Durian Fruit - “The smelly king of fruits is durian. How to choose, how to open and eat, how to try to avoid the smell and some more facts that are best known in advance. "

06.09.2019 Snacks

By studying odors, primitive people could get a lot of useful information, for example, distinguish edible and harmful products. But not all the most smelly substances and objects are not suitable for human use.

The stinkiest fruit

Oddly enough, but the most terrible smell belongs to the fruit, which also has the most exquisite taste. Durian has already won many hearts of those who have tried it. People note that the combination of tastes in it resembles a mixture of cheese and nuts, and the smell is like rotten meat. But at the expense of the characteristics of his aromas, as soon as people are not sophisticated. Someone compared it to the smell of decaying flesh, someone spoke of a rotten onion and dirty socks.

One Englishman who tried durian back in the 19th century said: "It's like eating herring with moldy cheese over an open manhole." It is because of these characteristics in public places in Thailand that you can find the image of durian crossed out with a red stripe. This means that entering the premises with such a product is prohibited.

Durian's homeland is Thailand. Locals have already gotten used to making soup from it, making ice cream, or just eating it raw. They can safely eat the fruit and not be disgusted. For beginners, who decided to try the fruits of the most stinking tropical tree, they are simply advised to pinch their nose or, taking a deep breath through their mouth, enjoy its unusual taste. In addition, it is not recommended to eat durian with your hands - it is better to use a spoon. Otherwise, the smell from the skin of the fingers will not be washed off for a long time. Also, you can not drink this fruit with strong alcoholic beverages. This combination causes a violent reaction in the stomach.

By the way, in addition to taste, durian contains many useful components and is rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Even a small slice of this fruit makes you feel full and satisfies hunger for a long time.

The smelly celebrities in history

Henry IV, King of France, was one of the most foul-smelling people. As an avid hunter, he did not bother with frequent washing after killing several animals. Therefore, even the daily change of shirts could not hide the unpleasant smell.

Howard Hughes became not only one of the most foul-smelling people in history, but also achieved legendary fame. In 1957, he locked himself completely naked in a movie studio, taking milk, chocolate and napkins with him. When Howard returned to society, he firmly refused to wash, and cut his nails and hair only once a year. Therefore, in order to identify his body, the police had to take fingerprints from the body.

Smelly foods

What people do not eat! Sometimes the degree of their imagination goes off scale. And okay, if eating foods from this list were just a way of survival, for example, in a hungry age. But how can you eat food prepared this way in the modern world?

The first place among such unusual “delicacies” is taken by the cheese casu marzu, which is produced on the island of Sardinia. To make this dish, cheese fly larvae are planted in pecorino cheese. When they feed on this product, they decompose it, as a result of which it acquires a rather pungent odor and a soft consistency. Usually, before eating, the cheese is placed in a plastic bag and wrapped tightly so that the larvae die. But some gourmets prefer to put slices of cheese together with insects on bread and wash down with wine. This way of using the product is hazardous to health. In the human gastrointestinal tract, larvae can continue to multiply, causing intestinal dysfunction.

In second place is a rather strange dish kiwiak - a traditional delicacy of the Eskimos and Inuit. They wrap about half a thousand unpeeled cleaning birds in a seal skin, fill them with fat and sew the skin tightly so that air does not get inside. Buried in the ground, crushed by a heavy stone. After a while, the kiwiak is dug up, the birds are plucked and eaten, biting off their head and sucking out the insides. In the process of making carcasses of birds, they acquire a disgusting specific smell.

The most fragrant flowers on Earth

The first place for the most fragrant flower is given to hyacinth. In addition to its extraordinary smell, this flower has a beautiful legend. It is believed to be named after the ancient Greek God Hyacinth, who was Apollo's best friend for a long time. They often organized various competitions in the form of games and sports tournaments. In one of these competitions, an accident occurred with Hyacinth. Apollo threw discs and accidentally hit his friend with one of them. Crimson drops of blood splashed on the lush green grass, where after a while beautiful flowers appeared. Their stately appearance and magnificent scent resembled a murdered Hyacinth. Therefore, Apollo named these flowers after his friend. Phloxes have an exquisite aroma

It is still believed that phlox is a symbol of love and mutual fidelity. If this flower is put on the pillow of a sleeping lover whose feelings have cooled down, they will flare up with renewed vigor.

