Is it possible to freeze a horseradish snack. How to store horseradish at home: preparing a vegetable, a description of the methods

03.03.2020 Bakery products

Alexander Gushchin

I can not vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


This product is found in many sweet pastry recipes and even in some sauces. Vanilla sugar is a food supplement that gives the finished dish a pleasant aroma. It is always added quite a bit. It differs from ordinary sugar only in that the product is insisted on vanilla beans. A cheaper option for spices is prepared on the basis of synthetic vanillin. Replace granulated sugar with vanilla. If you pour a lot of the latter, the dish will be very bitter.

What vanilla sugar is made of

The basis of a pleasant aroma and specific taste is an extract of the vanilla plant, which gives leguminous fruits. Flavored sugar is produced from these pods. You can purchase the finished product or make it at home yourself. The latter option is not much inferior to the factory one. The only possible difference is aroma.

In the food industry

There are 2 ways to create spices:

  • From vanilla extract. This is a natural product that has a positive effect on the body. It improves digestion, tones, relieves pain during menstruation, eliminates muscle cramps, and relaxes the nervous system.
  • Synthetic Vanillin. The product is cheap, often no less fragrant than natural, but completely useless, and sometimes even harmful to the body.

To prepare the extract, the vanilla pods are heat treated in boiling water, dried in the open air. The process lasts several months, ends when a white coating appears on the plant. This vanillin is a substance responsible for the characteristic aroma. Pods insist on 35% alcohol. Then sugar is added to the alcohol extract, aged, dried. Before packing, starch is often added to prevent the granules from sticking together.

At home

If you do not want to use the product with possible alcohol residues or are not sure about the quality of the spice from the store, you can make it yourself. To do this, use dried pods or vanilla extract, which is prepared at home not on an alcohol basis, but on oil. Use granulated sugar, not powder: the latter, due to fine grinding, quickly absorbs moisture and sticks together.

The strength of the aroma of homemade spice is often inferior to that made at an industrial factory, but it has its advantages:

  • you know the exact composition, control the quality of the ingredients;
  • it is possible to adjust the saturation of smell and taste, changing the ratio of the main components;
  • spice is cheaper than a vanilla extract store supplement.

What is the difference from natural vanilla

Both products are interchangeable in recipes, especially in baking, but there is a difference between them. Natural vanilla is white crystals that are collected from the pods of the same plant after processing. They have a very strong persistent odor that is transmitted to any product with which they are mixed. The natural spice has a bitter taste, therefore, in its pure form and in large quantities it is not used. If the product is introduced into the dough, then add a small pinch.

Since ancient times, vanilla is considered one of the most expensive spices. The reason is the huge costs of its cultivation and production. Vanilla tree in nature grows only in the tropics, gives few fruits, and valuable powder will turn out no more than 3% of the volume and mass of the pod.

What is it needed for

Its main application is baking. Vanilla sugar is part of the dough for buns, pies, pastries; it is added to biscuits, cakes, and liver. Often this spice is not only introduced as a flavoring, but also sprinkled with sweets on top. The additive goes well with cinnamon, cardamom. You can replace natural vanilla or its essence, so that the aroma is less strong.

Other uses for vanilla sugar:

  • Beverages. A pinch in tea or coffee (in the same amount as regular sugar) will give a pleasant aroma, almost does not change the taste.
  • For oatmeal, fruit salads. Enough 1/2 tsp. per serving, to add sweets to breakfast, without much disturbing the diet.
  • Pancakes, cheesecakes, pancakes for losing weight   - instead of large servings of regular sugar. Take 1 tsp. vanilla product to give the dish a sweet aroma and trick the body, but not greatly increase the calorie content of the dish.


  • vanilla pods - 4 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 680 g.
  1. Open the vanilla sticks by cutting them with a knife on top and scrap the contents.
  2. Mix with granulated sugar in a wooden or glass bowl - this will save the spice from odors.
  3. Hand rub the ingredients, mixing with each other. Better to work with gloves. Another option is to close the container and shake it for 3-5 minutes to mix everything.
  4. Insist spice in a closed container for 2-3 days or a week, putting it in a dark, cool place. Before use, be sure to sift the mixture so that the beans do not get into the dish.

