What can you cook from split peas? Pea Recipes

16.12.2023 Seafood dishes

Lifestyle Correspondent I have compiled a selection of recipes from Flavor.ua for dishes with green peas, which I recommend trying to cook this coming weekend.

Tender pea and herb soup

30 g butter
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 5 cups (1.25 L) chicken broth
- 1 large potato, peeled and cut into small cubes
- 500 g green peeled green peas
- 6 outer leaves of iceberg lettuce, chopped
- 6 mint leaves + a few for serving
- 125 ml cream
- croutons for serving

Cooking time: 45 min. Number of servings: 6

How to cook:

1. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Saute the onion for 5 minutes (until it becomes transparent and soft). Add broth and potatoes, cook for about 15 minutes. Add peas, iceberg, mint, after boiling, cook for no longer than 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

The best croutons, or croutons, are made from ciabatta. Just break the bread
with your hands, sprinkle with olive oil, add a drop of balsamico, and place in the oven for 5-8 minutes at 180°C

2. Using a blender, beat the soup into a homogeneous puree. Place over low heat, add half the cream and after 5 minutes remove from heat. Season with salt to taste.
3. When serving, add cream, a couple of mint leaves and croutons to each plate.

Bruschetta with feta and peas

To prepare you will need:

100 g feta marinated in olive oil
- 3 cups young peas
- 1 teaspoon fresh lemon zest, finely grated
- 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh mint
- 1 baguette, sliced ​​diagonally into bruschettas and toasted
- a small handful of young arugula

Phillip Castleton/Bauersyndication.com.au

Cooking time: 30 min. Number of servings: 4

How to cook:

1. Drain the oil from the feta into a separate container.
2. Place the peas in boiling water for a minute. Drain quickly and place in ice water to preserve color.

You can also use homemade cheese and cottage cheese. Add salt to pick up
perfectly balanced taste of cheese and herbs. This mixture can be stored for a couple of days.
in a refrigerator. Can also be served as a dip for crackers, grissini, sliced
large julienned vegetables

3. Beat the peas, lemon zest and 2 tablespoons of olive oil (from the feta) in a blender until almost smooth.
4. Place the pea puree in a bowl and toss with the feta and chopped mint with a fork. Serve with baby arugula leaves.

Fish pakora with green peas and yogurt sauce

To prepare you will need:

400 g white fish fillet, skinless
- 1 cup (120g) fresh peas
- 1 clove of garlic, minced
- 1 red onion, chopped
- 1 large chili pepper, finely chopped
- 1/2 cup parsley
- 1 tomato, chopped
- 1 cup (150g) besan chickpea flour (see tip)
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 teaspoons curry powder
- 2 squirrels
- 1/3 cup (80ml) vegetable oil
- mango chutney, for serving
yoghurt sauce with coriander:
- 1 1/2 cups chopped coriander leaves
- 1 cup mint leaves
- 2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1/2 cup (150g) Greek yogurt
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- lemon wedges for serving

Cooking time: 45 min. Number of servings: 6

How to cook:

1. Sauce: Combine coriander, mint, ginger, chili and garlic in a blender. Transfer mixture to a bowl. Add yogurt with lemon juice and stir. Cover and place in the refrigerator to steep.
2. Steam the fish: place it in a holey pan or a special box and place it over another pan of boiling water. Cook for 5-6 minutes until the fish can be flaked easily with a fork. Divide into pieces.

Chickpea flour, or besan, is sold in specialty health stores.
nutrition, gives the dish an Indian flavor, but you can also use other flours

3. Place the fish, peas, onion, chilli, parsley and tomato in the pan and stir thoroughly. In another bowl, combine flour, baking powder and curry. Season. Add 3/4 cup water until smooth. Mix the dough and fish mixture. Beat the whites. Add to mixture.
4. Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat (until the crumbs begin to sizzle). Spoon the resulting mixture and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Place on paper towels to absorb excess grease.
5. Serve hot with coriander yogurt, mango chutney and a lemon wedge.

Soup with green peas and fennel

To prepare you will need:

2 tablespoons olive oil
- 20 g butter
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 4 small fennel tubers or 1 large, finely chopped
- 2 potatoes, peeled and chopped
- 1 liter of vegetable broth
- 500 g peas
- ½ cup sour cream
- 150 g prosciutto, chopped
- 2 cups white bread, sliced

Cooking time: 45 min. Number of servings: 4

How to cook:

1. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil and butter over medium heat. Add onion, dill and potatoes. Cook, stirring, 10-15 minutes until done. Season to taste.
2. Add broth and cook over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring, until vegetables are soft. Add peas and cook for another 2 minutes.

How to cook:

1. Heat oil in a large frying pan, add rice, fry until it is completely coated with oil.
2. Pour in a quarter of the hot broth. Increase the heat and continue to cook, stirring, until the liquid is completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure 3 more times.
3. Combine Parmesan, thyme, remaining butter and green peas. Season with salt and pepper and let sit for 2-3 minutes.

