Preservation of blackcurrant compote. Blackcurrant compote: cooking recipes

05.07.2023 Snacks

Juices, compotes, currant decoctions are less high-calorie preparations for the winter than the well-known berry jam. However, they are very useful. Blackcurrant is the undisputed leader in vitamin C, second only to rose hips. For 100 g of berries - 400 mg of ascorbic acid, 100 g of useful fruits are enough to replenish the daily dose of vitamin C. Blackcurrant compote prepared for the winter is almost as useful as fresh berries, especially when you drink it during the vitamin deficiency season.

The benefits of currant compote

Healing properties are not only in black fruits, the leaves, flowers, twigs and buds of the plant are of value.

What is useful compote:

  • helps in the fight against colds, flu, tonsillitis, pneumonia;
  • useful in diseases of the genitourinary system, liver, kidneys;
  • has antipyretic and strengthening effect;
  • relieves inflammation, tones, cleanses;
  • is a natural antiseptic;
  • favorably affects the body with rheumatism, arthritis, gastritis, gout, anemia;
  • normalizes metabolism, glucose, cleanses the blood.

Blackcurrant compote helps people with heartburn, normalizes sugar levels, reduces blood pressure.

Currant preparations are not recommended for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, prone to the formation of blood clots. Vitamin K, which is part of the berries, increases blood clotting. Therefore, it is undesirable to drink blackcurrant compote after a heart attack, stroke. The product is contraindicated in hepatitis and stomach ulcers.

Tips for making blackcurrant compote

By fulfilling several conditions, you can get a very tasty and healthy drink that will supply you with vitamins all winter:

  • use only high-quality, filtered water;
  • if you are preparing compote from frozen berries, they should be put immediately into boiled syrup without prior defrosting;
  • acid or lemon juice will help preserve the healing components;
  • if apples are added to currant compote, then cinnamon will also be needed;
  • excess acid is removed with a pinch of salt;
  • hot water is needed for fresh fruits, they will give up their juice faster, while the beneficial qualities will remain;
  • use different sugar, including cane;
  • instead of sugar, you can use honey, which is put in a cooled compote;
  • other fruits are often added to currant compote: apples, orange, gooseberries, lemon, cranberries, cherries;
  • spices are added a couple of minutes before readiness: mint, cinnamon, vanillin, nutmeg;
  • it is not recommended to add persimmon, banana, quince, pomegranate to blackcurrant compote;
  • syrup for compote should be prepared “with a margin”, let it be better to remain superfluous than not enough. From the remaining syrup, you can immediately make fruit drinks or cook compote for immediate use;
  • jars into which compote is poured must certainly be sterilized, as well as lids;
  • compotes prepared without sterilization can be stored at room temperature for 3-4 months, in the refrigerator - up to a year. Sterilized drinks are stored one and a half to two times longer.

Interesting! You can close compotes without sugar, in winter you just need to add honey or granulated sugar to the drink before drinking. True, such compotes are stored for a short time, they will not even reach the new harvest in the refrigerator.

Preparing berries

Currant picking takes place from mid to late July. Before picking the fruits, they are tasted - it should be sweetish-sour, and the berries should be black. Brown and red color indicates the immaturity of the fruit. On young bushes, maturation occurs faster than on old plants.

Overripe currants should not be allowed, overripe ones will fall off, crack, become soft.

The berries are harvested in the morning, in dry weather, the heat degrades the quality of the fruit. You can pick blackcurrants with a stalk, because they have a thick skin.

Unripe berries reach in a few days.

  1. Currants are sorted from leaves and dry twigs, rotten and soft fruits are removed.
  2. The berries are washed in a colander, dipped into the water several times, or under running water, the thick skin of the currant can withstand a stream of water.
  3. Washed berries are placed on paper to dry.

Blackcurrant compote recipes for the winter

You can cook currant compote for the winter both in the traditional way, on a gas stove, and using modern kitchen appliances: a slow cooker, an induction hob.

Compote in a multicooker

The compote according to this recipe is quite concentrated, so it is better to close it in small (liter, 800-gram) jars and dilute it with water before use.

For 2 liters of water you will need:

  • 1-1.2 kg of currants;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Place the berries in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour water in there.
  3. Turn on the “steam cooking” mode for 6 minutes with the lid closed.
  4. After the water boils, add sugar.
  5. Close the lid of the unit, cook until the signal.
  6. Can be bottled.