The proportions of sugar and vanilla pods can be changed, focusing on your preferences. According to the recipe presented, the spice is very aromatic. If you want to make it lighter, chefs advise you to take 270-400 g of sugar per pod. Another option is 1 pc. and 800 g. Taste and aroma depend on the duration of exposure of the spice. Increase this period to 2-3 weeks - you will get sugar with a surprisingly rich and persistent smell of vanilla.

Vanilla Pod Selection

In the food industry, 3 varieties of this plant are used:

  • Madagascar bourbon. The most famous species, with a fresh aroma that has a slight acidity.
  • Mexican. The pods are drier, and the smell has distinct notes of spices and tobacco. Valuable, expensive variety.
  • Tahitian. A variety with a soft, sweet, floral aroma that opens quickly. It is cheaper than the previous ones.

To make sugar, you can use any vanilla pods. They all fit, but will give a different taste. According to the chefs, the first 2 varieties (from Madagascar and from Mexico) have a more delicate aroma, so they are recommended to choose for baking. You can also buy cheaper vanilla for trial: from Indonesia, India. The latter will give sugar a pleasant caramel flavor. Often you can find Ceylon vanilla of good quality.

Vanilla sugar, most often found on the shelves of our stores, is a fragrant powder of white color, which consists of crystalline vanillin and granulated sugar mixed in certain proportions. The ratio of components is stipulated by GOST and remains unchanged for a long time. More expensive versions of this additive use powder obtained from vanilla pods. The color of such a product should be white with black spots.

One of the smallest bags of vanilla sugar, whose weight is four grams, which is equivalent to one teaspoon without a hill, is enough to flavor one kilogram of the finished product, although some housewives prefer to add a double rate to enhance the aroma. Currently, on the shelves you can see vanilla sugar in various packaging. Packages come in weight from four grams to kilograms.   The price of a small flavorful additive is a low bag.

Vanilla smells like home baking. It is impossible to imagine the smell of her or other pastries, as well as various sweet dishes without this aroma.

Vanilla itself is very capricious in growing, because plants need special conditions and artificial pollination. That is why the chefs were forced to seek a replacement for this fragrant substance. She became a crystalline powder with the desired aroma. This artificial substitute has gained widespread use among the population, especially in home cooking, due to the high cost of natural vanilla.

The product produced chemically is very bitter and highly concentrated, so for the convenience of the housewives it is mixed with sugar.


The use of vanilla sugar is very wide. Most often it is used in cooking as a flavoring agent for various dishes.   Amazing and unique taste and aroma with the addition of this product acquire:

  • milk porridge;
  • charlotte
  • cocoa and hot chocolate;
  • mousses and other delicate desserts;
  • homemade ice cream;
  • milkshakes;
  • cupcakes
  • biscuits;
  • cakes and gingerbread;
  • butter baking.

This product is also added to aromatize glazes, creams and impregnations, which subsequently cover or interlayer home-made treats.

The culinary experts consider the combination of this fragrant granulated sugar with cream to be the best compositions: butter creams and sweets turn out so delicious that it is obviously impossible to tear yourself away from the confectionery decorated with them. Even the usual cream of whipped butter with condensed milk and the addition of a bag of other vanilla sugar in it will turn out to be flawless. This home-made product will be difficult to distinguish from cream, which layered factory cakes.

By mixing flavored sugar with cottage cheese, you can get not only everyone’s favorite curd mass with vanilla, but also make a delicious casserole, cottage cheese cake, cottage cheese pancakes, cookies or lazy dumplings from it. Also, this odorous mass can be wrapped in pancakes or used as a filler for pastry pastry pies, cheesecakes. And you can, without hesitation, bake ordinary donuts in deep fat. The smell that will give vanilla sugar to the curd will soar for a long time in your home and inspire a joyful mood in all households.

And meringues, and soufflé with gelatin, and buns, and biscuits with the addition of vanilla sugar in them are simply amazing.

And if you mix the dried zest of lemon or orange with a flavoring additive, and then add it to the muffins, then there is no greater enjoyment.

When to add?

When to add vanilla sugar? This question excites all young culinary specialists.

Most often, this aromatic component is placed in the dough with a baking powder.   When vanilla sugar is added to milk jelly, it is mixed with starch, and then, after dissolving the mixture in a small amount of boiled milk or water, the mass is poured into the main volume of the product.

