How to bake a cake quickly and easily

22.07.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Variety of sweet cakes. The first cakes are of Italian origin. In Italian, the pastry chef is tortie. The famous French proverb "Tastes do not argue" in Italian sounds "Cakes do not argue."The word “cake” in Italian means torsion, tortuosity and means intricate, tortuous cream decorations that are made on top of cakes.

Cakes are usually large (sometimes very large - up to a meter in diameter) confectionery in the shape of a low cylinder or having an elliptical, rectangular, triangular and even pyramidal and conical shape.

A common external sign for cakes is their decoratively processed surface, for which different, dissimilar confectionary methods are used, with the common goal of creating an attractive product.

Since cakes are predominantly ceremonial, festive products, confined to any events in the family or social life of people, their appearance, external surface, design, decorative qualities play a much larger role for people than their indigenous, essential properties. Therefore, the tendency to distinguish cakes not by the type of their preparation and the type of dough, but by the names that distinguish their visible, external feature: the cake is chocolate, fruit, cream, etc., and sometimes by the names that They have no relation to the confectionery essence at all and rather hide, but do not at all reflect the content of the cake: “Gift”, “Youth”, “Fairy Tale”, “Jubilee”, etc. - and are accepted only for advertising purposes.

Cookery: “From Europe with love. Baking from A to Z »

All cakes in the pastry relation can be divided into the following categories:

Real cakes or whole baked cakes. These are, in essence, sweet cakes, most often half-open or closed, as well as solid cakes of dough, which, after baking, are only slightly decoratively processed from above by applying glaze, a pad of citronates (see), etc. Their sweet part consists of jams, nuts, honey, and the dough is in most cases yeast. This type of cakes is the best in quality, for it grew out of popular national sweet products, mainly of eastern nations, prepared from natural, high-quality food materials through a long, careful dough processing and giving a generally tasty, healthy, nutritious product.

Italian style cakes, in which the test portion - the bottom, the outer shell (walls), and sometimes the top cover - is baked separately from the sweet - fruit, cream - stuffing part and which are filled with any filling already in a cold form. Italian cakes can pass in assembled form and short-term secondary processing, the purpose of which is either to fuse the dissimilar materials put in such a cake, or to zaglazirovat their surface, to measure it.

Prefab cakes. The most common and most diverse group of cakes prepared from different materials, but in one way: they are made from different types of dough (the dough is baked separately as a semi-finished product, then layered and variously processed - impregnation, spreading, prepressing, applying decorative patterns, glazes and etc.)

According to the applied test, this group is divided into the following types of cakes:

FrenchMade from biscuit or puff pastry. Biscuit dough can be with different flavors (coffee, cocoa, almonds) and have a different color (egg-yellow, light brown, dark chestnut). It is cut horizontally into narrow slices from large biscuits so that there are three (not two, as we do) biscuit layers in the cake. Biscuit layers are soaked with syrups containing rum or brandy, and then overlap each other, alternately smearing with marmalade, jam, creams.

Puff pastry baked immediately thin wide cakes (or even more thin sheets). They are not subjected to either trenching or impregnation with syrups, like biscuits, but directly layered over each other; layers are coated with more liquid - in comparison with biscuits - creams. Puff pastry or waffles soften themselves gradually under the influence of the cream applied on them, therefore such cakes stand after making at least 6 hours so that full impregnation occurs.

Viennese. In principle, they are assembled in the same way as French ones, but for the base of the cakes, they use yeast-based Viennese dough, and in biscuits, in waffles, and especially in puff pastry, whipped cream spread is used. Instead of jam and cognac, butter-chocolate and milk-coffee combinations, combinations of whipped cream with egg creams are used mainly for spreading and impregnating.

Waffle cakes.The most monotonous, "boring" type of cakes, consisting of waffles with coffee or chocolate thick and devoid of moisture spread, which is most often quickly prepared ganazhevaya mass (see). These cakes are more convenient to transport, they are stored for a long time, but they are coarse, uniform in taste.

Sand cakes.  They are made from separately baked shortbread dough shortbread, then mounted into the cake. Impregnation of the dough base is not made, but greasing is always fruit and berry, marmalade. From above such cakes are glazed with simple icing, and then decorated with cream or applications. This is the cheapest and “dangerous” kind of cakes for full and full-bodied people.