Despite the fact that some of the vitamins are lost during heat treatment, the currant drink is still rich in vitamins B, A, C, E, as well as minerals and trace elements.

Classic blackcurrant compote recipe

Take 2 cups of sugar for 5 cups of berries.


  1. Put the fruits in a 3-liter sterilized jar.
  2. Boil water, pour into a jar of berries.
  3. Cover, wait 20 minutes.
  4. Carefully pour the water into the pan, the berries should remain in the jar.
  5. Pour sugar into water, boil for 3 minutes.
  6. Pour berries with hot syrup, roll up jars.
  7. Put under a warm blanket for 24 hours.

Before pouring the syrup a second time, you can add a bag of vanillin to the drink to give it an original taste.

Blackcurrant compote without sterilization

You will need:

  • berries - so much that the jars are filled by a third;
  • sugar - at the rate of 250 grams per liter of water.

How to cook:

  1. Wash jars thoroughly and sterilize well.
  2. Fill a third of the container with berries.
  3. Cover with lids, boil them first.
  4. Put the jars in a bowl of hot water for 20 minutes, and in the meantime boil the syrup.
  5. To prepare the syrup, pour sugar into water, bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Pour the syrup to the edges of the jar, there should be no air left.
  7. Close the lid, roll up, be sure to wrap it with a blanket.

Video: the easiest blackcurrant compote recipe

It is even easier to prepare blackcurrant compote for the winter. Enough:

  1. Take berries and sugar in a ratio of 2:1 (for a three-liter jar - 600 grams of currants and 300 grams, or one and a half cups, of sugar).
  2. Put the berries in a very well washed and sterilized jar.
  3. Pour boiling water to the very top.
  4. Roll up the lids, which should also be thoroughly washed and boiled.
  5. Turn the jars over, shake a little to dissolve the sugar.
  6. Put on lids, wrap well, leave to cool completely.

For all the details and subtleties of making compote according to this recipe, see the video:

Compote with lemon and cinnamon

For a 3 liter jar you will need:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 3 cups of fruits;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1.5 cups of granulated sugar;
  • one stick of cinnamon.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil water.
  2. Pour boiling water into a jar of berries.
  3. Wait 15 minutes.
  4. Drain the water into a saucepan, pour sugar into the same place, boil for 5 minutes.
  5. Put lemon and cinnamon in a jar, pour hot syrup over it.
  6. Turn the banks.

Instead of lemon and cinnamon, you can add ginger root. Only it needs to be boiled in syrup for 7 minutes.

Assorted compotes with blackcurrant

Blackcurrant harmonizes wonderfully with many other berries and fruits. Assorted compotes with it are distinguished by an interesting taste and unique aroma. You yourself can come up with many of your own original recipes, based on the ones described below.

Assorted blackcurrant, apple, gooseberry and orange

It will take(for a 3 liter jar):

  • currant - 150 g;
  • apples - 200 g;
  • gooseberries - 100 g;
  • half an orange;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • about 2.5 liters of water.

How to cook:

  1. Cut apples into slices.
  2. Boil syrup, pour fruits and berries into a sweet liquid, bring to a boil.
  3. Pour into banks, roll up.

Assorted compote of currants and gooseberries

For a three-liter jar:

  • currant red, white, black - 150 g each;
  • gooseberries - 200 g;
  • some mint;
  • 350 g of sugar;
  • water 3 l.


  1. Pour the berries into a glass container.
  2. Prepare hot sweet syrup, pour berries over it.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, drain the syrup, boil again.
  4. Put mint in a jar, pour liquid into a container, roll up.

Blackcurrant compote with raspberries and lemon balm

Need to take:

  • blackcurrant berries - 3 cups;
  • raspberries - 1 cup;
  • lemon - half;
  • melissa - 4 branches;
  • sugar - 900 g;
  • water - 3 l.

How to cook:

  1. Put currants, lemon, lemon balm in a jar.
  2. Put water on the fire, when it boils, slowly add sugar, constantly stirring.
  3. After 5 minutes, throw raspberries, boil for 2 minutes, turn off.
  4. Pour raspberry syrup into a jar, roll up.
  5. If the raspberry syrup remains, you can dilute it with water to taste and drink it like an ordinary compote.

