Is muesli healthy and how to make it at home. The benefits and harms of muesli for weight loss What muesli is good for weight loss

31.12.2023 Salads

Since the 60s of the last century, Europeans began to actively support the idea of ​​a healthy diet and eat natural oatmeal for breakfast with the addition of dried fruits, nuts and milk. But how safe is muesli: the benefits and harms of this product still worry many who are just getting acquainted with this unusual food.

History and composition of healthy muesli

The history of the creation of muesli is accompanied by a beautiful legend. It tells about the Swiss doctor Maximilian Bircher-Benner, who loved to hike in the Alps. On one of his hikes in 1900, he met a shepherd in the mountains, who treated Bircher-Benner to porridge made from ground grains and fresh fruits, doused with milk. The old man said that this was his daily food, which his grandfather taught him to eat. And, despite his advanced age, he is in excellent health and has never been sick in his entire long life.

The doctor really liked the delicious diet food. In addition, as he personally saw, it helps to prolong youth and support the vitality of the body. Immediately upon returning home, he began to introduce a new menu into the diet of his patients, which he called muesli, which translated from German means “puree.” True, Bircher-Benner did not take into account that the shepherd from childhood to old age led an active lifestyle and breathed fresh mountain air. And this could additionally contribute to his longevity and excellent health.

On supermarket shelves you can see many boxes labeled “Muesli”. But, before you reach for the most attractive one in appearance, you need to determine for yourself the purpose for which you are purchasing it. There are many varieties of healthy cereals. And before buying, you need to study their composition well.

The main ingredient, which forms the basis of all muesli, is whole rolled oatmeal. Other grains can be added: barley, wheat, rye. The main condition is that they are whole, unpeeled and have not undergone any further processing, that is, raw. This way they retain all their beneficial properties. And there are many of them. They contain both simple and complex carbohydrates in equal proportions.

Their balanced content helps a person maintain blood sugar levels within normal limits. While flour and sweet foods are full of simple carbohydrates, which contribute to increased sugar, excessive appetite and additional weight gain.

Cereals also help cleanse the body, as they contain dietary fiber or fiber.

Once in the stomach, it increases in size, and a feeling of fullness appears with small amounts of food. Fiber is slowly digested, and hunger subsides for a long time. At this time, the body is forced to process its own fat reserves. In addition, fiber provokes the production of acids that absorb fats. Therefore, for people who want to lose weight, muesli with raw grains is a wonderful food.

If the grains were processed and baked in sugar syrup to improve their taste, then the question: “Muesli: benefits and harms” can be answered unequivocally.

Baked muesli containing sugar, chocolate and other flavoring additives simply cannot have any special health value. This is a common delicacy for children and adults with a sweet tooth.

Nuts, various seeds, and dried fruits can be added to healthy muesli for taste and greater energy value. Moreover, the more inconspicuous dried fruits are, the more useful elements are hidden in them, since they do not contain preservatives. Regarding candied fruits, which can be seen in a bag of muesli, scientists have not come to a clear opinion. These are fruits boiled in sugar syrup and they contain simple carbohydrates, which are not entirely beneficial for the body, especially when losing weight. But, on the other hand, they contain fiber, various microelements and vitamins.

The bad side of muesli

From all of the above, it is clear that unnatural muesli, that is, baked in various sweet syrups, can be harmful to the body. And various harmful additives: chocolate, preservatives, dyes, honey.

In this case, honey underwent additional heat treatment and lost its beneficial properties and, in addition, it contains simple carbohydrates, which are contraindicated when losing weight.

But even fresh muesli has an error in the form of insufficient vitamin C content. This feature must be taken into account and its deficiency must be compensated for during subsequent meals.

Natural muesli should be stored in a glass container with a well-closing lid for no more than two months. Plant carbohydrates and fiber with prolonged contact with air and light deteriorate and begin to taste bitter.

DIY healthy muesli

If you take your health seriously, then to be sure that the product you eat is healthy, you can prepare your own muesli. For this you will need whole ground grains.