Using materials from Flavor.ua

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In no case should you exclude peas from your diet - this would be a big mistake. It has been proven that peas contain six times more protein than tomatoes. Surprisingly, even new potatoes are inferior to this representative of legumes both in calorie content and the presence of beneficial amino acids. Young peas contain the entire complex of vitamins and biologically active substances. Therefore, pea dishes will not only make you beautiful and healthy, but will also fill you with vitality and energy.

Recipes for pea dishes amaze with their diversity. Many housewives prefer to cook pea soup with meat for the first meal - a hearty and nutritious dish. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • yellow peas (split) - 1 cup,
  • pork pulp - 800 g,
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • onion - 1-2 heads,
  • vegetable oil,
  • greens (dill, parsley).

The soup is prepared as follows. First, you need to wash the pork pulp, then cut it into strips and fry thoroughly in a heated frying pan. At the end of frying the meat, you need to finely chop and add the onion to the pan, add salt and pepper to taste. Yellow split peas should be thoroughly washed and placed in a cooking pot. Fill with cold water and cook over low heat for about an hour and a half until the peas are completely boiled. In the meantime, you can prepare vegetables: carrots and potatoes must be peeled, washed under running water, cut into small pieces, and then transferred to a boiling base and cooked for 15 minutes. The finished potatoes are crushed using a regular blender. At the end, the puree soup is placed on a dish, and the fried meat is placed on the side, garnished with herbs. Pea soup is ready!

Green pea puree is a very tasty dish, the recipe for which is quite simple, and preparation does not take much time. First you need to choose a small saucepan, pour water into it, bring to a boil, and then lightly add salt and throw green peas into it along with cloves of garlic. Bring this mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes. After this time, the water must be drained and the boiled peas and garlic must be pureed. For this purpose, you can use a mixer, blender, or a regular masher. Add butter or cream to taste to the finished puree and mix thoroughly. This side dish must be served along with meat and fish dishes.

Pea cutlets are a very tasty and satisfying dish. To prepare them, you need to boil the peas until completely cooked, and separately prepare semolina porridge using the remaining pea broth, observing the correct proportion: 100 grams of cereal per 250 ml of broth. The peas must be mashed, thoroughly mixed with hot semolina porridge, and then salt, ground pepper, flour, and onions fried in vegetable oil are added to the resulting mixture in the indicated proportions. The finished mass should be thick. After this, you should form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil. Finally, the cutlets must be baked in the oven. It is recommended to serve them hot, pouring the remaining vegetable oil after frying on top.

French pea salad is an exquisite dish for culinary gourmets. To prepare this salad, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • peas - 100 g,
  • boiled potatoes - 500 g,
  • sour cream - 100 g,
  • olives - 50 g,
  • hard-boiled egg - 1 pc.,
  • 2 teaspoons dry tarragon,
  • salt, black pepper - to taste,
  • one baked beet.

The beets must be baked in the oven, peeled and cut into thin slices. Then cut the boiled potatoes into small pieces, mix these ingredients and add boiled peas, as well as sour cream, 2 teaspoons of tarragon and grated egg yolk to the resulting mixture. Add salt and pepper to the salad mixture, mix well, and garnish with olives on top. This pea salad is recommended to be served chilled.

The following products are used to prepare pea jelly:

  • 0.5 cups peas (shelled),
  • 1 glass of drinking water,
  • 2 onions,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.

Peas should be dried in a slightly hot frying pan and then ground in a coffee grinder. Slowly pour the prepared pea flour into salted boiling water and cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. The resulting hot mass must be carefully poured into plates previously greased with butter. After the mass thickens, it must be cut into separate portions. Pea jelly is thick and hard, so it can be considered a complete snack rather than a drink.

Delicious pies with peas will please absolutely everyone. To prepare this dish, you need to rinse the peas and then cook them for one and a half hours until they become a soft puree. Separately, add yeast, sugar, butter to warm water, mix all ingredients thoroughly, then add flour and knead into a soft dough. After cooking, the dough should be put in a warm place for about half an hour, during which time it should double in size. You need to add fried onions with cracklings to the finished pea puree, and then make pies from the dough and filling. First, it is recommended to leave them for 10-15 minutes, and then fry them in hot sunflower oil until fully cooked.

Pea soup

Peas can be used to make a delicious soup with the addition of smoked ribs. For this purpose you will need the following ingredients:

  • peas - 1 cup,
  • smoked pork ribs (smoked) - up to 500 grams,
  • carrots - 2-3 pcs.,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon.

Pea soup is prepared as follows. Smoked ribs must be cut

Place in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Next, pour the washed peas into the pan and cook over medium heat for 25 minutes. Then add finely chopped potatoes to the soup and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. At this time it is necessary to prepare the frying. To prepare it, use finely chopped onion and grated carrots. Add the finished frying to the pan and cook for 7-10 minutes. Classic pea soup is ready! It is recommended to serve it with crackers and fresh herbs. It should be noted that in such a soup the peas will be a little tough, but instead of a porridge-like broth, a transparent soup with whole pea particles will look more aesthetically pleasing. Instead of smoked ribs, you can use any boiled meat. However, smoked ribs have advantages: they do not require additional heat treatment, and also give the dish a unique taste and aroma.