Surprisingly large flowers also grow on Earth. For example, Rafflesia can weigh up to 11 kg. ...
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Unusual exotic durian fruit has a specific unpleasant odor. A similar feature distinguishes the fruit from all other crops. Scientists have not yet hypothesized what caused the aroma of durian. However, the king of fruits is revered by many fans for its delicious pulp.

Durian civet oblong, fruit diameter - about 20 cm. The peel is covered with large thorns. This is a kind of natural plant protection from animals. The durian tree is distinguished by large shiny foliage and a massive trunk. It reaches a height of 40 meters. The plant does not bloom for long, during this period, umbrella-shaped inflorescences are formed on the spreading branches. In one night, they fall off, and the ripening of exotic fruits begins.

The fragrant, prickly and smelly fruit has a delicate edible pulp. Many gourmets appreciate its culinary taste. After cutting the fruit, 5 chambers can be seen. One of them contains seeds. Fruit color is light green or yellowish.

Choosing and storing durian

The choice of the most smelly fruit does not depend on its aroma. A foul-smelling product can taste delicious and delicious. Of the large number of durian varieties, only 9 varieties are recognized as edible.

The raw pulp of the product is a delicacy. Delicious dishes are prepared from the pulp. The fruits can be preserved. Only ripe fruits can be consumed. If they are overripe, the flesh starts to taste bitter and the taste deteriorates.

There are special rules for choosing durian:

  • the top of the ponytail should have a more pronounced odor
  • the shell should have small cracks
  • when knocking on the peel, a dull gurgle should be heard
  • when ripe, the spines are yellowish with brown tips.

Durian is not stored for long. Basically, the fruit is immediately opened and the pulp is absorbed. Otherwise, the unpleasant odor will spread very quickly throughout the room. To prevent the flesh from spreading the smell, it is eaten immediately. The peel is used in industries for smoking fish. The smelly fruit of Thailand is not frozen or kept fresh. Candied fruits and desserts are made from it.

Durian season

Where durians grow is of interest to many people who are fond of exotic delicacies. The tree grows in Asian countries with a humid tropical climate. It is found in Malaysia, India, Indochina, Thailand. The civet type is very popular. The growing places of the variety are in Ceylon, Brazil and Africa. The plant bears fruit all year round.

In Thai markets, durian can be found on sale from mid-April to late September. It is also sold in supermarkets during the season. Foodies advise buying smelly fruit in Thailand from market vendors.

What does durian smell like?

Exotic durian and alcohol are not compatible. Alcohol compounds cause unwanted reactions from the body. In no case should you drink the fruit pulp with an alcoholic drink. Possible deterioration of health and the development of a heart attack. Alcoholic drinks can be consumed no earlier than 5 hours after the fruit.

A taste of the exotic fruit durian will not leave anyone indifferent. A very corrosive sweetish putrid smell not everyone will like and can kill your appetite. However, in the countries of Southeast Asia, the fruits are very popular and durian is considered the king of fruits. It is better for an unaccustomed European to consume the product only fresh and only a few slices after opening the shell. This will avoid the occurrence of discomfort in the digestive organs, allergies and dyspepsia.

Of all the known fruits, it is durian that has earned such polar characteristics. And it is even impossible to imagine how much they correspond to reality. The smell of durian is so disgusting that it is not allowed into hotels, shops, elevators, taxis and other public places. Even with there is a special sign- durian, crossed out with a red line. This means that it is not allowed to enter with it. Indeed, even after the fruit is eaten, such a "aroma" remains in the room that it cannot be removed for a long time by any cosmetic means. For the same reason, durian is not subject to long-term storage and transportation.

What epithets are not awarded to his aroma! The smell of decaying flesh, rotten onion, dirty socks, a toilet, rotten eggs ... An Englishman who visited Siam in the 19th century describes his impressions of the scent of durian as follows: "It's like eating herring with moldy cheese over an open sewer manhole."