We are the masters of our own health. And our well-being and appearance depend on how we eat. Eat more natural and healthy foods, breathe fresh air, lead an active lifestyle - and longevity is guaranteed.

Muesli is considered one of the most popular breakfasts in the world. They have long won the love of adults and children. But are they really that useful? To understand this dish, you need to delve into its history, appearance, invention, modern recipes, additives, as well as the presence of nutrients and calorie content.

Let's find out if muesli is healthy? What are they and how to eat them correctly? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

What is muesli?

Muesli - what is it? Are they useful? To prepare this dish, the grains are flattened or ground so that they are as fine as possible and easily soaked even in cold milk or juice. In ready-made packages you can often find pieces of dried strawberries, bananas, cranberries or even oranges, but in classic recipes only dried fruits, such as raisins, dried apricots or dates, are added to cereals, and fresh fruits and berries are added before consumption. This is the only way to extract the maximum nutrients from this dish, since dried berries, and especially oranges, can rarely provide much benefit. Also in classic recipes, nuts and various seeds are sometimes added. But the latest supplements are not suitable for everyone due to their high calorie content and the presence of an allergen.

Depending on the composition, the presence of various additives, as well as the processing method, they come in several types. Raw ones do not require heat treatment; they contain flattened and ground grains and additives that do not require cooking. Such a product only needs to be poured with milk or something else, cold or warm. This is enough for the dish to be ready to eat. Baked muesli requires heat treatment. They should be poured with milk and then baked; only then are they edible.

A little history

Muesli - what is it and when did they begin to be eaten? The invention of breakfast in 1900 belongs to Maximilian Bircher-Benner. They were originally intended for sick people in hospitals, hence the name, which translates from German as “puree.” Since the 1960s they began to spread throughout the world. Thanks to its taste, benefits, large amount of nutrients, and speed of preparation, this dish quickly gained worldwide fame. Since that time, many manufacturing companies have appeared and began active competition in the market.

Although there is a lot of competition, most companies specialize in different types of muesli. Some are exclusively for diabetics, others are simple (cereals and a couple of dried fruits), others are richer, but also less healthy, with various exotic fruits, coconut flakes, chocolate and other fillers that are far from conducive to proper nutrition. It was with the emergence of such diversity that their usefulness began to be questioned.

Muesli: calorie content and composition

The composition of muesli is quite simple. Usually these are some kind of cereals, crushed and flattened: barley, buckwheat, wheat, rice, oats, rye, millet, and so on. All kinds of dried fruits are added to them, such as dried apricots, figs, raisins, dates or prunes. And also nuts or seeds. All this is mixed and packaged in bags.

You can add fresh fruits and berries to the prepared muesli: strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, and much more that can be found in the refrigerator. In addition, it is useful to add any nuts and seeds, but in reasonable quantities. Measure plays an important role here. Since this dish is usually consumed for breakfast, you need to maintain a balance in the amount of certain products. Nuts are quite heavy on the stomach, like seeds, so they need to be added in small quantities.

Is a product like muesli dietary? Calorie content is estimated on average at 352-450 kcal per 100 grams, provided that the composition includes only cereals and dried fruits. But most often chocolate, honey, and sugar are also added to branded packaging, which significantly increases the already large figure. Muesli, the composition of which we examined, is a rather heavy product. But this is far from accurate data. On the packages of the finished product you can see the calorie content, usually it is standard, but if you make muesli at home, this figure can be significantly adjusted by adding lighter and less calorie berries, cereals, and nuts. This is precisely why people who want to lose weight pay attention to them. The dish allows you to get the maximum of nutrients in the morning, while its nutritional value and calorie content can be controlled.


What are the benefits of muesli? Many nutritionists and chefs recommend them for breakfast, and during the working day they are a good way to have a snack and wait until dinner.

Complex carbohydrates protect the intestines and prevent the development of tumors in it.

A wide vitamin and mineral composition significantly improves the immune system, has a positive effect on nerve cells, the general well-being of a person, and also improves mood and body tone. The composition usually contains vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, etc.

Other benefits of muesli? It has been proven that with regular consumption of this dish, after some time the appearance of hair improves, nails become stronger and less likely to peel, the skin acquires a healthy color, acne and age spots appear less frequently, and wrinkles are smoothed out.