Green pea soup

Peas can be used in any form to prepare all kinds of dishes. One of these options is young green peas, which retain all their beneficial properties. It contains the most vitamins, amino acids and plant proteins.

Green pea soup is prepared quickly and without much effort. For this medium-calorie dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • green frozen peas - 50 grams,
  • onion - 50 grams,
  • potatoes - 100 grams,
  • chicken - 150 grams,
  • carrots - 30 grams,
  • pepper and salt - to taste.

To prepare a hearty, tasty soup with green peas, you should cook chicken broth, then strain it, cut the meat into small pieces. While cooking the broth, you need to peel and finely chop the potatoes, onions and carrots. Put potatoes into the boiling broth and boil them for 10 minutes, then add onions, carrots and boil the soup for another 10 minutes. After this, add meat and green peas to the soup and cook for 5 minutes. The readiness of the dish is determined by the condition of the potatoes. Green pea soup is recommended to be served with croutons or toasted bread. In principle, green peas can be added to any homemade soup. The dish will immediately “sparkle with colors” and acquire a delicious sweetish taste.

Pea soup

Peas are most often used for preparing first courses, in particular soups. Pea soup is one of the most delicious first courses. To prepare it you will need the following products:

  • 200 grams of peas,
  • 2 liters of water,
  • carrot,
  • bulb,
  • smoked ribs (or smoked brisket) - 300 grams,
  • dill greens,
  • butter,
  • loaf,
  • salt.

Peas should be thoroughly washed and pre-soaked overnight in cold water before cooking. Boil water in a saucepan, add peas and cook over low heat until tender, at least 1 hour. You can cook the puree soup not with water, but with chicken broth - you will get a richer taste. Place the finished peas out of the pan, grind them using a blender and return them back. Finely chop the peeled onion, grate the carrots on a fine grater, and then lightly fry the vegetables in vegetable oil. Add smoked ribs and vegetables to the pan, add salt and bring to a boil. The soup must be simmered over low heat for at least half an hour. At this time, fry the croutons from the loaf in butter. Pour the finished soup into bowls and sprinkle finely chopped dill on top.

You can remove smoked meats from the recipe and replace them with lard, which must first be boiled for an hour, and then fried in vegetable oil and ground. This mass along with vegetables should be placed in a saucepan and cooked as per the recipe described above. After the soup is ready, you need to season it with butter or ghee, sour cream and canned peas.

Peas with mushrooms

Peas combined with mushrooms give a unique taste. In addition to the fact that this combination is very nutritious, since mushrooms and peas are rich in vegetable protein, it has a special, unique taste. You can cook peas with almost any mushroom: fresh champignons and oyster mushrooms, frozen assorted mushrooms, or dried wild mushrooms.

Peas with mushrooms are used in preparing first and second courses. For example, pea porridge with mushrooms is simply irreplaceable during Lent and will be appreciated by family members. To prepare it you need the following products:

  • green or yellow peas - 2 cups,
  • mushrooms - 400 grams,
  • onion - 3 pcs.,
  • water - 4 glasses,
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • salt.

First, rinse the peas in cold water, then peel the onion, cut it into small pieces and fry along with the mushrooms in a heated frying pan for 10 minutes. Place the washed peas in a separate bowl and fill it with cold water. Add mushrooms and onions to the same container. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, cover the pan with a lid and place in the oven. The cooking time for the porridge is half an hour, the temperature is 200 degrees. After the specified time has passed, the pot of porridge must be removed from the oven, salt the porridge, mix well and put back into the oven for 10-15 minutes, after which turn off the oven, but leave the pot with the finished porridge inside for another half an hour. It is recommended to serve this porridge at the table, garnishing it with fried onions.

Pea soup with champignons can be prepared both in summer and winter, because fresh champignons can easily be purchased at the market or in a supermarket at almost any time of the year. To prepare this dish you will need:

  • dry peas - 1 cup,
  • champignons - 100 grams,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • celery - 50 grams,
  • potatoes 2-3 pcs.,
  • smoked ribs - 500 grams,
  • spices (bay leaf, pepper),
  • salt - to taste.

We make broth from smoked ribs: boil water in a saucepan, add an onion and smoked ribs cut into pieces. Let it cook for half an hour, and after this time, remove the onion from the broth, then put the washed peas in the pan, bring it to a boil, reduce the heat and cook until soft for about 1 hour. At this time, you can take care of vegetables and mushrooms: wash and peel the carrots, onions, cut the mushrooms into thin strips or slices. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it and fry the vegetables, and then the mushrooms (separately). Add chopped potatoes to the boiling soup, and after 10 minutes add fried vegetables and mushrooms. At the end of cooking, salt the soup to taste and add spices to it. It is advisable to let the finished pea soup with mushrooms brew for half an hour.

Soup with wild mushrooms is very tasty. These mushrooms are sold frozen in many supermarkets. To prepare the soup you need the following ingredients:

  • frozen forest mushrooms - one package,
  • dry peas (shelled) - 1 cup,
  • onion - 1 head,
  • butter (for frying onions),
  • salt and spices (to taste).

