Marinated blue whole for the winter. Whole eggplant blanks for winter

20.07.2019 Snacks

If you do not want to bother with eggplants for a long time, but you need to prepare them for the winter, adopt a simple and quick recipe for preparing eggplants as a whole. They do not need to be cut, additional ingredients that require processing are also not needed. In winter, canned eggplants will be a great help for you in cooking.

These eggplants can be used in the preparation of main dishes and salads. For connoisseurs of this vegetable, whole canned eggplants can be an excellent side dish. They will only need to get and cut into pieces, you can add onions and taste a little oil. Especially love this billet those who obey Lent. Eggplant contains a lot of nutrients needed by the body to maintain vitality.

Whole Pickled Eggplants

Spices that are required for harvesting, you can choose according to your own taste. Garlic, peppercorns, and laurea are well suited to these vegetables. A three-liter jar of eggplant will require a large spoonful of salt, you can even with a slide and 100 grams of 6% vinegar.

A three-liter jar must first be sterilized, and before laying the eggplant in it - dried. The best option - to ignite it in the oven. At the bottom put the seasonings that you decide to use for harvesting. And then tamp in a small eggplant jar, laying them like cucumbers.

Boil the water. A three-liter jar is usually enough for one and a half liters of water or a little less, depending on the density of the eggplant in it. Pour the vegetables in boiling water with boiling water, cover it with a lid and “forget” about the eggplants for about half an hour. When the water has cooled down a little, drain it back into the pan with the help of a capron with holes. To prepare the brine, add salt to the water and bring it to a boil.

When the water boils, pour vinegar into the jar, followed by boiling marinade. He must fill the jar to the brim. The lids must first be sterilized, as they immediately need to roll up the jars until the brine has cooled. Turn the jars upside down and cover them with a blanket or warm clothes so that they cool down as slowly as possible.

Another option for harvesting eggplants entirely involves cooking them in brine for five minutes. To do this, first pickle is prepared, and then vegetables are cooked in it. After cooking, eggplants are laid out on the banks and poured marinade, in which they were cooked.

Stuffed Whole Eggplants

Depending on the filling, which you put in eggplants, you get a variety of delicious snacks. For example, a mixture of vegetables and herbs is ideal for stuffing. At 0.5 kg of eggplant you will need celery, one medium carrot, a small onion, a little root and parsley, 4-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Ingredients can be taken "by eye", depending on their proportions, the taste is slightly different.

Eggplants need to be cooked until half cooked in salted water. All components for the filling cut into cubes, onions - ringlets. Separately fry the onion, in another skillet stew parsley root and carrot. Mix these ingredients together, add fresh finely chopped greens, salt to taste.

Eggplant cut along not fully, so that you can open them and put inside the filling. So that the eggplants do not fall apart, and the stuffing does not fall out of them, tie each stuffed vegetable with a string. Tightly stuff the stuffed eggplants in cans, close the necks with a clean thin cloth, gauze will do. After two days, you need to pour the eggplants on top of the pre-heated sunflower oil. Store any of these blanks in a cool dark place.

Whole canned eggplants  - This is a great preparation for the winter. These eggplants are essentially a semi-finished product. In winter, they just need to cut, add onions and fill with sunflower oil. To taste, eggplants are obtained as fermented. Preparing is not difficult at all. Try it for sure! From this number of products you get 3 two-liter jars of eggplants.

For cooking whole eggplants, you will need:

eggplants - 6 kg;

garlic - 2 heads;

bulgarian sweet pepper - 3 pcs .;

vinegar 9% - 200 ml;

salt coarse - 400 g;

water - 6 liters.

After that, pour all the eggplant jars with boiling brine to the top (in which they were boiled), cover with sterilized lids. Sterilize banks in boiling water: 2-liter - 15 minutes, liter - 10 minutes. For sterilization: pour water into a large saucepan, put a soft cloth on the bottom, put on the fire. Heat the water until hot, put a jar of eggplants in the pan so that the water is on the "hangers". Next, bring the water to a boil and count the time of sterilization from the moment of boiling water.

Good appetite!

Marinated eggplants - a delicious spicy snack. When serving, you can pour it with refined vegetable oil and sprinkle with fresh greens grown on the windowsill. Spicy slices of eggplants can accompany any meat dishes. These eggplants are added to salads and stews, cutting the strips into several pieces. For pickling, choose vegetables with small seeds so that the pulp structure is tender.

There are many recipes for marinated instant eggplant, our version is simple, we can preserve the eggplant in large pieces, which are convenient to cut and serve with other vegetables. Something in taste, they resemble pickled mushrooms. Eggplants are perfectly combined with Korean carrot, cucumbers, olives, they are very good with odorous sunflower oil. Georgians love to cook them with nuts, so one of the snack options is to cut them, pour lightly with homemade butter, sprinkle with freshly chopped greens and chopped walnuts.

