Easter cake is the most delicious. Butter dough for Easter cakes Butter dough for Easter cakes

I have known the taste of fragrant Easter products since childhood. A sweet vanilla-yeast smell with an admixture of added berries always hovered in our house, on the eve of the Bright holiday. Slightly wet and lacy pastry crumb, it just melted in my mouth ... Following the link, you will find out

Yeast products are baked with varying degrees of richness, shape and size. But as a rule, bread is round, oval, cylindrical.

From above they are decorated with powdered sugar or glaze. To give the products a taste and flavor, add vanilla, cardamom, nutmeg, fruit juice, citrus zest.

Baking for an old Russian holiday is a troublesome business. A lot of time is spent on dough, proofing of dough, baking. To bake ceremonial bread, you have to spend all day. Therefore, it is rarely cooked, only once a year.

The experience gained from last year is forgotten. Every time you start kneading the dough, you feel the excitement like the first time. A step-by-step cooking recipe helps to avoid mistakes and miscalculations.


  • flour - about 800 g;
  • milk - 250 g;
  • dry yeast - 2.5 teaspoons h;
  • sahar - 200 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • eggs - 4 yolks + 2 squirrels;
  • vanilla sugar - 3 sachets;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon h;
  • chicken - 1/2 teaspoon h;
  • ground nutmeg - 1/2 teaspoon h;
  • candied fruits - 100 g;
  • lemon zest - 1 pc;
  • orange peel - 1 pc;
  • raisins - 100 g;

Step by step cooking:

Food must be prepared in advance so that they have time to warm up to room temperature. Sift flour.

I decided to make baked goods with stucco molding and glaze. The selected recipe contains a large amount of flour and additional inclusions (candied fruits, raisins, zest). The dough (it is heavy initially) will need strength to rise. Therefore, the yeast must be the freshest and the quantity must be increased.

Milk, literally for a minute - put two on fire, for heating. It should be slightly warm, like a person's body temperature.

In a small container, mix 8 tablespoons of flour, one spoon of sugar and 2.5 tablespoons of tea yeast.

Pour the mixture with warm milk, stirring constantly.

Cover the yeast talker with a film, on which make several punctures with a toothpick to release the formed gases. Put it in a warm place so that the yeast begins to actively divide.

Wash eggs with soap and dry. Divide into whites and yolks.

Beat the whites with a mixer

Mix the yolks with cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla sugar.

Opara had risen well by this time, you can see it in the photo. And it has already begun to subside. It's time to use it.

Melt butter until liquid and suspend so that it is not hot.

Grate with a fine grater zest of lemon and orange.

Transfer the whipped whites and yolks to a large bowl. Pour the dough here, add citrus zest.

Start kneading the dough, adding flour in small portions. As soon as it begins to gather into a whole, gradually add the melted butter.

Then move his table and knead the dough. If it sticks a lot to your hands, dust the table with flour a little. It should turn out to be soft, pliable, tender.

Transfer the finished bun into a bowl, cover with a damp cloth. Be sure to moisten it with hot water. Put in the oven, setting the mode to 30 degrees. Proofing dough will stand for 3-4 hours.

At this time, rinse and pour over the raisins with water to soften. Candied fruits, if they are large, cut into smaller pieces.

The dough rose well. It has doubled in volume, even more.

Dump it on the table and knead it well. Form a small cake. Put candied fruits and raisins in the middle. Close up into a bun and knead again so that the berries are evenly distributed.

I have collected enamel mugs for baking dishes. I laid out their inner surface with foil.

And took two corrugated metal cupcake baking tins. In order not to bother extracting finished products from them, they tend to stick, even when oiled. I sent them, too, with foil.

I filled all the molds with dough 1/2 of the volume. And again put it in the oven for proofing, for 2-3 hours. To prevent the dough from drying out, cover the molds on top with a napkin or cellophane.

How to make stucco molding for Easter cake

While the dough is rising, you can make a stucco to decorate the dessert.

Stucco dough:

  • 50 g of water;
  • one glass of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • dye can be added if desired.

How to cook:

Knead the dough by mixing flour and water. Roll a bun out of it and let it rest for about 15 minutes, covering it with foil.

Roll out the dough into a cake, cut circles out of it. You can use a glass if there is no special mold. Fold 5 round beads into a chain, overlapping one edge over the other as in the photo. Roll up with a roll.

Cut it in half with a knife. From 5 circles of dough, two roses are obtained. Make leaves from the remains of the dough.

The dough in the tins has risen.

On the surface of products in wide molds, you can apply stucco and grease it with protein.

Place in the oven for baking, preheat it. First, I set the mode to 160 degrees. After 10 minutes, I translated it to 180. Small products were baked earlier, 20 minutes were enough for them. The big ones stayed longer.

What made me happy: they were removed from the molds without any problems.

Fold the cakes on their side and leave to cool completely.

How to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands

Decorate products using whipped protein, make stucco from dough, boil sugar glaze or fondant. The glaze is sprinkled with multi-colored sprinkles, letters and figures made with colored sugar mastic are laid out.

Icing sugar for cake

Would need:

  • 200 g sugar;
  • 120 g of water;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of art. lemon juice.

How to cook:

Pour sugar into a small saucepan, add water. From the moment of boiling, boil the syrup for 7-8 minutes.

Then check it for readiness. To do this, drop a drop on a saucer and see. It should not flow, its shape should be like a ball. When the syrup holds its shape, it can be seen on the saucer and knife. So he is ready.

Add lemon juice to it, continuing to stir. Remove the pan, put it in a container of cold water and begin whisking. It may take 3-4 minutes. The syrup will begin to turn white. The icing or fudge is ready.

It's time to decorate your products.

Everyone decides for himself how to cover up the Easter dessert.

Sometimes they proceed from what is at home. If you prepare for the holiday in advance, you can buy multicolored confectionery sprinkles in stores. They are now produced in a variety of shapes and colors, made from waffles, chocolate, sugar, puffed rice. You can buy edible gold and silver, waffle pictures, ribbons.

How to make milk frosting

Milk glaze differs in its composition. It is made from butter, milk and sugar. You can use fondant for any baked goods. Whether it's cakes, rolls, Easter cakes or muffins.


  • mass - 50 g;
  • milk - 1 l. st;
  • sugar powder - 3 l. Art.

Melt the butter, but do not bring it to a boil. Cool slightly. First stir in powdered sugar, then add milk.

It turns out a white homogeneous mass, rather thick. Coat the finished baked goods with this mixture and garnish.

How to make a protein glaze

Protein glaze is obtained by whipping proteins to a thick mass. It is used to make meringues, meringues, and decorate baked pastries.

Would need:

  • 2 egg whites;
  • 100 g sahara;
  • a tablespoon of water;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a pinch of salt.

Beat the egg whites until thick. Gradually adding sugar, continue beating until firm.

Prepare the sugar syrup. Continuing to beat the protein, gradually introduce the hot syrup into the protein mass. It should take 2-3 minutes for it to mix completely.

Apply the mixture to finished products and wait for it to dry.

Step-by-step recipe for "Tsarskoe" Easter cake with raisins

The tsar's pie is very rich, it starts with cream. When baking it, housewives do not skimp on eggs and butter. This recipe suggests using 15 yolks. And the filling contains almonds, candied fruits. The baked goods are not too sweet, if desired, the amount of sugar can be increased to 300 g.

The delicate texture of the finished product depends on the selected ingredients, hand kneading and time. The food distribution is designed for 3 medium products, approx. 700 g each.

What to prepare:

  • cream 550 g;
  • pressed yeast 50 g, can be replaced with dry 15 g;
  • wheat flour 1-1.5 kg;
  • egg yolks 15 pcs;
  • butter 200 g;
  • sugar 200 g;
  • cardamom 10 seeds;
  • nutmeg 1 pc, or ground - 1 spoon h;
  • almonds 50 g;
  • candied fruits 100 g;
  • raisins 100 g;
  • bread crumbs 2 tablespoons tbsp. (for sprinkling the mold).

Sequence of work:

Heat the cream in a container so that it does not burn, set the lowest temperature regime. They should be (to the touch) slightly warmer than the hand. Higher heating can inhibit active division of yeast.

Dissolve the yeast in a glass of cream. Weigh out 400 g of flour, which corresponds to 2.5 cups, with a volume of 250 ml. Make a thick dough.

