Pickled onion rings for a burger. Classic Burger King Whopper

The following question came to the site. What is the recipe for Onion Rings in Burger King? Nothing complicated. Follow the simple instructions that have already been written before us.

Hi, the recipe is very simple for clarity, it is better, of course, to watch a video clip of some kind, but I will tell you so. First you need to find the largest bulbs you can find. Next, prepare a bowl of flour and a bowl of breadcrumbs. In the next step, you need at least a liter of vegetable oil and a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour it there and boil it, cut the rings into flour and breadcrumbs first into an egg and into a saucepan, you're done.


  1. Take the largest bulbs
  2. In one bowl, stir the flour with the egg until slightly thick.
  3. Into another bread crumbs
  4. Pour about 1 liter of vegetable oil into a saucepan.

Cut the onion into rings, then in turn coat the first cup with flour and then in bread crumbs. Place gently in hot oil and cook until golden brown. I recommend getting it out with a fork.

Today we will talk about the perfect snack for beer - onion rings fried in lush batter. More than once the question has arisen of how to prepare onion rings so that everyone will like them. At home, you do not need colossal efforts, all the ingredients are available, and the process is described step by step. Let's get started!

Onion rings in batter: "classic"

  • flour - 80 gr.
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • filtered water - 100 ml.
  • onions - 4 pcs.
  • vinegar - 70 ml.

1. Combine the egg with flour, shake with a fork, add water in the amount according to the recipe. Salt to your taste, you can add spices. Stir the mixture and leave in the cold for a quarter of an hour.

2. Free the onion from the husk, cut into not very small rings, separate them among themselves and peel them of a transparent film. Soak in vinegar for 5 minutes to remove the bitterness.

3. Remove the batter from the refrigerator, shake again. Then, one at a time, dip one ring at a time, first in batter, then in flour. Put in hot vegetable oil and fry until golden brown.

Onion rings for beer

  • onions - 3 pcs.
  • breadcrumbs - 30 gr.
  • milk - 0.5 l.
  • flour (sift) - 30 gr.
  • Tabasco sauce - 50 gr.

Onion rings in batter are perfect with beer, we hope you appreciate this recipe.

1. Peel the onion, chop into rings, divide them among themselves. If desired, remove the films so that the vegetable does not taste bitter. Before preparing onion rings, you need to carry out a number of manipulations at home.

2. Prepare a bowl, mix Tabasco with milk in it and dip the onion here. Sift flour into a second container, combine with spices, ground pepper, salt to your liking. Pour the breadcrumbs into the third bowl.

3. Heat the vegetable oil, start frying. Dip the rings one by one, first in flour, then in crackers and again in milk, put in a frying pan. Fry until golden brown, then leave on napkins.

Onion rings in cheese batter

  • cheese (processed, in briquettes) - 120 gr.
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise - 60 gr.
  • flour (sift) - 75 gr.
  • onions - 4 pcs.

Since onion rings can be cooked in a batter of mayonnaise and cheese, you should use this recipe.

1. Soak the cheese beforehand in the cold to facilitate chopping. Grate, combine with eggs, add mayonnaise. Season with salt and spices.

2. Now start sowing flour into this bowl, stirring at the same time to eliminate lumps. If the mixture is thick, pour in some water.

3. Prepare the onion by chopping into rings. Dip one by one, first in batter, then roll in flour. Fry in hot oil until golden brown.

Now you know how to make cheese onion rings. At home, it is better to use a frying pan with high sides.

Sharp onion rings

  • vinegar - 25 ml.
  • garlic (seasoning) - 10 gr.
  • flour - 100 gr.
  • milk - 240 ml.
  • high-fat sour cream - 130 gr.
  • onions - 3 pcs.
  • red pepper (seasoning) - 3 gr.

This recipe for onion rings fell in love with the male half of the population for its taste and ease of preparation at home.

1. Mix milk and vinegar in one bowl, whisk sour cream in the second with a whisk or mixer. Pour salt, garlic, hot pepper into the flour sifted several times.

