How to make French fries at home. Perfect French fries at home

15.12.2023 Restaurant notes

How to cook French fries at home so that they turn out as tasty and aromatic as those in a fast food cafe? This question is especially interesting for those who cannot imagine their life without fried foods. It should be noted that, like any other fast food, French fries are quite unhealthy. However, if you use it rarely and in moderation, it will not negatively affect your body. Moreover, when made at home, such a dish is safer than what is sold in popular fast food restaurants.

Choosing the right raw materials

Let's say you've already learned how to make French fries at home, now you should purchase all the basic ingredients. For this dish, vegetable varieties that contain a minimum of starch are ideal. It should also be noted that French fries will turn out the most delicious, crispy and beautiful if they are prepared from large and elongated tubers.

Oil selection

How to make French fries at home? To do this, you should stock up not only on vegetables, but also on a product such as vegetable oil. It is best to take refined (deodorized) one. Otherwise, your dish will have a pronounced oil aroma, which, of course, is undesirable.

Thus, to prepare French fries, it is recommended to purchase sunflower, olive or corn oil. Each of these varieties will give your dish a special subtle aroma and taste.

French fries: detailed recipe

French fries are not as difficult to prepare as it seems at first glance. After all, almost each of us knows how to fry it in a frying pan. The only difference between these dishes is the amount of vegetable oil used during heat treatment.

So, remembering how to cook French fries at home, you need to purchase:

Vegetable cutting

How to make homemade fries so that they are as similar as possible to those sold in fast food cafes? To do this, vegetables should be cut correctly. But before this, large tubers need to be washed well and thinly peeled. Next, the potatoes must be cut into long and thin slices 1-1.3 centimeters thick. If you make them any thinner, you risk getting an overcooked dish that's loaded with oil. If you chop the vegetable too thickly, then there is a chance that the middle of the pieces will not cook.

Preparation of the main ingredient

How to make French fries golden brown and delicious? To do this, you should use a special deep fat fryer and a set of aromatic spices. But before you start frying the vegetable strips, you need to place them on a paper towel and dry them well. If this procedure is overlooked, then you risk being severely burned, since droplets of water that fall into the seething fat will create a rather strong reaction.

Heat treatment

Having carefully figured out how to cook French fries in a deep fryer, you, of course, remember that you should first pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into it and heat it up very high. The readiness of the fat can be determined in the following way: you need to dip a small piece of peeled vegetable into it. If the potatoes float to the surface and multiple bubbles appear around them, then the oil is perfectly heated. If this does not happen, then you need to wait a few more minutes.

After the vegetable oil boils, place a small amount of chopped and dried potatoes into the fryer mesh. Next, you need to lower the dishes into fat and cook the product until golden brown. In this case, it is recommended to stir the vegetables regularly by tugging the mesh or simply moving them with a slotted spoon.

Final stage

Now you know how to make French fries at home. However, it is equally important to find out how such a dish should be served. To do this, you need to place the prepared vegetables on a paper napkin and remove as much fat from them as possible. Next, the fries must be placed in a sieve or colander, and then sprinkled with salt and sweet paprika to taste. After shaking the product vigorously several times, place it on a plate and serve along with ketchup or some other sauce. Bon appetit!

Crispy French fries

We talked about how to make French fries at home. However, it should be noted that this dish is not as crispy as we would like. In this regard, we bring to your attention another recipe that involves pre-freezing vegetables.

So, before you cook French fries at home, you need to purchase:

  • refined vegetable oil - about 600 ml (for deep-frying);
  • large oblong potato tubers - 5-8 pcs.;
  • any starch - 150 g;
  • add fine salt, sweet paprika, pepper, aromatic seasonings, a mixture of dried herbs, etc. to taste.

Preparing vegetables

What is the difference between this and the previous recipe? In this case, French fries should be frozen first. This procedure will ensure that the dish turns out not only rosy and beautiful, but also as crispy as in a fast food cafe.

Thus, to prepare French fries, you should take several large oblong vegetable tubers, wash them thoroughly and peel them. Next, they need to be chopped into thin and long strips, and then placed on paper napkins or a waffle towel and completely dehydrated.