When making muffin in a douche method, experienced confectioners recommend adding this component not to the dough itself, but to the bulk of the flour, fearing that the dough may come up too long and peroxide from this.

In the manufacture of sweet omelettes or biscuits, vanilla sugar is mixed with salt, and then with the bulk of the sugar.   After that, the mass is whipped together with the proteins.

In order to get a beautiful crust on butter baking, it is recommended to mix a small amount of sugar and a tablespoon of high fat butter with yolks, and then flavor this mass with a pinch of aromatic sugar or vanilla extract. Believe me, the beauty of baking will exceed all your expectations, and a delicious smell will be heard even by neighbors!

What can be replaced?

How to replace ready-made vanilla sugar? The answer to this question is simple. Vanilla or vanilla extract, or as a last resort vanilla flavor.   The latter, by the way, is best manifested in liquid formulations, but in baking it does not at all live up to the expectations of the housewives, because it does not withstand high temperatures. But in order not to take risks, it is best to make vanilla sugar with your own hands.

Homemade Vanilla Sugar

Cooking vanilla sugar at home will not take much of your time, but it will definitely solve the problem of not having it in your kitchen. The composition of the product is very simple. In addition, vanilla sugar thus obtained will be cheaper than a product packaged under industrial conditions. To make high-quality vanilla sugar at home, you need scales, granulated sugar and vanilla, or a vanilla pod.   Choose the latter of sufficient length, because it is the long pods that are considered the most fragrant.

So, measure a kilogram of granulated sugar and pour it into a deep, dry bowl. Add to it the vanilla pod, crushed in a mortar to a powder state. In the case of using a natural component, you can, without hesitation, and double the norm: the product from this will only be more aromatic.

If natural vanilla is not available to you, then you can replace it with crystalline vanilla. Its proportion to a kilogram of sugar is 1:10, that is, 100 grams. As a result, you will receive about 275 doses of aromatic sugar. Do not forget that, like any product that can dissolve in liquids, vanilla sugar must be protected from moisture. Store it in a tightly closed glass jar and always fill with a clean and dry spoon.

Which is better: vanilla sugar or vanillin?

Which is better: vanilla sugar or vanillin? This question can often be seen on the amateur pastry chef forums. So, I want to note that the use of one of the components always excludes the use of the other. Comparative characteristics of the products are shown in the table below:

Benefit and harm

The benefits and harms of vanilla sugar are completely determined by the composition of the product. The use of vanilla sugar is not recommended for people suffering from allergies or sugar intolerance.   It is not recommended to use products with vanilla sugar and children under the age of three due to the immaturity of their digestive system.   This applies not only to sugar with artificial vanilla, but also to flavoring, which includes a natural ingredient.

It is worth abandoning the use of vanilla sugar in the diet and people suffering from low blood pressure, because the product can cause dizziness due to vasodilation.

It is noted that vanilla aroma favorably affects the nervous system: it calms and gives strength, being the best antidepressant. And he is able to restore her balance, pacify anger, remove a sense of anxiety, relieve irritation and relax. In addition, vanilla is an aphrodisiac and antioxidant..

Scientists have proven that moderate consumption of tons of flavored sugar:

  • improves intestinal motility;
  • prevents obesity, accelerating metabolic processes;
  • neutralizes alcohol in the blood;
  • increases the pain threshold;
  • reduces the risk of developing cancer cells;
  • reduces the risk of diabetes.

But it is better to limit the use of vanilla and its derivatives to future mothers and lactating women in order to avoid the development of powerful reactions due to the unstable hormonal background of the body during this period.

The use of vanilla sugar in the diet must be approached carefully, not exceed the recommended proportions, and then you can get delicious confectionery with a wonderful aroma that will not only give you gastronomic pleasure, but also charge you with an excellent mood for the whole day.

The cocktail or cream for the cake becomes softer and more refined, and the unique aroma of fresh pastries will be even more saturated if vanilla is added to these dishes. What is it, why confectioners and ordinary housewives love him so much? This issue should be well understood in order to learn how to apply all the useful properties of the product in practice.

Ah, what a fragrant vanilla!

Vanillin owes its unusually spicy aroma to the fruits of a plant native to South America. Vanilla is a "relative" of the orchid, grows on vines and has yellow-white flowers. After they fade, green pods remain, on which white crystals form upon drying. This is the real natural vanilla.