Peas must be sorted, washed and soaked in water for 3 hours. Then strain the water and pour in 2 liters of fresh water, into which add the frozen mushrooms. Next, cook the peas and mushrooms in a saucepan until fully cooked. During this time, you need to chop the onion and fry it in butter. After the peas and mushrooms are cooked, the finished soup must be rubbed through a sieve, or pureed using a blender. Then the soup should be boiled again and seasoned with fried onions and spices.

Fried peas

Peas can be used not only as one of the ingredients for preparing first and second courses, but also as an independent dish, after frying them with onions. It should be noted that fried peas are one of the favorite dishes of the Crimean Tatars. To prepare such a dish, you need a minimum amount of ingredients: peas, onions, salt, cracklings and spices (to taste).

Before you start frying peas, you need to sort them out and rinse them with cold running water, then add warm water and leave them to swell for 4 hours. At the same time, you should make sure that the peas are not too swollen, because when frying, the peas may fall apart in half. The swollen peas must be strained through a colander and then started cooking.

It should be noted that there are at least four ways to fry peas: the first method is dry frying. Place the peas in a clean, dry frying pan and fry, stirring constantly, until cooked. The second method is frying peas using vegetable oil. The third method is to fry peas with cracklings left over from rendering beef fat. During this frying process, you need to add salt and ground black pepper to the pan with peas. The recipe for the fourth method of frying peas consists of the following steps: sauté the onions separately, dry-fry the peas, and when everything is ready, mix the onions and peas together and fry.

Peas with meat

Peas are used in cooking to prepare a variety of dishes. Recently, many housewives prefer to cook pea porridge with meat. The following ingredients are used to prepare this dish:

  • dry peas, pre-soaked in water - 200 grams,
  • beef - 200 grams,
  • carrots – 1 pc.,
  • 1 onion,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • water - 2 glasses,
  • pepper and salt - to taste.

Peas with meat is an independent hearty dish that is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, diversifying your daily diet with such a dish means charging your body with vivacity and additional energy. The recipe for cooking peas with meat is quite simple and does not take much time.

The meat must be cut into small pieces and then fried in a pan with heated vegetable oil until a caramel crust forms. Then add grated carrots, chopped onions to the pan and lightly fry the vegetables. After this, add the peas, add water and bring to a boil over low heat. To obtain the desired result, the porridge should be “simmered” under the lid for 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly. Add salt and pepper to taste. It is recommended to serve pea meat porridge with cilantro and parsley.

Pea salad

Many housewives use peas not only for preparing first courses (soups, stews, broths, etc.), but also for preparing all kinds of salads. An incredibly tasty and light pea salad is an ideal appetizer that can be prepared in just five minutes. The original and at the same time simple recipe for this salad uses the following ingredients: green or young peas, bacon, onions, specially prepared sauce, olive oil, nuts, hard cheese.

The bacon needs to be fried a little in vegetable oil. To prepare the sauce, you need to use olive oil, lemon juice, mustard and wine vinegar - all these ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and beaten using a blender or regular masher until smooth. Combine the peas with diagonally chopped green onions, and then season with the prepared sauce. Before serving, add nuts and brisket to the peas. By the way, you can also use various greens, and walnuts or pine nuts can be replaced with cashews (to taste). You can also add some strips of hard cheese to the salad. Naturally, such a recipe can be improved at home, turning it into an extraordinary dish that will become tastier and tastier each time.

Peas with chicken

Peas with chicken is a very satisfying and tasty dish, for the preparation of which you need to use the following ingredients:

  • peas - 500 grams,
  • chicken - one pc. (or 4 hams),
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • ketchup - 1 tablespoon,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • ginger - 1 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • onion - one head,
  • tomato (medium size) - 1 pc.,
  • brown sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • water - 3/4 cup,
  • green onions,
  • black pepper,
  • fresh thyme - two sprigs,
  • lemon (or lime) – 1 pc.,
  • vinegar - 3 tablespoons.

To prepare the dish, peas must be soaked in cold water in advance. Cut the chicken into portions, place in a bowl and add vinegar or lemon juice. Mix the pieces, then rinse the chicken under running water. Carefully chop the tomatoes, ginger, garlic and onion and add to the chicken, add thyme, salt, ketchup and pepper. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and marinate in the refrigerator, preferably for a couple of hours.

To prepare the dish, it is best to use a cast iron pan, since it distributes heat better, and it is much easier to stew meat in such a pan. Heat the sunflower oil over high heat, add sugar and stir until it turns dark brown. You need to add the entire contents of the pan to it, i.e. marinated chicken with seasonings, so that each piece is caramelized. The chicken should be brought to a boil, and as soon as it boils, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook, stirring for 15 minutes. When all the liquid has evaporated from the chicken, add pre-soaked peas and 3/4 cup of water. Cover the pan with a lid, reduce the gas and bring to a boil. Cook the chicken for 12 minutes, stirring it every 4 minutes. In this case, you should make sure that all the liquid in the pan has boiled away. Finally, the finished dish must be garnished with finely chopped green onions.