2. Prepare the onions by chopping into rings. Heat oil, start frying. Dip each ring one by one in whipped sour cream, then roll in flour, then dip in milk and vinegar and sprinkle with flour mixture again.

3. Cook in hot oil until brownish. Allow the appetizer to cool before tasting. Serve with hot ketchup.

Burger King onion rings

  • onions - 4 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 35 gr.
  • flour - 120 gr.
  • milk - 0.1 l.
  • egg - 2 pcs.

1. Onion rings begin to cook with batter. This recipe will allow him to rise in a short period of time. Then the appetizer will turn out like a burger king.

2. So, combine flour with 3 gr. salt, add eggs and butter. Stir until smooth. Pour in milk and add any spices. Stir and cover with cling film.

3. In the meantime, peel the onions and chop them into wide rings. Disconnect them. If the onions are giving off a lot of juice, blot them with paper towels. It must be dry.

4. Heat the cooking oil in a skillet. Place the onion in the batter in parallel. It should be tight enough not to drip off the rings. Onions can be rolled in flour in advance.

5. Fry the rings in a sufficient amount of oil, do not forget to turn over. They should not touch each other. After browning, place the snack on napkins.

Onion ring sauce

Since onion rings are easy to make, you should make a delicious sauce for them at home.

Recipe number 1. Garlic

If you decide to feast on beer rings, sour cream-garlic or mayonnaise sauce is an excellent solution. It is very simple to prepare it. Squeeze out the garlic and mix with sour cream or mayonnaise. Additionally, you can mix herbs and any spices.

Recipe number 2. Sweet and sour

After the onion rings have been made, it is worth preparing sweet and sour sauce for them. Chop the onion, ginger root and garlic as small as possible. Fry in hot oil for 2 minutes.

Mix 50 ml in a cup. dry white wine and soy sauce. Add 25 ml. apple cider vinegar, 120 ml. any fruit juice, a small amount of cane sugar and ketchup. Place in a saucepan and stir in the fried food.

Wait for the mass to boil. In parallel, in another cup, mix water with 30 gr. starch. Slowly pour the solution into the bulk, stir. Boil for a while. Strain the sauce if desired. Also feel free to experiment with the ingredients.

The famous appetizer is very easy to make yourself. It goes well with beer. Before preparing the onion rings, choose the recipe that works best for you. Equip yourself with the necessary products at home and go for it!

Onion rings in batter are one of the cheapest beer snacks. A simple masterpiece that is invariably present on the menu of any beer establishment. Cheap, simple and infectious food like seeds. These are light and crunchy rings - you just can't stop eating them! How to cook onion rings? Only two secret ingredients are needed!

Ring by ring

It so happened that onion rings are served with beer. Which, however, does not at all limit the radius of their consumption: even children eat these crunchy rings for both cheeks. And they sometimes very coolly help out the hostess, who suddenly has a crisis in the culinary genre. It happens with us - when, along with the stocks of food, tired imagination is also depleted.

But there is always a bow in the house! True, you still have to stand at the stove. Because even the most capacious frying pan can fry no more than 7-8 rings at a time. But at the exit we get a huge dish of excellent snacks, and practically from nothing.

Not only for beer!

Onion rings in batter are served not only as an independent snack. They can be used as an additional side dish for meat. But only if it is not very fat in itself, otherwise there will be an overkill. You can serve onion rings with white fish, or you can serve it in combination with different types of cheese.

The main thing is to stop on time!

One has only to start grumbling with onion rings - and it can be very difficult to stop. It would have crunched! However, it should be warned that the snack turns out to be very high in calories. Moreover, it is fatty, which can provoke any accompanying sores. Therefore, do not be greedy and do not lean too much on tasty rings. Share with others! If it's a beer snack, then a large plate is enough for 10 people.

Onion rings in batter - a traditional recipe with a photo


  • 4 small onions;
  • 1/2 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • pepper, any spices;
  • 100 ml milk or water (less may come in).