The first mention of it is associated with the Aztec tribes. The Indians added spice to their traditional drink - hot chocolate. The first European to taste vanilla was Christopher Columbus. It happened at the beginning of the XVI century. Since then, the spice has come to Europe and has become widely used in cooking.

Vanilla sugar at home

If vanillin is obtained in the laboratory by artificial means, then vanilla sugar can be made independently at home. To do this, just take 1 long vanilla bean, 1 kilogram of granulated sugar, a little powder.

To prepare vanilla sugar, the vanilla bean is cut in half lengthwise, the seeds are removed, ground in a mortar to a powder state and mixed with powdered sugar. After this, the resulting mixture is combined with sugar, the vanilla bean is added to the same and sent together to a dark place for storage for 3-4 days. After the specified time, the food supplement is ready for consumption.

To get aromatic sugar, one vanilla pod will be enough, and the seeds can be used to make some kind of dessert.

Unfortunately, the natural flavoring cannot be stored for a long time due to the fact that the pleasant smell disappears quickly. To keep the aroma longer, add it to the dish at the end of cooking.

Choice: vanillin or vanilla sugar

Before you buy a flavoring supplement, you should know how to distinguish a natural product from a synthesized one in the laboratory. Indeed, in fact, vanilla sugar and vanillin are one and the same, the difference is only in the way they are prepared. Of course, vanillin can also be obtained from natural raw materials, but on the shelves in stores to find such a product is almost impossible.

When buying vanillin, you should carefully read the inscription on the label. If the product contains a flavor identical to natural, or ethyl vanillin, then this product is synthesized in a laboratory. It is usually packaged in bags of 1 gram. It is such an aromatic additive that is most often used by confectioners for baking due to the low price for it. One bag of vanillin costs about 3 rubles.

Vanilla sugar is sold in bags, packaged in 8-15 grams. Sugar, as well as crushed seeds of vanilla pods or ethyl vanillin, must be indicated in the composition of such a nutritional supplement. The latter option has the same qualities as artificial vanillin. The price for it ranges from 8-10 rubles. Vanilla sugar with a natural vanilla flavor is more expensive - about 30 rubles per bag weighing 15 grams.

When preparing a culinary masterpiece at home, it is better to give preference to a product with a natural composition, and leave artificial substitutes for mass production.

Vanilla sugar is used in the preparation of various sweets. It is convenient to use, durable, does not lose its taste under the influence of high temperature and gives the baking a unique flavor. To save time, a modern housewife always needs to have a bag of vanilla sugar on hand. We will find out how it is cooked and how vanilla sugar can be replaced.

The most sought after spice

Vanilla sugar is a mixture of granulated sugar and vanilla powder. Vanilla is considered one of the most popular spices and belongs to the category of expensive spices. It turns out that vanilla is a spreading long vine. From its fruits and get vanilla powder. But getting vanilla is not so simple: an exotic plant is very moody in leaving. The biggest difficulty in growing a “fragrant” creeper is pollination of its flowers. To get vanilla, you need to go to Madagascar, to Mexico, Central America, China or Indonesia. This is where this exotic plant grows.

Types of Vanillin

Often, housewives try to replace vanilla sugar with vanilla. However, in the food industry, in order to save, a spicy product is often replaced by a cheaper counterpart. It is called vanillin. In terms of aromatic properties, it is practically no different from vanilla. But the taste of baking, in which real vanilla sticks are added, is much higher than that of rolls with the addition of vanillin. In addition to the food industry, vanilla is widely used in the manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics and many medicines. Vanillin is used precisely in cooking. It happens in 3 types: powdery, liquid, crystalline. The first kind - vanilla powder - is used to make vanilla sugar; It is also used in the manufacture of chocolate. Liquid vanillin is widely used in the confectionery industry: it is added to sweets. The third type of spicy product is used in baking.

Cooking Vanillin

For the preparation of bakery products, vanillin or sugar based on it is used more often. A bag of vanilla sugar usually contains 2 g of product. It should be remembered that in large volumes spicy substance gives the dish bitterness. 4-9 grams of vanillin are usually added to 1 kg of dough. In dairy products, to improve their taste, add 0.5-2 grams of vanilla sugar. Spices are added to dishes and pastries at the very end of their preparation so that the aroma does not evaporate too quickly. Vanilla powder is used not only to enhance the aroma, but also to soften the unwanted taste in dishes. Vanillin is highly soluble in hot water, ether, alcohol, and it gives the drinks a mild flavor and incomparable aroma.

