Why not eat ice cream while breastfeeding. Is it possible for a nursing mother to use ice cream: the benefits and harms of summer treats when breastfeeding

05.04.2019 Soups
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Is it possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream?

It is known that the use of ice cream can increase the level of serotonin - a hormone that gives a person a feeling of happiness and pleasure. This is a dairy product, possibly with a high calorie content, but what harm can a nursing mother have from it? However, the question of whether it is possible to ice cream while breastfeeding a newborn remains relevant. Doctors recommend not eating a purchased ice cream or popsicle, but cooking it at home with your own hands.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream? Ice cream harm for a child

After pregnancy, during which a woman has to limit herself in certain products, childbirth occurs, followed by a period of feeding, and the newly minted mother again has to follow a diet so as not to harm the baby.

Births for all pass in different ways, sometimes the postpartum depression becomes a consequence.

It would seem that ice cream is exactly the product that will help a woman at least a few minutes to abandon the harsh everyday life and feel real happiness. But its use is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. If the delicacy were produced from natural products, as it was thirty years ago, for sure, it could be included in the diet of a young mother, and then with reservations. Because in the first place is the health of the child.

The answer to the question whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream lies in its composition. Probably the least harm is calorie content, moreover, more affecting the weight of mom. But this is not all the pitfalls of a popular treat.

The cause of trouble, when the components of the product pass into breast milk, can be:

  1. Allergic reaction to milk sugar;
  2. Lack of enzyme that breaks down lactose.

A newborn baby only develops all the important systems and organs. It is noted that the children's body may inadequately respond to animal proteins, which are the basis of cow's milk. That's why recently, doctors have come to the conclusion that sour milk products are more useful to infants.

When a foreign protein falls into breast milk, an infant has an allergic reaction to casein. This is because the incompletely formed digestive tract is not yet able to absorb it.

Lactase deficiency is an even more serious disorder related to diseases due to metabolic disorders. This is a fairly common pathology in infants under the age of 12 months. Because of this, the mother's use of ice cream can greatly complicate the baby's condition. The disease has its own nuances, it can be genetically incorporated or arise due to an excess of fermentation. In any case, if maternal feeding is possible, the ice cream will have to be completely eliminated.

Some varieties of ice cream - berry, with a fruit filling, among other things, can cause a child to have stomach pain, intestinal colic, constipation and diarrhea. It is unlikely that after this, mom during lactation will want to enjoy ice cream.

Is it possible to ice cream while breastfeeding a newborn

In order to prepare creamy or milk ice cream, pasteurized milk is used in production. Additionally, it includes vanillin, condensed milk, egg powder, starch. But besides this, a huge number of synthetic additives are included in the modern product - these are preservatives, dyes, flavorings, stabilizers. And this explosive mixture enters the body of the mother, and then into her milk.

Many substances that must be natural are often replaced with cheaper synthetic analogues. So, instead of real cow cream and milk, vegetable oil, for example, palm oil, is often used. It is not surprising that such a product can provoke a whole bunch of diseases in a nursing woman, among which:

  • Impaired heart function;
  • Elevated cholesterol leading to atherosclerosis;
  • Overweight, entailing obesity.
  • Intoxication of the body due to the accumulation of carcinogens.

What quality will have human milk, if mom begins to eat a product with such a composition, it is not difficult to guess. It is scary to imagine that all these harmful substances migrate into the body of a small child. Therefore, when women ask whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream, doctors most often answer with a firm no, or they advise buying only quality products or making a treat at home.

If the child does not have lactase deficiency and is not prone to allergy manifestations, mother’s ice cream can still be, but at the same time, it must be chosen and consumed correctly.

Rules for consuming ice cream while breastfeeding

The main conditions that must be observed:

  • It is better to eat a treat after the baby is 2-3 months old so as not to disturb the correct formation of his body;
  • You need to start only with a dairy product, introducing it into the food a little and carefully observing the condition of the baby;
  • Ice cream can be eaten in the morning and in the evening, excluding evening time;
  • It is undesirable to choose ice cream with any additives, as well as chocolate, as this is a strong allergen, after which even a healthy baby can follow negative symptoms;
  • When buying products, mothers should pay attention to the shelf life - too long may indicate the content of preservatives and stabilizers;
  • Also, the composition should not be harmful dyes, enhancers or palm oil.