Pre-treatment of vegetables

How to cook homemade fries to make them as crispy as possible? To do this, take a large and not very deep plate, pour starch into it, and then roll in all the cut potato slices one by one. Next, they need to be placed in a metal container and sent to the freezer. It is recommended to keep vegetables in the cold for no more than 30 minutes.

Frying in oil

As mentioned above, it is best to use a special deep fryer to prepare such a dish. But if you don’t have such a device, then you can use an ordinary thick-walled pan or a cast-iron duck pot. It is necessary to pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into it, and then heat it very much over maximum heat. Fat is considered completely ready for product display if it emits a light smoke and an appropriate aroma.

Experienced chefs recommend placing potatoes in deep fat using a special mesh basket. But if you don’t have such an attribute in your kitchen, then you can put the vegetables directly into the pan. It is recommended to stir them regularly using a slotted spoon.

You can tell when homemade fries are done by their color. Vegetables should be evenly covered with a golden crust. In addition, having tried this dish, you can note not only its softness, but also its characteristic crunch, for which, in fact, most fast food fans love it.

Proper serving to the table

We talked about how to make French fries at home. But you should not prepare such a dish if you do not know how to properly serve it. The fact is that vegetables are not salted during heat treatment. If you add spices to them during frying or before it, then the French fries will not turn out tasty, rosy, and even more beautiful. In this regard, experts recommend seasoning the dish only after it is completely ready to eat. To do this, remove the fried potatoes from the boiling oil and then place them in a sieve or on paper towels. Having thus rid the vegetables of excess fat, they should be discarded in a colander, sprinkled with salt, aromatic seasonings, dried herbs and other additives, and then shake thoroughly so that the spices are evenly distributed over the potatoes. Next, the dish must be placed on a plate and presented to the table along with some sauce.

French fries: can they be cooked in a slow cooker?

Cooking French fries in a slow cooker is just as easy and simple as cooking in a deep fryer or on a regular kitchen stove. For this you need:

  • refined vegetable oil - 1 l;
  • large oblong potato tubers - 5-9 pcs.;
  • fine iodized salt - add to taste.

Vegetable processing

Chop potatoes for cooking in a slow cooker in exactly the same way as described above. If you regularly make this dish at home, then it’s worth purchasing a special device with which you can quickly chop vegetables into beautiful and even slices. In the absence of such a device, an ordinary sharp knife with a thin blade will do.

Heat treatment

Before adding the chopped potatoes to the deep fryer, dry them thoroughly using paper towels. Next, you need to pour vegetable oil into the container of the device and, turning on the baking mode, heat it up very much. After a slight smoke comes from the fat, you need to place the potato slices in a metal mesh basket and fry them thoroughly until golden brown. If you do not have such a device, then you need to place the vegetables directly into the multicooker bowl, stir and remove them using a slotted spoon.

How to serve it correctly?

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about making your own French fries in a slow cooker. After preparing it, the vegetables should be shaken vigorously in a sieve, seasoned with salt and any other aromatic spices, and then presented to the table along with spicy ketchup or tomato sauce. Bon appetit!

To make this dish at home as tasty and aromatic as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

Do you like French fries and order them in cafes and restaurants? Don't waste your money, cook this dish at home. It will be an excellent side dish for fish and meat, an outdoor snack for a large company and a treat for children. Please note that potatoes should be eaten hot immediately after cooking; if they cool down, they will lose their taste.

Preparing to make French fries at home

Prepare for this process:

  • choose potatoes of the same size, large or medium size;
  • wash the vegetables and cut off the peel;
  • cut the potatoes into long bars no more than 1 cm thick. Thick pieces will not fry well, and too thin pieces will come out dry;
  • Place the chopped potatoes in a bowl of cold and slightly salted water to prevent the product from browning. Before frying, drain the water, dry the potatoes on a clean towel and start cooking.

Pay special attention to the choice of oil for frying. Give preference to refined and deodorized sunflower, olive or corn oil. Please note that you need to take 4 times more oil for deep frying than potatoes.

Making French fries at home on the stove

Prepare a delicious treat in a deep cast-iron skillet or heavy-bottomed saucepan. For four servings of crispy potatoes, prepare:

  • 3 pinches of salt;
  • 4 large potatoes;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil.