Can muesli be harmful? We have already figured out what this product is and how useful it is. Now let's talk about its negative side. Muesli does not cause harm on its own. But all kinds of additives, dyes, seasonings cause the undesirable effects of such a breakfast on the human body. Therefore, to avoid most contraindications, it is better to carefully read the ingredients or make them yourself. Overweight people, children, as well as diabetics and allergy sufferers should be more careful when choosing this product. People with any diseases of the heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and so on should also carefully read the instructions. The presence of harmful products in the composition can lead to bad consequences.

Therefore, for people with any diseases, as well as excess weight and diabetes, it is advised to make muesli yourself at home in order to avoid a large number of dyes, additives, and berries and fruits that are harmful in one case or another. Freshly prepared muesli will be much healthier, if only because only high-quality and fresh products were used for it. The fried product is quite heavy on the stomach and can harm the elderly and people with gastrointestinal diseases, so they need to be chosen with greater caution.

People with diabetes should avoid muesli with dried fruits, sugar, chocolate and some types of berries and fruits. At the same time, you should not completely abandon the dish; you can make it yourself, adding only healthy berries and sucrose, and sometimes honey, if the sugar level is not high.

Muesli: preparation

There are two types of muesli: instant and long-term. The first ones just need to be filled with milk, even if it is cold. The second ones need to be baked, again first filled with milk. Oddly enough, it is the latter that are considered less healthy, since they are often fried before packaging. This makes the product heavier and higher in calories. But in reasonable measures it is unlikely to harm the body.

To make homemade muesli, just buy oatmeal (or any other you like). You also need a couple of types of dried fruits. Here you can build on the body’s preferences and the desired effect. For example, figs and dried apricots perfectly support the heart, raisins and dried apricots are good for brain and liver function, dates perfectly support the nervous system. As for nuts, they also have their own characteristics. Hazelnuts, for example, are good for the brain, pistachios are good for gastrointestinal diseases, almonds are recommended for heart patients, and walnuts contribute to overall human health. In general, by paying attention to such things, you can create your own unique and very fresh berries, which will further enrich the dish.

For weight loss

Is it possible to eat muesli to lose weight? We already know what muesli is and what its composition is. From what has been said, certain conclusions can be drawn. Given the high calorie content, muesli is rarely recommended for those who want to lose weight. However, if you follow a few simple rules, they will not only help you lose weight, but will also help you maintain your body in good shape throughout the diet.

  1. You should make them yourself, at home, so you can monitor and control the calorie content and, if necessary, add or remove certain products from the composition.
  2. It is better to keep the composition minimal: one or two cereals and a couple of additives from fresh berries, fruits or dried fruits.
  3. You should add nuts and seeds to them a couple of times a week to replenish your supply of vitamins B and E, as well as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  4. You only need to eat them for breakfast. This way you will allow the body to receive the maximum of nutrients in the morning and replenish its supply of vital energy. And the calories that were eaten in the morning will have time to be spent throughout the day.
  5. To get the maximum benefit, you need to fill them with low-fat dairy products, juice or compote, monitoring their composition and calorie content, and never add sugar and chocolate. They can be replaced with a small amount of honey.

With what and how to eat?

What do you eat muesli with? The dish is most often consumed for breakfast. But they need to be filled with any kind of drink: milk, compote, juice, kefir, yogurt, water. Which of all this will be most useful? To answer this question, you must first decide on the goal that you want to achieve with their help. For example, if a person wants to lose weight, it is better for him to fill this dish with low-fat dairy products or water.

What do children eat muesli with? For babies who prefer taste over benefits, you can use yogurt or juice. But it is important that the juice is homemade or at least of high quality. Compote is good for variety. The calorie content of compotes can be controlled, so they will not harm, of course, if they do not contain sugar.

Muesli has a number of positive and extremely negative qualities. Their benefits have long been proven, but if consumed disproportionately or incorrectly, such a breakfast is more likely to harm than improve your health. Therefore, it is important to approach the choice correctly, or better yet, make them yourself and monitor their composition and calorie content. It is possible and beneficial to use this product no more than 3 times a week.