Compote of frozen berries with mandarin and apples

You will need:

  • frozen blackcurrant - 1.5 cups;
  • tangerine - 1 pc;
  • apple - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 2 l.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the apple into slices, peel the mandarin.
  2. Add tangerine and apple slices to the boiling syrup, boil for 4 minutes.
  3. Add currants, boil for 1 minute after boiling, pour into jars.

Storing blackcurrant compote

Properly sealed drinks become clear after a few days. The appearance of bubbles or foam indicates spoilage of the product. Such preservation must be poured out, especially if the lid "exploded". If the banks have stood for more than 3 weeks without changes, you can hope that they will last all winter.

Compote is useful for the first 6 months. To please the family with vitamins, you should drink blanks before the end of winter.

If low-quality covers were used, they can oxidize, the oxide will get into the compote, and it will no longer be possible to enjoy the aroma of berries - such a product will change the taste and will not be useful.

Store jars in a dark, cool room, it is important that the beautiful color of the drink does not change. Under no circumstances should the jars be exposed to direct sunlight. Heat, light will destroy useful blanks. The optimum temperature for storing currant compote is 5-15 degrees.

Summer is the time when berries and fruits ripen, so every housewife seeks to save the harvest for the winter. Bright currant compote is distinguished by its aroma and abundance of substances useful for the body. In order for vitamins to be preserved in a delicious drink, it is important to follow the technology step by step. Incorrect heat treatment or an unfortunate combination of ingredients can cause jars to explode, so you need to choose a proven recipe.

Product Features

A delicious berry is difficult to confuse with other fruits. Small black “pearls” are covered with dense skin with a slight wax coating. Almost all aerial parts of the plant smell, which allows them to be used in cooking.

Currant drink has a rich red color and original aroma. Sweetish-sour compote is often drunk in cold weather, helping the body cope with colds and seasonal infections. The abundance of ascorbic acid increases immunity and removes harmful substances from the body.

One hundred grams of fresh raw materials contain only 44 kcal and special "burning" components - the product speeds up metabolism and improves mood, which is indispensable in winter. It is worth remembering that the concentration of nutrients is very high, which is not always perceived by the immune system. It is better for patients with allergies to refuse currant compote.

The amazing aroma of the berry is manifested both in a single performance and in combination with red currant. Compote contains a lot of fruit acids, which can irritate the digestive system in people with gastritis and ulcers. Experienced cooks leave less of the main product, preferring less "aggressive" additives.

Classic recipe - compote legend

The proven method is very simple and takes little time to prepare. The resulting drink has a rich color and aroma. Ingredients are taken on a three-liter jar:

  • currant - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • citric acid - a third of a teaspoon.

The berry is thoroughly washed, sorted out from spoiled specimens that can explode conservation. A quarter of the sterilized dishes are filled with fragrant material, poured with boiling water twice, left for 15 minutes and decanted. Before the last stage, a syrup of sand and lemons is boiled from the liquid. The blank is filled up to the shoulders, rolled up with a lid and wrapped in a towel.

The classic recipe can be slightly modified and take fruit on a branch with leaves. A fragrant and concentrated drink is diluted to taste before use. For a 3 liter glass container you need:

  • sugar - 350 g;
  • berries - 500 g;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet.

So that the workpiece does not explode, before conservation, the raw materials must be washed, all currants are carefully inspected and rotten berries are removed. Currants are placed in a hot jar, poured with boiling water and left for 30 minutes. The liquid is decanted into a saucepan, pour sugar and bring to a boil. The syrup is added to the product with vanillin, closed with a lid. If there is no cool place to store the drink, then it is better to sterilize for a quarter of an hour before rolling.

Supplement Options

Gourmets prefer to combine different ingredients in one dessert. A rich berry easily interrupts the taste of the "neighbor", so you need to choose the right combination. Heat treatment for different types of raw materials is also different, which will negatively affect the final result.

The concentration is easy to adjust on your own. If you need a rich taste, then it is better to take a double norm of raw materials. As a result, the liquid will be stronger and brightly colored.

Adding apples

Summer residents often face the problem of the abundance of early fruits that are poorly stored. Cooks are advised to prepare them for the winter with blackcurrants. To prepare 3 three-liter cans of a delicious drink, you need:

  • apples - 10 pcs.;
  • berries - 700 g;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Raw materials are sorted, washed and cut into slices, water is measured. Pour foods into hot dishes in layers, which should be poured with boiling water. Strain into a saucepan and make concentrated syrup from sweet sand. The bubbling compote is carefully added to the shoulders, rolled up with a lid. Preservation is turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool.