How do they make vanilla sugar?

At home, you can easily make vanilla sugar. The recipe for its preparation is as follows. You need to take 2 vanilla pods and 1 kg of granulated sugar. It is better to buy long vanilla pods, as they are considered the most valuable. Sugar must be poured into a deep container, and vanilla cut into small pieces. The two ingredients should be mixed thoroughly and tightly closed with a lid. The container must be put in a cool dark place (you can in the closet). “Insist” sugar must be at least 3 weeks, after which it can be used as needed.

Vanilla sugar recipe: method number 2

If there is no bag of vanilla sugar at home, and there is no time to prepare it, you can use its substitutes. So, how to replace vanilla sugar? For these purposes, ordinary vanillin is usually used. A pinch of vanillin can replace 2 small tablespoons of vanilla sugar. But in order not to always look for the answer to the question of what can replace vanilla sugar, it is better to cook it yourself and use it in the future as necessary. In the 1st recipe, sugar and vanilla need to be insisted for 3-4 weeks. The following method does not require such time-consuming.

You need to purchase a long pod of natural vanilla, a bag of powdered sugar and granulated sugar (1 kg). From the vanilla pod you should get all the seeds and carefully crush them. After that, you need to add powdered sugar to them and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture must be poured into granulated sugar and put the vanilla pod there. The container must be well closed and stored in a dark place for 4 days, after which you can enjoy aromatic vanilla sugar.

How can vanilla sugar be replaced?

Baking with vanilla is always fragrant. But often there is no spicy substance at hand. How to replace vanilla sugar? For these purposes, you can use vanilla essence: 12.5 grams replaces 20 grams of vanilla sugar. The unique aroma of baking can be given by adding 1 small spoonful of vanilla extract to the dough. But more often housewives use ordinary vanillin for cooking. Instead of vanilla sugar, some add cinnamon or cardamom. But in this case, the resulting dish will not please the owners of the house with an incomparable vanilla aroma.

What is vanilla sugar good for?

Many say vanilla sugar is vanillin. But it's not right. Vanilla only forms the basis of sugar and thanks to this it has a lot of useful properties. First of all, vanilla aroma has a calming effect on the human body. Spicy smell can help get rid of many diseases. Vanillin helps with insomnia, convulsions, allergies, arthritis, fever, hysteria. Vanilla aroma tames anger, reduces anxiety, irritation, helps to relax. Vanilla stimulates the body and improves mood. It is also an antioxidant, antidepressant, helps to activate brain activity and normalize digestion. Few people know that vanilla is also an aphrodisiac. From all of the above, it is clear that it not only gives an incomparable aroma to dishes, but also benefits a person. But so that the taste of the prepared food is at a high level, it is better to use natural vanilla and sugar based on it.

"Vanilla Muffins"

This delicious aromatic dessert can be prepared in 20 minutes. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 125 gr. butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 gr flour;
  • 1.5 small tablespoons of baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 75 ml of milk.

First you need to mix sugar and butter. The oil must be at room temperature. Next, add the eggs there and mix well. After pouring flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar, salt into the mixture, mix everything. Lastly, pour the milk. It should be a thick, sticky dough. We prepare baking dishes and put paper baskets there. Half fill each basket. Next, put any filling (chocolate, pieces of fruit or berries) and fill it with dough. Bake Vanilla Muffins at 175 ° C. When the pastry is browned, it can be taken out of the oven. “Vanilla muffins” are elastic, and the filling goes well with the dough. The pastries are really aromatic and very tasty. And if you put the “Vanilla Muffins” in an airtight container and leave them overnight, then the next day they will be even tastier. Vanilla dessert is great for a family holiday or a children's party.

In Russia, one of the most popular was a snack called "horseradish." It reached its popularity, probably due to useful antimicrobial properties and a bright, sharp sensation. This appetizer is also called boiled horseradish, and this option will allow you to save the workpiece longer. This recipe for “horseradish” from tomato for the winter can be stored for a long time. The main thing is to take it away from the eyes, since at the sight of such a yummy hand itself reaches for a jar ...