Pea cutlets

Peas can be used to make vegetarian cutlets. These cutlets will be a good option for a lean dish. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients: 500 grams of peas, 3-4 medium-sized potatoes, 3 onions, 2-3 cloves of garlic, fir oil, breadcrumbs or flour, and half a teaspoon of dried coriander.

Pea cutlets are a nutritious and tasty dish that will especially appeal to those who prefer to eat exclusively natural plant foods in their diet. Before preparing the cutlets, it is recommended to soak the peas overnight (approximately 8 hours). Then it must be passed through a meat grinder along with onions and raw potatoes, garlic and coriander. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the resulting mixture. If the minced meat turns out dry, you can add fresh carrots grated on a fine grater and a couple more potatoes. From the finished minced meat, you need to form small cutlets, roll them in flour or breadcrumbs and fry in olive oil until you get an appetizing golden crust. Delicious and satisfying pea cutlets are ready!

Moonshine from peas

Peas are used to make moonshine. The recipe does not require careful temperature control. The following recipe is used in cases where it is not possible to create the best conditions for the fermentation process.

So, for the recipe “Moonshine from peas” you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • shelled peas – 2 kg,
  • sour cream - 200 g,
  • pressed yeast - 350 g (or dry yeast - 60 g),
  • sugar - 7 kg,
  • purified water - 35 liters.

The method for preparing moonshine from split peas is quite simple: first you need to heat the water to a temperature of 30 degrees and pour it into a special can with a capacity of 40 liters. Separately, yeast should be diluted in warm water, mixed and poured into a can along with peas. After 20 minutes, the following components are added to the can - sugar and sour cream, after which everything must be thoroughly mixed again. It is recommended to use sour cream to prevent the mash from pouring out of the container due to active foaming, which usually occurs a couple of hours after the start of fermentation.

The can should be tightly closed with a lid, and then thoroughly wrapped in an old blanket. In this case, it is advisable to maintain the optimal temperature for fermentation - from 22 to 28 ° C. In total, the preparation time for moonshine is 3 days. During the distillation process, it is recommended to collect about seven liters of moonshine, otherwise the drink may become cloudy. To improve the quality of the finished pea moonshine, you should clean it. The optimal result is achieved by purifying moonshine with charcoal. To do this, simply pass the finished product through a filter made of charcoal.

Peas are a herbaceous annual plant, a member of the legume family. Very elegant and beautiful, with thin leaves, tendrils and flowers characteristic of legumes. It blooms often white, sometimes pink. Some varieties bloom purple and fuchsia. It is one of the first crops to be mastered by man.

Regular use of this product helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, relieves heartburn, and normalizes intestinal function.

These are perhaps the main reasons why peas are very popular among many housewives. But we will tell you how to prepare it in this article.

The content of the article:

How to cook peas in a slow cooker?

I would like to immediately note that cooking peas in a slow cooker will take you about 20 - 30% more time than in a regular saucepan. But at the end you can get a perfect product.

Recipe No. 1 . Pea porridge . Let's look at one of the simplest recipes for making porridge in a slow cooker.


  • Split peas (2 cups);
  • Water (4 glasses);
  • Salt;

1). First of all, we need to carefully sort out the peas and discard all the garbage. Next, wash the grains and change the water until it remains clear. Pour the washed cereal into a multicooker and fill it with water, after which we turn on the “stew” mode and cook for 2 hours.

2). Thanks to the slow action and long wait, you can get really cooked and very tasty peas. After the multicooker turns off, take out the porridge and stir thoroughly.

Salt can be added both before and after cooking.

The advantage of a slow cooker is that there is no need to soak the peas before cooking.

How to make pea puree?

Recipe No. 1. Classic pea puree recipe . Let's look at a recipe for one of the most budget-friendly options for making pea porridge.


  • Peas (1 cup (split ones cook faster));
  • Water (2-3 glasses);
  • Salt;

1) . We clean the peas from debris, rinse with water and soak in cold water for several hours. Ideally, leave it overnight.

2) . Next, drain the old water, rinse again and fill with boiled water. First turn the heat on the stove to maximum so that the water boils quickly, then turn it down to medium and open the lid. Cook for 1.5 – 2 hours. I would like to note that, according to very sensitive people, it is necessary to remove the foam that forms during boiling. But in my opinion, it is not at all necessary to do this, since the peas are already almost sterile after soaking and washing. It's up to you.

3) . If all the water has boiled away, but the beans are not cooked yet, add a little (about half a glass) of boiled water, stir over medium heat and let it boil too. As soon as the peas are cooked, remove from the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let simmer a little.

If you want to get a more delicate consistency, you will need to do this with a blender. If the puree turns out to be dry, you can add a little boiled water. You can also add a little milk.

Recipe No. 2. Spicy pea puree . This recipe can be an excellent solution for those who want to diversify their usual dish.


  • Peas (1 cup);
  • Water (2-3 glasses);
  • Carrots (1 piece, medium size);
  • Parsley, dill, basil, or other greens that you prefer;
  • Garlic (1 clove);
  • Vegetable oil (3 tablespoons);
  • Salt;

1) . The first three stages, as in the case of the previous recipe: soak, cook, crush, that is, prepare ordinary pea puree.