Take a larger container for the dough, taking into account the fact that the dough will be mixed in it. Place the proofing container in a warm place. An ideal solution would be an oven with a heating of 30-35 degrees. Maintain a proofing time of up to 40 minutes.

Rinse eggs thoroughly with soap and running water. Separate the yolks from the whites into a separate plate. I do this by transfusion. I split the egg shell into two halves and pour the whites into a glass. The yolk remains in the shell.

Melt the butter over low heat, but do not boil. Stir it up and add the yolks to it. Pour sugar here and beat the mixture well. You can use a mixer.

Now it's time to prepare the ingredients for the filling. The raisins should be washed and boiled in boiling water. After 5-10 minutes, it will steam out. Drain and dry the berries on a towel.

Chop candied fruits. Remove the seeds from the cardamom boxes, and then grind them in a mortar. Can be grinded by rolling with a rolling pin on the table. Grate nutmeg with a fine grater. You will need 1 teaspoon of fine tea shavings. Prepare the almonds.

As the dough is suitable, pour the egg-oil mixture into it. Add another 800 g flour and 300 g cream. Knead the dough into the dough. Make a depression in the kolobok and add prepared nuts, candied fruits, raisins. Knead the dough for a long time and thoroughly. It is more convenient to do this on a table covered with flour.

The longer the kneading process, the thicker and more porous the dough structure will be. If the dough sticks to your hands, it is better to use butter instead of flour, lubricating your hands with it.

The dough mass is again put for proofing in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. The container should be covered with a damp cloth soaked in warm water or cling film. After rising, it is kneaded again to displace carbon dioxide from the mass (5 minutes).

When baking a large product, you can use a regular pan with metal handles. Or use special molds. Their walls are lubricated with oil from the inside. Sprinkle with bread crumbs. You can put a parchment circle on the bottom to prevent the product from sticking.

Half fill the molds with the dough mass. Once again give him time to rise. It should rise 3/4 of the mold height. In a warm place, this process takes about 20 minutes. The less dough is in the mold, the more magnificent the cake will be.

Set the oven temperature to 160 degrees. Place a frying pan with hot water at the bottom of the oven so that the products do not dry out. Baking products are placed.

The set temperature is maintained for the first 15 minutes. After that, it is raised to 180 degrees without opening the oven. Otherwise, the products will settle. The baking time depends on the size of the products. The small ones will be ready in 30 minutes, the medium ones are baked in 45. And the large ones, weighing 1 or 1.5 kg, take about an hour.

Readiness must be checked. To do this, use a wooden torch. Pierce the product, if it is ready, the stick should remain dry.

They take out the Tsar's cakes from the oven, put them on their side and wait for the bottom to cool. They are freed from the mold, turned upside down until they cool completely.

Thanks to the baking, the baked goods are not only tasty, but also do not get stale for a long time.

How to bake the most delicious Italian Panettone cake

Panettone Easter Pastry is a traditional Italian dessert in the shape of a dome. There are several legends about the origin of the name of this cake. One of the versions says that the word comes from the Milanese dialect. Word " pan del ton ", in translation means - "bread of luxury". Indeed, it is difficult to find another synonym for this product - it is a luxurious dessert.

Despite the fact that, according to the principle of kneading, the structure of the dough and baking, the Italian pie and Russian Easter cakes have a lot in common, there are still differences:

Not only the zest is put into the dough of this product, but also the pulp of citrus fruits, or fruit juice. It also differs in long-term infusion of dough. A real panettone is prepared for 3 days.

After baking, the pies are hung upside down. In this state, they ripen for 6 hours. And only after they are served.

What you need:

  • 1.5-2 kg of flour (high grade);
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 10 yolks and 8 proteins per dough;
  • 400 grams of butter;
  • 600 g sahara;
  • 0.5 l. h salt;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • zest from an orange;
  • 1 l. h nutmeg (ground);
  • 1 l. h chickens;
  • 2 packets of vanilla sahara;
  • 100 g fresh yeast (can be replaced with dry ones);
  • 100 g of raisins (white and dark);

What to do:

The baking process begins in the evening. It is believed that if the eggs are broken, pour them into a bowl. Salt and leave overnight under a film, then the color of the yolks becomes richer and brighter. This changes the color of the test accordingly.

In the morning, dissolve the yeast in warm milk. Add a tablespoon of sugar and 10 tablespoons of flour. The dough should ferment in a warm place. Minutes 40. First, she will rise with a hat. As soon as it begins to settle, it must be immediately applied to business.

In a large container, mix the egg yolks with melted butter and dough. Add sugar, spices (vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon). Pour in the juice of one lemon, add orange zest.

Add flour in small portions to the liquid part and start kneading the dough. Since the batch according to the recipe is very long, 1-1.5 hours. It is better to entrust this process to a combine or a mixer with special attachments - hooks. Mix at medium speed. After the specified time has elapsed, the dough will begin to collect into a bun, and the sides of the bowl will become clean.

At the end of the kneading process, add the steamed and towel-dried raisins. Cover the bowl with a napkin and place in a warm place to lift. This is also a lengthy process, up to 4 hours.

Knead the increased volume of dough, cover again and wait for the second rise. After that, it must be laid out in tins. Line the forms with paper, or grease the walls with oil.

If the forms are filled by 1/2 of the volume, a convex cap is obtained in the finished product. If it is 1/3, then the top is in the form of roundness.

Cover the molds from above, it is better to put on a bag on each and wait for the third rise. As soon as the dough starts to peek out of the molds, then it's time to put the products in the oven.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. If the oven is without blowing, you can put a baking sheet with water on the bottom, for about 20 minutes, and then remove it.

If the baking dishes are of different sizes, the small items should be baked separately.

It is convenient to check the readiness of the pies with a wooden torch. Pierce the product from above. If it remains clean, then the cake is baked.

The finished products are removed from the molds, put on their side until they cool. If they have been baked in paper tins, they should not be removed.

You can decorate finished products with protein glaze with sprinkles.

Video recipe for butter kulich "Craffin" for Easter

Unusually delicious butter dessert Kraffin is shaped like a flower. It was invented in San Francisco. This is a cross between a croissant and a muffin. Butter dough is rolled into the thinnest layer, which is stuffed with nuts and dried berries. Roll the flatbread into a roll. And already from the roll they form a flower ...

The best cake with dry yeast and cottage cheese

Those who love curd baked goods will love this simple and easy recipe. Even an inexperienced housewife, who has just begun to master the culinary art, will be able to prepare such pastries for the Easter table.

Products are delicious. If you show imagination and try to decorate them, then beautiful ones. At the output of the dough, about 800 g is obtained. This amount is enough for 4-6 small products. 100 g of the product contains 280 kcal.


  • wheat flour - 500 g;
  • thyme - 250 g;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • sahara - 150 g;
  • butter butter - 50 g;
  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs. + one yolk;
  • cognac - 60 ml;
  • raisins - 150 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;


Pour the raisins washed with water with cognac or orange juice. What is it for?

When dried, the berries are fumigated with sulfur dioxide. This substance not only increases the shelf life, but also kills putrefactive bacteria. And to give dry berries shine and presentation, they are coated with food wax or oils.

Before eating raisins, chemicals from berries must be washed off with hot water. Then pour boiling water over 70 degrees. Or it can be placed in alcoholic beverages that dissolve the residues of chemicals from berries, promote softening, give them juiciness and a special aroma.

Make a dough by mixing flour, sugar, milk. Put in a warm place, about 15 minutes (preferably in the oven). Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Sift flour, add salt to it. Beat two eggs and one yolk with sugar using a whisk. Melt butter, stir in eggs. Add cottage cheese to the mass.

Add the activated yeast to the curd and egg mass. Add flour and knead the dough. Stir until smooth, add raisins. Knead well again.

Divide the dough into paper tins. If the molds are metal, they should be greased with oil, or lined with parchment paper. Fill the forms up to about half. Put them for proofing in a warm place for about 50 minutes.

Bake in a well-preheated oven at 170 degrees for 7-10 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 180 degrees. Cover the products with foil on top so that they do not burn and bake for another 30 minutes. If the molds are large, then 50 minutes.

How to make colored frosting

Anyone who likes the decoration of Easter cakes in the form of a neat hat, without traces flowing down, should opt for a protein glaze.

