Children's chicken cutlets. Steamed chicken cutlets for children

31.12.2023 Egg dishes

My son remembers and loves not many dishes from kindergarten, but he always remembers chicken cutlets. True, now he asks to cook them from pork)))) So, it’s not difficult to prepare Sadikovsky chicken cutlets, just look at a few technological maps, and if you’re lucky and they let you into the kitchen and show you how to do it, then the question in the recipe will disappear by myself. Be sure to cook it, it’s very simple and really tasty.

To prepare chicken cutlets for children, prepare the ingredients according to the list. Buy good quality minced meat from chicken fillet. Peel the onion and wash under running water.

Cut the bun into thin slices, pour milk over it, and leave to swell for a while. When the bun is completely soft, squeeze out the excess milk.

Place the bread pre-soaked in milk, minced chicken, finely diced onion, chicken egg and salt to taste into a deep bowl. If the children are not too young, you can add a little ground black pepper.

Knead the minced meat until smooth, let it sit for a couple of minutes - to ripen, so to speak.

With wet hands, form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs on both sides.

Place chicken cutlets in a baking dish. If desired, place a thin slice of butter on each so that the finished cutlets are not dry, and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Ready-made chicken cutlets for children in gardens are served with tomato sauce and pasta or mashed potatoes.

Very simple and tasty, enjoy!

Steamed cutlets for a 1 year old child

From 1 year to 3 years.

Features of nutrition of young children

due to the fact that the transition from dairy nutrition to food of plant and animal origin continues; transition to mixed and solid foods that require chewing; the need for calories and proteins increases; the diet is expanding, food is becoming more varied; a stereotype and rhythm of nutrition and taste habits are formed.
The daily amount of food increases: up to 1.5 years - 1100-1200 ml, from 1.5 to 3 years - 1500-1600 ml. The frequency of meals and the distribution of their caloric content changes (see Table 1).

Table 1

Eating 5 meals a day 4 meals a day 1st breakfast 20% 20-30% 2nd breakfast 10-15% - Lunch 30-35% 30-40% Afternoon snack 10-15% 10-20% Dinner 20% 20-30%

The range of products is changing used for preparing second courses: from meat preference should be given to turkey, rabbit, beef, but you can already use young lamb and lean pork. For children up to 3 years Duck and goose meat should not be given due to the high content of refractory fats.

Fish(sea, river, but low-fat) should be used in children's meals 1-2 times a week. The daily intake of fish is 30 g/day, but since it is impossible to prepare a dish from such an amount of fish, the weekly intake (210 g) should be divided into 2-3 doses. For fish dishes, you can use any variety of large, low-boned, low-fat fish, but it is safer to use fish fillets.

Eggs, rich in protein with an optimal amino acid composition, fats, lecithin, calcium salts, phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine, vitamins B, D, E, offer children no more than 1 piece every 2 days. Eggs can be used in dishes every day, since the quantitative part of the egg in dishes and products for the preparation of which their presence is necessary is very small, approximately 1/10 of the egg.

Cereal side dishes for children of this age it should be prepared from buckwheat, rice, and corn grits. Viscous porridges are recommended, and if the child does not like porridges, you can use them to make casseroles, meatballs or cutlets.

New dishes made from flour- these are pancakes and pancakes. Children over 2 years old You can pamper yourself with pasta, but not more than 2 times a week, and give preference to vegetable side dishes.

Needs to be widely used vegetables, not only for preparing first courses, but also second courses. Young children should receive 200 g of vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes) daily, and no more than 120 g of potatoes. This limitation of potatoes in the diet is necessary because it is a high-carbohydrate (starch-containing) product, excessive the consumption of which is undesirable for children of any age.

Bean dishes(peas, beans) can be given no more than 1-2 times a week, since these foods are “heavy” for children’s intestines. Legumes contain coarse fiber, which is difficult to digest and can cause flatulence in a child.