2) . Peel the carrots and herbs and dry. Grind all ingredients (garlic, carrots, herbs) in a blender (you can also use a meat grinder). Add the resulting pulp to the puree, add salt, add oil and mix everything thoroughly. For spiciness, you can also add ground black pepper to the dish to taste.

How to cook peas with meat?

Recipe No. 1 . Pea porridge with stew . An economical, practical and very tasty recipe for cooking peas. I would also like to note that you can use meat instead of stew.


  • Dry split peas (1.5 cups);
  • Water (5 glasses);
  • Beef stew (300 grams);
  • Onion (1 piece);
  • Salt (2 teaspoons);
  • Ground black pepper (half a teaspoon);
  • Sunflower oil (2 tablespoons);

1) . We wash the peas, soak them in cold water, and leave them for about 5 - 7 hours.

2) . Open the stew and place it in a deep plate, separating the fat and all the liquid.

3) . Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

4) . Next, put the peas in a medium saucepan, add 3 cups of boiled water, cook for about 30 minutes, then pour in half the required salt and boil for some more time. Next, make puree from the cooked peas.

5) . Pour two tablespoons of sunflower oil into a frying pan, heat it over low heat, add the onion and fry for about 5 - 7 minutes.

7) . Pour in the spices (in my case ground black pepper), the remaining salt, stir, cover the top of the frying pan with a lid, reduce the gas and simmer in this position for about 5-7 minutes.

8) . Mix the prepared stew with onions with the prepared pea porridge and keep on fire for about 5 minutes.

How to cook peas with chicken?

Recipe No. 1. Pea soup with chicken . Despite the huge variety of dishes among all the cuisines of the world, a dish such as pea soup is quite popular.


  • Split peas (1 cup);
  • Chicken (300 gr);
  • Potatoes (2 pcs);
  • Carrots (1 piece);
  • Onion (1 piece);
  • Spices (salt, pepper, seasonings);
  • Vegetable (2 tbsp);

1) . Wash the peas and leave in water (about 2-4 hours). Then we put a pan of water on the stove and throw in the peas along with the chicken. As soon as the water boils, we need to reduce the heat and remove the foam, after which we leave to cook for about 45 - 50 minutes.

2) . While the broth is cooking, prepare the vegetables. Pass the carrots through a grater with large divisions, finely chop the onion and cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes.

3) . Pour oil into a frying pan and fry the onions and carrots until golden brown.

4) . After the broth is ready, take the meat out of the pan and add the potatoes, which we cook for about 10 minutes.

5) . Next, add the finished roast here, but about 5 minutes after that, throw the meat back in, not forgetting to cut it into small pieces. At this stage, we also add spices here, which in your opinion will make the soup more tasty.

6) . Cook the soup for another 10 - 15 minutes, then turn off the stove and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.

Pea soup with chicken is ready!

How to cook green peas?

Recipe No. 1. Green pea sauce.


  • Chopped onion (¾ cup);
  • Water (1 glass);
  • Green peas (2 cups);
  • Butter (2 tbsp);
  • Flour (1 tbsp);
  • Heavy cream (½ cup);
  • Salt, pepper, nutmeg;

1) . Add 1 tsp into the water. salt, onion and boil. Add peas and cook for 5 minutes. Drain the water, leaving about ¾ cup, which will be needed for later use.

2) . Melt the butter, add flour, spices and heat until golden brown, remembering to stir so that nothing burns.

3) . Add cream and water from cooking vegetables, stir and cook over low heat until thickened.

4) . Add vegetables and bring to a boil.

Recipe No. 2. Spicy pea sauce .


  • Green peas (250 g);
  • Natural yogurt or sour cream (2 tbsp);
  • Chili pepper (1 pc);
  • Garlic (1-2 cloves);
  • Olive oil (2 tsp);
  • Lemon (1 piece);
  • Fresh mint (1 tbsp);

1) . Boil green peas, cool and grind in a blender. Squeeze the garlic through a press and chop the chili pepper.

2). Mix all ingredients in a blender, add lemon juice and chopped mint.

Recipe No. 3. Baked soup


  • Tomatoes (6 pcs);
  • Onion (1 piece);
  • Garlic (2 cloves);
  • Vegetable broth (300 ml);
  • Green peas (400 g);
  • Tomato paste (2 tbsp);

1) . Place whole tomatoes, chopped onion and garlic on a baking sheet and place in a hot oven for about 30 minutes. The vegetables should become soft and have a light crust.

2) . Boil the peas and place in a sieve. In a blender, grind half the peas with the broth until smooth and rub through a sieve.

3) . Place all ingredients in a saucepan, add salt, and bring to a boil.

4) . Add greens and serve.

How to cook peas for a side dish?

Recipe No. 1. Pea side dish . Quite a tasty and satisfying dish.


  • Curry (to taste);
  • Onion (1 pc);
  • Vegetable oil (150 g);
  • Peas (500 gr);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Tomato paste (150 g);
  • Carrots (1 piece);

1) . Wash the peas;

2) . Pour water into a clean saucepan and put it on fire.