For chazuri:

  • egg white - 1 pc;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon h;
  • sugar powder - 150 g;
  • food coloring agent - 3 drops;

Beat the chilled white of one egg into a froth. If using a mixer, start at a low speed, gradually increasing the speed. While whisking, add the powdered sugar in portions. At the end of whipping, pour in a teaspoon of lemon juice.

The mass should become thick and stringy. A bit like condensed milk. This fondant is good because it dries quickly and does not stick at all. Products with such a coating can be taken with you on a visit, without worrying that their appearance will be damaged during transportation.

Easter products can be coated with white glaze. You can divide it and make it multi-colored by dropping a drop of food coloring into each. After applying fondant to the products, they should be immediately decorated with sprinkles. Until she had time to dry out.

As a decoration, you can use chocolate chips, almond petals, coconut and sugar sprinkles, fruits, berries, candied fruits, nuts.

A simple recipe for Easter cake with candied fruits

The preparation of this product does not differ in a special method. Everything is done as usual. Candied fruits are placed in the dough. They are also used to decorate products.

Conveniently, the dry fruit mixture is already ready for use and you don't need to invent anything. But you can always replace them with any dry berries.

Would need:

  • flour 5 glasses;
  • eggs 4 pcs;
  • milk 1 glass;
  • sahara 1 glass;
  • live yeast - 20 g;
  • candied fruits;
  • vanillin, cinnamon, nutmeg.

How to cook:

Whisk the yeast with warm milk, flour and sugar. After 15 minutes, when they are activated, combine them with softened butter, spices and eggs. Adding flour in portions - knead the dough.

Put the dough bun in a bowl and put in a warm place, for proofing, for 2-3 hours. Then add candied fruits to it or dry fruits. Or both. Knead evenly.

Prepare tins for the dough. Grease them with oil or line them with food grade paper. Fill the molds to 1/2 of their volume and leave for another 50-60 minutes to rise.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake for about an hour. It all depends on the power of the oven. Cool the finished products. Beat the protein with sugar. Coat the top and sprinkle with candied fruits.

The recipe for yeast cake on yolks baked in the oven

Delicious butter bread is prepared with yolks. It turns out to be lush and airy, with a light lemon-vanilla note.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 500-600 g flour;
  • 200 g sahara;
  • 170 g butter;
  • 200 g of milk;
  • 25 g live yeast or 11 g dry;
  • 6 egg yolks;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • 1 tsp water;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 1/2 tsp vanillin.

For glaze:

  • 3 egg whites;
  • 750 g icing sugar;
  • a table spoon of lemon juice;
  • candy confetti.


The festive dessert is prepared with dough. To do this, heat the milk (36-38 degrees). Add yeast, a spoonful of tablespoon sugar, flour. Grind the yolks with sugar, add lemon zest, vanillin. Stir in softened butter. Add vodka and remaining milk. Mix everything and combine with dough.

Stir in flour gradually and knead the elastic dough. As soon as it stops sticking to your hands, knead it without flour. You can lightly grease your hands with oil.

While the dough is resting, rinse the raisins. Soak it in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water from the berries, dry with a towel and add to the dough. Mix thoroughly to distribute the berries evenly. Cover the bun with a towel and let it proof.

After proving, knead the dough, put it in prepared paper forms. Put in a warm place for lifting. Bake in an oven preheated to 170-180 degrees. Baking time: 50-60 minutes.

For decoration, prepare a protein glaze. If the whites are beaten with a mixer, the speed should be selected as low as possible. Powdered sugar is best added to the protein by hand.

Protein glaze can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days in a plastic bag or container, tightly closed with a film.

We bake kulich without yeast for the Bright holiday of Easter

If there is no way to carve out a whole day for preparing a dessert for the Bright holiday, and you want to please your loved ones ... Then you can use an instant recipe without yeast. The product is also fragrant and tasty (in its own way), with a moist texture.

Ingredients needed:

  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • 300 g white cheese (9-18% fat);
  • 150 g softened creamy butter;
  • 300 g sahara;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 16 g baking powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of raisins;
  • 1 teaspoon h. Vanillin;


Melt the butter. Rinse the raisins and cover with hot water. Grind eggs with sugar and vanilla. Pour in melted butter. Add cottage cheese.

If your loved ones do not like the presence of cottage cheese in baked goods, then it must be grated through a sieve. It will not be visible in the test.

Mix wheat flour with baking powder and sift it through a strainer, directly into the curd mixture, in small portions. Kneading the dough immediately. Its structure should not be too liquid. In consistency, it should be thicker than sour cream. Drain the water from the berries, dry them with a towel and add to the dough.

Fill prepared molds to 2/3 of the volume. Bake products at a temperature of 180 degrees, for 30-40 minutes. The baking time depends on the size of the pan. Large ones take longer to bake.

Decorate products with protein cream or glaze.

Yeast-Free Milk Cake Recipe

A quick recipe for making a holiday cake, consists of simple ingredients. It does not take a lot of time to prepare, but it will help create a festive atmosphere in the house.

What you need:

  • 250 g flour;
  • 100 g of milk;
  • 150 g sahara;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 1.5 spoons of a baking powder;
  • 100 g of candied fruits or dry berries;
  • 1 teaspoon of vanillin;

How to cook:

Beat the softened butter with sugar, add eggs, milk. Mix flour with baking powder and stir into liquid. At the last stage, add dry berries or candied fruits.

Divide the prepared dough mass into tins. Bake at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. When the top of the product burns, cover it with foil or a sheet of paper. Decorate with protein icing and pastry sprinkles.

What types of Easter cakes can you bake at home?

It is impossible to list all types of bread for the Holy Feast in one article. So many different options have been created. One is better than the other. They differ in the composition of the products, different methods of kneading the dough, and the duration of preparation. Here are two more recipes:

Easter cake on the Alexandrian dough

The dough in question is called Alexandrian dough, and it also came across the name - night. And all because the dough is put for him at night. She must stand for 12 hours. Moreover, it starts without flour.

The crumb turns out to be the most delicate and fragrant. Therefore, this batch is used for baking other products. It sticks to your hands. But you should not add an additional portion of flour to it, it will lose its structure, splendor, airiness. Will become tight and clogged.

For taste and aroma, you can use additives at your discretion ... And so new recipes are born.


  • 500 ml warm milk;
  • 500 g sahara;
  • 250 g butter;
  • 1 - 1.25 kg flour;
  • 5 eggs + 2 yolks;
  • 75 g fresh yeast;
  • 1/2 spoon teaspoon salt;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 1.5 packets of vanilla sugar;
  • spoon st. cognac;


Given the long holding time of the dough, it is convenient to start it at night. The milk should be warm, about 36-37 degrees. Beat eggs lightly until large bubbles form. Mix butter, sugar and yeast, add egg whisk, milk. Cover the dishes with food wrap and put in a warm place for 12 hours.

Wash the raisins in the morning. steam with boiling water for 5 minutes. Dry. Add raisins, salt, cognac, vanilla sugar, flour to the dough and knead the dough. On the proofer, it should stand warm for 2-2.5 hours.

Divide it into molds. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees, about 40 - 50 minutes.

Chocolate cake with dry yeast

A fragrant chocolate-flavored dessert that all children like. It has a delicate, porous dough texture with chocolate and orange flavors. And inside there are pieces of chocolate, which is a surprise for everyone.


  • 650 g flour;
  • 250 g milk;
  • 150 g. Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 25 g yeast;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 3 g vanilla sugar;
  • one orange;
  • 200 g of chocolate;


Heat milk, dissolve yeast and a little sugar in it, add flour. The sourdough should resemble the consistency of pancake dough.

Send in warmth for lifting. Melt half of the chocolate in the microwave. Break the other half into pieces. Grate the orange zest.

Stir egg yolks, salt, sugar, melted butter and chocolate, flour into the sourdough. Knead the dough. At the end of the batch, stir in the orange zest and chocolate pieces. Place dough to rise.

Easter cake is baked for the Bright holiday of Easter. The products are tender, porous, moderately moist and fragrant. But their hostesses do not cook them so often. And the whole point is that this bread is considered ceremonial. Also because the classic dessert takes a long time. But once a year, you can take time to delight your family with these delicious pastries.