  1. Start cooking not with onions, but with batter. This will give him the opportunity to stand for at least a few minutes to swell. To do this, pour flour into a deep bowl, mix with salt. Then add vegetable oil and eggs. If you have time, it is best to add the yolks first.
  2. Add milk, spices, cover with foil and set aside.
  3. Peel the onion without breaking its integrity. Cut into wide circles. Separate into rings. If the vegetable has released a lot of juice. soak dry.
  4. Beat the whites separately (if there is no time, the eggs can be put in whole at once).
  5. Mix protein with dough.
  6. Put the pan over high heat and heat it well with oil.
  7. Dip the onion rings into the batter and mix well. The batter should be of such a consistency that it adheres to the rings and does not flow down. You can pre-roll the rings in flour.
  8. Dip in oil in a frying pan and fry, turning over. The ring on the pan must not touch each other!
  9. When removing the finished rings with tongs, place them on a paper towel to remove excess grease.

How to cook onion rings in beer batter?

Using a beer-based batter makes the rings fuller and more piquant. If you are preparing onion rings for beer as a snack, this recipe will be the most preferable one.


  1. Pour beer into a bowl, add an egg. Mix well. Note: you do not need to lay the egg - then you will need to take a whole glass of beer.
  2. Gradually add flour to the beer, kneading well with a whisk. Avoid lump formation.
  3. Add salt and pepper.
  4. Cut the onion into rings. Dry.
  5. Dip the rings in batter and fry in a very hot pan in vegetable oil. Place the rings so that they do not touch.
  6. Put the finished rings on a napkin to remove excess oil.

Oven baked onion rings in cheese breading

The good thing about this recipe is that the onion rings are not as greasy as they are not fried in oil. Cheese, hot peppers and spicy breading - a completely different taste!


  • 3 onion heads;
  • 1 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 3 sec. l. shrimp bread crumbs (these crumbs have a more beautiful structure);
  • 50 g of hard hot cheese;
  • salt, red pepper, dried oregano;
    some water or beer.


  1. Dilute half of the flour with a little water or beer. You should get a thick dough (batter).
  2. Cut the onion into rings.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the breadcrumbs with finely grated cheese. Add salt, red pepper and oregano.
  4. Pour the remaining flour into a paper bag. Pour onion rings there. Gently turn the bag over so that the onions are evenly coated in flour.
  5. Line a baking dish with parchment paper.
  6. Immerse the floured rings in the batter, and then roll in the cheese breading. Put in a mold on parchment.
  7. Heat the oven to 200C.
  8. Place the onion ring pan and bake for about 20 minutes.

Onion ring sauces

Serving onion rings is best, of course, with a sauce. Not worse than in a beer pub! Sauces can be served anything from ordinary ketchup and its mixture with mayonnaise to complex spicy compositions.

In turn, the same ketchup and mayonnaise can also be prepared by yourself. But let's figure out a more interesting sauce for our rings!

Burger King Creamy Onion Ring Sauce


  • 120 g of light mayonnaise;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. ketchup;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. table horseradish;
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1/2 tsp Sahara;
  • 1/4 tsp hot cayenne pepper.


The preparation consists in mixing all the ingredients and refrigerating the sauce for a short time.

Sweet and sour complex sauce for onion rings


  • 1/2 onion;
  • 2 tooth. garlic;
  • 1 cm of medium thick ginger root;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l. white wine;
  • 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 tbsp. juice (apple, citrus or grape);
  • 1 tbsp. l. ketchup;
  • 1 tsp brown sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch.


This sauce is complex in its composition, but rather easy to prepare.

  1. Chop the onion, ginger and garlic as small as possible. Fry lightly in vegetable oil.
  2. Combine wine, soy sauce, vinegar, juice and ketchup in a saucepan. Add sugar and put on fire.
  3. Put fried vegetables into the mixture and heat to a boil.
  4. Dissolve the starch separately in water. Pour in a thin stream into the hot sauce, stirring occasionally. Heat until thickened. You can boil a little over low heat, avoiding a violent boil.
  5. The finished sauce can be filtered, but this is not necessary. Serve chilled.