Pour oil into the frying pan. If you have lard in the house, put a small piece in the frying pan. Heat the oil well on the stove. If you see a slight smoke above the frying pan, it’s time to add the potatoes. To test, submerge one piece of potato in the fat. If the oil around it begins to sizzle and become covered with bubbles, that’s exactly what you need. With poorly heated oil, the potatoes will not get a golden and crispy crust.

Using a slotted spoon, place the potato strips in one layer so that they float freely in the fat. Turn regularly with a spatula to ensure even cooking. Cook one serving in a frying pan for no more than five minutes over medium heat. Using a slotted spoon, remove the fried potatoes onto a paper towel and add salt, and place the next portion of potatoes into the boiling oil. Fry two portions of potatoes in one portion of oil, no more!

Making French fries at home in a deep fryer

Buy a deep fryer in the form of a special cookware for the stove or an electric appliance. You can cook French fries anytime. All deep fryers have a deep frying container and a mesh for chopped potatoes.

The cooking technology is simple:

  • Pour vegetable oil into the fryer bowl and heat it up. For 100 g of potato straws, take 500 g of butter;
  • Place the prepared potato bars in the deep fryer basket. Add the product in small portions;
  • Carefully lower the basket of potatoes into the melted fat. Please note that deep fat should not boil!
  • fry each portion for 4-5 minutes until golden brown.

Place the finished fries on a plate covered with paper napkins. Give time for excess fat to be absorbed. Season the finished dish with salt and garnish with chopped herbs and vegetables.

Making French fries at home in the oven

Oven frying will reduce oil consumption. Cooking process:

  • beat two egg whites with salt and stir it with the prepared potato strips in a bowl;
  • add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, stir;
  • cover a baking sheet with parchment or baking paper;
  • Arrange the potatoes on a baking sheet in a single layer;
  • place the potatoes in the oven, heated to a temperature of 250 degrees;
  • fry for 20 minutes until the potatoes acquire a golden brown crust. Salt the finished dish.

Sprinkle the finished dish with spices and serve it with different sauces. Home-cooked golden potatoes will be healthier and much tastier than those cooked in a restaurant.

Imagine crispy fried potatoes with a tender center that children and adults love so much. We are ready to go to a cafe and order ourselves a portion or two, but is it really impossible to repeat the same recipe at home? According to statistics, 55% out of 100 do not know how to make real French fries at home. But we will teach you how to cook, because the most important thing is to know the secrets.

What do you think is most important for success at home? Oil for frying? Capacity? Or a potato variety? Probably the last option is true. The most important thing to get identical golden sticks that won’t fall apart is to choose the right potato variety.


  • high level of starch content;
  • long shelf life;
  • smooth surface without “eyes”;
  • large root size;
  • absence of green spots;
  • do not darken after cleaning;
  • bears blows well.

Among the huge variety of potatoes, there are only two varieties that are ideal for all criteria:

  • Anosta. This is a specially grown Dutch variety that is not good for anything more than fries and chips. Does not have a strong taste, very starchy. Its tubers are perfectly smooth and large. Grows in dry soil with moderate watering.
  • Lady Claire. It has a high level of starch and is slightly sweet. The white, smooth tubers are easy to peel and cut. It makes French fries very soft and literally melts in your mouth. Can be stored for up to six months.

Interesting to know! McDonald's uses Santana, Innovator and Russet Bourbon potato varieties. This elite “bread” has the right to be grown only by the Fam Frites company, which constantly checks the quality of not only the vegetable, but also the soil where it grows.

Easy deep fryer recipe

In fact, there are many nuances to such a simple air fryer recipe. If you simply cut up potatoes and put them in a kitchen utensil, you will probably end up with an inedible dish that vaguely resembles fries. Therefore, strictly follow our instructions:

  • you will need 2 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 liter of vegetable oil.

What oil should I take? Choose refined one without a pronounced aroma. As for its origin, it can be corn, olive, sunflower or any other that you can afford.

Peel large or medium-sized tubers. Cut into bars of desired thickness and place on a towel to dry.

Turn on the deep fryer and pour 1 liter of fat into the fryer bowl. Wait until the indicator indicates readiness. Place dried potatoes in a mesh and place in oil. One serving will take from 4 to 6 minutes.

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Make sure that your mesh is not overloaded with potatoes. For 2 kg you will have about 8 servings.