Liquid cakes (characteristic of the UK). A layer of biscuit dough is put on the bottom of a deep porcelain dish (or glass deep dish), then the whole dish is filled with pieces (sometimes scraps) of any shape and size from biscuits, nut cookies, attendants, in complete disarray, so that between the fragments of the finished cookies as many gaps as possible. When the dish is filled almost to the brim, cognac syrup is poured into it at first, then liquid marmalade and, putting a number of different pieces of different biscuits, are poured onto the edges with butter-sweet egg confectionery. Candied fruits, citronates, ground nuts can be put on the surface of this cake, and the cake is placed in the fridge for 24 hours. This type of cakes does not need any decorations or any additional work - it is the simplest in terms of its manufacturing technology and one of the most delicious. It reflected British disdain for all kinds of pomposity, French dusting of the eyes, and emphasized the meaning of true content and taste: the cake, on which no effort was made, was the most delicious, or at least one of the most delicious.

Cheese CakesCakes baked entirely from the curd-flour confectionery mass with the addition of lifting means (soda, cremetartara, baking powder). These are delicious, pleasant, healthy cakes, the surface of which is coated with protein glaze with sugar, and then decorated in the same way as that of ordinary pastry cakes.

Baking in accordance with GOST. The taste of our childhood!

Tips for decorating cakes:

1.Surface glazing  (top cover of the cake) glazes, egg white, thick cream, followed by drying.

2. Applications  - the imposition of ready-made decorative elements (balls, leaves, stars, etc.) made of chocolate, caramel, candied fruits, citronates, etc.

3. Decorating with a cream (creams) using a pastry bag, syringe and set of cornets, using pre-prepared stencils of paper or cardboard, the design of which is made by the confectioner on the cake. Pohlebkin. 2005.)

1. Delicious "Pancho Cake"

Cooking process:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Squirrels beat in a strong foam (10 minutes with a mixer).

  2. Then, continuing to beat, in small portions enter 1 cup of sugar.

  3. Enter the egg yolks (one by one).

  4. Cocoa sift through a sieve to avoid lumps, pour in the dough and mix gently.

  5. Then in a few receptions add flour and soda, quenched with lemon juice and baking powder.

6. Grease the form. Pour the dough and put in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees until cooked. If the surface is already baked, and the middle is not, cover the top of the base with parchment or foil. Korzh takes about an hour.

  7. Cut off the cake 1.5-2 cm high from the ready cooled biscuit, and cut the rest into cubes 3-4 cm.

8. Beat sour cream. Beat about 10 minutes until it becomes fluffy and airy mass.

  9. Add 1 cup sugar, beat about 5 minutes.

  10. Lubricate the cake with sour cream, put crushed walnuts.

  11. Each piece of dough dipped in cream and spread on the cake. Fold the cake in the shape of a hill. Pour the cake with sour cream.

12. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and apply a characteristic pattern.

2. Popular cake "Snickers"

Cooking process:

Cake meringue:  7 whipped proteins with 400 gr. sugar, make one cake with a diameter of 26 cm. (draw a circle with a diameter of 24 cm on paper, and the cake will then spread out to 26 cm.), and dry out the remaining meringue of chopsticks. The cake from 3-4 proteins will be normal (for 1 protein - 60 g sugar).

Cream:  A can of boiled condensed milk and 150 g of plums. butter room temperature-ry) - beat.

Nuts:  Roasted peanuts, 200 grams (or to taste) Grind with a rolling pin is not very small.


1. Mix softened butter with sugar until butter turns white.

2. Continuing to beat, add eggs one at a time. Then add sour cream and beat well too.

3. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients: flour, salt, soda and cocoa.

4. Add the dry ingredients to the butter-egg-sour cream mixture and stir until the flour has dissolved, but the dough remains lumpy. Stir the dough with flour is not necessary.

5. Preheat oven to 160oС. Coat the large cake pan with butter and fill the mold with 1/3 dough. Well fit the shape of 24 cm in diameter. Readiness of the biscuit is checked by piercing the biscuit with a knife or a wooden stick. If the dough does not stick to the stick, you can get a sponge cake.