As you can see, everything is simple and unpretentious. And how such recipes sometimes help out! For example, some guests have come and the refrigerator is empty. A smart housewife can always avoid such a catastrophe if she knows the art of turning commonplace products into something excellent. Onion rings in batter are a recipe definitely worth taking note of!

Burger king whopper- easy to cook at home. This sandwich is one of the most famous hamburgers in the fast food industry.

The Burger King whopper recipe is very simple and straightforward. Preparing quickly and easily. There are a few small ones to consider when preparing, but they do not cause difficulties.

Myself whopper Is a hamburger with a grilled beef cutlet in a sesame bun. This sandwich was created in 1957 by Burger King founder James McLaymore, so the wapper recipe is well known.

The cutlet weighs ¼ lb, or 113.4 grams. Also added to the classic sandwich are tomato, onions, ketchup, and lettuce.

To prepare a classic whopper from Burger King, you will need

  • Round buns with sesame seeds. 2 pcs. Big ones.
  • Ground beef. 300 gr.
  • Lettuce leaves. Usually lettuce.
  • Onion.
  • Tomato
  • Pickled cucumber. Convenient to use.
  • Mayonnaise. Better to take, for example, Hellmann's.
  • Ketchup.
  • Salt. Taste.
  • Ground black pepper. Taste.

Cooking a classic whopper from Burger King

Heat up the grill vigorously. This could be a skillet, an electric grill, or a grate over coals.

Cut the buns horizontally in half and put them on the grill.

Lightly fry the buns from the cut side until the characteristic stripes appear.

From the minced meat we form 2 thin - about 8-10 mm thick, round meatballs, about 3-4 cm in diameter larger than the diameter of the buns. When frying, the cutlet will become thicker, but smaller in diameter and will be just right for a bun. The weight of a raw burger is 150 grams, and when fried, it will decrease and you will just get a quarter-pound cutlet.

Cut the lettuce into small pieces, and cut the tomato, pickled cucumber and onions into thin rings.

Salt and pepper the cutlet on one side and place on the grill with this side.

Fry for about 2-3 minutes, then salt and pepper the top side of the burger.

Turn the cutlet over and fry until tender. It will also take 2-4 minutes.

Putting together a classic whopper.

Grease the top of the bun with mayonnaise. It is better to take imported mayonnaise, since its taste is slightly different from Russian-made mayonnaise. Fortunately, now there are no special problems to buy the same Hellmann's.

Put the fried cutlet on the bottom half of the bun. Ideally, their diameters are almost the same; the cutlet may be slightly smaller.

Put slices of pickled cucumber on the cutlet without overlapping.

This is exactly the main secret of the whopper - all vegetables are stacked strictly in one layer and the pieces do not overlap.

Apply ketchup on the cucumbers in a spiral or in three rings - and this Burger King's second secret .

On the ketchup, put the onion rings next to each other and on top of them - pieces of tomatoes, also without overlapping piece on piece.

Put chopped lettuce on top of the tomatoes.

And the final touch - on the salad we put the upper half of the bun, which was previously greased with mayonnaise.

Everything, classic whopper from Burger King (Burger king whopper) ready. We immediately put it on the table hot.

A bit of the history of the Whopper sandwich.

Burger King, founded in 1954, has 13,667 restaurants in over 95 countries and serves over 11 million customers every day.

The Whopper sandwich was introduced by Burger King in 1957 at the chain's first restaurant in Miami. It was originally sold for 37 cents. Today, although the price varies by region, most Whoppers in the US cost $ 3.50.

Burger King co-founder Jim McLamore created Whopper to compete with other restaurants that sold big burgers. In his autobiography, McLamore said that he chose this name because he understood that it would immediately indicate the size of the sandwich and thus help sales. A little later, the main competitor - McDonald’s released its own version of the big burger - Big Tasty - Big Tasty.

All Burger King restaurants in the United States call their Wi-Fi network WHOPPER Wi-Fi.

Burger King introduces several varieties of Whopper, which can vary in weight, size, fillers, and calories. There are also special options to suit local culinary or religious customs and traditions.
In addition, the Burger King Company periodically introduces non-original Whopper timelines everywhere, such as Angry Whopper.