  It will turn out one two-liter jar of pickled eggplants.

How to cook quick marinated eggplants for the winter without sterilization

Ripe eggplants with dark purple sides are suitable for pickling in this fast way. Immediately lay aside those fruits on the surface of which there are green areas. It is better to stop your eyes on even eggplants of the same size, all hooked and “bellied” vegetables do not have tender pulp with small seeds. Deformed fruits are usually used for caviar preparation.
Eggplants are washed. Cut off the "legs" and sepals, capturing a small area of ​​adjacent pulp as shown in the photo.

Each eggplant is cut lengthwise into 4 equal parts.

Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, throw 1 teaspoon of salt. When water boils, throw eggplant slices into it. Vegetables should be in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Then they are immediately caught with a slotted spoon and put in a colander to drain excess liquid. You can boil eggplants in portions in two steps. The water in which the eggplants are blanched cannot be used as the basis of the marinade.

A standard set of spices is put on the bottom of a sterilized jar: a whole pod of hot pepper, peeled garlic, a couple of bay leaves, allspice of allspice.

The jar is filled with hot blanched eggplant slices.

Then prepare the marinade: pour water into the pan, put salt and sugar, throw the remaining bay leaves. Marinade boil for 5 minutes.

Firstly, vinegar is poured into a jar, then hot marinade is poured.

The jar is immediately covered with a sterilized lid and rolled.

Then turn the jar, and wrapped in several layers of warm fabric. Pickled eggplants should be “under the covers” for 24 hours. The cooled billet is taken to the cellar. Quick pickled eggplants without sterilization
it is not necessary to close for the winter, in summer and autumn they can be eaten a day after preparation.

   Calorie:   Not specified
   Time for preparing: 60 min

  Pickled eggplants always fly off the plates first among others. For this reason, I always have in stock a variety of blanks from blue ones. I do not cook eggplants entirely for the winter as often as I would like for only one reason - it is not always possible to buy little blue ones that easily fit in one-liter jars. I do not recommend cutting large fruits into pieces. Add carrots in a jar or not - you decide. In fact, we put carrots in jars for beauty rather than taste. You will learn all the details of cooking eggplants entirely for the winter from our recipe with a photo that will tell everything in detail and step by step.

Ingredients per liter jar:

- small eggplants - 1 kg,
- small carrots - 1 pc.,
- greens (dill, parsley),
- garlic - 5-6 cloves.


- cold water - 0.7 l,
- salt coarse - 1.5 tbsp. spoons b / g,
- sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide,
- Table vinegar 9% - 100 ml,
- peppercorns - 10 pcs.,
- bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.,
- mustard seeds - 1 tsp.,
- carnation - 3-5 stars,
- Hot pepper on request.


Wash small eggplants thoroughly, cut on both sides and chop with a fork in several places so that the marinade will quickly fulfill its purpose.

  Dip eggplants in boiling saline solution (1/2 tsp. Of salt for 1 liter of water). Blanch the fruit in boiling salted water for 5-6 minutes before discoloration and medium soft eggplants.

  Put the little blue ones into a colander, which in turn is set on a bowl, where excess liquid will flow.

  Cover the eggplant with a saucer and put something heavy on it as a load. A can of cereal or sugar is fine.

  Meanwhile, prepare the marinade for pouring whole eggplants: pour cold water into a saucepan / bowl, add salt, sugar, bay leaf, allspice and hot peppers, cloves and mustard seeds (if desired). Marinade bring to a boil and boil for another 3 minutes. Pour the vinegar into the marinade just before pouring it into the eggplant jar.

  Chop fresh greens, peeled carrots cut into thin slices with a vegetable cutter. Peel the garlic and cut into pieces.

  At the bottom of the prepared jars put a little garlic, herbs and carrots.

  Then add eggplants in a single layer, then garlic greens and carrots.

  In the same way, fill the whole jar with whole eggplants, carrot slices, chopped greens and pieces of garlic.

  Pour boiling marinade with vinegar into the jar so that the liquid completely covers the blue ones and reaches the very edge of the jar.

  Close / screw the lid on the billet for the winter, turn it upside down, cover with a warm blanket and let it stand in this position until it cools completely. Then put the banks with whole eggplants for the winter in a dark and cool place. If you used, like me, a jar with a cogged lock and a glass lid, it is advisable to store the workpiece in a refrigerator.

  Marinated eggplants for the winter - a great snack, as well as the basis for winter salads. The easiest of them: cut the pickled eggplants into slices, sprinkle with red onion rings, sprinkle the marinade from the jar and sprinkle with a spoon of delicious butter.
Good appetite!
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