1. If you get a dry biscuit, then soak it with sugar syrup, or saturated compote ...

  2. Cool the biscuit and cut into two halves.

  3. Lubricate the surface with half of the cream, sprinkle with thick nuts.

  4. Cover with the meringue cake, smear with cream and spices nuts.

  5. Put biscuit cake on top, slightly press down.

  6. Pour chocolate icing and sprinkle with nuts.

3. Delicious Chocolate cake on kefir "Night"

Cooking process:

Cooking cakes:

1. Add soda to warm kefir, add sifted flour, sugar, mix 2 eggs and mix thoroughly. Soda do not need to extinguish, it is perfectly extinguished by kefir acid. The dough will turn out liquid, like on pancakes, so you can stir with a mixer. In the finished dough, add cocoa to taste - from 4 to 8 tablespoons and stir again. To prevent cocoa from clumping, it can be sifted through a sieve.

  2. At the bottom of the form I cut parchment paper, edges i grease with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or decoy - so that the cakes are not stuck. Pour the dough with a thickness of 1 cm. Depending on the diameter of your form, you will get a different number of cakes.

Preparation of cream:

  1. Beat eggs into strong foam, add a little milk and 2 tablespoons of flour, beat again. The rest of the milk boil with sugar and reduce the heat to a minimum. With a thin stream, constantly stirring, pour the egg-flour mixture into boiling sweet milk.

  2. We continue to stir, especially carefully at the bottom, until the cream thickens. It usually takes 5 - 7 minutes.

3. The cream should be cooled to room temperature, and the oil, respectively, to room temperature to heat.

  4. Mix the warm oil in the cooled cream to complete homogeneity. It remains only to smear the cakes with cream and let it soak for at least 4 hours. At will, the top of the cake can be decorated with whatever you like)!

4. Insanely delicious Cake with condensed milk "Sweet fantasy"

Cooking process:

  Let's do the shortcakes:

  1. Remove the butter in advance so that it becomes soft.

  2. Beat the eggs, add sugar and beat again. Sugar should dissolve.

3. Combine the egg-sugar mixture with sour cream and butter. Add flour, soda and replace the dough. Put it in the fridge for 30 minutes.

  4. Then divide the dough into 3 parts and thinly roll it into a rectangle. Especially to observe the form is not necessary, because then the cakes will need to be cut, and trim will be needed for decoration.

5. Put each layer on a baking sheet and pierce in different places with a fork.

  6. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 ° C.

  7. Cool the ready-made cakes, put them on top of each other and cut off the edges to make even rectangles.

  8. Place the trimmings in the oven for 10 minutes so that they dry well and become saturated in color, and then chop (alternatively, use a rolling pin).

Now you can do cream:

  1. Melt the chocolate. To do this, put it in a small deep plate for a couple of minutes in the microwave.

2. Combine boiled condensed milk with butter and melted chocolate and mix thoroughly.

  3. Peanut peeled, chopped with a rolling pin, add to cream and mix.

  4. Each cake to smear cream.

  5. At the last cake layer, coat the top and edges.

  6. Sprinkle on top with crumbs and grated chocolate.

7. Put in the fridge for 2-3 hours so that the cake is thoroughly soaked.

5. Very tasty "Big Strawberry Pancake Cake"

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the eggs lightly with salt.

  2. Add flour, milk, water, melted butter alternately, whipping thoroughly and stirring after each stage.

  3. In a hot skillet, fry thin pancakes and place them on a separate clean plate before applying the cream.

  4. Put sugar and protein in the water bath.

  5. Keep in a water bath, whipping until sugar dissolves.

6. Remove from heat and add to steady peaks with a mixer.

  7. Gradually add the butter at room temperature, stirring thoroughly so that no pieces of butter remain. Add vanillin, mix for the last time.

  8. Apply a little cream between the pancakes and over the entire surface outside.

  9. Decorate with thinly sliced ​​strawberries and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

10. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours to harden the cake.

  * Correction to the recipe: Vanillin is NOT 2 teaspoons, but quite a bit ... literally on the tip of a knife!

6. Unreal tasty Chocolate cake"  (without flour)!

Cooking process:

  1. Protein whisk until elastic foam. Add half the sugar (75 g). Beat another 1 minute. Beat yolks until white with remaining sugar. Add cocoa, gently mix. It should be such a chocolate mass.

2. Gradually interfere with proteins.

  3. Put baking paper on a baking sheet, grease it with a thin layer of butter. Distribute the dough.

  4. Bake in the oven heated to 180 degrees for about 30-35 minutes. The dough will rise first, and then fall - do not be alarmed, this is normal. Give the cake to cool. Cut it into 4 equal parts, separate from the paper.

5. Make a cream.  To do this, heat the cream almost to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from the heat, put the chocolate broken into pieces. We interfere, wait until the chocolate is dissolved and get a homogeneous chocolate cream.