Cook with pleasure, dear readers!

Easter cakes are of two types. Traditionally, dryish, unsweetened, airy cakes are sold that dry quickly. I do not like such at all. I love Easter cakes, which are like pie: heavier, sweeter, rich, with a lot of nuts and raisins. I was looking for a suitable recipe for a long time, until it turned out that the Soviet "Spring cake" had exactly the same taste. I took this recipe as a basis and now I am happy to eat Easter cakes!

Three medium-sized cakes are made from a kilogram of flour. Baking Easter cakes is best in paper forms, which are now sold everywhere. Convenient, beautiful, and less stale. My mom used to bake in tall enamel bowls or cans - nostalgia!

1 kilogram of flour
one and a half glasses of milk
6 eggs
300 - 400 g butter
2 cups sugar
40 g fresh yeast
1 tsp salt
1 glass of raisins
1 cup walnuts
1 bag of vanilla sugar
1 tsp lemon peel
3 tbsp small Colored candied fruits (preferably from papaya, not pineapple)

We put the sponge dough - then it will surely rise well. Sponge - this means we give the yeast time to rise with flour and water, without the oppressive effect of baking, that is, butter and eggs.

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add half of the flour, previously sifted, knead so that there are no lumps, cover with a towel and put in a warm place to rise. I have a mode for raising yeast dough in the oven - very convenient. Holds 50C. It's also very good to put on the battery ..

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar white, beat the whites into a strong foam.

When the dough rises, add salt, egg yolks, rubbed with sugar, melted butter, mix well. Add the whipped egg whites and the rest of the flour. Now the most important thing: knead the dough so that it lags behind the hands and from the walls of the dishes. This is not an easy job! But the better you knead the dough, the more magnificent the cakes will be. I entrust this difficult task to a bread maker, the combine cannot cope with me. True, a bread maker can knead such an amount of dough only twice.

Put the dough in a warm place to rise again. When it doubles in volume, add the raisins, washed and dried, coarsely chopped nuts, candied fruits and lemon zest. Mix the dough and put it into molds. Tin forms need to be lined with baking paper, but paper forms are convenient, you don't need to do anything. If you like light, fluffy Easter cakes, fill in the form a third of the height, if you prefer dense ones, fill it in half.

Turn on the oven to preheat to 180C.

Molds with dough should also stand warm, covered with a towel. When the dough has risen 3/4 of the mold height, you can bake! The longer you let the cakes rise in shape, the more airy the consistency will be. Medium-sized cakes are baked for about 40 minutes.

Top can be sprinkled with icing sugar or iced. I like the icing more - it is prettier and sweeter than the Sea Glaze Recipes, I like the complex but delicious recipe for custard glaze most of all.

granulated sugar - 180 g
egg whites - 2 pcs.
water - 150-200 g
lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

1. Dissolve sugar in ordinary boiled water in a small bowl, add pre-squeezed lemon juice here and mix everything well.
2. Next, we send the vessel with its contents to the fire and boil the sugar mass until a thick syrup is formed.
3. In a separate container, beat the well-chilled proteins into a strong foam (so that they are well whipped, you can add a small pinch of salt to them). First, beat at a low mixer speed, then gradually increase it.
Further, without stopping whipping, pour hot syrup into the proteins. If you wish, you can also add various flavors or food colors at this stage (or you can do with regular vanilla or vanilla sugar).
4. After we have thoroughly mixed all the ingredients together, set the resulting glaze over the fire and again heat it up to 60 degrees (no more), stirring constantly with a wooden spatula.
5. Remove the finished custard icing from the fire and immediately decorate our Easter cakes with it. Sprinkle with colored sprinkles on top.

It should be noted that the custard glaze turns out to be very unusual, it is softer and more glossy. It should be emphasized that this type of glaze does not completely freeze, therefore it remains so - soft and glossy.

Recipe number 1 from Natalia

Every year our family starts eating Easter cakes 2-3 weeks before Easter. Although this is not entirely in the spirit of tradition, as soon as Easter souvenirs, cake tins and multi-colored sprinkles appear in stores, an irresistible desire awakens in me to remember old dough recipes and try new ones. During the time of baking Easter cakes on my own, I made several observations that will not be news to experienced housewives, but will be useful to those who first decided to bake Easter cake at home.

So, about the secrets of successful baking of Easter cakes

The dough consistency for Easter bread can be different - from almost, like for thick pancakes, to very dense. In the first case, the dough rises quickly, the cake turns out to be light and large-pored, but it is more difficult to work with such a dough and there is a high probability that it will fall off in the oven and the Easter cakes will turn out to be low, with the top concave inward.

Dense dough, which is kneaded until it does not stick to your hands, is very heavy and dense, it takes a long time to leave, gives a fine-pored dense crumb, but the cakes from it are strong, beautiful, and some weight of the crumb only gives the bread festiveness, like Christmas cake ... I most often choose this type of test, although an intermediate consistency can be made.

As for the components of the dough, eggs, milk and sugar make the bread rich, in fact, a sweet roll, but only butter and, in part, fatty sour cream give the crumb a special crumbly dry look. By the way, sour cream also gives sourness - the characteristic taste of "grandmother's" bread.

how to make butter Easter cake


  • 170 ml milk
  • 50 g butter
  • 3 cups flour (750 ml)
  • 2 eggs
  • 4-6 st. l. Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 1.5 tsp dry yeast

Cooking step by step with a photo

In a deep bowl or saucepan, combine milk, eggs, sugar, and finely chopped (not melted) butter. If you plan to knead the dough for 3 or more Easter cakes at once, it is better to do it in several batches, because a large volume will be difficult to knead well.

Divide the flour into 2 parts, for example, three quarters and one quarter. Add yeast to most of the flour and add it to the dough. You should get a thick, slightly sticky mass.

Now add the remaining flour in small portions to the dough and knead until it looks smooth.

Leave the kneaded dough to proof under the towel. Here it is important not to rush and wait for a good rise, because the dough is very rich, besides, it contains a lot of flour, so it will take a long time to rise, but if the yeast is good, it will certainly rise 3-3.5 times. You can transfer the dough to the molds when it has increased 2.5 times, because there will be another proofing in the molds.

Transfer the dough to a floured board.

Using the size of the molds, divide a piece of dough into sections so that each takes up slightly more than half of the mold. Form the dough into smooth balls and dip them into oiled tins.

Wait until the dough in the tins rises almost to the edge and brush it with sweet water (dilute a tablespoon of sugar with two tablespoons of water). Make sure that the water does not drip from the surface between the dough and the mold, otherwise the sides of the cakes may stick to the walls.

Bake the cakes at 150 C for one hour. If the upper spiral is turned on in the oven, then cover their surface with foil as soon as it begins to redden. It may take more or less time for baking - look at the color of the crust and the density of the cake: if it is ready, it practically does not bend when pressed.

Remove the finished cakes from the molds and cool.

For icing sugar, mix 100 g icing sugar, 1 tbsp. l. sugar syrup (1: 1 sugar and water) and 1 tbsp. l milk.

Adjust the thickness of the glaze by adding milk and powder so that it is very thick and literally spreads like butter, but smooths its surface.

Lubricate the cold cakes with icing and garnish with sprinkles.

Recipe number 2 from Alisson

Dear hostesses, we bring to your attention a recipe for homemade Easter cake, which must be on every festive table on this bright and clean Christian holiday. Easter cake is most often butter, baked from yeast dough with the addition of raisins and nuts.

Recipe for butter Easter cake with raisins and nuts

So, in order to prepare a delicate, aromatic, butter cake, we need the following set of products:

  • flour - one kilogram;
  • milk - one and a half glasses;
  • eggs - six pieces;
  • butter - four hundred grams;
  • granulated sugar - two glasses;
  • yeast - fifty grams;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • raisins - half a glass;
  • peeled and chopped walnuts half a glass;

For decoration:

  • whites of two eggs;
  • fine sugar - 1 glass,
  • colored confectionery dressing;
  • small sugar figurines.

First step. Slightly heat one and a half cups of milk and melt the yeast in it, after which we gradually add half a portion of flour to them, having previously sifted it through a fine sieve.

Second step. Knead the liquid dough (dough) well so that there are no lumps, cover with a natural cotton towel and send it to a warm place for thirty minutes so that it comes up.