Citruses - exotic notes of the drink

An unusual taste is obtained by combining a berry with an orange. Delicate aroma with rich acidity will tone up the cold seasons. You will need components:

  • fruit - 1 liter jar;
  • citrus - half;
  • sugar - 350 g.

The berries are washed, the fruit is chopped and placed at the bottom of the jar. The raw material is scalded with boiling water for five minutes, the water is decanted and the syrup is prepared. The bubbling sweet concentrate is poured into the products, rolled up with a lid and wrapped in a towel.

To enhance the taste, lemon juice can be added to the drink. Gourmets recommend a combination with cinnamon or ginger root. An excellent aromatic bouquet is obtained when combined with dry mint and lemon balm.

with sea buckthorn

The exquisite fruits of the plant smell good and contain many useful components that help to cope with the seasonal blues. In combination with orange berries, the dessert will get a rich color and amazing aroma. Take as ingredients:

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • currant - 500 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sweet sand - 1 kg.

The products are washed under the tap, the stalks are sorted and removed. Bring water to a boil, add sugar and heat for 10 minutes. Raw materials are folded in a saucepan, poured with syrup and kept on fire for 5 minutes. The blank is neatly packaged in jars, rolled up. It is better to store preservation in a cold place. If there is no cellar, then the compote is sterilized.

with cherry

Cherry is a favorite component for compote, which is successfully combined with blackcurrant. A rich, tasty drink cannot be stored for longer than a year, otherwise hydrocyanic acid will begin to stand out from the seeds. If you get rid of the raw materials from the middle, then the dessert will stand for more than 24 months. Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • fruits - two glasses each;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • citric acid - a pinch;
  • water - 3 l.

Products are sorted, removing spoiled berries, left to drain in a colander. If there is a frozen cherry, then it does not need to be wetted. Pour sugar and lemon into boiling water, cook over low heat until the crystals disappear. Fruit is added to the dishes, boiled for ten minutes and poured into sterile jars.

With raspberries

A burgundy berry cocktail looks great in a cup and will please you with a pleasant taste in cold weather. To preserve the maximum of useful properties, the dessert is prepared without pre-cooking. For a liter container you need:

  • fruit mixture - 400 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • liquid - 1 liter.

Currants are blanched for 5 minutes, after which they are transferred to the bottom of a glass dish. At the same time, a syrup is prepared from raspberries and water with sugar. The workpiece is slowly poured over the shoulders with boiling moisture with fruit, left for 5 minutes, the liquid is decanted, heated again and the container is filled. Preservation is closed with lids, tightly wrapped with a blanket.

with cranberries

The original sour compote is easy to prepare from two types of popular berries. A huge amount of vitamins, combined with an unusual taste, will keep the body in good shape even on the most rainy winter days. A three-liter jar needs components (in grams):

  • currant - 500;
  • cranberries - 250;
  • sugar - 200.

Raw materials are put into a sieve and blanched in water for 3 minutes. The syrup is decanted into a saucepan, sand is added and simmered over low heat. The container is filled with berries, poured with concentrated syrup, rolled up with a lid and wrapped in a blanket. The abundance of acid in both cultures allows the dessert to be preserved without sterilization.

Currant compote is a fragrant drink that is easy to prepare for the winter. So that healthy berries do not lose vitamins, it is important to properly heat treat them. Original combinations of fruits will allow you to get unusual flavor combinations.

You can talk about the beneficial qualities of currants for a very long time. It is rich in vitamins B, E and C. It also contains potassium, pectin, phosphorus and iron. In our family, they don’t really like this fresh berry, since it has a rather specific taste, but no one refuses compote. It turns out very fragrant, tasty and incredibly useful.

I want to offer you some very simple recipes for blackcurrant compote, which have been prepared in our family for several generations.

How to cook blackcurrant compote

Inventory: saucepan, 3 liter jar, lid, seaming key.