Before serving, you need to let the excess fat drain off, and to do this, use disposable towels where you place the potatoes.

Add salt before serving to guests and household members.

Interesting! An unusual potato variety called “Northern Lights” is versatile and also suitable for deep-frying and frying. Its peculiarity is that when cut, the root crop has a dark purple core with light inclusions.

French fries at home in a frying pan

Cooking in a frying pan is a little more difficult than in a deep fryer. The whole difference is that in a kitchen unit the pieces are completely immersed in fat, but on a frying surface this effect is difficult to achieve. Problems also arise when the oil begins to foam or splash excessively. As a result, you end up with one-sided potato pieces that are overcooked on one side and left raw on the inside.

To avoid mistakes, read the correct recipe for cooking French fries at home in a frying pan. For two servings you will need:

  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 100 g olive oil.

Why should you choose olive oil? Firstly, because it releases less transgenic fats when fried, helping to make French fries lower in calories. And secondly, it has a lower boiling point, which means it will not foam as much.

Tip: to prevent oil from splashing, the vegetable must be dried before frying so that no traces of moisture remain.

Another little secret to frying in a pan. Keep the finished sticks in water while peeling and slicing. And then leave in clean liquid for another 10 minutes. This will remove excess starch from the cut surface. And then dry it.

Pour oil into the frying pan and let it heat well. Prepare two servings. Place the first one in the frying pan so that all the straws fit in one row. Wait 3 minutes and turn each piece over. Fry a little more and remove to a dry towel. Repeat with the second portion.

Interesting! The world's largest fast food restaurant has found a way to quickly and healthy peel potatoes. First, the tubers are doused with hot steam, due to which the skin softens, and then a thin layer is removed with brushes, leaving the most useful substances in the tubers.

French fries in a slow cooker

A multicooker is an indispensable and very convenient device. On the one hand, it is convenient because, like a deep fryer, it has a deep bowl in which you can heat fat and dip pieces of vegetables into it. But there are also difficulties. You may find that, unlike a deep fryer specifically designed for its purpose, the multicooker does not have the necessary deep mesh. And without it, you will have to work hard to fish out the potatoes without overcooking them.

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But we will tell you how to cope with difficulties and cook great French fries in a slow cooker!

Take the prescription:

  • 1 kg potatoes;
  • 0.5 liters of sunflower oil.

We carry out standard preparatory procedures: we clean the tubers and clean them with thin straws. By the way, some types of food processors have a special attachment for cutting French fries. Dry the cut pieces.

On the multicooker panel, set the frying mode to maximum temperature. Pour in the vegetable fat and wait until it heats up for about 4 minutes.

Next, prepare the necessary tools. Take a large sieve that will fit into the multicooker bowl. If this is the case, you're in luck. It will replace the fryer grate. But if there is no sieve, it doesn’t matter. Let's use a slotted spoon - a large flat spoon with holes.

Let's start adding potatoes. Use small portions. So that the straws are free. 1 kg of potatoes yields an average of 4 servings.

After 3-4 minutes, start catching the toasted cubes. If you use a sieve, dip the potatoes into the fat along with it. If using a slotted spoon, carefully pick up the pieces with a spoon and place on a plate with a paper napkin.

Important! French fries should not be salted during cooking. Not at any stage. Just before serving.

Cooking in the oven without oil

This method is perhaps the most universal. It is low in calories and since no fat is used, it can be served to children without fear. And potatoes cooked in the oven are in no way inferior in taste to their friend from the deep fryer. To cook French fries in the oven without oil, take:

  • 0.5 kg;
  • baking paper;
  • salt in a salt shaker.

These simple recipe ingredients will help you create tender, crispy, and healthy fries. The most labor-intensive step is washing and cutting the tubers. If you get the hang of it quickly, proceed to dry the pieces on a cotton towel.

At this time, your oven is already heating up to 180°C. Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet. Place the potatoes in one layer. Place in a roasting pan. Make sure it doesn't burn. You need to turn it over after 10 minutes. The average cooking time in the oven is 20-25 minutes.

Interesting to know! Most people who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition complain that McDonald's fries are very high in calories precisely because of the poor quality of fat. But in fact, the type of oil used in restaurants is specially adapted for deep-frying and is far superior in quality to all those that we use at home.