Most nutritionists recommend eating cereal products for breakfast. However, not everyone has time to prepare healthy porridge for themselves in the morning. An excellent option for such people is muesli, the benefits and harms of which are directly related to the composition. So how to choose this product correctly?

What is muesli?

From German this word is translated as “puree”. Many people believe that muesli is an ordinary cereal product that contains candied fruits. But in reality, this term refers to special breakfast food, which is prepared from cereals, dried fruits, bran, nuts, etc.

There are quite a few varieties of this product - they differ depending on the method of heat treatment, the presence of preservatives, and shelf life. A natural product must contain only natural ingredients. All muesli can be divided into two types:

1. Raw - this product is not subject to heat treatment and contains rolled flakes, seeds, nuts, and dried fruits.

2. Baked - such muesli is mixed with natural juices and baked at low temperature.

Composition and calorie content of muesli

The natural product is most often based on oatmeal, but sometimes it is prepared from crushed grains of rye, wheat, barley, and rice. As for flavoring additives, they can be different. Dried fruits, honey, and nuts are often used.

The energy value of a given product is affected by the ingredients it contains. On average, 100 g of muesli contains about 450 kcal. If you add sugar or sugar during cooking, the calorie content will increase significantly. To prevent this from happening, you should use water, juice or compote as a dressing.

Useful properties of muesli

Whole grains are the most important source of healthy carbohydrates. That is why muesli helps saturate the body with energy, which is so important for an active life. In addition, cereals contain a lot of fiber - it contributes to long-term saturation of the body and allows you to maintain a stable calorie intake.

Systematic consumption of muesli, and especially the combination of this product with, helps normalize digestion and improve intestinal motility. In addition, natural oat muesli contains many B vitamins, which are extremely important for health. If you regularly consume this product without added sugar, you can improve the condition of your skin and hair.

However, in order for muesli to bring only benefits to the body, when choosing it you must follow certain recommendations:

1. This product must contain a minimum amount of ingredients - preferably grain and 1-2 additives such as dried fruits or nuts.

2. You should not choose muesli that contains sugar, fried ingredients, honey, or chocolate.

3. For preparing breakfasts, you should use exclusively low-fat dairy products or natural juices.

Harmful properties and contraindications

The harm of muesli is usually associated with its composition. Thus, high-calorie components in the form of chocolate, honey, coconut flakes can hardly be called dietary, so if you regularly consume such a product, you can gain extra pounds.

In addition, the danger of muesli is often that it contains exotic fruits, which can be treated with sulfur preservatives. Consuming this product can lead to health problems - such muesli is especially dangerous for people with allergies, kidney and stomach pathologies. Therefore, it is important to avoid products that contain brightly colored ingredients; it is better to add fruits and berries that suit you to the finished dish.

Before eating muesli, you should carefully study the composition indicated on the package. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of vegetable fats, which may include saturated fatty acids, which negatively affect the condition of the cardiovascular system.

A serious disadvantage of this product is the low content of ascorbic acid, which is very important for maintaining normal functioning of the body. Therefore, muesli should be consumed with fresh fruit juices.

You should not choose fried muesli - this especially applies to people with various liver diseases. This is an overly heavy product that contains a lot of fat. Regular consumption of such cereals will lead to an exacerbation of the disease. You should also avoid products that contain many stabilizers and preservatives - the effect of many of them has not yet been fully studied.

People suffering from diabetes will have to give up regular muesli with the addition of dried fruits - they have a high glycemic index. It is better to choose special varieties intended for diabetics.

Nutritionists around the world advise eating cereals for breakfast. This is especially true for those people who have chronic diseases of the digestive system. But, due to various circumstances, not everyone has the opportunity to cook fresh porridge every morning. Muesli is an excellent substitute for a full breakfast. Their benefits are entirely explained by the composition of the mixture. There are several types of muesli. How to choose and how to eat muesli?