Culinary food processing. All dishes are prepared only boiled, stewed and steamed. As the ability to chew develops, the consistency of food becomes increasingly thick. For children up to 1.5 years food is prepared pureed. After 1.5 years it should be thicker - pieces of different sizes. At the same time, do not forget to focus on the tastes and preferences of the baby. Porridges are cooked boiled. Instead of puree, vegetables are offered in stewed form. It is advisable to replace the meat soufflé with cutlets, meatballs, and meatballs. To new dishes for children after 2 years include meat casseroles. They include boiled meat, various vegetables, rice, and pasta. Salads for kids up to 1.5-2 years are offered finely grated, and after this age - finely chopped.

The fish can be boiled, stewed in its own juice with the addition of a small amount of fat or fish broth, or with carrots and onions.

By 3 years the child completely switches to the common table, with the difference that the food is prepared using a more gentle heat treatment, i.e. Boiling, stewing, and steaming are preferred. Hot seasonings and spices are excluded. As seasonings you can use dill, parsley, onions, garlic, spinach. You should not teach your child to abuse salt from an early age; food should be slightly under-salted - the child’s daily need for salt up to 1 year is 0.35 g, and for children over 1 year - 0.5 g.

Distribution of food throughout the day. Products rich in protein and extractive substances, and also have a stimulating effect on the digestive tract (stimulate digestion processes), these include meat and fish broths, raw vegetables and vegetable broths, fermented milk products, fruits and berries, as well as dishes made from them, it is advisable give for breakfast and lunch. For dinner you should offer cereals, vegetables and dairy products. The diet must include hot dishes.


Steamed beef cutlets

Meat (beef) - 50 g, wheat bread - 10 g, milk - 10 ml, butter - 2 g, salt.

Pass the prepared meat and bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder twice, add butter, salt, beat well, form cutlets and steam them for 20-25 minutes.

Meat puree with buckwheat porridge

Meat (beef) - 90 g, broth -15 ml, buckwheat - 25 g, butter - 3 g, salt.

Remove any films from lean, already boiled meat, mince it twice, add hot water (broth) and boil for 5 minutes. Sort the buckwheat, rinse, add to boiling water, add salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened (20 minutes), then add butter and meat with broth, bring the dish in the oven until fully cooked (5-7 minutes).


Meat - 70 g, bread - 10 g, egg white - 1 teaspoon, butter - 5 g, salt.

Rinse the meat under running water, remove tendons and films, cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Soak the bread in a small amount of cold water, squeeze, mix with minced meat; Pass this mass again through a meat grinder with a fine mesh, add salt. Beat the egg white well and add to the minced meat. Cut the minced meat into balls (meatballs), place in a greased frying pan, add a little cold broth or water, cover with oiled paper, a lid, or foil and place in a not very hot (100-150°C) oven for 20-30 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes or carrots.

Meat, chicken or fish pudding

For 50 g of beef (chicken or fish) - 15-20 g of white bread, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of butter, salt. For 200 g of potatoes for mashed potatoes - 3 tbsp. spoons of milk and 1/2 teaspoon of butter, salt.

Cut 50 g of beef (chicken, fish) into pieces, pass through a meat grinder twice along with 15-20 g of dry white bread soaked in milk (you can additionally rub this mass through a fine sieve), add salt and dilute with milk until the paste becomes thick, then add 1/2 of the raw yolk and the white, tightly whipped into a foam, mix carefully from bottom to top, place in a small mug (aluminum, enamel or porcelain), thickly greased, and sprinkle with sifted breadcrumbs; Cover the top with an oiled mug of paper or foil, lower the mug into a pan filled to half the volume with boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and place on the stove. After 40-50 minutes, remove the pudding and serve with mashed potatoes.

After a child turns one year old, his diet becomes more varied, and special attention should be paid to how meat dishes will now be prepared. Pediatricians recommend that parents pay attention to steamed cutlets made from turkey, chicken, veal and fish. The listed products are very easy to prepare, affordable, healthy, have a pleasant taste that does not get boring.

If you wish, you can even find recipes for preparing meat dishes that contain unusual additional ingredients. Such products are especially popular among children, because with age, children’s requirements for the taste component of food only grow.

Why is it best to steam cutlets for children?

