Raspberry jam with whole berries. Favorite raspberry jam since childhood

08.08.2019 Salads

Raspberries this year are a whole sea of ​​​​ruby! In 3 hours I gained 7 liters of wild berries. What to cook from raspberries for the winter? Well, of course, jam! In winter, we are happy to drink tea or milk with him, we are treated for a cold. We give the child semolina porridge to gobble up both cheeks, and not wrinkle his nose. For the first time making raspberry jam herself - the grandmother told her signature recipe and told the secret how to cook thick raspberry jam with whole berries for the winter.

How much sugar do you need for raspberry jam?

The ingredients for making raspberry jam according to my grandmother's recipe are as follows:

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar

For raspberry jam so many berries How many And Sahara. Proportion: 1 to 1.

Thick raspberry jam for the winter: how to cook

Let's move on to the main thing: how to cook thick raspberry jam for the winter - step by step:

  1. We sort out the berries, but do not wash them. Sprinkle with sugar (in the proportion of 1 kg of berries per 1 kg of sugar), layer by layer in an enamel saucepan. Leave overnight or for 6-8 hours. During this time, the berries will give juice.

2. We put the pan on the stove and turn on the average heating temperature. The contents of the saucepan will soon boil, and the sugar will dissolve. After boiling, the jam should be boiled for 5-10 minutes, and then turned off. Attention! During the cooking process raspberry jam You need to stir so it doesn't burn. But it is better to do this not with a spoon, but by rotating the pan in a circle (holding the handles). This will keep whole berries, do not crush them.

3. When the jam boils, foam forms. It needs to be removed. With foam then it’s delicious to drink tea after a hard day at the stove

4. When the jam cools down after the first cooking, we light the fire again. Bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes. Then turn off, cool and repeat the cycle again. In total, the jam should be boiled 3 times. Thanks to this, it becomes thick and maroon. So,

Question: How long to cook raspberry jam?

You need to cook in 3 stages:

1 time: 10 minutes after boiling;

2 times: cool and cook again for 5 minutes after boiling;

3 times: cool and cook again for 5 minutes after boiling;

There is nothing difficult in this, believe me 😉

When is the jam ready?

Readiness of jam check drop by drop, after the 3rd boil. The jam must be cold. When the jam is ready, the droplet does not spread, it becomes viscous and viscous. The jam is thick, bright and fragrant.

How much jam is made from 1 kg of raspberries?

To make raspberry jam, I took just the same 1 kg of raspberries and 1 kg of sugar. It should be noted that one liter of raspberries does not correspond to one kilogram. One kilogram is much more, about 2 liters. I used scales, which I advise you, so as not to guess on coffee grounds 😉

So, from 1 kg of raspberries and 1 kg of sugar, we got a little less than 1 liter of finished raspberry jam:

Have you stocked up on jam yet? Share your recipes in the comments! We are very interested in this! 😉

To cook raspberry jam with whole berries, the recipe of which you will find below, I advise you not to spare sugar and select the most beautiful berries. I deliberately give the proportions of raspberries and berries per kilogram - it's easier to determine how much sugar and water will be needed for your serving of fragrant berries.
We cook raspberry jam with whole berries on the stove in an enameled bowl or saucepan. As an acidic component, you can use both natural lemon juice and a ready-made concentrate. Lemon juice allows you to keep quickly cooked safe for a long time, and sweet preparations due to citric acid have a bright color.
A raspberry delicacy is cooked quickly, but the process is somewhat different from the usual five-minute jam preparation. My friends often ask me: how long does it take to boil the syrup? I will answer everyone at once: the boiling time of the syrup depends on the volume and the desired density that you want to get as a result. I brought the raspberry syrup with a volume of 300 ml to a density for 10 minutes over low heat.

- fresh raspberries - 1 kg.,
- granulated sugar - 1 kg.,
- lemon juice - 1 tablespoon,
- water - 250 ml.

Pour clean cold water into a bowl/pot.

Then pour granulated sugar into the water and pour juice from fresh lemon or lemon concentrate.

Bring water with sugar and juice to a boil. Then boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then carefully pour the raspberries into the boiling syrup.

Cook over low heat for 5 minutes after boiling the syrup along with the berries. Mix only by lightly shaking the bowl.

Transfer hot raspberries without syrup into prepared jars with a spoon with holes.

Cook the syrup over low heat until the consistency you need.

Pour hot boiled syrup into jars with whole raspberries to the very top.

Jars with raspberry jam quickly twist / cork with hot lids. Turn jars with whole berries in syrup upside down, cover with a warm towel. After cooling, store in a dark and cool place.

Ready-made raspberry jam with whole berries can be served with tea, used as an addition to desserts and pastries. The jam is very tasty and very beautiful! It has a very interesting spicy taste.
A spoonful of raspberry jam is an excellent tool to fight a cold, to cheer up and restore immunity in the autumn and winter. Be healthy!