Types of muesli

If we translate this term from German, muesli means “puree.” For many, muesli is just a cereal mixture with candied fruits. But, if you go deeper, muesli is a complete cereal breakfast containing flakes, grains, nuts, fruits, bran, wheat, honey. And such a combination cannot harm the human body.

There are many types of such breakfast. They differ depending on the constituent components, type of processing, and storage period. High-quality muesli will contain only natural products. The composition should not contain preservatives, emulsifiers or flavors. But this kind of breakfast can be divided into two main types:

  • Baked. Cereals are combined with natural juice and subjected to heat treatment (baking). You can use honey instead of juice. This type of breakfast is easier and faster to digest; it is sweeter and richer.
  • Raw. Cereals and flakes cannot be treated with heat. Such muesli often contains nuts, seeds, and fruits.

Composition and calorie content of muesli

As a rule, the basis of natural muesli is oat flakes. But there are also breakfasts in which pressed grains of barley, wheat, rice or rye predominate. Muesli must contain fruits or candied fruits. It can be:

  • Apples;
  • Pineapples;
  • Strawberry;
  • Pear;
  • Blueberry;
  • Cranberry;
  • Bananas.

Additives may include pumpkin seeds, nuts, and sesame seeds. Nuts are added to almost all muesli. They are of great value for the human body and are considered a source of vitamin E and Omega fatty acids. Therefore, such a breakfast is considered the most balanced option.

Among the sweeteners, honey is most often used. Today, some manufacturers specially enrich mixtures with additional vitamins and minerals. What is the calorie content of the product? 100 grams of product contains from 380 to 450 kcal. It all depends on the ingredients. The calorie content of the product will increase if sugar is added. In general, nutritionists convince that the dish will not harm your figure, since breakfast should have a sufficient amount of calories, carbohydrates and proteins.

Useful properties of muesli

The mixture has enormous benefits for the human body. This product must be included in the diet if you follow a healthy diet. In addition, preparing muesli does not take much time. The mixture is simply poured with milk or yogurt. You can also add some fresh fruit here. In addition, muesli contains a sufficient amount of slow carbohydrates, which will give you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

This fact allows you to use the product while losing weight. A balanced combination of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates saturate the body. Cereal products are very beneficial for the digestive tract. Due to the large amount of fiber, this breakfast has the following properties:

  • Cleanses from toxins;
  • Removes toxins;
  • Eliminates excess fats;
  • Normalizes intestinal motility;
  • Relieves constipation.

With regular use of this product, any inflammatory process in the intestines and stomach can be eliminated. In the future, muesli will help prevent the formation of tumors in the digestive system. Also, experts have proven that such a cereal breakfast reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in women by 43%. The composition of the product activates brain and mental activity. In this regard, muesli is called not just a breakfast for those losing weight, but also food for schoolchildren and students.

This breakfast should start the morning of everyone who:

  • Suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • Actively involved in sports;
  • Actively engaged in mental activity;
  • He has a history of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Special fitness muesli bars have been developed for athletes, which are very convenient. The balanced composition of the product reduces cholesterol levels in the body. Within a short period of time, the walls of blood vessels will be freed from cholesterol plaques and strengthened. The quality of the blood will also improve. All this will help normalize blood pressure, therefore reducing the load on the heart.

Muesli also contains substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. This way you can increase stress resistance, get rid of bad mood and depression. Muesli can also be used for other purposes. Thus, flakes crushed in a coffee grinder are an excellent base for masks and scrubs. The product will cleanse the face of blackheads, eliminate inflammation, and tighten pores.

Harmful muesli

The benefits and harms of muesli are determined by the components included in its composition. If you fill your breakfast with fatty yogurt, milk, or sugar, you can gain excess weight. Excessive amounts of carbohydrates and calories will retain fluid in the body and promote fat deposits. In this regard, it is strictly forbidden to eat muesli at night.

High-calorie additives also include honey and coconut flakes. Therefore, if the goal is to lose weight, you should give preference only to natural cereal mixtures, without additional flavoring components. The main disadvantage of this product is the absence of ascorbic acid in its composition. Therefore, your diet must include fruits and vegetables containing large amounts of vitamin C.