And after all this he is called the "king of fruits" ?! Is this really possible? Perhaps, - answer the Thais, Malaysians, - if, pinching your nose and overcoming disgust, you still taste the pulp of durian. And only then you will understand how "divine" taste she has. Thais claim that durian is actually sweet in taste and similar to the sweet cream of eggs and milk. According to renowned naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace, “Trying durian is a totally new experience, and a trip to the East is worth it. The more durian you eat, the less you want to be distracted by something else. " In general, for true gourmets, this fruit proudly occupies one of the places of honor among such famous "aromatic" delicacies as Chinese "rotten" eggs, Swedish surstremming and the famous Roquefort cheese covered with green mold ...

The name of the fruit comes from the Malay word "duri" (thorn) and the Malay suffix "an", which means "thorny fruit". The homeland of durian is Indonesia, Thailand, India, Ceylon, Indochina, the Philippines. By the way, it is believed that the most delicious durians grow on plantations near Bangkok in Thailand. It is also cultivated on plantations in central Africa and Brazil. Usually, a mature fruit weighs 2-3 kg, is 15-25 cm in diameter and 20-30 cm in length. It grows in large trees. It reaches a height of 15-20 meters, the first fruits are already in 8-10 years. And then bears fruit all year round. It blooms for less than eight hours: bright white flowers open at dusk and fall off by dawn. They say that bats pollinate them. The fruit is not ripped off in any way. Ripe, he must fall by himself. If the durian falls on his head (God forbid!), Then it will not seem a little. Individual fruits, the size of a good soccer ball, weigh about 10 kg. Moreover, they have sharp thorns.

Unripe fruits local population cooks like boiled vegetables as part of different dishes, and ripe fruits are really exquisite dessert of exceptional taste with a wide range of nutrients. This fruit rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. Durian pulp contains a lot complex B vitamins, and the amount of vitamin C is much higher than that found in a sweet orange. And its specific smell is attributed to the presence of organic sulfur, the healing properties of which are just being studied.

Good durian has a sweet taste, smooth texture, rich custard-like flavors reminiscent of banana, mango, pineapple, overripe papaya and vanilla. The disgusting smell comes from the thick, prickly peel, dotted with thorns of a menacing appearance and size. Inside, the fruit is divided into slices with white walls, in each section there are three or four large shiny seeds from beige to bright yellow (depending on the variety and ripeness of durian). They will reward everyone who can cope with the smell with their taste. For novice gourmets and tourists, a seller often comes to the rescue, who can advise the correct fruit - not overripe or rotten on the side, not with clots, because they usually smell strongly of hydrogen sulfide, and not unripe.

It is most convenient to eat durian with a spoon, otherwise the stubborn smell cannot be washed off with any soap. Unaccustomed to the first time, durian is eaten in the same way as vodka is drunk. First, they exhale the air, and then they sharply bring the fruit to the mouth. By the way, you should not drink durian with strong alcoholic drinks. It is not compatible with them, but many tourists for some reason neglect this advice and then suffer from severe stomach irritation. An example can be taken from local residents, they wash down a delicacy with ordinary salted water, which is poured into an empty bowl-shaped half of a giant shell.

Durian is so satisfying that having eaten a "slice" in the morning, it is easily enough before dinner. At the same time, there is not even a slight feeling of hunger.

The peoples of South Asia appreciate durian for its excellent taste and medicinal properties, but they buy it very rarely and most often for children, since this delicacy is sold at a fairly high price. For example, in the UK, durian can be bought for about 15-25 pounds, in the USA - for 5-20 dollars, and in Thailand itself, even in season, a small piece of pulp is sold for no less than 70 baht (about 3 US dollars) ...

But the price doesn't stop curious up to new tastes of tourists. An illustration of the acquaintance with durian can be the story of a certain Russian tourist who emotionally and colorfully shared his feelings from this strange fruit on the Internet: “Do you know how onions smell? What about a rotten onion? And the vegetable warehouse, where are all the onions rotten? This is the kind of smell that spread from this delicacy. I already had tears in my eyes. If such a meal was offered to me at a party, I would not have come to it. But now, out of stubbornness, I had to try at least a little bit. '' Holding my nose and closing my eyes, I pinched off a piece of the oily paste that made up the inside of the durian. And then I experienced a culture shock. On the palate it was the most delicate, sweet cream, reminiscent of the sweetest varieties of chicken mixed with cream and chocolate. And only somewhere in the background - a light taste of baked onions. From surprise, I cracked my nose - and immediately spat out this muck ... But, it was too tasty ... In general, so I ate it, pinching my nose, to the end ”.