Step three. After half an hour, add egg yolks, pre-pounded with sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, melted butter into the dough and mix everything diligently.

Fourth step. Separately, beat the egg whites into a cool foam using a mixer, and add them together with the remaining half of the sifted flour into the dough.

Fifth step. We knead the dough very well, in finished form it should not stick either to the hands or to the walls of the dishes in which it was kneaded.

Sixth step. Again, remove the dough in a warm place, wait for it to rise, and add prepared (steamed) raisins and chopped walnuts to it, mix.

Seventh step. We spread the finished dough in a special paper form for 1/3 part, wait for it to rise, and after that we send our cake to bake in a preheated oven for forty-five to fifty minutes. Small Easter cakes are baked less.

Eighth step. Lubricate the finished butter and nuts with prepared white icing from whipped proteins and powdered sugar, sprinkle with colored confectionery sprinkling on top and decorate with decorative sugar figurines.

Bright Sunday wishes everyone the site Notebook of recipes!

Today I bring to your attention a recipe for Easter cake, rich, fatty and heavy. This is a classic version of our family recipe. This Kulich was baked by my grandmother, then my mother. He became my first baked Easter cake.

It cannot be called easy, it is just a heavy and high-calorie product. But once a year you can treat yourself to such high-calorie, but such delicious pastries!

In the description of the ingredients above, the proportion is written for 1 cup of milk (200 milliliters). From this amount of dough, an average of 6-8 cakes weighing 350 grams are obtained. It all depends on the size of the molds in which to bake the products.

Usually, on Sunday itself, I bake such cakes in a proportion of 0.5 liters of milk. You can find a list of ingredients for this amount of milk in the description under my YouTube video.

It is better to use high fat milk and sour cream.

Compressed yeast can be replaced with dry yeast in a ratio of 3 to 1, that is, instead of 60 grams of compressed yeast, take 20 grams of dry yeast, 3 times less.

All ingredients must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they become at room temperature. But the milk should be heated to a warm state. Hot can not be used, yeast will die in it. The butter should be melted in advance.
1. Dough. To prepare it, it is necessary to crush the compressed yeast into a deep container,

add a glass of warm milk to them and dilute until smooth.

Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and 6-10 tablespoons of flour from the total. You should get a dough like a pancake. Cover with a towel and leave to warm for 30-45 minutes. Dough should fit.

2. Separate 2 egg whites from 5 chicken eggs for frosting. If you want to cover the cakes with a different icing, just beat in 4 eggs.

Beat the eggs with salt, sugar and vanilla until they become a good white foam.

3. Combine the matched dough, beaten eggs and sour cream. Pour in the rest of the milk if you are preparing a large batch.

Mix everything thoroughly.

4. Sift 10 tablespoons of flour while kneading the dough.

Add melted and cooled butter to the resulting thin dough.

Stir it in.

5. Sift most of the flour and knead the dough. At this stage, it should already lag behind the edges of the bowl, gather into a lump, but still be sticky - which is time to lay it out on the work surface for kneading with your hands. Just don't do it yet.

Such dough must be covered with a towel or plastic wrap and left to rise in a warm place for 1.5 - 2 hours. I transferred it to a large container.

6. At this time, it is worth preparing raisins or other dried fruits. Pour the raisins with boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

Rinse and drain with water. Place on a paper towel and pat dry.

Add 2 teaspoons of flour to the finished raisins.

This is done so that the raisins in the finished product do not crumple in one place, but are evenly distributed throughout the dough.

7. The dough that has come up must be kneaded and put on the table, sprinkled with sifted flour.

You can immediately pour dried fruits onto the dough.

The dough must be kneaded by hand for 7-10 minutes. Add flour gradually so as not to overload the dough immediately. Remember, the more flour, the heavier and denser the baked goods. It took me 1.1 kilograms of flour for such a dough. You can take 100 grams less or more.

8. The finished dough must be immediately distributed into the molds.

I do not leave it to come up again, it will come up already in the forms. The number of Easter cakes will depend on the size of the molds. Ready-made paper forms that are sold in stores do not need to be lubricated. If you bake in cans, cut the bottom and edges out of parchment paper. Lubrication is also not required. Fill them up to one third. Leave the dough forms on the stove, cover them with a towel. Let them stand and the dough will come up while the oven warms up to 180-190 degrees.

9. The baking time also depends on the size of the molds and your oven. In my gas cakes, medium-sized cakes are baked for 45 minutes, and large ones for an hour.

10. Ready-made cakes must be removed from the forms, if they are not paper. Leave to cool. Take your time to remove the parchment if you bake in it. It, like the finished paper form, will help the product stay soft longer.

11. Lubricate the cooled Easter cakes with glaze and decorate as you wish. I just whisked 2 egg whites with powdered sugar and lemon juice. For 1 protein, take 1-2 tablespoons of powder and beat until strong peaks. Such glaze does not crumble like with sugar. It is soft creamy but slightly sticky.

Leave the cakes on the table overnight. The glaze will set. In the morning they will become a little denser in structure. This is fine. This is how it should be in this recipe.

Sectional view immediately after cooling.

Sectional view of the morning.

Easter cakes are very sweet, very rich, high-calorie. The density is average. Loose and just wonderful.


Cooking time: PT05H00M 5 h.

No Easter celebration can be imagined without Easter cake. It is very simple to prepare such pastries. She symbolizes the presence of God in our lives on the festive table. Each housewife has her own secrets of making such baked goods. In this article we will try to reveal them.

There are a lot of baking recipes for the festive table on Bright Resurrection of Christ. Below we have tried to collect the very best of them. These baked goods can be prepared in a traditional way or using a multicooker and a bread machine. But first things first.

Dough recipes

Alexandria. Beat eggs (10 pcs.). Cut the butter (500 g) into small cubes. Put fresh yeast (150 g) and warm milk (1 l) to the eggs. We mix this mass and place in a warm place for 12 hours.

We wash and steam the raisins (200 g). We put it with yeast and eggs. Add vanillin (to taste), cognac (2 tablespoons) and sifted flour (2.5 kg). Knead so that you get a soft mass. We leave for an hour. Its volume should double.

Vienna. You need to mix eggs (3 pcs.) With sugar (200 g). Dilute yeast (20 g) in fresh milk (125 ml). Combine both masses, mix and leave for 12 hours.

Add soft butter (100 g), vanilla, zest (1 tsp) and flour (500 g). Stir and leave to come again.

Easter cake with raisins

Recipe: We dilute yeast (50 g) in a glass of warm milk. Pour flour (150 g) and salt there. We knead. Rub the yolks (6 pcs.) With sugar (2 cups). Squirrels (6 pcs.) Must be whipped into a foam. Melt the butter (300 g). Mix all the ingredients. The mass must be thoroughly kneaded and sprinkled with flour on top. Cover with a towel and leave overnight.

IMPORTANT: The temperature in the room where such pastries are prepared must be at least 25 degrees. In addition, you need to protect yourself from drafts in advance. They can greatly interfere with fluffy and fluffy baked goods.

  • The remaining flour (800 g - 900 g) and vanilla sugar and knead with the dough so that the mass is not very thick. We are waiting for its volume to double and add raisins (150 g). Mix and lay out on prepared forms
  • Filled in a third of the forms, put in a warm place and cover with a towel. When the dough has increased in volume, it is necessary to grease the tops with sweet water and put in the oven.
  • When the cakes are baked, they need to be removed from the oven, cooled and decorated.

Easter cake with raisins and candied fruits

RECIPE: Cooking dough. Dilute yeast (30 g) with milk (500 ml) and mix with flour (300 g - 400 g). We put the dough for 3-6 hours in a warm place. After the dough rises, add the remaining flour (600 g - 700 g), eggs (3 pcs.), Sugar (200 g), butter (200 g), ground cardamom, saffron and candied fruits. We knead well.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that baking will be obtained if, while kneading the mass, it is "hit 200 times". That is, to carry out this process for a very long time and carefully.