Particular care should be taken when choosing muesli with exotic fruits. Pieces of these dried fruits are always treated with various chemicals to extend their shelf life. Therefore, eating disorders of the intestines may appear. Allergic reactions cannot be excluded:

  • Renit;
  • Nausea;
  • Cough;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Rash on the body;
  • Hives;
  • Quincke's edema.

Some muesli, which retain fluid in the body, can cause cellulite. Unscrupulous manufacturers add palm oil to the product. Its harm has long been proven and known to everyone. Therefore, when buying breakfast, it is important to carefully study the composition. If a person has a history of liver pathologies, consumption of baked muesli is strictly contraindicated for him. Doctors do not advise starting your day with a ready-made breakfast for those who suffer from diabetes, celiac disease, or stomach ulcers. Sometimes pregnancy is a contraindication for use.

Is muesli good for children?

Numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether such a breakfast is possible for children. So, children after three years should not be given muesli without prior heat treatment. All you have to do is cook, pour boiling water over your breakfast and let it steam for a few minutes. Until the age of three, it is better not to give a cereal breakfast at all.

The fact is that the product contains substances that are difficult to digest and assimilate by the baby’s not yet fully formed digestive system. Pieces of fruit and candied fruit can injure a child’s oral cavity. Excessive consumption of such a product from an early age can cause diabetes, obesity, and endocrine system dysfunction. Whole grain muesli can be given to a child only after 7-8 years of age. At preschool age, it is better to boil cereals.

To maximize the benefits of muesli for a child’s body, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • Choose muesli with a minimum number of ingredients (cereals and no more than 2 additional additives);
  • Choose muesli that is not fried, not baked, and without sugar;
  • Fill the cereals not with yogurt or milk, but with natural juice or water.

A child's breakfast should not consist exclusively of muesli. You can supplement the dish with omelet, cottage cheese, fruit, yogurt, kefir. The children's menu should be as varied as possible, and then they will be healthy.

Muesli is a healthy breakfast. Human health is a multicomponent, ideally coordinated, mechanism.

For long-term and uninterrupted operation, this mechanism requires that all its components - organs and systems - receive proper “maintenance and care”.

One of the most significant factors that is the key to good health is a balanced, nutritious diet that can fully satisfy the energy, vitamin and mineral needs of the body.

Simple natural foods are considered the most correct and healthy - vegetables, grains, fruits. The less food is processed, the greater the benefit it brings to humans.

Today we will talk about muesli - a modernized version of classic oatmeal - are they good for the body and, if so, how good?

Who invented Muesli?

It is gratifying that nowadays most adults and many young people are trying to monitor their health and maintain it at the proper level.

Giving up bad habits, sports, food - all these are small fragments of one big puzzle called “Health”.

Currently, the most popular food trend in youth and other circles is considered to be muesli - the invention of Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Benner, a Swiss doctor who was a big fan of the raw food diet.

He tried to develop the most healthy and tasty menu for his patients, which was an obligatory part of therapy.

It is interesting that the impetus for the search and successful creation of a healthy breakfast was the illness of the doctor himself - he suffered from jaundice, and he had to seriously think about proper nutrition.

As a result of Bircher-Benner's painstaking work, the world received an excellent alternative to the omelet - a healthy breakfast consisting of exclusively healthy ingredients.

Muesli is a ready-made dry mixture of flattened or whole grain cereals (in some cases raw or steamed) wheat, oats, barley, wheat germ, etc., and a whole set of additional ingredients, distinguished by their usefulness for the human body: nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, honey, admixtures of other grains, etc.

It is customary to eat muesli for breakfast with milk, or better yet, natural yogurt, kefir or fresh fruit and vegetable juice.

What is the power of muesli?

Only the very lazy do not know that breakfast is the main meal of the day.

Remember the classic: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and dinner is the fate of the enemy” - everything that is said in this wisdom is the true truth, which is confirmed by nutritionists.

Breakfast provides energy for most of the day ahead, so a cup of coffee or tea will not do the job.

But a dish balanced in the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is just it. Porridge, whole grain bread and, of course, muesli are the ideal choice for those who want to be healthy and energetic.

