How to bake ranetki in the oven. Canning ranetki

16.12.2023 From fish

There are a lot of apples in my garden. Every two days I pick a whole bag of medium-sized ripe apples. The whole family ate their fill fresh. We also prepared apple jam for future use - several dozen three-liter jars, for ourselves and our relatives. But I want to drink something tasty with tea. We decided to do it. There are a lot of recipes for apples prepared this way. So I decided to summarize the experience of many cooks within the framework of this article.

Simply baked apples in the oven

Baked apples with sugar

  1. Wash medium to large sized apples.

  2. While the oven is heating up, use a knife to cut a hole in the top of the apples and add 1 teaspoon of sugar there.

  3. If desired, you can sprinkle cinnamon on top.

  4. Place the apples in the oven for 25 minutes

  5. This dessert is served with whipped cream.

Baked apples with jam

  1. Wash large apples.

  2. Heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius

  3. Cut the core and pour jam into it.

  4. Place in a frying pan

  5. When heating, add water

  6. Place in the oven for 30 minutes

  7. Then pour over the syrup remaining in the frying pan.

Baked apples with butter

  1. Wash large apples.

  2. Heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius

  3. Cut the core of the apples and put a piece of butter there, rolled in sugar or powdered sugar.

  4. Line a baking sheet with a sheet of foil of a suitable size.

  5. Place the sheet with apples in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Baked apples with honey and lemon

  1. Wash large apples.

  2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

  3. Cut the core of the apples.

  4. Mix honey and lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio. The result is a sweet and sour taste.

  5. Fill the hole in the apples halfway with the mixture.

  6. Bake the apples until done.

During cooking in the oven, honey begins to foam and goes beyond the recess in the apple. So add honey exactly half of the well.

Also bake apples, especially large ones Can be with raisins, cottage cheese, cheese, cherries, plums and other berries and products. In any case, you should choose the most suitable recipe for cooking baked apples in the oven.

The most interesting thing is that in baked apples All useful substances and microelements are almost completely preserved due to the fact that they are inside the apple, like in a thermos. Baked apples are much better absorbed by the digestive system. Chewing them is much easier since they are already soft.

Video on how to bake apples

Prepare the necessary ingredients for the pie in advance. It is advisable that they all be at room temperature. To do this, remove the food from the refrigerator in advance.

Wash the ranetka apples well under water, dry, remove seeds and cut into small slices. If the apples are sweet, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice; for charlotte, it is better to take apples with sourness. Apple cores should not be thrown away; you can make compote from them.

Pour sugar, a pinch of salt into a mixer cup and beat in the eggs.

Beat everything together with a mixer, this should be done for 5-7 minutes, no less, this is a prerequisite to get a tender, airy pie.

Add sifted flour and baking powder to the well-beaten egg mixture and mix quickly and gently. Make it a rule to always add only sifted flour to any baked goods. By the way, if the mixture is whipped correctly, you don’t have to add baking powder to the dough, the cake will also turn out fluffy and tall.

Add cooked apples to the dough.

Mix quickly. In this case, quick and precise actions are a guarantee of good baking. Line a baking dish with baking paper, grease the sides with a small amount of butter and sprinkle with flour, shake out excess flour. Fill the form with the prepared dough.

Bake the Charlotte pie with ranetki in a well-heated oven at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes, taking into account the characteristics of your oven. Carefully open the oven door and check the readiness with a dry match; if the match comes out dry, the pie is ready, turn off the heat and after a couple of minutes remove the charlotte from the oven.

Release the finished charlotte with ranetki from the mold and cool on a wire rack.

A fragile crispy thin crust on top, delicate velvety flesh, an amazing aroma in this simple but richly flavored pie!

Well, very gentle!

Boil the Ranetki until soft in a small amount of water, being careful not to burn (the consistency of the finished puree depends on the amount of water). Then the ranetki are rubbed through a sieve, sugar is added and brought to a boil again with constant stirring! Sugar to taste, but of course it’s better not to add a lot; you can add it for direct consumption. Place in sterile jars and seal. We use it pure or with the addition of cream (beat with a mixer or blender). It’s delicious, you won’t be able to put it down by the ears.

Ranetka puree. Option 2

I made puree, it turned out very tasty, especially if you have small children. Better than store bought.

  1. You pour the unpeeled ranetki into a pan of water and boil for minutes. 10.
  2. Then you rub them through a combine (if you have one) or a sieve. (Waste can be thrown away or left for compote in winter)
  3. Add sugar to the resulting mass: 1 liter. 300-400g, boil for another minute. 10-15.

That's all. In my opinion it is not difficult and fast. Good luck to you.

Jam from ranetki

We wash the ranetki, place them entirely on a baking sheet and in the oven, approximately 150 degrees. Simmer until they become soft. Then we wipe it on a sieve, we use Moulinex. Weigh the clean mass. The proportion is for 1 kg. 1 kg of mass from the ranetki is taken. 200 gr. sugar, you can add 0.5 cups of water. Cook until the drop (dropped on the saucer) stops spreading much. It's about an hour. Pour the hot mass into jars, cool at room temperature and refrigerate. I close with plastic or screw-on lids. It turns out to be a thick jam. Whether for sandwiches or for baking. I did the same for the pears. Delicious.

Compote from ranetki

I’ve been doing this for many years: I fill a jar with ranetkas one-third full (we don’t eat them in compote, that’s why there’s so little), pour boiling water, drain, +300 grams of sugar, heat the syrup until the sugar dissolves, fill the ranetki with it again, roll it up and under the “fur coat.” . Stored at room temperature. The compote with chokeberry is especially tasty, and the color is amazing!