6. The top layer as well as the sides are also lubricated with cream. We send the finished cake in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

  7. After that you can enjoy ...

7. Unique Grated Cheesecake

Cooking process:

1. Heat the oven to 175 C. Grease a baking pan with butter and sprinkle with flour. In a large bowl, mix flour, baking powder. Then add butter, cocoa, sugar and milk.

  2. Blind the ball out of the dough and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes at least, preferably in the freezer for one or two hours, so that the dough becomes harder to rub.

  3. In a mixer bowl, mix cream cheese, egg yolks, lemon zest, vanilla sugar and starch. Beat at least 2 minutes.

  4. In a separate container, whisk the egg whites until a foam is formed, but do not overdo it to prevent sedimentation.

  5. Mix proteins with bulk (cheese, etc.).

  6. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into 2 parts, one of which is grated.

  7. Spread dough on the form. Then evenly distribute the cheese filling.

  8. Top with a layer of grated dough.

  9. Bake for about 45-50 minutes. Cool and serve.

8. Delicious Minute Cake (without baking)

Cooking process:

Cooking cakes:

  1. Making the dough for the cake, mixing all the ingredients (flour, condensed milk, egg, soda). Divide the dough into 8 pieces.

  2. Roll out one slice with a diameter larger than a frying pan and spread on a preheated griddle.

  3. In a minute we turn over (the cakes are roasted very quickly).

  4. Cut off the cut cake cut (then trim will go to sprinkle the cake).

Cooking cream:

  1. Mix all the components except the oil, and set on fire until thick, while intensively stirring.

  2. At the end add butter to the hot cream.


  1. Grease cakes with warm cream, sprinkle top and sides with crushed crumbs.

  2. Leave the cake for a few hours to soak.

9. Loved by all women cake pigeon's milk"  (without baking)

Cooking process:

  Pour a glass of cold water with 10 g of gelatin for the chocolate layer. Let it stand.

Stir the sugar (4 tbsp.) And cocoa powder (4 tbsp., I took Nesquik). When the gelatin swells, add sugar with cocoa. Heat to dissolve gelatin.

Pour into prepared mold (oiled). Put in the freezer to freeze the mixture for 20-30 minutes.

  Gelatin (20 g) pour 1 cup of cold milk. Leave the gelatin to swell.

Sour cream, mascarpone, low-fat cream and 1 cup of sugar, beat until thick.

  We warm up the gelatin that is swollen in milk and pour it into a container with a milky mass, without turning off the mixer, and beat until completely mixed. Leave 10 minutes for the mass to cool.

We take out from the freezer the form with the stiffened chocolate layer. Pour the top white layer. We put in the fridge until complete freezing. Good to leave for the night. Form overturned and ....enjoy!

All cakes are cooked very easily and quickly! from the Internet

cakes are cooked very easily and quickly!

1. The most delicious and fast cake
2. Simple and delicious kefir cake
3. Curd cake in a pan
4. Minute cake in the microwave
5. Minute cake in the pan
6. Tiramisu in 5 minutes



eggs - 2 pcs.
sugar - 1 tbsp.
milk - 1 tbsp.
jam - 1 tbsp. (blackberry, black currant, plum or blueberry)
soda - 2 tsp
2 tbsp. flour

Cream Cake:

sour cream - 2 tbsp.
icing sugar - 1/2 Art.


1. For the cake, take 2 eggs, beat, and add 1 cup sugar.
2. Add one glass of milk, one glass of jam, two glasses of flour, 2 teaspoons of soda.
3. We bake 2 cake at a temperature of 180 gr. and cut them into layers.
4. Beat two glasses of thick sour cream and 0.5 cup of powdered sugar.
5. Korzhi promezhem sour cream and put the cake soaked in the fridge.


Very easy to prepare and at the same time delicious cake. Preparation takes very little time and power, even for novice hostesses. If you have half a liter of kefir left and you do not know what to do with it, bake a kefir cake!


3 eggs
1 cup of kefir
1 cup of sugar
0.5 tsp soda (pay off)
2 cups of flour

500 g sour cream
100 grams of sugar


1. Whip everything well (the dough should turn out like thick sour cream).
2. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, add 1 tsp to one of them. cocoa.
3. Bake 2 cakes, cool and cut with a sharp knife into 2 parts.
4. Smear the cakes with cream (you can add nuts or candied fruits if desired).
5. Sprinkle cocoa on top.
6. Let it stand (about 3 hours).