Steamed meat and fish cutlets, in comparison with products baked in the oven or fried in a frying pan, have many clear advantages. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. No crust forms on them. Soft and juicy dishes are more palatable and do not irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach. For children aged one year, this type of treatment is considered optimal, because babies do not have to spend a lot of effort chewing food and at the same time they do not swallow poorly processed pieces.
  2. Due to the absence of the need to use oil, meat and fish cutlets have a distinct natural taste without questionable impurities.
  3. In the process of heating vegetable oil, carcinogens are formed, which accumulate in the child’s body. Steaming food avoids this.
  4. Such products are easily absorbed by the stomach and intestines even of those children who have digestive problems. At the same time, they do not need to be given medications and folk remedies to facilitate the fiber processing process.
  5. Steam treatment allows you to preserve useful components in products to the maximum extent, including protein and iron.

Despite the fact that steamed cutlets from turkey and other types of meat are usually introduced into the diet of babies who are already one year old, doctors allow the use of this dish as supplementary feeding from 8 months for breastfed children and from 7 months for bottle-fed children. True, in this case they initially consist of a minimum set of components.

How to cook steamed beef or veal cutlets?

Despite the fact that in most cases the approaches to preparing cutlets for a baby aged one year from various types of meat are almost the same, certain specifics can still be traced. For example, to prepare delicious and juicy steamed beef cutlets for children, you need to do the following:

  • For a piece of beef weighing 200 g, take 50 ml of milk, 50 g of white bread crumb, half a chicken egg or one quail egg, and a little salt.
  • The meat needs to be freed from films, you can even disassemble it into fibers, if possible, in order to eliminate all excess, which may cause the child to have difficulty chewing food.
  • Next, salt the resulting semi-finished product and pass it through a meat grinder along with bread and eggs. Knead the resulting minced meat with a fork, gradually adding milk. The composition must be brought to homogeneity.
  • Next, we form small cutlets from the workpiece, which we place in a double boiler. It will take no more than 20 minutes to fully cook the meat.

Tip: At first, when preparing steamed cutlets, it is best to use the most liquid composition, the consistency of which resembles a thick puree. In this case, you will have to use a double boiler, placing the product on a solid bottom. This approach will gradually accustom the child’s body to processing fibers that are denser in structure, and the baby will not have difficulties chewing new food.

For children over the age of one year, these products can be diversified with the help of finely chopped greens, finely grated zucchini or carrots. If your baby has problems with excess weight, it is recommended to replace the bread with a tablespoon of oatmeal. But in the case of asthenia, you can add a little semolina to the minced meat.

Cooking delicious turkey cutlets

In cases where you want to diversify your baby’s diet with dietary meat dishes, you should pay attention to steamed turkey cutlets. This meat, rich in zinc, sodium and iron, normalizes metabolic processes in the children's body. And the cutlets made from it are light, but dense and satisfying. This dish is not recommended for babies under one year of age.

  • For 250 g of turkey fillet, take the pulp of a couple of slices of white bread, one egg, a quarter glass of milk, a quarter of a medium carrot, fresh or dried herbs, and a little salt.
  • First, the poultry meat must be thoroughly chopped, removing all cartilage, blood vessels, and fatty deposits. It is worth considering that to prepare steamed cutlets for children, you can only use chilled or once frozen meat.
  • Soak the bread in milk, knead until smooth. Add carrots, grated on a fine grater. This will not only give the dish a special taste, but also an attractive color.
  • The turkey meat must first be finely chopped with sharp knives, you can even beat it slightly. After this, we pass the product through a meat grinder twice along with the rest of the ingredients.
  • The final product should have a uniform consistency, only after this we form cutlets from it. The processing time for such cutlets depends on their size and ranges from 30 to 40 minutes.

For a small child, such cutlets are best complemented with boiled or steamed vegetables.