3) . As soon as the water boils, add the peas. Boil for 1.5 hours.

4) . After boiling the peas until half cooked, add a little curry and stir.

6) . Place a frying pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil and fry the onions and carrots. The vegetables should become golden.

7) . Add tomato paste to vegetables and stir.

8) . Place the boiled peas in a colander to drain excess juice.

9) . Place the peas on a serving plate and the sautéed vegetables on top.

10) . That's all, the delicious pea side dish is ready.

How to cook pilaf with chickpeas?

Recipe No. 1. Pilaf with chickpeas . Chickpeas have taken their rightful place in the recipe for pilaf with peas, and you can prepare such pilaf as follows.


  • Short rice (2 cups);
  • Beef (300 g);
  • Dry chickpeas (0.5 cup);
  • Sunflower oil (3 tablespoons);
  • Carrots (150 g);
  • Onions (150 g);
  • Garlic (3 heads);
  • Seasoning for pilaf (1 packet);
  • Zira (1 tsp);
  • Barberry;
  • Salt (2 tsp);

1) . Soak half a glass of chickpeas in regular boiled water overnight. During this time, it will swell and almost double in size.

2) . Prepare the beef, cut it into medium-sized cubes. Prepare vegetable oil.

3) . We wash the carrots, then peel both them and the onions.

4) . Cut the carrots into large pieces.

5) . Cut the onion into large strips.

7) . Wash the rice thoroughly in hot water and pour boiling water over it. Let it stand and swell.

8) . Prepare a glass of soaked chickpeas, seasonings and garlic. As for seasonings, we will use only cumin and barberry. But you can also use ready-made rice seasoning instead.

9) . Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan or cauldron and heat it over high heat, then reduce the heat and begin to fry the carrots and onions. Don't forget to stir so nothing burns. As a result, (after about 15 - 20 minutes) you should get golden onions and carrots.

10) . Next we start frying the meat. We move the zirvak and put the meat in the cauldron. This will take you about 10 minutes. It should release its juice and fry slightly. After this, mix the zirvak and simmer for about 5 minutes.

11) . Now we need to add 2 cups of boiling water, seasonings, cumin and salt to the cauldron. Stir and continue to simmer the zirvak over low heat for about 15 minutes.

12) . Add soaked chickpeas to the cauldron.

13) . Carefully place the rice and three heads of garlic into the cauldron, then level the rice and add a little boiling water. The rice should be completely covered with water. Cook the pilaf over low heat, while not forgetting to control the situation. Remember, the water should not boil away quickly, and if this happens, you can add it.

14) . After all the water has boiled away and the rice is still a little hard, remove from the heat, otherwise you will end up with rice porridge. The pilaf is covered with a lid, where it arrives on its own in about 15 minutes.

Fragrant pilaf with chickpeas is ready!

How to cook peas without soaking?

Recipe No. 1. Smoked pea porridge without soaking . It is better to use crushed peas, as they cook faster.


  • Peas (500 grams);
  • Water (1 liter);
  • Onions (1 piece);
  • Carrots (1 piece);
  • Tomato paste (2 tablespoons);
  • Salt, spices;
  • Bay leaf (2 pcs);
  • Vegetable little (60 ml);
  • Butter (40 g);
  • Greenery;

1) . We wash the peas with running water, then pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.

3) . While the peas are cooking, you can prepare the vegetables. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into half rings or cubes.

4) . Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, then fry the carrots and onions. Add tomato paste and do not forget to stir so that nothing burns. If you want to give the dish a smoked flavor, you can use smoked lard instead of vegetable oil.

5) . Checking the peas. Add salt, spices, bay leaf to taste. Cook at this heat and with the lid closed for another hour. Don't forget to stir periodically.

6) . Add fried vegetables to the finished porridge. Stir, cover and cook for 10 minutes.

Delicious pea porridge is ready!

How to make pea salad?

Recipe No. 1. Salad with green peas and egg . A simple and inexpensive green pea salad.


  • Canned peas (100 g);
  • Parsley;
  • Boiled rice (150 g);
  • Boiled egg (3 pcs);
  • Bell pepper (1 piece);
  • Vegetable oil (100 g);
  • Salt (to taste);

1) . Cut off the base of the pepper, remove the seeds and cut into rings or strips.

2) . Wash the rice thoroughly in cold water, then add water and salt. Cook over low heat until fully cooked.

3) . Mix the cooked rice with chopped sweet pepper.

4) . Boil the eggs for about 10 minutes, after which we peel them and finely chop them to obtain the egg mass.

5) . Pass the green peas through a colander.

6) . Add peas and eggs to the mixed rice and pepper.

7) . Add vegetable oil, salt to taste and mix everything thoroughly.

8) . Decorate with parsley sprigs and serve.

Recipe No. 2. Green peas with smoked chicken .


  • Smoked chicken (500 g);
  • Green peas (500 g);
  • Egg white (from 3 eggs);
  • Onions (1 head);
  • Vegetable oil (20 g);
  • Table vinegar (20 g);
  • Mayonnaise (20 g);
  • Korean carrots (150 gr);

1) . Cut the chicken meat into cubes and lay out the first layer.