Quick recipe in the microwave

This method is incredibly fast in preparation. You can get a crispy side dish in just 10 minutes, using a minimum of effort and ingredients. Another plus in favor of this method is that a minimal amount of vegetable oil is used, which means the dish will not be high in calories. To cook French fries at home in the microwave, take:

  • - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt for sprinkling.

Peel and cut each vegetable into long strips. Try to keep them all the same size, otherwise some will cook faster and others will remain raw.

French fries are one of the most popular dishes on the menu of fast food restaurants. Golden crispy potatoes, neatly cut into cubes, can leave few people indifferent.
But we all know that this fast food dish has a negative impact on health. In addition, it was recently discovered that such a “mastodon” of the restaurant business as McDonald’s, for example, uses flavor enhancers and color stabilizers when preparing fries. Maybe, of course, there is nothing wrong with these chemical additives, but I wouldn’t want to feed myself and my family with products containing these ingredients again.
It’s better to cook French fries yourself: at least you will be confident that crispy potatoes are made from natural raw materials without adding numerous elements from D.I. Mendeleev’s table.
In this recipe, I will tell you how to make delicious French fries at home. A multi-cooker will help me in this already not very tedious work, especially since my “multi-assistant” model has a special basket for deep-frying.


  • - potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • - vegetable oil – 600 ml;
  • - salt - to taste.
Advice: When buying potatoes, opt for elongated oval tubers without eyes or irregularities.

Step-by-step recipe for making French fries

For convenience, we break the recipe for making French fries into steps:
Step 1. Peel the potatoes and immerse them in cold water for a few minutes - this way we will get rid of excess starch.

Step 2. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Try to cut the potatoes as evenly as possible, because this determines how presentable the finished dish will look. Additionally, evenly sized potato slices will be deep-fried more evenly.

Step 3. Now we will blanch the potatoes, that is, we will subject them to heat treatment. To do this, put a pan of water on the fire, and as soon as the water boils, lower the potato slices into it for about 50 seconds. Please note: the potatoes should only undergo a small heat treatment, but not boiled!

Step 4. Place the potatoes on a paper towel to dry: only dry potato slices should be immersed in the deep fryer, otherwise the oil will splatter heavily around the sides.

Step 5. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl. By the way, sunflower oil, olive oil or corn oil are suitable. Each of them will give the fries its own unique taste and aroma.
Set the “Multi-cook” program, temperature 170 degrees and cooking time 22 minutes. Such a high temperature when cooking fries is necessary to form a golden crust.
It’s great if you have a special kitchen thermometer in your home: you can use it to find out whether the oil has warmed up to the desired temperature. If you don’t have this kitchen assistant, it doesn’t matter. In this case, try putting 1 potato slice into the oil first: if the oil immediately starts to sizzle and the potatoes float, it’s time to put the remaining potato slices into the bowl.
Place the dried cubes in a deep frying basket in no more than 1-2 layers so that all the potatoes are fried evenly. I will note that I do not salt the potatoes during the frying process, as I prefer to sprinkle salt on the fries that are already cooked.

Step 6. Place the basket of potatoes into the hot oil and close the multicooker lid. When opening the lid to check the doneness of the French fries, be careful: the oil is very hot and even the steam can cause severe burns.

Step 7. When the potatoes acquire a recognizable golden hue, take out the basket and let the oil drain. You can then place the finished fries on a paper towel, which will also absorb excess oil.

Tip: Do not reuse vegetable oil more than 3 times.
Homemade French fries are in no way inferior in appearance to “restaurant” ones. It takes little time to prepare it, but the result is excellent: browned, moderately crispy, beautiful golden brown fries without the use of any additives will definitely please you and your family.
You can even treat your child to such potatoes, but you need to know when to stop, because despite the absence of preservatives, it is still impossible to call this dish dietary, much less healthy. It’s good that I myself have grown up a long time ago, and no one will forbid me to crunch on my favorite French fries and nothing will stop me. Well, maybe just thoughts about how I’ll look in a swimsuit in the summer. But summer is still far away! Bon appetit!
Tip: Serve this dish immediately after cooking, as cooled French fries lose their flavor and crispiness.