Step by step cooking

  1. To begin with, we will prepare a jar in which the compote will be stored. Pour boiling water over it or sterilize it in a way convenient for you. From the indicated amount of ingredients, one three-liter jar of compote will be obtained.
  2. We sort out the blackcurrant berries and wash them several times. We spread about 460 g of washed berries in a jar.
  3. In a separate saucepan, bring clean water to a boil. We will need about 2.6 liters of water.
  4. When the water boils, pour currants with boiling water.
  5. We cover the jar with a metal lid and leave for 15 minutes so that the compote is infused.

  6. Add 230-260 g of sugar there. Adjust the amount of sugar to your liking.
  7. Bring the resulting syrup to a boil, and then pour it back into a jar of berries.

  8. We turn over the jar of compote, wrap it in a blanket and leave it to cool completely.

Such blanks can be stored all winter in a dark, cool place.

video recipe

Don't miss the opportunity to see how easy it is to preserve blackcurrants.

Blackcurrant and apple compote

Cooking time– 1 hour 20 minutes.
Servings- 3 to 3 liters.
Calories per 100 g- 60 kcal.
Inventory: saucepan, three-liter jars, sieve, lids, bowls, seaming key.


Step by step cooking

  1. Wash apples and black currants thoroughly. Remove the core of the apples and cut them into medium-sized slices.

    Blackcurrant compote is cooked not only with apples, you can replace them with oranges, raspberries or apricots. You can also add mint or cinnamon.

  2. We set clean jars to sterilize in a way convenient for you: on the stove (steamed), in the oven or microwave.
  3. Pour 8 liters of clean water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  4. Before putting berries with apples in a jar, they need to be blanched. Put in a sieve 3 stack. currants and 280 g of apples.
  5. When the water boils, lower the sieve into boiling water and blanch the measured portion of berries and apples for about 1 minute.
  6. Then we transfer them to a sterilized vessel. Do the same with the remaining ingredients. From this amount of ingredients, you should get 3 jars with a capacity of 3 liters.
  7. We spread 1.4 kg of sugar in boiling water, mix and cook the syrup for 5-10 minutes. If desired, the amount of sugar can be reduced, but it should be no less than 100 g per 1 liter of water.
  8. Pour the finished syrup into jars and roll them up with a key. We turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket. When they are completely cool, put them in a cold place.

video recipe

Watch the video on how compote is prepared according to this recipe.

Blackcurrant compote for the winter is a great way to preserve the many vitamins that this healthy berry contains. Although compote exposed to high temperatures, it retains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium.

The benefits of blackcurrant

Black currant It has a bright and rich taste, which is why not many people like to use it in its pure form. However, finding a solution to this problem is quite Just- need to cook delicious blackcurrant compote for the winter.

Compote from this berry is unique in its kind, only it does not lose vitamin C during preservation. This feature is due to the high content of tannins.

Compote able to regulate blood sugar levels, which is so important for people with diabetes, and also for the prevention of this disease. The drink has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, which has a positive effect on such ailments as an ulcer, a violation of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, and also helps to saturate the body with vitamins. This article provides some useful blackcurrant compote recipes.

Important! Aluminum utensils are absolutely unsuitable for cooking blackcurrant compote. This material tends to oxidize under the influence of acids, resulting in the formation of harmful substances. Also, the use of aluminum pans destroys all vitamins.

How to make compote for the winter

Simple and quick recipe


  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 2.5 liters of clean water;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

Way cooking:

  • The fruits must be separated from the leaves and tails and thoroughly rinsed under running water. It is better not to use large specimens, as they will burst during cooking;
  • Sterilize 3-liter jars and fill with berries up to half the volume;
  • Fill the jar halfway with boiling water, trying to direct the jet at the berries. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Sterilize the lids;
  • Using a sieve or a spoon with holes, pour the resulting infusion into a clean, pre-prepared container. Heat on fire until boiling, add sugar;
  • It is necessary to pour the berries again with the resulting syrup and roll up the lids;
  • Banks should be turned over to make sure they are tight. Let cool.

Advice! Removing the stalks is not a mandatory step at all, their presence does not have any effect on the quality of compote storage, but they look great inside the jar.

Assorted red and black currants

Currant compote contains many vitamins, in the cooking process you can use not only black, but also red currant. In such a drink, there are twice as many vitamins, usually berries are taken in a ratio of five parts black currant and one red.


  • 1 liter of berries;
  • 350 gr. Sahara;
  • Clove, cinnamon, nutmeg optional.