1 egg
200 g of cottage cheese
1 tbsp. Sahara
250-300 g of flour
1 tsp slaked soda


500 ml of milk
1 egg
1 tbsp. Sahara
3 tbsp. flour
150-200 g butter
the nuts


1. Grind the egg with sugar and flour, add vanillin, pour in milk. Stir with a whisk, put on a slow fire, boil until thick, constantly stirring. Cool completely.
2. Beat the butter with a mixer, gradually adding the cooled custard mass.
3. Mix the egg with sugar, add the cottage cheese, vanillin, soda and gradually introduce the flour. The dough should turn out not quite steep, but dense.
4. Divide into 6-8 parts. Thinly roll, chop with a fork, so as not to swell. Bake until browning in the pan on both sides. Trim jagged edges. Cool it down.
5. Smear cakes with cream, sprinkle with nuts and chocolate.



Chicken Egg - 1 pc.
Milk - 5 tbsp.
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.
Sugar - 4 tbsp.
Wheat flour - 3 tbsp.
Starch - 1 tbsp.
baking powder - 1 tsp.


1. First, beat the egg with sugar.

2. Then add cocoa to our mixture and mix gently.

3. Now add flour, starch and baking powder to our chocolate mixture and mix everything thoroughly.

5. Pour our dough, into the form, greased butter and send it in the microwave to maximum power. If the power is 1000, then for 3 minutes, if 800 - then for 3.5 minutes.

6. After 3 minutes, we have such a wonderful biscuit.

7. Now turn our biscuit into a wonderful cake. To do this, cut the biscuit into 2 parts, beat the sour cream with sugar, which is soaked in our cake, sandwich with strawberries and invite everyone to tea.



For cake layers:

3 tbsp. flour
1 can of condensed milk
1 egg
1 tsp soda (pay off with vinegar)

For cream:

750 g of milk
200 g butter
1.5 Art. Sahara
2 eggs
3-4 Art. l flour
1 bag of vanilla


1. Making the dough for the cake, mixing all the ingredients (flour, condensed milk, egg, soda). Divide the dough into 8 pieces.
2. Roll out one slice with a diameter larger than a frying pan and spread on a preheated griddle.
3. In a minute we turn over (the cakes are roasted very quickly).
4. Cut off the cut cake cut (then trim will go to sprinkle the cake).
5. Prepare the cream: mix all the ingredients except the oil, and set on fire until thick, while intensively stirring. At the end add butter to the hot cream.
6. Grease cakes with warm cream, sprinkle top and sides with crushed crumbs.
7. Leave the cake for a few hours to soak.



110 g cream cheese
5 tablespoons of condensed milk
4 tablespoons of heavy cream
3 drops of vanilla
1 cup of coffee
Cookies "Ladies Fingers"
Grated chocolate


1. In a bowl, beat the cheese, cream, milk and vanilla.
2. Dip cookies in coffee for a few seconds so that they are not soaked.
3. Put the cookies in a solid layer in the dish.
4. Apply half of the whipped mixture.
5. Put the second layer of cookies and close the remaining mixture.
6. Grate the chocolate.
7. Refrigerate for a couple of hours before serving.