At first glance, it seems that cooking French fries has no difficulties. Peeled, sliced, threw into boiling oil, and it was ready. But even here there are secrets and little tricks. To make the pieces tasty and super crispy, it is important to cut the potatoes correctly, prepare them for frying, choose the temperature and add salt in time.

French fries: the basics

Which potato variety should you choose?

For the preparation of popular fast food, varieties with a low starch content are best suited. Pieces of high-starch potatoes will stick together when frying, crumble and break, and quickly soften. Choose large and mature tubers, preferably oblong in shape, without deep eyes, green skin or other defects. Young potatoes are absolutely not suitable; they are not yet ripe, not dense enough and do not have the required taste.

Selecting frying oil

Refined oil is suitable for deep frying, that is, purified and odorless. When heated to high temperatures, it does not smoke as much as unrefined. In this case, you can choose the type of oil at your discretion. In addition to sunflower oil, olive or refined corn oil is suitable, each of which will give the dish a special flavor.

What kind of cookware is best to cook in?

If you do not have a special deep fryer, then you can use a saucepan, a deep saucepan made of steel or cast iron. Enameled dishes or those with a thin bottom are not suitable. It is most convenient to immerse a portion of potatoes in boiling oil in a special basket made of thin wire. If you don’t have such a device, then take a wide slotted spoon.


The American way of preparing French fries involves frying potato blocks in one step at a temperature of 180–190 degrees. The approximate cooking time for one serving is 7-8 minutes from the moment it is placed in boiling oil.

Total cooking time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Yield: 3 servings


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    First of all, you need to peel and wash the potatoes. You can take any quantity, depending on the number of eaters. As a rule, 3 tubers are used for 1 serving. It is advisable that the potatoes be large (or at least medium-sized, but not small), then the slices will turn out long, like at McDonald's - it will be convenient to pick up the fries with your hands and dip them in sauces.

    I cut the peeled tubers into oblong bars. Do not cut too thin, otherwise the fries will burn quickly. The optimal thickness of the slices is about 1 cm. With this slicing, you will get a dense crispy crust on top, and a pleasant crumbly pulp inside. It is very important that the pieces are approximately the same in weight and size, then they will all cook evenly. Try to make them more or less the same, so that it doesn’t look like some are already fried while the other is still raw.

    Next, the potatoes must be washed - this will rid them of excess starch, which glues the slices together. I washed the potato straws in cold water, changing them 3-4 times until they became transparent. But don't soak the potatoes for too long! Otherwise, it will absorb a lot of moisture, which will prevent the French fries from frying properly and they will turn out too watery.

    To remove any remaining water from the surface, I dried the potatoes on a cotton towel (carefully). This stage is very important. Drying will rid the slices of unnecessary moisture, they will immediately set into a crust when deep-fried, and most importantly, the oil will not foam and “shoot.”

    All that remains is to fry the French fries - at home, if you don’t have a deep fryer, you can get by with a saucepan or saucepan - choose a small and narrow one so that less oil is used. Refined oil is suitable for frying. You will need approximately 500 ml of oil (more is possible). It must be heated very strongly, up to 180-190 degrees. To check if it is hot, throw in one slice of potato - if it immediately begins to fry, sizzles and bubbles, and does not sink to the bottom, then the oil is properly heated. Otherwise, continue heating for another 5-10 minutes.

    You need to place chopped potatoes into boiling oil in portions - always small, about the size of a man’s handful. French fries should float freely in oil. If you load it too much, it will not fry, but stew.

    For approximately the first 2-3 minutes from the moment the first batch is placed, the potatoes will hiss and foam strongly - this is a normal reaction, moisture is actively evaporating. There is no need to reduce the heat; continue frying, lightly shaking the pan to distribute the oil more evenly.

    After a couple of minutes, the amount of bubbles and foam will noticeably decrease, and the potato slices will begin to harden and brown.

    Now you can time it - the fries will be ready in about 5 minutes.

    I remove the finished product from the saucepan with a slotted spoon and transfer it to a paper towel to remove excess fat. And I immediately put the next batch into the deep fryer.

    Potatoes should be salted immediately before serving (the longer the slices interact with salt, the softer they become). It is best to use fine “extra” salt; the amount can be freely adjusted to taste. In addition, mayonnaise, ketchup, sweet and sour, cheese or mustard sauce are usually served. Happy crunching!