So, we will prepare:

  • Horseradish, root: 200 g;
  • Tomatoes: 3 kg;
  • Garlic: 2 medium heads or 10 cloves;
  • Bell peppers: 400 g;
  • Salt: 3 tbsp .;
  • Sugar: 2 tbsp .;
  • Black pepper (ground).

Wash the tomatoes, cut into quarters and crank through a meat grinder. Pour into a pot with a thick bottom or a cauldron and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Peppers from seeds, cut as convenient. Soak the garlic in water and peel. Peel and chop the horseradish. Grind all this in a meat grinder and combine with tomato puree. Cook another 10 minutes.

Add salt, pepper, sugar to the horseradish, adjust the taste, boil. Hot pour into sterilized jars and tighten.

Bon Appetit!

Horseradish: winter recipe without cooking with aspirin

The recipe for horseradish without boiling for the winter with aspirin is an unusual snack option that is guaranteed to be stored in the refrigerator.

The snack is so widespread that it began to be manufactured industrially. But many housewives still prefer to do it on their own. There is a wide variety of recipes for this sauce. It is easy to prepare and does not require a long list of ingredients. The basis is always the use of fresh horseradish root, tomatoes (only red or red and green mixed), as well as garlic. All elements are ground in mashed potatoes, and then salt and pepper are added to them. Due to horseradish and garlic seasoning has a long shelf life, even in the refrigerator.


  • Horseradish root;
  • Garlic (head);
  • Tomatoes (1kg, ripe, juicy, whole);
  • Sugar

We sterilize the dishes. About 1 liter of horseradish will be obtained from this amount. It is better to take containers of small capacity.

We take the horseradish root, clean, wash and cut into pieces.

We clean the garlic. You can pre-dunk it - it will go faster.

My tomatoes, cut the stalk, cut into 4 parts.

Now the hardest part is chopping horseradish. We put a plastic bag on the meat grinder, under the nut that tightens, and another one on top of it. You can do one. We close children, husband and pets in the farthest room, otherwise we can’t do without tears. We ourselves will have to cry a little - the horseradish is very tear. A bowl of horseradish cover package.

We also chop the garlic and tomatoes in a meat grinder. Combine with horseradish, add salt and sugar. Pour into jars. For better storage, add an aspirin tablet. But this is an option (aspirin is unsafe). Roll up. Keep all winter in the refrigerator.

Horseradish for the winter: recipes "Spark"

Such an affectionate name was given to a completely childish spicy dish. It is also called “cobra”, “gyurza”, “horseradish”. This seasoning has long been known in the Urals, in Siberia. It warms perfectly in the cold season, and is also a prevention of acute respiratory viral infections. It can be served with all main dishes, especially suitable for dumplings or pasta.

The recipe for horseradish for the winter "Twinkle":

  • Tomatoes are ripe red or red with green, proportion 5: 2 (only 5 kg);
  • Bulgarian pepper (10 pcs.);
  • Horseradish, root (500 g is enough);
  • Garlic (300-400 g);
  • Hot peppers (5 pp.);
  • Salt (7 tbsp without slide).

What are we doing?

  • We clean horseradish and pump it in cold water. An alternative is to freeze in advance in the freezer.
  • My tomatoes, cut into halves or quarters.
  • You can soak the garlic, then peel it.
  • We clean the bell pepper, take out the seeds, wash it.
  • Remove seeds from chili peppers.
  • To avoid lacrimation due to the severity of horseradish, we put on a meat grinder and tightly fix the bag. Scroll the horseradish. We do not remove polyethylene. Following him crushed bitter and sweet peppers and garlic.
  • Place the mass in a large bowl or pan, close tightly with a lid. Now grind the tomatoes and send them there.
  • Solim. Leave for 60 minutes.
  • We wash and sterilize jars and lids. It is advisable to choose small containers.
  • We pack and roll up. Store in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

The general rule for all "horseradish" recipes: the ratio of tomatoes and horseradish in a snack changes the overall taste and spiciness of the dish. If there is more horseradish, as well as garlic, then the horseradish is sharper. If you do not need such a sharp seasoning, then you need to add more tomatoes. You can also grate 1 apple of the Antonovka variety. The acid of the sauce can also be adjusted, then sugar should be added to taste.

Often, for better storage, vegetable oil is poured under the lid as a buffer so that microbes do not multiply. When consumed, the oil is drained. This method is used not only in horseradish, but also in other winter sauces, for example, tkemali.