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For many people, fruits are associated only with a pleasant aroma that makes you hungry. But there are also fruits in the world, the smell of which is disgusting. The real leader among them is durian, which is recognized as the most smelly fruit in the world. People who first encounter it compare its smell to rotten eggs, rotten onions, decaying flesh and other far from pleasant aromas.

Due to the unbearable smell, durian should not be carried on airplanes or other vehicles, hotels and many other public places. The disgusting smell of fruit can not be weathered for a long time, even using various fresheners or cosmetics. It is for this reason that durian is rarely found in countries where it does not grow.

Durian is an evergreen large tree that belongs to the Malvov family. There are more than 30 species of this plant all over the world. The tree has huge roots that look like props. Durian looks very beautiful during flowering. The tree is covered with large white or red flowers that develop directly on the branches and trunk, which bloom in the evening, and fall off by the morning. The plant is pollinated by bees and bats.

Durian trees begin to bear fruit about 8-10 years after planting. The fruits of the plant are rather large, covered with huge and sharp thorns. They usually weigh 3-4 kg. There are also fruits weighing up to 10 kg. There are 5 compartments under the thick shell, which contain yellow or yellow-red pulp with large bones.

Durians are not recommended to be plucked from the tree: when they ripen, they fall by themselves. Walking under such trees, which bear fruit throughout the year, is quite dangerous: it is not difficult to guess what awaits a person if a fruit, the size of a soccer ball, falls on his head and is also covered with sharp thorns.

Durian's homeland

Durian is a thermophilic plant that grows in tropical climates. It is grown in Asia and South America. The best fruits are those grown in Thailand. In this country, durian is considered one of the most valuable fruits. Thailand even hosts fairs where you can see and taste several varieties of durian. The largest plantations of this plant are found in the vicinity of Bangkok.

What does the stinky fruit taste like?

Anyone who dares to taste a fruit with the most unpleasant smell is delighted with its taste. Many people note that the pulp of durian is very similar to custard. It is as if banana, mango, overripe papaya and pineapple are mixed in it. But ripe durian is really tasty. It is not recommended to consume unripe or overripe fruit. It is recommended to eat durian with a spoon: if you take the pulp with your hands, then a disgusting fruit smell will remain on them for a long time, which is difficult to wash.

Durian benefits

It's hard to find a fruit that contains as many nutrients as durian. It contains many substances vital for the human body. The fruit contains a significant amount of the following trace elements:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • sodium.

Durian also contains the entire complex of vitamin B, folic acid and a significant amount of vitamin C. The fruit also contains antioxidants that can prolong the youth of the body. Durian has an excellent bactericidal effect due to its indonol content. By consuming this fruit, you can cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances, improve immunity. It is very useful to eat it at night: heat is formed in the stomach, and during sleep you don't even need a blanket.

Durian is an excellent aphrodisiac. The use of this fruit can enhance sexual function. Since durian contains estrogens, it is recommended for women wishing to become pregnant. But most of all, the fruit is valued for its content of organic sulfur, which is not found in other edible fruits. This trace element is extremely important for the body, since it is part of cells and tissues. It helps to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and normalizes blood sugar levels.

Durian harm

Despite the fact that durian is very useful, it is recommended to use it in small quantities. Durian abuse can be hazardous to your health. It is also not recommended to take drinks containing alcohol immediately after drinking it. This can result in severe stomach irritation. The period between the use of these products should be at least an hour. There are also a number of contraindications in which it is better to completely abandon this fruit:

    • individual intolerance;
    • hypertension;
    • pregnancy and lactation.

How to conduct a tasting?

Not every person can immediately taste this fruit, the disgusting smell of which is difficult to describe in words. But there are several recommendations that will help you dare to taste this exotic fruit. First, you need to find a really good ripe fruit. People who don't know him are better off asking a salesperson for help. Having decided to try durian, you should cut it yourself, or if there is no such opportunity, ask to have the pulp extracted in front of your eyes.