Jam from whole ranetkas

  1. We take 1 kg of ranetki, select whole ones (not cracked or wormy), wash them, do not tear off the tails!!!, prick them with a toothpick
  2. In an enamel bowl, cook the syrup: 1-1.2 kg of sugar (depending on which ranetki, sour or sweet), 0.25-0.5 tbsp. water (again, depending on what kind of ranetkas are, some give little juice, some give a lot).
  3. We wait for the syrup to boil and throw in the ranetki, mix gently and wait for it to boil. As soon as it boils, remove from heat, cover with a clean towel and set for 6-12 hours
  4. After 6-12 hours, put it on the stove and bring it to a boil again, remove from the stove.

Sometimes I let it stand 2 times (in this case, after the 2nd cooking, we pour it into sterilized jars), sometimes 3 times. The difference is that after 2 times the inside of the ranetki seems to be dampish-sour, after 3 times it is completely saturated with sugar syrup.

Ranetki are very small apples, slightly larger than cherries. Many people call them “Paradise apples” for their very bright, unusual sweet and sour taste and characteristic tartness. They make amazing jam, and naturally, marshmallow lovers couldn’t ignore it.

It is very difficult to clean ranetki, precisely because of their small size. Therefore, you can skip this step by first making jam from the ranetki.

Wash the apples and prepare the syrup:

For 1 kg of ranetki, take 200 grams of sugar and 100 grams of water. Cook the ranetki for an hour over very low heat.

Cover the pan with the “jam” with a lid and wait until it cools.

Grind the apples through a sieve to get rid of hard seeds and ranetka centers. If the puree turns out to be too liquid, you can boil it a little more.

Cover a baking tray with baking paper, grease it with vegetable oil, and spread applesauce on it in a layer no thicker than 0.5 cm.

Set the oven temperature to +90 degrees, open the door slightly and dry the marshmallow for 1.5-2 hours.

Do not overdry, otherwise it will become too hard and brittle.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven and carefully separate the marshmallow from the paper, then roll it into a tube and cut into “sweets”. If the marshmallow comes out too thin, it’s not a problem. These taste like fruit candies, but in the form of chips.

The pastille should be stored in a glass, tightly closed container in the refrigerator so that it does not dry out and spoil.

How to cook marshmallows in the oven, watch the video:

Ranetki are small apples. Despite their size, they are very flavorful and juicy. The jam they make is very tasty. A jar of ranetki jam for the winter will give you memories of summer and warmth. Let's look at the basic rules for making jam. What tricks can you use to make the jam tasty?

Apples are a versatile fruit. It is useful to eat them both raw and to make various preparations for the winter. They contain a large amount of vitamins, microelements and a minimum of calories.

Making jam has its own characteristics. The fruits have dense pulp. This eliminates the possibility of making “five-minute” jam from them. There is no need to rush into making jam. The syrup will thicken quickly, but the apples will remain firm. Cooking the jam should take 2-3 approaches.

Do not cook a large amount of jam at once. It is not quantity that matters, but quality.

Selection of Ranetki

Ranetki is a sweet variety of apples with a rich aroma. When choosing fruits, you need to make sure that they are ripe and the pulp has become juicy and soft. It is not necessary to choose beautiful specimens with smooth skin. Fruits with slight damage are suitable for jam.

The apples must be sorted, washed under running water and damaged areas removed.

Options for making ranetka jam at home


  1. apples - 1 kg;
  2. sugar - 500 g.

The amount of sugar can be increased or decreased.


  1. Prepare the fruits: wash, peel, cut into pieces.
  2. Place in a multicooker bowl and add sugar.
  3. Select the “quenching” mode for two hours.
  4. Open the lid every half hour and stir.
  5. After the beep sounds, open the lid and let it cool.
  6. Grind using a blender.
  7. Leave for 10 minutes on the “baking” mode.

The jam in the slow cooker turns out thick and aromatic.


Ranetka jam can be prepared without adding sugar. The result is a natural and healthy dessert. It is important to remember that such a delicacy will not be stored for a long time.


  1. apples - 1 kg;
  2. water - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and chop the fruits. Add water and boil for 15 minutes.
  2. Rub and boil the softened fruits.
  3. After cooling, you can eat.

With lemon

Apple jam with lemon is very tasty and not too sweet. Fans of jam with sourness will appreciate it. Ideal for home baking.


  1. apples - 1 kg;
  2. lemon - 1/3 pcs.;
  3. sugar - 700 g;
  4. water - 100 ml.


  1. Add water to the apples and simmer over low heat for an hour.
  2. Next, grind in any way.
  3. Add sugar, grated lemon zest and pulp.
  4. Cook for half an hour.

With orange peels and nuts

For preparation you will need the following list of products:

  1. apples - 1 kg;
  2. sugar - 500 g;
  3. orange peel - 30 g;
  4. nuts - 30 g.


  1. Prepare the apples and bake them in the oven.
  2. Grind using a blender.
  3. Add sugar to the resulting puree and boil for an hour.
  4. 20 minutes before readiness, add chopped nuts and orange peels.
  5. The result is a thick and aromatic jam.

With ginger

Ginger helps make apple jam not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy.


  1. apples - 1 kg;
  2. sugar - 800 g;
  3. ginger - 5 cm;
  4. water - 500 ml.

Peel the apples. Do not throw away the waste, but add water and boil for 20 minutes on fire. Pour sugar and broth into a bowl. Bring over low heat until the crystals are completely dissolved. Add apples to the broth and cook, stirring, over low heat.

Add pre-peeled and chopped ginger to the jam. During the cooking process, it does not become soft and does not lose its beneficial properties. Cook the jam until thickened.

How to store jam

Dry, cool rooms are suitable for storing jam. The temperature should not be higher than 15 degrees. It's good if there is a cellar or basement. Jam, rolled into sterile jars, can be stored for 3 years.