawberries well and let the water drain.
  2. Puree 200 g berries in a blender.
  3. Mix the protein with salt and beat until creamy. Gradually pour into the honey, whisking, the mixture should be fluffy and shiny.
  4. Add two-thirds of the berry puree and whipped cream to the mixture, stir everything thoroughly.
  5. Cover the molds with cling film, pour the parfait into it and put everything in the refrigerator for two hours.

Remove the finished parfait from the molds onto dessert plates, garnish it with sliced ​​slices or circles of strawberries, mint leaves and the remaining berry puree.

As you can see, in fact, there is nothing difficult and overly complicated in making parfaits. Plus, you can create your own dessert using just this basic recipe. Instead of berries, you can use fruits, it is possible to combine several ingredients. Experiment and surprise your loved ones and friends with delicious dishes in your own kitchen.

Bon Appetit!