  • Sort the fruits, wash and dry thoroughly. It is most convenient to remove the stalks from a dry berry right before the moment of laying out the jars;
  • Glass jars of the required volume are washed and sterilized in advance;
  • Sterilization can be carried out in the oven, with this method, a clean, wet jar is placed upside down on a wire rack for 15-20 minutes in a preheated oven. After cooling, the banks are removed;
  • Then you need to fill the 3-liter jars first red currant, and then - black. The total volume of berries should not exceed 2/3 of the volume of the vessel;
  • Banks are poured with boiling water and infused for 10 minutes;
  • Next, the resulting drink is poured into a saucepan, sugar is added there. It is worth taking into account the volume of not only liquid, but also berries;
  • For aroma, you need to add cloves at the rate of 6-9 pieces per 3 liters compote, nutmeg and cloves - half a teaspoon each.
  • The drink is brought to a boil, but not boiled;
  • Caps are prepared and sterilized in advance;
  • Banks with currant pour syrup and cover with lids;
  • Banks must be turned over, after cooling, placed in a dark place;
  • Certainly, cook compote not so Just, but this delicious and a healthy drink is worth the time and effort spent.

with orange

Some piquancy and unique flavor can be given currant compote by adding a couple of slices to it orange.


  • 1 liter currants;
  • ½ orange;
  • 350 gr. Sahara.


  • Currant thoroughly washed and dried;
  • Citrus is cut in any form (rings, pieces);
  • Currant together with orange it is laid out in jars, boiling water is added there. All this is infused for about 5 minutes;
  • The liquid is drained into a separate bowl, sugar is poured and brought to a boil, 3 minutes brewed syrup;
  • Then it is poured into jars, preserved, turned upside down and wrapped up.

With raspberries

Raspberries also very helpful and delicious, that is why there are many compote recipes, the ingredients for which were these two berries. In order to cook this divine drink must be taken currant in any quantity, the more it is, the richer and more intense the taste and color of the finished product will be (take 1 liter for a 3-liter jar currants).


  • 1 liter black currant;
  • 200 gr. raspberries;
  • 400 g of granulated sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Way cooking:

  • Clean the berries from debris and wash thoroughly;
  • It is worth resorting to blanching the berries for 5 minutes;
  • Arrange the berries in pre-prepared jars;
  • Cook sweet syrup made from water, sugar and raspberries;
  • The syrup is poured into jars over black currant and leave for 5 minutes;
  • Then the liquid is poured into a separate container, brought to a boil and again poured into jars;
  • Roll up lids.

Advice! To give a special taste and aroma to blackcurrant compote, you can add lemon balm or lemon.

Blackcurrant and apple compote

Another great option delicious and useful compote is a duet from black currant And apples, which getting ready from the following ingredients:

  • Gender kg apples any kind;
  • 150 gr. black currant;
  • 1 glass of sugar (250 g);
  • 2.5 liters of water.


  • Peel thoroughly washed apples and cut into 4 parts, if desired, the pieces can be made smaller in size;
  • Wash the berries and get rid of excess debris;
  • Place apples together with berries in a bowl with water, bring to a boil;
  • Then add sugar to the resulting mixture and cook over low heat for 5 minutes;
  • Ready compote Pour into sterilized jars and close with lids.

Watch the video! Blackcurrant compote with apples

with gooseberries

Great combination for compote preparation is a mix of gooseberry With blackcurrant. Tokai drink requires the addition of less sugar, gooseberry So, quite sweet in taste. Lovers of natural flavors when cooking such a compote add only 100 gr. Sugar per liter of drink.


  • 1 glass black currant;
  • 2 glasses gooseberry;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Way cooking:

  • In order to gooseberry softened a little and gave compote all its juice and aroma must be blanched a little;
  • Pour the required amount of water into the pan, bring to a boil;
  • Put the berries poured into a sieve into boiling water and leave for a couple of minutes;
  • The base for the syrup is ready. After that, sugar is poured into it. Currant And gooseberry laid out in banks so that they occupy 1/3 of the volume of the entire container;
  • The syrup is poured into jars, which are closed with lids, turned upside down, insulated and cooled in this position.

With mint or lemon balm

A feature of this compote is sourness, such a drink will perfectly quench your thirst. The drink is pleasantly refreshing and toning.