Ice cream can be checked for naturalness - put it in the freezer for a couple of days. If it practically does not harden, remaining soft, it means that it includes synthetic ingredients, E-additives.

When a woman in lactation raises the question of whether it is possible to ice cream while breastfeeding a newborn, she should know that having eaten a poor-quality dish, she will have to give her baby about three hours, otherwise all the harmful substances will end up in his body. Especially dangerous for the baby are varieties such as “fruit ice” - a completely artificial product, cream ice cream, ice cream in cone waffle glasses containing a large number of emulsifiers.

Such substances, getting into the mother’s blood, change the composition of breast milk, and changes occur very quickly. If suddenly the skin of the child turns red or, worse, a rash appears, the following actions should be taken:

  • Twice to express;
  • Apply a baby cream against allergies;
  • Temporarily replace breast milk with a special mixture for children, and if the baby is more than six months old, feed him cereal or baby food in the form of mashed potatoes.

If you are allergic to an infant, you should immediately contact a pediatrician.

Safe Homemade Ice Cream for Breastfeeding: Recipe

In order not to risk the baby’s health, you can always find a solution - a homemade treat made from quality ingredients with your own hands can be a great alternative to purchased ice cream.

There are several simple recipes that will not take much time, will be safe for the baby and will please mom.

For melon-flavored ice cream you will need:

  1. A small piece of melon pulp - about 200 g;
  2. 80 g of condensed milk;
  3. 150 ml cream with a fat content of 30-35%.

The cooking process is quite simple:

  • It is necessary to lower the melon for several minutes in a blender, additionally rubbing it on a fine grater or using a sieve.
  • Mix whipped cream, pulp and condensed milk thoroughly;
  • After standing in the freezer for about 60 minutes, stir again and beat the mixture;
  • Move the finished product into molds and freeze completely.

Other hypoallergenic fruits such as bananas, pears, and berries from cherries or currants may be suitable for this recipe.

You can also use a creamy ice cream recipe. Prepared from natural products, it will be useful for both mom and baby. The only condition is that you do not use too fat cream. You can take an ingredient with a fat content of about 30% - 350 g.

Additionally, you will need:

  • 150 ml of milk
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • 5 protein chicken eggs.

You will need to mix sugar, cream and milk, slightly warm until completely dissolved.

Proteins need to be whipped and mixed with other components. It is important that the whipped foam is lush, so it is better to use a mixer. After freezing for an hour, you need to beat the mass again. This procedure can be repeated 3-4 times. Some, in the manufacture, add diluted gelatin to the mixture, but this is already a matter of taste.

Those young mothers who have a problem with time can be advised to just freeze a glass of natural yogurt, having previously pierced its packaging - you will get a useful and tasty product with an exquisite taste, and safe in every way.

The answer to the question whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream depends on how many months the baby is and how much the nursing mother knows her baby’s body. It is strictly forbidden to conduct such experiments with their menu for mothers in whom the baby has not reached the age of 5-6 months. Starting from this age, you can carefully add products to your diet that will be useful to both your beloved child and the mother herself.

Nursing mom's nutritional rules: video

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During breastfeeding, you must follow a certain diet, so as not to harm the health of the baby. Indeed, the quality of breast milk depends on the nutrition and lifestyle of a nursing mother. Many foods in the mother’s diet can have a negative effect on the well-being of the baby. For example, such a dessert, seemingly harmless at first glance, like ice cream.

Is ice cream for nursing mothers

To understand whether ice cream can be introduced into the diet of lactating women, you need to figure out which ingredients are included in its composition. Unfortunately, over the past decades, the composition of ice cream has undergone significant changes. Previously, it was based on natural milk, sugar and animal fats. Such products did not harm the health of the mother and baby.

In modern production, animal fats are replaced with synthetic vegetable fats, which are deposited in the body and contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, obesity, and even malignant tumors.