First you need to sort out the raspberries, throwing out leaves, twigs, pedicels and spoiled fruits. Unripe berries can be left, they will be soaked in syrup and will be just as tasty as ripe ones.

Tip: It is better to sort out the berries immediately into the pan in which they will be cooked. This will keep the raspberries whole.

Prepare syrup. To do this, mix water and sugar in a saucepan according to the recipe. On low heat, heat the sugar until completely dissolved, remembering to stir regularly. As soon as the syrup boils, carefully pour over the berries and leave for 3-4 hours.

Tip: The container for raspberry jam should be large enough. The edges of the pan or basin should be 4 fingers above the level of the berries with syrup.

After complete cooling, separate the syrup from the raspberries with a colander. Drain the liquid into a separate pan and boil for about 20 minutes. You can check the readiness of the syrup by dropping it on a saucer. If it thickens as it should, then it does not spread. Return the thickened syrup to the berries and cook the jam for another 10 minutes according to the recipe. Be sure to remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

While the jam is cooking, it is necessary to sterilize the jars. For example, douse them twice with boiling water or calcine in a hot oven. You need to pack the jam in a slightly cooled, but still hot dish. Banks should be filled a little to the very top.

Tip: In order for the syrup to remain bright for the entire shelf life, the container with hot jam should be cooled in a basin of water.

As a rule, during the cooking of jam, many berries that do not have a dense skin are boiled into puree, turning the jam into. If you want to keep the integrity of the berries in the jar, then there are two ways to cook: a short boil or boil the syrup, followed by the addition of the berries almost right before bottling in the jars. Read more about the technology of each of them, as well as recipes for raspberry jam, read on.

Raspberry jam with whole berries - recipe


  • fresh raspberries - 380 g;
  • granulated sugar - 320 g;
  • vanilla pod.


Before making raspberry jam for the winter, experienced housewives recommend not washing the berries, since washed raspberries lose the lion's share of their flavor, leaving the delicacy much less saturated. Pour the berries peeled from the stalks into an enamel pan and mix with sugar. After six hours, the years should release a sufficient amount of juice, which will become the basis for our jam. Pour the syrup into a separate container and put on fire, placing a cut vanilla pod in a sweet solution. Boil the syrup until it thickens, literally 15 minutes, then mix the syrup with whole berries and remove the dishes from the heat immediately. After another 10 minutes, pour the raspberries into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

How to cook raspberry jam with peaches?

Another way to prepare lies with whole berries, which we did not mention at the beginning of the article, involves making syrup from one type of fruit, and then adding tender raspberries to it, which are cooked for a minimum amount of time. In the recipe below, the basis for the jam will be a peach.


  • peaches - 950 g;
  • lemon juice - 35 ml;
  • raspberries - 750 g;
  • vanilla pod;
  • granulated sugar - 480 g.


Berries pour 140 g of sugar and leave to let the juice. Cut the skin of the peaches crosswise, dip in boiling water and remove it. Remove the stone from the pulp, cut into large cubes and rub with a fork with the remaining sugar so that whole pieces of peach are present in the future jam. Put the peach puree on the fire and leave to thicken along with the cut vanilla pod and lemon juice.

Drain the juice from the berries and put it to evaporate in another container until it thickens. Mix syrup with peach jam, then add berries. How much to cook raspberry jam now depends on the size and density of the berries themselves, but, as a rule, it is better not to cross the bar of 5-7 minutes, otherwise it will affect the consistency of berry jam. Remove from heat, pour into sterile jars without delay and roll up the lids.

We are accustomed to supplementing jam with sugar, vanilla or a cinnamon stick at most, but in this recipe, the aromatic composition goes beyond the standards. We agree that the combination of raspberries with spices, chocolate and nuts is unusual, but guaranteed to deserve the right to exist.



Place the raspberries peeled from the stalks in an enamel pan. Pour sugar over the berries, add spices, citrus juice, cocoa and chopped nuts with dates to them. Put the container on the fire and cook the jam for 15-18 minutes, without stirring it too intensively so as not to violate the integrity of the berries. Further, while the jam is still hot, it should be poured into sterile jars and can be rolled up.

Cooking raspberry jam at home for the winter so that the berry remains whole is a whole science. It is known that the fruits of the shrub are incredibly tender, crumple in an instant. To make the berries swim appetizingly in a clear syrup, my recipes and secrets of making delicacies will help.

I think that this is the most useful preparation that helps to cope with a cold in a delicious way. Carlson himself was treated with a treat and, if you remember, was pleased.

How to cook raspberry jam with whole berries

Our grandmothers, without further ado, put raspberries with sugar in a bowl and boiled for a long time, getting a thick sweet mass. I share the secrets of proper cooking, allowing you to keep the berries intact.

The main secret is to quickly boil raspberries in syrup, and there are several points that you need to know and follow.

  • The ideal picking time is after the last rain, but when the berry has already dried out.
  • After collecting, try not to pour the berries into another container unnecessarily.
  • Don't wait too long - start cooking dessert right away.
  • If the fruits are harvested on your site, you can skip the washing process. It is at this moment that the berries crumple, and it is incredibly difficult to preserve them. If you still need to wash, throw it into the basin, select the debris that has floated up, then carefully scoop out the berry with your palms.
  • There is no way to make jam quickly, sprinkle raspberries with sugar and place in a cool place.
  • The density of jam can be adjusted by the amount of sugar. Use less if you like a thin dessert, or add more if you want a thicker consistency.

How to check the readiness of raspberry jam:

  • Drop on a saucer and follow the movement of the drop. At the finished treat, it does not spread, but slowly spreads to the sides.

Raspberry jam - a classic recipe with whole berries

I propose a classic method of cooking, in which the main goal - keeping the raspberries whole, will be easily achieved.

Would need:

  • Berries - kilogram.
  • Water - 3.5 cups.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook delicious jam:

  1. If you have to wash the raspberries, be sure to dry them by spreading them in a thin layer on a towel or newspaper.
  2. First step: boil the syrup by boiling water with sugar and stirring until the sweetness is completely dissolved.
  3. Put the berries in a bowl, pour boiling syrup over and leave for a couple of hours.
  4. Later for given time carefully pour the syrup into a separate bowl. Put on the stove and cook for 20 minutes. It will thicken, it will turn out almost ready. If you drop it on a saucer, it will not spread.
  5. Throw raspberries into the syrup, cook for an additional 10 minutes over low heat. Let it boil strongly, remove the foam and turn off the fire.
  6. Arrange dessert in jars cold. It is also desirable to store in a cooler place.

Five-minute raspberry with whole berries

The disadvantage of this method of cooking raspberry jam is that it is difficult to protect it from fermentation, since the cooking time is minimized. But vitamins will be fully preserved. To keep the dessert for the whole winter, we will cook it with citric acid, which is an excellent preservative. I advise you to sterilize the jars and store the workpiece in the cold.


  • Raspberries - 2 kg.
  • Water - 600 ml.
  • Citric acid - 1/3 of a small spoon.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. The first step is to boil the syrup. Throw sand, citric acid into the water, put it on the stove and wait for it to boil.
  2. Boil for 3-5 minutes and pour into a saucepan with raspberries. Pour slowly, carefully, trying not to damage the integrity of the berries.
  3. Continue cooking for exactly 5 minutes. Quickly remove the foam and immediately pour the jam into jars.
  4. The last step is to twist, cool and send to storage. No need to flip.

Cooking raspberries in three doses with lemon

If you cook raspberry jam in three steps, then you are guaranteed to keep the workpiece for the whole winter. This fast cooking technology allows you to leave the berries whole, which is our goal, since they do not have time to boil.

  • Sugar - kilogram.
  • Berries - kilogram.
  • Lemon - ½ part.

Raspberry Jam Recipe:

  1. Sprinkle a clean berry with sugar. Squeeze out the lemon juice and pour into a saucepan.
  2. Stop insisting. After 2-3 hours, you can start cooking.
  3. On minimum heat, start warming up the mass. If signs of boiling appear, remove the container from the heat. Don't let it boil. Remove the foam and forget about the jam for a while - let it cool down.
  4. Put the cooled dessert back on the boil. Bring to a boil and cool again.
  5. I recommend to carry out the third cooking, then the jam will turn out to be quite thick, and the raspberries will remain whole. But in the third approach, the dessert should boil.
  6. Boil it for no more than 5 minutes and immediately distribute it among the banks. Screw under the iron lid, cool and put in the cold.

Yellow raspberry jam with whole berries

When cooking a yellow raspberry billet, there are some nuances, since it is sweeter than usual. Due to the abundance of seeds in the berry, it is recommended to cook jams from it - when crushed in a sieve, the seeds are removed. We will cook delicious jam correctly, following the recommendations of experienced housewives. As a result, in whole berries, the grains will not be noticeable.

You will need:

  • Yellow raspberries - kilogram.
  • Sugar - kilogram.
  1. Transfer clean berries in small portions to a basin, sprinkled with sand. This will keep the raspberries from crushing.
  2. Leave for 5-6 hours, and preferably at night in a cool place.
  3. Put the berry that had time to cook. Heat slowly over low heat.
  4. After boiling, without turning off, carefully fish out the berries with a slotted spoon.
  5. Check the sugar in the syrup, if it has not had time to completely dissolve, stir and complete the process.
  6. Leave the syrup to boil. When it thickens well, send raspberries back into it.
  7. It remains to give the dessert a strong boil, remove the unnecessary foam and distribute it among the jars.
  8. Jam sealed in sterile jars can be stored in the pantry for no more than a year. In the cold, the dessert will last up to 3 years.

There are never many recipes, so keep one more - a video with a step-by-step story of making delicious raspberry jam with a whole berry. Good luck with your preparations.