6 recipes for the fastest and most delicious cakes. All cakes are cooked very easily and quickly! Every hostess should be in the piggy bank;) 1. The most delicious and fast cake 2. Simple and delicious kefir cake 3. Curd cake in a frying pan 4. Minute cake in a microwave 5. Minute cake in a pan 6. Tiramisu in 5 minutes Recipes: 1. The recipe for the most delicious and fast cake !!! Ingredients: Eggs - 2 pcs. Sugar - 1 tbsp. Milk - 1 tbsp. Jam - 1 tbsp. (blackberry, black currant, plum or blueberry) Soda - 2 tsp. Flour - 2 tbsp. Cream cake: Sour cream - 2 tbsp. Sugar powder - 1/2 Art. Preparation: 1. For the cake, take 2 eggs, beat, and add 1 cup of sugar. 2. Add one glass of milk, one glass of jam, two glasses of flour, 2 teaspoons of soda. 3. We bake 2 cake at a temperature of 180 gr. and cut them into layers. 4. Beat two glasses of thick sour cream and 0.5 cup of powdered sugar. 5. Korzhi promazhem sour cream and put the cake soak in the fridge. 2. The recipe for a simple and delicious kefir cake !!! Very simple and tasty cake. Cooking takes quite a bit of time and power even for novice hostesses. If you have half a liter of kefir, and you do not know what to do with it, bake the kefir cake! Ingredients for the dough: Eggs - 3 pcs. Kefir - 1 cup Sugar - 1 cup Soda (pay off) - 0.5 tsp. Flour - 2 cups On the cream: Sour cream - 500 g Sugar - 100 g Preparation: 1. Whip everything well (the dough should work out like thick sour cream). 2. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, add 1 tsp to one of them. cocoa. 3. Bake 2 cakes, cool and cut with a sharp knife into 2 parts. 4. Grease cakes with cream. Optionally, you can add nuts or candied fruit. 5. Sprinkle cocoa on top. 6. Let it stand for about 3 hours. 3. Recipe for cottage cheese cake in a pan! Ingredients: Eggs - 1 pc. Cottage cheese - 200 g Sugar - 1 tbsp. Vanillin Flour - 250–300 g Slaked soda - 1 tsp. Cream: Milk - 500 ml Egg chicken - 1 pc. Sugar - 1 tbsp. Flour - 3 tbsp. l Vanillin Butter - 150–200 g Nuts Chocolate Preparation: 1. Grind the egg with sugar and flour, add vanillin, pour in milk. Stir with a whisk, put on a slow fire, boil until thick, constantly stirring. Cool completely. 2. Beat the butter with a mixer, gradually adding the cooled custard mass. 3. Mix the egg with sugar, add the cottage cheese, vanillin, soda and gradually introduce the flour. The dough should turn out not quite steep, but dense. 4. Divide into 6–8 parts. Thinly roll, chop with a fork, so as not to swell. Bake until browning in the pan on both sides. Trim jagged edges. Cool it down. 5. Smear cakes with cream, sprinkle with nuts and chocolate. 4. Microwave cake recipe in the microwave Ingredients: Egg - 1 pc. Milk - 5 tbsp. l Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l Sugar - 4 tbsp. l Wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l Starch - 1 tbsp. l Baking dough - 1 tsp. Preparation: 1. First, beat the egg with sugar. 2. Then add cocoa to our mixture and mix gently. 3. Now add flour, starch and baking powder to our chocolate mixture and mix everything thoroughly. 4. Next, add vegetable oil and milk to the rather thick dough. Knead well. 5. Pour our dough into a greased form and send it to the microwave at maximum power. If the power is 1000, then for 3 minutes, if 800 - then for 3.5 minutes. 6. After 3 minutes, we have such a wonderful biscuit. 7. Now turn our biscuit into a wonderful cake. To do this, cut the sponge cake into 2 parts, beat the sour cream with sugar, with which we soak our cake, sandwich with strawberries and invite everyone to tea. 5. Recipe for cake "Minute" in a pan Ingredients for cake layers: Flour - 3 tbsp. Condensed milk - 1 can Chicken egg - 1 pc. Soda (quench with vinegar) - 1 tsp. For the cream: Milk - 750 g Butter - 200 g Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. Eggs - 2 pcs. Flour - 3-4 tbsp. l Vanillin - 1 bag Preparation: 1. Making the dough for the cake, mixing all the ingredients (flour, condensed milk, egg, soda). Divide the dough into 8 pieces. 2. Roll out one slice with a diameter larger than a frying pan and spread on a preheated griddle. 3. In a minute we turn over (the cakes are roasted very quickly). 4. Cut off the cut cake cut (then trim will go to sprinkle the cake). 5. Prepare the cream: mix all the ingredients except the oil, and set on fire until thick, while intensively stirring. At the end add butter to the hot cream. 6. Grease cakes with warm cream, sprinkle top and sides with crushed crumbs. 7. Leave the cake for a few hours to soak. 6. Recipe for tiramisu, which can be prepared in 5 minutes Ingredients: Cream cheese - 110 g Condensed milk - 5 tbsp. l Fatty cream - 4 tbsp. l Vanilla - 3 drops of Coffee - 1 cup Ladies Fingers Cookies Grated chocolate Preparation: 1. In a bowl, beat the cheese, cream, milk and vanillin. 2. Dip the cookies in the coffee for a few seconds so that they are not soaked. 3. Put the cookies in a solid layer in the dish. four. Apply half of the whipped mixture. 5. Put the second layer of cookies and close the remaining mixture. 6. Grate the chocolate. 7. Refrigerate for a couple of hours before serving.