But you also need to choose muesli “wisely”. It is clear that the usefulness of the mixture will directly depend on its composition, so when buying a ready-made breakfast (or when preparing it yourself, which is also possible), focus on the ingredients.

The healthiest muesli is considered sugar-free, based on whole, minimally processed coarse cereals, with a moderate amount of dried fruits, especially sweet ones (dried apricots, raisins) - up to 25% by weight, with nuts, seeds and plant seeds, seasoned, as mentioned above, natural fermented milk product or juice.

Dessert muesli is not considered healthy.

Often the main component of muesli is oatmeal, and oatmeal is a storehouse of vitamin B, necessary for maintaining beauty and the nervous system, potassium - for normal heart function, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc and other macro- and microelements.

Auxiliary elements - nuts, pieces of fruit, seeds are also famous for containing substances valuable for the human body.

From words to deeds. What is the health benefits of muesli?

1. Muesli releases energy slowly and fills you up perfectly even in small portions.

2. They do not cause insulin releases, maintain blood sugar levels, and are gentle on the pancreas.

4. Due to the high content of vitamin B, when consumed regularly, they improve the condition of the hair skin, strengthen the nervous system, and prevent the appearance of depressive or depressed mood.

5. The healthiest muesli can be easily prepared at home, it is inexpensive and very simple, and they can be made from components that are preferable for a particular person and his problem.

6. Muesli removes harmful cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels, and prolongs youth.

7. Low-calorie muesli helps control body weight.

8. A rich vitamin composition will help maintain the immune system at a high level, and, if necessary, strengthen it.

Thanks to the speed and economy of preparation, muesli is an ideal breakfast, even for very busy and very lazy people who often neglect the first meal, which greatly harms their health.

I just filled a bowl with them, poured it with milk, juice or kefir - you can eat it. Muesli is one of the few breakfasts that is equally healthy for a schoolchild and a pensioner, and even more so for a working person.

Recipe for housewives

On the Internet you will find 1000 and 1 recipe for making homemade muesli, but we are obliged to give at least one most universal example of the technology for creating a healthy breakfast.

So, For 2 servings of the healthiest homemade muesli you will need:

1 cup oatmeal (not instant oats, regular ones for cooking).

1 glass of kefir or yogurt with live bifidocultures.

1 tablespoon of chopped dried fruits (dates, figs, dried apricots, prunes, cherries, whatever you like and are sure of quality).

1 tablespoon chopped unroasted nuts (any kind)

1 tablespoon of a mixture of flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, optional cumin and others.

Fresh seasonal fruits.

Mix all the ingredients, let stand for 10 minutes (while you get dressed and comb your hair) - bon appetit and have a great day at work!

By and large, muesli is a field for creativity and each person can independently adjust its composition, focusing on their tastes and needs.

Some people don’t like oatmeal - add barley, some have heart problems - add more banana, others suffer from stagnation of bile - pour freshly prepared apple juice on them, etc.

If raw flakes are too hard for you, you can pour warm water or boiling water over them in the evening and leave until the morning, and then flavor them with all the additional ingredients, so your breakfast will taste more tender.

Muesli is harmful

The harm of muesli, as well as its benefits, depend entirely on its composition. Therefore, if you cannot or do not want to cook muesli yourself, be careful when choosing store-bought ones.

Read the label, make sure that the manufacturer does not put obvious or hidden sugar, dyes, substitutes, preservatives and other similar rubbish that will turn a healthy product into poison.

Don’t get carried away with sweet muesli - it’s an extra load on the pancreas, extra calories, and an extra layer of fat on your waist.

Eat in moderate portions - overeating, even healthy foods, is extremely harmful to health.

Remember that muesli is only breakfast and cannot replace a full daily diet.

Baked or fried muesli is not considered healthy.

For people with diabetes, foods with a high glycemic index should not be added to muesli.

Muesli has one more feature - a specific taste. They cannot be called an outright delicacy, more of an acquired taste, but you can rejoice in the fact that you are eating healthy food, for which your body will tell you: “Thank you very much!”