To extend the shelf life, stabilizers and emulsifiers are added to the ice cream, which are not safe for the health of the infant. This also applies to other food additives present in ice cream (colorants, flavor enhancers, flavors). It is no secret that they are very harmful to the health of not only babies, but also adults.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that it is better for a nursing mother to abandon the use of industrial ice cream during breastfeeding so as not to endanger the baby's health. This prohibition does not apply to ice cream made at home from natural products.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

Ice cream perfectly lifts mood and vitality. Therefore, a nursing mother can occasionally indulge in a favorite treat made by herself. You should not add various additives to the milk (berries, fruits, marmalade, etc.), since they can cause a newborn or.

It should be noted that the use of ice cream during breastfeeding increases the percentage, which can provoke gastric colic and loose stools in a child. Therefore, in the first 3-4 months of the baby’s life, it is better to refrain from this product, and in the future, observe the measure.

You can use an ice cream maker to make homemade ice cream. It is an apparatus that turns an initial mixture into ice cream by cooling and stirring. In the absence of such a device, the prepared mixture should be placed in the freezer for about 12 hours, stirring every 3-4 hours.

Goat Milk Ice Cream

Much more useful than. It contains a lot of nutrients and trace elements. In addition, goat milk is a hypoallergenic product.

Mom's note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I write here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Ingredients: a liter of milk, 3 egg yolks (preferably homemade), 150 g of sugar, 1.5 tbsp of wheat flour.


  1. Mix the yolks thoroughly with sugar and flour and dilute them in a small portion of milk.
  2. Heat the remaining milk slightly and attach the cooked mass to it.
  3. Keep on low heat, stirring continuously, until fully thickened.
  4. Place the cooled mass in the ice cream maker.

Skim ice cream

Ice cream made without cream is low in calories, so it will not affect the fat content of breast milk.

Ingredients: a liter of milk, 5 yolks, 2 cups of sugar, 100 g of butter, 1 tsp of starch.


  1. Heat the milk over low heat, add the butter and bring it to a boil.
  2. Combine the yolks, sugar and starch into a homogeneous mass. Dilute the mixture to the consistency of sour cream.
  3. Slowly introduce it into boiled milk and butter, stirring constantly so that the yolks do not curl.
  4. Bring the mass to a boil again and cool in cold water, and then place in the ice cream maker.

Ice cream

Ingredients: 0.5 L high fat cream (over 35%), 100 ml. milk, 5 yolks, 150 g sugar, a pinch of salt and vanilla, 1 teaspoon of starch.


  1. Dissolve salt and sugar in warm milk.
  2. After removing milk from the heat, add the yolks to it and beat thoroughly.
  3. Put the mixture on low heat and simmer until thickened.
  4. Dilute starch in a small amount of milk and attach to the mass.
  5. Place the pan in cold water and add the whipped cream to the milk.
  6. Put the cooled dessert in the ice cream maker.

Video: Making natural vanilla ice cream at home

Video: How to make ice cream at home (without ice cream)

If a nursing mother really wants to eat ice cream, and there is no way to cook it on her own, occasionally you can afford to buy dessert in the store, carefully choosing the choice. First of all, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date, since an expired product is clearly harmful to health. Crumpled or damaged packaging may indicate a violation of the rules for storage or transportation of the product. You should refuse chocolate, fruit dessert, ice cream in chocolate icing and with various toppings. It is better to opt for milk ice cream with a fat content of 3.5%. If its use does not cause a negative reaction in the child, you can try ice cream or cream ice cream with a fat content of 8-15%.

After the birth of the baby, the tortured mother needs little joys, endorphins, energy and comfort. And all this is contained in one cold glass! But is it possible for an nursing mother’s ice cream, will it harm the baby?

When buying ice cream, be sure to read what ingredients it consists of. The right ice cream contains milk protein (cream, milk), natural sugar or syrup. Alas, now on the shelves you will not find a product without stabilizers, flavorings, emulsifiers. These food additives are approved for use, but they do not add health. Some of them often become a source of allergies and poorly affect digestion.

In inexpensive ice cream, palm oil is usually present. In large quantities, it causes a serious digestive upset.

Use ice cream based on fruit juices and pulp should also be used with caution. Its plus is the complete absence of milk, but the product contains a lot of sugar, as well as dyes and flavors.

The components of ice cream can also be:

  • Cocoa Beans
  • chocolate,
  • vanillin,
  • starch

All of these ingredients are potential allergens.