Steamed chicken cutlets

Chicken cutlets are traditionally offered to children over the age of one year more often than others. However, practice shows that not everyone knows how to cook them. Do not forget about the characteristics of white poultry meat. The optimal component processing option is the following:

  • Take a chicken fillet weighing 250 g, peel it from films, fat and all excess, cut into small pieces. Soak the product in milk for half an hour, then squeeze it out and, without rinsing, pass it through a meat grinder.
  • Next, add the pulp of one piece of white bread, half an egg to the meat and pass through the meat grinder again. Stir the mixture with a fork until smooth, adding a little salt.
  • After this, the chicken cutlets can be sculpted and cooked, but to enhance the taste, it is recommended to add a little chopped herbs. It is not recommended to add vegetables to such cutlets, because... the meat cooks very quickly, and they may not have time. Usually it takes no more than 10 minutes to prepare small products.

Ready-made chicken cutlets are usually served with porridge or mashed potatoes. You can combine them with vegetables, but do not forget that the satiety of chicken meat is not as high as that of turkey.

How to properly prepare children's fish cutlets?

Fish dishes must be present in the diet of young children, and steamed cutlets are the best option for processing the component. Here is a simple and affordable recipe for fish cutlets for a one-year-old child:

  • We will need 100 g of fish (preferably sea fish, with lean white meat), one potato, a small piece of carrot, a chicken egg, a little dill and parsley.
  • Boil the fish in salted water for 20 minutes, and put it in boiling water, then the fish cutlets will retain the maximum amount of nutritional and beneficial components. Separately boil the carrots and peeled potatoes.

  • Separate the fish fillet from the skin and bones and mash with a fork. We do the same with carrots and potatoes. Chop the greens and combine all the ingredients (it is recommended to beat the egg first).
  • These steamed fish cutlets are cooked for 15-20 minutes, after which it is recommended to grease them a little with butter and serve them to the baby.

In addition, there are many more recipes for steamed cutlets. You can come up with them yourself, combining components that your child likes.

Good evening, my hostesses! Nice to see you, put on your aprons and wash your hands. Today we will cook. Let the book about tasty and healthy food lie on the shelf, today I will share the recipes with you. We have to prepare steamed cutlets for 1-year-old children, which you, older children, and dad will like.

Carcinogens away

It's no secret that steamed dishes retain their beneficial properties better. In addition, steam treatment does not involve the presence of fat, which means it is absorbed faster and easier in the stomach. Cutlets prepared in this way taste exactly like meat, without foreign impurities such as frying oil or breading mixture. Steamed meat does not form crusts that could injure the baby’s oral mucosa. In addition, carcinogens formed during frying will not enter the baby’s small stomach.

I'll tell you how to prepare the most popular and juicy cutlets for children's menus from one year old. Read on and you will understand that they are very simple to prepare, and they taste, mmm, delicious!

Actually the recipe

We will make our cutlets from fresh meat, your choice: chicken, turkey, veal or beef.

So, we will need:

  • 500 g meat
  • Half a glass of milk
  • 100 g white bread
  • 1 egg
  • A little salt

We pass the meat through a meat grinder, at which time the bun will be soaked in warm milk. Add the egg, bread and pour out the remaining milk, add a little salt. Let me emphasize: you need just a little salt. Now we will form cutlets from the resulting minced meat. You can also involve a future taster in modeling. You'll see how willingly he will devour his own homemade dish!

If you have a steamer at home, great. Place the cutlets there and wait 15-20 minutes. You can do without a double boiler and use the “grandmother’s method”, creating the effect of a steam “bath” on the stove. We put a pan of water on the fire, after boiling, place a colander inside (it is advisable that it be slightly smaller in diameter than the pan and slightly immersed in it). When you place the cutlets, cover the colander with a lid. Many mothers cook steamed dishes in a slow cooker. These modern miracle devices are often equipped with an additional function for steaming dishes.

If you want to slightly diversify the taste and appearance of your cutlets, you can add to the minced meat: grated carrots, onions, herbs, instead of bread - a handful of chopped oatmeal, rice or buckwheat, zucchini. By the way, cutlets also turn out delicious without milk and eggs. Babies who are not yet a year old eat them with pleasure. What about your kids, which cutlets do they like best? Share your recipes and photos.

Fish yummy

Fish should sometimes be present in the diet of the little ones, so another recipe will be dedicated to surprisingly tender steamed fish balls. To prepare them, take:

  • 200 grams of fish (preferably low-fat varieties, sea fish)
  • Half a small carrot
  • Potato
  • A little dill and parsley.