  • We put the mass in a warm place. When it rises 2-3 times, grease the molds with oil and fill them halfway. We are waiting for it to rise, grease with yolk and sprinkle with chopped almonds and candied fruits
  • We bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for about an hour. We extract, cool and decorate the cakes

Homemade Easter cake recipe

  • Beat eggs (8 pcs.) With sugar (0.5 kg). Add sour cream (200 ml), cinnamon and vanillin (on the tip of a knife). Add softened butter (200 g). Dissolve fresh yeast (50 g) in warm milk (500 ml). We add to the mass. Mix everything and add flour (1.5-2 kg). Kneading the dough
  • Lubricate a deep saucepan from the inside with oil. Put the dough there, cover with a towel and leave for 7-8 hours
  • Lubricate the table and hands with vegetable oil. We take out the dough and knead it. We leave for 1 hour under a towel. We repeat the procedure 3 times. Before the last kneading, add candied fruits (100 g) and raisins (100 g) to the dough

IMPORTANT: You need to do Easter baking on Maundy Thursday. Before that, be sure to take a dip before sunrise and, with a clean body and thoughts, start preparing delicious dishes.

  • Lubricate the baking dish with butter and spread the dough in them. Its volume should not exceed half the shape. Leave the cakes for 30 minutes
  • We turn on the oven to the maximum and bake the cakes for about 10 minutes. Then the fire must be set to a minimum and baked until a crust appears.
  • We remove the cakes from the oven, let cool and decorate

Lush cake

  • Mix hot milk (1 cup), warm cream (2 cups) and flour (2.4 cups). Mix everything thoroughly, and wait until the dough cools down to room temperature
  • Dilute yeast (50 g) in a small amount of milk and add eggs (2 pcs.). Mix and add to the dough. Knead it until smooth and put in a warm place.

IMPORTANT: During the preparation of Easter dishes, you must not swear, quarrel and argue. All negative energy can be transferred to food.

  • Divide the sugar (2.4 cups) in two. Beat whites in one half (8 pcs.), And grind the other with yolks (8 pcs.). Mix both masses from top to bottom and add flour. Knead everything again. We are waiting for the dough to come
  • We beat out the dough. Divide into two parts and put each in a greased form. Let the dough rise and bake at 180 degrees until tender

Easter cakes with nuts

  • To prepare such baked goods, take raisins (100 g), almonds (100 g) and candied fruits (100 g). We sort out the raisins, clean them of twigs and other debris. Fill with hot water for 15 minutes. Then we drain the water
  • Pour boiling water over the almonds for 3-4 minutes. Then we drain the hot water, fill the nuts with cold water and peel the almonds. Dry the nuts for 2-3 minutes in the microwave, then fry in a pan and chop with a knife. A blender for chopping nuts is not good

IMPORTANT: There are only two types of nuts mentioned in the Bible: almonds and pistachios. Therefore, only such nuts should be used in orthodox Easter baked goods.

  • Warm milk (500 ml) and dissolve yeast (50 g) in it. Fresh yeast is the best choice for this recipe. Add flour (500 g) and mix. The resulting mass should be put in a warm place and covered with a towel.
  • Rub the yolks (6 pcs.) With sugar (300 g) and vanilla (1 tsp). Whisk the whites into a foam with salt
  • The dough should come up in 30 minutes. This will be signaled by its volume. It should increase 2-3 times. Add yolks, melted butter (200 g) to the dough and mix. Add proteins last
  • Sift flour (1 kg) and add to the total mass. This should be done in parts, each time kneading the mass until smooth. Be prepared for the fact that more flour may be required. Its amount depends on many factors.
  • The dough must be placed in a saucepan and sent to a warm place. Depending on the temperature, it will come up in 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. Dip the raisins in flour and add to the dough. Then you need to add candied fruits and chopped almonds
  • Knead the dough well again and send it to a warm place. We are waiting for it to increase by 1.5 - 2 times. Preparing the forms. Lubricate the bottoms with oil and spread oiled parchment on the walls
  • We spread the dough on the table and cut into pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and place it in a mold. The molds need to be put on a baking sheet and wait until the dough comes up. Then we send the forms to the oven preheated to 100 degrees.
  • After 10 minutes of baking the cakes, you need to increase the temperature to 190 degrees and bake until tender. We take out the forms with Easter cakes from the oven and leave for 10 minutes. Then we remove them from the forms and decorate

Simple Easter cake

  • We heat milk (125 ml) and dilute yeast (15 g) in it. Pour into a bowl of sifted flour (100 g). Mix and cover with a napkin. Leave for 30 minutes
  • Rub two yolks and white with sugar (100 g) and pour in vanilla essence (1-2 tsp). Pour the mixture into the dough and add softened butter (50 g). Mix well

IMPORTANT: Our ancestors determined the future based on the quality of Easter baked goods. If it turned out okay and beautiful holiday bread, then the family was a success. If the pastry is cracked and did not come out, then you should expect misfortune.

  • Fill in the rest of the flour (200 g). Knead, cover the dough with a napkin and leave for 1 hour in a warm place. Rinse the raisins (100 g) and fill it with cognac (30 ml). We plant the risen dough and add the raisins. Knead the dough again and leave for 1 hour.
  • Line the cake pan with baking paper. Lubricate with butter and fill with dough. The dough should occupy 1/3 - 1.5 molds. Leave the dough in the molds for 1 hour
  • Preheat the oven to 100 degrees. We put the mold in the oven and after 10 minutes (when the dough rises) we increase the temperature to 180 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes
  • After extraction, we wait for the cake to cool down, and cover it with glaze

Yeast-free Easter cake recipe

  • We wash the raisins (100 g). We dry it and sprinkle with flour. Sift flour (300 g - 350 g) several times. Rub the lemon peel (1 pc.) On a fine grater. Add soda (1 teaspoon) to kefir (300 ml) and leave for two minutes
  • We heat the butter (100 g). Add turmeric (1/4 teaspoon), zest and sugar (150 g) to it. Vanilla sugar can be added for flavor. Pour in kefir with soda and mix
  • Add flour and raisins to the resulting mass. The dough should not be very thin. We check the consistency by eye. Add flour if necessary. We fill the prepared molds by ½ - 1/3 of the volume. We put them on a baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until tender. Extract and decorate

Curd cake recipe

  • Sift flour (1.2 - 1.5 kg) 2-3 times. Dissolve yeast (50 g) in milk (70 ml), add sugar (0.5 cups) and cover with a napkin. Moving to a warm place
  • Separate the whites from the yolks (6 pcs.) And beat them with a pinch of salt. Grind the yolks with the remaining sugar (2 cups) and vanilla (1 g). Grind the cottage cheese (200 g) through a fine sieve. We wash the raisins (100 g), dry and sprinkle with flour

IMPORTANT: In all Christian countries, special “heavy baked goods” are baked on the Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord. These include English muffins and Australian rindling. Very satisfying and high-calorie pastries.

  • In warm milk (500 ml) we dilute the yeast that has come up. Mix and add the rest of the ingredients: cottage cheese, yolks, sour cream (200 g), butter (250 g), vegetable oil (50 ml) and mix. Add the whipped egg whites at the very end. Mix everything thoroughly
  • Add flour in small portions, stirring constantly. The dough should not become tight. But also the batter should be avoided. We leave it for 2.5 - 3 hours to come up. During this time, it needs to be kneaded 2-3 times.
  • Then you need to grease the forms, and fill them by 1/3. We leave the completed forms for 30 minutes. After the dough has doubled in the molds, you need to bake the cakes at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes
  • We decorate in the traditional way

Chocolate cakes

  • Mix flour (200 g), water (100 g), dry yeast (1 1/4 tsp) and sugar (35 g). Cover with a towel and leave for 2 hours. Melt the chocolate (100 g). For this purpose, you can use a microwave or water bath. Part of the chocolate (100 g) must be crumbled into small cubes. Rub the orange zest (1 pc.)
  • We mix flour (200 g), milk (55 ml), salt (half a teaspoon), yolks (3 pcs.), Vanillin, sugar (70 g), butter (70 g), yeast (3/4 teaspoon ) and sourdough. Add melted chocolate at the end. The dough should be soft and smooth. The consistency must be adjusted by adding flour

IMPORTANT: English bakers were the first to add chocolate to baked goods. Representatives of the Fry, Rounty and Cadbury families are still arguing about who exactly began to do this.