Is ice cream for nursing mothers

In a good way, store ice cream is not for nursing mothers. But here it is important to understand: if you deprive yourself of small joys, then for a long time you will not be enough. It is better to feed the child up to a year or longer, occasionally allowing himself something harmful, than to leave the race in the third month of HB.

In the first month of lactation, you should abandon the cold delicacy. This is due to the composition of the ice cream. Even a good quality ice cream can be harmful: milk protein is a serious allergen, and sugar in large quantities causes fermentation and colic. A treat is forbidden to use if the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed.

Nursing mothers are allowed to eat ice cream from three to six months of lactation. In this case, pay attention to the manifestation or absence of an allergic reaction. It is recommended to keep a diary. Enter everything eaten in a day into it, noting the time and reaction of the baby.

The baby during breastfeeding receives all the elements from breast milk. After feeding the baby after the ice cream, the mother may notice a rash or colic in the baby. These signs indicate intolerance to cow protein or other ingredients.

If mother nevertheless decided to enjoy a product from childhood, follow a number of recommendations. They will reduce the risk.

  1. Pay attention to the composition. The fewer the additives, the shorter their list, the better.
  2. It is preferable to eat a delicacy based on natural milk, rather than with substitutes. In this situation, allergic reactions to milk should be considered. If they are, then it is better to refuse cream-based ice cream.
  3. With lactation, the first use of cold treats should be in minimal quantities.
  4. Monitor the baby’s behavior and condition after eating a new product.
  5. You can eat ice cream if the crumbs have not developed an allergy, but the norm should always be observed. Indeed, an excess of a certain product regularly causes a negative response of the immune system in both the mother and the child.

The first time to try ice cream is better in the morning. So mom will be able to notice changes in time and help the newborn. If the body of the crumbs reacted negatively, you can introduce the product into the diet a little later.

But even if everything is in order, two or three ice cream a week is the maximum.

Why is it unbearably hungry when feeding

Every mother at least once felt an insatiable desire to eat something sweet, whether it's ice cream or chocolate. This is due to the fact that a nursing mother constantly needs calories. After all, her body produces milk, spends a lot of effort. The body needs carbohydrates for energy. So I want ice cream.

Many people want ice cream with HS, but you should not adopt someone else's experience. If the ice cream didn’t hurt some mothers, then in a month others may notice extra pounds in themselves, and the baby will have a rash.

For a nursing mother, it is important to know that if there is a craving for sweets, then in her body there are not enough nutrients. After childbirth, you need to pay attention to this and make up for the lack of carbohydrates by adjusting the menu. For example, include more cereal products and cereals (slow carbohydrates).

What ice cream is safer with GV: we read labels

Diathesis in a child.

See the composition of a particular brand and take into account the further reaction of the baby. What kind of ice cream mom can not know in advance. Ice cream allergy often occurs with cow protein intolerance. If not, it is preferable to use ice cream and a creamy treat. Ice cream, which includes cow's milk, is high-calorie, and the baby’s stomach may not cope.

Some types of sorbet are very harmful. Popsicles cause a negative immune response due to strawberries, apricots, or peaches, which are allergic to the baby.

Manufacturers often include ice cream chocolate. It contains cocoa beans or cheap substitutes that lead to a baby’s gastrointestinal upset.

Pediatricians agree that fruit apple or pear ice cream is the safest. But it is recommended to be administered only after three months.

Tomato ice cream is made from sugar with the addition of tomato paste. Also included are supplements E461 (unsafe, can lead to indigestion), E407 (Carrageenan, also has a bad effect on the digestive tract).

It is worth noting that quality products can still be found. Not so long ago, natural types of goodies began to appear on the shelves of pharmacies. They are made on the basis of fructose without the addition of chemicals. You can recognize such a product by the inscription "BIO".

How to make ice cream yourself

You can make ice cream while breastfeeding at home with natural ingredients. In this case, the mother will know for sure that there is no chemistry in the treat and it cannot be. It will turn out not only more useful, but also tastier than the store.

To make a dessert, you need an ice cream maker, which will automatically mix the contents. But if not, a mixer and a freezer will do.

Homemade ice cream

Its preparation requires:

  • milk 3.5% - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • egg whites - 5 pieces of chicken or 20 quail;
  • cream 35-40% - 400 ml.