For a change, you can add cucumbers scrolled in a meat grinder for a change. To do this, it is better to take large cucumbers, pre-peel them from the peel. Add cucumber puree to taste.

“Spark” with plum

It’s already autumn, the time for conservation ends, and you still have not a single seasoning? Then the simplest and most common recipe is horseradish! Fast and tasty. Homework will be appreciated.

Another interesting version of horseradish with plum. In this recipe you will need:

  • Horseradish (100 g);
  • Tomatoes (1 kg);
  • Plums (100 g);
  • Garlic (1 goal);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Sugar (2 tablespoons).

Remove the skin from the drain (you can first dip in boiling water, then in cold water). Prepare the rest of the ingredients as indicated in the first recipe. And grind them. Add salt and sugar. Arrange in banks and tighten.

Cooking horseradish at home for the winter without a tomato

Beetroot-plum horseradish

The combination of beetroot and plum appetizer gives a new taste and texture. Cooking horseradish at home for the winter without a tomato is an interesting option, will we cook?

To do this, take:

  • Horseradish root: 150 g;
  • Plums: 100 g;
  • Beets: 900 g;
  • Vinegar: 3 tbsp .;
  • Sunflower oil: 3 tbsp .;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Salt and sugar: 2 tbsp each

Let's get started.

  1. Cook the young beets directly in the peel for 40 minutes, cool, clean, cut.
  2. Peeled horseradish root is passed through a meat grinder, as described in the previous recipe.
  3. We take out the seeds from the plums, peel them and grind them in a meat grinder.
  4. We mix everything, add salt, sugar, pepper, vegetable oil.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat, drain the excess liquid, pour in the vinegar and mix.
  6. Pour into banks and roll them. Jars and lids should be sterilized and must be dried to prevent bacteria from multiplying.
  7. This recipe is interesting in that the sauce can be used on its own, or it can be used as a dressing for first courses (borsch, beetroot soup, cabbage soup).

Lemon Horseradish (Raw)

Horseradish can be dried and ground into powder. Then vitamins will be saved in it. You can use horseradish powder to make lemon horseradish. Then by the number of nutrients it will be a real vitamin bomb! You will need:

  • Dry horseradish horseradish: 300G;
  • Lemon: 1 pc.;
  • Garlic: 6 cloves.
  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, remove and grate the zest on a fine grater.
  2. Soak horseradish powder in lemon juice.
  3. Mix the mass with zest, mashed garlic and salt.

And in the end, recall that the cook is a little magician. He knows how to change the taste of the most ordinary dishes, adding a little spicy sauce to them. Horseradish is an ideal variant of such a seasoning. We wish you bon appetit!

Is it possible to freeze horseradish for the winter?

Horseradish is a very spicy seasoning with a simple composition. Essentially, tomatoes and horseradish are essential ingredients. The combination of fresh vegetables requires a preservative, and the natural question arises, is it possible to freeze horseradish for the winter? Those who tried it in cold weather say: “This is what a person yearns for in winter!” Make her like that.

  • Take horseradish root (100 g), clean, wash and grind in a meat grinder.
  • Garlic (100 g) peel, my, three on a grater.
  • Wash the tomatoes (1 kg), dip in boiling water, then in cold water and remove the skin. Grind in a meat grinder.
  • We mix everything. Add 2 tsp. salt and 1 tsp Sahara. Fuck is ready!

Experienced hostesses freeze the sauce in the freezer, always in small portions. This is very convenient - it does not pile up the refrigerator with cans, and there is no need to be afraid that the workpiece will ferment. Use plastic bottles of 0.5 or 1 liter, buckets made from mayonnaise. You need to defrost about room temperature. After defrosting, the taste does not change at all, but the sauce becomes a little thinner.

There is another option for freezing. Only grated horseradish gruel is frozen. In winter, they take it out, add garlic and pickled or frozen tomatoes. For freezing, choose any recipe for horseradish tomato, prepare it more for the winter - very convenient. And it turns out very tasty!

In the autumn-spring period of viral diseases, horseradish increases the immunity and tone of a person, improves appetite, stimulates the production of gastric juice. In addition, it is a natural antiseptic. It reduces blood glucose, stimulates the kidneys. However, horseradish can be eaten only by adults and in moderation, as a savory snack can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach.