How to cook sour cucumbers for the winter. The secrets of preserving sauerkraut

06.07.2023 Restaurant notes

We add vinegar so that our preparations are well preserved. But such cucumbers, as every mother knows, are not very useful and are allowed for babies. After all, vinegar is a harmful seasoning for a child's stomach.

For seaming pickled cucumbers we need:

  • cucumbers 2 kg.
  • dill umbrella
  • cherry leaf 3-4 pcs.
  • black currant leaves 3 pcs.
  • horseradish leaf
  • black peppercorns 5-7 pcs.
  • salt 3 tbsp with a slide
  • sugar 2 tsp
  • mustard seeds 1 tbsp
  • garlic 2-3 cloves

Pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars, without vinegar - a step by step recipe:

Prepare all the necessary branches-leaves, rinse them under running water.

Place an umbrella of dill, cherry, currant and horseradish leaves in a three-liter jar.

Now let's wash the cucumbers. For seaming I prefer to take small and medium fruits.

Cut off the stems on both sides of the cucumbers.

After that, we put them in a jar, tightly one to the other.

Pour sugar, salt, peppercorns and hot peppers, mustard seeds and peeled garlic cloves on top of the cucumbers. Mustard seeds will give the cucumbers elasticity and will be crispy.

Next, fill our cucumbers with cold, filtered water, close the lid, turn it over a couple of times so that the salt and sugar are evenly distributed in the water, otherwise they will settle to the bottom and the cucumbers from the bottom will turn out to be salted and not salted on top. Then be sure to remove the cover.

We leave the cucumbers to ferment for three to four days, while placing a bowl or plate under the jar in case the brine flows out.

After ripening, pour the brine into an enameled saucepan and put on fire, boil for 10 minutes.

Pickled cucumbers are taken out of the jar and packaged in liter jars, necessarily pasteurized over steam. We no longer put spices, only cucumbers.

Pour the cucumbers with hot brine and leave for 30 minutes. Then drain the brine again and boil for 5 minutes. Pour the cucumbers again and leave for 30 minutes. For the third time, drain the brine, boil for 5 minutes, pour over the cucumbers and roll up the lids. Wrap for 2-3 hours and put away for storage.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars, ready. They are delicious even without vinegar.

After we take the jars out of the heat and turn them over, the brine may still be cloudy, but after a couple of days it will precipitate and settle with a white coating on the cucumbers themselves. There is nothing to worry about, this is the norm for pickled cucumbers in this way.

Bon appetit to you and your kids.

Not a single summer resident will refuse to plant cucumbers on his site. It's so nice to pick a fresh, juicy fruit from the garden and eat it while relaxing on the veranda! Yes, and from the shelves of shops, ground cucumbers scatter in the season as if by magic. However, this is only a summer treat. What about at other times of the year? Very simple - you can cook crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter!

Pros of Pickled Cucumbers

It would seem that cucumbers are water with water. Well, what could be so useful about them? It turns out that everything is not so simple. It is not for nothing that the cucumber became the favorite vegetable of most Russians as soon as it appeared in our country - and this happened back in the thirteenth century. Around the same time, by the way, they began to harvest it for the winter.

Yes, in fact, a huge part of the cucumber is water - more than 90 percent. However, everything else is fiber and various useful substances. For example, potassium, which removes excess water from the human body along with harmful microbes. It is due to the property of detoxification that cucumbers are recommended for poisoning, as well as for those who want to lose weight. But it is important to remember that only fresh vegetables have this particular quality - winter preparations contain sodium. It does not stop the work of potassium, but slows it down, so there will be less use for the body. Potassium, by the way, is not limited to the ability to eliminate harmful substances, but also reduces pressure, is useful for arrhythmias, edema.

Cucumbers are easily digestible food, which means that the body will not load the pancreas for their processing - which is also a definite plus.

This vegetable contains iodine, which is so necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Lack of iodine in the body can lead to hypothyroidism, memory impairment, arrhythmia, in the worst case, even to a tumor. Therefore, cucumber is important to eat for the prevention of these diseases.

The green fruit also contains iron, magnesium, chlorine, ascorbic acid. Cucumber improves metabolism and reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. And how many women make masks from this vegetable! So it is also used in cosmetology.

All of the above applies to cucumbers in any form. But what can be said specifically about fermented products? Only good: they strengthen the immune system, strengthen the work of the intestines, heal its microflora - the latter also applies to the brine, which is obtained by fermentation.

Pickled vegetables are especially recommended for the elderly, as the lactic acid they contain minimizes the action of bacteria that cause dementia. It also helps in the fight against arthritis, as well as inflammation of the oral cavities. There is almost no sugar in pickled cucumbers, so they are actively recommended by nutritionists.

Pickled, salted or pickled?

Not everyone understands the difference between pickled and pickled cucumbers. Indeed, it is so small that it may seem insignificant to some, but nevertheless it is.

Fermentation, in fact, is a process similar to salting - vegetables are preserved by fermentation caused by lactic acid bacteria. But if during salting it is necessary to add salt to the solution, then during fermentation this is not a mandatory procedure. That's all the difference! In previous years, fermented generally exclusively without salt.

If fermentation occurs without the addition of salt, then the vegetables "roam" in their own juice. Lactic acid is the main preservative here. When salting, in any case, this process occurs in a saline solution. And everyone knows that excess salt is not very useful for the body (the norm per day is no more than 3 grams). By the way, it also destroys vitamin C - which is preserved in its absence. In addition to this vitamin, fermented foods are also rich in vitamin B, which helps digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Another difference between pickled and pickled cucumbers is that pickled vegetables are denser, firmer. In fermented foods, the fiber becomes softer, which allows the body to better absorb the product.

Compared to pickled ones, pickled and pickled cucumbers have one huge advantage: they do not lose their beneficial properties and turn out to be not only tasty, but also a healthy delicacy. And of all the harvesting methods, fermentation is the oldest and most productive.

A spoon of tar

Any product cannot be absolutely harmless to everyone, no matter what useful properties it may have. This also applies to pickled fruits: due to the presence of lactic acid in them, they are highly discouraged for those who suffer from peptic ulcers or increased acidity of the gastric tract. It is also better to refrain from eating vegetables for people who have problems with the kidneys (in particular, stones), liver, suffer from heart disease, hepatitis or gout.

Little tricks

  • First, and most importantly, the vegetable should be sweet enough. Otherwise, it will not be stored for a long time. Therefore, you need to carefully select cucumbers for harvesting. If suddenly the whole batch of fruits is bitter, you can add a little sugar to them - about 1 percent of the total mass. As a rule, the sweetest are young cucumbers.
  • To get crispy fruits, you need to pay attention to their skin - it must be thick. And also - with pimples. Smooth cucumbers are not suitable for canning. By the way, oak bark will help to make vegetables even more crispy.
  • The fruits should be firm to the touch, not dark, but not light (yellow) in color.
  • Fermentation in vegetables occurs at a temperature of 15-20 degrees. If it is higher, pathogens and an unpleasant taste may appear in the product.
  • Preparing fruits must be free of oxygen! This eliminates the risk of developing unwanted organisms, and also helps preserve vitamin C. This rule is simple to follow: the brine must completely cover the vegetables, so you need to carefully monitor its level and top up if necessary.
  • It is not recommended to take water for brine from the tap. Better suited bottled.
  • To prevent the appearance of mold, it is worth putting a couple of pieces of horseradish under the lid. And to give vegetables spicy notes, you can add basil, pepper, dill, mustard, cumin, cherry or currant leaves.
  • Sanitary conditions are also very important. All products must be thoroughly washed, as well as the container in which they will be cooked. It also needs to be sterilized and dried. There should not be a hint of germs anywhere!

How to cook pickled cucumbers: simple and delicious recipes

You can pickle cucumbers in different ways. The best and most traditional way is sourdough in oak barrels, because oak gives cucumbers a unique flavor. Unfortunately, now this method is available to a very small circle - few people keep barrels at home. However, if you cook cucumbers according to certain recipes, you can get a taste similar to barrel.

Pickled cucumbers with mustard

  1. Vegetables must first be soaked for several hours.
  2. We put the ingredients in the jars prepared in advance - garlic, bay leaf, dill (both fresh and dried are suitable), peppercorns.
  3. Then we place the cucumbers.
  4. The brine is as follows: for one liter of cold water - one and a half tablespoons of salt.
  5. Pour vegetables with this brine, cover and leave for three days.
  6. After this period, pour the brine into a saucepan, boil and fill the jars back.
  7. It is important not to forget: at this stage, you need to put a tablespoon of mustard powder in each jar.
  8. We roll up the jars, shake, put in the refrigerator.

Pickled cucumbers with vodka

In this recipe, vodka is needed to make the cucumbers even more crispy.

  1. Rinse and dry the jars thoroughly. If they are three-liter, then 3 tablespoons of salt must be placed in each, the amount of spices remains to the taste of each. You can put horseradish, pepper, garlic and so on.
  2. We tightly lay the cucumbers, after which we pour vodka (4-5 tablespoons) into each jar.
  3. Top with chilled water.
  4. Seal jars tightly, shake and discard.

Pickled cucumbers with vinegar

This recipe is distinguished by the addition of vinegar - add about 2-3 tablespoons to two liters of water, plus the same amount of salt.

  1. Wash cucumbers thoroughly, if they are planned to be eaten in 2-3 weeks, then we remove the “butts”.
  2. In jars we put cherry leaves, fresh dill, horseradish (in a small piece) and a few cloves of garlic (it needs to be chopped). Top with cucumbers.
  3. We boil water, first add only salt there.
  4. Gulf of cucumbers, cover, leave for two days.
  5. Then pour the brine into the pan and boil again. If it foams, the foam must be removed.
  6. Pour the vegetables again, after ten minutes we repeat the procedure, and here we add vinegar to the boiled solution.
  7. Fill jars with brine and seal.
  8. Wrap, let cool, then put in a cold place.

Pickled cucumbers in a barrel

Before proceeding directly to fermentation, you need to prepare the brine. It is done the day before the procedure itself. If the barrel is ten-liter, then 10 liters of water must be heated to 30-35 degrees, add 500-700 grams of salt there and filter.

  1. We first rub the walls of the barrel with garlic - to prevent the appearance of mold on them.
  2. At the bottom we put cherry and / or currant leaves, dill, horseradish - and any other spices as desired. It is only important not to immediately fall asleep all the spices - half should be left.
  3. We put cucumbers in a barrel, vertically and tightly to each other.
  4. We fill the barrel to the middle, then place the rest of the spices and pour the brine.
  5. After about two or three days, the solution must be topped up.
  6. We insert a cork into the tongue hole and remove the barrel for storage.
  7. If the hole is on the side, you need to store the cucumbers lying down, if on top, then standing.

Pickled cucumbers with cabbage

For three kilograms of cucumbers, this recipe requires 10 kilograms of cabbage and a kilogram of carrots.

  1. Cabbage and carrots are chopped, stacked in layers: cabbage and carrots - then cucumbers.
  2. Alternating vegetables, fill the containers to the top.
  3. Sprinkle them with salt (2-3 tablespoons) and fresh dill.
  4. We put oppression, cover with gauze, leave for a couple of days - so that the brine appears.
  5. After that, add it: add sugar (1 cup) and salt (no more than a tablespoon) to one liter of water.
  6. We roll up the containers, put them in a cold place.

Storage Secrets

And finally, an interesting fact. We are already used to the fact that watermelon and kiwi are berries, not fruits. The fact that a tomato is not quite a vegetable is also well known. But, it turns out, you can not consider a vegetable and a cucumber! Botanists call it... a berry because it has seeds, it blooms. It also belongs to the pumpkin family, along with melon and zucchini - which, whatever one may say, are also berries!

Here is such an interesting, unusual, tasty and very healthy fruit - a cucumber.

To begin with, we cut off the bottoms of the cucumbers and soak them in cold water for several hours.

Then, when the cucumbers are soaked, carefully wash the jars, sterilize (I do this in the oven, you can use the kettle, steam, to whom - which is more convenient and familiar).

We are waiting for the sterilized jars to cool down so as not to burn ourselves and begin to lay our ingredients in them.

At the bottom, I spread the garlic, peppercorns, then I throw the dill into the jar and start laying the cucumbers tightly.

When the jar of cucumbers is packed tightly, I put a leaf of horseradish on top and you can also dill.
And then I pour salt into the jar. On a three-liter jar I take an unfilled pile of salt per centimeter.

I pour cold water on top of this salt, I try to pour it gradually so that the salt dissolves, if it doesn’t have time, then it will dissolve itself later anyway.

I put such a jar on a plate, because brine flows out during the fermentation process, I cover it, but do not close it, with a nylon lid and leave it to sour for 2-3 days.
Turbidity and the appearance of such a foam should not be frightening, this is a normal sourdough process.

After 2-3 days, depending on what degree of pickling cucumbers you like, I pour the brine into a saucepan and boil for about a minute. At the same time, I add a little water, because the brine may not be enough.

Then I immediately pour this brine back into the jar and roll it up with a sterilized lid. Someone closes with nylon, but I prefer to roll up.

I turn the rolled cans over and leave to cool for a day under a warm shelter, for example, under a jacket.

In principle, that's the whole manufacturing process, but I still put all the cans with capping, before lowering them into the cellar, for several days in the refrigerator, then they do not explode in the future.

Turbidity in jars with pickled cucumbers should not be frightening, this is normal, over time it will settle into a sediment that will be present in the jar, and this is also normal.

She herself was frightened of this for the first time, she thought that nothing had happened, but it turned out that the cucumbers were good.
Such pickled cucumbers turn out to be very tasty, crispy, they can be in pickle and so, with potatoes, in salads. My husband can’t be torn off the jar in winter, he even drinks brine (not from a hangover, but just like that :)).

By the way, such cucumbers can not be rolled up with a lid, but immediately closed tightly with nylon, sour a couple - three days and in the refrigerator, you get excellent salted cucumbers that you can eat now.

I also suggest trying to prepare

Since ancient times in Rus', it was customary to pickle cucumbers, and not salt them. Pickled cucumbers have a sour-salty flavor and a pleasant aroma that instantly spreads throughout the house. They fermented vegetables in oak barrels - tubs, in large quantities, so that it was enough for the whole winter. Now few people have tubs, but they can be replaced with ordinary cans. Simple recipes will help to prepare cucumbers pickled for the winter in a cold way in jars.

The main difference between sourdough and pickles is the fermentation process, which lasts from 4 to 7 days. It is due to fermentation that cucumbers acquire a sour taste. The process proceeds at room temperature, in a cool room the intensity decreases. When fermenting for 3-4 days, a foam forms on the surface - it must be removed. This is a sure sign that everything is going as it should, and soon the cucumbers will be ready.

The easiest way


  • 2-2.5 kg of selected cucumbers;
  • 4 tbsp salt;
  • 5-6 dill umbrellas;
  • 8-10 black peppercorns;
  • 7-8 cloves of garlic.


Vegetables are soaked in clean water and left to soak from the ground for 2-4 hours. Clean fruits are taken out, blotted with a towel and cut off the ends with a knife.

Put garlic with pepper and dill in a dry jar. On top of them are cucumbers in a row.

Important! No need to fill the jar to the very top, the water should cover the entire fruit.

Fall asleep with salt and pour clean, but cool water. Cover the container with a lid and leave to ferment for 5-7 days.

At the end of the time, the brine is poured from the container into the pan, boiled and poured back into the jar. The workpiece is sterilized in boiling water for 15-20 minutes, after which the lid is tightly closed and the container is allowed to cool for at least 10-12 hours at room temperature.

Pickled cucumbers with horseradish

To diversify the taste of the workpiece, additional components are often added to it, for example, horseradish. Horseradish root is better to take a fresh crop, it is more fragrant.


  • 2.5-3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2-3 horseradish roots;
  • 5 tbsp salt;
  • garlic cloves - 5-6 pcs.;
  • pepper, peas - 3-5 pcs.


The horseradish root is washed and the top layer is removed. Then, with a knife or with a grater, horseradish is crushed and placed on the bottom of a clean container.

Cucumbers are washed with water, the ends are cut off and placed in a jar. Put garlic and peppercorns to the fruits.

In a saucepan, water is slightly heated to a temperature of 35-40 degrees and salt is dissolved in it. Gherkins are poured with a fresh warm solution and left in the apartment for 5-6 days for ripening.

When the vegetables are fermented, the liquid is drained and brought to a boil three times in a row. Cucumbers are poured with a hot mixture to the very top and rolled up with lids.

Store in the refrigerator or in any cool place where the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees.

Country-style pickled cucumbers

If there is a bowl or bucket at home, then you can ferment cucumbers according to one old method. Before cooking, the basin or bucket is well washed with soda powder and doused several times with boiling water.


  • gherkins - 2.5-2.8 kg;
  • dill umbrellas - 5-8 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 4 tablespoons;
  • a couple of peas of cloves;
  • 4-5 oak leaves.


Wash the cucumbers and remove the stems. Transfer the vegetables to a bowl.

Garlic is peeled and divided into cloves. Teeth are added to vegetables.

Oak leaves are placed on top and under the fruits, cloves and salt are poured into the workpiece.

Pour 4 liters of warm water into the basin. Place a plate on top of the cucumbers and press firmly. A jar of water or other oppression is placed on a plate.

Wait 5-6 days for the starter to run out. The brine is drained and boiled for 5-6 minutes on fire. Cucumbers are laid out in clean jars and poured with hot brine. The jars are sterilized in the oven for 10-15 minutes, after which they are closed with nylon lids and put into the cellar after cooling.

Spicy Pickled Cucumbers

To make cucumbers a little spicier, red chili peppers are used in cooking. The seeds are pre-taken out, otherwise the workpiece will turn out to be too sharp.


  • 2-2.5 kg of cucumbers;
  • 3 tbsp salt;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs.;
  • dill - 5 umbrellas;
  • red chili pepper - 2 pcs.


Garlic and dill are placed at the bottom of a clean, dry jar. Cucumbers are laid out in a stack.

Red pepper is cut into small pieces with a length and width of not more than a centimeter. Pieces are inserted between cucumbers.

The water is slightly heated (3-3.5 liters) and the salt is dissolved. Pour salt water into a jar and cover the throat with gauze.

The contents are fermented for 4-6 days. When the foam no longer forms, the brine is drained and boiled 2-3 times for 5 minutes on the stove.

Pour gherkins with boiling brine and roll up the lid. The jar is turned over and placed on the lid. In this form, it should cool to room temperature, then it is removed for storage.

Important! After opening, the blank is stored in the refrigerator for no more than one month.

with spices

The taste of cucumbers can be supplemented with fresh currant or raspberry leaves, as well as cherry leaves. All foliage is torn off on the day of preparation or the day before. The fresher the leaves, the more aroma and taste the vegetables will receive.


  • 3-3.2 kg of gherkins;
  • 5-6 leaves of cherry and black currant;
  • dill seeds, 2 pinches;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs.
  • 4 tbsp salt.


The fruit is cut off the tails and placed in a jar. When one row of cucumbers is planted, cherry and currant leaves, garlic are placed between the rows and on top, and seasoned with a pinch of dill seeds.

Lay another row of cucumbers smaller in size than the previous ones. Top again covered with the remnants of leaves and garlic.

Pour salt into a jar and pour 4 liters of water. Shake the contents so that the salt disperses throughout the volume, and leave to ferment for 5-6 days.

After the starter is finished, the workpiece is sterilized in hot water for at least half an hour. Close the lid and let the jar cool. You can try cucumbers in 2-3 weeks, when their taste becomes as spicy as possible.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter with mustard

If there is mustard powder at home, it will be a good addition to pickled cucumbers. For lovers of vigorous snacks, the amount of powder in the composition can be doubled. Instead of mustard powder, mustard from a tube is suitable, it has a pleasant texture and mixes well with water.


  • gherkins - 2-2.2 kg;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • dill umbrellas - 5-6 pcs.;
  • mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic cloves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • 4-6 currant leaves.


From the washed gherkins, cut off the ends and send them to a sterilized container. Add dill umbrellas, garlic and currant leaves to the cucumbers.

Salt with mustard is dissolved in water and the contents of the jar are poured with saline solution.

Cucumbers are fermented for 5-6 days, then the juice is filtered through gauze and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes.

Attention! If the amount of brine has noticeably decreased, add a glass of water to it.

The brine is poured into jars and sterilized in boiling water for 15 minutes. Store cucumbers in a dark place, away from heat sources. The shelf life is at least one year.

Pickled cucumbers are served at the table as an appetizer for meat or vegetables. Their taste goes well with fragrant fried potatoes or stewed cabbage. Pickled cucumbers are added to a hodgepodge or vegetable stew. A universal blank will always come in handy in the kitchen if it is at hand in the refrigerator.

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Pickled cucumbers in jars is a fairly common recipe in our time. After all, barrels with cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, even in the village have long sunk into oblivion, and memories of that half-forgotten taste of pickles without vinegar remained. I already, the differences are small, because the technology and the goal are the same: to get lactic acid fermentation, as a result of which lactic acid is formed. She will help us save cucumbers without using vinegar.

Today we will make a pickle using a dry mixture of spices for pickling cucumbers. Calculation for 1 liter jar.

So, for the preparation of pickled cucumbers in jars (like barrel ones), we will prepare all the products according to the list.

Cucumbers take strong, small. Wash them well. Hold in cold water for 2-3 hours, as always, so that the air leaves the fruit. Cut off the ends.

Boil the brine, pour salt (a spoon without a slide) and spices into the water.

Fold the cucumbers in a sterile jar, cover with a simple lid and leave in the room for 3 days.

The brine will turn white - this indicates the beginning of the process of lactic acid fermentation. Then the brine will even foam, so it’s better to put the jar in a plate or saucer, although I have never leaked.

Drain the brine into a saucepan. And rinse the cucumbers directly in the jar, or taking it out of it.

Add half a glass of water to the brine and boil.

While the brine is being prepared, pour boiling water over the cucumbers and cover with a sterile lid. You can add a sprig of dill and / or parsley before this.

Drain the water, bring to a boil and pour again.

For the third time, pour cucumbers with boiling brine and immediately roll up the jar.

Send the jar under a fur coat until it cools completely. Pickled cucumbers in jars are ready. You can even store it in the room.