The first step is to boil the cream mixed with sugar. They languish over low heat for half an hour. It is important not to boil the mixture. Then they need to cool and beat well with a mixer.

Mix proteins with sugar and beat until completely dissolved. Cream and protein combine and mix. We put the mixture in the freezer for 60 minutes, then mix again. Again we set to freeze and after an hour and a half you can try. This recipe suits you only if you have taken eggs from a “familiar” chicken. Raw eggs are not allowed to be eaten raw. Quail are safer.

It is worth noting that with allergies to cow's milk and cream, products are replaced with goat. In some cases, you can use rice and almond milk.

And one more recipe. You will need:

  • half a liter of milk,
  • yolks - 3 pcs.,
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • 50 g butter
  • starch - half a teaspoon.

Mix milk and butter and bring to a boil. Then mix sugar, starch and yolks in a separate bowl and add to boiled milk. It is important to pour slowly and then stir constantly. The resulting mass is again boiled and cooled. After they place an almost finished treat in an ice cream maker.

Fruit ice cream

To increase the palatability of ice cream at home, you can use natural fruits. Hypoallergenic are considered:

  • bananas
  • light apples
  • white cherries.

To make fruit ice cream you will need:

  • bananas - 2 pcs.,
  • powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • coconut milk - 100 ml.

Before cooking, freeze the peeled bananas (for convenience, you can chop the fruit before freezing). Then they are whipped with a blender and milk and powdered sugar are gradually added. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it is placed in the freezer for three hours. Stir the treat every hour.

Do-it-yourself ice cream will never do any harm. But if there is no way to cook a treat at home, you should responsibly choose a store dessert. The main thing is to study the composition, use without fanaticism and monitor the condition of the child.

After giving birth, if a woman is breastfeeding her baby, she should follow some dietary rules. A considerable amount of food is banned: honey, chocolate, nuts, some vegetables and fruits, sweets. A large number of prohibitions cause an overwhelming feeling to treat yourself to something delicious, such as ice cream. Many mothers often have this question: is it possible to eat ice cream with breastfeeding.

Ice cream as a product

Ice cream products are directly important in whether women can use it during breastfeeding. Most doctors do not recommend eating any dairy products, especially in large quantities. The reason for this is protein, which is contained in cow's milk and is one of the main components of this ice cream. It can provoke an upset stomach or cause an allergic reaction in the body. In addition, the composition of ice cream includes dyes, fillers, flavors, thickeners, sugar and other ingredients that adversely affect the mother's body. When using such ice cream, some of the harmful substances penetrate into breast milk, which a woman feeds her baby. Based on the above, it should be noted that when buying a favorite treat, it is necessary to study its composition in detail.

There are 3 main types of ice cream that can be consumed in moderate doses during the feeding period:

  • Cream
  • Creamy
  • Dairy.

The smallest fat content contains dairy ice cream - about 4%. In cream - up to 10%, and ice cream has the greatest fat content. According to the norms it should contain at least 20% fat.

Among the large range of product offered on the market, there is still popsicles. It does not contain fat at all, as there is no milk in it. But its disadvantage is that only artificial dyes and flavor enhancers are used in the manufacture, which makes its use during breastfeeding extremely undesirable. In fruit ice cream varieties add a lot of sugar, about 30%. In the dairy - this figure is less than 2 times. It is also rare to find a favorite treat with the addition of real fruit.

  In the photo, the mother feeds the baby with breast milk.

So is ice cream possible?

Yes, ice cream can be included in the diet of a woman while breastfeeding a baby. Here are some rules to follow when choosing a favorite treat:

  1. Fresh. Its shelf life should not be long. Only in this case, you can be sure that the composition of the few preservatives and stabilizers.
  2. In your diet, ice cream should be introduced gradually, like other products, not earlier than one month after delivery. Monitor the reaction of the baby.
  3. Eat no more than one serving per day.
  4. Give preference to a product in which there are no fillers and chocolate.
  5. Do not buy fruit sorbets because of their unnatural.