2) . Place a second layer of green peas and coat with mayonnaise.

3) . Cut the egg whites into cubes (if desired, you can also add the yolk here), spread with mayonnaise.

4) . Fry the onion, cut into half rings, in vegetable oil until golden brown, then drain the oil and mix the onion with vinegar and mayonnaise.

5) . Place a layer of Korean carrots on top of the fried onions. We do not grease the last layer with mayonnaise.

6) . Leave for a few minutes so that all layers are soaked and the salad can be served.

To prepare a less fatty salad, the amount of mayonnaise added can be reduced.

How to cook peas for pies?

Recipe No. 1. Pea filling . Pea filling is extremely good for making homemade pies


  • Dry shelled peas (1 cup);
  • Onions (2 heads);
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt, ground black pepper;

1) . We thoroughly clean and wash the peas.

2) . Fill the washed peas with water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam, reduce heat and cover with a lid. In this position, cook the peas until they are completely boiled (about 1.5 - 2 hours), not forgetting to stir periodically.

3) . Cooked peas are practically a finished puree with individual inclusions of peas that have retained their shape. If desired, the pea mass can be rubbed until smooth, but you can also leave it, since peas that have retained their shape are chewed quite easily.

5) . Add the onion to the pea puree, salt and pepper to taste and mix.

In Rus', peas have always been a very popular product. Many delicious dishes were made from it. However, over time it lost its popularity. Our article will talk about how to prepare all kinds of dishes from peas: dry, green, chickpeas and so on.

Peas in the culture of different countries

Pea dishes are popular all over the world. Previously, not only porridge and soup were cooked from it. Jelly and even pea noodles were in use. The fashion for this culture came to our region from France. There, pea soup with ham was even served on the royal table. In Japan, green grains were used to drive away evil spirits. There is still a tradition maintained there on New Year's Eve: people scatter peas on the floor, saying: “Happiness in the house, devils out.” In the Middle East, hummus spread is made from this legume and sesame seeds. In England they make pudding from it, and in Asia it is fried with spices and salt. In our country, some pea dishes are completely undeservedly forgotten. And in vain, because this product contains a lot of useful substances.

About the benefits of peas

The nutritional value of this legume is very high. In terms of protein content, it can easily replace meat. In addition, peas are easily absorbed by the body and improve metabolic processes in it. It also has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of heart attack, cancer, hypertension; slows down the aging of the whole body. In addition, pea dishes are very low in calories. One hundred grams of dry grains contain 149 kilocalories. The energy value of the cooked product is two times lower. Peas contain essential amino acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins B and PP, fiber, carotene, and starch. It contains many useful micro- and macroelements: molybdenum, iron, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, potassium.

Selection and storage

Before preparing pea dishes, you should learn how to select and store this product. Dry high-quality grains should be small in size - 3-4 millimeters in diameter. They are characterized by a green or bright yellow color. Larger pea sizes are a sign of an unappetizing forage variety. Split peas should be sold in durable packaging that protects them from the harmful effects of moisture. Dishes made from dry peas are most popular among Russians. This product retains its unique properties for several months when properly stored. It should be kept in a dry place in an airtight container (glass jar). Place a small cloth bag filled with salt at the bottom of the container. This will save the peas from harmful moisture.

Asparagus salad with peas. Ingredients


  • dry peas - 2 cups;
  • semolina - 4 tablespoons;
  • breadcrumbs - 5 tablespoons;
  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil, salt - to taste;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Pea zrazy. Cooking method

  1. First of all, you need to soak the peas overnight and then rinse them thoroughly.
  2. Next, the product must be filled with water and cooked in a saucepan for about an hour.
  3. Then the excess liquid should be drained, and the finished peas should be mixed with boiled semolina and combined with onions fried in sunflower oil.
  4. Now you need to mince the ingredients, add chicken eggs, salt and pepper.
  5. You need to form zrazy from the pea mixture. They should be rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in a frying pan until golden brown.

The food is ready!

Cooking in a slow cooker

Typically, pea dishes take one to one and a half hours to prepare. It’s much more convenient to make them in a slow cooker: you don’t have to worry that the food will burn. The main thing is to set the appropriate mode and required cooking time. Moreover, peas are cooked in a slow cooker for about twenty minutes longer than in a regular saucepan. But at the end you can get a perfect product: delicious vegetable puree, delicious pea porridge, and a lot of other amazing dishes. Experiment and you will succeed!

Now you know how to prepare some pea dishes. Pamper yourself and your loved ones. Bon appetit!

Pea dishes are rich, first of all, in proteins, so excluding pea dishes from your diet is a big mistake, unless, of course, this is a doctor’s indication. Therefore, be sure to look at pea recipes with photos on the website. Their pea recipes will add variety to your menu. Imagine, peas are six times richer in protein than tomatoes. And young potatoes are inferior both in calorie content and in the presence of essential amino acids in them. First of all, such protein wealth is present in young peas - peas. In addition, peas contain vitamins A, B, C and PP (nicotinic acid).

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