  • Add pieces of chocolate and orange zest to the finished dough. Leave the mass for 10 minutes. Then we divide it into several parts, cover and leave for another 30 minutes. After that, you need to fill the forms and leave them for 3.5 hours in a warm place.
  • You need to bake chocolate cakes at 180 degrees. When the crust becomes golden brown, you need to remove the baked goods from the oven, allow to cool and decorate

Italian Panettone Cupcake

In Italy, Panettone is sure to decorate the festive table on this bright day.

  • To prepare it, you need to mix water with milk and add yeast (1 sachet). When a small "cap" appears, add flour (4 tablespoons) and sugar (1 tablespoon) to the mixture. Stir the mass, cover with foil and send it to a warm place for 30 minutes
  • Beat eggs (3 pcs.), Sugar (100 g), vanilla, citrus zest. Then add the yeast mixture and mix everything again until smooth
  • Add flour (540 g), soft butter (70 g) and salt. To knead the dough, it is better to use a mixer at low speed with a special attachment. After the mass has taken on a homogeneous structure, add candied fruits (1/4 cup) and raisins (1 cup). Mix again

IMPORTANT: There are several versions of the origin of this recipe. According to one of them, Panettone was invented by one of the nuns of the monastery, located near Milan. She collected a small amount of the already scarce ingredients and added the lemon zest. Which predetermined the taste of the future cake. And his continued success.

  • Sprinkle the table with flour, pour the mass onto it and mnem. Periodically you need to sprinkle the mass with flour. The dough processed in this way is formed into a ball and left for 3-4 hours in a greased bowl
  • Preheat the oven to 170 - 180 degrees. We put the mass in molds, grease the surface with yolk and bake. 20 minutes after the start of baking, the surface of the cake is cut crosswise in order to get the traditional "crown"

Butter cakes recipes

Sugar, eggs, milk and other ingredients that define the flavor of the holiday baked goods are baked goods. By tradition, all the remaining products were added to the baked goods for the first meal after fasting. That is why the pastry turned out to be heavy and very satisfying.

The richest cake

  • Melt the butter (600 g) and wait until it cools. Dilute yeast (100 g) in warm milk (1 l), add flour (600 g), vegetable oil (3 tablespoons), salt and sugar (100 g). We put in a warm place for 1 hour
  • Whisk the yolks (12 pcs.) And whites (10 pcs.) Separately with brown sugar (350 g each). Add vanillin to the yolks while beating (2 sachets)
  • When the dough rises, add whipped yolks and melted butter to it. Mix the ingredients. We prepare raisins (400 g). Before adding to the dough, it must be rolled in flour.
  • Add flour (1.5 kg) to the dough. Stir until smooth. Add raisins and candied fruits (400 g). Mix again. Leave for 30 minutes in a warm place
  • When the dough comes up, add the whites whipped into a strong foam. Mix thoroughly and wait for it to rise again. We bake cakes in the traditional way

Easter cake with cherries

  • Prepare the dough and put it in a warm place. Pour saffron (1 pinch) with a spoonful of boiling water and let it brew. When the dough doubles, you need to add salt, yolks (10 pcs.), Ground with sugar (3 cups), cognac (35 ml), melted butter (500 g) and saffron infusion. Mix all ingredients thoroughly
  • Beat the proteins (10 pcs.) Into a cool foam and add them to the prepared mass. Fill in the remaining flour (2 kg) and knead the dough to an optimal consistency. We leave in a warm place. When it suits you, add washed raisins (200 g) and candied cherries (200 g)
  • Mix, let it brew and place in the molds. They need to be placed in a warm place and let the mass increase in volume. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. The last 10 minutes, the temperature can be reduced by 20 degrees

Custard cake

  • Pour sugar (1 tablespoon) into milk (50 ml) and mix. Chop the yeast (40 g) and leave for 20 minutes. Boil milk (200 g) and pour flour (1-3 tablespoons) into it. Knead the mass with a wooden spoon
  • Heat the cream (200 g), add it to the batter and stir. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, pour the yeast into it. We put the dough in a warm place
  • Melt the butter (150 g). Separate the whites from the yolks (5 eggs). Grind the yolks with sugar (1.5 cups) and vanilla (1 teaspoon). Beat the whites before adding them to a dense foam. Pour yolks, butter into the dough and add salt. Mix and add proteins. We knead the mass from top to bottom.
  • We add flour (700 g - 1 kg) in several stages, constantly kneading it with our hands. The finished dough is oiled, placed in a bowl and covered with a towel. Place the bowl in a warm place.
  • Preparing the "filler" for the custard cake. To do this, cut marshmallows (50 g) and marmalade (50 g) into small cubes. We wash the dried apricots (100 g) and cut them into small pieces. We add these ingredients to the suitable dough. We knead it. We leave in a warm place
  • We divide into parts. We place them in molds and bake

Creamy cake

  • Knead flour (3.5 cups), warm milk (1 cup), butter (200 g) and sugar (1 cup). Pour milk (0.5 cups) with yeast diluted in it (12 g-16 g) into the mass. We mix. Cover with a towel and leave to come
  • As soon as the dough rises, you need to add eggs (3 pcs.) To it and leave to come up again. After 1-2 hours, you need to add raisins (2 tbsp.). Mix. Let it go and divide it into parts. Bake in tins for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees

Monastic cake

  • Dissolve yeast (15 g) in a little milk. In another bowl, mix warm milk (0.5 cups) with melted butter (100 g), sugar (100 g) and salt. Stir and cool. We combine the contents of the two bowls. Add flour (400 g), mix and send to a warm place for lifting
  • When the dough rises, add one yolk and one whole egg to it. Mix and add raisins (100 g). Mix the dough again and send to fit
  • Baking dishes should be greased with butter and half filled with dough. We are waiting for the volume of the dough to increase and bake in the oven at 180 degrees until tender. Monastery cake is decorated with sugar glaze

Cake on dough

  • A properly prepared dough dough will help to fully activate the potential of the yeast. Dough is a sourdough that helps to bake a fluffy and airy cake from heavy butter dough.
  • The dough is quite simple to prepare. It is necessary to heat the milk to 28-30 degrees. Dissolve yeast in it and add flour. For the preparation of dough, the full amount of milk and yeast from any recipe and half the amount of flour is usually taken.
  • Dough is diluted in a deep bowl. Yeast, milk and flour should not exceed 50% of the container volume. You need to be prepared for the dough to double in volume. The container with the dough must be covered with a napkin and sent to a warm place.
  • When the dough is ready, the rest of the ingredients are added to it.
  • The kneaded dough should be allowed to come up and bake sweet airy cakes

Easter recipe in a slow cooker

The multicooker is an excellent kitchen appliance that will help you cook not only various cereals and other dishes, but also bakery products. For Easter, you can cook a delicious orange cake in a multicooker.

  • Sift flour (450 g), add salt, vanillin and dry yeast (2 tsp) to it. Mix the ingredients. In a separate bowl, beat eggs (4 pcs.) With sugar (1 glass). Using a fine grater, remove the orange zest (1 pc.). Cut it into two halves and squeeze the juice out of one
  • Add a mixture of eggs and sugar, juice and orange zest to the flour. We mix. Then add softened butter (100 g) and knead the dough again. Place it in a greased bowl. Cover with a towel and send to a warm place
  • While the dough is coming up (usually it takes 1.5 - 2.5 hours), you need to prepare the raisins. To do this, it must be cleaned, rinsed and steamed. Then dry and roll in flour. Lightly knead the matched dough and mix with raisins.
    Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil and place the dough in it
  • We turn on the "heating" for 2-3 minutes. Turn off and leave the dough to rise for 30 minutes. In this case, the multicooker must be closed. After half an hour, we activate the "baking" mode. We set it to 150 degrees and wait 45-50 minutes.
  • This cake is decorated in the traditional way.

Easter recipe in a bread maker

The bread maker is another useful appliance in the kitchen. If you want to bake delicious and aromatic bread on your own, then you cannot do without this device. You can also bake cakes in a bread machine.

RECIPE: Pour the peeled raisins (175 g) with cognac and let it brew for 20 minutes. Pour whey (200 ml) into the container of the bread machine. Fill in order: salt (6.5 g), egg (1 pc.), Sugar (75 g), softened butter (100 g), raisins, cinnamon and cardamom. Sift flour (½ kg flour) and add to the container as well. Make a place for yeast (11 g) in the middle of the flour pile and pour it there.

We activate the "bun" mode and bake the cake.