Many people eat durian in the same way as they drink vodka: you need to take a deep breath and quickly send the pulp into your mouth. In countries where this fruit grows, it is customary to drink it with slightly salted water. It is very high in calories, and even a small wedge eaten for breakfast will be enough to get rid of the feeling of hunger for the whole day.

Durian is a rather expensive fruit. Even in Thailand, where there are a lot of these fruits, you will have to pay at least $ 3 for a small slice of pulp. For a fairly impressive amount, you can buy it in other countries, but often only in dried or canned form.


Durian is the king and undisputed favorite of exotic fruit lovers. The fruit has the most famous "bad" aroma and unsurpassed original appearance. Despite the fact that the inside of the fruit contains an amazingly creamy pulp, durian is covered with rough spines that unconditionally protect it from annoying encroachment.

Where is the fruit found? What is he?

Durian is considered the king of fruits in the southeast of Asia, where the fruit was actually discovered about 600 years ago. Its inimitable taste and softness captivated all local residents, and soon curious tourists. Durian is also found in the tropical part of distant Australia. The fruit itself can be the most unpredictable and therefore even more attractive in shape - from round to heart-shaped and triangular. The diameter of the selected fruit reaches about 30 cm, and the weight is about 8 - 9 kilograms. The creamy pulp is stored in oblong compartments and is yellowish-creamy in color.

An evergreen durian tree. When do the fruits ripen?

The tree itself is an evergreen giant with shiny, fleshy leaves, the upper part of which is smooth and attractive, and the lower part is rougher and fluffy. The durian's height can reach 40 meters. At the moment of short night flowering, the tree is inimitably transformed. Its flowers take on a brownish yellow color and a sour aroma. With the appearance of the first rays of dawn, it completely discards the color. The king of fruits, durian, ripens in the spring and summer: in Thailand, ripe durian is rejoiced in the rainy season (from mid-April to September), the wonderful Felipines, more precisely, the island of Davao, enjoy fruit all year round, and beautiful Indonesia treats itself to creamy pulp in the winter months.


The exotic fruit durian is considered an unsurpassed aphrodisiac, its pulp contains a shock amount of estrogen, which normalizes the hormonal balance of women and, accordingly, fertility. The exotic king, in addition to estrogens, contains a powerful supply of iron, vital zinc, manganese and copper, in fact, durian has hidden in itself half of the periodic table.

Also, the smelly fruit durian is considered a storehouse of vitamins and macronutrients: the most important vitamins of groups A, B and even C are supplemented with folic acid and a quartet of calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Regular use of the miraculous pulp allows you to restore the body's strength and regulate all processes.

People's opinion

As for the very taste of the unusual fruit, those who have tasted the king are divided in their opinions. Some consider the taste to be unsurpassedly soft, cheesy with notes of ripe nuts, while others emit an invincible taste of custard in some places burnt cream, while others - bright notes of strawberries, banana and onions. Vietnamese gourmets speak of durian as an edible source of organic sulfur, which improves the condition of hair, nails, cartilage and even the nervous system.

Cooking use

It is the Vietnamese who widely use durian in cooking. The fruit is added to sweets, vanilla ice cream, and even homemade chips are made from it. Skillful Vietnamese hostesses even preserve the pulp and prepare durian juice. As the only disadvantage of the fruit, the Vietnamese emphasize a tendency to increase blood pressure, so knowledgeable people never combine durian with hot drinks or alcohol.

How to choose?

To enjoy durian, you should learn how to choose the right unusual fruit:

  • for a start, it is worth scrupulously sniffing the smell of fruit in the ponytail area: the richer the aroma, the tastier its pulp will be;
  • then it is worth knocking on the greenish-brown peel of durian - if an empty muffled sound is heard in response, then the fruit is not ripe, only a gurgling barely audible sound can tell about the ripeness of the fruit;
  • the last indicator of maturity is the color of the durian thorns: they should be slightly yellowish, and their tips should be slightly brown.