  • 3 glasses currants;
  • A couple of twigs mint;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 200 gr. Sahara.

How cook:

  • Rinse and clean the berries;
  • Pour boiling water with pre-added sugar, it is also necessary to put mint. Boil;
  • After three minutes of boiling over a fire, remove the pour into jars and roll up. Such compote great for workpiece for the winter.

Frozen blackcurrant compote in 5 minutes

Every summer, lovers of the gifts of nature carefully collect various berries and fruits, freeze them, and then use them for cooking various homemade dishes and drinks.

Reference! Frozen berry compote does not differ in taste from a drink prepared on the basis of fresh currants. It is also healthy and rich in vitamins.

Cooking compote does not take much time, there is even a super fast way to cooking, which only takes 5 minutes.


  • 1 cup frozen berries currants;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 3 liters of pure water.

Way cooking:

  • Water must be boiled and placed in it currant and sugar;
  • Wait until it boils and remove from heat. Compote leave for half an hour;
  • That's all. Compote ready! The drink turned out to be rich with a bright taste of summer berries.

sugar free recipe

The recipe unique in that it uses citric acid instead of sugar.

The ratio of ingredients for one 3-liter jar:

  • 4 cups of berries;
  • 2 gr. citric acid;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Way cooking:

  • The berry is thoroughly washed and disposed of debris;
  • Banks and lids are sterilized;
  • Currant laid out in jars, poured citric acid. Everything is poured with boiling water and tightly covered;
  • The bottom of a large container is lined with a 4-layer canvas, on top of which banks are placed;
  • Water is poured into a large container and boiled for 30 minutes;
  • Next, the jars are tightly closed with lids, turned over and wrapped.

Also, to give a certain flavor to the drink, you can add other seasonal berries and fruits: strawberries, citrus fruits and others.

Watch the video! Blackcurrant compote

Step-by-step recipes for making blackcurrant compote: classic, quick black and red currant, blackcurrant, raspberry and lemon balm, with apples and tangerines, mint

2018-06-23 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


14 gr.

56 kcal.

Option 1: Frozen Blackcurrant Compote - Classic Recipe

Sulfurcurrant compote has a bright taste and rich color. It is drunk throughout the year, it is very healthy and refreshing. You can use both fresh and frozen blackcurrants, additional ingredients are added. We will consider the most popular recipes tested by housewives.


  • 350 gr frozen blackcurrant berries;
  • 6 table spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 750 ml hot water.

A step-by-step recipe for frozen blackcurrant compote

We take the berries of frozen blackcurrant and pour into a large deep bowl. Fill to the brim with cold water and rinse. Then the water and rubbish are drained.

Sort through all the berries, remove the stems, twigs, leaves. There should be no rubbish or debris.

Pour the berries into a saucepan. It is best to use an enameled container, currants can stain the dishes.

Pour in the sugar. Try the berries, if they are very sour - add more sugar to your liking.

Boil the specified amount of water, fill the pan with boiling water and put on fire. Heat up to a boil and make a small fire. Close the pot with a lid and cook for ten minutes. To release steam, slide the lid a little.

Turn off the fire and leave the compote to cool without a lid.

The finished drink is poured into decanters and served to the table. If you want to store it for the winter, you will need sterilized glass jars and lids. Pour hot compote with berries, twist the lids.

Now we put the jars on the floor upside down and cover with a blanket or blanket. We rearrange in the cellar when the jars are completely cool.

Option 2: A quick recipe for their frozen blackcurrant compote

We offer to prepare a compote mix of red and black frozen currants. It will turn out a very tasty drink with a bright and rich taste and color. An interesting combination of sour red and sweetish blackcurrant will surely please your household.


  • two hundred grams of black currant frostbite;
  • two hundred grams of red currant frostbite;
  • two hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • three liters of water.

How to quickly make frozen blackcurrant compote

If you yourself froze the berries, then most likely they have already been sorted out and washed. Purchased currants must be prepared.

First we will cook sugar syrup. Pour three liters of water into a saucepan, pour the indicated amount of granulated sugar and start boiling.

Pour in frozen berries. We are again waiting for the liquid to boil. If foam forms, remove with a slotted spoon.

As soon as the compote boils, cook for another five to six minutes and remove from heat. You will see that the berries remain intact, have retained their shape. We achieved this by gentle boiling.