In addition, during breastfeeding a woman should be careful about her health, so you need to use ice cream correctly. First of all, it should not cause allergic reactions in the mother. It is possible that the allergy may occur in the baby. All the food of a woman is reflected in the quality of her milk, and therefore, preference is still better to give not an industrial product, but ice cream prepared by herself. Homemade ice cream allows you to bring into its composition a lot of useful (fruits) and eliminate harmful additives (to reduce the sugar content).

Eating your favorite sweetness is necessary not only in small portions, but also lightly often. When breastfeeding is better to limit 2 servings of ice cream per week. One ice cream is divided in half and consumed in 2 rounds, one half in the morning, the other in the evening. It is desirable that it is slightly melted to avoid the likelihood of getting sick.

If a child has any negative consequences in the form of bloating or a rash due to the use of the product by the mother, then you will have to give up your favorite delicacy. During the period of breastfeeding for a good mother, the health of the baby should be in the first place, and not your own desires. Soon the baby will grow up, and together you can enjoy your favorite delicacy.

The nutritional characteristics of a nursing mother are detailed in this video:

Ice cream will lift your spirits and help get rid of postpartum depression. However, before the nursing mother, the question arises, whether this product will harm the baby? Can I use ice cream after the birth of a child?

Dangers in the use of ice cream

  • Milk protein in high concentrations can cause severe allergies in the baby;
  • Preservatives and stabilizers, thickeners and dyes are very harmful to the body, not only for the newborn, but also for the adult;
  • Sugar with a content in the product of more than 15-20% negatively affects the digestive and endocrine systems;
  • Fat in high doses also has a negative effect on the digestive system of the baby;
  • Calorie - do not forget about the sense of proportion! Excess calories leads to fullness and obesity.

What ice cream to choose when breastfeeding

  • Milk-based ice cream

Cow's milk contains a strong allergen, so this ice cream can be dangerous to the health of the child. To avoid allergies and eating disorders, use the product in small doses.

Most milk (12-15%) contains ice cream. Sometimes milk is replaced by vegetable fat. These include coconut milk and cocoa. However, this is not the best way. And cheap fats (palm oil) will harm even adults.

  • Fruit-based ice cream

In the composition of sorbet milk is completely absent. However, it contains a large amount of sugar - up to 30%. While in dairy ice cream there is only 12-20%.

Consider that in the industrial production of sorbets unnatural fruits and juices are used. The product contains many harmful dyes and artificial additives that get into the milk, and then the newborn.

If you choose between a creamy delicacy and fruit, then preference should be given to a dairy product. If the child is not allergic to milk protein, then feel free to eat this ice cream. The ideal option would be the traditional ice cream.

Thus, a nursing mother can eat ice cream in the absence of allergic reactions to cow's milk protein.

How to eat ice cream when breastfeeding

Experts are confident that breastfeeding is possible, and sometimes you even need ice cream. Sweets will help the young mother to forget about stress and lead to normal sleep. However, you should follow certain rules:

  1. Before buying, carefully review the composition and shelf life. The less the shelf life of the product, the better it is. In this product there are practically no stabilizers and preservatives;
  2. Start eating ice cream in small portions and in the morning. See how the baby responds after feeding. If there is no negative reaction, then you can safely eat a creamy ice cream;
  3. In the first month after giving birth, give up ice cream altogether. Then avoid fruit sorbet, chocolate and other fillers;
  4. The most optimal solution is the independent production of a delicious homemade ice cream with fruits and nuts.

Homemade ice cream

Ice cream, cooked at home, leaves no doubt about the naturalness of the product. Therefore, it is perfect for a nursing woman. But note that in the recipe you can use only those components for which the baby does not have allergies.

Enter each new ingredient gradually, start with small doses and watch the baby’s reaction. So you determine the acceptability of certain products.

We offer homemade ice cream recipe  for nursing moms. You will need:

  • milk - 375 grams;
  • cream - 375 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • banana - 2-3 pieces.

Grind bananas with a blender or fork. In a banana puree, add cream, milk and sugar. Stir the mixture and let simmer gently. Do not bring to a boil, remove the pan and let cool.

Spread out the cooled mass in molds. Put the molds in the freezer for 2-3 hours to freeze the ice cream.

If you want ice cream, indulge yourself and make dessert at home. It is tasty and harmless to you and the baby. Remember that you should not get carried away and eat a small portion no more than once a week.