How to eat

The next stage of acquaintance will be eating the fruit. It is necessary to eat such a capricious fruit durian very quickly. Reviews of many gourmets are advised to eat the fruit within the first 5 minutes after opening, otherwise the taste and aroma will become equally specific. It is possible to store durian no more than 5 days from the date of purchase, but it is worth saving the king from a possible neighborhood. Durian is a fairly active fruit, its aroma can easily spoil nearby vegetables and foods.

It is worth eating the fruit in an open space, without leaving the pieces "for later." Constant contact with oxygen turns the already rotten smell of the fruit into an unbearable one. Also, experts from Vietnam advise not to buy harvested and purified durian: during storage in a plastic container, the smell will only increase and the taste of the pulp will become too scanty.

How do you divide the fruit?

You can divide the exotic king of fruits on your own, but for this it is worth taking a good look at the durian. The fruit, the photo of which you see in our article, has five almost equal slices. They must be torn apart with a sharp movement. In the middle of the lobule, the flesh is hidden in the form of a yellowish chamber. Each compartment has a bone that you can easily pick out and pull out with a knife.

What to combine the fruit with?

The ripe and quality fruit is amazingly satisfying. Its creamy consistency makes it easy to spoon or pair with fruit salads, some also describe coffee or candy durian. The fruit, a photo of which can be found in many modern cookbooks, is often rejected or replaced by housewives with mango or avocado. But it is worth opening and cutting the fruit correctly, and many opponents of the exotic fruit join the ranks of its admirers. Especially gourmets highlight the delicious combination of natural high-quality coffee and slices of refined durian. Breakfast served in the company of the King of Fruits is considered an excellent start to the day.

Many are afraid to try because of the smell that durian fruit gives off. What it smells like - rotten sweetness, sometimes rotten meat and spices, and many consumers also emit a tart rotten smell of fish and onions. To get used to the obsessive aroma of the king, it is worth inhaling the air in small sips, and eating the slices with a delayed breath, this will perfectly balance all the receptors and it will become easier to eat a specific fruit.

There is a lovely tale about how durian came to be. The fruit was created as a result of the spell of a sorcerer who tried to help the king in love gain the favor of his chosen one. The king, who treated the beauty to a fantastic creamy fruit with an unsurpassedly tasty aroma, completely forgot about gratitude to the sorcerer. He, angry, cursed all the existing fruits of durian. After the wedding, the king decided to once again taste the fruit of enchanting love, but the tree greeted him with thorny fruits with an invincible rotten smell. Angry, the king smashed the plucked fruit on the ground and only then saw that the flesh inside was the same as before.

Discussions of specialists. Contraindications

Many experts discuss the durian fruit. The beneficial properties of this fruit are quite stunning, many decide to try the exotic fruit without really knowing about the side qualities of the fruit. Durian is contraindicated in people with high blood pressure and in women during pregnancy and subsequent feeding. Too active intake of the fetus can lead to allergic reactions. Also, do not use durian for people with individual intolerance to vitamins or individual substances, which are very abundant in the pulp of the fruit.

Chinese opinion

The Chinese, on the other hand, glorify the durian. The fruit is easily shared between the smallest members of the family, and little kids decide for themselves how much fruit to eat at a time. Herbalists credit durian with an unrivaled ability to renew body cells. With regular use, its human body rejuvenates, metabolic processes and blood flow are significantly tuned.

Also, Chinese scientists reveal the calorie content of durian - 100 g of fresh (or frozen for 2-3 days) contains about 145 kcal, but the carbohydrate content compensates for the lack of fat. Therefore, scientists forbid people with a predisposition to curvy forms to get involved in durian. Delicious fruit can add a couple of kilograms in the shortest possible time.

What do they think about the fruit in the Asian states?

Many Asian countries strongly prohibit bringing durian into public places, especially transport and hotels. The specific aroma of the fruit does not disappear for several hours, and sometimes even days (overripe fruits are distinguished by a corrosive putrid smell). Therefore, gourmets, having found their favorite fruit, feast on it not far from the place of purchase.

In picturesque Thailand, there are about 200 species of king - from the smallest and almost odorless fruits to the largest and insanely delicious durians. The season of mass maturation and trade in Thailand falls in the hot May and August. Lovers of exotic fruit plan their vacation in advance in order to get to the durian feast in time.