Now we need to let the finished compote brew for another quarter of an hour.

You can drink it hot or pre-bring it to room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator.

Option 3: Blackcurrant, raspberry and lemon balm compote

Let's make another mix. Add raspberries and lemon balm to blackcurrant. Add a little lemon for brightness and sourness. An excellent refreshing compote for the whole family.


  • eight hundred grams of blackcurrant;
  • two hundred grams of raspberries;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • liter of water;
  • lemon floors;
  • three sprigs of melissa.

Step by step recipe

Harvest blackcurrants. Sort, remove twigs, leaves and any rubbish. Then rinse under running water, drain in a colander, let the water drain.

Boil water and pour boiling water over currants.

Now we need clean sterilized jars. We fill them up to half with currants. We put a slice of lemon and sprigs of lemon balm.

Pour water into a saucepan, boil. Pour sugar, sorted raspberries and wait until it boils again. Turn off the fire immediately.

Pour jars with raspberry syrup along with raspberries. We leave for a quarter of an hour.

Carefully drain the water from the jars back into the pot. Boil for a minute and pour jars of berries with steep boiling syrup.

Roll up the lids and turn over. See if the banks are leaking. If not, wrap it in a blanket and leave it like that until it cools completely. It usually takes a day or more.

Store in a cool place or cellar.

Option 4: Blackcurrant compote with apples and tangerines

Earlier in Rus', compote was called a blast. Such a drink is prepared in special ways so that it can be stored for a long time, and the drink itself turns out to be tasty and healthy. This version is adapted, tangerines and apples are added to get an interesting and unusual taste.


  • two large apples;
  • two hundred grams of black currant;
  • one tangerine;
  • sugar to taste.

How to cook

Freshly picked black currants are first carefully sorted out, twigs, litter and leaves are removed.

If you have a purchased frozen blackcurrant, we don’t do anything with it, we don’t defrost it in advance.

For such a compote, slightly sour apples of hard rather than loose varieties are best suited. Wash them thoroughly and cut into thin slices. Don't forget to cut out the cores and remove the seeds.

We free the tangerines from the peel, be sure to remove all the white fibers - they tend to be slightly bitter. Tangerines take the sweet variety without pits. If you come across a variety with seeds, you do not need to take them out. Let's break it down into pieces.

Fill a three-liter pot with water, but leave about two fingers from the top. Turn on the stove to medium heat, put the pan. Put all the prepared fruits and berries. Stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Then cook for three minutes.

Now add sugar. Focus on your taste, whether you like sweeter or vice versa. Stirring, cook for another two or three minutes and turn off the stove.

Now let the blackcurrant compote with apples and tangerines stand for half an hour.

Take a slotted spoon and remove the berries and fruits from the pan. Squeeze them lightly, pressing a spoon against a slotted spoon.

The compote itself is completely cooled. If desired, it can be further cooled in the refrigerator, and then served.

Option 5: Blackcurrant compote with mint

In addition to the blackcurrant itself, we will add some currant leaves and mint. Prepare a refreshing and fragrant compote. The recipe is for two liters, but you can proportionally increase the amount of berries, water and sugar.


  • six hundred grams of black currant;
  • ten leaves of blackcurrant;
  • three sprigs of mint;
  • a quarter kg of granulated sugar;
  • two liters of water.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the mint and currant leaves, cut off the remnants of the roots. Lay out on a clean kitchen towel to dry.

Sort the berries themselves, remove the rubbish and rinse in running water. Transfer to a colander, let the water drain.

We do not throw away the mint stalks, but finely chop with a knife. Tear very large mint and currant leaves with your hands into smaller fragments.

Pour granulated sugar at the bottom of the pan, lay all the prepared leaves and stems. Pour two liters of clean water and put on fire.

When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook for ten minutes with a slight boil.

Then pour blackcurrant berries into the boiling mass and cook for another two minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Close the lid tightly and let cool.

Now you can strain the compote and drink immediately. But it is best if you let it brew for at least four hours, and preferably a day.

We filter through cheesecloth, folded in several layers. If desired, you can put the compote in the refrigerator and serve in beautiful glasses, garnished with mint leaves, as a refreshing drink in the hot season.

On a note: If desired, you can not put sugar at all to get a sour blackcurrant compote. You can also replace granulated sugar with bee honey. We add it to the already prepared drink.