Boil the fish for 15-20 minutes in slightly salted water. It is better to wait until it boils and place it immediately in boiling water. This way more beneficial properties will be preserved. Potatoes and carrots should also be boiled. Then we clean the fish from the bones and mash it with a fork, add the egg, potatoes, carrots, and herbs. Mix everything until smooth. Cook in the same way as meat, 15-20 minutes. Before serving, lightly grease with butter.

Stick-stick, cucumber

Oh yes, I almost missed the most important thing! Decorating children's dishes is a guarantee that they will be eaten with great pleasure. Therefore, here you need to try, attract attention, interest. If you cut a fresh cucumber or carrot into thin slices and place them around the cutlet in the form of rays of sunshine, the child will crunch on the delicious vegetables and at the same time devour the main dish.

You can also make a snowman from two or three cutlets. Instead of a nose - a tiny piece of carrot, a “bucket” on the head made of a slice of boiled potato or fresh cucumber, and handles made of dill or green onions. What am I telling you, I think your imagination is in perfect order. You can also teach me how to creatively serve and serve dishes.

Oh, and offer delicious side dish options for the little ones. What do you cook most often? Mashed potatoes, vegetable stew, or maybe your child loves cereals. In short, you need to pack a complete lunch for the kids. Earlier we talked about, today we learned how to cook healthy meat for our gourmets, now a side dish, and the “second” is ready. Well, let’s flavor everything with delicious compote.

Bon appetit to your kids! I hope today I was at least a little useful to you again. I look forward to your comments and don’t forget to share the link to the publication on social networks. And I will appear very soon, because we still have so many important topics!

Try preparing your child a tasty and nutritious dish for dinner - steamed cutlets with a side dish of stewed cabbage and white beans. Surely he will like this dish, and perhaps it will become one of his favorite dishes.

Or try making rice ones.


For steam cutlets:

  • minced veal – two hundred grams;
  • white stale bun or bread - fifty grams;
  • chicken egg - one piece;
  • onion - one small head;
  • garlic - one or two cloves;
  • potatoes - one small fruit;
  • milk – one hundred grams;
  • salt - to taste.

For garnish:

  • sauerkraut – one hundred grams;
  • boiled white beans - thirty grams;
  • onion - half a small head;
  • vegetable oil.

Steamed cutlets for children with sauerkraut as a side dish - recipe with photo:

First stage. Let's start by preparing the minced meat for the cutlets. To do this, take ready-made minced meat, which you can prepare yourself or buy in a store, and add to it onions chopped using a meat grinder, peeled raw potatoes and a clove of garlic.

Second phase. Separately, heat the milk and pour it over the stale bun or white bread so that it soaks and becomes soft.

Third stage. Then we also grind the softened bun using a meat grinder and add it to the minced meat.

Fourth stage. Next, beat one chicken egg into the minced meat and add a little salt to taste. It is important not to over-salt the dish, since as a side dish for the cutlets we are going to serve stewed sauerkraut, which is already quite salty.

Fifth stage. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and get ready-made minced meat for cutlets.

Sixth stage. Next, wet your clean hands in cold water, take a little minced meat in your palm and form it into a cutlet, which we place in a double boiler. You can prepare similar steam cutlets for baby food in different steamers; we use a regular steamer pan, which is heated on a gas stove and is powered by boiling water in the lower compartment of the pan.

Seventh stage. After thirty to forty minutes, the steamed cutlets are ready.

Eighth stage. Next, we will prepare a side dish for children's steamed cutlets - stewed sauerkraut with boiled white beans. To do this, heat a little vegetable oil in a saucepan and put pre-washed and squeezed sauerkraut into it. Add chopped onion there, mix and simmer it all over medium heat. If necessary, you can add a little water to the cabbage to prevent it from burning.

Ninth stage. Five minutes before the cabbage is ready, add separately boiled or even slightly boiled white beans, mix everything and simmer everything together for the last minutes.

Tenth stage. We serve the finished cabbage to the child’s table along with steamed cutlets.

Bon appetit!