Easter cakes

Easter baked goods are not limited to Easter cakes and muffins. There are many recipes for pies that bake Easter.

Easter cottage cheese cake

  • Mix flour (200 g), baking powder (1/2 tsp), sugar (40 g), vanillin (5 g), eggs (1 pc.) And chopped butter (80 g). Squirrels (6 pcs.) Must be whipped into a foam. Mix cottage cheese (1 kg), yolks (6 pcs.), Sugar (90 g), starch (90 g), vanillin and grated zest of one orange. Add protein mixture and stir
  • Lubricate the baking dish and lay a layer of dough. We prick it with a fork and bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Then we put the curd mass in it, grease it with yolk and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. After 15 minutes, make an incision around the perimeter of the pie. Before serving, sprinkle the curd pie with powder

Easter cake with raspberries

  • We dilute yeast (30 g) in warm milk. Add salt, some sugar and flour. We leave the mass in a warm place. Grind eggs (4 pcs.) With sugar (3/4 cup). Add butter (6-7 tablespoons) and lemon zest. Pour the suitable dough into the container, mix and add flour (2 cups) and milk (1 cup). Knead the dough well and leave to come.
  • When the dough comes up, knead it again and place it in the mold. We bake in a hot oven for 35-40 minutes. Remove the hot cake from the mold, pour over with raspberry syrup (3/4 cup). Put it back in the mold and leave it for a few hours.
  • We heat the raspberry marmalade and grease the surface of the cake with it. Grind the almond cake and sprinkle it with raspberry pie crumbs. We decorate it with berries

Easter cupcakes

You can diversify the Easter table with delicious cupcakes. Below are two recipes for this delicious confection. They can be baked in a large muffin tins or small muffin tins.

Classic cupcake

  • We take out the butter (250 g) from the refrigerator and wait until it warms up to room temperature. We preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We clean the raisins (0.5 cups) and pour boiling water over it. Sift flour (2 cups). Add butter and sugar to it (1 glass). Rub the ingredients with our hands. Add baking powder (1 sachet) and mix
  • Eggs (6 pcs.) Must be added to the dough one at a time. Added, shuffled and add the following. After adding the last egg, pour cognac (2 tablespoons) and raisins flooded with water into a bowl
  • Lubricate the cake pan with butter. We transfer the dough into a mold and bake the cake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes. Then we reduce the temperature by 40 degrees and bake for another 30 minutes.

Banana muffin

  • Mash bananas (4 pcs.). Sift flour (1.5 cups) and add sugar (3/4 cup), soda (1/2 teaspoon), baking powder (1 teaspoon) and salt (1/4 teaspoon) to it. In the center of the mass, make a depression and mix the butter (1/2 cup), eggs (2 pcs.), Mashed banana and vanilla in it. Stir the dough until smooth. We put it in molds (it is better to use muffin molds) and bake

You can decorate these muffins with icing and banana chunks.

Easter bun

There are always a lot of pastries on the Easter table. If you want to surprise guests who are used to Easter cakes, diversify your menu with delicate and aromatic Easter buns.

  • We knead flour (450 g), milk (210 ml), egg (1 pc.), Salt (0.5 tsp), sugar (50 g), butter (50 g) and dry yeast (1.5 tsp. spoons). Add cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander and vanillin to the dough (optional and to taste). Stir a little, add steamed raisins (75 g) and dried apricots (25 g). Knead until smooth
  • Divide the dough into several parts. We form buns from them and put on a baking sheet. On each bun, you need to make a crosswise cut with a knife. Leave the baking sheet in a warm place for 40-50 minutes
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Knead flour (50 g) and margarine (2 tablespoons). Add cold water until a pasty mass is formed. We place it in a cornet and draw lines in the shape of a cross on a previously prepared place on the buns
  • The buns should be baked for about 15 minutes. When they are golden, remove from the oven and coat with a silicone brush with sugar glaze

Easter gingerbread

Gingerbread is a very tasty confectionery. They are historically associated with the festive table. There is also an Easter version of gingerbread. They are prepared for this holiday in many countries of the world. Traditional Russian Easter gingerbread is prepared like this.

  • The butter is melted (100 g) and honey (250 g) and sugar (250 g) are added to it. Constantly stirring the mass with a wooden spoon, add a pinch of ginger, cinnamon and cloves to it. Let the mass cool down
  • Beat the eggs in a foam (3 eggs + 1 yolk) and add them to the cooled mixture. There you need to add flour (7 glasses), cocoa (2 tablespoons) and soda (1.5 tsp). Mix the ingredients. You should have a smooth dough. We put it in the refrigerator
  • We roll out the dough to a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm. Cut out gingerbreads of any shape from it. We put them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and bake at 180 degrees
  • When the gingerbread cookies are baked, we wait for them to cool down and cover with glaze

Easter icing recipe

Icing is a traditional way to decorate Easter cakes. For decoration, as a rule, the protein version of the glaze is used. To prepare it, you need to separate the whites from the yolks and place them in the refrigerator.

  • Add a pinch of salt to the cooled proteins and beat until a thick foam forms. Beat at low speed and gradually increase it. Without stopping the process of whipping the proteins, you need to add sugar to the mass. The glaze is ready when the sugar grains dissolve in it.
  • Protein glaze is applied to the cooled Easter cakes. On top of the cake, you can decorate with a variety of sprinkles. Chopped nuts, coconut flakes, grated chocolate, cinnamon are perfect for this purpose.

Curd Easter

Easter cottage cheese is prepared only once a year. Traditionally, this dish is prepared "raw". That is, without heat treatment.

  • To prepare this dish, cottage cheese (2.5 kg) must be passed through a fine sieve several times. Then add sugar (1 cup) and butter (200 g) to the mass. Stir the curd mass and add sour cream (250 g). We knead so that the mass is homogeneous, and the sugar crystals dissolve in it
  • The consistency of the resulting mass should resemble a thick cream. Add salt to it and mix again. We put the mass in a mold for Easter, put it under a little oppression and send it to the refrigerator
  • In order for the curd Easter to turn out tender, instead of sugar, you need to use powdered sugar.

Easter lamb

Lamb is also very often baked on Easter. These animals are the symbol of the Lamb of God. They are baked from butter, yeast dough. Ground nuts, coconut and other ingredients are added. Sometimes such pastries are decorated with white icing. It imitates the fur of an animal.

  • To prepare such an edible table decoration, you need to dissolve a spoonful of sugar in warm milk and add yeast. When the yeast (7 g) starts to rise, add flour (100 g) to it and knead the dough. We put the dough in a warm place. It should approximately double in size.
  • Melt the butter (90 g). Add sugar (100 g), mix and add egg (1 pc.) And vanillin. Mix everything well again.
  • Add the resulting mixture to the dough. Bring it to homogeneity and add flour (500 g). The dough should be soft and elastic. We leave it in a warm place for a while.
  • When the dough doubles in size, roll it out and cut out a lamb figurine using a stencil. Roll out the rest of the dough into a rectangle, moisten it with water and sprinkle with poppy seeds and sugar. Gather the dough into a roll and cut it into small circles
  • Put the lamb figurine on a baking sheet. We put the "woolen" circles on it in their proper place. We bake the lamb at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. When the color of the baking turns golden, remove the baking sheet from the oven and let it cool.

Easter Bunny

Another symbol of Easter is the hare. In Western countries, to decorate the Easter table, they make figures of a hare from marzipan, bake cookies and buns in the form of this animal. And although this symbol of Easter is not so widespread in our country, surprise your children and guests of your house with a chocolate figurine of a hare on this Bright holiday.

  • The easiest way to make a chocolate bunny is to pour melted chocolate into a mold. When the chocolate has cooled, the figurine is ready. Today, buying a silicone mold for a hare or other animals will not be difficult.

Angela. When baking cakes, it is very important that the dough is not liquid or, on the contrary, thick. Bread cakes from batter will become flat, and from thick cakes, heavy and hard. And do not forget to fill out the form with dough only halfway. If the dough in the molds is larger, it will "escape" from them.

Kseniya. Modern factory eggs do not always give baked goods a beautiful golden hue. Therefore, I always add a pinch of turmeric to Easter cakes. This spice not only gives a long-lasting color, but also improves the taste of baked goods.

Video: Kulich with protein glaze